Search by Subject
" Clothing and dress"
" Clothing and dress"
" Hale, Beatrice Forbes Robinson"
" Hope, Marie Antoinette"
" Thompson, Mrs. George"
""Ebe Kay""
""Hip Hip Hurrah, Junior!""
""Hopkins, Bert""
""King Richard III""
""The Adventure of Kathryn""
""The College Hero""
""The Mikado""
""The Promised Land""
""The Wayside Piper""
""The Windmills of Holland""
""Through Fires of Sorrow""
""Why God Made a Woman""
""Womanhood, the Glory of a Nation""
"1933 Women's Committee for Human Needs"
"32nd Michigan Infantry"
"A Woman's Business serial"
"A Woman's Business, serial"
"A. B. Watson Women's Relief corps"
"A. P. Conner & Co."
"Abbot, Emma"
"Abbot, Mrs. George [Lecie P]"
"Abbot, Mrs. [Annie]"
"Abbott, Emma"
"Abbott, Hazel"
"Abbott, John"
"Abbott, Louis R. "
"Abbott, Mrs. Macrie"
"Abels, Gertrude"
"Abrahamson, Evelyn, Raymond"
"Accidental death"
"Ackerman, Grace"
"Ackerman, Mrs. Alida"
"Ackerman, Mrs. Eva"
"Acorn Club"
"Acting and Actresses"
"Actors and actresses"
"Ada, Michigan"
"Adams, Ayvonne"
"Adams, Catherine"
"Adams, Dorcas M."
"Adams, E. M."
"Adams, Emerson"
"Adams, Emma"
"Adams, Ida"
"Adams, Ida L."
"Adams, Jean"
"Adams, Katherine"
"Adams, Katherine [also as Catherine]"
"Adams, Lillian"
"Adams, Lucy"
"Adams, Lucy H."
"Adams, Margaret"
"Adams, Martha"
"Adams, Minnie"
"Adams, Mrs."
"Adams, Mrs. Eva"
"Adams, Mrs. J. W."
"Adams, Mrs. L. B. [Lee B.]"
"Adams, Mrs. Lee B."
"Adams, Mrs. Lee Bowen"
"Adams, Robert L."
"Adams, Watson L."
"Adamson, Mrs. Violet"
"Addams, Jane"
"Addison, Mrs."
"Addison, Mrs. C. J."
"Addison, Orielia"
"Adler, Feliz"
"Adley, Addie"
"Adley, Goldie"
"Adley, Martha"
"Adley, Rosa"
"Adrain, Michigan"
"Adrian College"
"Adrian Home for Girls"
"Adrian Industrial School"
"Adrian Industrial School for Girls"
"Adrian Industrial School For Girls"
"Adrian School for Girls"
"Adrian, Michigan"
"Adsit, Mrs. Allen C. [Sarah]"
"Advancement of Woman Assn"
"Advancement of Women Assn"
"Advertisement, dress making"
"Advertisements - classified"
"Advertisements - hats"
"Adzit, Mrs. Henry L. [Frances P.]"
"African American"
"African American women"
"African women"
"Age of consent"
"Ahlstrand, Dora"
"Aid for Soldiers Families"
"Aikin, Dr. Nathan J."
"Ailles, Mrs. R."
"Ainsworth, Claire"
"Airmount, Mississippi"
"Airplane pilots"
"Alanson, Michigan"
"Albany, New York"
"Albee, A. LeGrande"
"Albee, Mrs. A. Le Grande"
"Albion College"
"Albion, Michigan"
"Alcott, Louisa "
"Alcott, Louisa M. "
"Alcott, Louisa May"
"Alda, Frances"
"Alden, Gertrude"
"Alden, Margaret H."
"Alden, Margaret Hamilton"
"Alden, Mrs. G. R."
"Alden, Mrs. G. R. 'Pansy'"
"Alden, Priscilla"
"Aldinger, Ella H."
"Aldinger, Mrs. F. C."
"Aldrich Memorial Deaconess' Home and Training School"
"Aldrich Memorial Home"
"Aldrich, May"
"Aldrich, Laura"
"Aldrich, Mrs. W. J."
"Aldrich-Blake, Dame Louisa Branderth"
"Aldridge, Arthur"
"Aldsworth, Hattie"
"Aldsworth, Mrs. F. G."
"Aldworth, Anna C."
"Aldworth, Mrs. F. G. [Anna C.]"
"Aldworth, Mrs. [Anna C.]"
"Alexander Kids"
"Alexander, Alice"
"Alexander, Mrs. Robert"
"Alexander, Mrs. William"
"Alfred J. Brown Seed Co"
"Alfred J. Brown Seed Company"
"Alger, General R. A. [Russell A.]"
"Alger, Louise"
"Alger, Russell A."
"All Soul's church"
"All Souls church"
"All Souls Church"
"All Souls Universalist Church"
"All Souls' church"
"Allan, Madeline Ross"
"Allcott, J. Tyler"
"Allegan County"
"Allegan County, Michigan"
"Allegan County, Michigan"
"Allegan, Michigan"
"Allegeny, Pennsylvania"
"Allen, Alfred W."
"Allen, Carrie W."
"Allen, Elizabeth"
"Allen, Florence"
"Allen, James"
"Allen, Marion"
"Allen, Mr.s Nancy A."
"Allen, Mrs. E. Edgar"
"Allen, Mrs. G. Edgar"
"Allen, Mrs. Nell Gordon"
"Allen, Nathan P."
"Allen, Viola"
"Allen, Winifred"
"Allen, Winnifred"
"Allen, Zenas"
"Allendale, Michigan"
"Alliance Francaise"
"Alling, Mrs. Christel"
"Allmayer, Dr. Mindelin McGerry"
"Allport, Eva F."
"Alma, Michigan"
"Alpena, Michigan"
"Alper, Helene"
"Alpine Avenue Christian Reformed Church"
"Alpine Township, Kent County, Michigan"
"Alsbice club"
"Alt, Alice"
"Alt, Carl"
"Alt, Mrs. Albert (Mary A)"
"Alto, Michigan"
"Alward, Carrie"
"Alward, Ida"
"Alzestesfer, Teresa"
"Amalgamted Association of Iron and Steel Workers"
"Amasa B. Watson Post"
"Amasa B. Watson Post, Grand Army of the Republic"
"Amateur Athletic Union"
"Amberg, Hazel"
"Amberg, Mrs. Julius H."
"Amberg, Mrs. Julius H. [Callie]"
"Amborski, Martha"
"American Bureau of Moral Education"
"American Fund fo French Wounded"
"American Hospital association"
"American Lady Corsets"
"American Legion"
"American Legion Auxiliary"
"American Legion Auxilliary"
"American Methodist Church"
"American Pill Co., Detroit"
"American Red Cross"
"American Woman Suffrage Assn"
"American woman suffrage Association"
"American Woman Suffrage association convention"
"American Woman's Association"
"American Woman's Suffrage association"
"Americanization Society"
"Ames, Mr. and Mrs. G. M."
"Amicel, Mme. Rose"
"Amos E. Steel Corps No. 12"
"Amos Mussleman"
"Amsterdam, Netherlands"
"Andersch, Arthur"
"Andersch, Kurt"
"Andersch, Marie"
"Andersch, William"
"Anderson, Adjutant Emma"
"Anderson, Amy"
"Anderson, C. Louise"
"Anderson, Elizabeth"
"Anderson, Ellen"
"Anderson, Ellen H."
"Anderson, Florence"
"Anderson, Ida"
"Anderson, James"
"Anderson, Libbie"
"Anderson, Lizzie"
"Anderson, Louise"
"Anderson, M. Elizabeth"
"Anderson, Mary"
"Anderson, Mrs. Ellen Rogers"
"Anderson, Mrs. W. F."
"Anderson, Mrs. William H [Ellen H.]"
"Anderson, Mrs. William H. [Anderson, Ellen H.]"
"Anderson, Mrs. William H. [Ellen H.]"
"Anderson, Mrs. William H. [Ellen H]"
"Anderson, Mrs. William H. [Ellen]"
"Anderson, Mrs. William [Ellen H.]"
"Anderson, Mrs. William [Ellen R.]"
"Anderson, Violette N."
"Andres, Rosina"
"Andrews, Dr. N. Louise"
"Andrews, Lucy F."
"Andrews, Mrs. Bishop E. [Lucy F.]"
"Andrews, Mrs. Fannie Fern"
"Andrews, Mrs. Margaret A."
"Andrews, Mrs. R. L."
"Andrus, Dr. Louise"
"Andrus, Dr. N. Louise"
"Andruskiewicz, Andrew"
"Anfranc, Alice"
"Angelus, Gust"
"Angrist, Mary"
"Angus, Hattie Kent"
"Angus, J. B."
"Angus, Margaret"
"Animal Cruelty"
"Animals - snakes"
"Anit-Saloon League"
"Ann Arbor, Michigan"
"Annandale, Lizzie"
"Anstead, Oliver M."
"Anthony, Miss"
"Anthony, Susan B."
"Anti-bachelor bill"
"Anti-Cigaret League"
"Anti-kidnapping Society of New York"
"Anti-suffrage "
"Anti-Suffrage Association"
"Anti-suffrage movement"
"Antin, Mary"
"Antonides, Edna"
"Antrim, Matie"
"Antrim, Mrs. E. A. [Edward, Mary]"
"Appel, Isaac"
"Appen, Bessie"
"Applebach, Helen M."
"Applegate, Mary Josephine"
"Applegate, Mrs. Tom S."
"Appley, Lillian, Harrison"
"Apsey, Mrs. E. C. [Jennie]"
"Apted, Mrs. Alfred H."
"Apted, Mrs. Ralph"
"Apted, Mrs. Ralph [Susan]"
"Apted, Susan Clark"
"Apted, Susan Fisher"
"Arado, Lucy"
"Arbaugh, May"
"Arber, Ruth"
"Arcadia, Michigan"
"Archduchess Maria Josepha"
"Archer, Carrie B."
"Architects and architecture"
"Architecture and architects"
"Arden Shakespeare Club"
"Arena Club"
"Arends, Mrs. A."
"Armed Services"
"Armenian women"
"Armes, Mrs. George A."
"Armishaw, Margaret Ellen Rhoda"
"Armory of the Guard"
"Armour, H. O."
"Armour, Mrs. P. D. [Melvina Belle Ogden]"
"Armstrong, Kittie"
"Armstrong, M. E."
"Armstrong, Martha Maud"
"Armstrong, Mary"
"Armstrong, Mrs."
"Arnett A. M. E. Chapel"
"Arnett Chapel"
"Arniel, Annie"
"Arniel, Mrs. Annie"
"Arnold, Carrie"
"Arnold, Dorothy"
"Arnold, Jennie, William"
"Arnold, Laura"
"Arnold, Mrs. Nellie A."
"Arnold, Virginia"
"Arson and arsonists"
"Art - sculpture"
"Art - wood block printing"
"Art and artists"
"Art association"
"Arthur, Clara B."
"Arthur, Mrs. Clara B."
"Artists, sculptors"
"Arts and crafts"
"Arts and crafts - embroidery"
"Arts and Crafts exhibition"
"Ashbaugh, Mrs. D. D."
"Ashbaugh, Delphine"
"Ashbaugh, Delphine dodge"
"Ashbaugh, Mr.s Delphine"
"Ashbaugh, Mrs. D. D."
"Ashbaugh, Mrs. Delphine Dodge"
"Ashbaugh, Mrs. Grace"
"Ashbaugh, Mrs. R. H."
"Ashbrook widow's Pension bill"
"Ashland, Wisconsin"
"Ashley, Jessie"
"Ashley, Mattie"
"Ashley, Mrs. William [Mary]"
"Ashley, William"
"Ashton, Michigan"
"Ashurst, Senator"
"Asquith, Margot"
"Asquith, Premier"
"Ass'n for Advancement of Women"
"Assbaugh, Mrs. Delphine Dodge"
"Assembly Hall Gymnasium"
"Association for Advancement of Women"
"Association for the Advancement of Women"
"Association of Commerce"
"Astor, Mrs. J. J."
"Astor, Mrs. John Jacob [Madeleine Force]"
"Astor, Mrs. Vincent"
"Astor, Vincent"
"Atkins, Susie H."
"Atkins, Thomasina"
"Atkinson, Katherine"
"Atkinson, Mrs. Katherine"
"Atlanta, Georgia"
"Atlantic City, New Jersey"
"Atwater, Mary"
"Audubon Plumage Bill"
"Augsburg, Frau Dr."
"Augsbury, Mrs. Willard S."
"Augsbury, Mrs. William S."
"Augspurg, Dr. [Anita]"
"Aument, Richard"
"Austermann, Rev. F. H."
"Austin, Elsie Noe"
"Austin, Frankie"
"Austin, John"
"Austin, Maude"
"Austin, Mrs. Emma Allen"
"Austin, Mrs. Emmeline"
"Austin, Mrs. L. H."
"Austin, Mrs. Sarah"
"Austin, Sarah"
"Author, playwright"
"Authors "
"Authors and writers"
"Automobile racing"
"Averill, Emma"
"Averill, Leovitt"
"Averill, Mr.s L. DeCamp [Emma A.]"
"Averill, Mrs. C. E."
"Averill, Mrs. L D. [Emma A]"
"Averill, Mrs. L. DeCamp [Emma A]"
"Averill, Ruth"
"Avery, A. R."
"Avery, Clara A."
"Avery, Mrs. A. R."
"Avery, Mrs. Henrietta"
"Avery, Mrs. Henry"
"Avery, Mrs. Noyes L [Evelyn L]"
"Avery, Mrs. Noyes L. [Evelyn L.]"
"Avery, Mrs. Susan Look"
"Avery, Rachel Foster"
"Avon Shakespeare Club"
"Ayers, Aletia"
"Ayres, Aletia"
"Baar, Gertrude"
"Baars, Annie"
"Baars, Mrs. J. Frederich [Lucretia]"
"Babbitt, Florence S"
"Babcock, Eugenia"
"Babcock, Nina E."
"Babonski, Harriet [Babenski, Babinski]"
"Baca, Marie"
"Bachelior, Irving"
"Backert, Ray"
"Backus, Mary"
"Backus, Mrs. E. C."
"Bacon, Mrs. Albion Fellows"
"Bacon, Mrs. William"
"Badgely, Mr."
"Baert, Mrs. George [Martine]"
"Baetz, Anna"
"Bagley, Mrs."
"Bagues, Mrs. R. J."
"Bagwell, D. F."
"Bahr, Linda"
"Bahr, Linda P."
"Bailey, Grace M."
"Bailey, Edna"
"Bailey, Enid"
"Bailey, Enid M."
"Bailey, Enid May"
"Bailey, Frances"
"Bailey, Helen Irene"
"Bailey, Irene"
"Bailey, Michigan"
"Bailey, Mrs. A. Gertrude"
"Bailey, Mrs. Gertrude"
"Bailey, Mrs. Rachael"
"Bailey, Rachael A."
"Bailey, Rachel"
"Bailie, Mrs."
"Bailie, Mrs. Norman"
"Baille, Miss Virginia"
"Baille, Mrs. E. V."
"Bainbridge, Anna"
"Bainbridge, William Seaman"
"Baines, Minnie"
"Baker, Carrie L."
"Baker, Maude"
"Baker, Maude M."
"Baker, Mrs."
"Baker, Mrs. A. V."
"Baker, Mrs. I. N."
"Baker, Mrs. Lareine Helen"
"Baker, Mrs. M. N."
"Baker, O. C."
"Bakers and bakeries"
"Balbach Seniors Team"
"Balbach, William"
"Balback, Caroline"
"Balch, Emily"
"Balch, Mrs. J. B."
"Balch, Mrs. J. E."
"Balch, Mrs. John"
"Bald Head Club of America"
"Balder, Hazel"
"Baldie, Clara"
"Baldie, Grace"
"Baldwin, Helen"
"Baldwin, Kate L."
"Baldwin, Mary F."
"Baldwin, Michigan"
"Baldwin, Mrs. F. A. [Frank A., Nellie]"
"Baldwin, Mrs. F. E."
"Baldwin, Mrs. Harry T."
"Baldwin, William"
"Balestier, Miss"
"Balkner, Joseph"
"Ball's Corsets"
"Ball, Alma Marion"
"Ball, Essie"
"Ball, Francis M."
"Ball, Jenie"
"Ball, Jessie"
"Ball, John"
"Ball, Lucy"
"Ball, Mrs. F. M. "
"Ball, Mrs. Fred H. "
"Ball, Mrs. O. A. [Orson A. Francis M.]"
"Ball, Mrs. O. A. [Orson A., Francis M.]"
"Ball, Mrs. Robert J. [Dessie]"
"Ballard, L. Anna"
"Ballard, Mary E."
"Ballard, Mrs. M. M. (Detroit)"
"Ballard, Mrs. N. M."
"Ballard, Sherry"
"Ballou, Levi H."
"Baltimore, Maryland"
"Banaszak, Antoinette"
"Bancroft, Jane"
"Bancroft, Mrs. J. W. (Hastings, MI)"
"Bangham, Mrs. Ruth Ludlow"
"Banghart, Minnie C."
"Bangor, Michigan"
"Banks and banking"
"Banks, Dr. Gertrude"
"Banks, Mrs. Carrie"
"Banks, Mrs. Rev. H. F."
"Baptist church"
"Baptist church congress"
"Bar tenders"
"Barbara, Angelo"
"Barber, Julia"
"Barber, Mabel"
"Barber, Mrs. M. H."
"Barberi, Marla"
"Barbers and barbershops"
"Barbo Compound"
"Barclay, Ella"
"Bard, Rev. H. B."
"Bard, Rev. Howard B."
"Barett, Ida M."
"Barker, Catherine"
"Barker, Cattherine"
"Barker, Lettie"
"Barker, M. Josephine"
"Barker, Naomi"
"Barker, Rev. Mr."
"Barkhorn, Christine (Luther, MI)"
"Barlow, Edith"
"Barlow, Mrs. John [Minnie L.]"
"Barnard College"
"Barnard, Ethel"
"Barnard, Jennie"
"Barnard, Mrs. Anna"
"Barnard, Mrs. E. P."
"Barnes, Augusta D."
"Barnes, Bertha"
"Barnes, Bessie"
"Barnes, Jessie P."
"Barnes, Mrs. Ray"
"Barnes, Nannie"
"Barnes, Ray"
"Barnett, Emily"
"Barnett, Lucy"
"Barnett, Miss F."
"Barnhardt, Sarah"
"Barnhart, Mrs. Irving "
"Barr, Emma Eldridge"
"Barr, Isabella Dougall"
"Barrett, Ida"
"Barrett, Ida M."
"Barrett, Ida May"
"Barrett, Mrs. H. T [Horace, Lucey M.]"
"Barrett, Mrs. John (Salion)"
"Barrett, Ruby"
"Barrier, Delia"
"Barron, Jessie"
"Barron, Louise Aston"
"Barry County Farm Bureau"
"Barry County, Michigan"
"Barry, Lenora"
"Barry, Mrs. L. M."
"Barrymore, Ethel"
"Barstow, Helen"
"Barstow, Mrs. G. A. [Gideon, Anna]"
"Bartelle, Mrs."
"Bartelme, Mary"
"Barth Dr. [Louis]"
"Barth, Dr. Louis"
"Barth, Mrs."
"Barth, Mrs. Louis [Johna]"
"Bartlentt, Barbara"
"Bartlett, Alice E."
"Bartlett, Alice E.(Detroit)"
"Bartlett, Caroline"
"Bartlett, Caroline J."
"Bartlett, Clara"
"Bartlett, Clara L Mead"
"Bartlett, Lawrence A."
"Bartlett, Rev. Caroline"
"Bartlett, Rev. Caroline [ Bartlett Crane]"
"Bartlett, Rev. Caroline J."
"Bartlett, Zilla B."
"Bartlett, Zilla E."
"Bartley, Libbie"
"Barton, Clara"
"Barton, Edith"
"Bash, Mrs. George W."
"Bass, Mrs. George"
"Bassett, Ann W."
"Bassett, Mrs. C. H."
"Bassett, Olive Daley"
"Bastin, Rowena"
"Batavia Camp hall"
"Batavia Camp Poresters' team"
"Batavia Junior drill team"
"Batch, Mrs. J. B."
"Bateman, Mrs."
"Bates, Mrs. M. E. C. [Martha E. Cram]"
"Bates, Erastus R."
"Bates, M. E. C."
"Bates, Mabel"
"Bates, Mrs. Linden W."
"Bates, Mrs. M. E. C."
"Bates, Mrs. M. E. C. (Traverse city)"
"Bates, Octavia"
"Bates, Octavia W."
"Bates, Thomas E."
"Bathing suits"
"Battle Creek, Michigan"
"Batts, Mrs. George"
"Bauch, Mrs. Dr."
"Bauer, Christina"
"Bauer, Florence"
"Bauer, Michigan"
"Bauer, Mrs. Edna"
"Bauerle, Bertha"
"Baumaster, Dorothy"
"Baumaster, Edna"
"Baur, Mrs. Jacob"
"Bautell, Mrs. A. J."
"Baxter Laundry"
"Baxter, Howard F."
"Baxter, Mrs. A."
"Baxter, Mrs. Howard [Elizabeth]"
"Bay City, Michigan"
"Bay View, Michigan"
"Bayer, Miss"
"Bayne, Mrs."
"Beach, Adelaide"
"Beach, Lowell"
"Beach, Mary"
"Beach, Mina"
"Beach, Mrs. G. L."
"Beach, Rev. King D."
"Beal, Margaret"
"Beale, Rev. C. H."
"Beals, Mrs."
"Beander, Carrie"
"Bear Lake, Michigan"
"Bearard, Hurgle"
"Beardsley, Myra"
"Beasley, Marie Wilson"
"Beasley, Marie Wilson"
"Beatie, John W."
"Beattie, Mrs. John W."
"Beattie, Mrs. Samuel [Mary]"
"Beauchamp, Frances E."
"Beaudry, Mrs. N. I. of Grand Haven"
"Beauty contests"
"Beaver Island, Michigan"
"Beaver, Grace"
"Bechtel, Mrs. Ophelia A."
"Beck, Florence"
"Becker, Katie"
"Becker, Mrs. M. G."
"Beckley, Zoe"
"Bedeaux, Charles E."
"Bedell Lodge"
"Bedell, M. E."
"Bedell, Melvina"
"Bedell, Mrs."
"Bedell, Mrs. M. E."
"Bedell, Mrs. M. E. [Melvina]"
"Bedell, Mrs. Melvina E."
"Bedell, Mrs. William (Mattie?)"
"Bedell, Mrs. William R."
"Bedford Township, Calhoun County"
"Beebe, Katie"
"Beebe, Lilly"
"Beebe, Mrs. R. A."
"Beech Tree Ball Park, Grand Haven"
"Beecher Stowe, Harriet"
"Beecher, Eunice White"
"Beekman, Elizabeth"
"Beekman, Hattie"
"Beekman, Maude"
"Beelby, Ella"
"Beeman, Mrs. C. E. [Corda, Amy]"
"Beer and wine amendment"
"Beggs, June"
"Beggs, Mrs. Frank J."
"Begum, Shah Jehan"
"Behavior and morals"
"Behlendorff, Frederick"
"Behnke, Meta"
"Behrens, Mrs. Austin (Eda)"
"Beifield, Mrs. Ernest"
"Belden, Elvina"
"Belding & Richardson silk concerns"
"Belding Bros. mills"
"Belding Brothers. & Co."
"Belding, Michigan"
"Belknap Memorial hospital"
"Belknap, C. E. [Charles]"
"Belknap, Capt. Charles L."
"Belknap, Charles"
"Belknap, Charles E."
"Belknap, Dollie"
"Belknap, Felina, Harry"
"Belknap, James W."
"Belknap, Julia E"
"Belknap, Mrs. H. P. [Herbert, Julia E]"
"Bell Telephone"
"Bell, Miss [Margaret]"
"Bellaire, Michigan"
"Bellamy, Lucia"
"Bellevue, Michigan"
"Bellini, Laura"
"Bellmont, Mrs. O. H. P."
"Belmont, Alva"
"Belmont, Michigan"
"Belmont, Mrs. O. H."
"Belmont, Mrs. O. H. P."
"Belmont, Mrs. O.H.P."
"Beltwood, Charles"
"Bement, Constance"
"Bement, Patrolman [Harley]"
"Bemis, Mrs. Abi A."
"Bender, Josephine"
"Bender, Mrs. Charles H [Sallie K.]"
"Bender, Mrs. Charles H. [Sallie K.]"
"Benedict, Belle"
"Benedict, Beth"
"Benedict, Crystal Eastman"
"Benedict, Laura"
"Benedict, Miss"
"Benedict, Mrs. Helen"
"Beneke, Ella"
"Beneker, Gerritt A."
"Benerowicz, Mrs. Constantia"
"Benevolent organizations"
"Benham, Maud"
"Benham, Samuel"
"Benjamin, Anna L."
"Benjamin, Anna S."
"Benjamin, Mrs. A. S."
"Benjamin, Mrs. D. A."
"Benjamin, Mrs. D. [David, Anna L.]"
"Bennet, Bess"
"Bennet, Vera"
"Bennett, Gertrude"
"Bennett, Jean"
"Bennett, Mrs. J. F. [Joseph F., Evangeline]"
"Bennett, Mysse L."
"Bennett, Nerta"
"Bennett, Vera"
"Benseley, Marie Wilson"
"Benson, Edith"
"Benson, Mrs. H."
"Benson, Mrs. H. S."
"Benson, Mrs. Harriet"
"Benton Harbon, Michigan"
"Benton Harbor, Michigan"
"Benzie County, Michigan"
"Berean Baptist church"
"Beresford, Lady Charles"
"Berg, Ella"
"Bergener, Miss"
"Berger, Joseph"
"Berger, Mrs."
"Bergin, Julia Eva"
"Berglund, Hulda"
"Bergsma, Obbie"
"Bergsma, Rena"
"Berkey & Gay Furniture Company"
"Berkey's Block"
"Berkey, Mary"
"Berkey, Mrs. Julius"
"Berkey, Mrs. W. A. [William, Mary]"
"Berlin, Germany"
"Berlin, Michigan"
"Bernard, Auguste"
"Bernard, Jennie"
"Bernett, Eva E."
"Bernett, Will E."
"Bernhardt, Sarah"
"Bernheim, Mrs. S. [Golda]"
"Bernstein, Mrs. Florence"
"Berrien county"
"Berrien County Suffrage association"
"Berrien County, Michigan"
"Berry, Alwin"
"Berry, Alwin H."
"Berry, Bess"
"Bertch Home"
"Bertch, Christian"
"Bertrand, Mme. Alice"
"Bertsch Hall"
"Bertsch, C."
"Bertsch, Caroline"
"Bertsch, Christian"
"Bertsch, Mrs. "
"Bertsch, Mrs. and Mrs. Christian"
"Bertsch, Olive"
"Best, Mrs. A. Starr"
"Best, Mrs. Mary"
"Betka, Mrs. Nellie"
"Beukema, Mrs. J. A."
"Beulah, Michigan"
"Bible Science Class"
"Bickley, Mrs. Howell"
"Bicycles and bicycling"
"Bicycles and bicyclists"
"Bicycles and bicyling"
"Biddeford, Maine"
"Bidgood, Mrs. Emily"
"Biehl, Estaal"
"Bienneman, Dr. [Edward G.]"
"Bierbower, Louise"
"Bierce, Lee H."
"Bierwagen, Della"
"Big Rapids Woman's Suffrage"
"Big Rapids, MI"
"Big Rapids, Michigan"
"Big Spectacular Burlesque Company"
"Big Star Lake"
"Bigelow, Pauline"
"Bigler, Mrs. Frank S"
"Bigley, Christine J."
"Billings Virginia"
"Billings, Edith"
"Billings, Miss"
"Billington, Bernice"
"Billman, Lillian S."
"Billman, Mrs. L. S. [Lillian S.]"
"Billman, Mrs. L. S. [Lillian S.]"
"Billman, Mrs. S. L. [Lillian]"
"Billo, Mrs. Joseph [Jennie G.]"
"Bilski, Frank"
"Bilz, Margaret"
"Bingham, Elizabeth"
"Binns, Mary"
"Binsdale, Lillie"
"Bird, Lucy A."
"Bird, Edna"
"Bird, Edna T."
"Bird, Mrs. Iona"
"Birdsall, Mrs. C. [Carrie or Charles, Margaret]"
"Birth Control"
"Birtish Women of Conservative Party"
"Bisard, Rosington"
"Bisard, Etta"
"Biscay, Helen, charles"
"Bishop, Emily"
"Bishop, Kate"
"Bishop, Lois"
"Bishop, Maude"
"Bishop, Mrs. Clinton"
"Bishop, Mrs. Emily"
"Bishop, Rev. Edwin W"
"Bissell, Anna"
"Bissell, Mrs. M. R."
"Bissell, Mrs. M. R. [Melville] [Olive]"
"Bissell, Mrs. M. R. (Anna S.]"
"Bissell, Mrs. M. R. [Anna]"
"Bissell, Mrs. M. R. [Melville, Anna S]"
"Bissill, Mrs. M. R. [Anna]"
"Black Hawk"
"Black, Belle"
"Black, Garnet"
"Blackburn, Miss"
"Blacker, Sachs & Gustle's"
"Blacklock, Mrs. Hugh"
"Blackman, Amelia"
"Blackmarr, Mrs. F."
"Blackmer, Mrs. William"
"Blackwell's Island (NY) reformatory"
"Blackwell, Alice Stone"
"Blackwell, Antoinette Brown"
"Blackwell, Antoinette Louis Brown"
"Blackwell, Elizabeth"
"Blackwell, Emily L"
"Blackwell, H. B."
"Blackwell, Henry B."
"Blackwell, Mrs [elizabeth]"
"Blagdon, Mrs. A. S."
"Blaidesdel, Mrs. C. A."
"Blaine, Mrs. James G."
"Blair, Edna S."
"Blair, Emily Newell"
"Blair, Jessie"
"Blair, Mrs. C. B. [Charles B., Emma C.]"
"Blair, Mrs. Charles B. [Emma C]"
"Blair, Mrs. Charles [Emma C.]"
"Blair, Mrs. Charles [Emma]"
"Blair, Mrs. James G."
"Blake, Alde L. T."
"Blake, Alice"
"Blake, Barbara"
"Blake, Catherine"
"Blake, Ethel"
"Blake, Ethel F."
"Blake, Lillie Devereaux"
"Blake, Lillie Devereux"
"Blake, Lillie, Devereaux"
"Blake, Mae L."
"Blake, Mary"
"Blake, Mrs. A. L. T. [Alde L. T.]"
"Blake, Mrs. Edward E."
"Blake, Mrs. Lillian Devereux"
"Blake, Mrs. W. F."
"Blake, Mrs. Willaim F. [Alde L. T.]"
"Blake, Mrs. William"
"Blake, Mrs. William (Alde A. J.)"
"Blake, Mrs. William F [Alde L. T.]"
"Blake, Mrs. William F."
"Blake, Mrs. William F. [Alde A. J.]"
"Blake, Mrs. William F. [Alde L. T.]"
"Blake, Mrs. William Frederick"
"Blake, Mrs. William [Alde L. T.]"
"Blake, Mrs. Willliam F. [Alde ]"
"Blake, Ophelia"
"Blake, William F."
"Blakely, Ida"
"Blakely, Moses"
"Blakeslee, Adeline Graves"
"Blakeslee, Edwin A."
"Blakeslee, Mrs. E. A."
"Blanchard, Mrs. Marguerite"
"Blanchard, Michigan"
"Blanford, Anna"
"Blantford, Daisy"
"Blasen, Bertha"
"Bledsoe, Abbie"
"Blekkink, Mrs. E. J."
"Blickenderfer, Mrs. William J."
"Blickle, Julia"
"Blickley, Miss"
"Bliss, Mrs. Emerson W. [Mable]"
"Bliss, Aaron Thomas"
"Bliss, Colonel A. T."
"Bliss, Dr."
"Bliss, Lila E."
"Bliss, Marian C."
"Bliss, Marion C."
"Bliss, Mrs."
"Bliss, Mrs. A. T."
"Bliss, Mrs. Allaseba Morey"
"Bliss, Mrs. Z. E."
"Block, Berneta"
"Block, Jessie"
"Block, Mrs. C. E. [C. Edward, Jennie M.]"
"Block, Mrs. C. E. [C. Edward, Jennie M.]"
"Blodgett Home"
"Blodgett Home for Children"
"Blodgett Hospital Nursing School"
"Blodgett Memorial hospital"
"Blodgett, D. A. [Delos]"
"Blodgett, Daisy A. Peck"
"Blodgett, John W."
"Blodgett, Mrs. John W. [Minnie C]"
"Blodgett, Mrs. John [Minnie]"
"Blondes and Brunettes"
"Bloom, Wilfred"
"Bloomer, Susie"
"Bloomfield, Cora"
"Bloomfield, Mrs. C. C."
"Bloomfield, Tinie, George"
"Bloss, Jessie"
"Bluffton, Michigan"
"Blumenthal, Jacob"
"Board of Education"
"Board of Lady Managers"
"Board of Voter Registration"
"Boardman, Mabel"
"Boardman, Mabel T."
"Boardman, Mrs. F. D."
"Bobcock, Caroline"
"Bocher, Mrs. L. M."
"Bocher, Mrs. M. L."
"Bodeen, Jennie"
"Bodwell, Cora L."
"Bodwell, Marie E"
"Bodwell, Marie E."
"Bodwell, Mary E."
"Bodwell, Mrs. M. E. "
"Bodwell, Mrs. M. E. [Mary E.]"
"Bodwell, Mrs. M. E. [Mary]"
"Boehm, Anna L."
"Boerma, Lucretia"
"Boeswinkle, Mrs. Gerrit"
"Bogelo, Isabelle"
"Boggs, Mrs. James F."
"Bohlen, Mrs. John"
"Boise, Elizabeth"
"Boise, Madame [Eva]"
"Boise, Mrs."
"Boise, Mrs. Dr. [Eugene, Eva]"
"Boise, Mrs. Eugene [Eva]"
"Boissevain, Inez Milholland"
"Boissevain, Inez Milholland"
"Boissevain, Mrs. Inez Milholland"
"Bok, Edward W."
"Boland, Mrs. W. A."
"Boland, Napoleon"
"Bolger, F. E."
"Bolger, Fred"
"Bollard, Jessie"
"Bolshevik Revolution"
"Bolt, Mrs. Tom J. G."
"Boltwood, Etta C."
"Boltwood, Etta Comstock"
"Boltwood, Lucius"
"Boltwood, Mr. and Mrs. Lucius [Etta C.]"
"Boltwood, Mrs. Etta Comstock"
"Boltwood, Mrs. Lucius"
"Boltwood, Mrs. Lucius [Etta C.]"
"Boltwood, Mrs. Lucius (Etta C.)"
"Boltwood, Mrs. Lucius [Boltwood, Etta C.]"
"Boltwood, Mrs. Lucius [Etta C.]"
"Boltwood, Mrs. Lucius [Etta C]"
"Boltwood, Mrs. Luicius [Etta C.]"
"Boltwood, Ruth"
"Bondy, Alexander"
"Bondy, Mary C."
"Bonebright, Lucy"
"Bonnell, John"
"Bonnell, Mary"
"Bonnell, Maty"
"Bonnell, Mrs. J. C. [John C., Emily]"
"Bonnell, Mrs. J. H. [John H. Helen]"
"Bonnell, Mrs. John H. [Helen]"
"Bonnemort, Mrs. Elizabeth"
"Bonner, N. [Nellie]"
"Bonner, Nellie"
"Bonney, Anne"
"Bontecue?, Margaret"
"BonTon Corsets"
"Boomers, Gerrit, Ada"
"Booneville, Missouri"
"Boote, Mrs. E. H. [Earnest, Francis]"
"Booth, Ballington"
"Booth, Bramwell"
"Booth, Dorothy"
"Booth, Esther"
"Booth, Eva"
"Booth, Evangeline"
"Booth, General"
"Booth, Katherine"
"Booth, Mary L."
"Booth, Mrs. Edmund W. (Mollie)"
"Booth, Mrs. Edmund [Mollie]"
"Booth, Theodora"
"Booth, Tucker, Commander"
"Booth-Clibborn, Katherine"
"Boots and shoes"
"Bootz, Dena"
"Bordaz, Lomesa"
"Borden, Miss"
"Borekling, George"
"Borgia, Mary"
"Born, Rev. P."
"Borst, Winifred"
"Bosch, Kitty"
"Boschma, Hattie"
"Bosma, Mildred"
"Boston Equal suffrage association"
"Boston Store"
"Boston University"
"Boston, MA"
"Boston, Massachusetts"
"Boswell, Helen V."
"Bosworth, Edith"
"Bothwell, Mrs. Emma"
"Bottenhagen, Albert"
"Bottje, Anna"
"Bottome, Margaret"
"Boucicaut, Mme"
"Boughton, Mrs. Frank [Delia D.]"
"Boulard, Richard"
"Bouma, Mr."
"Bouman, Jacob"
"Bourland, Mrs."
"Boutell, Alice M."
"Boutell, Harriet"
"Boutell, Harriet J."
"Bouwan, Lillian Lee"
"Bouwknegt, Effie"
"Bouwknegt, Minnie"
"Bovil, Lt. Col. Margaret"
"Bovill, Margaret"
"Bowbeer, Mrs. N. O."
"Bowen, Effie"
"Bowen, Francis"
"Bowen, Margaret"
"Bowen, Mrs. J. A. [J Arthur, Evelyn]"
"Bowen, Mrs. Joseph Tilton [Louise deKoven Bowen]"
"Bowen, Mrs. Minnie M. Doty"
"Bowen, Mrs. W. A. [Mary]"
"Bower, Dr. Emma"
"Bower, Dr. Emma E"
"Bower, Dr. Emma E."
"Bower, Emma"
"Bower, Emma (Ann Arbor)"
"Bower, Emma E."
"Bower, Emma E., M.D."
"Bower, Mrs. Dr."
"Bowers, Mabel"
"Bowles, Mrs."
"Bowman, Ida"
"Bowman, Mrs. H."
"Bowne Township, Kent County"
"Bowne, Mrs. A. J. [Andrew J., Sarah J.]"
"Boy Scout Mothers Auxiliary"
"Boy Scouts of Grand Rapids"
"Boyce, Charles"
"Boyce, Emma (Jackson)"
"Boyce, Mrs. S. H."
"Boyd, Lyda A"
"Boyd, Lydia"
"Boyd, Margaret"
"Boyd, Rev. J. H."
"Boyden, Mrs."
"Boyer, Ida Porter"
"Boyer, Mrs. Ida Porter"
"Boylan, Rosanna"
"Boyland, Rosanna"
"Boyle, Madeline"
"Boyle, Mrs. William C."
"Boyle, Seth"
"Boyne City Handle Company"
"Boyne City, Michigan"
"Boynton, Grace"
"Boynton, Mrs. Charles [Merta M.]"
"Boynton, Myrta M."
"Boynton, N. S."
"Bracker, Mary"
"Bradfield Regulator co."
"Bradfield Regulator Company"
"Bradfield's Female Regulator"
"Bradfield, Mrs. T. D. [Thomas D., Virginia S.]"
"Bradford and Company"
"Bradford, Ella"
"Bradford, Daniel W."
"Bradford, Ella"
"Bradford, Mrs. C. L."
"Bradish, Miss G. M."
"Bradley, Lauretta"
"Bradley, Michigan"
"Bradshaw, Della"
"Bradstrom, Mrs. E. Phil"
"Brady, Elizabeth"
"Brady, George"
"Brady, Judge J. F."
"Brady, Julia"
"Brady, Thomas"
"Brainard, Gertrude"
"Brand, Bertha J."
"Brandaw, Lydia"
"Brander, Mary"
"Brander, Mrs. J. C."
"Brander, Mrs. John C."
"Brander, Mrs. John C. (Mary A.)"
"Brandon, Georgia"
"Brandon, Georgia M."
"Branigan, Eliza M."
"Brasted, Dora"
"Brasted, William S."
"Braun, Albert"
"Braun, Albert O."
"Braun, Lilli"
"Braun, Rabbi Frederick"
"Brayton, Emma"
"Brayton, Frances"
"Brayton, Mrs."
"Brayton, Mrs. James P. [Emma]"
"Brayton, Mrs. Jasper P."
"Breach of promise"
"Bready, Rev. Russel H."
"Bready, Rev. Russell H."
"Brechting, Cecil"
"Breckenridge, Desha"
"Breckenridge, Mrs. Desha"
"Breckingridge, Col. "
"Breen, W. J. [William]"
"Brehm, Marie C."
"Bremer, Frank"
"Bremer, Laura"
"Brengman, Addie"
"Brenier, Florence"
"Brennan, Mrs. John W."
"Brennen, John"
"Brenner, Isaac"
"Brenner, Mrs. A. J."
"Brent, Margaret"
"Breono, Anna"
"Breono, Stella"
"Breshkovski, Catherine"
"Breshkovsky, Catherine"
"Bresrahan, Madge"
"Brethour, Mae"
"Brethour, Marion"
"Brethour, Mrs. William"
"Brevort, Miss"
"Brewer, Carrie"
"Brewer, Katherine"
"Brewer, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph"
"Brewer, Mrs. C. L."
"Brice, Helen"
"Brice, Mrs. Calvin"
"Bridge St. House"
"Bridge Street school"
"Bridge, Emory L"
"Bridgeman, Lena Belle"
"Bridges, Horace C."
"Bridges, Mrs. Mary Eastman"
"Briggs, Dr. LeBaron Russell"
"Briggs, Ella"
"Briggs, Hon. E. L."
"Briggs, Louise M"
"Briggs, Louise M."
"Briggs, Mrs."
"Briggs, Mrs. E. L."
"Briggs, Mrs. E. L. [Edward L.]"
"Briggs, Mrs. J. O."
"Briggs, Mrs. T. H."
"Brigham, Mrs. Homer C."
"Bright, Hazel"
"Brink, Caroline C."
"Brink, Caroline"
"Brink, Grace"
"Brink, Mrs. Caroline"
"Brink, Mrs. Howard [Carolyn]"
"Brinkman, Gertie"
"Britten, Mrs. E. R."
"Broas, Mary C."
"Broder, Mrs. Mary"
"Broderick, Nina"
"Broderick, William"
"Brody, Dorothy"
"Broekstra, Ma ? k"
"Broene, Alma"
"Brogan, Josephine"
"Bronoel, Irene F."
"Brooklyn, New York"
"Brooklyn, NY"
"Brooks, Florence"
"Brooks, Gladdys"
"Brooks, John A. and Lucinda Parsons"
"Brooks, John L."
"Brooks, Lucinda Parsons"
"Brooks, Mrs. D. C. [Dwight, Jennie]"
"Brooks, Rev. E. G."
"Brooks, Rev. E. H."
"Brooks, S. Isadore"
"Brooks, Virginia"
"Broome, Amy"
"Brosseau, Edith"
"Brosseau, Mrs. A. J."
"Brosseau, Mrs. Alfred H."
"Brosseau, Mrs. George"
"Brotherhood of Locomotive engineers"
"Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen"
"Brotherton, Belle"
"Brotherton, Mrs. Wilber [Belle]"
"Brotherton, Mrs. Wilbur"
"Brough, Lela"
"Brower, Mrs. John"
"Brown Father Robert"
"Brown, Alvah"
"Brown, Ada"
"Brown, Alvah"
"Brown, Carrie C."
"Brown, Charlotte"
"Brown, Clair"
"Brown, Dr. H. Lee"
"Brown, Elizabeth"
"Brown, Ellen"
"Brown, Emily"
"Brown, Frances"
"Brown, Frances J."
"Brown, Frederick"
"Brown, George Elmer"
"Brown, Grace D."
"Brown, Grace Greenwood"
"Brown, Helen"
"Brown, Jennette"
"Brown, Leonora"
"Brown, Lillian"
"Brown, Lucille"
"Brown, Lydia"
"Brown, Mabel"
"Brown, Margarete"
"Brown, Minnie"
"Brown, Miss"
"Brown, Mrs. [Edna]"
"Brown, Mrs. Alvah W. [Ella M]"
"Brown, Mrs. Arthur J."
"Brown, Mrs. Asa L."
"Brown, Mrs. Bertha M."
"Brown, Mrs. C. M."
"Brown, Mrs. Clark"
"Brown, Mrs. J. M. (Paw Paw)"
"Brown, Mrs. Jennette"
"Brown, Mrs. Josiah"
"Brown, Mrs. Louise"
"Brown, Mrs. O. E. [Orrin E., Rosa]"
"Brown, Mrs. R. A."
"Brown, Mrs. Sarah L."
"Brown, Mrs. W. H."
"Brown, Mrs. William Grant "
"Brown, Nelson"
"Brown, Nettie"
"Brown, Norah"
"Brown, Olympia"
"Brown, Rev. Norma C."
"Brown, Robert"
"Brown, Robert W."
"Brown, Susan"
"Brown, Walter"
"Brown-Lewers, Mary"
"Brown-Lewers, Mrs. Mary"
"Browne, Alice"
"Browne, Evelyn"
"Browne, Isabel"
"Browne, Mary K."
"Brownell, Kady"
"Brownell, Mrs. W. L."
"Browning, Blossom"
"Browning, Elizabeth Barrett"
"Brownlee, Maud"
"Brownrigg, Ida M."
"Brubaker, Mrs. Fannie K."
"Brubaker, Stella C."
"Brue, Belle"
"Bruenig, Helen"
"Brumm, Mrs. Nellie"
"Brummeler, Mrs. Richard (Rose)"
"Brummeler, Marguerite"
"Brummeler, Mrs. Richard [Rose]"
"Brunson, Alice"
"Brussels, Belgium"
"Bryan, Dr. Katherine M."
"Bryan, Mrs. William Jennings [Mary Baird]"
"Bryan, Willaims Jennings"
"Bryan, William"
"Bryan, William Jennings"
"Bryant, Mary"
"Bryant, Mrs. Mary"
"Bryant, Mrs. Mary E."
"Bryant, Mrs. Nathan [Florence]"
"Bryce and Lewis Mfrs."
"Bryce, Elizabeth Mildred"
"Bryn Mawr"
"Bryn Mawr College"
"Buchan, Anna M"
"Buchanan, Mrs. Salome"
"Bucher, Helen"
"Buck, Clara Dudley"
"Buck, Clare Dudley"
"Buck, Mrs. M. K."
"Buck, Mrs. M. K. [Mary K.]"
"Buckhout, Marie"
"Buckley, Mrs. W. L."
"Buckley, Rev. Mr."
"Budapest, Hungary"
"Buel, Jennie (ann Arbor)"
"Buell, Dora Phelps"
"Buell, Jennie"
"Buell, Lena"
"Buell, Rev. J. J."
"Buenther, Pluma"
"Buffalo, New York"
"Buffalo, NY"
"Buford U. Mott"
"Buill, "
"Bulkey, Mrs. W. F. [William F. (deceased), Abbie]"
"Bullman, Mrs. Margaret"
"Bulman, Mrs. Elvah O. (Margaret)"
"Bulman, Mrs. Margaret"
"Bulson, Florence"
"Bulson, Mrs. Florence I."
"Bulzen, Mrs. Flroence"
"Bundy, Mrs. McGeorge"
"Bundy, Mrs. McGeorge [Mary]"
"Bunker, Ruth"
"Burch, B."
"Burchard, Mrs."
"Burd, Mrs."
"Burdett, Mrs. Robert"
"Burdette, Robert J."
"Burdick, Daisy"
"Burdick, Nettie, James"
"Bureau of Farm Management"
"Bureau of Naturalization"
"Burgess, Madeline"
"Burgess, F. W."
"Burgess, Mrs. Bertha Turner"
"Burgess, Mrs. Harriet A."
"Burghuis, Helen"
"Burke, Billie"
"Burke, Elizabeth"
"Burleson, Elizabeth"
"Burleson, Harry"
"Burling, Frances"
"Burlingame, Judge [Edwin A.]"
"Burlingame, Mrs. M. V. [Mark, ELIZABETH s.]"
"Burlington & Quincy railroad"
"Burnell, Elizabeth"
"Burnett, Clarence L. [Lavina]"
"Burnett, Frances Hodgson"
"Burnett, Mabel"
"Burnett, Miss"
"Burnett, Mrs. Anna"
"Burnett, Mrs. D."
"Burnham, Ernest"
"Burns, Frances"
"Burns, Frances E."
"Burns, Lucy"
"Burns, Mrs. David E."
"Burr, Harriet"
"Burr, Miss"
"Burr, William F."
"Burritt, Ella F."
"Burrough, Bryson"
"Burroughs, J. H."
"Burrows, Mrs. J. C."
"Burrows, Mrs. Julius C."
"Burt, Lulu B."
"Burt, Mrs. Frank P."
"Burt, Mrs. Lulu"
"Burtis, Nathan"
"Burton Heights club"
"Burton, Harriet"
"Burton, Lois"
"Burton, Luella E."
"Burton, Luella M."
"Burtraw, Merle"
"Burtraw, Mrs. Melvin"
"Busch, Mrs. S. C."
"Bush, Harriet Palmer"
"Bushnell, Dr. Kate C."
"Business - Sanitarium"
"Business & Professional Women's Club"
"Business and enterprise"
"Business and Professional Women's Club"
"Business Girls Co-operative Club"
"Business Girls Cooperative club"
"Business Girls' Co-operative Club"
"Business Girls' Co-operative Society"
"Business Girls' Cooperative"
"Business Girls' Cooperative Club"
"Business women"
"Business Women''s National convention"
"Bussell, Beuhla"
"Bussell, Beulah"
"Bussell, Nellie M."
"Bussy, James and John"
"Butler, Eliza"
"Butler, Emma"
"Butler, Mary Elizabeth"
"Butler, Mrs. Edith O."
"Butler, Mrs. M. R."
"Butte, Montana"
"Butterfield, Mary"
"Butterfield, Mrs. Roger W."
"Butterfield, Mrs. Roger [Leonora I.]"
"Butterfield, Mrs. W. W."
"Butterfield, Roger W."
"Butterworth Golden Rule hospital"
"Butterworth Hospital"
"Butterworth Hospital First Homecoming"
"Butterworth Hospital Nursing School"
"Butterworth Hospital Training School for Nurses"
"Butterworth Training School for Nurses"
"Butterworth, W. C."
"Buwaldo, William"
"Buyers, Mrs. R. E."
"Byram, Mrs. B."
"Byrne, Alexa"
"Byrne, Ella H."
"Byrne, Ethel"
"Byrne, Jack"
"Byrne, Mrs."
"Byrne, Mrs. Catherine"
"Byrnes, Margaret"
"Bystra, Clara"
"C. S. Paine Furniture Company"
"Cabcar, Sophie"
"Caby, Joseph"
"Cadillac High School"
"Cadillac, Michigan"
"Cadman, Charles Wakefield"
"Cady, Birdelle Robins"
"Cady, Burt D."
"Cady, Cora"
"Cady, Flora"
"Cady, Jessie"
"Cady, Susie"
"Cahill, Mamie"
"Cahoon, Irene"
"Caillaux, Mme."
"Cain, Bertha"
"Cain, Elmer H."
"Cain, Gladys Holmes"
"Calder, Mrs. Robert [Emma]"
"Caldwell, Gladys"
"Caldwell, Gwendoline"
"Caldwell, Helen"
"Caldwell, W. R."
"Calhoun, Eleanor"
"Calhoun, Mrs. Margaret Custer"
"California State Federation of Women's Clubs"
"Calkin, Anna"
"Calkins, Alice"
"Calkins, Charles W."
"Calkins, Charlotte"
"Calkins, Mrs E. L."
"Calkins, Mrs. C. W. [Charles W. , Mary L]"
"Calkins, Mrs. E. L."
"Calkins, Mrs. S. D. E."
"Calkins, Mrs. William H. [Anna R.]"
"Calkins, Mrs. William [Anna R.]"
"Callander, James"
"Calliaux, Mme"
"Calmette, Gaston"
"Calumet, Michigan"
"Calvary Baptish Church"
"Calvin, Nina"
"Cambridge, England"
"Cambridge, Massachusetts"
"Camden, New Jersey"
"Cameron, Mrs. Donald [Elizabeth Sherman]"
"Camling, Anna"
"Camoys, Lady"
"Camp Fire Girls"
"Camp Fire Girls Camp"
"Camp Fire Girls of America"
"Camp Fired Girls"
"Camp Keewano Wohelo"
"Camp Newaygo"
"Camp Onaway"
"Camp, Harold E."
"Camp, John C."
"Campau, "Toot""
"Campau, Ella"
"Campau, F. D."
"Campau, Francis D`"
"Campau, Mrs. Francis D."
"Campau, Sophie De Marcas"
"Campbell, Mrs. J. H. [James H., Carolyn P.]"
"Campbell, Alexander M"
"Campbell, Carolyn P."
"Campbell, Christine"
"Campbell, Francis"
"Campbell, Germaine C."
"Campbell, Governor"
"Campbell, Harriet"
"Campbell, Helen"
"Campbell, J. Francis"
"Campbell, Mary"
"Campbell, Mrs. Henry W."
"Campbell, Mrs. J. H. [James H. Carolyn P.]"
"Campbell, Mrs. James (Caroline)"
"Campbell, Mrs. James H"
"Campbell, Mrs. James H."
"Campbell, Mrs. James H. [Carolyn P.]"
"Campbell, Mrs. L. J."
"Campbell, Mrs. Louis H."
"Campbell, Mrs. St. George Tucker"
"Campbell, Mrs. William"
"Campbell, Mrs. William A."
"Campbell, Nellie"
"Campfire Girls"
"Campfire Girls movement"
"Candon, Catherine"
"Canfield, Adah"
"Cankin, Mrs. L. C."
"Canmpau, Antoinette"
"Cantacuzene, Princess Alexandrine"
"Cantrill, Mrs."
"Capac, Michigan"
"Capital punishment"
"Cappel, Mrs. William [Anna S]"
"Cappell, Mrs. William"
"Cardui, the Woman's Tonic"
"Carel, Dr. Alexis"
"Carew, Lady"
"Carey, Anna"
"Carl A. Johnson American Legion Post"
"Carlan, Bridget"
"Carlan, Lulu"
"Carle, Lyn"
"Carleton, Michigan"
"Carleton, Mrs. Mary"
"Carley, Mrs. J. N."
"Carling, Maude Angeline"
"Carlisle, Alexandra"
"Carlisle, Mrs. John G."
"Carlson, Guerda"
"Carlson, Mrs. Philip"
"Carlton, Carrie"
"Carlton, Grace"
"Carlton, Mrs. Frank"
"Carlyle, Thelma"
"Carman, Gertrude Gay"
"Carmel, Ardell"
"Carnegie Institute of Technology"
"Carnegie, Andrew"
"Carnegie, Margaret"
"Carney, Mrs. Frank"
"Caro, Leo A."
"Carpenter, Alice"
"Carpenter, Daisy"
"Carpenter, Florence"
"Carpenter, Gladys Cleone"
"Carpenter, Glenna"
"Carpenter, Gov."
"Carpenter, Helen"
"Carpenter, Helen C."
"Carpenter, Ida M.."
"Carpenter, Mary"
"Carpenter, Mary Elizabeth"
"Carpenter, Mildred"
"Carpenter, Mrs."
"Carpenter, Mrs. E. R. [Emma R.]"
"Carpenter, Mrs. E. R. E. [Emma R.]"
"Carpenter, Olivia J."
"Carpenter, Rev. Olivia"
"Carpenter, Rev. Olivia J."
"Carpenter, Ruth"
"Carpenter, Theodosa"
"Carpenter, Theodosia"
"Carr, Alminia"
"Carr, Mr."
"Carr, Mrs. J. C."
"Carr, Mrs. J. C. [Nora]"
"Carr, Mrs. Mary L."
"Carralton, Mrs. Mary L. Doe"
"Carrel, Miss"
"Carrie Careless"
"Carroll, Earl"
"Carroll, Elizabeth"
"Carroll, Kathrine"
"Carroll, Mrs. J. D. [Lulu]"
"Carroll, Mrs. Thomas [Julia M.]"
"Carroll, Mrs. Thomas F. [Julia M.]"
"Carroll, Mrs. Thomas [Julia M]"
"Carsen, Ruth"
"Carson, Savonia"
"Carter, Houry"
"Carter, Mr."
"Cartwright, Florence"
"Cartwright, Maude"
"Carveth, Mrs. Wilbert"
"Carvin, Mrs. F. W."
"Cary, Alice"
"Cary, Annie Louise"
"Cary, Phoebe"
"Case, Mrs. J. D. [John D., Annie E.]"
"Casey, Josephone"
"Casey, Selma"
"Casini, Gutia"
"Casnovia Woman's club"
"Casnovia, Michigan"
"Casper, Nina"
"Cassard, Mrs. Morris [Anna W.]"
"Cassard, Mrs. Morris [Anna W]"
"Cassopolis, Michigan"
"Castle, Jessie E."
"Castle, Myrta B."
"Castleman, Kate"
"Caswell, Edna"
"Cate, Nora"
"Catholic Business Girls Co-op Club"
"Catholic Church"
"Cator, W. W."
"Catt, Carrie Chapman"
"Catt, Mrs. Carrie C."
"Catt, Mrs. Carrie Chapman"
"Cauer, Minna"
"Caukin, Mrs. L. Z. (Lavant, Fannie D.)"
"Caukin, Mrs. L. Z. [Lavant, Fannie D]"
"Caulfield, Agnes"
"Caulfield, Anna"
"Caulfield, Mrs. George B."
"Cavagaaro, Mrs. Joseph"
"Cavalieri, Lina"
"Cavanaugh, Mrs. Ethel Irene"
"Cavell, Edith"
"Cedar Springs Clipper newspaper"
"Cedar Springs, Michigan"
"Census Enumerators"
"Centille, Sigfried"
"Central Chautauqua Circle"
"Central College for Women"
"Central Floral company"
"Central High School"
"Central Lake, Michigan"
"Central Michigan Normal"
"Central Philanthropic council"
"Central Photo Studio"
"Central W. C. T. U."
"Central W.C.T.U."
"Chaddock, Mrs. Dr."
"Chafee, Edith"
"Challender, Rena"
"Chalmers, Agnes"
"Chalmers, Superintendent"
"Chamberlain, Mrs. Glenn R. [Lena]"
"Chamberlain, Belle"
"Chamberlain, Caroline R."
"Chamberlain, Elinora"
"Chamberlain, Emily"
"Chamberlain, Mrs. Ella"
"Chamberlain, Mrs. Emily"
"Chamberlin, Clara"
"Chamberlin, Emily"
"Chamberlin, Helen"
"Chamberlin, Mrs. H. H."
"Champlin's Fashion Shop"
"Champlin, Delia"
"Champlin, Delia E."
"Champlin, Della E."
"Champney, Stella M."
"Chandler, Clyde D."
"Chandler, Dr. W. A."
"Chapelle, Mrs. A. M."
"Chapin, Rev. Augusta J."
"Chaplain, Elizabeth"
"Chapman & Jewett"
"Chapman, Addie E."
"Chapman, Carrie Lane"
"Chapman, Dr. Frank E."
"Chapman, Mrs. B [Benjamin, Leoneora]"
"Charity Organization Society"
"Charles A. Coye, Rathbone Fireplace Manufacturing Company"
"Charles A. Leonard Refrigerator Co."
"Charles E. Norton Co."
"Charles Trankla & company store"
"Charles, Alice Maud"
"Charles, Charlene"
"Charles, Mrs."
"Charlestown, Michigan"
"Charlevoix, Michigan"
"Charlotte, Eaton County, Michigan"
"Charlotte, Michigan"
"Charneick, Virginia"
"Charters, Eve"
"chase, Elizabeth"
"Chase, Florence"
"Chase, Florence A."
"Chase, Florence E."
"Chase, Helen"
"Chase, Herbert T [Lillian]"
"Chase, Kenneth B."
"Chase, Lucy J."
"Chase, Mrs. Lippe"
"Chatfield, Ethel"
"Chatfield, Ethel"
"Chcago Tribune"
"Cheboygan, Michigan"
"Cheney, Bessie"
"Cheney, Mrs. Henry [Bessie]"
"Cherryman, Gladys"
"Cherryman, Mrs. Myrtle Koon"
"Cherryman, Myrtle Koon"
"Cherryman, Rexford"
"Chester, PA"
"Chicago & Northwestern Railroad"
"Chicago Dressmakers Club"
"Chicago Teachers' federation"
"Chicago Times"
"Chicago Tribune"
"Chicago Waifs' Mission and Training School"
"Chicago Woman's Club"
"Chicago World's Fair"
"Chicago, Illinois"
"Chicago, IIlinois"
"Chicago, Illinois"
"Child abuse"
"Child Custody"
"Child Labor"
"Child Labor Association"
"Child Labor Association of Grand Rapids"
"Child Labor Law"
"Child Labor League"
"Child support"
"Child welfare"
"Child, Mrs. E."
"Children's Home"
"Children's Home association"
"Children's Home Directors"
"Children's Orphanage"
"Children's Preventorium"
"Childs, Evelyn"
"Childs, Ida"
"Chines Women"
"Chinese women"
"Chishelm, Nellie"
"Chisholm, Mellie B."
"Chisholm, Nellie B."
"Chittenden, Ida"
"Chittendon, Alice Hill"
"Christian Reformed Church"
"Christian Reformed church synod"
"Christian Woman's Association"
"Christian Woman's Board of Missions"
"Christiansen, Ida L."
"Christianson, Addie M., Fred H."
"Christie, Lena"
"Christopher, Frances H."
"Christopher, Mrs. H. F."
"Chrysler, Floyd"
"Chrysler, Jennie"
"Chubb, Emma"
"Chubb, Mary"
"Chumasero, Emily"
"Church attendance"
"Church of Social Revolution"
"Church, Bessie"
"Church, Fred J."
"Church, Josephine"
"Church, Mrs. Alice"
"Church, Mrs. C. J. (Greenville, MI0"
"Church, Mrs. T. B. [Thomas B., Mary E.]"
"Church, Mrs. T. B. [Thomas B., Mary E.]"
"Church, Mrs. Thomas B."
"Churches and motherhood"
"Churchhill, Carrie, George"
"Churchill, Lady Georgiana"
"Churchill, Mr. H. P."
"Cincinnati Belles"
"Cincinnati, Ohio"
"Ciniek, Jennie"
"Ciniek, Rosa"
"Cipriani, Countess"
"Citizens Party"
"Citizens Telephone"
"Citizens' League"
"City Federation Delegates"
"City Federation Literary Clubs"
"City Federation of Women's clubs"
"City Hospital for contagious diseases"
"City Messenger Service"
"City Missionary Society"
"City Rescue Mission"
"City Trust & Savings Bank"
"Civil War"
"Civil War"
"Civil War Girls"
"Civil War prisoner"
"Clancy, Julia"
"Clancy, Julia A."
"Clapp, Flora"
"Clapp, Miss"
"Clapp, Mrs. Romelia L."
"Clapp, Rev. F. H."
"Clapperton, Mrs. George"
"Clapperton, Mrs. George [Harriet]"
"Clapperton, Mrs. George [Hattie B. ]"
"Clare, Michigan"
"Clark Mrs. O. [Orton] H. [Nellie M.]"
"Clark Thread Works"
"Clark, Mrs. O. [Orton] H. [Nellie M.]"
"Clark, Betty"
"Clark, Billy"
"Clark, Blanche"
"Clark, Blanche L."
"Clark, Chief Justice Walter McKenzie"
"Clark, Edith"
"Clark, Edith Stevens"
"Clark, Edna"
"Clark, Elizabeth"
"Clark, Ellen A. C. "
"Clark, Elliott"
"Clark, Emily"
"Clark, Emily J."
"Clark, Frances"
"Clark, George"
"Clark, Hazel"
"Clark, Helen"
"Clark, Irving"
"Clark, Jean"
"Clark, Jean M."
"Clark, John"
"Clark, Julia"
"Clark, Kate Upson"
"Clark, Kittie"
"Clark, Louie"
"Clark, Louise"
"Clark, Mae"
"Clark, Maude Young"
"Clark, Melville A."
"Clark, Mr.s Orton H. [Nellie B.]"
"Clark, Mrs. George A."
"Clark, Mrs. George T."
"Clark, Mrs. Harriet C."
"Clark, Mrs. Henry"
"Clark, Mrs. J. Roland"
"Clark, Mrs. J. Roland [Myrta]"
"Clark, Mrs. Kate Upson"
"Clark, Mrs. M. J. [Emily]"
"Clark, Mrs. M. J. [Melvin J. , Emily]"
"Clark, Mrs. Nina"
"Clark, Mrs. O. H."
"Clark, Mrs. O. H. [Nellie M.]"
"Clark, Mrs. O. H. [Nellie M]"
"Clark, Mrs. O. H. [Orton H. Nellie B]"
"Clark, Mrs. O. H. [Nellie B.]"
"Clark, Mrs. O. H. [Nellie]"
"Clark, Mrs. O. H. [Orton H, Nellie M.]"
"Clark, Mrs. O. H. [Orton H., Nellie B.]"
"Clark, Mrs. O. H. [Orton, Nellie M.]"
"Clark, Mrs. O. T. [Orton] [Nellie M.]"
"Clark, Mrs. O.H. [Orton] [Nellie]"
"Clark, Mrs. Orton H. [Nellie M.]"
"Clark, Mrs. Orton H. [Nellie M]"
"Clark, Mrs. Orton H. (Nellie M.)"
"Clark, Mrs. Orton H. [Nellie B.]"
"Clark, Mrs. Orton H. [Nellie B;]"
"Clark, Mrs. Orton H. [Nellie M.]"
"Clark, Mrs. Orton H. [Nellie M]"
"Clark, Mrs. Orton H. [Nellie]"
"Clark, Mrs. Orton [Nellie]"
"Clark, Mrs. Strickland"
"Clark, Mrs. William M. [Cornelia C]"
"Clark, Nellie"
"Clark, Nellie M."
"Clark, Nina"
"Clarke, Kathryn"
"Clarke, Mrs. Maude K."
"Clarke, Mrs. O. H. [Nellie M.]"
"Clarke, Mrs. W. E."
"Clarke, Mrs. William"
"Clarke, Pauline"
"Clarkson, Lillian"
"Class president"
"Classens, Mrs. E. L."
"Classified Advertisements"
"Classified Advertisments"
"Clavette, Agnes"
"Claxton, Kate"
"Clay, Dr. Frances Rutherford"
"Clay, Mary B."
"Clay, Mrs. George [Hattie M.]"
"Clay, Mrs. Laura"
"Clay, Samuel D."
"Cleary, Bishop"
"Clement, A. Newell"
"Clements, Mrs. E. A. [E. Alfred, Julia]"
"Clements, Mrs. E. A. [Julia]"
"Clements, Mrs. Gustav M."
"Clements, Nora"
"Cleveland Female Seminary"
"Cleveland Railway Company"
"Cleveland, Cynthia E."
"Cleveland, Elizabeth"
"Cleveland, Frances"
"Cleveland, Miss"
"Cleveland, Ohio"
"Cleveland, Rose Elizabeth"
"Clingman, Mrs. J. S. [Stewart, Margaret]"
"Clinic for Infant Feeding"
"Clinic of Infant Feeding"
"Clinslie, Mrs. A. B. of Lisbon"
"Close, Miss"
"Closky, Bernice"
"Clothing an dress"
"Clothing and dress"
"Clothing and dress"
"Clothing and dress - bathing suits"
"Clothing and dress - bloomers"
"Clothing and dress - bustles"
"Clothing and dress - capes and jackets"
"Clothing and dress - children's"
"Clothing and dress - corsets"
"Clothing and dress - fabrics"
"Clothing and dress - fur tippets"
"Clothing and dress - hats"
"Clothing and dress - shoes"
"Clothing and dress - silk stockings"
"Clothing and dress - stockings"
"Clothing and dress - trousers"
"Clothing and dress reform"
"Clothing reform"
"Clothng and dress"
"Clough, Ethlyn"
"Clough, Mildred"
"Clough, Mrs. Ehetlyn R."
"Clough, Mrs. Ettelyn"
"Clouse, Milton"
"Clouse, Georgia"
"Cloyes, Mrs. L. S. [Laeta S.]"
"Club for Gentleman"
"CLubs and organizations"
"Clute, Mrs. James"
"Clyde, Mrs. Thomas"
"Clymer, Ella Dietz"
"Coal miners"
"Coates, Mrs. F. C. [Frank]"
"Coats, Mrs. Byron D. (Carolyn)"
"Cobb, Re. Dr. Sanford H."
"Coburn, Lottie"
"Cody, Mrs. D. D. [Darwin D., Martha L.]"
"Cody, Mrs. D. D. [Darwin D., Martha L]"
"Cody, Mrs. D. M. [Martha L.]"
"Coe, Clarissa"
"Coe, M. L. [Coe, Minnie]"
"Coe, Minnie"
"Coe, Minnie L."
"Coe, Rev. John M."
"Coe, Willis H."
"Coffin, Mrs. Charles [Flora]"
"Coffinberry, Julia"
"Coffinberry, R. J."
"Coggin, Catherine E."
"Coghlan, Rose"
"Cogshall, James H."
"Cogshall, Mrs."
"Coit School P. T. A."
"Coit, Mrs. Charles [Clara M.]"
"Colbath Brothers"
"Colby's orchestra"
"Colby, Clara B [Bewick]"
"Colby, Clara B."
"Colby, Clara B. [Bewick]"
"Colby, Clara Bewick"
"Colby, Laura"
"Colby, Mrs. Bewick"
"Colby, Mrs. Clara Bewick"
"Coldren, Mrs. H. M."
"Coldwater, Michigan"
"Cole's Block"
"Cole, E. K. [Elisha K.]"
"Cole, Emma"
"Cole, Emma Hinkley"
"Cole, Emma J."
"Cole, Eva"
"Cole, Harvey"
"Cole, Maggie Porter"
"Cole, Margueirte"
"Cole, Minnie"
"Cole, Mrs. Emma Hinkley"
"Cole, Myrtie, Charles"
"Cole, Nellie"
"Coleman, Anna"
"Coleman, Evelyn"
"Coleman, Grace"
"Coleman, Josephine"
"Coleman, Mrs."
"Coleman, Mrs. Harry"
"Coleman, Mrs. N. H."
"Colfax, Harriet A."
"Colfax, Schuyler"
"Colgrove, Philip T."
"Collegiate Suffrage league"
"Collet, Margaret"
"Collier, Mrs. C. F."
"Collins, Belle"
"Collins, Catherine M."
"Collins, Jennie"
"Collins, Katherine"
"Collins, Loretta, Justus"
"Collins, Maude Northrup"
"Collins, Mrs."
"Collins, Mrs. E. D. [Elizabeth D.]"
"Collins, Mrs. Elizabeth"
"Collins, Mrs. Mary A."
"Colman, Georgiana"
"Coloma, Michigan"
"Colombesies-Belles, France"
"Colon, Michigan"
"Colorado Springs, Colorado"
"Colt, Mrs. Gretchen"
"Columbia University"
"Columbia, South Carolina"
"Columbian Exposition"
"Colville, Jennie"
"Colwell, Marguerite"
"Colwell, Mrs. C. N."
"Commercial Club of Kalamazoo"
"Communicable diseases"
"Composition contest"
"Compton, Mrs. Carl"
"Compton, Mrs. W. R."
"Comrie, Josie"
"Comstock Mrs. C. C. [Cornelia]"
"Comstock, Anthony"
"Comstock, Elizabeth"
"Comstock, Ethel"
"Comstock, Harriet"
"Comstock, Marie B."
"Comstock, Mrs. C. C. [Cornelia]"
"Condon, Mrs. Lucille"
"Condon, Mrs. Lucele"
"Conger, S. Beach"
"Congregational churches"
"Congressional Union"
"Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage"
"Congressional Union for Woman's Suffrage"
"Congressional Union of Woman's Suffrage"
"Conjoined (Siamese) twins"
"Conklin Independents"
"Conklin, Adele R"
"Conklin, Miss"
"Conklin, Mrs. J. W."
"Conley, Susan"
"Conlon, May"
"Conlon, May F."
"Connable, Mrs. A. B."
"Connecticut State Woman's Suffrage association"
"Connell, Maurice"
"Connelly, Frances"
"Connelly, Jennie"
"Connelly, Julia"
"Conner, Eliza Archard"
"Conner, Margaret"
"Connolly, Sarah"
"Connor, Michael H."
"Conrad, Mrs. Millie"
"Conroy, John F."
"Constantine, Michigan"
"Constantinople, Turkey"
"Consumption medicine"
"Contributing to the Delinquency of a minor"
"Convention of Women's Clubs"
"Coo, Harriet"
"Coogin, Catherine"
"Cook county Normal College"
"Cook, Catherine"
"Cook, Chester"
"Cook, Dr. J. Albert"
"Cook, Eleanor Ann"
"Cook, Elina H."
"Cook, F. W."
"Cook, Gracie"
"Cook, Harriet"
"Cook, Harriet A."
"Cook, Lady"
"Cook, Mrs."
"Cook, Mrs. Clara"
"Cook, Mrs. Elma H."
"Cook, Mrs. Harreit A."
"Cook, Mrs. Margaret C."
"Cook, Mrs. W. N."
"Cook, Nellie L."
"Cooke, Harriet A."
"Coolidge, Dr. Maria"
"Coon, Pauline"
"Cooper, James G."
"Cooper, James M., Letitia J."
"Cooper, Jennie"
"Cooper, Mary Ellen"
"Cooper, Maryellen"
"Cooper, Mrs. Ruth"
"Cooper, Nellie"
"Cooper, Ora"
"Cooper, Sarah B."
"Cooper-Wells Knitting Mill"
"Coopersville, Michigan"
"Cooperville, Michigan"
"Coors, Julia H."
"Coppens, Ida B."
"Coppens, Mrs. Ada B."
"Corbett, Miss"
"Corbin, Mrs. Charles B.[Gerogia E.]"
"Corbin, Mrs. Walter"
"Corbin, Mrs. William"
"Corbitt, D. E."
"Corbitt, D. E. [Daniel]"
"Corbitt, D. E. [Daniel]"
"Cordes, Geraldine"
"Cordes, Geraldine Phyllis"
"Corey, Lila, Joseph"
"Corey, Mrs. "
"Corl, Knott & Co., Ltd."
"Corl, Mrs. S. S. [Samuel, Glidden English]"
"Cornell, Libbie"
"Cornell, Mrs. A. S. [Arthur S., Bertha]"
"Cornell, Mrs. Estella"
"Cornell, Mrs. Libbey"
"Cornell, Mrs. Lillian"
"Corner, Mrs. Nettie"
"Corning, Mrs. G."
"Corrigan, Claud H."
"Corrigan, Claude"
"Corrigan, John"
"Corrigan, Lettie"
"Corsan, George"
"Corsan, George H."
"Corser, David"
"Corser, Nettie"
"Corsetta, Marie"
"Corson, Mrs. Robert W. [Sarah S.]"
"Corunna, Michigan"
"Corwin, Mr. and Mrs. George"
"Corwin, Mrs. Ben M."
"Corwin, Mrs. Benn [Leah W.]"
"Corwin, Mrs. Charles B."
"Corwin, Mrs. Howard [Beatrice M.]"
"Coryell, Clarence"
"Cothrell, Louise A."
"Cotman, Mrs. T. T."
"Cott, Carrie L. Chapman"
"Cotton farming"
"Cottrell, Mrs. E. J."
"Couer Dialene, Idaho"
"Council of National Defense"
"Countess Vera of Cathcart"
"Country Club - Fisk Lake"
"County Girl's Conference"
"Couper, Mary E."
"Couper, Walter J."
"Court casees"
"Court cases"
"Court stenographer"
"Courtland, Virginia"
"Courtship and marriage"
"Couzen, James"
"Couzens, James"
"Couzens, Phoebe W."
"Covert, Sue L."
"Covin, Mrs. A. R."
"Covode, Mrs. John A [Florence B]"
"Cowan, Blanche"
"Cowan, Mrs. Maude"
"Cowens, Constable Harmon"
"Cowens, Harmon"
"Cowhan, Mrs. Maude"
"Cowl, Mrs. D. A."
"Cowles, Anna"
"Cowles, Mrs. Josiah Evans "
"Cox, Clemina Rose"
"Cox, Conklin, Mrs. Alfred"
"Cox, Louise"
"Cox, Martin"
"Coye, Irene"
"Cozzens, Phoebe"
"Crabb & Hunter"
"Crabb, Faye Johnson"
"Crabb, Mrs. William"
"Crabtree, Lotta"
"Craft, E. Mae"
"Craft, Carrie Jennings"
"Craft, Ida"
"Craft, Ida C."
"Craig, Philipa (Victoria)"
"Cram John D"
"Cram, Ella"
"Cram, Joel"
"Cram, Joseph"
"Cram, Mary J"
"Cram, Mrs. Leroy V."
"Crane, Caroline Bartlett"
"Crane, Caroline Bartlett"
"Crane, Dr. Caroline Bartlett"
"Crane, Mrs. Amaziah"
"Crane, Mrs. Caroline Bartlett"
"Crane, Mrs. J. E."
"Crane, Rev. Caroline Bartlett"
"Crannell, Mrs. W. Winslow"
"Craw, Mary"
"Crawford, Grace"
"Crawford, Mrs. C. S."
"Crego, Ida"
"Creighton, Hugh M."
"Cresswell, Harrly l."
"Cresswell, Harry L"
"Creston Literary Society"
"Creston, Frances"
"Creswell, Ellen"
"Creswell, Harry L."
"Creswell, Judge Harry L."
"Crewe, Mrs. William"
"Crichton, Jessie"
"Crime and Punishment"
"Crissman, Clay"
"Croll, Henry"
"Croly, JennieCunningham"
"Croly, Mrs. Jennie June"
"Crone, Berta"
"Cronin, Mamie"
"Cronlin, Father James"
"Crooks, Grace"
"Crosby, Dorothy"
"Crosby, Dr. Elizabeth C."
"Crosby, M. S."
"Crosby, Mrs. James M [Louise B.]"
"Crosby, Mrs. M. F. [Mary A.]"
"Crosby, Mrs. M. S."
"Crosby, Mrs. M. S. [Moreau S., Mary A]"
"Crosby, Mrs. Sherwin"
"Crosman, Henrietta"
"Cross of St. George"
"Cross, Caroline"
"Cross, Martha"
"Cross, Wallace"
"Crossman, Mrs. Joseph"
"Crotser, Erina Marguerite"
"Crotser, Irma Marguerite"
"Crow, Mr. and Mrs. Henry"
"Crowe, Mrs. J. N. [James N., Mary]"
"Crown Prince Frederick William"
"Crumb, Mrs."
"Crumbeck, Lydia, Chauncey"
"Cudahy, Helen"
"Cudney, Lola L."
"Culbert, Mrs. J. A. [Joseph, Theresa L.]"
"Culbert, Theresa L."
"Cullens, Harriet"
"Culley, Estella"
"Culley, James"
"Culver, Bertha"
"Culver, Carrie"
"Culver, Edith M."
"Culver, Freeman"
"Culver, Harriet"
"Culver, Harriet (Molly May)"
"Cuming, Emily"
"Cummer, Bertha"
"Cumming, M. H."
"Cummings, Annie"
"Cummings, Anna"
"Cummings, Grace"
"Cummings, Nina Coy"
"Cuneo, Joan Newton"
"Cuningham, Mrs. Oscar [Rozella L.]"
"Cunningham, Ann Pamela"
"Cunningham, Arthur"
"Cunningham, Marjorie Hamilton Kerting"
"Cunningham, Mary"
"Cunninghma, Mrs. Verne"
"Curfew ordinance"
"Curley, Teresa"
"Curran, Mrs. Fred"
"Curre, Marguerite"
"Current Events club"
"Currie, Mrs. J. G. [James, Inez B.]"
"Currier, Anne"
"Currier, Maggie"
"Curry, Hattie"
"Curry, Lily"
"Curtis, Alice"
"Curtis, Alice A."
"Curtis, Bertha"
"Curtis, Emma"
"Curtis, J. L."
"Curtis, Mrs."
"Curtis, Mrs. C. C. [Charles C., Margaret]"
"Curtis, Mrs. Leonard Eager"
"Curtis, Orlando S."
"Curtis, Sarah E."
"Curtiss, Alice B."
"Curtiss, C. W."
"Curtiss, Miss"
"Curtiss, Mrs. Bernice"
"Curzon, Lady"
"Cushing, Catherine"
"Cushman, Charlotte"
"Cushman, Mrs. A. W."
"Custer Relief Corps No. 27"
"Custer, General"
"Custis, Catherine"
"Cutchen, Roger"
"Cutcheon, Gen. Byron M."
"Cutcheon, Mrs. B. M. [Byron M., Marie E.]"
"Cuticura Remedies"
"Cutler House"
"Cutler House, Grand Haven"
"Cutler, Alice S."
"Cutler, Dr. Mary M."
"Cutler, Hazel"
"Cutler, Julia"
"Cutler, Mrs. Carl"
"Czachowski, Frank"
"Czachowski, Mrs. Frank"
"Czar Alexander II of Russia"
"d'Arcambal, Mrs."
"d'Arcambal, Mrs. Agnes L."
"D. A. Blodgett Home for Children"
"D. A. Blodgett Home for children and Children's Hospital"
"D. A. R."
"D.A.R. National Alliance"
"Daane, Gilbert L."
"Daggett, Hallie M"
"Daguerreotype photographs"
"Dailey, Mrs. A. J."
"Dailey, Mrs. Burgess"
"Daintrey, Laura"
"Daisy Chain Lodge"
"Dale, Mr.s Irma"
"Dale, Mrs. William B."
"Dallas, Texas"
"Dallas, TX"
"Daly, Lucy"
"Daly, Maggie"
"Daly, Minnie"
"Damon-Flowers suffrage bill"
"Damon-Flowers women's suffrage bill"
"Dana, Editor Charles A."
"Dana, Irene B."
"Dana, Jessie Holliday"
"Dana, Mrs. Edmund T."
"Dance and dancing"
"Dance instruction"
"Dancers and dancing"
"Dances and dancing"
"Dances and dancing"
"Dances and danicing"
"Dancing Classes"
"Daniels, Alice "
"Daniels, Eliza J [Mrs. Anson J.]"
"Daniels, Eliza J."
"Daniels, Eva"
"Daniels, Harvey C."
"Daniels, Mrs. A. J."
"Daniels, Mrs. A. J. [Anson J., Eliza J.]"
"Daniels, Mrs. A. J. [Anson, Eliza J.]"
"Daniels, Mrs. A. J. [Eliza J.]"
"Danish Friendship Club"
"Dansbury Hat Co"
"Dansig, Nettie"
"Danville, Illinois"
"Dapper, E. A. [Emil A.]"
"Dapper, Emil"
"Dargitz, Lulu"
"Dark, Josephine M."
"Darling, Mrs. L. B."
"Darling, Mrs. Orville [Anna]"
"Darling, Mrs. S."
"Darlington, Mrs. [Eva B.]"
"Darmond, Grace"
"Daross, Minnie"
"Darragh, Mrs. J. C. [Emma E.]"
"Darragh, Mrs. J. C. [James C., Emma E.]"
"Dart, Carrie L."
"Dart, Mrs. Mary"
"Dassance, Mrs. Emma"
"Dassance, Oscar"
"Daugherty, Effie"
"Daughters of the American Resolution"
"Daughters of the American Revolution"
"Daughters of Veterans convention"
"Daughters of Veterans society"
"Davenport, Jean "
"Davenport, Mrs. E. L."
"Daverman, Mrs. John"
"Davey, Letta L."
"Davey, Mary"
"Davidson, Arthur E."
"Davidson, Carolyn B."
"Davidson, Mrs. A. J."
"Davidson, Mrs. O. L. [Oscar L. Elisa ]"
"Davies, Alice"
"Davies, Eva Louise"
"Davies, Helen"
"Davies, Mary Alice"
"Davies, Read"
"Davis, Mrs. Jesse B. [Lillian]"
"Davis, Carrie"
"Davis, Ella"
"Davis, Frances"
"Davis, Frank"
"Davis, George A."
"Davis, Guild D."
"Davis, Harriet"
"Davis, Harry"
"Davis, Hazel"
"Davis, Helen"
"Davis, James"
"Davis, Jesse B."
"Davis, Judge"
"Davis, Katherine B."
"Davis, Kittie"
"Davis, Laura"
"Davis, Lizzie"
"Davis, Martha, John Laren"
"Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Jessie B. [Lillian]"
"Davis, Mrs."
"Davis, Mrs. Cushman K [Anna Malcom Agnew Fox]"
"Davis, Mrs. E. H."
"Davis, Mrs. Edith Smith"
"Davis, Mrs. Emerson"
"Davis, Mrs. F. M. [Frank M., Clara]"
"Davis, Mrs. Frank M. [Clara]"
"Davis, Mrs. G. M. [George M. , Rose]"
"Davis, Mrs. G. M. [George M. Rose]"
"Davis, Mrs. Guy"
"Davis, Mrs. Guy [Sarah J.]"
"Davis, Mrs. Jesse (Lillian)"
"Davis, Mrs. Jessie B. [Lillian B]"
"Davis, Mrs. K. D."
"Davis, Mrs. L. M."
"Davis, Mrs. L. S. [Luther, Adelia]"
"Davis, Rae"
"Davis, Robert"
"Davis, Sara J."
"Davis, Sarah J."
"Davison, Emily Wilding"
"Daw, Elizabeth"
"Dawson, Ella"
"Dawson, Lizzie"
"Day, Jennie"
"Days, Edith May"
"Dayton, Maggie"
"Dayton, Winnie"
"De Boer, Miss"
"de Constant, Baron d'Estrournelles"
"De Jager, John"
"De Long, Margaret"
"de Morsier, Madame"
"De Ott, Marie"
"De Ruyter, Elsie"
"de Valera, Eamonn"
"de Valsayre, Mme Astie"
"De Von Varst, Madam"
"De Witt, Rev. T."
"De Wright, Mrs. Martin"
"Dean, S. Ella Wood"
"Dean, Clarence "Terry""
"Dean, Ellen"
"Dean, Mae"
"Dean, Miss"
"Dean, Mrs. Catherine"
"Deane, Mrs. Charles H."
"Deane, Dr. H. E."
"Deane, Mrs. Charles[ Mima W.]"
"Deane, Mrs. Frank G. [Josephine]"
"Dearmer, Rev. Percy"
"DeBoer, Mrs. S."
"DeBruyn, J. U."
"DeCamp, Mrs. L."
"Decastello, Deborah"
"Decker, Mrs. Sarah Platt"
"Dedow, May"
"deDrue, Marie "
"Dee Mills millinery"
"DeForest, Ann"
"deFries, Violet"
"Degen, Mrs. N. E. [Nathan E., Jessie W.]"
"DeGraeff, Rev. Jonkheer A. C."
"DeGraths, Mattie"
"DeGroot, Margaret"
"DeHart, Cora"
"Dekker, Henry"
"DeKruif, Lulu M"
"DeKruiff, Viola"
"DeKuiper, Peggie"
"DeLamarter, Mrs. Louis A."
"Deland, Margaret"
"Delano, Grace and Elizabeth"
"Delano, Jane A."
"Delano, Mrs. Lucy"
"DeLano, William"
"Delavan, Marjorie"
"Delos A. Bloegett Home for Children"
"Delsarte system"
"Deman, Nicholas"
"DeMann, Fannie"
"DeMarary, Mrs. Julia Ann"
"Demarest, E. Louise"
"Demarest, Mrs. E. L. [E. Louise]"
"Demarest, Mrs. Henry"
"Democratic Club"
"Democratic Congressmen"
"Democratic County convention"
"Democratic National convention"
"deMorsier, Emile"
"Demund, Aimie Ellsworth"
"Dendel, Bernice"
"DeNeut, Hanna"
"Denison, Marion"
"Denison, Mrs. D. T. S."
"Denk, Loretta"
"Dennis, Mrs. H. H. [Henry H., Anna H.]"
"Dennis, Mrs. E. E. [Elmer E. , Katherine M]"
"Dennis, Mrs. E. E. [Elmer, Katherine]"
"Dennison, Dimies"
"Dennison, Michigan"
"Denny, Mrs. J."
"Densmore, Jennie"
"Dental Hygienists"
"Denton, Clara"
"Denton, Clara J."
"Denton, Mrs. C. J. [Clara J.]"
"Denton, Mrs. C. J. [Clara]"
"Denton, Mrs. Clara J. "
"Denver, Colorado"
"Department of Social Welfare"
"Depew, Chauncey M."
"DePuy, E. Cora"
"Deraismes, Maria"
"Derkins, Mrs. Carroll"
"Despard, Mrs. Charles"
"Detour, Michigan"
"Detroit Equal Suffrage Assn"
"Detroit Free Press"
"Detroit House of Correction"
"Detroit Illustrated Critic"
"Detroit M. E. Conference"
"Detroit Municipal suffrage bill"
"Detroit, Michigan"
"Deuel, Mrs. Ella"
"deVeyra, Mrs. Sofia Reyes"
"DeVilbiss, Dr. Lydia Allen"
"Devlin, Sarah"
"DeVore, James A."
"DeVore, M Adele"
"DeVore, Mrs. Dr."
"DeVore, Mrs. M. Adele"
"DeVormer, Lizzie"
"DeVos, Magdelena"
"DeVries, Sierd"
"Dewey Hill"
"Dewey, Daisy"
"Dewey, Edith"
"Dewey, Emma"
"Dewey, Sophia"
"DeWitt, Francis"
"Dexter, Mabel"
"DeZonge, C."
"Di Crescenzo, Attilio"
"Diamond Dyes"
"Diamond School for Dressmaking"
"Diamond, May"
"Diamond, Thea"
"Dick Brink Company"
"Dickensons, W. L."
"Dickerson, Mrs. A. G. [Albert G. Dickinson]"
"Dickey, Mercine"
"Dickinson Secretarial School"
"Dickinson, Anna"
"Dickinson, Anna E."
"Dickinson, Charlotte"
"Dickinson, Florence"
"Dickinson, Irene"
"Dickinson, Joseph E."
"Dickinson, May"
"Dickinson, Miss A. E."
"Dickinson, W. L."
"Dickson, Lavina"
"Dickson, Lavina"
"Dickson, Luren D"
"Diekema, Mrs. A."
"Diekema, Mrs. A."
"Diendorf, Frances rose"
"Diggs, Anna L."
"Dilke, Mrs. Aston Wentworth"
"Dill, George W."
"Dill, Margaret Kiel"
"Dille, Marie"
"Dilley, Mrs. A. R. [Albert, Myrtle]"
"Dilley, Mrs. Albert [Myrtle]"
"Dillingham, Mrs. G. O. [Gurney, Ann S.]"
"Dime Museum"
"Dingley, Mrs. E. N."
"Diocesan Woman's Auxiliary"
"Dionysia, Helen"
"Diseases - smallpox"
"Diseases - St. Vitus Dance"
"Dishman, Effie"
"Disk, Florence"
"Disorderly conduct"
"District Nurses Assn"
"District Nursing Assn"
"District Nursing Association"
"District Visiting Nurses' Assn"
"Division St. Methodist Episcopal Church"
"Division Street Methodist church"
"Divorce court"
"Divorce laws"
"Divorce legislation"
"Divorce statistics"
"Dix, Georgia"
"Dix, Rev. Morgan"
"Dixon Sisters"
"Dixon, Blanche"
"Dixon, Mrs. Clarissa"
"Dngel, May"
"Doan, Katherine"
"Doane, Mrs. Miraim D."
"Dock, Lavonia"
"Dockery, Mrs. C. C. of Rockford"
"Dodd, Marjorie"
"Doddington, Mrs. L."
"Dodge, Arthur M."
"Dodge, Emma"
"Dodge, Grace"
"Dodge, Hazel"
"Dodge, Mary Mapes"
"Dodge, Mrs. Arthur"
"Dodge, Mrs. Arthur M."
"Dodge, Mrs. Frank"
"Doe, Mary L."
"Doe, Mary"
"Doe, Mary E. (Bay city)"
"Doe, Mary L."
"Doe, Mrs. Mary L."
"Doemstic science"
"Doerr, Etta"
"Doezema, Annette"
"Dog breeders"
"Dohany, Miss Mary"
"Dolan, Carolyn Mary"
"Dolan, Gertrude"
"Dolan, Katie"
"Dolan, Madge"
"Dolan, Margaret"
"Dolas, Carolyn"
"Doling, Mrs. C. H. [Carolyn]"
"Dolph, Mrs. Lydia"
"Domestic abuse"
"Domestic Education"
"Domestic labor"
"Domestic Relations committee"
"Domestic science"
"Domestic servants"
"Domestic Servants' Union"
"Domestic service work"
"Domestic violence"
"Domico, Frank"
"Dominican Order"
"Donahue, Helen"
"Donahue, Irene B."
"Donaldson, Franklin"
"Donavan, Kathryn"
"Donnally, Mrs. E. H. [Edward H.]"
"Donnell, C. C."
"Donnelly, Mary"
"Donnelly, Mrs. H. C. [Harry, Nellie]"
"Donnelly, Nettie"
"Dooley, Miss"
"Doran, James A."
"Doran, Julia"
"Doran, Mary E."
"Doran, Mrs. James [Mary E]"
"Doriat, Eva L."
"Dorman, Miss"
"Dornbos, Lulu L."
"Dornbos, Mrs. John [Henrietta]"
"Dorning, Leonora"
"Dorr, Michigan"
"Doster, Mildred"
"Dougherty, Andrew"
"Dougherty, Mrs. Mary"
"Doughty, Eva C."
"Doughty, President"
"Douglas, Emma J."
"Douglas, Mrs. Hamilton"
"Dow, Dr. G. S."
"Dowagiac, Michigan"
"Dowd, Charles"
"Dowler, Mrs. Carl"
"Dowling, Dennie"
"Dowling, Miss Dennie"
"Dowling, Mrs. Dennie"
"Downer, Clara"
"Downey, William Lafe"
"Downey-Klatt, Mrs. Ida Hentz"
"Downing, Dr. Earl"
"Downing, Professor E. Estelle"
"Downs, H. Margaret"
"Downs, H. Margaret"
"Downs, Margaret"
"Downs, Mrs. H. M."
"Downs, Mrs. H. Margaret"
"Downs, Mrs. H. Margerit"
"Downs, Mrs. Margaret"
"Dowse, Dr. C. Louise"
"Doyle, Claude"
"Doyle, Jennie"
"Doyle, Katherine"
"Doyle, Margaret"
"Doyle, Mrs. C. P."
"Dr. Edward's Olive Tablets"
"Dr. Greene's Nervura"
"Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy"
"Dr. Greene's Nervurn blood and nerve remedy"
"Dr. O'Hagan"
"Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription"
"Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery"
"Dr. Pierce's Pellets"
"Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets"
"Drake, Bessie"
"Drake, Edan"
"Drake, Miss"
"Drake, Mrs. Sidney B [Mary S]"
"Drama League"
"Dranga, Dr. Emilia"
"Draper, Eidth"
"Draper, Maud"
"Draper, Minerva"
"Draper, Mrs. Elsie"
"Dregge, Frances M."
"Drehmer, Jessie Powers"
"Dreier, Mary"
"Dreskell, Dr."
"Dressler, Marie"
"Drew, Elizabeth"
"Drew, Florence"
"Drew, Mrs. C. E. [Elizabeth]"
"Drew, Rev. Joseph"
"Drinking and drunkenness"
"Drivers' Training classes"
"Droeille, Mrs. Alberta V."
"Droelle, Alberta"
"Droelle, Alberta V."
"Droelle, Mr.s Alberta V."
"Droelle, Mrs. Alberta"
"Droste, Mollie"
"Druce, Cora Mae"
"Drug addiction - morphine"
"Drukker, Ray B."
"Drum, Nellie"
"Druse, Mrs."
"Drysdale, Dr. Charles"
"Du Barrios, Eugenie"
"Dublin, Ireland"
"Dubois, Colorado"
"DuBose, Miriam Howard"
"Dubrow, Mary"
"Ducey, Kate"
"Dudley, Margaret D."
"Dudley, Mrs. J. M."
"Dudley, Mrs. J. M. [James, Mary E."
"Duel, Mrs. Joseph M."
"Duffield, Mrs."
"Duffle-Roe, Grace"
"Duffy, Margaret"
"Dugan, Mrs."
"Duinkerk, Lena"
"Duke and Duchess of Marlborough"
"Dunbar, Ruth O."
"Duncan, Isadora"
"Duncan, Mrs. Victor [Jessie M.]"
"Duncombe, Lady Cynthia"
"Dundas, Lady Hilda"
"Dunfield, Melba Leona"
"Dunham, Major L."
"Dunk, Mrs. H.O."
"Dunlap, Mrs."
"Dunn, Agnes T."
"Dunn, Katie"
"Dunn, Mary"
"Dunster, Elinore (St. Ignace)"
"Dunwell, Mrs. D. J. [De Lon, Mae]"
"Dupree, Margaret"
"Duquesne, Pennsylvania"
"Durance, Jennie"
"Duryea, Florence Spencer"
"Duryea, Mrs. Florence Spencer"
"Dutmers, Marie"
"Dutton, Mrs. Charles"
"Duzer, Mary"
"Dyar, Clara E."
"Dyk, Mrs. Richard [Mary]"
"Dykema, Anna"
"Dykema, Edith"
"Dykema, Frank"
"Dykema, Mary Esther"
"Dykeman, Edith"
"Dykeman, Edith"
"Dykman, Gerritt"
"Dykstra, A."
"Dykstra, Ate"
"Eagle Hotel"
"Eaglesfield Literary Club"
"Eaglesfield, Bessie"
"Eaglesfield, Bessie [Elizabeth]"
"Eaglesfield, Elizabeth"
"Eaglesfield, Mrs."
"Eaglesfield, Mrs. Elizabeth"
"Eames, Kate"
"Eardley, Katherine"
"Earl, Mrs. S. F."
"Earl, Vesta"
"Earl, Z. W."
"Earle, Bessie"
"Earle, Dr. Bessie"
"Earle, Lawrence"
"Earle, Mrs. J. Edward"
"Earle, Nathaniel A."
"Easby-Smith, Miss"
"Eason, Orris"
"East End Beauty Parlor"
"East Grand Rapids"
"East Haddam, Connecticut"
"East Lansing, Michigan"
"East Saginaw, Michigan"
"East Side Ladies Literary Club"
"East Side Ladies' Literary Club"
"East Side Ladies' Literary society"
"East Side Literary Club"
"East Side Shakespeare group"
"East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania"
"Eastern Star lodge"
"Eastern Star Red Cross auxiliary"
"Eastman, Mary F."
"Eastman, Miss"
"Eastman, Mrs. George"
"Eastmanville Ladies"
"Easton, Lea"
"Easton, Robert"
"Eaton County Equal Suffrage association"
"Eaton County Federation of Women's clubs"
"Eaton Rapids, Michigan"
"Eaton, Luella"
"Eaton, Mrs. J. A."
"Eaton, Sophia"
"Eberhardt, Helen"
"Eberhart, Nelle Richmond"
"Eckelbarger, Zeffery Lawrence"
"Eckerman, Rosa"
"Eckert, Mrs. C. A. [Louisa]"
"Eckhardt, Katherine"
"Eckman, William, Irene"
"Economic conditions"
"Eddington, Isabel"
"Eddy, Alice"
"Eddy, Margaret C."
"Eddy, Mr. L. P. [Lawrence P.]"
"Edelson, Becky"
"Eden, Ohio"
"Edgar, Constance"
"Edgcomb, Charlotte E."
"Edgecomb, Mrs."
"Edgecome, Mrs. C. E."
"Edgerton, Michigan"
"Edgerton, Mrs. H. L."
"Edgett, Susan"
"Edgett, Suse"
"Edgeworth, Professor Francis"
"Edholm, M. G. C."
"Edinburgh, Scotland"
"Eding, Johanna"
"Eding, John A."
"Edison, Margaret A."
"Edison, Mrs. M. J."
"Edmonson, Mrs. Harriet"
"Edmore, Michigan"
"Edmunds Engine works"
"Edmunds Tucker Act"
"Edsall, Clara"
"Education and educators"
"Edwards, Amelia B."
"Edwards, Charles H."
"Edwards, Dr. Amelia B"
"Edwards, Dr. Samuel G."
"Edwards, Hattie A."
"Edwards, James M."
"Edwards, Kate"
"Edwards, Marjorie"
"Edwards, William A."
"Edy, Grandma"
"Eggleston, Margaret W."
"Eggleston, Phoebe, Melvin"
"Eichorn, Al"
"Eikenhout, Ann"
"Eitel, Mrs."
"Ek, Lillian"
"El Pao, Texas"
"El Paso, Texas"
"Elder, Mrs. Ernest"
"Eldred, Addie"
"Eldred, Mrs. [Addie]"
"Eldred, Mrs. Addie"
"Elected officers"
"Election Boards"
"Election Day"
"Elections - school board"
"Elective offices"
"Electoral College"
"Elgen, Mrs. Marshall [Florence]"
"Elhart, Cora"
"Elicey, Bertha H."
"Elicey, Samuel C."
"Elks Lodge"
"Elliot, Helen Hutcheon"
"Elliot, Mary"
"Elliot, Molly"
"Ellis, George"
"Ellis, George E."
"Ellis, Gertrude"
"Ellis, Grace"
"Ellis, Ida"
"Ellis, Maud"
"Ellis, Mrs. Dr."
"Ellis, Mrs. S. W. (Manistee)"
"Ellis, Sarah W."
"Ellison, Edna"
"Elston, Elsie"
"Elwood, Miss"
"Elwood, Professor J. M."
"Ely, Dr. N."
"Ely, Mrs. Ralph"
"Ema, Saide"
"Emerson Home"
"Emerson Home Assn"
"Emerson Home Association"
"Emerson Home charity"
"Emerson Home for Fallen Women"
"Emerson Home for Women"
"Emerson Industrial Home"
"Emerson Society"
"Emerson Ten of the King's Daughters"
"Emerson, Mrs. Ralph Waldo"
"Emerson, Zelie"
"Emerson, Zelie (Jackson, MI)"
"Emery, Georgia"
"Emery, Mrs."
"Emery, Mrs. S. E. F. "
"Emery, Mrs. S. E. V."
"Emings, Edna"
"Emmer, Caroline"
"Emmer, Joseph"
"Emmet County, Michigan"
"Emmings, Edna"
"Emmons, Mrs. Florence"
"Emmons, Mrs. Hazel"
"Emmons, Mrs. Vance [Florence]"
"Empress Charlotte of Mexico"
"Empress theater"
"Enbody, Zella"
"Endres, Mrs. Adam (Mary E.)"
"Endress, Mrs. R. F."
"Eness & Parish store"
"Eness, Mrs. A. [Amos L., Ida B.]"
"Eness, Nellie"
"Engel, Eva"
"Engel, Louise"
"Engineer's Hall"
"Engineers' Hall"
"England, Mrs. Thomas [Lucie]"
"Engleright, Sophia, Harry"
"English Opera Company"
"English, Kate"
"English, Kate V."
"English, Lottie G."
"Engston, Evelyn"
"Enos, James"
"Enos, Katherine"
"Enos, Mrs. Frank [Edith]"
"Enright, Beatrice"
"Enright, Florence"
"Enright, Miriam Florence"
"Ensfield, Mary"
"Episcopal Church"
"Episcopal Junior Auxiliary"
"Epler, Dr. Blanche"
"Eppler, Beatrice"
"Equal Franchise Club"
"Equal Franchise Clubs"
"Equal Franchise measure"
"Equal Opportunity Club"
"Equal pay"
"Equal rights"
"Equal Rights Convention"
"Equal Suffrage"
"Equal Suffrage Assn"
"Equal Suffrage Association"
"Equal Suffrage Association convention"
"Equal Suffrage Club"
"Equal Suffrage Club, Grand Haven"
"Equal suffrage convention"
"Equal Suffrage movement"
"Equal Suffrage Society"
"Equity Club"
"Equity Literary Club"
"Erben, Helen"
"Erdmann, Rhoda"
"Erickson, Fannie"
"Erickson, Kate"
"Erickson, Marguerite"
"Erie Medical Company"
"Erkens, Frau Josephine"
"Ernst, Maria and Carl"
"Erskine, Margaret"
"Escanaba, Michigan"
"Eschenbrenner, Josephine J."
"Escott, Bessie"
"Escott, Mrs. F. H."
"Esenwein, Fredericka"
"Esseltine, Mrs. Frank"
"Estabrook, Marie"
"Ester, Mrs. Lizzie"
"European labor"
"Eva Gray Ten No. 2"
"Eva Gray Tent No. 2"
"Eva Gray tent No. 2, Grand Rapids"
"Evangelical Ladies Aid Society"
"Evangeline Girls Home, Grand Rapids"
"Evangeline Home"
"Evans, Amanda J."
"Evans, Emma"
"Evans, Minnie"
"Evans, Mrs. Glendower [Elizabeth]"
"Evans, Rev. Joseph M"
"Evans, Rev. L. H."
"Evanston, Illinois"
"Evart, Michigan"
"Evens Missionary society"
"Evens, Mary G."
"Everett, Arthur C."
"Everett, Ina L."
"Everett, Thirza"
"Everhart, Mrs. George [Lillie]"
"Evert, Barbara"
"Evrelnova, Mme."
"Ewing, Bernice"
"Ewing, Emma P."
"Ewing, Josie"
"Ewing, Luella"
"Ewing, Mrs. A. E. [Alvin, Charlotte]"
"Ewing, Mrs. A. E. [Charlotte]"
"Ewing, Mrs. Emma P."
"Ewing, Sarah D. F."
"Exlund, Hilda"
"Expenditure of public moneys"
"Fabbri, Guerrina"
"Fagundus, Elizabeth R."
"Failing, Gertrude"
"Fair, Helen M."
"Fair, Mrs. Campbell"
"Fair, Mrs. Campbell [Mary S.]"
"Fair, Rev. Dr. Campbell"
"Fairbank, Helen"
"Fairbanks, Charles W."
"Fairbanks, Hazel K."
"Fairchild, Mary"
"Fairchild, Mrs."
"Fairchild, Mrs. Charles G."
"Fairchild, Mrs. Mary"
"Fairchild, Mrs. W. J."
"Fairfield, Mrs. M."
"Fallen women"
"Fallows, Bishop Samuel"
"Farcolona, Mrs."
"Farlee, Miss Nevah"
"Farmers and Farming"
"Farmers' National Union"
"Farmers' week and Housewives' congress"
"Farming - apple orchard"
"Farran, Mrs. "
"Farrant, Mrs. W. S. [Walter, Della G.]"
"Farrar, Canon"
"Farrell, Hannah Catherine"
"Farrell, Lillian"
"Farrell, Margaret"
"Farrell, Mrs. Belle"
"Farwell Overall Factory"
"Farwell Overall Factoryof Benton Harbor"
"Farwell, Mrs. J. V."
"Fascination, play"
"Fay, Beth M."
"Fay, Carrie"
"Fay, Helen Reminton"
"Fay, Mrs. H. C."
"Feaback, Mary Pauline"
"Fearron, Rose"
"Federal Commission on Industrial Relations"
"Federated Women's Club of America"
"Federation of Social Agencies"
"Federation of Social Agencise"
"Federation of Unions"
"Federation of Woman's Clubs"
"Federation of Women's Classes of the Kent County Sunday School ass'n"
"Federation of Women's club"
"Federation of Women's Clubs"
"Fehsenfeld, Elizabeth M."
"Feighner, Mrs. Ivan"
"Felker, Mrs. H. A. [Lois L]"
"Felker, Mrs. H. J."
"Felker, Mrs. H. J. [Henry, Lois L.]"
"Felker, Mrs. Lois"
"Felker, Mrs. Louise"
"Fell, Elizabeth"
"Fell, Mrs. E. E. [Elizabeth]"
"Fellows, Grant (Michigan Attorney General)"
"Fellows, Mrs. O. H."
"Fellowship Club"
"Felspaugh, Rose, George Morris"
"Feltzer, Eva"
"Female employees"
"Feminist movement"
"Fennel, Maggie"
"Fennell, Thomas"
"Fennimore, Frances"
"Fenstermaker, Mrs. R. G."
"Fenton, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. [William J., Grace]"
"Fenton, Mr. and Mrs. William Johnston [Grace]"
"Ferber, Edna"
"Fergus, Louise"
"Fergusen, Robert W."
"Ferguson, Dorothy"
"Ferguson, Nettie"
"Ferola, Mrs. Madelina"
"Ferrey, Marie"
"Ferrey, Marie B."
"Ferris Institute"
"Ferris, Gov. Woodbridge N."
"Ferris, Governor"
"Ferris, Mrs."
"Ferris, Woodbridge N."
"Ferriss, Mirriam (Mrs. Luther)"
"Ferry, Col. W. M."
"Ferry, Col. Wm M."
"Ferry, Senator"
"Fiebing, Mrs. Sophia"
"Field, Bertha"
"Field, Emma"
"Field, Fannie"
"Field, Kate"
"Field, Mabel"
"Field, Mrs. L. H."
"Field, Mrs. Marshall (Scott) [Nannie Douglas Scott]"
"Field, Sara B."
"Field, Sara B. Bard"
"Field, Sara Bard"
"Fielden, Ethel"
"Fifield, Dr. Ella J."
"Fifield, Nelson E."
"File, Georgina"
"Film and movies"
"Filososoff, Mme"
"Finch, Florence J."
"Finch, Lulu"
"Finch, Mrs. Lulu"
"Finckler, Mary"
"Fink, Jessie"
"Finkbeiner, Christine"
"Finkelstein, Rose"
"Finklestein Mountford, Lydia von"
"Finn, Lillie"
"Finn, Mamie"
"Finnegan, Kathryn"
"Finnegan, Nellie"
"Finney, Irene"
"Fire arms"
"Fires and firefighters"
"Firman, Mrs."
"First Church of Christ "
"First Evangelical church"
"First Methodist Church"
"First Methodist Episcopal Church"
"First Presbyterian, Grand Haven"
"First Presbyterian-Grand Haven"
"First Reformed Church"
"First Reformed, Grand Haven"
"First Spritual church"
"First Ward Benevolent Society"
"First Wisconsin National Bank"
"First Woman's Bank in Tennessee"
"Fischer, Amy"
"Fischer, Gertrude"
"Fish, Dorothy"
"Fish, Ida"
"Fish, Mrs Stuyvesant [Marion,"
"Fisher, Mayor E. B."
"Fisher, Alice"
"Fisher, Carolyn"
"Fisher, Ethel"
"Fisher, Etta"
"Fisher, Florence"
"Fisher, Fronia B."
"Fisher, Gerturde"
"Fisher, Greta"
"Fisher, Mrs. John"
"Fisher, Wm"
"Fisk, Harriet"
"Fisk, Miss"
"Fisk, Mrs. Edna"
"Fisk, Rev. Dr."
"Fiske, Hazel"
"Fitch, Ada"
"Fitch, Annette D."
"Fitch, Caddette E."
"Fitch, Mrs. C. E."
"Fitch, Mrs. G. C. [George C., Cadette E.]"
"Fitch, Mrs. George C."
"Fitch, Mrs. George C. [Cadette E.]"
"Fitch, Mrs. George [Cadette E.]"
"Fitch, Mrs. George [Cadette E]"
"Fitch, Mrs. M. L. [Barbara]"
"Fitch, Mrs. M. L. [Barbara]"
"Fitch, Mrs. M. L. [Milford, Barbara]"
"Fitch, Mrs. Milford L [Barbara]"
"Fitzgerald, Josephine"
"Fitzgerald, Mildred"
"FitzGerald, Miss Belle"
"FitzGerald, Mrs. J. C."
"FitzGerald, Mrs. J. C. [John C., Adeline F.]"
"Fitzgerald, Mrs. J. C. [John C., Adeline]"
"Fitzhugh, Cornelia"
"Fitzhugh, Mrs. Lee M."
"Fitzpatrick, Beatrice"
"Fitzpatrick, Charlotte"
"Fitzsimmons, Henry"
"Fitzsimmons, Mary J."
"Five Stages of Girlhood"
"Flade, Genevieve"
"Flagg, Abbie R."
"Flagg, Mrs. Ella"
"Flaherty, Viva"
"Flanagan, Mrs. R. J."
"Flanagan, Nellie"
"Flanders, Ellie"
"Flanders, Maggie"
"Flanders, Mrs."
"Fleming, Miss"
"Fleming, Miss C. M."
"Fletcher, Mrs. N. A. [Nyram A., Julia] "
"Fletcher, Elsie"
"Fletcher, Mrs. E. A."
"Fletcher, Mrs. N. A."
"Fletcher, Mrs. N. A. [Niram A.]"
"Fletcher, Mrs. N. A. [Niram A., Julia L.]"
"Fletcher, Mrs. N. A. [Nyram, Julia L.]"
"Fletcher, Opal"
"Flint, Corrine"
"Flint, Michigan"
"Flood, Jennie"
"Floris, Pvt. Joseph"
"Flory, Ida"
"Flower, Mrs. Amanda"
"Flowers, Maud"
"Flowers, Rep. Charles"
"Floyd, Dr. J. C. [John C.]"
"Floyd, Frankie"
"Floyd, Mrs. James C."
"Floyd, Rev. J. C. [John C.]"
"Fluher, Rev. Charles"
"Flynn, Alexander"
"Flynn, Mrs. Maurice B."
"Fogerson, Blanche"
"Fogerty, Mrs."
"Foley, James M."
"Foley, Margaret"
"Foley, Maude"
"Foley, Mrs. Anna"
"Folge, Mrs. M. D."
"Folger, Mrs. M. D. [Merwin D., Adele J.]"
"Folger, Mrs. W. B."
"Folland, Laura"
"Follett, Benjamin"
"Follmer, Mrs. C. C. [C. Carroll, Edith M.]"
"Follmer, Mrs. C. Carroll"
"Folsom, Elise"
"Fonner, Mrs. Augustus L"
"Food prices"
"Food supply"
"Foote, Julia"
"Foote, Kathryn"
"Foote, Mr. and Mrs. E. H."
"Foote, Mrs. Charles (Kathryn)"
"Foote, Mrs. Charles H."
"Foote, Mrs. Charles H. [Kathryn]"
"Foote, Mrs. Charles P. [Kathryn]"
"Foote, Mrs. Charles [Kathryn]"
"Foote, Mrs. F. Stewart [Edna Z]"
"Foote, Mrs. Stuart [Edna Z.]"
"Forbes, Amelia"
"Forbes, Edna Kent"
"Forbes, Mabel"
"Forbes, Mrs."
"Forbes, Mrs. Rosita"
"Forbush, Mrs. Frank D."
"Force, Mr. and Mrs. William"
"Ford Peace party"
"Ford Plate Glass company"
"Ford, Annabelle"
"Ford, Carrie"
"Ford, Cora"
"Ford, Emma"
"Ford, Emma S."
"Ford, Henry"
"Ford, Margery"
"Ford, Marjorie A."
"Ford, Mrs. George"
"Ford, Mrs. George W. [Cordelia M.]"
"Ford, Mrs. Henry"
"Ford, Mrs. Joseph [Emma S.]"
"Ford, Mrs. Joseph [Emma S]"
"Ford, Mrs. Kate"
"Ford, Mrs. Mary"
"Ford, Mrs. Thomas A."
"Ford, Rev. H. H."
"Forde, Stanley"
"Forkfort, Benzie County, Michigan"
"Forsyth, Ellen"
"Fortier, George W."
"Fortnightly Club"
"Fortress, Nellie"
"Fortune tellers"
"Fortune, Miss"
"Foster parenting"
"Foster, Dr. George B."
"Foster, Florence A."
"Foster, George W."
"Foster, Gracie"
"Foster, J. Ellen"
"Foster, Judith Ellen"
"Foster, Julia"
"Foster, Mrs. Allyn K."
"Foster, Mrs. C. C."
"Foster, Mrs. Ernest"
"Foster, Mrs. M. H. [Marshall, Lisa M.]"
"Foster, Mrs. W. D."
"Foster, Rachel"
"Foulks, Hon William Dudley"
"Fountain St. Baptist Church"
"Fountain Street Baptist church"
"Fountain Street Church"
"Four Times Four Club"
"Four-H Canning Club"
"Fournier, Anne J."
"Fourth National Bank building"
"Fouts, Mrs. Pierce [Jessie]"
"Fowler, Alice"
"Fowler, Annie K."
"Fowler, Fannie"
"Fowler, Fannie H. (Manistee)"
"Fowler, Mrs. W. H. [William H., Annie K.]"
"Fowler, Mrs. William H. [Annie K.]"
"Fox, Anna"
"Fox, Carrie"
"Fox, Dacre"
"Fox, Edith Lane"
"Fox, Edna B."
"Fox, Emma"
"Fox, Emma A."
"Fox, Haycinth"
"Fox, Mrs."
"Fox, Mrs. B. M. [Bertram M., Mary]"
"Fox, Mrs. Emma"
"Fox, Mrs. N."
"Fox, Mrs. Rebecca"
"Fox, Mrs. S. M. D."
"Fox, Ora"
"Fox, ruby"
"Fox, Ruby Mrs."
"Fox, W. R. [William]"
"Fralick, Blanch"
"Fralick, Ryan"
"Frances, Lelia"
"Franchot, Mrs. R. [Richard] H. [Helene]"
"Francis, Mary C."
"Franckboner, Mrs. O. A."
"Franco, Mrs."
"Francombe, Rev. G. F."
"Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper"
"Frank, Leo M."
"Frankau, Gilbert"
"Frankfort, Mary E."
"Frankfort, Michigan"
"Franklin, Anna"
"Franklin, Indiana"
"Franklin, Mrs. Lucy Jenkins"
"Franklin, Mrs. Mina"
"Franssens, Lydia"
"Franz, Fred C."
"Franz, Marie"
"Fraser, Chelsea O."
"Frasher, William"
"Fraternal Benefit Society "
"Frazee, Mrs. Frazee"
"Fred Brundage's"
"Freda, Euphenia"
"Fredericks, M. H."
"Frederickson, Andrew"
"Fredrikson, Marie Barney"
"Free Methodist church"
"Freeland, A. M. [Allen]"
"Freeland, Mrs."
"Freeman, Alice E."
"Freeman, Elizabeth"
"Freeman, Helen"
"Freeman, Jennie"
"Freeman, Julia"
"Freeman, Margaret"
"Freeman, Margaret Adams"
"Freeman, Mrs. D. R. [Daniel R., Minoira J.]"
"Freeman, Mrs. H. F."
"Freeman, Mrs. [Minoria J.]"
"Freeman, Rev. Daniel R."
"Freeman, Rev. Daniel Roy"
"French bust developing method"
"French, Mabel"
"French, Mrs. Fred (Bertha)"
"French, Mrs. Henry W."
"French, Mrs. J. H."
"French, Mrs. Joseph"
"French, Mrs. Lotta"
"French, Rose Morgan"
"French, Walter H. (Lansing)"
"Fretz, Mabel"
"Fretz, Mid"
"Friant, Mrs. Thomas"
"Frich, Martha"
"Frick, Martha"
"Fricke, Bertha"
"Friedman, Morris"
"Friedman-Spring company"
"Friedmans Store"
"Frierson, Mrs. Samuel C."
"Frisinger, Mrs. Agnes"
"Fritz, Celilia"
"Fritz, Frances"
"Fritz, Mamie"
"Fritz, Mrs. Philip (Annie)"
"Frobel Study Club"
"Froebel, Herr"
"Frost, Mrs. Malon"
"Frost, Mrs. Marcus"
"Frost, Mrs. Marcus [Clara A.]"
"Frost, Mrs. Rachel"
"Fruitport, Michigan"
"Fry, Laura"
"Frye, Rev. W. A."
"Fuller, Sarah"
"Fuller, Arthuretta"
"Fuller, Bonnylee"
"Fuller, George"
"Fuller, Grace"
"Fuller, Hilda"
"Fuller, Inez"
"Fuller, Matie"
"Fuller, Maud"
"Fuller, Mrs. E. L."
"Fuller, Mrs. F. W."
"Fuller, Mrs. George"
"Fuller, Mrs. Glenwood [Lulu]"
"Fuller, Mrs. Philo C. [Laura S]"
"Fuller, Mrs. S. L."
"Fuller, Mrs. S. L. [Samuel L, Arthuretta]"
"Fuller, Mrs. S. L. [Samuel L., Arthuretta]"
"Fuller, Mrs. S. L. [Samuel L., Arthuretta]"
"Fuller, Mrs. Samuel L. [Arthuretta S.]"
"Fuller, Myron"
"Fuller, Philo"
"Fuller, Philo C."
"Fullin, Charles"
"Fund raising"
"Fund raising campaign"
"Fund raising cmpaign"
"Funk, Antoinete"
"Funk, Antoinette"
"Funk, Clarence"
"Funk, Mrs. Antoinette"
"Furniture Capital Air Express"
"Furniture City Driving Club"
"Furniture Designers"
"Furniture industry"
"Fyfe, Annie"
"Fyfe, Alexander"
"Fyfe, Andrew"
"Fyfe, James"
"Fyfe, Mrs. Andrew [Ella I.]"
"Fyfe, Sr. Mrs. Richard [Agnes C.]"
"G. A. R."
"G. A. R. 1925 Encampment"
"G. A. R. Parade"
"G. A. R. Reunion"
"G. A. S. club"
"G. R. & I. Railroad"
"G. R. Associaton of the Blind"
"G. R. Business & Profession Women's Assn"
"G. R. Business College"
"G. R. Equal Franchise Club"
"G. R. Herald"
"G. R. League of Women Voters"
"G. R. League of women Voters Assn"
"G. R. National City Bank"
"G. R. Republican Women"
"G. R. Woman's Club"
"G. R. Women's Republican Club"
"G.R. Equal Franchise Club"
"G.R. Truss Company"
"Gabler, Louis"
"Gaffney, Cecelia"
"Gaffney, Theresa"
"Gage Bros., Chicago"
"Gage, Frankie"
"Gage, Mary C."
"Gage, Matilda Joslyn"
"Gage, Miss"
"Gage, Mrs. F. W."
"Gage, Vincent"
"Gage, William"
"Gainer, Margaret"
"Gaines, Alpha Margaret"
"Gaines, Mr. and Mrs. William [Louise M.]"
"Gaines, Mrs."
"Gainshew, Julia W."
"Galassi, Signor A."
"Gale, Ada Iddings"
"Gale, Martha Brockway"
"Gales, Ada I."
"Gallagher, Bishop Michael J."
"Gallagher, Margaret"
"Gallagher, Mary"
"Gallagher, Mary R."
"Gallery, Mrs. J. H."
"Gallmeyer, Christian"
"Galloway, Bessie M."
"Galloway, Katherine"
"Gallup, Mrs."
"Galway, Mrs. Charlotte"
"Gamble, Mrs. G. A."
"Gannon, Letha"
"Ganson, Mrs. C. Van Cleve [Cora B.]"
"Ganson, Cora B. [Mrs. Van Cleve]"
"Ganson, Mrs. C. Van Cleve"
"Ganson, Mrs. Van Cleve [Cora B]"
"Ganson, Mrs. VanCleve [Cora B.]"
"Gardella, Mrs. B. [Bert or Albert, Julia]"
"Gardella, Mrs. Bartholomew"
"Gardella, Mrs. John"
"Gardiner, Evelyn"
"Gardiner, Evelyn G."
"Gardiner, Evelyn Gail"
"Gardiner, Mrs. J. P."
"Gardiner, Robert H."
"Gardiner, Vera"
"Gardinier, Cora A."
"Gardner & Baxter's Shirt Factory"
"Gardner, Helen H."
"Gardner, N. P."
"Garfield, Charles W."
"Garfield, Rev. William H."
"Garment workers"
"Garner, Mrs. T. G. (Big Rapids)"
"Garnsey, Mrs. D. G."
"Garnsey, Mrs. E. Grant"
"Garnsey, Mrs. M. V."
"Garratt, Eloise"
"Garrell, Marie"
"Garrett, Elizabeth"
"Garrett, Gertrude"
"Garrett, John W."
"Garrison, Ann E."
"Garrison, Miss D."
"Garrison, Ruth"
"Garter, Nellie"
"Garwood, Jennie"
"Garwood, Miriam"
"Gary, Mrs. Vernon"
"Gastold, Sister Mary"
"Gates, Beulah"
"Gates, Charles H."
"Gates, Detective [Charles H.]"
"Gates, Mrs. Stella"
"Gates, Mrs. William"
"Gates, Valerie"
"Gavin, Margaret"
"Gay, Mrs. George [Helen Hovey Gay]"
"Gay, Mrs. Will H. [Nettie C.]"
"Gay, Mrs. Will [William A., Nettie C.]"
"Gay, S. S. [Stephen]"
"Gay, Senator"
"Gay, W. H."
"Gay, William H."
"Gaylord, Mrs. (Constantine)"
"Gedman, Lela"
"Geelhoed, Anna T."
"Geer, Susie L."
"Gehl, Father Eugene "
"Geiser, Emma"
"Gelocks, Maud H."
"Gender Relations"
"Gender Roles"
"General Confederation of Women's Clubs"
"General Federal of Women's clubs"
"General Federation Art department"
"General Federation of Women's Clubs"
"Geneva Club"
"George, Henry"
"George, Lloyd"
"George, Mrs. A. J."
"George, Mrs. Conrad"
"George, Mrs. David Lloyd"
"George, Mrs. M [Myron J.]"
"George, Rose"
"George, Rose Elizabeth"
"George, W. L."
"Georgia Woman's Suffrage Association"
"Gerardy, Jean"
"Gerdon, Kate M."
"German Alien Women"
"German Club"
"Gervers, Mrs. J. H. R. [John H. R.]"
"Gesner, Mrs. John"
"Gesners, Mrs. John"
"Gessler, Irene"
"Gezon, Marie"
"Gibbons, Cardinal"
"Gibbs, Minnie G."
"Gibbs, Mrs. Josephine"
"Gibbs, Sarah Barker"
"Gibney, Ella"
"Gibney, Ella V."
"Gibney, Mrs. Ida"
"Gibson, Anna"
"Gibson, Caroline R."
"Gibson, Mrs. Charles H."
"Gibson, Mrs. W. H. [Warren H., Laura L.]"
"Giddings, Elizabeth"
"Giddings, Mrs. Wallace D. [Lois A.]"
"Gierst, Charlotte"
"Gifford, Mrs. Byron T."
"Gilbert, Isaac B."
"Gilbert, Isaac B."
"Gilbert, Laura"
"Gilbert, Mrs. F. B. [Francis B., Sarah]"
"Gilbert, Mrs. W. K. [Mary S.]"
"Gilbert, Nancy"
"Gilbert, Prof. I. B."
"Gilchrist, Lillian"
"Gilchrist, Dean Maud"
"Gilchrist, Florence Munroe"
"Gilchrist, Maud"
"Giles, Eva B."
"Giles, Mrs. A. W. [Augustus W., ]"
"Giles, Mrs. A. W. [Augustus W.]"
"Gilhooty, Margaret"
"Gill, Laura Drake"
"Gillam, Mrs. G. A. "
"Gillam, Rev."
"Gillard, Mrs. Albert"
"Gillard, Mrs. Joseph R. [Cora]"
"Gilleland, Alice"
"Gillespie, Bishop [George D.]"
"Gillett, Ida, Freeman"
"Gillett, Mrs. H. M."
"Gillett, Mrs. William [Marie]"
"Gillette, Alice (Grand Rapids)"
"Gillette, Alice M. R."
"Gillette, Catherine D."
"Gillette, Mrs. Catherine"
"Gilliland, Phyllis"
"Gilman, Mrs. Charles Perkins"
"Gilman, Mrs. Charlotte Perkins"
"Gilmore, Elizabeth"
"Gilmore, Jennie"
"Gilmore, Jennie L."
"Gilmore, Mrs. "Billie""
"Gilmore, Mrs. C. V. R."
"Gilmore, Mrs. C. VanRaalte"
"Gilson, Anna"
"Ginnink, Alvina"
"Ginnink, Gerturde"
"Ginnink, Margaret"
"Girandin, Mary"
"Girdler, Frank B."
"Girdler, Mrs. B. Frank [Pearl B]"
"Girl Guides"
"Girl Scout Council"
"Girl Scouts"
"Girl Scouts of America"
"Girls Basketball Clubs"
"Girls Club, Chicago, Illinois"
"Girls Glee Club"
"Girls Guidance Bureau"
"Girls League of Barry County"
"Girls Scouts"
"Girls Scouts of Grand Rapids"
"Girls Service League of America"
"Girls' Catholic Central High School"
"Girls' National Honor Guard"
"Girodat, Eleanor"
"Girodat, Eleanor"
"Given, Mrs. Anna"
"Givens, Anna"
"Giver, Anna"
"Glascher, Belle"
"Glasgow, Ida"
"Glasgow, Mrs. Charles"
"Glasner Bill"
"Glasner, Maude"
"Glasner, Mrs. Maude"
"Glauz, Ethel"
"Glazier, Mrs. William"
"Gleason, Alice"
"Gleason, Alice Genevieve"
"Gleason, Clark H."
"Gleason, Maude"
"Gleason, Mrs. C. H. [Clark H., Louise R.]"
"Glen Haven, Michigan"
"Glendenning, Gladys"
"Glidden, Louise"
"Globe Knitting Works"
"Glove Importers"
"Glover, Mrs."
"Goan, Adelaide"
"Goan, Mrs. O. S."
"Goddard, Emma"
"Goddard, Mrs. M. R."
"Goders, Miss"
"Godfrey, Carrie"
"Godfrey, May"
"Godfrey, May L."
"Godfrey, Mrs. Carrie Knox"
"Godwin, Alice"
"Godwin, Arthur M."
"Godwin, Geta"
"Godwin, Mrs. Arthur [Leona B.]"
"Goerner, Elsie A. Krieger"
"Goethehles, Mrs. Anne"
"Goewey, Charles"
"Goewey, Charlotte"
"Goff, Alice [of Grand Rapids]"
"Goggins, Minnie"
"Gogin, Gertrude"
"Goings, Margaret"
"Gold, Mrs. Nettie"
"Golden Rule society"
"Golden, Father J."
"Goldman, Edith Ostend"
"Goldman, Emma"
"Goldman, Robert J."
"Goldner, Dorothy Jean"
"Goldsborough, Mrs. J. W. [Antonette]"
"Goldsborough, Mrs. J. W. [Antonette]"
"Goldsmith, Julia"
"Goldsmith, Julia A. C."
"Goldsmith, Mrs. John [Julia A. C. , widow John]"
"Goldsmith, Mrs. John [Julia A]"
"Goldsmith, Mrs. Julia"
"Goldstein, Harry"
"Goldstein, Vida"
"Goldstick, Vear"
"Goldswaard, Jennie"
"Gonzalez, Jennie"
"Gonzalez, Jennie"
"Gonzalez, Mrs J. A. [Jose]"
"Gonzalez, Mrs. [Jose, Jennie]"
"Gonzalva Literary Club"
"Good Templars Hall"
"Good Templars' masonic lodge"
"Goode, Mary"
"Goodell, Mrs. Arlon"
"Goodenough, Miss [Ellen]"
"Goodenow, Cora"
"Goodman, Clara M."
"Goodman, Mary E."
"Goodman, Max"
"Goodrich, Mrs. Eugene C. [Lucy]"
"Goodrich, Eva Sprague (Ann Arbor)"
"Goodrich, Loa"
"Goodrich, Mrs."
"Goodrich, Mrs. L. A. [Lawrence A., Calla]"
"Goodwin, Jennie M."
"Goodwin, Mrs. Flora"
"Gooman, Clara"
"Goos, Frances"
"Goose, Eliza"
"Gordon, Anna A."
"Gordon, Florence"
"Gordon, James Gay"
"Gordon, Maggie"
"Gordon, Mildred"
"Gordon, Mrs. H. C."
"Gordon, Mrs. Kate"
"Gordon, Mrs. W. E."
"Gordon, Nellie"
"Gordon, Robert B."
"Gordon, Susie A."
"Gorham, Mrs. F. A. [Frederick A., Ellen K.]"
"Gorver, Mrs. H. P. [Jeanne H.]"
"Goshen shirt company"
"Goss & Company"
"Goss and Co millinery"
"Goss, Faith"
"Goss, Josephine"
"Goss, Mrs. Dwight"
"Goss, Mrs. Dwight [Josephine]"
"Goss, Mrs. Josephine A."
"Gougar, Helen"
"Gougar, Helen M."
"Gould, George"
"Gould, Georgia"
"Gould, Lucy A."
"Gould, Mrs. Clara"
"Gould, Mrs. Edwin"
"Gould, Rev. A. M."
"Governmental offices"
"Gowdy, Elsie"
"Grace Church"
"Grace Episcopal Church"
"Gracey, Tillie"
"Gradn Rapids, Michigan"
"Grady, Harry"
"Graham, Beatrice"
"Graham, Carlisle D."
"Graham, Elwood"
"Graham, George E."
"Graham, Ida"
"Graham, Mrs. J. H. "
"Graham, Mrs. Robert D. [Annie]"
"Graham, Robert D."
"Graham, Sarah"
"Graham, William"
"Gramer, Mrs. F. W."
"Granby, Lady (Lindsey, Miss Violet)"
"Granby, Mrs. C. G."
"Granby, William"
"Grand Army of the Republic"
"Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, Masons"
"Grand Circuit Race"
"Grand Haven - Spring Lake"
"Grand Haven American Legion Auxilliary"
"Grand Haven Basketball Game"
"Grand Haven Business Women's Assn"
"Grand Haven Chamber of Commerce"
"Grand Haven Chamer of Commerce"
"Grand Haven Declamation Contest"
"Grand Haven Girls Declamation Contest"
"Grand Haven League of Women Voters"
"Grand Haven Musical Liberary Club"
"Grand Haven News Journal"
"Grand Haven Unitarian Church"
"Grand Haven Woman's Club"
"Grand Haven Woman's Clubs"
"Grand Haven Woman's Glub"
"Grand Haven Women's Club"
"Grand Haven, Michigan"
"Grand Ledge, Michigan"
"Grand Opera House"
"Grand Rapid Equal Suffrage club"
"Grand Rapid's Brush Company"
"Grand Rapids Ad club"
"Grand Rapids Anti-Tuberculosis society"
"Grand Rapids Art association"
"Grand Rapids Association for the Blind"
"Grand Rapids Association of Commerce"
"Grand Rapids automobile Owners association"
"Grand Rapids Bedding Co."
"Grand Rapids Board of Education election"
"Grand Rapids Board of Education elections"
"Grand Rapids Board of Park and Cemetery"
"Grand Rapids Board of Supervisors"
"Grand Rapids Brass Company"
"Grand Rapids Builders and Traders Exchange"
"Grand Rapids Business Girls' club"
"Grand Rapids Ceresotas"
"Grand Rapids Child Labor Association"
"Grand Rapids Citizens' League"
"Grand Rapids Clearing House Assn"
"Grand Rapids Commercial College"
"Grand Rapids Conservatory of Music"
"Grand Rapids Drama League"
"Grand Rapids Equal Franchise Club"
"Grand Rapids Equal Suffrage Assn"
"Grand Rapids Equal Suffrage association"
"Grand Rapids Equal Suffrage Club"
"Grand Rapids Evening Press"
"Grand Rapids Federation of Women's Clubs"
"Grand Rapids Federation of women's clubs, home economics department"
"Grand Rapids furniture industry"
"Grand Rapids Furniture Market"
"Grand Rapids Furntiure Market"
"Grand Rapids Girls' Guidance Bureau"
"Grand Rapids Herald"
"Grand Rapids High School"
"Grand Rapids League of Catholic Women"
"Grand Rapids League of Women Voters"
"Grand Rapids Michigan"
"Grand Rapids Milk Producers association"
"Grand Rapids Paper Box Company"
"Grand Rapids Police"
"Grand Rapids Police Department"
"Grand Rapids Political Equality club"
"Grand Rapids Public Schools"
"Grand Rapids Retail Grocers and Butchers association"
"Grand Rapids Rotary"
"Grand Rapids school board"
"Grand Rapids School Board elections"
"Grand Rapids School Nurses"
"Grand Rapids School of Expression"
"Grand Rapids Social Welfare association"
"Grand Rapids streets"
"Grand Rapids Teachers' club"
"Grand Rapids Telegram-Herald"
"Grand Rapids Trades and Labor Council"
"Grand Rapids Typewriting Company"
"Grand Rapids Window Trimmers Assn"
"Grand Rapids Woman's Association of Commerce"
"Grand Rapids Woman's Club"
"Grand Rapids Woman's Home and Hospital"
"Grand Rapids Woman's Suffrage Association"
"Grand Rapids Women's Association of Commerce"
"Grand Rapids Women's Bicycle Club"
"Grand Rapids Women's Club"
"Grand Rapids Women's Exchange"
"Grand Rapids, Grand Haven and Muskegon Interurban"
"Grand Rapids, Michgian"
"Grand Rapids, Michigan"
"Grand Rapids, Nebraska"
"Grand River Horticultural society"
"Grand River Valley Old Settlers' association"
"Grand Rpaids Equal Franchise club"
"Grand Traverse County"
"Grandby, Esther S."
"Grandfield, Mrs. Charles P."
"Grandma Knapp & 5 Generations"
"Grandville Equal Franchise club"
"Grandville equal Suffrage association"
"Grandville, Michigan"
"Granger, Maud"
"Granger, Maude"
"Granger, Mrs. C. H."
"Granger, Mrs. L. E. [Laura E.]"
"Grant Station Record"
"Grant, Adile"
"Grant, General Ulysses"
"Grant, Lois M."
"Grant, M. Louise"
"Grant, Michigan"
"Grant, Michigan, Newaygo County"
"Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur"
"Graves, Dr."
"Graves, Dr. Schuyler"
"Graves, Louise S."
"Graves, Mrs. H. F."
"Graves, Mrs. Louis [Zoe S.]"
"Graves, Mrs. Louis [Zoe]"
"Graves, Stella Marie"
"Gray, Alice"
"Gray, Ethel"
"Gray, Eva"
"Gray, Gladys"
"Gray, Jessie"
"Gray, Mrs. Pierre"
"Gray, Nellie V."
"Gray, Sue"
"Grayson, Mrs. C. [Calvin K., Willa ?]"
"Grayson, Mrs. William"
"Greable, Annie"
"Great Britain Literary Ladies"
"Green Cloak & Suit Co"
"Green, Cynthia"
"Green, Dr. Mary E."
"Green, Fred W."
"Green, Hetty"
"Green, Mary"
"Green, Mary E."
"Green, Maud"
"Green, Mrs. Annie"
"Green, Representative D. A."
"Greenbaum, Arnold"
"Greenberg, Cecelia"
"Greenberg, Harry"
"Greene, Clay M."
"Greene, Florence M."
"Greene, Mary A."
"Greenleaf, Harriet"
"Greenley, Ethel"
"Greenville (MI) High School"
"Greenville Federation of Women's Clubs"
"Greenville, Michigan"
"Greenwald, Minnie"
"Greenwich, Connecticut"
"Greenwood, Marie"
"Greeson, William A."
"Gregory, Cora"
"Gregory, Harrison"
"Gregory, Mrs. E. G."
"Gregory, Mrs. Emily B."
"Gregory, Mrs. W. J."
"Gregory, Nora"
"Greilick, Helen"
"Grein, Elvira"
"Grennan, Elizabeth Mary"
"Gretter, Mrs. L. E."
"Grey, Frances"
"Grice, Nellie"
"Gridley, Leta"
"Griess-Traut, Mme."
"Griffin, Flossie"
"Griffin, Katie"
"Griffin, Lawrence"
"Griffin, Mrs. Bliss"
"Griffin, Mrs. Bruce"
"Griffin, Mrs. D. G. [Dora G.]"
"Griffith, Roberta A."
"Griffith, Henry"
"Griffith, Roberta A"
"Griffith, Roberta A."
"Griggs, Edward Howard"
"Grillet, Mrs. Mary E"
"Grinnell, Emily F."
"Grinnell, Mrs. H. [Henry]"
"Grinnell, Mrs. J. D."
"Grinstead, Minnie"
"Grisson, Maybell Louise"
"Griswold, Daniel Paine"
"Griswold, Dr."
"Griswold, Grace"
"Griswold, Hattie Tyng"
"Griswold, Mrs. J. B. [Joseph B., Mary D.]"
"Groen, Rev. J. [Johannes]"
"Groen, Johannes"
"Groen, Rev. J."
"Groen, Rev. Johannes"
"Groendyke, Anna"
"Groesbeck (Grosbeck), Katherine M."
"Groesbeck, Atty Gen'l Alex J."
"Groff, Charles H."
"Groff, Mary Taylor"
"Gronau, Silesia"
"Gronberg, Audie"
"Grosenbaugh, Mrs. Louis [Jessie C.]"
"Groskopf, Ada L."
"Groskopf, Elsie"
"Groskopf, Rose"
"Gross, Dorothy"
"Gross, Irma"
"Gross, Miss"
"Gross, Susie"
"Grout, Mrs."
"Grove, Mrs. Ketha"
"Grover, Mrs. H. P. [Harrison P., Jeanne H.]"
"Groves, Nettie, Volney"
"Grubinger, Mrs. John"
"Gruenbauer, Mrs. George H."
"Gruenfeld, Alfred"
"Gruenfeld, Heinrich"
"Guddal, Anna"
"Guenther, Mrs. Louis"
"Guerin, Madame E."
"Guernsey, Mrs. George T."
"Guernsey, Mrs. George Thatcher"
"Guest, Mrs. Chauncey [Hattie]"
"Guinon, Josephine"
"Guinon, Mrs. Josephine"
"Gulick, Mrs. C. B."
"Gulick, Mrs. Charlotte V."
"Gulick, Mrs. Luther Halsey"
"Gulliford, Effie"
"Gunn, Mrs. W. S. [William S., ]"
"Gunn, Irma"
"Gunn, Mrs. W. S. [William S., ]"
"Gunnison, Beulah"
"Gunther, Mr. and Mrs. Louis H"
"Gurrier, Samuel C."
"Gurrier, Sarah A."
"Gutherie, Oregon Territory"
"Guyot, M. Ives"
"Guyton, Mrs. Emma Platt"
"Gwinn, John H."
"H'Uban, Mollie"
"Haan, Doris"
"Haan, Irene"
"Haard, Countess Sirt"
"Haas, Captain Florence"
"Hackenberg, Earnest"
"Hackenberg, Mabel"
"Hacker, Mrs. F. G."
"Hackley, Mrs. "
"Hading, Jane"
"Hadley, Mrs. J. M."
"Haeck, Sarah"
"Hafinbrack, Charles"
"Hagan's Magnolia Balm"
"Hage, Jennie"
"Haggart, Ida"
"Haggart, Ida M."
"Haggart, Police Matron"
"Haggerty, L."
"Haggerty, William H."
"Haight, Adeline"
"Haight, Adeline E."
"Haight, Mrs. Adeline"
"Hain, Emma"
"Hain, Genevieve"
"Hain, Mrs. R. B."
"Haines, Blanche"
"Haines, Blanche M."
"Haines, Dr. Blanche"
"Haines, Dr. Blanche M."
"Haines, Irene"
"Hair fashion - bangs"
"Hake, Kathryn"
"Hakes, Frank"
"Halderman, Mrs. Millie"
"Hale, Beatrice Forbes-Robertson"
"Hale, Kate M."
"Hale, Mrs. Beatric Forbes-Robinson"
"Hale, Mrs. Beatrice Forbes Robertson"
"Hale, Mrs. Beatrice Forbes-Robertson"
"Hale, Mrs. M. A."
"Hale, Mrs. Nellie"
"Haley, Margaret"
"Haley, Margaret A."
"Haley, Thresa"
"Hall, Arno"
"Hall, Bertha"
"Hall, Clare J."
"Hall, Dr. Winfred"
"Hall, John H."
"Hall, Marcus B."
"Hall, Marguerite"
"Hall, Mary Belle"
"Hall, Mildred"
"Hall, Mrs Royal T."
"Hall, Mrs. Belle"
"Hall, Mrs. F. A. [Ferdinand S., Georgiana]"
"Hall, Mrs. Grace"
"Hall, Mrs. Mary D."
"Hall, Mrs. Nellie C"
"Hall, Mrs. Newman"
"Hall, Mrs. Patricia"
"Hall, Mrs. Sherwood [Annie]"
"Hall, Mrs. William G."
"Hall, Muriel"
"Hall, Nelly C."
"Hall, Thirsa F."
"Halliday, Elsie"
"Hallock, Mrs. L. L."
"Halperin, Nan"
"Halsey, Sara L."
"Halsey, Sarah J."
"Halsey, Sarah L."
"Halsey, Sarah Louise"
"Hamblin, Nelson"
"Hamburo, Mrs. Anna"
"Hamel, Ambra"
"Hamelele, Clara"
"Hamilton, Myrtle"
"Hamilton, Claude T."
"Hamilton, Eva"
"Hamilton, Evelyn"
"Hamilton, Evelyn (Eva)"
"Hamilton, Fannie"
"Hamilton, John"
"Hamilton, Leota"
"Hamilton, Michigan"
"Hamilton, Mrs. Burrit"
"Hamilton, Mrs. C. B."
"Hamilton, Mrs. C. B. [Eva]"
"Hamilton, Mrs. C. B. [Evelyn or Eva]"
"Hamilton, Mrs. C. B. [Charles B., Evelyn or Eva]"
"Hamilton, Mrs. C. B. [Charles B., Evelyn or Eva]"
"Hamilton, Mrs. C. B. [Eva]"
"Hamilton, Mrs. C. B. [Evelyn]"
"Hamilton, Mrs. C. [Charles] B. [Eva]"
"Hamilton, Mrs. Charles B [Eva]"
"Hamilton, Mrs. Charles B."
"Hamilton, Mrs. Eva"
"Hamilton, Mrs. Eva M."
"Hamilton, Mrs. H. H."
"Hamilton, Mrs. P. L. [Phila L.]"
"Hamilton, Mrs. P.L. [Phila]"
"Hamilton, Mrs. [Evelyn or Eva]"
"Hamilton, Phila L."
"Hamilton, Phila L."
"Hamm, Margherita Arlina"
"Hammer, Helge"
"Hammer, Mrs. Albert [Dora]"
"Hammer, Olga"
"Hammond, Henry C."
"Hammond, Dorothy"
"Hammond, Hattie"
"Hammond, Jason B."
"Hammond, Mrs. H. D."
"Hammond, Mrs. Harry O."
"Hammond, Mrs. Noble E."
"Hampton, Lillian G."
"Hanchett, Benjamin S."
"Hanchett, Elizabeth"
"Hanchett, Lizzie R."
"Hanchett, Mrs. Benjamin S. [Bessie]"
"Hancock, Michigan"
"Handlogten, Jennie"
"Handly, Charlotte"
"Handy, Ruth Mary"
"Haney, Bertie"
"Haney, Mrs. Lucille M."
"Hanink, Grace"
"Hanink, Henrietta"
"Hanink, Henry"
"Hankey, Mrs. C. F."
"Hankinson, Florence"
"Hanlon, Lizzie"
"Hanly, J. Frank"
"Hannah, Perry"
"Hannibal, Mrs. R. J. [Robert J., Clara]"
"Hans, Annie"
"Hansbrough, Mrs. H. C."
"Hansen, Julia"
"Hansen, Lawrence"
"Hanson, Gladys"
"Hanson, Helen"
"Hanson, Madeline"
"Hanson, Nellie"
"Harbor Springs, Michigan"
"Harcourt, Mrs. Elldie"
"Harden, Mary"
"Hardy, Gladys"
"Hardy, Jennie"
"Hardy, Jennie Law"
"Hardy, Mary"
"Hardy, Mrs."
"Hardy, Mrs. Jennie C. Law"
"Hardy, Mrs. Jennie Law"
"Hare, Mrs. C. A. [Charles A.]"
"Hare, Mrs. May"
"Hargons, Sallie"
"Hargrave Company shingle mill"
"Hargrave, Haven and co shingle mill"
"Hargrave, Haven and Co's shingle mill"
"Harland, Marian"
"Harland, Marion"
"Harlow, Caroline"
"Harlow, Mrs. H. W. (Caroline)"
"Harlow, Mrs. H. W. [Henry W. Caroline]"
"Harlow, Mrs. H. W. [Henry, Caroline]"
"Harmer, Louise"
"Harmon, Alex A."
"Harmon, Elyse L."
"Harmon, Lucy"
"Harmon, Margaret"
"Harmon, Mary"
"Harmon, Mrs. M. A. [Marie A.]"
"Haroldstad, Mrs. I."
"Harper, Emma"
"Harper, Laura"
"Harper, Mrs. John"
"Harper, Mrs. Richard"
"Harrietta, Michigan"
"Harriman, Mrs. J. Borden"
"Harriman, Mrs. J. Borden [Florence Jaffrey Hurst]"
"Harrington, Ella"
"Harrington, Margaret"
"Harrington, Marion"
"Harrington, Mrs."
"Harrington, Mrs. C. D. [Charles D.]"
"Harrington, Mrs. E. F."
"Harrington, Mrs. Harry"
"Harrington, Mrs. L. W. [Leon, Florence]"
"Harrington, Myron"
"Harrington, Virginia"
"Harris, 'Honest John' W."
"Harris, Bertha"
"Harris, John W."
"Harris, Marguerite"
"Harris, Mary"
"Harris, Mrs. H. F. [Henry F., Mattie C.]"
"Harris, Mrs. J. Campbell"
"Harris, Mrs. J. E. (Charlotte)"
"Harris, Mrs. John"
"Harris, Mrs. John W."
"Harris, Mrs. Myron [Minnie]"
"Harris, Rev. Henry"
"Harris, Sarah"
"Harrisburg, Pennsylvania"
"Harrison, Mayor Carter H."
"Harrison, Mrs. Joseph"
"Harrisville, Michigan"
"Hart, Helen"
"Hart, Margaret"
"Hart, Michigan"
"Hart, Mrs. E. B."
"Hart, Mrs. M."
"Harte, Bret"
"Hartford, Connecticut"
"Hartley, Alice E."
"Hartman's Hall"
"Hartman, Caroline"
"Hartman, Howard J."
"Hartman, Mrs. J. E. [Bertha]"
"Hartman, Mrs. John E. [Bertha]"
"Hartnacke, Mary H."
"Hartwell, Ann"
"Harty, Mrs. Mary"
"Hartz, Daisy"
"Hartz, John"
"Harvey, Bessie"
"Harvey, Melinda"
"Harvey, Robert"
"Harvey, Walter"
"Harwood, Mrs."
"Hasensbank, Mrs. Fern"
"Haskell, Edith"
"Haskell, Henri J."
"Hasmer, Harriet"
"Hastings, Clara"
"Hastings, Michigan"
"Hatch, Carrie"
"Hatch, Harriet"
"Hatch, Harriet H."
"Hatch, Ida M."
"Hatch, Mollie"
"Hatch, Mrs."
"Hatch, Mrs. H. H. [Harriet H.]"
"Hathaway, Mrs. P. W."
"Hathaway, Ruby L."
"Hatley, Mrs. D."
"Hats and hatters"
"Hatten, C. Roy"
"Hauk, Minnie"
"Haviland, Laura"
"Haviland, Laura S."
"Hawes, Mrs. Frank"
"Hawk, Tuna A."
"Hawker, Mrs. A. W. [Bird E.]"
"Hawker, Mrs. B. [Bird E.]"
"Hawkins, Mrs. Bird"
"Hawley, Izza I."
"Hawley, Judd C."
"Hawley, Lauretta"
"Hawley, Loretta"
"Hawley, Mrs. Richard"
"Hawley, Peter L."
"Hawn, Phoebe"
"Hay, Mary"
"Hay, Mrs. Mary"
"Hay, Sheriff William"
"Hayden, Mary"
"Hayes, Emma K."
"Hayes, Elisabeth M."
"Hayes, Elizabeth"
"Hayes, Elizabeth M."
"Hayes, Mrs. Nellie"
"Hayes, Mrs. R. B. [Lucy Webb Hayes]"
"Hayes, U. S. [Uriah]"
"Haymarket Riot"
"Hays, Mrs."
"Hays, Will H."
"Hayward, Avy"
"Haywood, Mrs. Frank"
"Haywood, Rose E."
"Haywood, Rose F."
"Hayworth, Helen C."
"Hazeltine, Mrs. C. S. [Anna]"
"Hazen, Isaac"
"Hazlett, M. Adelle (Lansing)"
"Hazlett, Mrs. M. Adele"
"Hazlitt, Adele M."
"Hazlitt, Mrs. Adele M."
"Head, Miriam, Carl Vogel"
"Headley, Hattie"
"Heagle, Mrs. Sarah"
"Health and beauty"
"Health and beauty - hair"
"Health and safety"
"Health, Mrs. F. C."
"Heaney, Jennie"
"Heaney, Sadie"
"Heap, Muriel"
"Heaphy, Gertrude"
"Heath, Cornelia"
"Heatlh and Beauty"
"Heaton, Carrie R."
"Hedger, Dr. Caroline"
"Hedrich, Marie"
"Heemstra, Rev. F. J"
"Heering, Mrs. Annah"
"Hefferan, Mary"
"Hefferan, Mrs. Thomas (Amelia?)"
"Hefferan, Mrs. William [Blanche F.]"
"Hegle, Mrs. Sarah J."
"Heinbuch, Mary"
"Heintz, Florence"
"Hekman, Helen"
"Hekman, Lenore"
"Held, Mildred"
"Helen M. Philleo Memorial"
"Helm, Eda"
"Helm, Mrs. P. J."
"Helm, Wilbur"
"Helme, Helen"
"Helme, James W."
"Helmer, Mrs. Frank"
"Helmic, Edith"
"Helms, Eda B."
"Helmuth, Mrs. William Tod [Fannie]"
"Hembling, Angeline"
"Heminger, Della"
"Heminger, Ella"
"Hendershop Jennie"
"Henderson, James"
"Hendleton, Harry"
"Hendrick, Dr. R. Grace"
"Hendricks, John"
"Hendricks, Mrs. G. A [Gertrude H.]"
"Hendricks, Mrs. G. A. [Gustave, Gertrude H.]"
"Hendricks, Mrs. G. A. [Gustave A., Gertrude]"
"Hendriksen, Mrs. J. F. [Julius F.]"
"Henkey Milling Company"
"Hennessy Mary A."
"Hennessy, Mary"
"Henning, Josephine O'Reilly"
"Henninger, Mrs. George [Mathilda A.]"
"Henninger, Mrs. George [Mathilda A]"
"Henrie, Morgan"
"Henrie, Virginia"
"Henrotin, Mrs. Charles"
"Henry W. Savage's Theater company"
"Henry, Alice"
"Henry, Dexa"
"Henry, Dexa E"
"Henry, Dexa E."
"Henry, Eugene P."
"Henry, Harriet"
"Henry, Hazel"
"Henry, Hazel I."
"Henry, Josephine K."
"Henry, Mamie E."
"Henry, Mrs. I. C."
"Henry, Mrs. K. B."
"Henry, Mrs. Loren L. [Harriet]"
"Hensen, Anna"
"Hensen, John"
"Henson, Sarah"
"Henvard, Mrs. Frank"
"Henze, Louise"
"Herail, Captain Jean"
"Herald Beauty Contest"
"Herald Publishing Company"
"Herald's Domestic Economics School"
"Herkimer Hotel"
"Herkner Jewelry Store"
"Herkner, Clara Louease"
"Herkner, J. C."
"Herkner, Joseph C."
"Herkner, Mrs. J. C. [Clara Louease]"
"Herkner, Mrs. J. C. [Joseph C., Clara Louease]"
"Herkner, Mrs. Joseph [Clara Louease]"
"Herman, Mrs. C. A. [Charles A.]"
"Heron, Matilda"
"Herp, Norine"
"Herp, Norine Dorothea"
"Herpolsheimer Co."
"Herpolsheimer's Department Store"
"Herpolsheimer's Store"
"Herpolsheimer, Mrs. Henry [Caroline K.]"
"Herrick, Christine Terhune"
"Herrick, Prof."
"Herriman, Mrs. Albert R."
"Herrington, Mrs. A. E."
"Herrman, Bertha"
"Herron, Lt. Col. C. C."
"Hersey, Michigan"
"Hertel, Anna"
"Hesperia, Michigan"
"Hess, Anna R."
"Hess, Mrs. L. H. [Louisa H.]"
"Hess, Mrs. Frank A. (Anna R)"
"Hess, Mrs. L. H. [Louisa H.]"
"Hess, Rev. William Samuel"
"Hesseltine, Jessie M."
"HesseWartegg, Baron von"
"Hessman, Anna"
"Heth, Lucile"
"Heth, Mrs. Anna"
"Hewitt, Mrs. Peter Cooper"
"Hewitt, Audrey"
"Hewitt, E. E."
"Hewitt, Madge"
"Hewitt, Susan"
"Heyboer, Elizabeth"
"Heyboer, Winifred"
"Heyboer, Winnifred"
"Heydlauff, Mrs. Mary"
"Heyman Company"
"Heyman, Mrs. M. A,. [Morris, Ida]"
"Heyman, Mrs. M. A. [Morris, A., Ida]"
"Hibbard, Mrs. W."
"Hibbard, Sila"
"Hibner, Alice"
"Hickey, Martina"
"Hickok, Mrs. E. A."
"Hicks, Arthur"
"Hicks, Mrs. A. S. [Albert S. Selia F.]"
"Hicks, Mrs. Fred"
"Higbee, Matilda"
"Higbee, Clark E"
"Higbee, Ida R."
"Higbee, Mr. and Mrs. Clark E"
"Higbee, Mrs. Clark H. [Grace]"
"Higgens, Florence"
"Higgins, James"
"Higgins, Jennie"
"Higginson, Ella"
"Higginson, Mrs. S. J."
"Higginson, T. W."
"Higher Education"
"Highland Country Club"
"Highland Hive No. 8"
"Highlands Country club"
"Hilding, Elsie"
"Hill St John society"
"Hill, Ada"
"Hill, Agnes Leonard"
"Hill, Bessie"
"Hill, Carrie B."
"Hill, Dave"
"Hill, Eli"
"Hill, Elsie"
"Hill, Emily M."
"Hill, John G., Esq."
"Hill, Mrs. C. B."
"Hill, Mrs. F. E."
"Hill, Mrs. J. Fred"
"Hill, Mrs. L. H. (Minnie)"
"Hill, Mrs. Robert G. [Violet M.]"
"Hill, Mrs. Robert G.[Violet]"
"Hill, Rev. J. F."
"Hill, Robert G."
"Hill, Stella Richmond"
"Hilles, Florence Bayard"
"Hilliker, Dr. [John B.]"
"Hilliker, Blanche"
"Hilliker, Harriet"
"Hilliker, Mrs. Harriet"
"Hilliker, Mrs. J. B. [John B., Harriet]"
"Hilliker, Mrs. John B. (Harriet M)"
"Hillis, Minnie E."
"Hillman, Mrs. Zulemina"
"Hills, Mrs. C. R."
"hills, Mrs. W. S."
"Hillsdale, Michigan"
"Hillyer, Dr. Frances"
"Hillyer, Dr. Frances S."
"Hillyer, Dr. [Frances S.]"
"Hillyer, Frances S."
"Hillyer, Francis S."
"Hillyer, Mrs. Dr. Frances"
"Hillyer, Mrs. Dr. [Frances]"
"Hilton, Dora"
"Hilton, William"
"Himmler, L. M."
"Hindle, Annie"
"Hindle, Charles"
"Hinds, Mary A."
"Hinds, Mary E."
"Hine, Emma B."
"Hine, Lottie"
"Hine, Marion"
"Hine, Mathilda"
"Hine, Mrs. A. W. [Albert, Matilda]"
"Hine, Mrs. L. [Libbie]"
"Hine, Tillie"
"Hines, Alvin"
"Hines, Elizabeth"
"Hines, Gennette"
"Hines, John"
"Hinkley-Cole, Emma"
"Hinman, Mrs. Spencer"
"Hinsdale, Mary"
"Hinsdale, Mary L."
"Hinsdale, Mrs. H. K. [Henry K., Emma]"
"Hinsdales, Mary L."
"Hinshaw, Mrs. V. G."
"Hipps, Mrs. Stephen"
"Historic quotes"
"Hitchcock, Mrs. Alcie"
"Hitchcock, Mrs. alice"
"Hixson, Dr. Martha"
"Hoag, Emily"
"Hoag, Rev Clarence"
"Hobard, Charles B."
"Hobart, Gertrude"
"Hobart, Mrs. Mary E."
"Hobbs, Hazel D."
"Hodenpyl & Herkner"
"Hodenpyl, Mrs. A. E. [Anton G., Annie E]"
"Hodenpyl, Mrs. A. G. [Anton G., Annie E.]"
"Hodenpyle, Maggie"
"Hodge, Mrs. F. M."
"Hodge, Winnifred"
"Hodges, C. D. [Chesster D., Eliza]"
"Hodges, Duncan C."
"Hodges, Mrs."
"Hodges, Mrs. C. D."
"Hodges, Mrs. C. D. [Chester D., Eliza]"
"Hodges, Mrs. C. D. [Chester D., Eliza]"
"Hodges, Mrs. George W."
"Hodges, Mrs. L. N. [Lon, Minnie]"
"Hodges, Mrs. L. P."
"Hodges, Sylvanous W."
"Hodgins, Elizabeth"
"Hodgson, Mrs. Florence"
"Hodgson, Mrs. W. W."
"Hodgson, William"
"Hoek, Beatrice"
"Hoekstra, William, Anna"
"Hoeltil, Mrs. G. A."
"Hoffius, Cornelius"
"Hoffman, Anna"
"Hoffman, Carrie"
"Hoffman, Mrs. C. H. [Clayton, Mabel]"
"Hoffmaster, Mrs. Maude Miller"
"Hofma, Elizabeth"
"Hofman, Mrs. B"
"Hofsletter, Mrs. J. F."
"Hogeboom, Mrs."
"Hogle, Eleanor"
"Hoke, Alta A."
"Holbrook, Florence"
"Holbrook, Mrs. F. H."
"Holbrook, Mrs. Florence"
"Holcomb, Elnora"
"Holcomb, Emma L."
"Holcomb, Jessie"
"Holcomb, Lenora"
"Holcomb, Mr.s M. H. (Lenora)"
"Holcomb, Mr.s W. L. [Emma H.)"
"Holcomb, Mrs. J. Newell"
"Holcomb, Mrs. Martin H. [Lenora]"
"Holcomb, Mrs. Martin [Lenora]"
"Holcomb, Mrs. [Maud M.]"
"Holden, Ebenezer G. D."
"Holden, Isabella"
"Holden, Mr. E. G. D."
"Holden, Mrs. Charles [Marie S]"
"Holden, Mrs. E. G. D. [Ebenezer, Melissa]"
"Holderman, Harley"
"Holdorp, Isabelle"
"Holland City, Michigan"
"Holland Literary Club"
"Holland Women's Literary Club"
"Holland Women's Literary Society"
"Holland, MI"
"Holland, Michigan"
"Holland, Mrs. L. E."
"Holland, Ottawa County, Michigan"
"Hollem, Mabel"
"Holliday, Henry"
"Hollis, Minnie"
"Hollister, Mrs. H. J. [Harvey J., Martha]"
"Hollister, Clara"
"Hollister, Florence"
"Hollister, Henry Clay"
"Hollister, Justina"
"Hollister, Lillian"
"Hollister, Martha"
"Hollister, May"
"Hollister, Mrs. Clara E."
"Hollister, Mrs. Clay H."
"Hollister, Mrs. Clay [Justina]"
"Hollister, Mrs. H. J."
"Hollister, Mrs. H. J. [Harvey, Martha]"
"Hollister, Mrs. Harvey J. [Martha]"
"Hollister, Mrs. Justina"
"Hollister, Mrs. Lillian"
"Hollister, Mrs. Martha"
"Holloway, Jimmy"
"Holmes, Arthur"
"Holmes, Bird"
"Holmes, Bird B."
"Holmes, Delisle P."
"Holmes, Dr. O. W."
"Holmes, Edith"
"Holmes, Mary E."
"Holmes, Miss"
"Holmes, Mrs. George B."
"Holmes, Mrs. Thomas"
"Holmquist, Alien"
"Holt, Mrs. C. L. [Hazel A.]"
"Holt, Mrs. Charles [Hazel A.]"
"Holt, Mrs. Charles [Hazel A]"
"Holt, Mrs. F. H."
"Holt, Mrs. Frederick"
"Holt, Mrs. Gaylord"
"Holt, Mrs. H. Gaylord (Annette E.)"
"Holt, Philip"
"Holt, Ruth"
"Holt,. Mrs. Frederick"
"Holten, Mrs. L. P."
"Holthe, Anna O."
"Holton, Abba Lord"
"Holwerda, Jeannette"
"Home Benevolent Society"
"Home economics"
"Home Economics League"
"Home for Friendless Women"
"Home for Self-supporting Women"
"Home for the Friendless"
"Home Literary club"
"Honeburg, Charles"
"Honeywell, Clara"
"Honiss, Hilda"
"Honn, Jeanette"
"Honn, Mrs. Jeanette A."
"Honolulu, Hawaii"
"Hood, Helen"
"Hood, Helen L."
"Hooks, Anna Etheridge"
"Hoop Skirts"
"Hoover, Herbert"
"Hope College"
"Hope College, Holland, Michigan"
"Hope, Leona"
"Hopkins, Flora Ball"
"Hopkins, Lulu"
"Hopkins, Lydia C."
"Hopkins, Mrs. Irving [Lulu R.]"
"Hopkins, Mrs. Mark"
"Hopkins, Sarah"
"Hopkins, Sybil"
"Hopkins, Sybyl"
"Hopkinsburg, Allegan County, Michigan"
"Hopper, De Wolf"
"Hopson, Alma"
"Hopson, Anna"
"Horgan, Marie"
"Horner, Julia"
"Horner, Mrs. Joseph C."
"Horner, Mrs. Joseph H.."
"Horning, Mrs. George A."
"Hornung, Katie"
"Horse-back riding"
"Horton, Ivan, Mary"
"Horton, Jane"
"Horton, Mrs."
"Horton, Mrs. John"
"Horton, Mrs. John Miller"
"Hosford, Mary A"
"Hosford, Mrs."
"Hosford, Mrs. F. H. "
"Hosken, Mrs. J. B. [Joseph B., Elsie D.]"
"Hosken, Mrs. J. H. [John H.,]"
"Hoskins, Mrs J. S."
"Hospital Sunday"
"Hotel Cadillac"
"Hotel Ottawa"
"Hotel Warwick"
"Hough, Charlotte"
"Hough, Mrs. George [Charlotte]"
"Houghston, Julia"
"Houghton, Michigan"
"Houghton, Mrs. H. B."
"House for Foundlings"
"House of Providence"
"House of the Good Shepherd"
"House of the Good Shpeherd"
"Household economics"
"Houseman, Julius"
"Houseman, Mayor"
"Houseman, Mayor Julius"
"Housewives' League"
"Houston, Effie Gaylord"
"Hovanec, Ignais"
"Hovanee, Ignatz"
"Hovenec, Josie"
"Hoversby, Mrs. Joseph"
"Hovey, D. B."
"Hovey, Deufay B."
"Hovey, Mrs. Ansel H."
"Hovey, Mrs. J. A."
"Hovey, Mrs. Sarah M."
"Hovey, Mrs. Wm"
"Hovey, William S."
"Howard City, Michigan"
"Howard, Alice Evans"
"Howard, Anna Lindsay"
"Howard, Bertha M."
"Howard, Celia M"
"Howard, Clinton N."
"Howard, Dr. N. P., Jr."
"Howard, Ethel E."
"Howard, H. Augusta"
"Howard, Lottie"
"Howard, Mrs."
"Howard, Mrs. C. W. [Celia]"
"Howard, Mrs. Frank"
"Howard, Mrs. H. J. [Hester J.]"
"Howard, Mrs. Hester J."
"Howard, Mrs. Mason"
"Howard, Mrs. P. J."
"Howard, Mrs. William S. [Ann B.]"
"Howay, Mrs. Leslie"
"Howe, Julia Ward"
"Howe, Julia Wrd"
"Howe, Mildred G."
"Howe, Mrs."
"Howe, Mrs. E. L."
"Howe, Mrs. Julia Ward"
"Howe, Mrs. Thornton"
"Howe, Norah"
"Howell, Frances"
"Howell, Mary Seymour"
"Howie, Mrs. W. J."
"Howland, William"
"Howlett, Anne H."
"Hoxie, Anna B."
"Hoxie, Mrs. B. A."
"Hoxie, Mrs. B. A. [Byron A., Estella]"
"Hoyt, Helen"
"Hoyt, Louise"
"Huban, Mrs. John"
"Hubb, Naomi"
"Hubbard, Dell"
"Hubbard, Jessie"
"Hubbard, Mrs. W. W. [Willard W., Helen M.]"
"Hubbell, Jay"
"Hubbell, Mrs. Myrtle A."
"Huber, Elsie"
"Huckleberry, Minnie"
"Huckleberry, Gertie"
"Huckleberry, William C."
"Hudson, Marie"
"Hudson, Mrs. Anna"
"Hudson, Mrs. M."
"Hudsonville, Michigan"
"Huefter, Clarence V."
"Huff, Ray"
"Huggett, Mrs. Martin C."
"Hughes, Charles E"
"Hughes, Charles E."
"Hughes, Charles Evans"
"Hughes, Charlotte"
"Hughes, Emma F."
"Hughes, Francis"
"Hughes, Maud"
"Hughes, Mildred"
"Hughes, Mrs. Quincy A."
"Hughes, Mrs. Walter"
"Hughes, Nora"
"Hughson, Amelia"
"Hughson, Mrs."
"Hughston, Augusta"
"Hughston, Mrs. Augusta C."
"Huighouse, Mrs. W. A. [William]"
"Huisinga, Clarence"
"Huizenga, Mrs. John"
"Hulbert, Mrs. Lulu"
"Hulburt, Mrs. C. J. [Charles J., Lula]"
"Huldekoper, Frederick"
"Hull House"
"Hull, Charles J."
"Hull, Ellen"
"Hull, Francis"
"Hull, Mrs."
"Hull, Mrs. George W. [Kity E.]"
"Hull, Mrs. W. S. [William S., Eva M.]"
"Hull, W. S. [William S. Eva M.]"
"Hull, William"
"Hulsapple, William I."
"Hulst, Cornelia Steketee"
"Hulst, Grace"
"Hulst, Helene"
"Hulst, Mrs. Cornelia"
"Hulst, Mrs. Henry [Cornelia]"
"Hultin, Ida C."
"Hulton, Ida"
"Hulton, Ida C."
"Hulton, Rev. Ida C"
"Humbel, Albion"
"Humbel, Anna"
"Humberger, Earl"
"Hume, Ida M."
"Hummell, Elsa"
"Hummer, Margaret"
"Humphrey, Caroline R."
"Humphries, Mary Gay"
"Hunt, Capt. Reginald G."
"Hunt, Isabel"
"Hunt, Isabell"
"Hunt, Miss L. [Lydia]"
"Hunt, Mrs. B. S."
"Hunt, Mrs. E. H."
"Hunt, Mrs. George"
"Hunt, Mrs. Mary H."
"Hunter, Fannie"
"Hunter, Inez"
"Hunters and hunting"
"Hunting and hunters"
"Hunting, Mrs. E. W. [Edgar, Grace]"
"Hunting, Mrs. Edgar (Grace)"
"Hunting, Mrs. Edgar H."
"Hunting, Mrs. Edgar [Grace L.]"
"Hunting, Mrs. Edgar [Grace L]]"
"Huntingdon, Mrs. H. M."
"Huntley, Sarah M."
"Huntress, Mrs. M. H."
"Hurd, Mrs. Claude M. [Ora]"
"Hurley, Lieutenant [William J.]"
"Hurley, William J."
"Hurrey, Harriet"
"Hurt, Mildred"
"Hurt, Mrs. Frank [Caroline]"
"Hurt, Mrs. W. H."
"Husted Rev. J. T. [John T.]"
"Husted, Bessie [Elizabeth]"
"Husted, John T."
"Husted, Mrs. J. T. [John T.]"
"Husted, Mrs. N. M."
"Husted, Rev. Mr [John T.]"
"Huster, D. B."
"Hutchins, Frank"
"Hutchins, President Harry Burns"
"Hutchinson, Winnifred"
"Hutton, Wilma G."
"Huyck, Mrs. Lulu"
"Huyser, Ralph, Grace"
"Hyde, Florence Slown"
"Hynes, Bernice"
"Iben, Anna"
"Idema, Annie"
"Idema, Mr. and Mrs. Henry"
"Idema, Mrs. Chester [Marion]"
"Igdmsil club"
"Igdrasil Club"
"Igdrasil Literary Club"
"Igleman, Mrs. O [Olin]"
"Illegitimate children"
"Illinois Ladies Centennial Commission"
"Illinois Law"
"Illinois State legislature"
"Illinois Women's Legislative congress"
"Imman, Loraine Pratt"
"Imman, Lorraine Pratt"
"Imman, Mrs. L. [Loraine Pratt]"
"Immen, Loraine"
"Immen, Loraine P."
"Immen, Loraine Pratt"
"Immen, Loriane Pratt"
"Immen, Lorraine"
"Immen, Mrs."
"Immen, Mrs. Laraine Pratt"
"Immen, Mrs. Loraine"
"Immen, Mrs. Lorraine"
"Immigrants and immigration"
"Income Tax Law"
"Independent Order of B'nai Brith"
"Independent Order of Forresters Ladies' Auxiliary"
"Independent Press"
"Indiana State Reformatory"
"Indiana University"
"Indiana Women's Board of Industry"
"Indianapolis Street Railway Company"
"Indianapolis, Indiana"
"Industrial club"
"Industrial Education and Vocational Guidence Conference"
"Industrial Home for Girls, Adrian"
"Industrial School at Adrian"
"Industrial School for Girls"
"Industrial School of Kalamazoo"
"Industrial Worker of the World"
"Industsrial Education Society"
"Infant mortality"
"Influenza epidemic"
"Ingelow, Jean"
"Ingersoll, Bob"
"Ingersoll, Colonel"
"Ingham County, Michigan"
"Inglis, Rev. James"
"Ingram, Ethel"
"Ingram, Mrs. F. F."
"Inheritance laws"
"Inman, Addie Farrar"
"Inman, Lorrine Pratt"
"Inmen, Lorraine"
"Innes, Mrs. W. P."
"Innes, William P."
"Intelligence "
"Inter-allied Women's council"
"Interdenominational Benevolent Assn"
"International Congree of Women"
"International Assn of Women Preachers"
"International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers"
"International Commission of Women for Permanent Peace"
"International Congress of Women"
"International Council of Women"
"International Council of Women Suffragists of the allied Nations"
"International Residence association"
"International Union of Molders"
"International Woman Suffrage Alliance"
"International Woman's Association of Commerce"
"International Women Writers'"
"Ionia Co. Federation of Women's Clubs"
"Ionia County Club Women"
"Ionia County, Michigan"
"Ionia, Michigan"
"Iowa suffrage"
"Ira M. Smith"
"Iron County, Michigan"
"Iron Mountain, Michigan"
"Ironwood, Michigan"
"Irwin, Bobley A [Robert]"
"Irwin, Larla"
"Irwin, Lou"
"Irwin, May"
"Irwin, Miss"
"Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. Robert W."
"Irwin, Mrs. Earle S [Charlotte]"
"Irwin, Mrs. Eber W. [Lila]"
"Irwin, Mrs. Robert W [Larla]"
"Irwin, Mrs. Thomas C. [Grace E. R.]"
"Irwin, Nellie"
"Irwin, Robert W."
"Irwin, Tommy Charles"
"Isabell, Ida"
"Isabella Home Association"
"Ishpeming, MI"
"Israelite House of David"
"Ithaca, MI"
"Ives, Mrs. Lucius H. [Elizabeth]"
"Izaakopf, Mary"
"Jabeck, Regena"
"Jack, Grace"
"Jackowski, Isabelle"
"Jackson Police Department"
"Jackson prison"
"Jackson [Michigan] Prison"
"Jackson, Myra"
"Jackson, Alice"
"Jackson, Carrie"
"Jackson, Helen Hunt"
"Jackson, Laura"
"Jackson, Michigan"
"Jackson, Mrs. Florence I."
"Jackson, Mrs. J. H. [John H.]"
"Jackson, Mrs. John L."
"Jackson, Mrs. Marian L."
"Jackson, Nettie"
"Jackson, Rev. John"
"Jacob, Rev. J. C."
"Jacobs, A."
"Jacobs, H."
"Jacobs, Marion"
"Jacobs, Mrs. Anton"
"Jacoby, Ella"
"Jacox, Edith Allan"
"Jaeger, Nelda"
"Jakeway, Sarah A."
"Jakway, Rhoda"
"James, Alice"
"James, Alice M."
"James, Mary"
"James, Mrs. Ada"
"James, Mrs. Ada Boyle"
"Jameson, Mrs. Hugh"
"Jamieson, Agnes B."
"Jamieson, Maud"
"Jannausch, Bertha"
"Jansen, Lizzie"
"Jansen, Marie"
"Jansen, Mrs. V."
"Jansheski, Katherine"
"Jansma, Peter"
"Japanese stowaways"
"Japinga, Fannie"
"Jareo, Loraine"
"Jarvis, Mrs. James [Madeline]"
"Jarvis, Mrs. Robert E. L. (Fannie)"
"Jarvis-Deming, Mrs."
"Jasheski, Catherine"
"Jayne Stars Team"
"Jayne, Ira"
"Jayne, Margaret"
"Jaynes, Harriet G. (Kalamazoo)"
"Jean, Hilda"
"Jedlicks, Mrs. Anna"
"Jefferson County (NY) Journal"
"Jeffries, Mrs. Edgar"
"Jeffries, Mrs. H. A."
"Jelley, Mrs. Arthur"
"Jenison, Mrs. J. B."
"Jenison, Theo"
"Jenisonville, Michigan"
"Jenkins, Dean M."
"Jenkins, Helen"
"Jenkins, Helen P."
"Jenkins, Helen P. (Detroit)"
"Jenkins, Mary"
"Jenks, Helen"
"Jennings, Mrs. E [Elvina]"
"Jennings, Grace"
"Jennings, L. H."
"Jennings, Lillian M."
"Jennings, Marion"
"Jennings, Marion L."
"Jennings, Michigan"
"Jennings, Minnie H."
"Jennings, Mrs. A. G."
"Jennings, Mrs. Abram"
"Jennison, Mrs. G. B."
"Jensen, Mrs. P. C."
"Jensen, Ruby"
"Jenson, J. R."
"Jessop, Grace W."
"Jewel, Judge Harry D."
"Jewell, Dell"
"Jewell, H. D. [Harry D.]"
"Jewett, Carrie"
"Jewett, Mrs. W. L."
"Jewett, Sara"
"Jewett, Sarah"
"Jewett, Sarah Orne"
"Jewett, Sarah Townsley Ward"
"Jewish Benevolent Society"
"Jewish Ladies Aid Society"
"John ball Park"
"John D. Martin Furniture Company"
"John D. Raab Chair Co."
"Johns, Harry W."
"Johns, Sister Mary"
"Johnson (Knapp), Laura"
"Johnson Bros. Telephone Company"
"Johnson G. J. [Gerrit J.]"
"Johnson, "Cissy""
"Johnson, Adelia M"
"Johnson, Anna"
"Johnson, Anna E."
"Johnson, Arthur P."
"Johnson, Dr. Alexander"
"Johnson, Dr. D. B."
"Johnson, Dr. G. K."
"Johnson, ellen"
"Johnson, Faye"
"Johnson, Fayella"
"Johnson, Frederick L."
"Johnson, G. J."
"Johnson, George"
"Johnson, Geroge W."
"Johnson, Gerrit J."
"Johnson, Grace"
"Johnson, Hazel"
"Johnson, Hazel M."
"Johnson, Helen L."
"Johnson, Ida"
"Johnson, Inez"
"Johnson, Jack"
"Johnson, Luie"
"Johnson, Mabel"
"Johnson, Mary Alice"
"Johnson, Mary C."
"Johnson, Mattie, John"
"Johnson, Minnie E"
"Johnson, Mrs J. H."
"Johnson, Mrs. M. L."
"Johnson, Mrs. A. M. "
"Johnson, Mrs. A. P. [Axel P., Antonnette]"
"Johnson, Mrs. Dallas"
"Johnson, Mrs. Dr."
"Johnson, Mrs. Edgar [Elizabeth]"
"Johnson, Mrs. George K."
"Johnson, Mrs. H. J."
"Johnson, Mrs. Inez"
"Johnson, Mrs. J. H."
"Johnson, Mrs. James"
"Johnson, Mrs. Mary C."
"Johnson, Mrs. Melville T."
"Johnson, Mrs. Ransom [Julia E.]"
"Johnson, Oscar"
"Johnson, Thomas E."
"Johnston, Alma Calder"
"Johnston, Caroline"
"Johnston, James A."
"Johnston, Laura B."
"Johnston, Miss Nellie"
"Johnston, Mrs. Collins H. [Allie S.]"
"Johnston, Mrs. Collins [Allie S.]"
"Johnston, Mrs. Lou"
"Johnston, Mrs. Margaret"
"Johnston, Mrs. W. T. [William T.]"
"Joldersma, Alice"
"Jolly Pathfinders"
"Jonas, Addie Miller"
"Jonas, Philip E."
"Jone, Irma T."
"Jones, Effie McCollum"
"Jones, ---"
"Jones, Arilla"
"Jones, Berthal"
"Jones, Deacon"
"Jones, Delia"
"Jones, Effie McCullom "
"Jones, Eva"
"Jones, Evangelist Bob Jones"
"Jones, Irma T."
"Jones, Jenkin L."
"Jones, June Graham"
"Jones, Louise"
"Jones, Lula E."
"Jones, Mabel Lee"
"Jones, Mamie"
"Jones, Mary"
"Jones, Mary D."
"Jones, Mrs. Charles R."
"Jones, Mrs. E Berkey"
"Jones, Mrs. E. Berkey"
"Jones, Mrs. Fred E."
"Jones, Mrs. Matie W."
"Jones, Mrs. Melvin "
"Jones, Mrs. N. A."
"Jones, Mrs. N. B. "
"Jones, Mrs. Palmer [Lois]"
"Jones, Mrs. Palmer [Lois M]"
"Jones, Mrs. Palmer [Lois]"
"Jones, Mrs. Paul W. [Jones, Florence D.]"
"Jones, Mrs. S. A."
"Jones, Mrs. Will"
"Jones, Mrs. William"
"Jones, Nellie Kedzie"
"Jones, Rachel"
"Jones, Rosalie"
"Jones, Rosalie G."
"Jones, Sam"
"Jones, Viola"
"Jordan, Alice"
"Joslin, Mrs. G. H."
"Joslyn, Mrs."
"Joss, Henrietta"
"Joyce, Albert"
"Jr. Equal Franchise"
"Juarez, Mexico"
"Judd, Dorothy Leonard"
"Judd, Mrs. C. B. [Charles B., Georgianna]"
"Judd, Mrs. C. B. [Charles B., ]"
"Judd, Mrs. Charles B. [Georgianna]"
"Judd, Mrs. E. E. [Elliott E., Harriet J.]"
"Judd, Mrs. E. E. [Elliott, Harriet J.]"
"Judd, Mrs. Samuel"
"Judd, Mrs. Siegel W."
"Judd, Sarah"
"Judson, Ella"
"Judson, Mary R."
"Judson, Mrs. Karl S. [Meta M.]"
"Judson, Mrs. William"
"Judson, Mrs. William [Ella B.]"
"Juergens, Alfred"
"June, Clara"
"Juneau, Louise M."
"Junior Art league"
"Junior Equal Franchise Club"
"Junior Red Cross"
"Junior Red Cross Salvage Store"
"Jury duty"
"Justin, Leanore"
"Kachiris, William"
"Kachiris, Grace"
"Kahler, Etta"
"Kain, Ada Katherine"
"Kaiser, Laura"
"Kaiser, Laurie"
"Kalamazoo Agricultural College"
"Kalamazoo Charm School"
"Kalamazoo College"
"Kalamazoo Corset Co."
"Kalamazoo Corset Company"
"Kalamazoo County, Michigan"
"Kalamazoo, Michigan"
"Kalkaska, Michigan"
"Kalkbrenner, Elsie"
"Kalmbach, John"
"Kalver, Harry"
"Kalver, Mrs. Esther"
"Kamp, Gertrude"
"Kamperman, Rose"
"Kane, Kate"
"Kansas City"
"Kansas City, MO"
"Karel, Mrs. John D."
"Kark, Mr. and Mrs. John"
"Karma and Reincarnation Legion"
"Karnes, Mrs. L. M."
"Karsten, Martha"
"Karsten, May"
"Kassick, Mrs. L."
"Kate MacDonald L. L. C. [Ladies Literary Club]"
"Kate MacDonald Literary Club"
"Kay, Kathleen"
"Kay, Kathleen M"
"Keane, M. Maude"
"Keasey, Mrs. Charles"
"Keating, Martha"
"Keating, Martha A"
"Kech, Catherine"
"Keck, Christine"
"Keck, Catherine"
"Keck, Christine"
"Kee, Ellen"
"Kee, Samuel"
"Keefe, Susie"
"Keeler, M. S."
"Keeler, Mrs. John W."
"Keeler, Mrs. Julian"
"Keeley, T. F."
"Keene, Maude"
"Keep, Helen"
"Keirstead, Mrs. William [Elspeth]"
"Keister, Mrs. Bruce (Cecile N.)"
"Keith Empress Theater"
"Kellar, Henri"
"Kelleher, Margaret"
"Keller Pneumatic Tool Company"
"Keller, Anna"
"Keller, Frances"
"Keller, Harry"
"Keller, Helen"
"Keller, Henri"
"Keller, Mrs. Molly"
"Kelley, Alice"
"Kelley, Audie"
"Kelley, Florence"
"Kellogg, Clara Louise"
"Kellogg, Dr. J. H."
"Kellogg, E. E."
"Kellogg, Edith"
"Kellogg, Mrs. E. B."
"Kellogg, Mrs. E. E."
"Kellogg, Sarah"
"Kellogg, Thelma"
"Kelly, Anna"
"Kelsey, Charles"
"Kelsey, Mrs. C. B. [Charles B., Mary C. A.]"
"Kelsey-Brewer Comany"
"Kelton, Mr.s Frank"
"Kelton, Mrs. F. P. S."
"Kemp, Genevieve"
"Kemp, Minnie E."
"Kemp, Mrs. E. C."
"Kemp, Mrs. Minnie E."
"Kempski, John P"
"Kempthorne, Edith M."
"Kendal, Madge"
"Kendall Home for Nurses"
"Kendall, Esther"
"Kendall, Julia"
"Kendall, Mrs. C. F."
"Kennan, Asa B."
"Kennedy, Caroline"
"Kenney, Agnes"
"Kenney, Annie"
"Kennicutt, Eleanor"
"Kenoshaw, Wisconsin"
"Kent Co. Women's Republican Club"
"Kent Country Club"
"Kent County Board of Supervisors"
"Kent County Clerk"
"Kent County Democratic convention"
"Kent County Detention hospital"
"Kent County Equal Franchise association"
"Kent County Equal Franchise Club"
"Kent County Equal Suffrage association"
"Kent County Jail"
"Kent County Nurses Assn"
"Kent County Nurses' Association"
"Kent County Republican Women's Club"
"Kent County Suffrage association"
"Kent County, Michigan"
"Kent County, Michigan"
"Kent Scientific Institute"
"Kent Suffrage association"
"Kent, Mrs. William [Elizabeth]"
"Kenyon, Minnie (Marine City)"
"Kenyon, Minnie L."
"Keough, Mrs. Dan"
"Keppler, Joseph"
"Kerfuit, Ida May"
"Kergomard, Pauline"
"Kerkhoff, Eleanor"
"Kerr, Mrs. R. L."
"Kerwin, Mrs. Fred"
"Ketcham, Clyde W."
"Ketcham, Dorothy E."
"Ketcham, Emily"
"Ketcham, Emily B"
"Ketcham, Emily B."
"Ketcham, Emily Burton"
"Ketcham, John"
"Ketcham, Mr. and Mrs. S. G."
"Ketcham, Mrs. Emily B."
"Ketcham, Mrs. Emily Burton"
"Ketcham, Mrs. Harry [Ida]"
"Ketcham, S. G. [Smith G.]"
"Ketcham, Smith G."
"Ketchem, Mrs. E. B [Emily Burton]"
"Ketchum, Mrs."
"Ketchum, Mrs. Catherine J."
"Ketchum, Mrs. S. G."
"Ketchun, Mrs. E. B."
"Kettenring, Mary A."
"Keyes, Lillian M."
"Keyes, Minnie E."
"Kickhoefer, Lizzie"
"Kickhoeffer, Eugene"
"Kidd, Mrs. George"
"Kidder, E. P. & Co."
"Kidder, Mrs. S. A."
"Kidnapping and kidnappers"
"Kierstead, Mrs. William [Elspeth]"
"Kierstead, Nina"
"Killen, Mrs. E. Belle"
"Killian, Mrs. John"
"Kilstrom, Mrs. Oscar E."
"Kimball, Carrie"
"Kimball, Harriet McEwan"
"Kimball, Miss"
"Kimball, Mrs. D.W. [Daniel, Florence Winifred]"
"Kime, Anna"
"Kimes, Mrs. Byron [Helen]"
"Kinchella, Harriet A. Raymond"
"Kinchella, Walter J."
"Kindel, Mrs. C. J. [Charles J., Jessie M.]"
"Kindergarten Training School team"
"Kindra, Nellie"
"Kindra, William H."
"King, Florence"
"King, Helen"
"King, Louise"
"King, Lydia"
"King, Mrs."
"King, Mrs. S. A."
"King, Sarah A."
"Kingdon, Edith"
"Kingma, Mrs. Gevina A."
"Kingsbury, Mrs."
"Kingsley, Margaret"
"Kingsmore, James"
"Kingsnorth's, Mrs."
"Kingston, Ontario, Canada"
"Kingsworth, Minnie"
"Kingsworth, Mrs. alice"
"Kinne, Mrs. Elizabeth"
"Kinnerman, Irene"
"Kinnerman, Nora"
"Kinney, Jane"
"Kinney, Margaret"
"Kinney, Mrs."
"Kinney, Mrs. Don [Jessie]"
"Kinney, Nellie"
"Kinnie, Mrs. Jennie B."
"Kinsey, Caroline"
"Kinsey, Mrs. Ethel"
"Kinsey, Mrs. F. C."
"Kinsey, Mrs. W. H. (Annie R.)"
"Kinsey, W. S."
"Kipling, Rudyard"
"Kipp, Mrs. Howard"
"Kiralfy [Imre or Bolossy]"
"Kirchgessner, Mrs. W. C. [Ellen]"
"Kirchhoff, Elizabeth"
"Kirk, Mrs. A."
"Kirkland, Mrs. Anna"
"Kirkpatrick, Marie"
"Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Arthur [Lucy]"
"Kirkpatrick, Reba"
"Kirkwood, Florence"
"Kirkwood, Florence Genevieve"
"Kitchener, Lord"
"Kitto, Mrs. Allie"
"Klatt, Emil"
"Kleckner, Viola"
"Kleef, Louise"
"Klein, Beulah"
"Kleinhans, Jacob"
"Kleinhans, Mrs."
"Kleinhans, Mrs. D. W."
"Klingman, Mary"
"Klingsnorth, Amy"
"Klumb, Carrie A. (Menominee)"
"Klumph, Mrs. D. A."
"Klys, Elizabeth"
"Knaggs, May S."
"Knaggs, Kay"
"Knaggs, Mary L."
"Knaggs, Mary S."
"Knaggs, Mary S. (Bay City)"
"Knaggs, May S."
"Knaggs, May Stocking"
"Knape, Genevieve"
"Knapp, Addie"
"Knapp, Dorothy"
"Knapp, I. Jay"
"Knapp, Mrs. "
"Knapp, Mrs. Betsy (Archer)"
"Knapp, Mrs. E. F."
"Knappen, Stuart J."
"Knauf, Charlotte"
"Kneale, Lula"
"Knecht, Mrs. Alvin"
"Knee, Mrs. A. T."
"Kneisel quartet"
"Knickerbocker Law"
"Knight, Audrey"
"Knight, Kenton"
"Knight, Marie"
"Knight, Mrs. Edward Exter "
"Knight, Nellie"
"Knights of Columbus"
"Knights of Labor"
"Knights of Pythias"
"Knights of Pythias Hall"
"Knights of the Maccabees"
"Knights of the Maccabees order (K. O. T. M.)"
"Knights Templar"
"Knoochuizen, Miss"
"Knott, Mrs. Heber [Elizabeth, Bessie]"
"Knowles, Clara"
"Knowles, Miss"
"Knowlson, Mrs. J. B."
"Knox, Elinor"
"Knox, Grace B."
"Knox, Louise B."
"Knudsen, Mrs. K. T. [Karsten T., Agnes]"
"Knudson, Agnes"
"Koenes, John H."
"Koenes, Rullie"
"Koepke, Gladys"
"Koepke, Lucile"
"Koetsier, Jennie"
"Kole, Christine"
"Koll, Leona Wheeler"
"Kollen, Mrs. G. E."
"Kollen, Mrs. George"
"Kolsinski, Albertine F."
"Komansky, Adeline"
"Koniewicz, Mrs. Alice"
"Konkle, Emma"
"Konkle, Mary E."
"Konkle, Mrs. Comstock"
"Konkle, Mrs. Comstock [Maud Cary]"
"Konkle, Mrs. Franklin"
"Konstantopankos, Anastasios"
"Koon, Mrs. C. S."
"Koon, Myrtle"
"Koonstetter, Mrs."
"Kopf, Ella"
"Koppe, Louise"
"Koslowske, Mary"
"Kosten, Edward"
"Kosten, Jane"
"Kosten, Mrs. Edward A. [Laurel]"
"Kosten, Mrs. Edward [Laurel]"
"Koster, Edward"
"Koster, Fanny"
"Koster, William"
"Kraggs, May S."
"Krake, Viola Ellis"
"Krakowski, Rev. L. P."
"Kramer, Fred"
"Kramer, Henrietta"
"Krap, Anna"
"Krapp, Lena"
"Krause, Rose M."
"Kreidler, Ella Marc"
"Kresge, Mrs. Doris Mercer"
"Kresge, Sebastian S."
"Krighel, Henrietta"
"Krill, Emma E."
"Krissner, Ameilia"
"Krueger, Jean"
"Kruger, Mildred"
"Krum, Minnie"
"Kruniker, Dr. M. W."
"Krzystymiak, Mary"
"Ku Klux Klan"
"Kuberski, Amelia"
"Kuecnan, Nellie"
"Kuennen, Emma"
"Kuennen, Hazel"
"Kuennen, Mrs. Frank [Lenna]"
"Kuiper, Angelina"
"Kuiper, Mrs. Gelmer"
"Kuiper, Rev. Henry J."
"Kuipers, Elsie"
"Kulens, Mabel, Jack"
"Kummer, Clara"
"Kummerfield, Ida"
"Kunert, Carrie"
"Kunz, George"
"Kuranik, George"
"Kurkjian, Anna"
"Kurtz, E. Edward"
"Kusterer, Eva"
"Kyser, Leo"
"Kyser, Lilah"
"L'Esperance, Annie"
"L. B. Saunders Co."
"La Benz, Martha"
"La Forge, Frank"
"La Mode"
"La Petite Elva"
"La Societa Regina Margherita"
"Laban, Jennie"
"Laban, Mrs. William (Jennie)"
"LaBaudy, Mrs."
"Labor and wages"
"Labor Day celebration"
"Labor laws"
"Labor statistics"
"Labor Strikes"
"Labor unions"
"LaBour, Sarah J."
"LaBourslier, Moses S."
"Lacey, Gus and Violet"
"Lacey, Mrs. Edith"
"Lacey, Mrs. J. D. [James D., Martha E.]"
"LaChapelle, Miss"
"Ladd, Margaret"
"Ladies Aid Society"
"Ladies Auxiliary"
"Ladies Auxiliary of the Ancient Order of Hibernians"
"Ladies Auxiliary of the Young Men's Christian Association"
"Ladies Benevolent Society"
"Ladies Employment Parlor"
"Ladies Employment Parlors"
"Ladies Home Journal"
"Ladies Label League"
"Ladies Literary Club"
"Ladies Literary club building"
"Ladies Literary Club building"
"Ladies Literary slcu"
"Ladies Literary Societies"
"Ladies Literary Society"
"Ladies Loyal League"
"Ladies Military Aid Society"
"Ladies of the Modern Maccabees"
"Ladies Relief Society, Lansing"
"Ladies Shirtwaist and Dressmakers union"
"Ladies Union Label League"
"Ladies W.C.T.U., Petoskey"
"Ladies' Home Journal"
"Ladies' Literary Club"
"Ladies' Literary Club House"
"Ladies' Mt. Vernon Association of the Union"
"Lady Harmony Lodge"
"Lady K. O. T. M."
"Lady Middleton"
"Lady.Mar.and Kellie"
"Lafferty, A."
"Lafferty, E."
"Lafollette, Fola"
"LaGrange, Illinois"
"LaGrange, Michigan"
"Laham, Mary"
"Laidlaw, James Lees"
"Lake City, Michigan"
"Lake Odess, Michigan"
"Lake Odessa, Michigan"
"Lake Shore Road Station"
"Lake View, Montcalm County, Michigan"
"Lake, Cecil"
"Lake, Mrs. Cavagnaro"
"Lake, Mrs. E. A."
"Lakeview, Michigan"
"Lalakoum grotto"
"Lalor, Maggie"
"Lamb, 'Aunt Mandy'"
"Lamb, Carrie"
"Lamb, Emma"
"Lamb, Jesse B."
"Lamb, Mrs. John"
"Lamb, Nellie"
"Lammers, Nellie"
"Lamont, Mrs. Guy"
"Lamoreaux, Esther"
"Lamoreaux, Mrs. E. E."
"Lamoreaux, Mrs. E. E. [Esther]"
"Lamoreaux, Mrs. E. E. [Esther]"
"Lamoreaux, W. T."
"LaMotte, Miss"
"Lamphere, Carrie M."
"Lancaster, Mary C."
"Lancaster, Mrs. C. F."
"Lander, Mrs. General"
"Landes, Mrs. Bertha K."
"Landman, Mrs. W."
"Landman, Neil"
"Landowski, Paul"
"Lane, Irene [alias]"
"Lane, John"
"Lane, Mary"
"Lane, Mr. & Mrs. John W."
"Lane, Mrs. Sara A."
"Lang, Katherine"
"Langenour, Hazel Bess"
"Langford, Mrs. J. S."
"Langford, Mrs. R. S."
"Langford, Mrs. T. S."
"Langhorne, Nannie"
"Langley Millinery Co"
"Langley Millinery company"
"Langley, Mrs. John W."
"Langstaff, W. P."
"Langtry, Lillie"
"Langtry, Lily"
"Langtry, Mrs. [Lillie]"
"Lankaster, Helen"
"Lanning, Mrs."
"Lansbury, Florence"
"Lansbury, George"
"Lansing Convention"
"Lansing Republican"
"Lansing, Michigan"
"Lansingburgh, New York"
"Lanver, Mrs. A. J."
"Lapeer State Home and Training School"
"Lapwal, Idaho"
"Laramy, Alice"
"Laramy, Ida"
"Laramy, Mrs. J. E. (Blanche)"
"Laraway, Blanche Thomas"
"Larcom, Lucy"
"Lardie, Emma"
"Larned, Dr. Frederick"
"Larrabee, Edna"
"Larson, Eleanor"
"Larson, Mable"
"Larson, Mrs. Koran"
"Larwill, Isabel"
"Lastinger, Gladys"
"Latham, Vida"
"Lathbury, Mary A."
"Lathrap, Mrs. Mary T."
"Lathrop, Antoinette"
"Lathrop, Helen A."
"Lathrop, Julia C."
"Lathrop, Mary F."
"Lathrop, Mary T."
"Lathrop, Miss"
"Lathrop, Mrs. Benjamin G."
"Lathrop, Mrs. George H."
"Lathrop, Mrs. Mary T."
"LaTour, Mrs. S. J."
"LaTour, Mrs. Sarah"
"Latter Day Saints"
"Laude, Lena"
"Laude, Leon M."
"Laughlin, Anna"
"Laughlin, James Edwin"
"Laughlin, Mary"
"Laughlin, Mrs. Estella May"
"LaVern, Mrs. Edna"
"Lavie, Elizabeth"
"Law suits"
"Law, Mrs. Capt. W. H."
"Law, Mrs. E. Noraine"
"Law, Mrs. E. Norienne [Noraine]"
"Law, Mrs. W. H."
"Law, Ruth"
"Lawler, Kathleen F."
"Lawler, W. P."
"Lawrence, Frederick Pethick"
"Lawrence, John S."
"Lawrence, Massachusetts"
"Lawrence, Michigan"
"Lawrence, Thomas"
"Lawrence, William H."
"Lawson, Mrs. C. W."
"Lawson, Susan Maria"
"Lawton, Mrs. Vernon (Hessie)"
"Layer, Jacob"
"Layer, Llewellia"
"Layer, Llewillia"
"Layman, Mrs. R. C."
"Le Duc, Joseph E."
"Leach, Lloyd"
"League for Political Education"
"League of American Sportsmen"
"League of Catholic Women"
"League of Nations"
"League of Ottoman Women Who Desire a Just Influence"
"League of Women Voters"
"Lean, Cecil"
"Lean, Florence Holbrook"
"Lease, Marry Ellen"
"Lease, Mrs. M. E."
"Leavenworth, Franc"
"Leavenworth, Laura"
"Ledyard, Harrison T."
"Ledyard, Mrs. Isabella Myers"
"Lee, Arthur"
"Lee, Cora"
"Lee, Dr. Helen E."
"Lee, Dr. W. J. Mosley"
"Lee, Francis"
"Lee, Glennis"
"Lee, Hazel"
"Lee, Ida May"
"Lee, Lareta"
"Lee, Laretta"
"Lee, Lottie"
"Lee, Maria"
"Lee, Mrs. Ben H. [Frances]"
"Lee, Mrs. Ben H. [Francis]"
"Lee, Mrs. Ben [Francis]"
"Lee, Mrs. F. M. [Frank M., Millie M.]"
"Lee, Mrs. Frank [Millie M.]"
"Lee, Mrs. Yan Phon "
"Leeds, Mrs. Lawrence"
"Leelanau County"
"Leelanau County, Michigan"
"Leelenau County"
"Lees, Sophie"
"Leete, Harriet"
"Legion of Honor"
"Lehr, Mrs. Grant"
"Leigh, Alice Margaret"
"Leigh, Margaret Alice"
"Leighton, Mrs. F. S."
"Leitch, Virginia"
"Leitelt, Anna"
"Leitelt, Rosetta"
"Leitzel, Lillian"
"Leland, Michigan"
"Lely, Durward"
"Lempke, Elsie M."
"Lenawee County Bankers' Club"
"Lenglen, Suzanne"
"Lennon, Edith"
"Lenon, Edith"
"Lenon, Edith M."
"Leon, Blanche"
"Leonard, George M."
"Leonard, Jennie"
"Leonard, Mrs."
"Leonard, Mrs. C. H. [Charles H., Emma C.]"
"Leonard, Mrs. Cassa L."
"Leonard, Mrs. Charles H. [Emma C.]"
"Leonard, Mrs. Frank E. [Sarah E.]"
"Leonard, Mrs. Frank [Sarah E.]"
"Leonard, Mrs. H. [Heman, Maria P.]"
"Leonard, Mrs. Harry"
"Leonard, Mrs. Harry [Willie Stamberg]"
"Leonard, Mrs. Harry C. [Willie Stamberg]"
"Leonard, Mrs. Harry [Willie Stamberg]"
"Leroy, Eva"
"LeRoy, Mrs. Mabel Pound"
"Leslie Publications"
"Leslie, Frank"
"Leslie, Miriam"
"Leslie, Mrs. Frank [Miriam Florence Follin Squire]"
"Lessenden, Helen"
"Letter to the Editor"
"Letts, Jr. Mrs. F. C."
"Letts, Jr., Mrs. F. C. [Fred]"
"Letts, Mrs. F. C."
"Letts, Mrs. F. C. [Fred]"
"Leuwenburg, Mrs. D."
"Levandowski, Mary"
"Lewis, Bessie"
"Lewis, Edmonia"
"Lewis, Evangeline"
"Lewis, Isabel"
"Lewis, Marietta"
"Lewis, Maud"
"Lewis, Minnie, Charles"
"Lewis, Mrs. Agnes Smith"
"Lewis, Mrs. Minnie E."
"Lewis, Mrs. Willard C."
"Lewis, Nellie"
"Lewis, Thomas R."
"Ley, Evelyn"
"Ley, Mrs. John [Emma]"
"Leys, Cornelia"
"Leys, Josephine"
"Libraries and librarians"
"Library Association"
"Lick, Harriet"
"Lick, James"
"Lide, Julia"
"Life span"
"Liggett, Mrs. Robert B."
"Lighthouse keepers "
"Lillie, Julie"
"Lillie, Karl G."
"Lillie, Lois"
"Lillie, Mrs."
"Lillie, Mrs. Clyde [Barbara]"
"Lillingstone, Amy"
"Lilly, Mrs. Fannie"
"Lincoln Club"
"Lincoln Club banquet"
"Lincoln Day celebration"
"Lincoln Republican Club"
"Lincoln, Jennie E,"
"Lincoln, Mrs. A. H."
"Lincoln, Natalie S."
"Lind, Jennie"
"Lindemuller, Annette"
"Linden, Joyce"
"Lindhoff, Mrs. Louise"
"Lindley, Mrs. H. L."
"Lindquist, Edith"
"Lindsay, Ida"
"Lines, Libbie"
"Lines, Libbie M."
"Lingberg, Ella"
"Linscott, Captain"
"Lipchynski, Mrs. Stanislawa"
"Lipczynski, Waleryo [Valeria]"
"Lipsey, Blanche"
"Liquor laws"
"Litscher Electric company"
"Litscher, Mrs. C. J. [Sarah]"
"Littel, Mrs. E. H."
"Little Rock, Arkansas"
"Little Sisters of the Poor"
"Little, Dr. Clarence Cook"
"Little, May E."
"Little, President Clarence Cook"
"Lively, Mrs. Charles [Norine]"
"Livermore, Mary"
"Livermore, Mary A."
"Livermore, Mrs."
"Livermore, Mrs. Mary"
"Livermore, Mrs. Mary A."
"Liverpool, England"
"Livingston Hotel"
"Livingston, Albert"
"Livingston, Anna"
"Livingston, Jennie D."
"Livingston, John"
"Livingston, Mrs. Deborah K."
"Lloyd, Rachel"
"Lloyd-George, David"
"Lobdell, Helen"
"Lobdell, Helen M."
"Lobdell, Mattie"
"Lobdell, Mrs. Helen"
"Lober, Elmer"
"Locher, Mrs."
"Locke, Fred H."
"Locke, J. S."
"Locke, Josephine"
"Locke, Mrs. Fred H."
"Lockerby Hall"
"Lockerby, Mrs. Alice"
"Lockwood, Belva"
"Lockwood, Carrie "
"Lockwood, Mary"
"Lockwood, Mary S."
"Lockwood, Mrs. Belva"
"Lockwood, Mrs. Belva A."
"Lockwood, Mrs. C. L. [Claude L.]"
"Lockwood, Mrs. Myrta"
"Loettgert, Fredrick"
"Loew, Mrs. Myrtle"
"Loewenthal, Judith"
"Loflin, Ella"
"Loflin, Mrs. Ella"
"Loftus, Florence"
"Logan, Mrs."
"Logie, Mrs. William [Carrie L.]"
"Lomax, Augusta J."
"Lombard, E. E."
"Lombard, Fern"
"London England"
"London Labor Unions"
"London, England"
"London, John"
"London, Michigan"
"London,. England"
"Long, Alma"
"Long, Ina"
"Long, Marjory"
"Long, Mrs. John S."
"Long, Mrs. W. R."
"Long, Mrs. W. W. [Ina]"
"Long, Mrs. W. W. [William W., Ina]"
"Long, Mrs. W. W. [Ina]"
"Long, Mrs. William W. [Ina]"
"Longfellow, Henry"
"Loomis, Rena"
"Loomis, Alice"
"Loomis, Amy"
"Loomis, Cassius M."
"Loomis, Eva"
"Loomis, Frieda M."
"Loomis, Helen"
"Loomis, Helen Y."
"Loomis, Katherine"
"Loomis, Mrs."
"Loomis, Mrs. C. M."
"Loomis, Mrs. John"
"Loomis, Mrs. Rena"
"Loomis, Mrs. W. H. [Emma]"
"Loomis, Mrs. W. H. [William, Emma]"
"Loomis, Mrs. William (Emma)"
"Loomis, Mrs. William H."
"Loomis, Mrs. William H. [Emma]"
"Loop, Nora"
"Lorden, Ella"
"Lorden, Mary"
"Loretta Home for Foundlings"
"Los Angeles Millionaire Ring"
"Los Angeles, California"
"Louandes, Mrs. L. A."
"Loud, George Alvin"
"Lougher, E. H."
"Louisville, Kentucky"
"Loutit, Mrs."
"Loutit, Mrs. William"
"Love, General"
"Love, Mrs. Maude M."
"Love, Mrs. William"
"Love, Viola M."
"Love, Violet M."
"Lovejoy, Dr. Esther Pohl"
"Lovejoy, Belle"
"Loveland, Jane"
"Loveland, Libbie"
"Loveland, Mrs. William B. [Elizabeth W.]"
"Loveless, Mrs. F. W."
"Lovell, Jean"
"Lovering, Mary Jenks"
"Lovett's Block"
"Lovett, Mrs. William P."
"Lovett, William P."
"Lovette, Mrs. F. H."
"Lowandowski, Antonia, John"
"Lowe, Carrie"
"Lowe, Edward"
"Lowe, Mrs. Edward"
"Lowe, Mrs. Edward [Susan A.]"
"Lowe, Mrs. Myrtle"
"Lowe, Susan A."
"Lowe, Violet M."
"Lowell Manufacturing Company"
"Lowell, Michigan"
"Lowenthal, Judith"
"Lowrey, Maggie"
"Lowrie, Florence"
"Lowrie, Tena"
"Loyal Temperance Legion"
"Lozier, Mrs. Dr. J. de L. M."
"Lucas, Mrs. T. J. [Thomas J., May"
"Luce Hall"
"Luce's Hall"
"Luce, Governor"
"Luce, Mrs. R. C. [Ransom C., Charlotte C.]"
"Luce, Mrs. R. C. [Ransom, Charlotte]"
"Luce, Mrs. Ransom [Charlotte]"
"Lucinda Stone memorial fund"
"Ludington, Mason county, Michigan"
"Ludington, MI"
"Ludington, Michigan"
"Ludington, Mrs. Marion"
"Lufkin, Arizona"
"Luik, Cornelius"
"Lukens, Mrs. Emma"
"Lumbard, Fern"
"Lumber industry"
"Lunacy Law Reform League"
"Lund, Maria"
"Lund, Marie"
"Lund, Mrs. Haviland H."
"Lundgren, C. F."
"Lupinski, Clementine"
"Lupinski, Mrs. Hugo"
"Lusk, Mrs. Frank S, [Louise T.]"
"Luther, Clarence, Hazel"
"Luther, Michigan"
"Luther, Sylvester"
"Lutman, Mrs. George"
"Luton, Alice"
"Lutze, Frau Ernestine"
"Lux, Marguerite"
"Luxford, George"
"Luxford, Stella"
"Luyk, Cornelius J."
"Lyall, Edna"
"Lydia E. Pinkham"
"Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co"
"Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound"
"Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound"
"Lyle, Gertrude"
"Lyle, Mrs. Matt"
"Lymnan, Milfred"
"Lynch, Florence"
"Lynch, Julia"
"Lynch, Margaret"
"Lynch, Marigold"
"Lynes, Col. J. Colton"
"Lynn, Cecilia"
"Lyon, Emma Fink (Hillsdale)"
"Lyon, Ethel V."
"Lyon, Lucille, Harry"
"Lyon, Mrs. Farnum"
"Lyon, Nettie"
"Lyon, Thomas R."
"Lyons, Aurelia"
"Lypchinski, Mrs. Stanislaw"
"Lypchinski, Mrs. Stanislawa"
"Lypchynski, Mrs. Stanislaw"
"Lypchynski, Mrs. Stanislawa"
"Lytle, Mrs. Frances"
"Lyzen, Mr. & Mrs. D. G."
"Lyzen, Pearl"
"M'Clintock, Mrs. Porter"
"M'Coy, Mrs. E. R. [Elbert, Belle]"
"M'Cue, V."
"M. A. C. State Board of Agriculture"
"M. Friedman Company"
"M. Hartnacke millinery"
"Maas, Laura"
"Maas, Loraine"
"Mabry, Sarah B"
"MacAfee, Mary"
"Macatawa Bay"
"MacBride, Mrs. J. G. [James G.]"
"Maccabee Hall"
"MacCarty, Rev. Joseph"
"MacCleod, John M."
"MacClintock, Prof. W. D."
"MacDonald, Mrs. J. A. [Jennie A.]"
"MacDonald, Beatrice"
"MacDonald, Harold"
"MacDonald, Jennie A."
"Macdonald, Mrs. F."
"MacDonald, Mrs. John S."
"MacDonald, Mrs. Walter [Dorothy]"
"MacGregor, James"
"Machiner, Mary"
"MacIntosh, Mrs. Horace P."
"Mack, Mary"
"Mack, Mrs."
"Mackey, Charles A."
"Mackinac Trail Inn"
"MacLennan, Helen"
"Macomb County, Michigan"
"MacPherson, Ida Rust"
"Macpherson, Lloyd M."
"MacPherson, Mrs. C. M."
"Macumber, Mrs."
"MacVeigh, Mrs. Sarah"
"MacVeigh, Sarah"
"MacWilliams, Blanche"
"MacWilliams, Vivian"
"Madame Grace Corsets"
"Maddox, Mrs. E. L. "
"Madigan, Ruth"
"Madison Square Hat Shop"
"Madison, James B."
"Madison, Wisconsin"
"Magnolia Blossom"
"Mahler, Maude"
"Malam, Alice"
"Malcom, Joseph"
"Malden, Kate"
"Malinsky, Mrs. Elsie Bible`"
"Malloch Knitting Company"
"Malloch, Aurelia"
"Malloch, Mrs. Frank [Louise M.]"
"Malone, Florence"
"Malone, Florence"
"Malone, Mary"
"Malone, Maude"
"Maloof, Catherine"
"Maloof, Joseph"
"Mancelona High School"
"Mancelona/Fife Lake, Michigan"
"Manda, Moses"
"Manistee county farm bureau"
"Manistee [MI] advocate"
"Manistee, Michigan"
"Manley, Clara B."
"Mann Act"
"Mann Law"
"Mann White Slave Act"
"Mann White Slavery Act"
"Mann, Elizabeth"
"Mann, James Robert"
"Manning, Helen L."
"Manning, John R."
"Manning, Miss"
"Manola, Marion"
"Manon, Emma"
"Mantell, Genevieve Hamper"
"Mantell, Robert Bruce"
"Manton, Michigan"
"Mantrell, Robert"
"Mapes, Elizabeth Blake"
"Marble, Mable"
"March, Julia"
"Marckwardt, Paul"
"Marczeka, Mary"
"Marietta Stanley Co."
"Marietta Stanley Company"
"Marine, Mrs. Walter"
"Marinette, Michigan"
"Markey, D. P."
"Markham, Ida May"
"Markher, Mary"
"Markhurch, Gerta"
"Markiewicz, Countess"
"Markle, Mrs. A. E."
"Marlatt, Miss Emma"
"Marlett, Mrs. E. L."
"Marlette, Clara"
"Marlin, Julia"
"Marlowe, Dorothy"
"Marlowe, Julia"
"Marne Methodist Church"
"Marriage and Divorce"
"Marriage and divorce laws"
"Marriage and divorce statistics"
"Marriage and family"
"Marriage laws"
"Marriage License Act"
"Marriage License Law"
"Marriage Licenses"
"Marrow, Winnifred"
"Marsden, Pereles"
"Marsh Refrigerator Service Company"
"Marsh, Carolyn"
"Marsh, Ida J."
"Marsh, Mrs. E. J."
"Marshall, Mary"
"Marshall, Michigan"
"Martin, Anne"
"Martin, Ada B."
"Martin, Ann"
"Martin, Anne"
"Martin, Carolyn L."
"Martin, Cora B."
"Martin, Gertrude S."
"Martin, Hattie"
"Martin, Mary"
"Martin, Mary (Benton Harbor)"
"Martin, Mrs. John B. [Althea]"
"Martin, Mrs. M."
"Martin, Mrs. Victoria Claflin Woodhull"
"Martin, Ora L."
"Martin, Pearl, Charles"
"Martindale, Dorothy"
"Martindale, emma"
"Martine, Winifred"
"Marvin, Fred"
"Marvin, Mrs. Fred"
"Maryland General Assembly"
"Mason County, Michigan"
"Mason, Alma"
"Mason, Michigan"
"Mason, Mina"
"Mason, Mrs. B. H."
"Mason, Mrs. C. T."
"Mason, Mrs. C. T. [Charles T.]"
"Mason, Mrs. C. T. [Charles Truman, Mary]"
"Mason, Mrs. Charles Truman [Mary]"
"Mason, Mrs. Floyd [Wilhelmina]"
"Mason, Phoebe E."
"Masonic Auxiliary"
"Masonic order"
"Masonic orders"
"Masonic Temple"
"Masselink, Benjamin H."
"Masselink, Mrs. B. H. [Benjamin, Gertrude]"
"Masselink, Mrs. C. A."
"Mather, Margaret"
"Mather, Mrs. Carl [Francis]"
"Mathers, Harold"
"Mathews, Shailer"
"Mathis, John C."
"Mathis, Mrs. Mary"
"Matrimonial bureau marriages"
"Mattheson, Elizabeth"
"Matthews, Addie"
"Matthews, Florence"
"Matthews, Hannah E."
"Matthews, Miss Addie"
"Matthews, Mrs."
"Matthews, Mrs. W. A. [William]"
"Matthews, Nina"
"Matthews, Shailer"
"Mattice, Mrs. E. L."
"Matyba, Michael"
"Maurel, Robert"
"Maurer Sisters Orchestra"
"Maurits, Mrs. Reuben"
"Maurits, Mrs. Reuben [Issa]"
"Maurits, Mrs. ruben"
"Mautner, Mrs. L. L."
"Maxim, C. H."
"Maxim, Dr. C. H."
"Maxson, Melina"
"Maxwell, Claudia Howard"
"Maxwell, George"
"Maxwell, Melvin"
"May, Edith"
"Maynard, Constance"
"Maynard, Helen"
"Maynard, Libbie"
"Maynard, Mrs. Frank"
"Maynard, Rezin A."
"Maynard, Ruth"
"Maynard, Vera (Charlotte)"
"Mayne, Miss"
"Mc Curdy's"
"Mc Donald, Judge"
"Mc Neil, Mrs. Amanda Jane"
"McAdow, Clara"
"McAdow, Clara L."
"McAdow, Mrs."
"McAdow, Mrs. Clara"
"McAfee, Alice"
"McAllister, June"
"McAllister, Ward"
"McArthur, "Charles""
"McArthur, Bernard A."
"McBain, Michigan"
"McBride, Anna"
"McBride, Dr. G. L."
"McBride, John"
"McBride, Madeleine"
"McBride, Maxine"
"McBride, Mrs. Catherine"
"McBride, Mrs. Charles H."
"McBride, Mrs. James [Anna]"
"McCall's Bazaar Glove-fitting patterns"
"McCall, Miss S. H."
"McCall, Silvia H."
"McCall, Sylvia H."
"McCann, Mrs. James"
"McCarter, Margaret Hill"
"McCarthy, Dr. Joseph"
"McCarthy, Gladys"
"McCarthy, Mary"
"McCarthy, Miss Rose"
"McCaull Opera Company"
"McCloskey, Marjorie M."
"McColl, Ida, Harry"
"McCollin, Mrs. Charlotte"
"McComb, Alice"
"McComb, Mrs. M. A."
"McConnell, Eva"
"McCool, Miss C. P."
"McCool, Mrs. Daniel [Kate]"
"McCool, Mrs. Daniel [Kate]"
"McCord, Crystal"
"McCormack, John"
"McCormick, Belle"
"McCormick, Bishop John N."
"McCormick, Bishop John W."
"McCormick, Coral"
"McCormick, Ella May"
"McCormick, Ethel"
"McCormick, John N"
"McCormick, Mary"
"McCormick, Mrs. Edith Rockefeller"
"McCormick, Mrs. Frank R."
"McCormick, Mrs. Medill"
"McCormick, Mrs. V. F. [Virginia]"
"McCormick, Nettie"
"McCoy, Helen"
"McCracken, Mrs. Roy"
"McCue, Mary"
"McCuen, Gertrude"
"McCues, Gertrude"
"McCulloch, Catherine"
"McCulloch, Catherine Waugh"
"McCullum, Captain"
"McCurdy, Bill"
"McCutcheon, Beuna E."
"McDermid, Clare E."
"McDermott, Elizabeth"
"McDermott, Frank"
"McDermott, Ida"
"McDermott, Mary"
"McDonald, Adelia J."
"McDonald, Ann Elizabeth"
"McDonald, Anna"
"McDonald, Annie M."
"McDonald, Evelyn"
"McDonald, Helen"
"McDonald, Kate G."
"McDonald, Lillie"
"McDonald, Miss"
"McDonald, Mrs. Alex"
"McDonald, Mrs. Alex P. [Miriam]"
"McDonald, Mrs. Alex [Miriam]"
"McDonald, Mrs. John"
"McDonald, Mrs. John (Jennie)"
"McDonald, Mrs. John S."
"McDonald, Mrs. Kate"
"McDonald, Winifred"
"McDonnel, Helen"
"McDonough, Joseph"
"McDougall, Miss"
"McDowel, Mary E."
"McDowell, John"
"McDowell, Martha"
"McDowell, Sarah"
"McDuffee, Alice"
"McDuffee, Alice Louise"
"McElhern, Margaret"
"McFarland, John"
"McGaskin, Dr. Francis"
"McGee, Anna"
"McGee, Gertrude"
"McGerry, James"
"McGerry, Margaret"
"McGerry, Marguerite"
"McGinnis, Helen"
"McGowan, Clara"
"McGowan, George"
"McGowan, Hon. Jonas H."
"McGowan, Marie"
"McGowan, Senator"
"McGrath, Emma"
"McGrath, Minnie"
"McGraw, Arthur E."
"McGraw, Pat"
"McGuire, Avis"
"McGurrin, Irene"
"McHale, James G."
"McInerny, Molie"
"McIntosh, Frances"
"McIntosh, Georgia"
"McIntyre, Dessie"
"McIvor-Tyndall, Dr."
"McKay, Jean"
"McKay, John"
"McKay, May"
"McKay, Mrs."
"McKay, Mrs. Dolly"
"McKay, Mrs. W. S. "
"McKean, Mrs. William [Elizabeth D.]"
"McKee, Mrs. J. H. [James H., Hannah L.]"
"McKee, J. J."
"McKee, Laura"
"McKee, Margaret"
"McKee, Mark T."
"McKee, Mart T."
"McKee, Mrs. A. M."
"McKee, Mrs. J. H."
"McKee, Mrs. J. H. [James H., Hannah L.]"
"McKee, Mrs. J. H. [James H.]"
"McKee, Mrs. J. H. {James H., Hannah L.]"
"McKee, Nellie"
"McKee, William H."
"McKeel, Mrs. N. A. [Norris, Bessie]"
"McKelvey, Mary J."
"McKendree Methodist church"
"McKenzie, Elsie"
"McKenzie, Mrs. Dan"
"McKenzie, Mrs. W. I."
"McKinna, Hiram"
"McKinney, Florence"
"McKinney, Mrs. James"
"McKittrick, Margaret"
"McKlintock, Nellie"
"McKnight, Anna"
"McKnight, Mrs. William [Anna]"
"McKnight, Mrs. W. F. [Anna]"
"McKnight, Mrs. W. F. [Anna]"
"McKnight, Mrs. William (Anna)"
"McKnight, Mrs. William F."
"McKnight, Mrs. William F. (Anna)"
"McKnight, Mrs. William F. [Anna]"
"McKnight, Mrs. William [Anna]"
"McKnight, Mrs. Wm F. [Anna]"
"McKormick, Bishop John N."
"McLachlan Business University"
"McLachlan University"
"McLallin, Dr. S."
"McLane, Hugh"
"McLaughlin, Ella"
"McLaughlin, Emily"
"McLaughlin, Josephine"
"McLaughlin, Mrs. Leo"
"McLaughlin, Mrs. Robert "
"McLean, Mrs. C. M."
"McLellan, Susan"
"McLennon, Nellie"
"McLeod, Mrs. Archibald [Lili Y.]"
"McLernen, Nellie"
"McMannus, Willa mL."
"McManus, Dr. E. A."
"McMillan, Sylvia L."
"McMillen, Mrs. S. L. [Sylvia L]"
"McMullen block"
"McMullen, Blanche"
"McMurray, Ellen"
"McNabb, Kate"
"McNabb, Mrs. John [Mary A.]"
"McNaughten, Nina"
"McNaughton, Clara W."
"McNeil, Alexander"
"McNerney, Helen"
"McPherson, James A."
"McPherson, Harry"
"McPherson, Mr.s Charles [Glenna]"
"McPherson, Mrs. Charles [Glenna]"
"McPherson, Mrs. James W."
"McPherson, Mrs. James [Ida]"
"McPherson, Mrs. Lloyd M."
"McPherson, Mrs. [Glenna]"
"McQuewan, Mary"
"McQuewan, Mrs. W."
"McQuillan, Alice"
"McRae, Jessie"
"McRae, Jessie M."
"McRae, Josie"
"McReynolds, Benjamin F."
"McReynolds, Col. Andrew"
"McVeigh, Mrs. Sarah"
"Meachard, Ida"
"Meachum, Bert O."
"Mead, William M."
"Mead, William W"
"Meade, E. Burton"
"Meade, Mrs. Frank D."
"Mealley, Rev. E."
"Mears, Helen"
"Mecosta County, Michigan"
"Medbed, J. D."
"Medicated Body Bands"
"Meech, Mrs. William [Ella M.]"
"Meek, Ann Elizabeth"
"Meek, David E."
"Meek, Frank"
"Meerse, Mrs."
"Meerse, Mrs. Myra"
"Meerse, Mrs. Myra P."
"Meerse, Myra"
"Meerse, Myra P."
"Meigs, Lulu"
"Meigs, Mrs. Arthur [Charlotte]"
"Melbourne, Australia"
"Mellema, Dora"
"Mellenger, May"
"Melrose, Herbert"
"Melville, Rose"
"Memorial Day Celebrations"
"Memory, Julia"
"Mencinsky, Frances"
"Mendell, Mrs. F. W>"
"Menominee, Michigan"
"Mental illness"
"Mercer, Flora"
"Mercer, Miss"
"Meredith, Mrs. Ellis"
"Meriwether, Elizabeth Avery "
"Merl, Grace"
"Mero, Yolanda"
"Merrell, Katie"
"Merren, Mrs. A."
"Merriam, Mrs. Charles [Julia]"
"Merriam, Rev. A. R. [Alexander R.]"
"Merriam, Rev. and Mrs. [Alexander R.]"
"Merriam, Rev. Charles W."
"Merrick, Benjamin"
"Merrick, Caroline E."
"Merrick, Mrs. Benjamin P."
"Merrill, Anna"
"Merrill, Margaret"
"Merrill, Mrs. R. H."
"Merrill, Mrs. R. W. [Robert W., Sarah H.]"
"Merrill, Mrs. R. W. [Robert, Sarah H.]"
"Merritt, Cora T."
"Merritt, Letta A."
"Merritt, Mrs [Sarah M.]"
"Merritt, Mrs. [Sarah M.]"
"Merritt, Mrs. [Sarah M]"
"Merritt, Willis E."
"Merriweather, Miss [Elizabeth Avery Meriwether]"
"Mesick, Michigan"
"Messmore, Mrs."
"Messrs. Walden"
"Methodist Episcopal church"
"Methodist church"
"Methodist Episcopal church"
"Methodist Episcopal general Assembly"
"Methodist Episcopal mission"
"Methodist General conference"
"Methodist Women's Meeting"
"Mexican Civil War"
"Mexican Revolution"
"Mexico City, Michigan"
"Meyer, Lucy Rider"
"Meyers, Grace L."
"Meyers, Nettie"
"Michaelson, Anna"
"Michaelson, Mrs. J. A. [Joseph A., Anna]"
"Michelena, Fernando"
"Michelson, Sarah"
"Michigan Gleaners association"
"Michigan Academy of Science"
"Michigan Agricultural College"
"Michigan Anti-Saloon league"
"Michigan Attorney General Fellows"
"Michigan Audubon Society"
"Michigan Branch National Woman's Party"
"Michigan Bureau of Labor & Industry"
"Michigan Business & Professional Women"
"Michigan Central Railway"
"Michigan Child Welfare league"
"Michigan Children's Home, St. Joseph"
"Michigan Christian Advocate"
"Michigan City, Indiana"
"Michigan Committee for National Defense"
"Michigan constitution"
"Michigan Democratic Party"
"Michigan Dry Campaign committee"
"Michigan Electric Medical & Surgical Society"
"Michigan Equal Rights Assn"
"Michigan Equal Suffrage"
"Michigan Equal Suffrage Association"
"Michigan Equal Suffrage Assn"
"Michigan Equal Suffrage Association"
"Michigan Equal Suffrage Association convention"
"Michigan Equal Suffrage Association officers"
"Michigan Equal Suffrage campaign"
"Michigan Equal Suffrage convention"
"Michigan Federation Clubs"
"Michigan Federation of Democratic Women"
"Michigan Federation of Gleaners"
"Michigan Federation of Labor"
"Michigan Federation of Women's Clubs"
"Michigan Federation Women's Club"
"Michigan Federation Women's Clubs"
"Michigan Female College"
"Michigan Fraternal Congress and Voters' league"
"Michigan Free Employment Agency"
"Michigan Free Employment bureau"
"Michigan Funeral Directors Assn"
"Michigan Girls Home and Training School"
"Michigan Home For Girls"
"Michigan Independent Telephone"
"Michigan Indians"
"Michigan League of Women Voters"
"Michigan legislature"
"Michigan Milk Producers association"
"Michigan Pardon Board"
"Michigan Parents-Teachers Assn"
"Michigan Press and Printers Federation convention"
"Michigan Press association"
"Michigan Republican Women's Club"
"Michigan Rural Letter Carriers Association"
"Michigan Rural Letter Carriers' association"
"Michigan Soldiers Home"
"Michigan Soldiers Homw"
"Michigan Soldiers' Home"
"Michigan Soldiers' Home for Veterans"
"Michigan State College"
"Michigan State Conference of Social Work"
"Michigan State fair"
"Michigan State Federation of Women's Clubs"
"Michigan State legislature"
"Michigan State Medical Society"
"Michigan State Normal College"
"Michigan State Nurses association"
"Michigan State Nurses' Assn"
"Michigan State Nurses' Association"
"Michigan State Pharmacists"
"Michigan State Republican Women's Committee"
"Michigan State Suffrage association"
"Michigan State Teachers' Association"
"Michigan State Telephone company"
"Michigan State Woman's Clubs"
"Michigan State Women's Republican committee"
"Michigan Suffrage amendment"
"Michigan Suffrage association"
"Michigan Supreme Court"
"Michigan Tanning"
"Michigan W. T. C. U. convention"
"Michigan Woman's Council"
"Michigan Woman's Defense Comm."
"Michigan Woman's Press Assn"
"Michigan Woman's Press association"
"Michigan Woman's Press Association convention"
"Michigan Woman's Press Club"
"Michigan Women's Association of Commerce"
"Michigan Women's Association of Commerce convention"
"Michigan Women's Press Assn"
"Michigan Women's Press Association"
"Michigan Y. M. C. A."
"Michigan Y.W.C.A."
"Mickel, W. J."
"Middleton, Mary C."
"Middleton, Elizabeth"
"Middleton, Mrs. Lewis [Julia]"
"Middleton, Mrs. W. H. [Mary C]"
"Middleton, Mrs. William H. [Mary C.]"
"Middleton, Mrs. Wm H. (Mary C.)"
"Middleville, Michigan"
"Midwifery and micwives"
"Migration to cities"
"Mike, Elizabeth M."
"Miky, Leona"
"Milanowshi, Florence"
"Miles, Dr. Franklin"
"Miles, Nelson A."
"Miley, Hattie [Harriet]"
"Milholland, Inez"
"Milholland, Vida"
"Military pensions"
"Military Training"
"Military veterans"
"Milk-maids of Lakeside convention"
"Millaley, Blanche"
"Millaley, Dennis"
"Milledgeville, Georgia"
"Miller, Agnes M."
"Miller, Alfred"
"Miller, Alice"
"Miller, Ann"
"Miller, Charles E."
"Miller, Clara Bates"
"Miller, Clara L."
"Miller, Dorothea"
"Miller, Dr. Elizabeth K."
"Miller, Dr. Herbert A."
"Miller, Emma C."
"Miller, Ensign Roswell"
"Miller, Gertrude"
"Miller, Helen"
"Miller, Inez"
"Miller, Irving A."
"Miller, Jake"
"Miller, Jessie"
"Miller, Mabel"
"Miller, Madge"
"Miller, Mae M."
"Miller, Marjorie Kirk"
"Miller, Miss (coach)"
"Miller, Mrs. A. M."
"Miller, Mrs. C. S."
"Miller, Mrs. Caleb"
"Miller, Mrs. Craig C."
"Miller, Mrs. David"
"Miller, Mrs. H. E."
"Miller, Mrs. John"
"Miller, Mrs. L. J."
"Miller, Mrs. Milton C. [Edith]"
"Miller, Mrs. P. C."
"Miller, Mrs. Percy [Percival, Maud]"
"Miller, Mrs. W. J. [William J.]"
"Miller, Olive Thorne"
"Miller, Sadie"
"Miller, Sarah E. (Mrs. Albert)"
"Miller, Seannie"
"Miller, Tom"
"Milles, Mrs. Florence G."
"Mills, Charles"
"Mills, Emma L."
"Mills, John Stuart "
"Mills, Maude"
"Mills, Mrs. A. J."
"Mills, Mrs. Charles H."
"Mills, Mrs. E. L."
"Mills, Mrs. Ray L. [Ethel D.]"
"Mills, Professor Elmer H."
"Mills, Rev. F. M."
"Milne, Mrs. R. J."
"Milne, Mrs. Robert [Elizabeth]"
"Milner, Mrs. S. G. [Samuel G., Florence C.]"
"Milwaukee, Wisconsin"
"Minderhout, Blanche"
"Miner, Amanda O."
"Miner, Carmen"
"Miner, Clara"
"Miner, Isadore"
"Miner, Maud"
"Miner, Moses"
"Miner, Mrs. A. B."
"Miner, Mrs. A. B. [Amanda]"
"Miner, Mrs. E. C."
"Miner, Mrs. E. L."
"Miner, Mrs. R. S."
"Miner, Mrs. S. Isadire"
"Minimum wage"
"Mining and miners"
"Minor, Amanda O."
"Minor, Mrs. E. G."
"Miskewitz, Rose"
"Miskiewitz, Mrs. Stanley [Josephine]"
"Miss America Beauty Contest"
"Miss Bell"
"Miss Boyd"
"Miss Emerson"
"Miss Frederica Vielkind millinery"
"Miss Grand Haven"
"Miss H. E. Matthew's Corset Parlors"
"Miss H. E. Matthews' Corset Parlors"
"Miss Harris"
"Miss Lawrence"
"Miss Mitchell"
"Miss R. Karl millinery"
"Miss Rich"
"Miss Stewart"
"Miss West"
"Missing persons"
"Mississippi suffrage conference"
"Mitchel, Amelia"
"Mitchell, Louise"
"Mitchell, Maria"
"Mitchell, Mattie"
"Mitchell, Mildred"
"Mitchell, Miss Lulu"
"Mitchell, Miss Sallie"
"Mitchell, Mrs. E. H. (Ionia, MI)"
"Mitchell, Mrs. Henry"
"Mitchell, Mrs. J. K."
"Mitchell, W. W."
"Mittlestadt, Marie"
"Mitts, Mrs. S. S."
"Mitts., Mrs. S. S."
"Mix, Carrie"
"Mizener, Ida"
"Mlynarczyk, Anselm"
"Mme. Calliaux"
"Mme. Louise Hats"
"Modderman, Philean"
"Modderman, Tilla"
"Modjeska [Helena]"
"Modjeska, Helene"
"Modjeska, Ralph"
"Moffat, Mrs. Walter [Clara E.]"
"Moffitt, Ella"
"Mohr, Mrs. Elizabeth"
"Mohrhard, Martin"
"Molesta, Anna"
"Molloy, Mrs. Emma"
"Molloy, Mrs. James [Katherine A]"
"Molloy, Pauline"
"Molloy, Pauline Marie"
"Molt, Mrs. E. C. [Edward C. Amy]"
"Monroe, Grace"
"Monroe, Michigan"
"Monroe, Wesley"
"Monroe, Wesley W."
"Montague, Irene"
"Montague, Michigan"
"Montcalm Federation of Women's Clubs"
"Montegriffo, Agostino"
"Montelius, Mrs. Frank [Marriel]"
"Montgomerty, Mrs. Julia B."
"Montgomery, Lawrence J."
"Montreal, Quebec"
"Montrose County Cooperative colony"
"Monument Square building"
"Moon, Lois A."
"Moon, Stuart C."
"Moore, Capt. H. N. [Herman N.]"
"Moore, Dollie"
"Moore, Donna"
"Moore, Ellen"
"Moore, Ellen ("Aunty")"
"Moore, Elma"
"Moore, Ethel"
"Moore, Flossie"
"Moore, Josie"
"Moore, Julia A."
"Moore, Mary"
"Moore, Molly E."
"Moore, Mrs. Bloomfield"
"Moore, Mrs. Duke"
"Moore, Mrs. E. M."
"Moore, Mrs. George"
"Moore, Mrs. H. N. [Herman, Ellen]"
"Moore, Mrs. H. N. [Ellen L]"
"Moore, Mrs. H. N. [Herman N.]"
"Moore, Mrs. H. N. [Herman N]"
"Moore, Mrs. Mary Ross"
"Moore, Mrs. Philip N"
"Moore, Patrick"
"Moore, Ruby"
"Moore, William"
"Moorland Township, Muskegon county"
"Moorman, Dr. Hiram M."
"Moorman, H. Everett"
"Moorman, Mrs. H. M. [Hiram H., Julia E]"
"Moors, Mabel"
"Moral Education Association"
"Moral standards"
"Morals Efficiency commission"
"Moran, Florence Clair"
"Moran, Gertrude"
"Moran, James, L."
"Morawski, Mrs. Davia"
"Morehouse, Frances, Charles"
"Morehouse, George"
"Morehouse, Gladys"
"Morey, Katherine"
"Morgan, Christopher B."
"Morgan, Dr. Dora S."
"Morgan, Emily A."
"Morgan, Etta, Charles"
"Morgan, Mary G."
"Morgan, Mirs Mary J."
"Morgan, Mrs."
"Morgan, Mrs. J."
"Morgan, Mrs. Mary G."
"Morgan, T. J."
"Morgenson, Petrea"
"Moriarty, Senator M. H."
"Morley, Clara"
"Morley, Clara S."
"Morley, Michigan"
"Morley, Mrs. C. S. [Clara S. Quimby]"
"Morley, Mrs. G. H."
"Morley, Mrs. Roland"
"Morley, Mrs. W, K. [Ione]"
"Morley, Mrs. W. K. [Ione]"
"Morley, Mrs. W. K. [Ione]"
"Morley, Mrs. W. K. [Wilmont K., Ione]"
"Morley, Mrs. W. K. [Wilmont, Ione]"
"Morley, Mrs. W. K. [Wilmont, Ione]"
"Morley, Ruth"
"Morman church"
"Mormon, Mrs. S. A. [Samuel A., Ada W.]"
"Morningstar, Frank"
"Morningstar, Minnie"
"Morosini, Amalia"
"Morre, Margaret T. (Bay City)"
"Morrill, Dr. D. T."
"Morris, Clara"
"Morris, Mrs. M. M."
"Morris, Mrs. Robert"
"Morris, Sarah A."
"Morrison, Allie"
"Morrison, Anna"
"Morrison, Edna"
"Morrison, Ella"
"Morrison, Ellen"
"Morrison, Lou"
"Morrissey, Evangeline"
"Morrissey, Lauretta"
"Morrow, Mrs. Rene"
"Morrow, Mrs. Rene B."
"Morse, Ida A"
"Morse, Mabel S."
"Morse, Mary E."
"Morse, Mrs."
"Morse, Mrs. George [Ida A.]"
"Morse, Mrs. Gurney T."
"Morton Hotel"
"Morton House"
"Morton, Clyde"
"Morton, Mrs. Levi"
"Moseley, Helen"
"Mosely Emma A. [Moseley]"
"Mosely, Mrs. Margaret E."
"Mosher, Carrie"
"Mosher, Inez"
"Mosher, Olga"
"Mosher, Sarah"
"Moshier, Mrs. G. K."
"Mosier, Frances"
"Moss, Effie R."
"Moss, Mrs. George"
"Moss, Mrs. Louis"
"Mote, Mrs. Isaac (Nora)"
"Motely, Mrs. E. A."
"Mother's Compensation Bill"
"Mother's Day"
"Mother's Friend"
"Mother's pension law"
"Mothers' Clubs of Grand Rapids"
"Mothers' Day"
"Mothers' Friend"
"Motley, Aletha (Mrs. A.E.)"
"Motley, Mrs. A. E."
"Motley, Mrs. A. E. [Ara E., Aletha]"
"Motley, Mrs. A. E. [Ara E., Letha]"
"Motley, Mrs. Ara E. [Letha]"
"Mott, Lucretia"
"Moughler, Mrs. W. F."
"Moulton, Louise Chandler"
"Moulton, Mr.s Roy K. [Edith]"
"Moulton, Mrs. Roy K. [Edith]"
"Moulton, Mrs. Roy [Edith]"
"Moulton, Roy K."
"Mount Vernon Society of the State of Michigan"
"Mountain climbing"
"Movies and Film"
"Movies and Films"
"Mowat, John"
"Mowris, Peggy"
"Moyer, Alice Curtis"
"Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garfield [Jessie S.]"
"Mt Pleasant, Michigan"
"Mt. Mercy"
"Mt. Pleasant, Michigan"
"Mudge, Mrs. Norma F."
"Mueller, Caroline"
"Muir, Jean"
"Muir, Jessie"
"Muir, Michigan"
"Mulder, Jeanetta"
"Mulholland, Margaret Alice"
"Muller, Mrs. C. G."
"Mullins, Hazel"
"Mulvey, Mary"
"Munger, Edith C."
"Munger, Mrs. Edith C."
"Munich, Germany"
"Municipal suffrage"
"Munising, Michigan"
"Munn, Mrs. C. A. (Gurner)"
"Munnecke, Phoebe"
"Munson, John M."
"Munson, Mrs. E. A. [Edward A., Harriet A.]"
"Muratore, Lucien"
"Murphy, E"
"Murphy, Alice"
"Murphy, Anna C."
"Murphy, Bernice"
"Murphy, Clara"
"Murphy, Claudia Q."
"Murphy, Flora"
"Murphy, George A."
"Murphy, Gladys Ethel"
"Murphy, Josephine"
"Murphy, Judge Alfred J."
"Murphy, Marie, Edward"
"Murphy, Mayme"
"Murphy, Mrs. C. I. "
"Murphy, Mrs. C. Q."
"Murphy, Mrs. George"
"Murphy, Mrs. Joseph"
"Murphy, Vina"
"Murray, Irene"
"Murray, Irene Louise"
"Murray, Jean J."
"Murray, M. T."
"Murray, Marion"
"Murray, Marl T."
"Murray, Mary"
"Murray, Mrs. George H."
"Murray, Mrs. J. L."
"Murray, Mrs. Louis"
"Murrel, Edna"
"Murrell, Edna"
"Murtell, Genie"
"Murtland, Cleo"
"Music and musicians"
"Music and musicians - piano"
"Muskegon County"
"Muskegon County Equal Suffrage association"
"Muskegon County Poor House"
"Muskegon county, Michigan"
"Muskegon Junior College"
"Muskegon Juniors"
"Muskegon Lady K. O. T. M."
"Muskegon Opera House"
"Muskegon Temperance Library Assn"
"Muskegon Woman's Club"
"Muskegon, Michigan"
"Musselman, Amos S."
"Musselman, Mrs. A. S. [Amos, Ella]"
"Musselman, Mrs. Amos S [Ella]"
"Mustache club"
"Mutsu, Mme."
"Mutton, Mrs. W. M. [Lillian M.]"
"Mutual Improvement Club"
"Muzzall, Mrs. H. A."
"Myers, Grace E."
"Myers, Lillian"
"Myers, Mrs. Frank S. [Gates]"
"Myers, Mrs. George"
"Myers, Mrs. J. K."
"Myler, Margaret"
"Myles, Esther"
"Myrick, Mrs. Lucy"
"Nagelkirk, Mrs. H."
"Nagelkirk, Mrs. H. [Herbert]"
"Nagler, Mrs. Melva"
"Nash, Alberta"
"Nash, Miss"
"Nash, Miss H. E."
"Nash, Miss H. S. [Harriet S.]"
"Nash, Mrs. Anna"
"Nash, Mrs. H. W. [Homer W., Lucy F.]"
"Nash, Mrs. William [Josephine]"
"Nash, Susie"
"Nash, William W."
"Nashville, Tennessee"
"Nast, Thomas"
"National America woman suffrage Association"
"National American Suffrage association"
"National American Woman Suffrage association"
"National American Woman Suffrage association convention"
"National American Woman's Suffrage Association"
"National American Woman's Suffrage association convention"
"National American Woman's Suffrage convention"
"National American Women's Suffrage association"
"National American Women's Suffrage association convention"
"National Anti-Suffrage League"
"National Association for Woman Suffrage"
"National Association Opposed o Woman Suffrage"
"National Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage"
"National Bank, Grand Rapids"
"National bazaar"
"National Board of Review of Motion Pictures"
"National Business Conference"
"National Cloak, Suit and Skirt Manufacturers' association"
"National Committee of Films for Young People"
"National conference of Charities and correction"
"National Congress of Women"
"National Council of Catholic Women"
"National Council of Defense Committee"
"National Council of Women"
"National Council of Women Voters"
"National Department of Agriculture"
"National Education Association"
"National Equal Cuffrage conovention"
"National Equal Suffrage Convention"
"National Federation of Business Women's clubs"
"National Foundation of Women's clubs president"
"National Fraternal Congress of America"
"National German-American Society"
"National League for Woman's service"
"National Men's League for Woman Suffrage"
"National Republican convention"
"National Society for the Promotion of Industrial Education"
"National Special Aid Society"
"National Suffrage Association"
"National Suffrage Bazaar"
"National Suffrage convention"
"National Teachers' Association"
"National Undertakers' association"
"National Union Societies Equal Citizenship"
"National Woman party"
"National Woman Suffrage Assn"
"National Woman Suffrage Association"
"National Woman Suffrage Convention"
"National Woman's Christian Temperance Union"
"National Woman's Party"
"National Woman's party conference"
"National Woman's Suffrage"
"National Woman's Suffrage Assn"
"National Woman's Suffrage Association"
"National Woman's Suffrage convention"
"National Woman's Suffrage Party"
"National Woman's Trade Union League"
"National Womans Suffrage Assn"
"National Women Suffrage Association"
"National Women's Indian Assn"
"National Women's Party"
"National women's Press Association"
"National Women's Relief Corps"
"National Women's Suffrage Association"
"National Women's Trade Union League of America"
"Nationalization of women"
"Native American"
"Native American - Pueblo women"
"Native American - Ottawa"
"Native Americans"
"Nauma, Katherine"
"Neahr, Jennie"
"Neahr, Jennie A."
"Neal, Ella"
"Neal, Mrs. Warren"
"Needham, Frank [alias]"
"Neese, Bertha"
"Neff, Mrs. (Decatur)"
"Neilson, Anna"
"Nelson, Louisa M."
"Nelson, Cora"
"Nelson, Herbert E."
"Nelson, Louise M."
"Nelson, Louise N."
"Nelson, Margaret"
"Nelson, Maud"
"Nelson, Mrs. E. T. [Ezra T. , Augusta M.]"
"Nelson, Mrs. Ezra T. [Augusta M.]"
"Nelson, Nettie"
"Nelson, Rev. William Verner"
"Nelson-Matter Furniture company"
"Neper, Winifred"
"Nesbit, Needa"
"Nettinga, Rev. Siebe C."
"Neuman, Emma"
"Neuman, Emma Bernadette"
"Neumann, Leopold"
"Neumeister, Mrs. F. G."
"Nevada County Narrow Gauge Railroad"
"Nevins, Grace"
"New Hampshire"
"New Harmony, Indiana"
"New Haven Political Equality club"
"New Haven, Connecticut"
"New Jersey"
"New Officers City Federation Clubs"
"New Rochelle, Long Island"
"New Thought Fellowship Hall"
"New York"
"New York Central Railroad"
"New York City"
"New York City, NY"
"New York Constitutional Convention"
"New York Herald"
"New York New York"
"New York NY"
"New York State Suffrage party"
"New York State Woman's Suffrage Assn"
"New York World"
"New York, NY"
"New York, New York"
"New York, NY"
"Newark, Ohio"
"Newaygo County, Michigan"
"Newaygo, Michigan"
"Newberry, Phillis"
"Newcomb, L. J."
"Newcomb, Lydia J."
"Newcomb, Mrs. C. B. [Cyrus, Lela]"
"Newell, Jennie E."
"Newell, Jennie M. (Fenton)"
"Newkirk, Dora"
"Newkirk, Mattie M."
"Newman, Cornelia"
"Newnham, Richard L."
"Newport, Rhode Island"
"Newspaper editors"
"Newspaper reporter"
"Newspaper reporters"
"Newspaper women"
"Newspapers and reporting"
"Newton, Celia"
"Newton, Clara"
"Newton, Ella"
"Newton, Grace"
"Newton, Irene"
"Newton, Mrs. E. B."
"Newton, Mrs. E. B. [Edwin B., Gertrude]"
"Newton, Mrs. E. B. [Edwin B.]"
"Newton, Mrs. Gertrude"
"Newton, Roger"
"Nez Perces Native Americans"
"Nicholas, Henry"
"Nichols, Anna"
"Nichols, Cora"
"Nichols, Fred R"
"Nichols, Minnie"
"Nichols, Mrs. Sarah"
"Nichols, Mrs. T. M. [Thomas M., Luvina]"
"Nicholson, Eleanor"
"Nicholson, Frederick"
"Nicholson, Mrs. J. B. [Judd B.] [Eleanor]"
"Nicholson, Mrs. John"
"Nielson, Alice"
"Nieman, Annie"
"Nieman, Lizzie"
"Nieman, Mary"
"Nienhardt, Maude M."
"Nighswander, Sadie"
"Nightingale, Florence"
"Niles Daily Sun"
"Niles, Michigan"
"Nilson, Christine"
"Nilsson, Christine"
"Nims, Bessie"
"Nims, Mrs. F. A."
"Ninneman, Caroline"
"Nixon, Mrs. C. M."
"Noble, Cern"
"Noble, Dr. F. A."
"Noble, Emma Prime"
"Noble, Julia"
"Noble, Lucy"
"Nobles, Mrs."
"Noblett, Mrs. Pearl"
"Noe, Mrs. Martha"
"Noel, Mary"
"Nogales, Arizona"
"Noggle, Lois"
"Nolan, Genevieve"
"Nolan, John"
"Nolan, Joseph M"
"Nolan, Thomas"
"Nolan, William"
"Noll, Mrs. May"
"Nolte, Mrs. Grace"
"Nome, Alaska"
"Nordau, Mlle. Maza"
"Norman, Ellen A"
"Norris, Elvira"
"Norris, Margaret"
"Norris, Mrs. L. D. [Lyman D., Lucy W.]"
"North American Review"
"North End Club"
"North End Ladies Literary Club"
"North End Woman's Club"
"North end Women's club"
"North Muskegon, Michigan"
"North Park paviolion"
"North Park, Michigan"
"Northcott, Ada A."
"Northcott, John"
"Northrop, Charlotte"
"Northrop, Inez"
"Northrup, Mrs. N. W. [Nelson W. Northrop, Charlotte]"
"Norton, Adaline"
"Norton, Jessie"
"Norton, Lucy"
"Norton, Marguerite"
"Norton, Mrs. Burt"
"Norton, Mrs. Charles M."
"Norton, Mrs. Charles M. (Julia L.)"
"Nottingham, England"
"Nottingham, Mrs. C. W. (Big Rapids, MI)"
"Nowbro's Herpicide"
"Nowinski, Thersa"
"Nunica, Michigan"
"Nurse and nursing"
"Nurse Maids' Training School"
"Nurses and nursing"
"Nurses' Training"
"Nyberg, Hildred, J. A."
"Nye, Mrs. Harold [Winifred]"
"Nyland, Mrs. A. [Albertus, Myrtle]"
"O'Brien, Charles"
"O'Brien, Frances"
"O'Brien, Frances F."
"O'Brien, Gertrude"
"O'Brien, Honora May"
"O'Brien, James"
"O'Brien, Jeanette"
"O'Brien, Lucy"
"O'Brien, Minnie"
"O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas J."
"O'Brien, T. J. [Thomas J., ]"
"O'Conner, Mamie"
"O'Connor, Anna"
"O'Connor, Mamie"
"O'Connor, Mary"
"O'Connor, May"
"O'Connors, Annie"
"O'Donnell, Bessie"
"O'Donnell, Marie, Frank"
"O'Halloran, Rose"
"O'Heering, Paul"
"O'Hoolihan, Mrs."
"O'Neal, Alice C."
"O'Neil, Florence"
"O'Neil, Marie Florence"
"O'Neil, Mary"
"O'Neil, Mrs. Florence"
"O'Neill, Elizabeth"
"O'Reilly, Mary"
"Oakland County, Michigan"
"Oakland, California"
"Oaks, Bessie"
"Obenhauer, Mrs."
"Oberlee, Mary"
"Obernauer, Mrs."
"Oceana County, Michigan"
"Oceana Extension Class"
"Ocobock, Mrs. Emma C."
"Odd Fellows' Hall"
"Ogemaw County"
"Ohio Funeral Directors"
"Olander, Mrs. Emil"
"Olchanowski, Mrs. Anna"
"Olcott, Mrs."
"Old Maids' Club"
"Old Settlers' association"
"Olin, Dr. R, M."
"Olin, Richard W."
"Olive, Margaret"
"Olive, Mrs. W. J. [Margaret]"
"Olive, Mrs. William J."
"Olive, Mrs. William J. [Margaret]"
"Oliver, Grace"
"Oliver, Rev. Miss"
"Olivet College"
"Olivet, Michigan"
"Olmer, Carrie"
"Olney, Mrs. C. E. [Charles E.]"
"Olsen, Lillian"
"Olson, Grace"
"Oltman, Mrs. William"
"Omane, Susie"
"Onderdonk, Eva"
"Onesto, Tony"
"Opera House"
"Oppenheim, E. Phillips"
"Order of Railway Conductors, Ladies auxiliary"
"Order of St. Dominic"
"Order of the Eastern Star"
"Order of the Eastern Star convention"
"Order of the Eastern Star, Peninsular Chapter No. 65"
"Order of the Eastern Star, Signet chapter No. 350"
"Order of the White Shrine of Jerusalem"
"Orel, Russia"
"Organ transplants"
"Organizations and membership"
"Organizations: "We Can Do It Alone Club""
"Oriental Chapter No. 32"
"Orlikowski, Hattie"
"Ormond, Blanche"
"Orpheum Theater"
"Orthaus, Margaret"
"Orton, Jr., Mrs. Edw."
"Orton, Mrs. Merritt [Maude]"
"Osborn, Loren D."
"Osborne, Charles"
"Osborne, Mrs. Ida"
"Osceola County"
"Osceola County, Michigan"
"Osceola, Nebraska"
"Osgood, Clarence A."
"Osmun, Mayor"
"Ossian, Indiana"
"Osterhout, Grace"
"Otis, Marie L."
"Otsego Ladies Literary Club"
"Ott, John"
"Ott, Mrs."
"Ottawa Co. Rural Letter Carriers Assn"
"Ottawa County"
"Ottawa County Home Demonstration Agent"
"Ottawa County W.C.T.U."
"Ottawa County, Michigan"
"Otte, Adrian"
"Otte, Elizabeth"
"Otte, Grace"
"Otter, Minnie"
"Otto, Ardelle"
"Otto, Mr. and Mrs. Charles"
"Otto, Mrs. William [Frederika]"
"Otto, Raymond"
"Out-of-wedlock children"
"Outorater, Pearl"
"Oval Wood Dish Company"
"Overisel Township, Holland, Michigan"
"Overly, Flora"
"Overmeyer, Mrs. E. E."
"Owen, Mrs. George F."
"Owen, Dr. Orville"
"Owen, Edwin"
"Owen, Grace K."
"Owen, Lillian"
"Owen, Lucia T."
"Owen, Martha"
"Owen, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin"
"Owen, Mrs. Edwin [Martha F.]"
"Owen, Mrs. Edwin [Martha]"
"Owen, Mrs. George F."
"Owen, Mrs. Ira J. [Jean]"
"Owen, Mrs. R. H."
"Owen, Vera"
"Owosso, Michigan"
"P. T. A. Convention"
"Paauwe, Peter, Anna"
"Pacifism and pacifists"
"Packard, Edith"
"Packard, Edith R."
"Padden, Sarah"
"Page, Josie"
"Page, Margaret"
"Page, Margaret E."
"Page, Mrs. Anne"
"Page, Mrs. L. L."
"Paget, Lady [Louisa Margaret Leila Wemyss]"
"Paige, Mrs. C. A. [Clifford, Dora M.)"
"Paine's Celery Compound"
"Paine, Mrs. C. S."
"Pajonk, August"
"Palin, Anna"
"Palin, Louise"
"Palincka, Frances"
"Palincka, Joseph"
"Palissy, Bernard"
"Palmateir, Mrs. G."
"Palmatier, Mrs. N. [Nelson, Gertrude]"
"Palmatier, Mrs. N. [Gertrude]"
"Palmer, Alice"
"Palmer, Anna"
"Palmer, Anna A."
"Palmer, Bertha "
"Palmer, Emma"
"Palmer, Helen E. C. (Lansing)"
"Palmer, Mary"
"Palmer, Mrs. Anna"
"Palmer, Mrs. Anna A"
"Palmer, Mrs. Anna A."
"Palmer, Mrs. Arthur H."
"Palmer, Mrs. Joseph"
"Palmer, Mrs. Julia"
"Palmer, Mrs. Oscar"
"Palmer, Mrs. Oscar [Eliva]"
"Palmer, Mrs. Philander"
"Palmer, Mrs. Potter"
"Palmer, Mrs. Potter [Bertha Honore]"
"Palmer, Mrs. W. Millard [Jeannette]"
"Palmer, Representative"
"Palmer, Thomas W."
"Palmer, W. Millard"
"Palmerlee, Mrs. Clair"
"Palmore, Rev. Dr. William"
"Pampell, Mrs. Josephine"
"Panama Exposition"
"Panama-Pacific Exposition"
"Pancrest, Mrs. T. R."
"Pangborn, Melia"
"Pangham, Ruth L. (Albion)"
"Panhurst, Sylvia"
"Panigot, Ida H."
"Panigot, Mrs. Jules [Ida H.]"
"Pankhurst, Louisa and Jimmy"
"Pankhurst, Adele"
"Pankhurst, Christabel"
"Pankhurst, Christobel"
"Pankhurst, Chrstabel"
"Pankhurst, Cristobel"
"Pankhurst, Emmaline"
"Pankhurst, Emmeine"
"Pankhurst, Emmeline"
"Pankhurst, Miss"
"Pankhurst, Mrs."
"Pankhurst, Mrs. Emmaline"
"Pankhurst, Mrs. Emmeline"
"Pankhurst, Sylvia"
"Pantlind hotel"
"Pantlind, Mrs. Boyd [Jessie A.]"
"Parcell, Mrs. Lueve [Viola]"
"Parental rights"
"Paris Exposition"
"Paris Gaiety Girls"
"Paris Township, Kent County, Michigan"
"Paris, France"
"Paris, Mrs. A. A."
"Park Congregational Church"
"Park Congregational Chruch"
"Park Congregational Church"
"Park Place Hotel"
"Park, Mrs."
"Park, Nersa"
"Parker's Hat store"
"Parker, Alice"
"Parker, Ann"
"Parker, Elizabeth L."
"Parker, Emma"
"Parker, Gladys"
"Parker, H. W."
"Parker, Hubbard"
"Parker, Julia Smith"
"Parker, Mary E. (Frankfort)"
"Parker, Mrs. C. A. [Cordelia A]"
"Parker, Mrs. Col."
"Parker, Mrs. O. J."
"Parker, Pearl"
"Parker, Vera"
"Parker, William"
"Parkhurst, D. H."
"Parkhurst, Gertrude"
"Parkhurst, Mrs. Gertrude"
"Parkhurst, Mrs. L. [Lincoln, Gertrude]"
"Parkman, Louise"
"Parks and recreation"
"Parks, Alice"
"Parks, Caroline, Harry"
"Parks, Elsie"
"Parks, Frances P."
"Parks, Mrs. Charles S."
"Parks, Mrs. J. H."
"Parks, Mrs. Travers P."
"Parks, Phoebe"
"Parliamentary Law Club"
"Parnall, Mrs. C. S."
"Parnell, Mrs. Walter Christopher"
"Parr, Margaret I."
"Parrish, Eda"
"Parrish, Mrs. R."
"Parshall, Ninah"
"Parson, Mrs. R. H."
"Parsons, Albert"
"Parsons, Hattie Reynolds (Union City)"
"Parsons, Lucy"
"Parsons, Margaret"
"Parsons, Minerva"
"Parsons, Mrs. Marshall M. [Mary M.]"
"Parton, Chrystal"
"Partridge, Frances D."
"Partridge, Miss"
"Passmore, Grace"
"Pasternack, Josef"
"Patmore, Bertha"
"Paton, Margaret"
"Patrick, Mrs. Floyd M."
"Patrick, Myrtle"
"Patrons of Industry"
"Patten, Jennie"
"Patten, Jennie F."
"Patten, Mary E."
"Patten, Mrs. L. E. [Lyman E., Mary A.]"
"Patten, Mrs. L. E. [Lyman E.]"
"Patten, N. H."
"Patterson, Elizabeth"
"Patterson, Frances B."
"Patterson, George M."
"Patterson, Idelle"
"Patterson, Mrs. C. H."
"Patterson, Mrs. Mary E."
"Patterson, Nellie"
"Patti, Adelina"
"Patti, Madame Adelina"
"Patti, Mme."
"Patton, Emma"
"Patton, James"
"Patton, Jennie"
"Patton, Jennie F"
"Patton, Mary"
"Patton, Mrs. J. L."
"Paul Steketee & sons"
"Paul, Alice"
"Paul, Emily L."
"Paulding, Hiram"
"Paulding, Mrs. Ann Maria"
"Pauli, Mrs. Herman"
"Paullin, Louise"
"Paw Paw, Michigan"
"Payn, M. L."
"Payne, Bessie A."
"Payne, John Howard"
"Peabody, Elizabeth"
"Peace Conference"
"Peace movement"
"Peache, Lussetta"
"Peachmann, Susie"
"Peacock, David Charles"
"Peacock, Ione"
"Pearce, Grace M."
"Pearce, Mattie"
"Pearce, Mrs. Josephine"
"Pearl Button Factory"
"Pearl, Juliette Enos"
"Pearl, Lewis W."
"Pearl, Mrs. G. H. [Helen M.]"
"Pearsal, Mary G."
"Pearsall, Mary G."
"Pearsall, Mrs. Mary G."
"Pearson, Mrs. Josephine"
"Pearson, Mrs. Ora"
"Pease, Clarence E."
"Pease, Grace M."
"Pease, Lillie"
"Pease, Mrs. Allen D. [Ella]"
"Peck Bros. "
"Peck Bros. Drug Co."
"Peck, Clara"
"Peck, Clara Louise"
"Peck, Coda"
"Peck, E. Winifred"
"Peck, John"
"Peck, Marion"
"Peck, Mary E."
"Peck, Miss Annie S."
"Peck, Mrs. Percy [Ella]"
"Peck, Thomas"
"Peckham, Mary Jane"
"Pedersen, Alice"
"Peeping tom"
"Peet, Deborah"
"Peirce, Frances"
"Peirce, Mary"
"Peirce, Mr."
"Peiter, Mrs. William L."
"Peixoto, Bridget"
"Pellow, Ruth"
"Pelton, Mrs. George"
"Pemberton, Helen"
"Pendergast, Emma"
"Pendergast, Mrs. R. J. [Richard, Sarah T.]"
"Pendleton, Sylvia"
"Penfold, Mrs. Flora"
"Peninsular charter 65"
"Peninsular Club"
"Pennell, Mrs. J. W."
"Penney, Mrs. Joseph [Francis M.]"
"Pennington, Grace"
"Pennington, Helen"
"Pennington, Mary"
"Penny, Mrs. J. [Joseph, Francis M]"
"Pennybacker, Mrs. Percy V. [Anna Hardwicke]"
"Penrose, Helen"
"Penroting, Mrs. Charles"
"Pentwater, MI"
"People's Choral Union"
"People's Party Convention"
"Peoples, Joseph"
"Peoria, Illinois"
"Peppler, Martha"
"Perce, Roy D."
"Percy, Jennie"
"Percy, Jenny"
"Pere Marquette Railroad"
"Perkett, Mrs. Dolly"
"Perkins, Mrs. Frederick B. (Elizabeth A.)"
"Perkins, Della Foster"
"Perkins, Flora Mae Bailey"
"Perkins, Judge [Cyrus E.]"
"Perkins, Mabel"
"Perkins, Marilla A."
"Perkins, Michigan"
"Perkins, Mrs. C. E. [Cyrus E., Della F.]"
"Perkins, Mrs. C. E. [Cyrus, Della Foster]"
"Perkins, Mrs. Carroll (Ina)"
"Perkins, Mrs. Charles"
"Perkins, Mrs. Cyrus E. [Della Foster]"
"Perkins, Mrs. Cyrus [Della Foster]"
"Perkins, Mrs. Frederick L."
"Perkins, Mrs. Willis J. (Frances M.)"
"Perkins, Nelson"
"Perkins, Oliver"
"Perkins, Roy"
"Perkins, Russell"
"Perkins, Willis B."
"Perley, Mrs. Belle M."
"Perple's church of Kalamazoo"
"Perrin, Hattie"
"Perrin, Mrs. Elizabeth"
"Perry, Belle"
"Perry, Belle (Charlotte)"
"Perry, Belle M."
"Perry, Belle W."
"Perry, Caroline"
"Perry, George"
"Perry, George W."
"Perry, Hattie E."
"Perry, Hazel"
"Perry, Jeannette"
"Perry, Jennie"
"Perry, Mae P."
"Perry, Mary Chase [Stratton]"
"Perry, Mary P."
"Perry, Mrs. Belle M."
"Perry, Mrs. Cornelia S."
"Perry, Mrs. George R. [Jennie]"
"Perry, Mrs. P."
"Perry, Mrs. R."
"Perry, Superintendent"
"Perschbacher, Olga"
"Person, Ida M."
"Person, Mrs. H. B."
"Pervus, Ekone"
"Pervus, Peter"
"Peschmann, Elizabeth S."
"Pessink, Kathryn M"
"Pessink, Mrs. and Mrs. G. J. A."
"Peteham, Marian"
"Peterkin, Ed. H."
"Peters, D. D. Madison C."
"Peters, Ebba"
"Peters, Madison C."
"Peters, Mrs. E. G."
"Petersch, Margaret"
"Petersen, Elma"
"Peterson, A. T."
"Peterson, Anna"
"Peterson, Carrie"
"Peterson, Christine"
"Peterson, Eva"
"Peterson, Ida M"
"Peterson, Mary Violette"
"Peterson, P. A. [Peter A.]"
"Peterson, Peter C."
"Peterson, Phyllis"
"Peterson, Sophronia"
"Peterson, Tillie R. Klumpp"
"Petheram, James W."
"Pethick, Dorothy"
"Pethick-Lawrence, Mrs. [Emmaline]"
"Petoskey Record"
"Petoskey Woman's Club"
"Petoskey, Ella"
"Petoskey, Michigan"
"Petrocchi, Alice"
"Petrocchi, Alice"
"Petrocchi, Mrs. Francis"
"Petters, Mrs. A. P."
"Pettes, Anna"
"Pettibone, Edith"
"Pettibone, Mrs. G. D. [Gerry D.]"
"Pettiford, Rev. and Mrs. W. L. [Lewis]"
"Pettiford, Seletta"
"Pettit, Eva"
"Pettit, Georgiana"
"Peturssen, Miss Th."
"Pew, Mrs. Margaret A."
"Pfeffer, Elsie"
"Pfeifer, Mathilda"
"Pfister, Mrs. B. [Bernadina]"
"Pfister, Mrs. Bernadina"
"Pfister, Mrs. Bernadine"
"Phagen, Mary"
"Phelan, Kate"
"Phelps, Henrietta (Grayling)"
"Phelps, Jessie"
"Phelps, Mrs. Earl F. [Grace]"
"Phelps, Professor Edward E."
"Philadelphia, PA"
"Philadelphia, Pennsylvania"
"Philbrick, Elizabeth A."
"Philips, Mrs. Alice M. M."
"Phillip, Lena"
"Phillippine Islands"
"Phillips, Adelaide"
"Phillips, Alice"
"Phillips, Anna M."
"Phillips, Lena"
"Phillips, Mrs. Alice"
"Phillips, Mrs. L. E. [Leon E.]"
"Phillips, Thelma"
"Phoenix Place"
"Physical Education"
"Picha, Louis"
"Picha, Sarah"
"Pickford, Mary"
"Pierce Louise"
"Pierce, Abbie L."
"Pierce, Ellen B."
"Pierce, Franc"
"Pierce, Frances"
"Pierce, George"
"Pierce, Gertrude"
"Pierce, Helena"
"Pierce, Lulu"
"Pierce, Mary"
"Pierce, Mrs."
"Pierce, Mrs. Adelaide M."
"Pierce, Mrs. Byron R."
"Pierce, Mrs. H. M. [Henry M. , Mary J.]"
"Pierce, Mrs. J. W."
"Pierce, Mrs. John W"
"Pierce, Mrs. Levi"
"Pierce, Mrs. M. Fay"
"Pierce, Mrs. M. G."
"Pierce, Mrs. Minnie"
"Pierce, Myrtle"
"Pierce, Naomi"
"Pierson, Emily"
"Pierson, Maud"
"Pike, Mrs. Bernice"
"Pike, Mrs. C."
"Pimmine, Mary E."
"Pine School Neighborhood Club"
"Pine Street Mother's Club"
"Pine Street school"
"Pingree, Mayor"
"Pini-Corsi Opera company"
"Pini-Corsi, Antonia"
"Pioneer School Girls Association"
"Pioneer School Girls of Hastings"
"Pitcher, Molly"
"Pittenger, Mrs. Morgan (Elizabeth)"
"Pittsburg, Pennsylvania"
"Pixton, Mille"
"Plainfield Township, Kent County, Michigan"
"Plainwell, Allegan county, Michigan"
"Plainwell, Michigan"
"Planck's Grand Hotel"
"Planck, Mrs. H. A. [Harriet A]"
"Plank, Katie"
"Plank, Miss"
"Platte, Gertrude"
"Platte, Tracey"
"Playground association"
"Pleasant St. Literary Club"
"Pleog, Hattie"
"Plett, Mrs. E. J. [Ernest J., Katherine]"
"Plew, James"
"Plog, Lena"
"Plumb, Mr. and Mrs. Walter K."
"Plummer, Mrs. Sarah A. C."
"Plural System Ventilator Company"
"Poel, Helen"
"Poelstra, Gena"
"Poets and poetry"
"Point Paulo, Reeds Lake"
"Poiret, Paul"
"Police court officers"
"Police women"
"Polish National alliance of America"
"Polish women"
"Political campaigns"
"Political Candidates"
"Political Equality Club"
"Political Equality Corp"
"Political Equity club"
"Political parties"
"Political party convention"
"Political Science"
"Polland, Laura"
"Pollard, Annie"
"Pollard, Annie A."
"Pollard, Mrs. E. A."
"Polmanteer, Lucille"
"Polygamy and polygamists"
"Pomeroy, Mrs. C. H. [Charles H.]"
"Pomeroy, Lillian"
"Pond, Grace"
"Pond, Mrs. (Allegan, MI)"
"Pond, Mrs. Leon [Serna D.]"
"Pont, Mrs. Julia"
"Pontiac, Michigan"
"Pontorno, Henry"
"Poole, George"
"Poor farm"
"Pope, Clara"
"Pope, Mrs."
"Pope, Mrs. H. A."
"Popp, Mme"
"Populist convention"
"Port Huron, MI"
"Port Huron, Michigan"
"Port Tapma, Florida"
"Port Townsend, Washington"
"Portage Lake Mining Gazette"
"Porter, Della"
"Porter, Dorothy"
"Porter, Ethel"
"Porter, Jesse C."
"Porter, Jessie"
"Porter, Leone"
"Porter, Marion"
"Porter, Norah"
"Porter, Zula"
"Portland, Oregon"
"Post Tavern"
"Post's Hall"
"Post, Mrs. C. W. [Ella Letitia]"
"Post, Katherine"
"Post, Martin"
"Post, Mrs."
"Post, Mrs. C."
"Post, Mrs. C. J."
"Post, Mrs. J. C."
"Post, Mrs. J. E."
"Post-war Europe"
"Postal Service"
"Poteraski, Esther"
"Potter, Bessie"
"Potter, Claire"
"Potter, Elizabeth"
"Potter, Mrs. Herbert [Mary L.]"
"Potter, Mrs. James Brown [Cora Urquhart]"
"Potterswood, Mr.s R."
"Poughkeepsie, New York"
"Poverty and Hunger"
"Powar, Soonderbai"
"Powell, Adeline"
"Powell, Helen G."
"Powell, Mrs. Adeline"
"Powell, Mrs. L. P. [Lizzie]"
"Power, Mrs. H."
"Powers Opera House"
"Powers theater"
"Powers' Opera House"
"Powers' Theater"
"Powers, Deborah (Ball)"
"Powers, Dorothy"
"Powers, Dorothy Jane"
"Powers, Emma"
"Powers, Essa"
"Powers, Eugenia"
"Powers, Marion"
"Powers, Mayme"
"Powers, Michael F"
"Powers, Minne Van Campen"
"Powers, Minnie Van Campen"
"Powers, Mrs. Deborah"
"Powers, Mrs. Eugenia"
"Powers, Mrs. Fred W. [Frances]"
"Powers, Mrs. Frederick W [Frances P.]"
"Powers, Mrs. Frederick W [Frances]"
"Powers, Mrs. Frederick W. (Frances P.)"
"Powers, Mrs. Frederick W. [Frances P.]"
"Powers, Mrs. Frederick W. [Frances]"
"Powers, Mrs. Frederick [Frances]"
"Powers, Perry"
"Powers, Rev. Mr."
"Powse, Bertha"
"Powys, John Cowper"
"Praeger, Katherine"
"Praeger, Mrs. Katherine"
"Prager, Katherine"
"Prager, Katherine S."
"Prager, Louise"
"Prager, Mrs. Katherine"
"Prager, Mrs. L. A."
"Prager, Mrs. Louis [Katherine]"
"Pratt, Leo G."
"Preesay, Mabel"
"Prendergast, Mrs. Richard J. [Sarah T.]"
"Presbyterian Church"
"Presbyterian Women's Missionary Society"
"President of Parent-Teachers Assn"
"Presidential cadidates"
"Presidential candidates"
"Presidential elections"
"Press Club"
"Press Club Social"
"Preston, C. A."
"Preston, Frances E."
"Price, Dr. Jacob R."
"Price, Edward L."
"Price, Ferris"
"Price, Grace B"
"Price, Jessie"
"Price, Mabel"
"Price, Mary"
"Price, Mrs. D. D. [Douglas, ]"
"Price, Mrs. D. D. [Douglas D.]"
"Priddy, Mrs. Bessie Leach"
"Primary elections"
"Princess Amazulu"
"Princess Victoria May of Teck"
"Princeton University"
"Prindle, Clarence W."
"Prindle, Mary V."
"Prison and prisoners"
"Prison Library"
"Prisons and prisoners"
"Pritchard, Dr. Frederick M."
"Pritchard, Emma D."
"Proctor, Lucille"
"Proctor, Mrs. Nadine"
"Professional Shopper"
"Professional women"
"Program entertainment"
"Progressive Party"
"Progressive reform movement"
"Progressives of Grand Rapids"
"Prohibition amendment"
"Prohibition club"
"Proper, Elizabeth"
"Proper, Emma"
"Protestant Episcopal general convention"
"Proudfit Loose Leaf Co."
"Prout, Bernice"
"Provin, Mrs Estelle H."
"Provin, Mrs. L. S. [Levi S., Estella H.]"
"Provin, Mrs. L. S. [Levi s., Estalla H."
"Provin, Mrs. L. S. [Levi S., Estella H.]"
"Pruette, William"
"Pryke, Lady"
"Public behavior"
"Public Health"
"Public Welfare commission report"
"Puerto Rico"
"Puerto, Senora Elvia Carrillo"
"Pullman, Florence"
"Pullman, Harriet"
"Pullman, Mrs. George [Harriet Sanger]"
"Pulsifer, Mrs. Woodbury"
"Pulte, Frank A."
"Punderson, Anna"
"Purcel, Mrs. William Reese"
"Purdy, Carrie"
"Purdy, Irva"
"Pursel, Flora Jane"
"Pursel, Kline H."
"Pursel, Mrs. W. R."
"Pursel, Susie Hazen"
"Pursel, William R."
"Purshaw, Nellie"
"Putnam, Caroline W."
"Putnam, Emily James"
"Putnam, Margret"
"Putnam, Mrs. Emily James"
"Putnam, Mrs. Enos [Margret]"
"Putnam, Mrs. L. D. [Lemuel D., Caroline W.]"
"Putnam, Mrs. L. D. [Lemuel, Caroline W.]"
"Putnam, Theodore C."
"Pyle, James"
"Pyle, Mrs. John L."
"Quackenbush, Effie"
"Quakenbush, William"
"Quant, Anna"
"Quay, David"
"Quebec, Canada"
"Queen City Suspender Company"
"Queen Eleonora"
"Queen Helena"
"Queen Isabella"
"Queen Victoria"
"Queens County Jail, New York"
"Quick, Hazel"
"Quick, Mrs. Dr. Florence"
"Quigley, Mary E."
"Quincy, Illinois"
"Quinn, Agnes"
"Quinn, James"
"Quinn, Louisa"
"Quinn, Maggie"
"Quinn, Mrs. Jane"
"Quirk, Hazel I. [of Gaylord]"
"Raab, Elmer"
"Raab, John D."
"Rabbers, Mrs. Helen"
"Race relation"
"Racher, Mrs."
"Racine, Wisconsin"
"Radamacher, Mrs. H."
"Rademaker, Maude"
"Rader, Dr. Paul"
"Radford, Peter"
"Rafferty, Hortense"
"Ragan, Mabel A."
"Raiguel, Katherine"
"Railroad Administration"
"Railroad Vote"
"Raincliffe, Lady"
"Rainey, J. F."
"Rainey, Roxanna"
"Rakta, Katie"
"Ramona Park"
"Ramona Players"
"Ramsdell, Mrs. Jay"
"Ramsey, Mrs. W. H. [William H., Sarah]"
"Ranck, Samuel"
"Randall, Mrs. L. H. [Leonard H. , Mary J.]"
"Randall, Della"
"Randall, Ella"
"Randall, John S."
"Randall, Laura"
"Randall, Mrs. Charles [May E. Stanley]"
"Randall, Mrs. Laura"
"Randolph, Eugene H."
"Rankid, Mrs. McKee"
"Rankin, Dr. Charles E."
"Rankin, Jeanette"
"Rankin, Jeannette"
"Rankin, Mae"
"Ranney, Arthur W."
"Ranney, Lois"
"Ransdell, Mrs. Joseph E."
"Ransdell, Mrs. Joseph A."
"Ransey, Roxana"
"Ransom, Mrs. J. W."
"Rapid River, Michigan"
"Raplogle, Minnie E."
"Rapp, William, Jr."
"Rasch, Anna"
"Rasch, Augusta"
"Rason, Grace"
"Rathbone, Elizabeth B."
"Rathbone, Margaret and Mary"
"Rathbone, Mrs. A. D. [Alfred, Jessie]"
"Rathbone, Mrs. Alfred D."
"Rathbone, Mrs. Mortimer"
"Rathbone, Polly"
"Rathbun House hotel"
"Ratnean, Louis"
"Ratt, Effie"
"Rau, Annie"
"Rau, Baby Girl"
"Ravachol party"
"Ravenna, Michigan"
"Rawlings, Zenna"
"Rawlinson, Eleanor"
"Rawson, Lena (Decatur)"
"Ray, Johnny"
"Ray, Kathryn"
"Ray, Mrs. Alexander"
"Raymond, Edward G."
"Raymond, Fred R."
"Raymond, Georgia M."
"Raymond, Mrs. Emma"
"Raymond, Mrs. George E. [Cora S.]"
"Raymond, Mrs. Mabel"
"Raymonds, Mabel K."
"Rayne, M. L."
"Rayne, Mrs. M. L."
"Rayne, Mrs. M. L. [Martha]"
"Rayson, Mabel"
"Read, Annie"
"Read, Lucy"
"Read, Mary"
"Reardon, Marie K."
"Reber, Mrs. Jennie"
"Recreation park"
"Red Cross"
"Red Cross auxiliaries"
"Red Cross Auxiliary"
"Reddeman, Effie"
"Reddick, Miss Fannie"
"Redfeather, PrincessTsianina "
"Redhead, Mildred Doris"
"Redner, Mrs. Boyd"
"Reed City, Michigan"
"Reed, Adeline V"
"Reed, Adeline Y."
"Reed, Anna Morrison"
"Reed, Dr. J. Hall"
"Reed, Esther A."
"Reed, George M."
"Reed, Katie"
"Reed, Mr. & Mrs. L. C."
"Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J."
"Reed, Mrs. M. F."
"Reed, Mrs. J. Hall [Jesse H., Adaline]"
"Reed, Mrs. J. Hall [Adaline]"
"Reed, Mrs. M. F."
"Reed, Mrs. Thornton"
"Reeds Lake"
"Reeds Lake, Grand Rapids, Michigan"
"Reelman, Julia"
"Reeves, Birdie"
"Reeves, Mrs. Charles S. [Agusta]"
"Reeves, Rose"
"Reeves, Thomas L."
"Reform School for Girls"
"Reformed Church in America"
"Reformed Church of America"
"Reformed Church Synod"
"Reformed churches"
"Regester, Pauline"
"Regester, Pauline"
"Regester, Police Matron"
"Reghel, Mrs. Charles"
"Rehan, Ada"
"Reichardt, Mrs. John"
"Reid, Rev. Thomas"
"Reilly, Crain"
"Religion and churches"
"Religious orders"
"Religious persecution"
"Remington, Mary"
"Remington, Matie"
"Remington, Mrs. C. N."
"Remington, Mrs. C. N. (Kate E.)"
"Remington, Rebecca"
"Rempis, Dr. Loretta"
"Remus, Michigan"
"Reno, Margaret Cook"
"Rensberber, Louise"
"Renwick, Millison"
"Renwick, Miss"
"Repbublican party"
"Reper, John"
"Reper, Mary"
"Republic of Benin"
"Republican convention"
"Republican County Convention"
"Republican national campaign"
"Republican National convention"
"Republican Party"
"Republican state convention"
"Republican Women's Club"
"Republican Women's Federation of Michigan"
"Requa, Priscilla"
"Rescue homes"
"Reserve, Hemlock"
"Rest Cottage"
"Restorative Nervine"
"Retail Stores"
"Reum, Carolyn"
"Reutter, Alfred"
"Revolutionary War"
"Reynders, Dee A."
"Reynier, Eva R."
"Reynolds Asphalt Shingle Company"
"Reynolds, Candace W."
"Reynolds, Charles B., Ida"
"Reynolds, Dr."
"Reynolds, Mrs. Lewis Seal [Ida]"
"Rhinelander, Julia"
"Rhodes, Anna"
"Ricatone, Josephine"
"rice, Anna"
"Rice, Lea"
"Rice, Mr. N."
"Rice, Mrs."
"Rice, Mrs. Avilda"
"Rice, Mrs. S. A."
"Rice, Mrs. William E. [Bertha]"
"Rice, Winnie"
"Rich, Arthur"
"Rich, Carrie A."
"Rich, Jennie"
"Richard Allen Home for Girls"
"Richard Allen Home for Working Girls and Children"
"Richards, Annette"
"Richards, Frank"
"Richards, George I."
"Richards, Grace"
"Richards, Harriet"
"Richards, Jennie A."
"Richards, Louisa"
"Richards, Lucille"
"Richards, Mrs. O. E. [Ora E."
"Richards, Mrs. Sarah J."
"Richardson, Edith L."
"Richardson, Emma"
"Richardson, Fern"
"Richardson, Mrs."
"Richardson, Mrs. B. C."
"Richardson, Mrs. Bessie Evans"
"Richardson, Mrs. John"
"Richardson, Mrs. L. W. [Loren W., Edith L.]"
"Richardson, Mrs. W. D."
"Richardson, Ruby"
"Richings, Helen Stuart"
"Richmond, Blanche"
"Richmond, Clara"
"Richmond, Emery"
"Richmond, Lena"
"Richmond, Mabel"
"Richmond, Merwin W."
"Richmond, Mrs. A. B."
"Richmond, Rebecca"
"Richmond, Susan"
"Richmond, Virginia"
"Richmond, Wesley"
"Richmond, Zoe"
"Richrdson, Mrs. J. B."
"Richter, Bishop Henry J."
"Richter, Bishop Henry Joseph"
"Richter, Rev. Bishop Henry Joseph"
"Richter, William"
"Rickenbaugh, Lillian"
"Rickenbaugh, Lillian B."
"Rickenbaugh, Mrs. J. C. [John C. Lillilan B.]"
"Rickenbaugh, Mrs. J. C. [Lillian B.]"
"Rickenbaugh, Mrs. J. C. [Lillian B]"
"Rickenbaugh, Mrs. J. C. [John C., Lillian B.]"
"Rickenbaugh, Mrs. J. C. [Lillian B.]"
"Rickenbaugh, Mrs. J.C. [John C. Lillian B.]"
"Rickour, Amelia"
"Riebo, Marvina"
"Riepma, Rev. S."
"Riesdarph, Mary"
"Rigby, Mrs. Edith"
"Riggs, Cora"
"Riggs, Cora M."
"Riggs, Jennie"
"Righter, Anna"
"Rigney, Winifred K."
"Riley, Edward"
"Rindge, Mrs. H. C. [Harry C., Miriam]"
"Rindge, William A and Mary C."
"Ringling Brothers Circus"
"Ringold, Mary M."
"Ringold, Nicholas"
"Ringold, Tillie"
"Ringrose, Mary E."
"Riordan, Mrs. John"
"Riorden, Nellie"
"Riordin, Beatrice Marie"
"Riordin, Mrs. John [Zella]"
"Ripley, Mrs. Mary A."
"Rise, Mary"
"Risedorph, Mrs. Charles"
"Risedorph, Mrs. Mary"
"Riseley, Helen"
"Rives, Amelia"
"Rix, Mrs."
"Roach, Hazel P."
"Roach, Louise P."
"Roat, Jessie"
"Robbery and theft"
"Robbins, Mrs. Edwin [Anna]"
"Robbins, Mrs. N., Jr."
"Robe, Annie"
"Roberts, J. W. (alias)"
"Roberts, Mrs. A. T."
"Roberts, Mrs. E. A."
"Roberts, Mrs. Marjorie"
"Roberts, Mrs. Rev."
"Robertson Boucicault, Agnes"
"Robertson, Clara"
"Robertson, Mrs. C. A. [Charles, Anna]"
"Robertson, Mrs. Irene"
"Robin, Stella B."
"Robins, Mrs. Raymond"
"Robins, Mrs. Raymond [Margaret Dreier]"
"Robinson, Cora"
"Robinson, Ed"
"Robinson, Helen"
"Robinson, Helen Ring"
"Robinson, Henry A."
"Robinson, Julia"
"Robinson, Lizzie M."
"Robinson, Margaret Ann"
"Robinson, Miss L. M."
"Robinson, Mrs. A. Ed"
"Robinson, Mrs. Charles"
"Robinson, Mrs. D. G."
"Robinson, Mrs. Douglas"
"Robinson, Mrs. H. Parker [Cora]"
"Robinson, Mrs. Harry Parker [Cora]"
"Robinson, Mrs. Harry [Cora]"
"Robinson, Mrs. William"
"Robinson, Mrs. William M."
"Robinson, Senator Helen Bing"
"Robinson, W. G. [William]"
"Robotham, Vera"
"Robson, May"
"Robson, Sarah E."
"Roche, Bert"
"Roche, Margaret"
"Roche, Mrs. Joseph (Mary R.)"
"Rochester, New York"
"Rochester, NY"
"Rockefeller, Mrs. John D [Laura C. Spelman]"
"Rockford [Michigan] High School"
"Rockford, Michigan"
"Rockville (Ind.) Tribune"
"Rockwell, Eunice M."
"Rockwell, Tod"
"Rockwell, Vera"
"Rodabough, Ernest"
"Rodda, Mary"
"Rodenthaler, Agnes, Peter"
"Rodman, Harriet"
"Roe, Abbie"
"Roe, Clifford C."
"Roelof, Miss"
"Roelofs, Bessie"
"Roelofs, Ralph"
"Roesink, Jennie"
"Rogers, Alderman George E."
"Rogers, Barbara E."
"Rogers, Belle"
"Rogers, Clara"
"Rogers, Dr. John R."
"Rogers, Edith Nourse"
"Rogers, Ellen"
"Rogers, Etta"
"Rogers, Gertrude"
"Rogers, Mary"
"Rogers, Miss A. C."
"Rogers, Mrs. A. W. of Holland"
"Rogers, Mrs. Catherine"
"Rogers, Mrs. Guy E."
"Rogers, Mrs. Horace"
"Rogers, Mrs. James [Ellen G.]"
"Rogers, Mrs. Jas."
"Rogers, Mrs. John R. [Grace H.]"
"Rogers, Mrs. John R. [Grace H.]"
"Rogers, Mrs. John [Elizabeth Selden]"
"Rogers, Mrs. William"
"Rogers, Nellie"
"Rogers, Prof. Robert E."
"Rogers, Prof. Rogers E."
"Rogers, Rachel"
"Rogers, Zera"
"Roh, Mrs. Charles [Mary]"
"Roland, Robert"
"Roler, Rose"
"Roman Catholic church"
"Roman, Mrs. Anna"
"Romani, Teressa"
"Rome, Italy"
"Ronan, Hattie, James Douglas"
"Ronan, Mrs. W. E."
"Ronconi, Giovanni"
"Ronconi, Sig. [Giovanni]"
"Rood Laura"
"Rooks, Mrs. John J. [Jeannette]"
"Rookus, Clara"
"Rookus, George H."
"Rookus, Tillie"
"Rooney, Helen"
"Roop, Mary"
"Roosevelt, Colonel Theodore"
"Roosevelt, Mrs. Theodore"
"Roosevelt, Theodore"
"Root, Elihu"
"Root, H. T."
"Root, Marieta (Bay city)"
"Root, Martha"
"Root, Martha A."
"Root, Martha E."
"Root, Melvin"
"Root, Melvin A."
"Root, Mrs. Elihu"
"Root, Mrs. Frank"
"Root, Mrs. I. N."
"Root, Mrs. Martha"
"Roscommon County, Michigan"
"Rose, Anna"
"Rose, Bertha M."
"Rose, Clara Louise"
"Rose, Grace"
"Rose, Minnie"
"Rose, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. [Henry M.]"
"Rose, Mrs. H. O."
"Rose, Mrs. Mary"
"Rose, Myrtle"
"Rosen Brothers Park"
"Rosenburg, Mae"
"Rosencrans, Mrs. E. A."
"Rosenkrans, Mrs. E. A. [Elora A.]"
"Rosenthal, Elaine"
"Rosenthal, Joseph W."
"Rosenthal, Mrs. J. W. [Bianca]"
"Rosenthal, Mrs. J. W. [Joseph W., Bianca]"
"Rosenthal, Mrs. J. W. [Joseph, Bianca]"
"Ross, Dr."
"Ross, Metta J."
"Ross, Mrs. William H. [Mary S]"
"Rotchford, Mrs. Bridget"
"Roth, Arnold"
"Roth, Freda E."
"Roth, Mrs. Arnold"
"Rotter, Katherine"
"Rotter, Mrs. Anthony"
"Rottier, Katherine"
"Roumania, Elizabeth"
"Rourke, Constance"
"Rousche, Elizabeth M."
"Rouse, Guy W."
"Rouse, Ida T."
"Rouse, John"
"Rouse, Rosamond"
"Rouser, Myrtle"
"Routh, Mrs."
"Row, Rosina"
"Rowan, Mrs. J. A. C."
"Rowe Hotel"
"Rowe, Carl"
"Rowe, Celina E. Pearsall"
"Rowe, Celine"
"Rowe, Clara Louise"
"Rowe, Eleanor"
"Rowe, Fern R. (Mrs. Fred)"
"Rowe, Helen"
"Rowe, Helen Mary"
"Rowe, Mrs. Fred N. [Fern]"
"Rowe, Mrs. Fred N. [Helen]"
"Rowe, Mrs. Fred [Fern]"
"Rowe, Mrs. William"
"Rowe, Mrs. William S."
"Rowe, Mrs. Willliam S."
"Rowe, William"
"Rowland, Frances B."
"Rowland, Mrs. L. P. [Levi P., Frances B.]"
"Rowland, Mrs. L. P. [Levi P., Frances B.]]"
"Rowland, Mrs. L. P. [Levi P., Francis B.]"
"Rowland, Mrs. L. P. [Levi P., Frances B.]"
"Rowson, Laurel L. "
"Royal Baking Powder"
"Royal Microscopical society"
"Royal Princess Mary"
"Royce, Belle"
"Royce, Margaret L"
"Royce, Margaret L."
"Royden, A. Maud"
"Rubens, Lottie"
"Rublee, Mrs. Juliet Barrett"
"Rugers, Mrs. Gerrit"
"Ruggles, Charles H."
"Ruggles, Helen"
"Rundio, Isaac J."
"Runnels, Edith"
"Runnels, Lee A."
"Runyon, Mrs. Frank J."
"Ruoff, Mary, Charles"
"Rusche, Elizabeth M."
"Rushton, Margaret"
"Russel, Huntley"
"Russel, Mrs. Huntley [Clara C.]"
"Russell, Clara"
"Russell, Clara Comstock"
"Russell, Elizabeth P."
"Russell, H. C. [Henry C.]"
"Russell, Helen E."
"Russell, Huntley"
"Russell, Julia"
"Russell, Lillian"
"Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Huntley [Clara C.]"
"Russell, Mrs. Allyne"
"Russell, Mrs. Belle D."
"Russell, Mrs. Clara Comstock"
"Russell, Mrs. Dorian (Helen E.)"
"Russell, Mrs. Dorian M."
"Russell, Mrs. Dorian M. [Helen E.]"
"Russell, Mrs. Dorian [Helen E.]"
"Russell, Mrs. Dorian [Helen E]"
"Russell, Mrs. Dorlan M."
"Russell, Mrs. Elizabeth Ann"
"Russell, Mrs. Huntley"
"Russell, Mrs. Huntley [Clara C.]"
"Russell, Mrs. Huntley [Clara C]"
"Russell, Mrs. Huntley (Clara C)"
"Russell, Mrs. Huntley (Clara C.)"
"Russell, Mrs. Huntley [Clara C.]"
"Russell, Mrs. Huntley [Clara C]"
"Russell, Mrs. Huntley [Clara]"
"Russell, Mrs. William"
"Russell, Nellie"
"Russell, William"
"Rutherford, Dr. Frances"
"Rutherford, Dr. Frances A."
"Rutherford, Dr. Francis A."
"Rutherford, Dr. [Frances]"
"Rutherford, Frances"
"Rutherford, Frances A."
"Rutherford, Francis A."
"Rutherford, Mrs. Dr. F. A."
"Rutherford, Peggy"
"Ryan, Agnes"
"Ryan, Annie"
"Ryan, Catherine"
"Ryan, Marguerite"
"Ryan, Mary A."
"Ryan, Minnie S."
"Ryan, Mrs. M. D. [Michael D., Minnie S]"
"Ryan, Mrs. Agnes"
"Ryan, Rev. Frederick"
"Ryenier, Eva"
"Ryerson Library - Grand Rapids"
"Rypstra, Bartele"
"Rypstra, Coba"
"Rypstra, Lampert H."
"Rysdorp, Clare"
"Rzypijewski, Tony"
"S. K. Wilson's Woolen Mills"
"Sabin, Lena"
"Sabote, Verna"
"Sackett, Newsboy"
"Sackette, Mrs. Belle"
"Saco, Maine"
"Sacramento, California"
"Sacred Heart Academy"
"Sacred Heart church"
"Sacred Heart Girls College"
"Sagatelian, Apkar N."
"Sagatoo, Mary Newton"
"Sagatoo, Peter"
"Sager, Mrs. C. H."
"Saginaw Evening News"
"Saginaw, Michigan"
"Salderno, Mrs."
"Sales women"
"Salesmanship Congress"
"Salsbury, Lant"
"Salt Lake City, Utah"
"Salvation Army"
"Salvation Army Evangeline Home"
"Salvation Army Home"
"Salvation Army Rescue Home"
"Salvation Army Rescue Home for Girls"
"Salzman, Juda"
"Samm, Dr. E. S."
"Samm, Dr. H. S."
"Sampson, Deborah"
"Sampson, Jacob"
"Samuels, Mrs. Thomas B."
"San Francisco"
"San Francisco, California"
"Sand Lake, Michigan"
"Sandberg, Linda"
"Sanderson, Miss"
"Sanford, John"
"Sanford, Margaret"
"Sanford, May"
"Sanger, Margaret"
"Sangster, Ada C."
"Sangster, Mrs. A. E."
"Santa Claus Girls"
"Santo, Mrs. John"
"Sargent, Abby"
"Sargent, Ellen C."
"Sargent, Mary A."
"Sartain, Emily"
"Sauers, Helen"
"Sauers, Helen S."
"Saugatuck Woman's Defense Comm."
"Saugatuck, Michigan"
"Saulspaugh, Luella"
"Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan"
"Sault St. Marie, Michigan"
"Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan"
"Saunders, Burton and Abigail"
"Saunders, Cora"
"Saunders, Mrs. Dr."
"Saur, Mrs. Carl"
"Savage, Bessie I."
"Sawyer, Dr. Walter"
"Sawyer, Dr. Walter H."
"Sawyer, Evangelist Ernest"
"Saxon, Elizabeth L"
"Saxon, Elizabeth L."
"Saxon, Elizabeth Lysle"
"Saxton, Mrs. R. H. [Reginald]"
"Sayles, Mrs. Dr."
"Sayles, Mrs. M. E."
"Sayles, Viola"
"Sayre, Francis Bowes"
"Scanlon, Margaret"
"Scarlett, Ella"
"Schaaf, C. Arthur"
"Schaefer, Florence"
"Schall, Dorothy"
"Schenck, Miss [Lina]"
"Scheuffley, Edna"
"Schield, Amercide"
"Schilling, william"
"Schipper, Mathilda"
"Schipper, Matilda"
"Schleiss, Anna"
"Schleiss, Ludwig"
"Schliess, Anna Szuppila"
"Schliess, Ludwig"
"Schmidt, Anna"
"Schmidt, Eran"
"Schmidt, Felicia M."
"Schmitt, Erna"
"Schmitt, Mary S. L."
"Schmitt, Nicholas"
"Schneider, Jr., Hugo"
"Schneider, Mrs. Edward F. [Elizabeth]"
"Schoettler, Arthur E."
"Scholes, Ethel"
"Scholl, Josephine"
"School board"
"School Board elections"
"School building bond"
"School elections"
"School of Home Economics"
"Schorlach, Viola"
"Schouten, Mrs. John [Grace L.]"
"Schouten, Syke"
"Schrader, Mrs. William"
"Schram, Addie"
"Schreiner, Olive"
"Schroeder, Edith"
"Schroeder, Mrs. Winifred Hutchinson"
"Schuitema, Henry"
"Schuitema, Mary"
"Schuldt, Norman"
"Schuler, Mrs. Frank J."
"Schull, Henry A"
"Schulte, Anna"
"Schultz, John"
"Schultz, Leona"
"Schultze, Hattie"
"Schultze, Mme. A."
"Schumann-Heink, Ernestine"
"Schumann-Heink, Mme."
"Schumann-Heink, Mme. Ernestine"
"Schurink, Gertrude"
"Schurr, Eva"
"Schurtz, Perry"
"Schurtz, Mrs. Perry [Bell]"
"Schurtz, Shelby"
"Schutters, Anna"
"Schuur, Eva K."
"Schuyler, Sarah"
"Schweitzer, Louise"
"Schwimmer, Mme. Rosika"
"Schwimmer, Mrs. Rosika"
"Schwimmer, Rosak"
"Science and Evolution committee"
"Science and scientists"
"Scientific Health Club"
"Scobie, Mrs. Gladys"
"Scott, Carrie"
"Scott, Catherine"
"Scott, Cora"
"Scott, Helen"
"Scott, Margaret"
"Scott, Mrs."
"Scott, Mrs. Lou M."
"Scott, Mrs. Mary H."
"Scott, Mrs. P. [Peter] W. [Elizabeth]"
"Scott, Mrs. Thomas A."
"Scott, Mrs. Townsend"
"Scott, sue"
"Scotts, Michigan"
"Scottville, Michigan"
"Scovel, Bettie"
"Scovell, Betty"
"Scrbner, N. B. "
"Scribner, Belle"
"Scripps League"
"Scripsma, Bettina"
"Scriver, Mrs. Margaret"
"Searle, Mrs. S. C."
"Searle, Mrs. S. [Seth C., Rosabelle E.]"
"Sears, Mrs. Steven"
"Seattle Washington"
"Seattle, Wahsington"
"Seattle, Washington"
"Secretary Davis"
"Sedelbauer, Doris"
"Seduction and rape"
"Seeger, Mrs. Ralph E"
"Seeley, Tillie"
"Seger, Mrs. C. M. "
"Seifert, Anna"
"Seifert, Harriet"
"Seiffert, Harriet"
"Seiple, Lottie"
"Seitz, Minnie"
"Selden, Elisabeth"
"Selmon, Florence"
"Selska, Felicia, Alphonso"
"Selzer, Mrs."
"Sembrich, Marcella"
"Semeyn, Maragaret"
"Semon, Stella M."
"Seno, Mrs. Kin"
"Serbian Relief"
"Serfling, Neta"
"Seton, Mrs. Earnest Thompson"
"Seven, Lena"
"Seventh Day Adventist church"
"Severance, Caroline"
"Severance, Juliet"
"Sevier, Dorothy"
"Sewall, Mrs. May Wright"
"Seward, Alaska"
"Sewing machines"
"Sexual abuse"
"Sexual assault"
"Sexual behavior"
"Seydel, Mr. and Mrs. L. Victor "
"Seydel, Mr. and Mrs. L. Victory"
"Seymour, Catherine"
"Seymour, Hattie"
"Sffrage and suffragists"
"Shaal, Florence E."
"Shafer, Dell"
"Shafer, J. A."
"Shaffer, Kate"
"Shah of Persia"
"Shakespeare, Mrs. William"
"Shakespeariana Club"
"Shanahan Hall"
"Shanahan, Camilla"
"Shanahan, Fannie E."
"Shanahan, Mary"
"Shanahan, Mrs. R. E. [Robert E.]"
"Shanahan, Mrs. R. [Robert, Mary]"
"Shanahan, Mrs. Robert E."
"Shanahan, Mrs. Robert E. [Mary]"
"Shanahan, Mrs. Robert [Mary]"
"Shane, Mrs. Lucy"
"Shank, Cora"
"Shankee, Frances"
"Shanks, Ida"
"Shannessy, Matron"
"Shannon, Rosetta"
"Shannon, Ruby"
"Sharpe, Marion"
"Sharrow, Ethel"
"Shattuck, Mrs. F. E. (Sylvia)"
"Shattuck, Edith"
"Shattuck, Mrs. A. B."
"Shaunessy, Mrs. Ellen"
"Shaw Anna"
"Shaw, Anna"
"Shaw, Anna H."
"Shaw, Anna Howard"
"Shaw, Charles Gray"
"Shaw, Clare"
"Shaw, Dr. Anna"
"Shaw, Dr. Anna Howard"
"Shaw, E. L."
"Shaw, Etta"
"Shaw, Etta S."
"Shaw, Frank"
"Shaw, Frank E"
"Shaw, Gertrude"
"Shaw, Millie Bingham"
"Shaw, Minnie"
"Shaw, Minnie B."
"Shaw, Miss Mabelle"
"Shaw, Mrs. Anna"
"Shaw, Mrs. John B. [Leona]"
"Shaw, Mrs. Millie B."
"Shaw, Rev. Anna"
"Shaw, Rev. Dr. Anna Howard"
"Shaw, Rev. Etta"
"Shea, Delia T."
"Shearer, Rose"
"Sheffield, England"
"Sheffield, Eva"
"Sheffield, Mrs. C."
"Sheffield, Mrs. Lee E. (Julia E)"
"Shelby , Mrs. W. R. [William R., Marg]"
"Shelby, Michigan"
"Shelby, Mrs. W. R. [William R., Mary C]"
"Sheldon, Senator"
"Shelter for Erring Women"
"Shepard, Mrs. George C."
"Shepard, Mrs. W. S."
"Shepherd, Mrs. Mary"
"Sheppard, William C."
"Sheridan Township, Calhoun County, Michigan"
"Sheridan, Emma"
"Sherill, Charles H."
"Sherman, Hattie"
"Sherman, Maggie"
"Sherman, Mildred Constance"
"Sherman, Mildred Constatnce"
"Sherman, Mrs. James Schoolcraft"
"Sherman, Mrs. Willis"
"Sherman, Pruella Janet"
"Sherrard, Mrs. Henry Gray"
"Sherrard, Mrs. Henry V."
"Shield, Mrs. Dana B."
"Shields, Irene Pomeroy"
"Shields, Mrs. Alex"
"Shields, Mrs. I. P."
"Shields, Mrs. John"
"Shier, Ada B."
"Shillinger, Michael W."
"Shimamura, Professor"
"Shimky, Lida"
"Shinkman, Emeline"
"Shinkman, Mrs. J. C. [Joseph C., Emeline]"
"Shinkman, Mrs. Joseph [Emeline]"
"Shipman, Emily"
"Shipman, Mrs. William"
"Shippen, Mrs. Eugene"
"Shipton, Mother"
"Shirley, Florabel"
"Shirts, Mrs. John D. M. [Cilia A]"
"Shoecraft, Mrs. Minnie"
"Shook, Mrs. J. L."
"Shouse, Minnie"
"Shuler, Marjorie"
"Sickles, John"
"Siegel's Millinery Dept."
"Siegel, Mrs. Judd"
"Siehrs, Mary"
"Siemons, Adam"
"Sigler, Mrs. Lou I."
"Signal, Marceline"
"Signet Chapter"
"Sigourney, Lydia"
"Silk business"
"Silvey, Dr. Francis L."
"Silvius, Mrs. Nora A."
"Simmons, Eugene"
"Simmons, Mrs."
"Simonds, Mrs. Frank"
"Simonds, W. D."
"Simpson, Elmer H."
"Simpson, Mrs. Catherine"
"Simpson, Mrs. Charles"
"Simpson, Mrs. Emma G."
"Simpson, Mrs. G. A. B."
"Sinclair, Justice Thompson"
"Sinclair, Mrs. Porter"
"Sinclair, Mrs. W. D. (Dora)"
"Singer, Hannah"
"Singer, Winnaretta"
"Sinn, Colonel William E."
"Sintz, Mrs. Clark [Virgie L.]"
"Sioux Falls, Dakota Territory"
"Sioux Falls, SD"
"Sironen, Marta"
"Sisson, Cora"
"Sister Baptiste"
"Sister Mary Atilla"
"Sister Mary Claudia"
"Sister Mary Florian"
"Sister Mary George"
"Sister Mary John"
"Sister Mary Josepha"
"Sister Mary Leonard"
"Sister Raphael, M.D."
"Sisters of Mercy"
"Sisters of Silence"
"Sjostedt, Olga"
"Skalekuchil, Irene"
"Skaug, Celia"
"Skeels, Mrs. Don"
"Skeels, Mrs. Dorr"
"Skelley, Margaret"
"Skinner, Helen"
"Skory, Mrs. C"
"Slack, Winnie"
"Slade, Clara A"
"Slaght, Elizabeth"
"Slaves and slavery"
"Slayton, Mrs. [A. W.]"
"Slayton, Mrs. A. W."
"Sleeper, Albert E."
"Sleeper, Alfred E."
"Sleeper, Gov. Albert"
"Sleeper, Gov. Alfred"
"Sleeper, Governor"
"Sleeper, Governor Alfred E."
"Sleeper, Hattie"
"Sleeper, Pattie"
"Sligh Furniture Company"
"Sligh, Charles R."
"Sligh, Lilla"
"Sligh, Mrs. Charles R. [Edith]"
"Sligh, Mrs. C. R. [Edith]"
"Sligh, Mrs. Charles"
"Sligh, Mrs. Charles R."
"Sligh, Mrs. Charles R. [Edith]"
"Sligh, Mrs. Charles [Edith]"
"Slintas, Joseph, Pauline"
"Sloan, Charles F"
"Sloan, Mrs. Annie M."
"Slocum, Elida"
"Slocum, Grant"
"Slooter, Mrs. Frank [Marie]"
"Slootmacher, Minnie"
"Slootmaker, Mrs. Andrew"
"Slyter, Jane"
"Smallwood, Mrs. George T."
"Smedley, Lillian M."
"Smiletta Sisters"
"Smiley, Mrs. M. J."
"Smiley, Mrs. M. J. [Mitchell J.]"
"Smiley, Mrs. M. J. [Mitchell J.]"
"Smit, Catherine"
"Smit, Gerrit"
"Smith College"
"Smith Greater Shows"
"Smith Seddie P."
"Smith's Opera House"
"Smith, Mrs. Clarence"
"Smith, Mrs. George"
"Smith, Abbie"
"Smith, Ada"
"Smith, Agnes, George"
"Smith, Alice"
"Smith, Anna"
"Smith, Bertha"
"Smith, Chester"
"Smith, Col. Benjamin"
"Smith, Congressman J. M. C."
"Smith, Cora"
"Smith, Dorothy"
"Smith, Dr. Mary Coffield"
"Smith, Ella"
"Smith, Ellen"
"Smith, Etta"
"Smith, Etta M."
"Smith, Florine"
"Smith, Frank"
"Smith, Frank Taylor"
"Smith, Gerald Birney"
"Smith, Gertrude"
"Smith, Harry"
"Smith, Helen G."
"Smith, Helen Rogers"
"Smith, Henry"
"Smith, Horace"
"Smith, Israel C."
"Smith, J. Morgan"
"Smith, James F."
"Smith, john W."
"Smith, Joseph F."
"Smith, Julie E,"
"Smith, Laura"
"Smith, Libbie"
"Smith, Lillian"
"Smith, Lois"
"Smith, Louis C."
"Smith, Louise"
"Smith, Martha E."
"Smith, Mary"
"Smith, Mary Jane"
"Smith, May"
"Smith, Mildred"
"Smith, Minnie"
"Smith, Miss"
"Smith, Miss [Florence R.]"
"Smith, Mrs."
"Smith, Mrs. H. S. [Helen G.]"
"Smith, Mrs. A. C."
"Smith, Mrs. C. B."
"Smith, Mrs. C. H."
"Smith, Mrs. Col. Benjamin"
"Smith, Mrs. Etta"
"Smith, Mrs. Etta M."
"Smith, Mrs. Eugene (Alice)"
"Smith, Mrs. F."
"Smith, Mrs. Francis"
"Smith, Mrs. George"
"Smith, Mrs. Helen G."
"Smith, Mrs. Henry [Helen G.]"
"Smith, Mrs. Hossel"
"Smith, Mrs. I. C. [Isaac C., Ada E.]"
"Smith, Mrs. I. T."
"Smith, Mrs. J. B."
"Smith, Mrs. J. C."
"Smith, Mrs. J. Morgan"
"Smith, Mrs. J. Morgan [Cordelia]"
"Smith, Mrs. James B."
"Smith, Mrs. L. J."
"Smith, Mrs. L. L."
"Smith, Mrs. Laurence W."
"Smith, Mrs. Leddie"
"Smith, Mrs. Libbie"
"Smith, Mrs. Margaret"
"Smith, Mrs. Mary"
"Smith, Mrs. Ray"
"Smith, Mrs. Sarah"
"Smith, Mrs. Seddie P."
"Smith, Mrs. W. D."
"Smith, Pauline"
"Smith, Pearl"
"Smith, Reah"
"Smith, Rev. Paul"
"Smith, Rosamond Chatterton-Chattering"
"Smith, Ruth"
"Smith, Sally Rathbun"
"Smith, Sara"
"Smith, Sarah Shirley"
"Smith, Senator"
"Smith, Sophia"
"Smith, Superintendent I. C. [Israel C.]"
"Smith, Susie"
"Smith, Sydney"
"Smith, T. Adolphus"
"Smith, William Alden"
"Smolenski, Irene F."
"Smolenski, John J."
"Smoot, Mrs. William A."
"Smothers, Ethel"
"Smothers, Haller"
"Smothers, Humphrey"
"Smothers, James"
"Snashall, Rev. Jabez"
"Snelling, Lila"
"Snitseler, Josephine"
"Snitseler, Marian"
"Snow, Alice A."
"Snow, Eava J."
"Snow, Ida"
"Snow, Jr., Mrs. Edbridge Gerry"
"Snow, Mrs. James"
"Snowden, Elphye"
"Snowden, Mrs. Arthur (Wm Lavina)"
"Snowden, Mrs. Philip"
"Snowden, Philip"
"Snyder, Earl"
"Snyder, George Franklin"
"Snyder, Jennie"
"Snyder, Mrs. George"
"Snyder, Mrs. H. B."
"Snyder, Mrs. J."
"Snyder, Mrs. Thelma"
"Snyder-Root, Mrs. Martha E."
"Sobel, Edwin C."
"Sobel, Irene M."
"Social activism"
"Social Reform"
"Social reform movement"
"Social welfare"
"Social Welfare association"
"Socialist Party"
"Society for Friendless Women"
"Society of American Widows"
"Society of Elocution"
"Sojourners of Palestine Shrine No. 1"
"Sokup, Clara"
"Soldiers Home"
"Soldiers Home - Woman's Anndex"
"Soldiers Home - Woman's Annex"
"Soldiers Home - Women's Annex"
"Soldiers' Home"
"Solomon, Harry"
"Solomon, Louise"
"Solomon, Matilda"
"Solomons, Louise"
"Solomons, Mrs. J. A."
"Solomons, Mrs. J. A. [Joseph, Louise, widow]"
"Somerset, Lady Henry"
"Sommers, Mrs. Frank"
"Sonnema, Henrietta"
"Sophie de Marsac Campau chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution"
"Sophie de Marsac chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution"
"Sophie DeMarsac Campau chapter"
"Sorrick, Josephine C."
"Sorrick, Marsh"
"Sot, Mary"
"Soubert, Marriette"
"Soule, Charles E."
"Soule, Josephine"
"Soules, Beulah"
"South Congregational church"
"South Dakota"
"South Dakota Universal Franchise league"
"South End Ladies Literary Club"
"South End Ladies' Benevolent society"
"South End Ladies' Literary club"
"South End Literary Club"
"South Hadley, Massachusetts"
"South High School"
"South High School, Grand Rapids, Michigan"
"South Manitou Island, Michigan"
"South Range, Michigan"
"Southard, A. J."
"Southard, M. Madeline"
"Southard, Rev. M. Madeline"
"Southern Baptist Convention"
"Southern Commercial Congress"
"Southwick, Mrs. Albert [Annie S.]"
"Southwick, Mrs. J. M."
"Southworth, Mrs. E. D. E. N. "
"Space, Girtie"
"Sparks, Frank M."
"Sparta Equal Franchise Club"
"Sparta High School"
"Sparta, Michigan"
"Sparta, Wisconsin"
"Spaulding, Leone"
"Speaker, Janet"
"Speer, Helen"
"Speer, Mrs. Elton B."
"Spence, Mrs. W. R."
"Spencely, Fred"
"Spencer Township"
"Spencer, Agnes"
"Spencer, Elizabeth"
"Spencer, Evelyn"
"Spencer, Hattie B."
"Spencer, Herbert"
"Spencer, Mae"
"Spencer, Mrs. Anna"
"Spencer, Mrs. R. H. [Ralph H., Hattie B.]"
"Spencer, Sara"
"Spencer, Sara A."
"Spencer, Sara Andrew"
"Spencer, Sara Andrews."
"Spener, Mrs. Anna Garlin"
"Spies and spying"
"Spies, August"
"Spitler, Mrs. Myrtle"
"Spivey, Mary"
"Spoelstra, Madeline"
"Spoelstra, Tressa"
"Spoelstren, Anna"
"Spokane, Washington"
"Spoke, Ruth"
"Sport - Deer hunting"
"Sport - swimming"
"Sports - tennis"
"Sports - baseball"
"Sports - basketball"
"Sports - bowling"
"Sports - boxing"
"Sports - crew"
"Sports - diving"
"Sports - equestrian"
"Sports - golf"
"Sports - gymnastics"
"Sports - hiking, backpacking"
"Sports - Hockey"
"Sports - ice skating"
"Sports - Polo"
"Sports - roller skating"
"Sports - swimming"
"Sports - swimming and diving"
"Sports, canoing"
"Sports, Grand Haven"
"Sprague, Eva"
"Sprague, Gertie (Traverse city)"
"Sprague, Kate Chase"
"Sprague, Katherine Chase"
"Sprague, M. Gertrude"
"Sprague, Mrs. Frances"
"Sprague, Mrs. M."
"Sprague, Rose"
"Sprague, Winifred"
"Spraker, Mrs. Frank (Hester C.)"
"Spring and Company stores"
"Spring Dry Goods Co."
"Spring Dry Goods Company"
"Spring Lake, Michigan"
"Spring, Henry"
"Spring, Lorency"
"Spring, Mrs Henry (Annis)"
"Spring, Mrs. Henry [Annis]"
"Springer, Belle"
"Springfield, Illinois"
"Springfield, Missouri"
"Spuller, Mrs. Anna"
"Square Match Company"
"Squier, Ephraim George"
"Squire, John"
"Squire, Mary L."
"Srivar, Mrs. Margaret"
"St Cecilia Music Society"
"St Cecilia Society"
"St Louis, Missouri"
"St Mark's Episcopal church"
"St. Alphonsus Catholic Church"
"St. Alphonsus church"
"St. Andrew's Catholic parish"
"St. Andrews Catholic Church"
"St. Andrews parochial school"
"St. Cecelia Auditorium"
"St. Cecilia"
"St. Cecilia auditorium"
"St. Cecilia Music Society"
"St. Cecilia Society"
"St. Clair County, Michigan"
"St. Clair Girls Club"
"St. Frances Mortuary"
"St. Henri school"
"St. Ignace Enterprise"
"St. Ignace, Michigan"
"St. John's church"
"St. John's Home"
"St. John's orphan asylum"
"St. John's Orphan Home"
"St. John, Hannah"
"St. John, Mrs. Hannah"
"St. Johns, Hannah"
"St. Joseph, Michigan"
"St. Louis"
"St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad"
"St. Louis, Michigan"
"St. Louis, Missouri"
"St. Mark's Church"
"St. Mark's Episcopal -Women"
"St. Mark's Episcopal Church"
"St. Mark's Home"
"St. Mark's training school"
"St. Marks Episcopal church"
"St. Mary's Hospital"
"St. Mary's Hospital Nurses"
"St. Mary's Hospital Nursing School"
"St. Paul's church"
"St. Paul's Episcopal Church"
"St. Paul, Minnesota"
"St. Paul, Minnesota"
"St. Philips' Mission"
"St. Raphael's Home"
"St. Vincent's Child guild"
"St. Vincent's Guild"
"Stace, Lillian"
"Stace, Lillian M."
"Stace, Mrs. Arthur [Lillian M.]"
"Stace, Mrs. Lillian M."
"Stacey, Loana"
"Stadiford Hotel"
"Stadt, Mrs. E. [Evert]"
"Stafford, Mrs. Francis C."
"Stafford, Nancy R."
"Stalling, Rose"
"Stamford, Connecticut"
"Standish, Florence"
"Standish, Michigan"
"Standish, Mrs. A. H. [Albert H., Carrie H."
"Stang, Elda"
"Stang, Ella Dorothy"
"Stansed, Lucy B."
"Stanten, Mrs. Ella O'Gorman"
"Stanton, Elizabeth Cady"
"Stanton, Elizabeth Cady"
"Stanton, Harriet"
"Stanton, Jr., George"
"Stanton, Margaret"
"Stanton, Mrs. Elizabeth Cady"
"Stanton, Mrs.Elizabeth Cady"
"Stanwood, Michigan"
"Staples, Mrs and Mrs. Loren J."
"Staples, Mrs. L. G."
"Stapleton, Louise D."
"Stark, Dr. Emily S."
"Starkey, Jennie"
"Starkey, Jennie O."
"Starr Commonwealth for Girls"
"Starr, Armilla J."
"Starr, Ellen"
"Starr, Ellen Gates"
"Starr, Ellen Gay"
"Starweather, Mrs. James"
"State Industrial School for Girls"
"State asylums and homes"
"State Board of Corrections and Charities"
"State Board of Registration for Nurses"
"State Equal Suffrage Association"
"State Farm Institute"
"State Federation of Colored Women's clubs"
"State Federation of Women's Clubs"
"State Federation of Women's Clubs convention"
"State Horticultural Society"
"State Industrial Home for Girls"
"State Industrial Home for Girls, Adrian"
"State Industrial School at Adrian"
"State Industrial School for Girls"
"State Industrial School for Homes"
"State Nurses Association"
"State Nurses Convention"
"State of Michigan"
"State of Wyoming"
"State Reformatory for Women"
"State Republican Convention"
"State School for the Blind"
"State Suffrage Association convention"
"State's rights"
"Statutory rape"
"Stearns, Mrs. G. S."
"Stebbins, Ada Ray"
"Stebbins, Catherine (Detroit)"
"Stebbins, Catherine A. F."
"Stebbins, Catherine F."
"Stebbins, Cora"
"Stebbins, Mayor [Charles D.]"
"Stebbins, Mrs. H. W."
"Stebbins, Yvonne"
"Steckle, Marjorie"
"Steckle, Marjorie G."
"Stedman, Mrs. Robert"
"Stedman, Seymour"
"Steele, Gladys"
"Steele, Martha"
"Steele, Mrs. Frederick"
"Steele, Mrs. Sidney [Dollie E]"
"Steenman, Mrs. A."
"Steinauer, Anna"
"Steinke, Elsie"
"Steketee, D. C."
"Steketee, George"
"Steketee, George G."
"Steketee, Helen"
"Steketee, Jacob"
"Steketee, Mrs. Jacob"
"Steketee, Mrs. Jacob [Francis]"
"Steketee, Sallie Hall"
"Stelling, Anna"
"Stelling, Lou"
"Stephens, Ann S."
"Stephenson, Bessie"
"Sterans, Mrs. C. H."
"Sterling, Hazel"
"Sterling, Marie"
"Sternberg, Mrs. George M,"
"Sternberg, Mrs. George M."
"Stetson, Charlotte P"
"Stetson, Mrs. Charlotte Perkins"
"Stetson, Paul C."
"Steveling, Angie"
"Stevens, Doris"
"Stevens, Dr. Mary"
"Stevens, Dr. Mary T."
"Stevens, Dr. Mary Thompson"
"Stevens, Lillian M"
"Stevens, Mabel"
"Stevens, Mae E."
"Stevens, Mrs. Lillian N."
"Stevens, Mrs. R. H [Ransom H.]"
"Stevens, Mrs. R. H. [Ransom H.]"
"Stevens, Viola"
"Stevenson, Ella"
"Stevenson, Emily"
"Stevenson, Mrs. J. A. [James A. , Minnie]"
"Stevenson, Mrs. James [Myrtle]"
"Stevenson, Mrs. Louise"
"Steward, Carrie"
"Stewart, Alte M."
"Stewart, Commander C. R."
"Stewart, Earl R"
"Stewart, Edith, Earl"
"Stewart, Ella"
"Stewart, Ella S."
"Stewart, Julia"
"Stewart, Mabel"
"Stewart, Mabelle R."
"Stewart, Mary"
"Stewart, Mrs. Earl"
"Stewart, Mrs. Ella C."
"Stickney, George"
"Stiles, Clara L."
"Stiles, Katherine M."
"Stiles, Mrs. F."
"Stillman, C. C."
"Stilwell, Mrs. V. R."
"Stimpson, Grace"
"Stimson, Mrs. S. C."
"Stinchcomb, Hogue [Mayme]"
"Stinchcomb, Hogue [Mayme]"
"Stinchcomb, Mayme Hogue"
"Stinchcomb, Mrs. Hogue [Mayme]"
"Stivers, Mabel"
"Stock, Mrs. Alexander"
"Stockman, Dora"
"Stockman, Dora H."
"Stockman, Mrs. Dora H."
"Stockport Center, NY"
"Stoddard, Anna"
"Stoddard, James B."
"Stoddard, Mrs. Edward"
"Stoddard, Sarah A."
"Stoel, Jennie, William"
"Stokoe, Margaret Ursula"
"Stone, David"
"Stone, George L."
"Stone, Georgia P."
"Stone, Helena"
"Stone, Josephine"
"Stone, L. H."
"Stone, Lucinda"
"Stone, Lucinda H."
"Stone, Lucinda H., Ph.D."
"Stone, Lucinda Hinsdale "
"Stone, Lucy"
"Stone, Lucy W."
"Stone, Mabel"
"Stone, Mrs."
"Stone, Mrs. F. A. [Frank, India]"
"Stone, Mrs. F. G. [India]"
"Stone, Mrs. Frank A. [India]"
"Stone, Mrs. Frank [India]"
"Stone, Mrs. Georgia P."
"Stone, Mrs. L. H."
"Stone, Mrs. L. H. [Lucinda H.]"
"Stone, Mrs. L. H. [Lora]"
"Stone, Mrs. Lucinda H."
"Stone, Mrs. N. A."
"Stone, Mrs. W. A."
"Stone, Mrs. [Lora]"
"Stone, William"
"Stone-Blackwell, Mrs. Lucy"
"Stoppels, Mrs. Clarence A."
"Storms, Mrs. A. E. [Elle L]"
"Storrs, Frances"
"Storrs, Grace E."
"Storrs, Rachel"
"Story, Helen Hilton"
"Story, Mrs. William Cumming"
"Story, Mrs. William Cummings"
"Story, Mrs. William Cummings Story"
"Story, W. W."
"Stoughton, Nellie"
"Stout, Lucy L."
"Stowe, Harriet Beecher"
"Stowe, Hester P."
"Strachan, Grace"
"Strachan, Grace C."
"Strahan, Mrs. Thomas W [Elizabeth]"
"Straight, Henry E."
"Straight, Senator Henry E."
"Straiz, Hattie"
"Strange, Mamie"
"Strangeland, Clara"
"Strangling, Rose"
"Strank, Mrs. George"
"Stratton, Anna"
"Stratton, John"
"Stratton, Mrs."
"Straus, Grace"
"Strauss, Elizabeth"
"Strauss, Juliet V."
"Strauss, Mrs. A. W. [Sarah]"
"Straw, Tena Ellis Smith"
"Street car conductors"
"Street commerce"
"Street sweepers"
"Streeter, Mrs."
"Streeter, Nina"
"Streets and roads"
"Strick, Dr. E. J."
"Strickland, Martha"
"Striver, Mrs. A. P. [Alva P., Margaret]"
"Strom, Mrs. Erick [Alma C.]"
"Strong, Dr. Marta C."
"Strong, Mrs. Dr."
"Stroop, Mrs. Cornelius"
"Stroup, Mrs. F. E. [Frank E., Blanche]"
"Stroup, Mrs. N. W."
"Stuart, Mary"
"Stuart, Mary A."
"Stuart, Mary H"
"Stuart, Mary H."
"Stuart, Mary P."
"Stuart, Rev. William"
"Studley, Helen"
"Studley, Mrs. E. G. [Elbridge G., Catharine]"
"Studt, Hazel"
"Sturgis, Matilda Patience"
"Sturgis, Michigan"
"Sturgis, Myra"
"Sturtevant, Cora M."
"Stuyvesant, Elizabeth"
"Sue Bailey's House"
"Suffrage ad suffragists"
"Suffrage Amendment"
"Suffrage and suffragists"
"Suffrage and suffragist"
"Suffrage and suffragists"
"Suffrage and suffrgists"
"Suffrage bill"
"Suffrage conference"
"Suffrage Franchise amendment"
"Suffrage laws"
"Suffrage Resolution"
"Suleeba, Dr. Thomas S."
"Sullivan, Frances"
"Sullivan, Helen"
"Sullivan, Irene"
"Sullivan, Josephine"
"Sullivan, Louise"
"Sullivan, Madeline"
"Sullivan, Margaret"
"Sullivan, Michael"
"Sullivan, Mrs. Maggie (Buchanan)"
"Sullivan, Mrs. P."
"Sullivan, Sarah G."
"Sullivan-Considine Vaudeville circuit"
"Sumner, Dean"
"Sumner, Dean W. T."
"Sunday School"
"Sunday, Billy"
"Sunnycrest School"
"Sunnycrest School, Macatawa Bay"
"Surdam, Ada"
"Surine, Emma"
"Susan B. Anthony amendment"
"Susan B. Anthony Club"
"Susan B. anthony suffrage amendment"
"Suth, Roxanna"
"Sutherland, Anne"
"Sutherland, Mrs. Mary Philp"
"Sutherland, Rev. Eliza"
"Sutton, Maggie"
"Sutton, Mrs. E. B."
"Sutton, Mrs. Roy (Nellie)"
"Swain, Edgar Catlin"
"Swain, Louisa"
"Swain, Mrs. E. D."
"Swan, Mae"
"Swan, Mrs. J. C."
"Swan, Mrs. J. H."
"Swanson, Amanda"
"Swanson, Ilildur"
"Swanson, Mary"
"Swanson, Mrs. Bessie"
"Swarthout, Ann"
"Swarthout, Lydia"
"Swarthout, Mrs. Elvin"
"Swarthout, Nelson"
"Swarthout, William H."
"Swartout, Elvin"
"Swartz-Barghoorn, Mrs. Christine"
"Swartz. Mrs. Parmelia"
"Swedish Salvation Army"
"Swedish Salvation Army Corps"
"Sweeney, Nellie"
"Sweet's Hotel"
"Sweet, Ethel"
"Sweet, Mrs. Cora H."
"Sweet, Mrs. E. F. [Edwin F., Sophia]"
"Sweet, Mrs. E. F. [Edwin F., Sophia]"
"Sweet, Mrs. M. L. [Martin L., DesDemona]"
"Sweet, Nora"
"Sweitzer, Robert M."
"Swets, Elizabeth"
"Swift, Mrs."
"Swift, Roscoe"
"Swinburne, Lady Jane Henrietta"
"Switzer, C. C."
"Symes, Mildred"
"Syniar, Lydia"
"Taber, Louise"
"Taber, Mrs. P. C. "
"Taber, Phoebe Clements"
"Tabor Opera House"
"Tabor, Augusta"
"Tabor, Kate"
"Tabor, Maxey"
"Tabor, Senator H. A. W."
"Tabraham, Flora Belle"
"Tacoma, Washington"
"Taft, Helen"
"Taft, Mrs."
"Taft, President"
"Taft, William H."
"Taft, William Howard"
"Taggart, Della "
"Taggart, Edward"
"Taggart, Moses"
"Talbot, Gov."
"Tallmadge, Commissioner William E."
"Tallmadge, W. E. [William]"
"Talmadge Township, Ottawa County, Michigan"
"Talmadge, W. E."
"Tandler, Mrs. Oscar [Lotta]"
"Tanner, Cora"
"Tannewitz, Josephine"
"Tanton, Alice"
"Tarbell, Ida B."
"Tarbell, Ida M."
"Tarkington, Booth"
"Tarr, Corabel"
"Tarrytown, New york"
"Tarrytown, NY"
"Tate, Hattie"
"Tate, Margaret"
"Tate, Mary S."
"Tate, Mrs. and Mrs. William H."
"Tate, Roy"
"Taylor, Amos"
"Taylor, Amy"
"Taylor, Claude"
"Taylor, Ethel A."
"Taylor, Flossie, William F."
"Taylor, Harriet A."
"Taylor, Helen"
"Taylor, Iva B., Benjamin S."
"Taylor, Louise"
"Taylor, Louise L."
"Taylor, Louise R."
"Taylor, Marion"
"Taylor, Mary Jane"
"Taylor, Mina"
"Taylor, Mrs. B"
"Taylor, Mrs. C. H. [Charles H., Julia M]"
"Taylor, Mrs. Claude O. [Mabel W.]"
"Taylor, Mrs. Claude O. [Mabel]"
"Taylor, Mrs. Claude [Mabel]"
"Taylor, Mrs. Emma K. G."
"Taylor, Mrs. F. V. [Francis V.]"
"Taylor, Mrs. Gad"
"Taylor, Mrs. George D."
"Taylor, Mrs. John"
"Taylor, Mrs. Mabel W."
"Taylor, Mrs. W. R."
"Taylor, Myrtle C."
"Taylor, Pansy"
"Taylor, R. L."
"Teal, Margaret"
"Teal, Margaret"
"Teal, Mrs. Arthur E."
"Teal, Mrs. Loren B."
"Teal, Mrs. Margaret"
"Tearse, Jennie F."
"Tecumseh, Michigan"
"Tefft, Mrs. Berton F."
"Telegram-Herald Newspaper"
"Telephone exchange"
"Telephone Girls union"
"Telephone operators"
"Temperance movement"
"Temple Emanuel"
"Temple Emmanuel"
"Temple Emmanuel Church"
"Temple, Eleanor"
"Temple, Frances"
"Temple, Mrs. Francis [Annie S.]"
"Templeton, Fay"
"Templeton, J. C."
"Ten Harkel, Mrs. J. [John, Jennie]"
"Ten Hopen, Leolyn"
"Ten Hopen, Mrs. John"
"TenHaaf, Peter"
"Tenhopen, Mrs. Leo [Leolyn O.]"
"Tennant, Fannie"
"Tennatn, Mrs. Melvn G."
"Tennessee, Kentucky and Midland Railroad"
"Tenney, Lucille"
"Tenney, Mrs. Harriet A."
"Tennis, Margaret"
"Tennyson, Mrs. Lionel"
"Terrault, Emma"
"Terre Haute, Indiana"
"Teulig, Cornelius"
"Tewksbury Alms House"
"Texas Women's Bankers' Association"
"Thackery, William Makepeace [Isabella Gethin Shawe ]"
"Thatcher, Mrs. Ella Hoover"
"Thayer, Maud"
"Thayer, Miss"
"The Aldine"
"The Evening Star"
"The Four Ednas"
"The Grand River Times"
"The Hague, Netherlands"
"The Hague, The Netherlands"
"The Herald Better Foods-Better Homes school"
"The Herald Santa Claus Girls"
"The Herald Travel club"
"The Home"
"The House of Loretta"
"The Mikato"
"The Morton hotel"
"The Netherlands"
"The New Church"
"The Nyack"
"The Pirates of Penzance"
"The Siegel Co."
"The Spinsters Fortnightly of Grand Haven"
"The Sterns Company"
"The Western Hotel"
"The Woman's Tribune, Beatrice, Nebraska"
"Theater and drama"
"Theater and plays"
"Thiebet, Louise"
"Thiebout, Mrs. M. [Martin, Louisa]"
"Thiebout, Mrs. Martin [Louisa H.]"
"Thirlby, Mrs. T. W."
"Thomas Canning Company"
"Thomas, Blanche"
"Thomas, Letta"
"Thomas, Bertha"
"Thomas, Elizabeth"
"Thomas, Grace"
"Thomas, Inez D."
"Thomas, Letta"
"Thomas, Letta E"
"Thomas, Letta E."
"Thomas, Letta Eulalia"
"Thomas, Minnie"
"Thomas, Mrs."
"Thomas, Mrs. Hannah"
"Thomas, Mrs. Letta"
"Thomas, Mrs. Sidney [Mable]"
"Thomas, Nathan C."
"Thomas, Rev. John T"
"Thomas, S. M. Carey"
"Thomas, Sister Mary"
"Thomasma, Clare C."
"Thomasma, Grace"
"Thomasma, Harriet"
"Thomasma, Margaret"
"Thompson, Anna G."
"Thompson, Annie C."
"Thompson, Augusta Louise Rosenthal"
"Thompson, Cecelia"
"Thompson, Daisy"
"Thompson, Dr. Isaac Alonzo"
"Thompson, Dr. Louise Rosenthal"
"Thompson, Dr. Mary"
"Thompson, E. W."
"Thompson, Elizabeth W."
"Thompson, Ella"
"Thompson, H. S. [Henry S.]"
"Thompson, Mary and Oria"
"Thompson, Mary E."
"Thompson, Mrs. Alexander"
"Thompson, Mrs. C. L."
"Thompson, Mrs. Claud"
"Thompson, Mrs. Elizabeth Ballard"
"Thompson, Mrs. Emma (Molson)"
"Thompson, Mrs. G. W. [George W., Rosetta]"
"Thompson, Mrs. H. E."
"Thompson, Mrs. H. E. [Henry E., Elizabeth W.]"
"Thompson, Ruth"
"Thompson, Stella"
"Thompson, T. J."
"Thompson, Ula Elrod"
"Thompson, Viola"
"Thompson, William Hale"
"Thompsonville, Michigan"
"Thoms, Lottie"
"Thomson's Corsets"
"Thomson, Mrs. J. Edgar"
"Thomson, Willie"
"Thorington, Belle"
"Thorn, Mrs. E. N. [Eban N.]"
"Thorndill, Ruth"
"Thorndyke Bouciault, Louise"
"Thorpe, Alice"
"Three Arts Club"
"Three Rivers, Michigan"
"Thurman, Lucy"
"Thursby, Emma"
"Thurston, George"
"Thurtell, Miss H."
"Thwing, Charles F."
"Tibbals, Bright Eyes"
"Tibbetts, Mary"
"Tibbits, Miss"
"Tibbitts, Mary E."
"Tibbs, charlotte"
"Tice, Mrs. William E. [Mary E.]"
"Tidbeaux's Girl Zouaves"
"Tidey, Irene"
"Tiedemann, Emilie"
"Tietsort, Mrs. Ralph P."
"Tiffany, Joseph"
"Tifft, Elizabeth Lord"
"Tillotson, Mrs. D. E."
"Tillotson, S. A. [Sarah]"
"Tilma, George"
"Tilma, George P."
"Tilma, Mayor George P."
"Tilton, Theodore"
"Timmer, Beatrice"
"Timmerman, Fekje"
"Timmerman, Gerrit"
"Tinkham, Hattie"
"Tinkham, Jessie"
"Tinkham, Mrs."
"Tinkham, Mrs. E. W. [Alice W.]"
"Tinkham, Mrs. E. W. [Eugenia]"
"Tobey, Carrie"
"Tobey, Mrs. Fred S. [Carrie]"
"Tobey, Mrs. Fred [Carrie]"
"Todd, Helen"
"Todd, Marion"
"Toland, Margaret"
"Toland, Mrs. Margaret"
"Toledo, Ohio"
"Tomassi, Signor"
"Tomlin, Elizabeth"
"Tomlin, Isaac"
"Tomlinson, Mrs. George [Amelia]"
"Tongue, Albert H."
"Tongue, Jessie F."
"Toohey, Georgia"
"Toot, Esther"
"Topeka, Kansas"
"Toronto, Canada"
"Toronto, Ontario"
"Torrence, Carrie M."
"Torrey, Marguerite"
"Torrey, Mrs. A. C."
"Torrey, Mrs. A. C. [Arthur C., Caroline S.]"
"Torrey, Mrs. [Caroline S or Kate S, artist]"
"Tovey, Blondelle V/"
"Town, Emma"
"Towne, Mrs. Charles D."
"Townsend, Beatrice"
"Townsend, Elizabeth May"
"Townsend, Mrs. Fern M."
"Townsend, Mrs. Richard"
"Townsend, Theresa"
"Townsend, Thersa"
"Township supervisor"
"Towse, Mrs. Frank [Ida M.]"
"Towsley, Dr. Matilda"
"Towsley, Nellie"
"Trades and Labor Council"
"Traffickers in women"
"Trafford, Mary"
"Traut, Maude"
"Traveling agents [Traveling Salesmen]"
"Traverse City Girls High School Basketball"
"Traverse City Herald"
"Traverse City, Leelanau County"
"Traverse City, Michigan"
"Traverse, Michigan"
"Travis, Calla V."
"Travis, Goldie"
"Travis, Jim"
"Treadwell, Isabel A."
"Treasury Department"
"Treat, Lucretia W."
"Trent, Marjorie C."
"Trenton, New Jersey"
"Trevor, Mrs. John B."
"Triangle Business & Profession Women"
"Tridon, Andre"
"Trifflin, Walter"
"Triick, Amelia"
"Trinity Methodist Church"
"Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church"
"Trix, Mrs. John"
"Trobridge, L. H."
"Trojan Laundry"
"Trompen, Mrs. John [Anna H.]"
"Tron, Dr. Stanley"
"Trotter, Lottie M."
"Trotter, Mel"
"Trotter, Melvin"
"Troupe, Marvin"
"Trowbridge, Mrs. L. H."
"Troy Female Seminary"
"True, Mrs. T. B."
"Truman, Margaret (Leslie)"
"Truth for the People"
"Tucker, Edward"
"Tucker, Mr. E. P."
"Tucker, Mrs. Barbara"
"Tufts, C. W. [Charles W.]"
"Tulane, Louisiana"
"Tuller Whistling club"
"Tuller's Orchestra"
"Tupper, Mila"
"Tupper, Mila F"
"Tupper, Mila F."
"Tupper, Mila T."
"Tupper, Mrs."
"Turner Hall"
"Turner Street school"
"Turner, Belle"
"Turner, Frances B."
"Turner, Jennie"
"Turner, Libby"
"Turner, Mrs. F. H."
"Turner, Mrs. I. M."
"Turner, Mrs. Madeline Stockwell"
"Turner, Wesley B."
"Turo, Viola"
"Turpin, Mrs. B. C."
"Turpstra, Cecilia"
"Turrell & Co"
"Tustin, Michigan"
"Tustin, Mrs. Dr."
"Tuthill, Marguerite"
"Tuttle, Daniel Sylvester"
"Tuttle, Gertrude"
"Tuttle, Grace"
"Tuttle, Walter G."
"Tuuk, James"
"Twamley, Alice M."
"Twentieth Century club of Detroit"
"Twilight Sleep childbirth"
"Twin Lakes, Michigan"
"Tyler, Alvah"
"Tyler, Edith"
"Tyler, Mattie"
"Tyler, Mattie R."
"U. B. A. Home"
"U. B. A. Home (Union Benevolent association)"
"U. B. A. Home and Hospital"
"U. B. A. home [Union Benevolent Association]"
"U. B. A. Hospital"
"U. B. A. Training school - history"
"U. S. Business Women"
"U. S. Senate"
"U.B.A. Assn Training School"
"U.B.A. home"
"Ude, Maude"
"Ude, Pearl M."
"Udell, Corwin S."
"Udell, Mrs."
"Udell, Mrs. Corwin S."
"Udell, Mrs. Howard l."
"Uhl, Alice"
"Uhl, Alice F"
"Uhl, Edwin"
"Uhl, Mrs."
"Uhl, Mrs. Edwin F."
"Uhl, Mrs. Edwin F. (Alice F.)"
"Uhl, Mrs. Edwin [Alice F.]"
"Ullman, Katherine"
"Ullman, Rose"
"Umatilla, Oregon"
"Underwood, Mr. B. F."
"Union Benevolent Association"
"Union Benevolent Association (U. B. A.) Home and Hospital "
"Union Benevolent Association Home"
"Union Benevolent Association hospital"
"Union Benevolent Association training school"
"Union Benevolent Home Association"
"Union High School Girls Social Club"
"Union of Woman's Christian Temperance unions"
"Unitarian Church"
"Unitarian Church society"
"Unitarian Church, Grand Haven, MI"
"Unitarian Ladies"
"Unitarian Society of Grand Haven"
"United Benevolent Association"
"United Benevolent Association (U. B. A.) Home"
"United Benevolent Associaton"
"United Benevolent School for Nurses"
"United Brethren Church"
"United Sates Congress"
"United States Army air service"
"United States Army recruiting"
"United States Congress"
"United States Marine Corps"
"United States National Museum exhibit"
"United States Navy"
"United States Post Office postmistress"
"United States Postal Service"
"United States Senate"
"United States Supreme Court"
"United Workers"
"Unity Church"
"Unity Church Emanuel Temple"
"Unity Club"
"Unity Congregation, Temple Emanuel"
"Universalist Church"
"Universalist Sabbath School"
"University Club"
"University of Chicago"
"University of Chicago Divinity School"
"University of Illinois"
"University of Michigan"
"University of Michigan Engineering College"
"University of Michigan, Ann Arbor"
"University of Missouri"
"Univesalist church"
"Unlawful assemblage"
"Unwed mothers"
"Upright, Franklin C."
"Upton, Mrs. (Big Rapids)"
"Upton, Harriet Taylor"
"Upton, Marion W."
"Usborne, Bertha"
"Utica, New York"
"Utter, Sophia, Rex D."
"Valaide, Nellie"
"Valders, Christine"
"Valentine, Charles"
"Valentine, Henry"
"Valentine, Lawson"
"Valley Avenue M. E. Church"
"Valley City flour mill"
"Valley City Literary Club"
"Van Hoesen, Grace A."
"Van Aartsen, Mrs. Joseph [Maude]"
"Van Andel, Henry"
"Van Anroy, Louise"
"Van Anstine, Viola"
"Van Bree, Mrs. William"
"Van Buren, Francis"
"Van Buren, Agnes"
"Van Buren, Hattie"
"Van Buskirk, Mrs. Margaret"
"Van Campen, Elizabeth Barker"
"Van Campen, Mrs. Fred [Agnes C.]"
"Van Dam, Elizabeth"
"Van Dam, Mrs. William"
"Van Dam, Nina"
"Van Der Veere, A."
"Van Deusen, Mrs. A. D. [Alfred Delos, Jane A.]"
"Van Dine, Mrs."
"Van Dine, Mrs. Artie P."
"Van Domelen, Mary"
"Van Drezer, Dorothy"
"Van Dugteren, Dorothy"
"Van Dugtern, Dorothy"
"Van Dusen, Mrs. [A. Delos Van Deusen]"
"Van Dyke, William"
"Van Eiten, Pete"
"Van Every, Miss"
"Van Every, Prudence"
"Van Harten, Lena"
"Van Hoesen, Grace"
"Van Hoesen, Grace"
"Van Hoesen, Grace A"
"Van Hoesen, Grace A."
"Van Keppel, Grace"
"Van Leuven, Mrs. L. A."
"Van Lueven, Mrs. L. A."
"Van Ness, Mrs. Deborah"
"Van Norman, Etta"
"Van Norman, Etta"
"Van Peursum, Rev. G. D."
"Van Rapper, Alice"
"Van Sinderon, Flora"
"Van Stee, Clara"
"Van Stlinter, Peter and Henry"
"Van Sweesey, Maud"
"Van Valkenberg, Effie"
"Van Vliet, Jennie"
"Van Westenberg, Mrs. J. [John, Katie C.]"
"Van Winkle, Grace"
"Van Winkle, Mrs. William [Grace]"
"Van Zalengen, Mrs. Henry"
"Van Zalingen, Hattie B"
"Van Zandt, Miss"
"Van Zomeren, Mrs. John [Bertha]"
"VanAalderen, Mrs. H."
"VanAalderen, Mrs. Herman [Eveline]"
"VanAken, William B."
"VanAkin, Mrs. C. W."
"VanAkin, William B."
"VanAlstine, Lucy"
"VanAndre, Edith"
"VanArk, Bessie"
"Vanarsdale, Mrs. W. W."
"VanBlois, Mary"
"VanBuren, Agnes"
"VanCott, Maggie"
"Vandame, Esther"
"VanDelzen, Ditje"
"Vanden Berg, Iva"
"Vandenberg, Johanna"
"VandenBerg, Arthur"
"VandenBerg, Editor Arthur"
"VanDenBerg, Margaret"
"Vandenberg, Rev. A."
"Vandenbosch, Mrs. Jacob"
"Vandenburg, Josephine"
"Vander Linden, Leona"
"Vander Veen, Grace"
"Vander Veer, Mary"
"Vander Vis, Nellie"
"VanderBelt, Mrs. Jennie"
"Vanderbilt, Mr. and Mrs. W. K."
"Vanderbilt, Mrs. Cornelius [Sophia]"
"VanderCook, Lutie"
"Vanderfield, Mrs. E. M. [Edward M., Belle]"
"Vanderhoof, Ellsworth"
"VanderMeer, Mabel"
"VanderVeen, Cecilia"
"VanderVeen, Johanna"
"VanderVeen, Mrs. Christian"
"VanderVeer, Vera"
"VanderVere, Louis, Martha"
"VanDeusen, Maud"
"Vandine, Artie P."
"VanDine, J."
"VanDommelen, Mary"
"VanDuren, Helena"
"VanDyke, Dean, Bert"
"VanEtten, George E."
"VanEtten, Wasmia"
"Vanetter, Mrs. M. C."
"VanHall, Mrs. John"
"VanHoesen, Grace"
"VanHoosen, Grace E."
"VanHorn, Isabella"
"VanHosen, Grace A."
"VanLewen, Lillian, Richard"
"VanOrden, Homer"
"VanOrder, Minnie C."
"VanOrder, William H."
"VanOstrand, Barbara"
"VanRoekel, Anthony"
"VanRoekel, Minnie (VanDeWater)"
"VanTassell, Mrs. Lydia"
"VanWeezel, Leonard"
"VanWeezel, Leonard"
"VanWinkle, Grace"
"VanWormer, Mary"
"VanWyk, Rev. W. F."
"VanZollenberg, Mrs."
"Vardaman, Senator"
"Vassar College"
"Vaudeville entertainment"
"Vaudeville theater"
"Vaughan, Father Bernard"
"Vaughn, Dean V. C."
"Vaughn, Elizabeth Hosig"
"Vaughn, Emilie"
"Vaughn, Mrs. J. J."
"Vaughn, Vivia"
"Veenboer, Mrs. Dr. Melle"
"Veenstra, Johanna"
"Veenstra, Marie"
"Velka, Anna"
"Velka, Frances"
"Verdier, Leonard C."
"Verdier, Senator"
"Verhoeks, F. Florence Ellan"
"Verkerke, Kathryn"
"Vermillion, Nell"
"Vermilyea, Mrs. Louise"
"Vermontville, MI"
"Vermontville, Michigan"
"Vernon, Mabel"
"Verrell, Margaret"
"Verschool, Ida"
"Versluis, Edith"
"Versluis, Mrs. Edith May"
"Vezin, Clara"
"Vezok, Peter"
"Vick, Kathryn Man"
"Vickstrom, Mrs. Hattie"
"Victor, Mathilda"
"Victory loan committee"
"Victory loan program"
"Victory Loans"
"Vielkind, Frederica"
"Viergever, Mrs. Peter C."
"Viergever, Peter"
"Vierheilig, C. G."
"Viers, Dr. Winifred"
"Vincent, Bertha"
"Vincent, Bishop"
"Vincent, Lucille"
"Vincent, Marie"
"Vincent, Nellie"
"Vincent, Sir Earl"
"Vincint millinery"
"Vine, Madam"
"Vine, Marie"
"Vine, Mrs. Marie"
"violence against"
"Violet Salon"
"Virginia Equal Suffrage League"
"Visner, Nellie"
"Vittum, Harriet E."
"Vittum, Harriet"
"Vittum, Harriet E."
"Vittum. Harriet"
"Vivian, Charles"
"Vlasblom, Gertrude B."
"Vocational Education"
"Voe, Mrs. Veve"
"Vogl, Rev. Joseph J."
"Vogt, Mrs. E. J. [Lelah]"
"Voightlander, Gertrude"
"Voigt, Mrs. Frank [May]"
"Voliva, William Glenn"
"Volker, Susie"
"Volland, Sophia (Ann Arbor)"
"Vollmer, Myrtle"
"Volo, Illinois"
"Volunteers of America"
"Vom Bruch, Harry"
"Von der Heide, Anna"
"Von der Heide, John"
"von Platen, Godfrey"
"vonHillern, Bertha"
"VonPlaten, Matilda"
"Voorheis, Mrs. C. A."
"Voorheis, Mrs. Jennie"
"Voorheis, Mrs. P. O. [Cornelia]"
"Voorheis, Mrs. P. O. [Peter O., Cornelia]"
"Vorce, Mrs. Ethel R."
"Vorce, Mrs. Ethel Ridgely"
"Vorce, Mrs. M. B."
"Vorce, Mrs. Myron B"
"Vorrencamp, Eva, Simon"
"Vos, Mrs. Peter"
"Vosburgh, Mrs. A. T."
"Voss, Joseph L."
"Voter Eligibility"
"Voter registration"
"Votey, Marjorie"
"Voting fraud"
"Voting rights"
"Voting rights and restrictions"
"Voting rights petition"
"Vowels, Mrs. Hannah Shorte"
"Vriesna, Jennie"
"Vroman, David"
"W. C. T .U. building"
"W. C. T. U."
"W. C. T. U. Woman's Christian Temperance Union"
"W. C. T. U. Reunion"
"W. C. T. U. Unions"
"W. C. T. U. World Convention"
"W. G. C."
"W. T. C. U Woman's Christian Temeprance Union"
"W. T. C. U. [Woman's Christian Temperance Union]"
"Wabansie Cottage, Lake Michigan"
"Wachter, Christian"
"Waddington, Dr. E. G."
"Wade, Mrs."
"Wade, Mrs. E. W."
"Waer, Mrs. O. E. [Oscar E., Lavina K.]"
"Waer, Mrs. Oscar E. [Lavina]"
"Waer, Mrs. Oscar [Lavina K.]"
"Wage disparity"
"Waggaman, Dessie"
"Waggoner, Mary Jane"
"Waggoner, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. [Albert E.]"
"Wagner, Bertha"
"Wagner, Charles W."
"Wagner, David, Anna"
"Wagner, Hazel"
"Wagner, Jessie"
"Wagoner, Henry M."
"Waif Saving association of America"
"Wainwright, Marie"
"Wait, Mrs. W. H."
"Wait, Mrs. William Henry"
"Waite, Arthur"
"Waite, Clare Louise Peck"
"Waite, Dr."
"Waite, Marguerite"
"Waite, Mrs. John"
"Waite, Mrs. William H."
"Waitresses union"
"Wakefield, Bessie"
"Wakefield, Michigan"
"Wakefield, Nellie [Bessie]"
"Wakefield, William"
"Walcott, Mrs. E. C. [Edwin C., Mary]"
"Walden, Bishop John M."
"Waldridge, Cora H."
"Waldridge, Edward J."
"Walker Knott, Bessie"
"Walker Township, Kent County, Michigan"
"Walker, Bessie"
"Walker, Birde"
"Walker, Dr. Mary"
"Walker, F. Adeline"
"Walker, Florence"
"Walker, Florence Piers"
"Walker, George J."
"Walker, Mary"
"Walker, Michigan"
"Walker, Mrs. A. G."
"Walker, Mrs. Charles G."
"Walker, Mrs. Myron H. [Nettie S.]"
"Walker, Mrs. Myron [Nettie S.]"
"Walker, Myron"
"Walker, Myron H."
"Walker, Rev. John T."
"Walker, Ruby"
"Wall, James"
"Wall, Mrs. M. W."
"Wall, Nellie"
"Wallace, Emma Gary"
"Wallace, Mrs. W."
"Waller, Mrs. W. J."
"Wallin Congregational church Sunday school"
"Wallin, Mrs. F. B. [Franklin B.]"
"Wallin, Rev. F. B. [Franklin B]"
"Wallin, Van A."
"Walling, Mrs. Anna Strunsky"
"Walsh, Eunice"
"Walsh, Justice Thomas"
"Walsh, Katie J."
"Walsh, May"
"Walsh, Mrs. Henry"
"Walter T. Best Woman's club"
"Walter, Mrs. C. D."
"Walter, Mrs. Fred"
"Walters, Mrs. T. M."
"Walther, Adelaide"
"Walther, Adelaide"
"Walther, Mrs. Adelaide"
"Waltman, W. P."
"Walton, Bessie"
"Walton, Mrs. S. A."
"Walz, Maggie"
"Wanamaker, John"
"Wang, Sui"
"Wanick, Agnes"
"Wanted, 10,000 girls"
"Wanty, Dr. Emma"
"Wanty, Dr. Emma Nichols"
"Wanty, Emma N."
"Wanty, Mrs George (Emma N.)"
"Wanty, Mrs. George (Emma N.)"
"Wanty, Mrs. George [Emma N.]"
"War Camp community Service"
"War Camp Community Service League"
"War Relief"
"War Relief Corps"
"War Relief headquarters"
"War relief work"
"Ward, Kate E."
"Ward, Adelphia G."
"Ward, Catherine"
"Ward, Charles"
"Ward, Charles E."
"Ward, Charles S."
"Ward, Clara"
"Ward, Ettie"
"Ward, Kate B."
"Ward, Kate E."
"Ward, Lena"
"Ward, Leonard A."
"Ward, Mabel (Lansing)"
"Ward, Miss"
"Ward, Mrs. George B."
"Ward, Mrs. Harry [Carrie]"
"Ward, Mrs. Humphrey"
"Ward, Mrs. Kate E."
"Ward, Mrs. Orin A (Frances M.)"
"Ward, Ruth"
"Ward, Sylvia"
"Wardy, Lena"
"Warner, Belle"
"Warner, Charles"
"Warner, Jeanette"
"Warner, Jeanette Shelly"
"Warner, Jennie"
"Warner, L."
"Warner, Lottie"
"Warner, Mabel"
"Warner, Mrs. David A. [Jeanette]"
"Warner, Mrs. David A. [Jeannette]"
"Warner, Mrs. David [Jeanette]"
"Warner, Mrs. J. W."
"Warner, Vie"
"Warren, Carrie E."
"Warren, Cora E."
"Warren, Eliza Spaulding"
"Warren, Eva"
"Warren, Eva Marie"
"Warren, Josephine"
"Warren, Pearl"
"Washburn, Miss"
"Washington D. C."
"Washington D.C."
"Washington DC"
"Washington, Amelia"
"Washington, D. C."
"Washington, D.C."
"Washington, DC"
"Washington, Martha"
"Waterloo Free Kindergarten"
"Waterman, Mary B."
"Waterman, Rabbi P. F."
"Waterous, Herbert"
"Waters, Dudley E."
"Waters, Lillian"
"Waters, Mabel"
"Waters, Mrs. Dudley [Florence H.]"
"Waters, Mrs. Dudley E."
"Waters, Mrs. Dudley Waters [Florence H.]"
"Waters, Mrs. Dudley [Florence H.]"
"Waters, Mrs. Dudley [Florence H]"
"Waterson, Mrs. Florence"
"Watertown, New York"
"Watkins, Winifred"
"Watson, Amasa B."
"Watson, Blanche"
"Watson, Cora"
"Watson, Grace Thistle"
"Watson, Henry"
"Watson, Major Amasa B."
"Watson, Margaret"
"Watson, Martha A."
"Watson, Martha A."
"Watson, Minnie"
"Watson, Mrs. "
"Watson, Mrs. Dr. [Edward, Ellie]"
"Watson, Mrs. Edward [Ellie]"
"Watson, Mrs. S. E. [Samuel E., Carrie F.]"
"Watson, Mrs. S. N. [Sylvester N., Helen]"
"Watson, Mrs. William [Rebecca]"
"Watson-Higgins Milling Co."
"Watt, Charles"
"Watters, Fred"
"Waubansie Cottage"
"Waukegan, Illinois"
"Wayland High School"
"Wayland, Michigan"
"Wayne County League for Equal Suffrage"
"Wayne County, Michigan"
"Wealthy Avenue Baptist church"
"Weatherley, Miss"
"Weatherly, Mrs."
"Weathers, Josephine"
"Weatherwas, Mrs. A. V."
"Weatherwax, Mrs. A. V."
"Webb, Florence"
"Webb, Mrs. D. C."
"Webb, Mrs. William E [Bessie George]"
"Webb, W. W."
"Webster, Carolyn"
"Webster, Elizabeth"
"Webster, Frances"
"Webster, Lucelia K."
"Webster, Miss"
"Webster, Mrs. D. E. [Donald E., Francis]"
"Webster, Mrs. D. E. [Donald, Francis]"
"Webster, Mrs. Frances"
"Webster, Mrs. John"
"Webster, Sarah"
"Wechter, Mrs. Nellie K."
"Wednesday Woman's Club"
"Weed, Alice L."
"Weekes, Louise"
"Weeks, Hattie"
"Weeks, Nina"
"Weeks, Sarah H."
"Weis, Nora"
"Weisgerber, Marjory"
"Welch, C. M. [Clarence M.]"
"Welch, Mrs. E."
"Welfare Guidance bureau"
"Welfare Programs"
"Wellenstein, Professor R. A. [Rudolph A.]"
"Wellesley College"
"Wells Lady Orchestray"
"Wells, Bernice M."
"Wells, Charlotte Fowler"
"Wells, Mary"
"Wells, Mrs. E. C."
"Wells, Mrs. George"
"Wells, Mrs. Harry (Zylpha)"
"Wells, Mrs. William B. [Grace]"
"Wells, Zylpta"
"Welsh, Alice"
"Welsh, George W."
"Welsh, Mary"
"Welsh, Mary A."
"Wendell, Susan P."
"Wendover, Susan (Mrs. Philip)"
"Wendrich, Helen"
"Wenger, M. Elizabeth"
"Wenger, Mrs."
"Wenger, Mrs. Earl {Gertrude]"
"Wenham, Cora Bliss"
"Wenham, Mrs."
"Wenham, Mrs. Cora Bliss"
"Wenham, Mrs. J. C."
"Wenham, Mrs. J. C. [John C., Serepta M.]"
"Wenham, Mrs. J. C. [John C., Serapta M]"
"Wenham, Mrs. J. C. [John C., Serepta M.]"
"Wenham, Mrs. J. C. [John, Serepta M.]"
"Wenham, Mrs. John C. [Serepta]"
"Went, Captain Ed"
"Wentworth, Mrs. N. A."
"Wentworth, Vera"
"Wentz, Mrs. James Griswold"
"Wernette, Mrs. J. I. [J. Israel, Bessie M.]"
"Wernicke, Mrs. O. H. L."
"Wernicke, Mrs. O. H. L. [Otto, Lula]"
"Werschkul, Miss"
"Wershaw & Imre"
"Wesner, Ella"
"West Bay City, Michigan"
"West Michigan Business University"
"West Michigan Fair"
"West Michigan State Fair"
"West Otisco Farmers' Club"
"West Side Jr. Equal Franchise"
"West Side Ladie's Literary Club"
"West Side Ladies Club Directors"
"West Side Ladies Literary Club"
"West Side Ladies Literary Club house"
"West Side Ladies' Literary Club"
"West Side Ladies' Literary society"
"West Side Literary Club"
"West Side Pioneer club"
"West, Bina M."
"West, Flora"
"West, Mrs. J. C. [Judson C., Hannah]"
"West, Winifred"
"Westerhof, Mrs. J. A. [John A., Jenne]"
"Westerhoff, Jennie"
"Westerhouse, Nellie"
"Western Assn Girls Club"
"Western Bloomer Girls"
"Western Bloomer Girls' Baseball Team"
"Western Drawing and Manual Training association"
"Western Mich. Congregational Club"
"Western Michigan School Superintendents' conference"
"Western Motherhood Educational society"
"Western Springs, Illinois"
"Western State Normal School"
"Westervelt, Mrs. S. E."
"Westminster Presbyterian church"
"Westminster Presbyterian"
"Westminster Presbyterian Church"
"Westminster Presbyterian Women"
"Weston, W. B."
"Westover, Cynthia"
"Westra, Bertha, Harry"
"Wetzel, Mrs. Helen"
"Wetzel, Theresa"
"Weuzler, William E."
"Wexford County, Michigan"
"Weyhing, Wilhelmina"
"Whalen, Catherine"
"Whalen, Mary"
"Wheeler, Clara"
"Wheeler, Ella"
"Wheeler, Emma A."
"Wheeler, Emma N."
"Wheeler, Mrs."
"Wheeler, Mrs. Emma A."
"Wheeler, Mrs. J. M."
"Wheeler, Mrs. J. M. [Julian M., Emma A]"
"Wheeler, Mrs. J. M. [Julian M., Emma A.]"
"Wheeler, Mrs. [Emma A.]"
"Whelan, Anna"
"Whiffen, Mrs. Thomas"
"Whiffen, Mrs. Thomas [Blanche]"
"Whinery, Mary M."
"Whipple, Bernice"
"Whipple, Bernice M."
"Whipple, Idabelle"
"Whipple, Police Matron [Bernice]"
"Whitbeck, Carrie"
"Whitbeck, Gertie"
"Whitcomb, Hiram"
"Whitcomb, Mrs."
"White & White Morton House Pharmacy"
"White and White Pharmacy"
"White and White, Morton House Pharmacy"
"White City Art company, Chicago"
"White Cross and White Shield"
"White House"
"White Shrine of Jerusalem"
"White slave traffic"
"White Slavery"
"White, Alice"
"White, Arthur S."
"White, Dean Francis S."
"White, Dean Rhoda"
"White, Elizabeth"
"White, Eva"
"White, Francis S."
"White, Geraldine"
"White, Loretta A"
"White, Lucy"
"White, Lucy L."
"White, Lynette"
"White, Mary"
"White, May"
"White, Miss"
"White, Mrs. Algernon"
"White, Mrs. Algernon E."
"White, Mrs. Benson"
"White, Mrs. Eliza"
"White, Mrs. Georgia"
"White, Mrs. Georgia E."
"White, Mrs. K. L."
"White, Mrs. M. P."
"White, Nettie"
"White, Pearl"
"White, Rex Grover"
"Whitefleet, Florence"
"Whitefleet, Gertrude"
"Whitehall, Michigan"
"Whitehouse, Mrs. Norman De R. [Vira Boarman]"
"Whitelock, Rev. Herbert"
"Whitely, Mrs. William"
"Whitfield, Mrs. George F. "
"Whitfield, Mrs. P. B. [Phoebe]"
"Whitfield, Mrs. P. B. [Phoebe]"
"Whitfield, Phoebe"
"Whiting, Sarepta"
"Whitlock, Mrs Brand"
"Whitman, Governor Charles S"
"Whitmore, Mrs."
"Whitney, Annie"
"Whitney, Miss Annie H."
"Whitney, Tillie, Elgin"
"Whittemore, Margaret"
"Whittemore, Carrie"
"Whittemore, Margaret"
"Whittier, Jessie L. (Mrs. Walter)"
"Whittier, Mrs. W. K."
"Whittier, Mrs. W. H."
"Whittling, Hazel"
"Whitworth, George G."
"Wickham, Emma"
"Wicksall, Mrs. Joe A."
"Widdicomb, Clara"
"Widdicomb, Clara H."
"Widdicomb, Clara M."
"Widdicomb, John"
"Widdicomb, Mrs. Clara"
"Widdicomb, Mrs. John [Mary F.]"
"Widdicomb, Mrs. William [Esther H.]"
"Wieland, Florence"
"Wiersma, Anna"
"Wiggens, Mrs. Louis"
"Wigle, J. N."
"Wilberforce University"
"Wilbur Opera Company"
"Wilcox, Mrs. F. A."
"Wilcox, Caroline"
"Wilcox, Caroline B."
"Wilcox, Ella Wheeler"
"Wilcox, Fannie"
"Wilcox, Jean A. R."
"Wilcox, Mrs."
"Wilcox, Mrs. F. E."
"Wilcox, Mrs. F. A."
"Wilcox, Mrs. F. P."
"Wilcox, Mrs. James"
"Wilde, May"
"Wilde, Mrs. Oscar"
"Wilder, Eula"
"Wilder, Mrs. Sarah"
"Wildowski, Catherine"
"Wiley, Nancy"
"Wilhelmson, Laura"
"Wilkes, Cora H."
"Wilkinson, Mrs. J. W."
"Willard, Arthur L."
"Willard, Edward"
"Willard, Elizabeth"
"Willard, Elizabeth A,"
"Willard, Elizabeth A."
"Willard, Frances"
"Willard, John"
"Willard, M. W."
"Willard, Mrs. Frances"
"Willard, Mrs. Grace B."
"Willard, Mrs. May Stearns"
"Willard, Zida"
"Willatts, Gibson"
"Willets, Nellie"
"Willey, Clara Coleman"
"Willey, Mrs. Elmer M. [Estella]"
"Williams, Mrs. Ernest H. (Helen A.)"
"Williams, A."
"Williams, Caroline"
"Williams, Carrie A."
"Williams, Carrie J."
"Williams, Dr. Mary"
"Williams, Elizabeth"
"Williams, Geanie"
"Williams, Helen"
"Williams, Helen A."
"Williams, Helen Aston"
"Williams, Helen Astor"
"Williams, Henry"
"Williams, Louise"
"Williams, Lucy White"
"Williams, Lydia"
"Williams, Margaret"
"Williams, Martha"
"Williams, Mrs. C. F. Williams"
"Williams, Mrs. Daniel"
"Williams, Mrs. E. H. [Ernest H., Helen]"
"Williams, Mrs. Earnest H. [Helen]"
"Williams, Mrs. Earnest [Helen]"
"Williams, Mrs. Ernest H. [Helen]"
"Williams, Mrs. Ernest H. (Helen A.)"
"Williams, Mrs. Ernest H. [Helen]"
"Williams, Mrs. Ernest [Helen A.]"
"Williams, Mrs. George"
"Williams, Mrs. Margaret"
"Williams, Mrs. Nellie"
"Williams, Mrs. T. J."
"Williams, Mrs. W. B."
"Williams, Mrs. W. K. [William, Evelyn B.]"
"Williams, Naomi"
"Williams, T. O. [Theodore O.]"
"Williamson, Alice"
"Williamson, Harriet"
"Williamson, Jeanette"
"Williamson, Mary"
"Williamson, Mrs. B. F."
"Williamson, Mrs. M. A. [Mabel]"
"Williamson, Mrs. O. J."
"Williard, Elizabeth"
"Willing Workers"
"Willing Workers club"
"Willis, M. H."
"Willis, Mrs. Nellie"
"Willis, Rev. J. C."
"Willits, Rev. John C."
"Willman, Annette Lillian"
"Willman, Lillian"
"Willoughby, Mrs. John (Dorcas Mitchell)"
"Willoughby, Mrs. T."
"Willoughby, T."
"Wills, Helen"
"Willsie, Mrs. Honare"
"Willys-Overland automobile plant"
"Wilmarth, E. B."
"Wilmarth, Mrs. E. B."
"Wilmarth, Mrs. L. T. [Lewis, Lavinia]"
"Wilmarth, Mrs. O. L."
"Wilmot, Grace"
"Wilson, Mrs. Hugh"
"Wilson, Ada"
"Wilson, Anna"
"Wilson, Delia"
"Wilson, Eliza"
"Wilson, Elizabeth"
"Wilson, Ella"
"Wilson, Etta S."
"Wilson, Etta Smith"
"Wilson, Frances"
"Wilson, Hugh"
"Wilson, Hugh E."
"Wilson, Jessie Woodrow"
"Wilson, Kate A."
"Wilson, Laura"
"Wilson, Maggie"
"Wilson, Margaret"
"Wilson, Marie"
"Wilson, Mary"
"Wilson, Mrs. Charles"
"Wilson, Mrs. Charles M"
"Wilson, Mrs. Charles M."
"Wilson, Mrs. E. S."
"Wilson, Mrs. Earl"
"Wilson, Mrs. Etta"
"Wilson, Mrs. Etta S."
"Wilson, Mrs. Halsey W."
"Wilson, Mrs. J. P. (Lapeer, MI)"
"Wilson, Mrs. Mabel Winter"
"Wilson, Mrs. S. H. [Samuel, Edith H.]"
"Wilson, Mrs. Sarah"
"Wilson, President Woodrow"
"Wilson, Rell S."
"Wilson, Thelma"
"Wilson, Walter, Phoebe"
"Wilson, Widrow"
"Wilson, Woodrow"
"Winans, Governor"
"Winans, Mona"
"Winchester, Helen"
"Winchester, Mrs. E. D. [Edward D., Katherine]"
"Winegar, Emma Bingham"
"Wing, Helen"
"Wing, Mrs. W. H. [Helen]"
"Wingeir, Rose"
"Wingfield, George"
"Wingier, Ida"
"Wingier, Marguerite"
"Wingier, Sarah"
"Winkles, Leta"
"Winney, William, C. A."
"Winnington-Ingram, Ethyl"
"Winslow, Ida J."
"Winslow, Ida J., reporter"
"Winsted, Connecticut"
"Winston, Miss"
"Winter, Alice Ames"
"Winter, Margaret"
"Winter, Mrs. E."
"Winter, Mrs. Margaret"
"Winter, Mrs. W. G."
"Winthrop, Amy"
"Wirfs, Bernice"
"Wisconsin & Michigan Railroad"
"Wisconsin Shingle Manufacturers"
"Wisconsin woman's Suffrage Association"
"Wise, George H."
"Wise, Minnie L."
"Wishard, L. D. [Luther]"
"Wishart, A. W."
"Wishart, Alfred W."
"Wishart, Dr. A. W."
"Wishart, Dr. Afred W."
"Wishart, Dr. Alfred"
"Wishart, Ellen"
"Wishart, Laura"
"Wishart, Rev. A. W."
"Wishart, Rev. Alfred"
"Wismer, Mrs. W. H."
"Wisner, William"
"Witham, Albert"
"Witham, Betsey"
"Witham, Ernest A."
"Witham, Lottie E."
"Witherspoon, Mrs. P. E. [Lydia]"
"Withey, Marion L."
"Withey, Mr.s L H. [Lewis, Margaret]"
"Withey, Mrs. Helen"
"Withey, Mrs. L."
"Withey, Mrs. Marion L."
"Withey, Mrs. S. L."
"Withey, Mrs. S. L. [Solomon, Marion L.]"
"Withey, Mrs. S. L. [Solomon, Marion L.]"
"Withey, Mrs. S. L. [Solomon, Marion L.]"
"Withey, Mrs. S. L. {Solomon, Marion L.]"
"Withey, Nellie W."
"Withey, winifred"
"Wolcott, Hazel"
"Wolcott, Henrietta L. T."
"Wolcott, Kate"
"Wolf, A. D."
"Wolf, Amelia"
"Wolf, Bertha"
"Wolf, Mrs. A. I."
"Wolf, Mrs. David [Amelia]"
"Wolgast, Al"
"Wolgast, Mrs. Ad"
"Wolts, Alice"
"Wolverine Brass Co"
"Wolverine Shoe and Tanning Corporation"
"Woman suffrage"
"Woman's Christian Temperance Union"
"Woman's & Foreign Missionary Society"
"Woman's Annex, Soldier's Home"
"Woman's Annex, Soldiers' home"
"Woman's Association of Commerce"
"Woman's Association of Commerce of Grand Rapids "
"Woman's auxiliary of the Young Men's Christian Association"
"Woman's Auxillary of Y.M.C.A."
"Woman's Benefit association of the Maccabees"
"Woman's Bicycle Club"
"Woman's Board of Foreign Missions"
"Woman's Christian Temperance"
"Woman's Christian Temperance Committee"
"Woman's Christian Temperance Union"
"Woman's Christian Temperance Union WTCU"
"Woman's Christian Temperance Union (W. C. T. U.)"
"Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU)"
"Woman's Christian Temperance Union [WTCU]"
"Woman's Club"
"Woman's Club Federation"
"Woman's Club of Grand Haven, MI"
"Woman's Club of Lansing, Michigan"
"Woman's Club, Grand Haven"
"Woman's Clubs"
"Woman's Congress"
"Woman's Council of National Defense"
"Woman's Cycling Club"
"Woman's Cycling Club of Grand Rapids"
"Woman's Exchange of Chicago"
"Woman's Forum of Chicago"
"Woman's Gymnasium"
"Woman's Gymnasium association"
"Woman's Gymnasium Grand Rapids"
"Woman's Health Protective association"
"Woman's Home"
"Woman's Home & Hospital Assn"
"Woman's Home and Hospital"
"Woman's Home and Hospital Assn"
"Woman's Home and Hospital association"
"Woman's Home association"
"Woman's Home helpers"
"Woman's Home Helpers Society"
"Woman's Home hospital"
"Woman's Home Missionary Society"
"Woman's Home Missionary Society of the Michigan Synod"
"Woman's Literary Club, Holland"
"Woman's Literary League"
"Woman's Marching Club-Alabama"
"Woman's Medical College"
"Woman's Missionary society"
"Woman's Nat'l Indian Assn"
"Woman's National Christian Temperance"
"Woman's National Made in U. S. A. League"
"Woman's National Republican Committee"
"Woman's National Suffrage"
"Woman's National Suffrage association"
"Woman's National Suffrage Convention"
"Woman's Peace conference"
"Woman's Political Equality Club"
"Woman's Press Association"
"Woman's Press Club"
"Woman's Protective Assn"
"Woman's Relief Corp"
"Woman's Relief Corps"
"Woman's Relief Corps of Muskegon"
"Woman's Relief Society"
"Woman's rights"
"Woman's Social and Political union"
"Woman's Social Political union"
"Woman's Suffrage"
"Woman's suffrage amendment"
"Woman's Suffrage Asociation"
"Woman's Suffrage Asscoiation"
"Woman's Suffrage Assn"
"Woman's Suffrage Assocation of Ingham County"
"Woman's Suffrage Association"
"Woman's Suffrage Convention"
"Woman's Union Label league"
"Woman's Work Exhibition"
"Woman's Working Society"
"Womans Advertising club"
"Womans' Home and Hospital"
"Women and politics"
"Women candidates"
"Women delegates"
"Women employees"
"Women in New York"
"Women in the Military"
"Women of Democratic League"
"Women of Invisible Empire of America"
"Women of Sorosis"
"Women Taxpayers' league"
"Women Veterans"
"Women voters"
"Women Voters' League"
"Women's Western Golf Tournament"
"Women's Aid of Pennsylvania Railroad"
"Women's Aquatic club"
"Women's Benefit Association"
"Women's Christian Association"
"Women's Christian Temperance"
"Women's Christian Temperance Union"
"Women's Christian Temperance Union (W. T. C. U.)"
"Women's City Club"
"Women's City Club of Grand Rapids"
"Women's Club for the the Promotion of Dancing"
"Women's Clubs"
"Women's Committee 18th Amendment"
"Women's Committee of the Council on National Defense"
"Women's Congress"
"Women's Council of National Defense"
"Women's Equal Franchise club"
"Women's Foreign Missionary Delegates"
"Women's Foreign Missionary Society"
"Women's Free Silver Club"
"Women's G.O.P. Clubs"
"Women's Gymnasium"
"Women's gymnasiums"
"Women's Home"
"Women's Home and Hospital"
"Women's Home Helpers"
"Women's Home Missionary Union"
"Women's Hughes Campaign train"
"Women's League of Voters"
"Women's Library Association"
"Women's Lincoln Republican Club"
"Women's literary clubs"
"Women's Meeting"
"Women's Mission conference"
"Women's Missionary Social Union"
"Women's Movement"
"Women's Municipal Franchise"
"Women's National Committee of the Hughes Alliance"
"Women's National Defense Council"
"Women's National Prohibition Federation"
"Women's Navy Recruiting corps"
"Women's Organization Prohibition Reform"
"Women's organizations"
"Women's Peace Party"
"Women's Protective Assn"
"Women's Relief Corps"
"Women's Relief Society"
"Women's Republican Club"
"Women's rights"
"Women's Roosevelt League for Hughes"
"Women's Temperance Society"
"Women's Tribune, Beatrice, Nebraska"
"Women's University Club"
"Women's Western Golf Championship"
"Women's Western Unitarian Conference"
"Women's Wilson Union"
"Wonderley, Mrs."
"Wood, Mabel"
"Wood, Helen"
"Wood, John"
"Wood, Kate E."
"Wood, Maude, Emery"
"Wood, Mrs."
"Wood, Mrs. F. C. [Francis C.]"
"Wood, Mrs. Frances C."
"Wood, Mrs. Mabel"
"Woodbridge, Mable"
"Woodbury, T. B."
"Woodham, Leona"
"Woodhams, Leora"
"Woodhull, Cloey"
"Woodland, Michigan"
"Woodland, Thelma"
"Woodman, Mrs. O. J. C."
"Woodman, Mrs. Olivia"
"Woodman, Mrs. Olivia D."
"Woodman, Mrs. S."
"Woodman, Olivia"
"Woodman, Olivia J. C."
"Woodruff, Charles"
"Woodruff, Mrs. John S."
"Woodruff, Rose"
"Woods, Mrs. Thomas [Viola Richmond Woods]"
"Woods, Ruth"
"Woodson, Jean"
"Woodson, Mrs. W. W."
"Woodward, Bernice"
"Woodward, Mary"
"Woodward, Nellie"
"Woodworth, Marietta"
"Woodworth, Mrs. Irving"
"Woolen mill workers"
"Wooster, Elizabeth"
"Wooster, Lizzie"
"Wooster, Mrs. Doctor [Samuel R., Josephine E.]"
"Worden Grocer"
"Worden, Elna"
"Worden, Howard"
"Worden, Lucille"
"Worden, Maud"
"Worden, Mrs. A. E. [Adelbert, Annie J.]"
"Worden, Mrs. C. S."
"Worfel, Mrs. Charles F. [Minnie]"
"Work, Robert M."
"Workman, W. P. "
"World War I"
"World War I conscription"
"World's Columbian Exposition"
"World's Dispensary Medical Association"
"World's Fair"
"World's Fair Fund"
"World's Purity federation"
"World's Woman's Christian Temperance Union"
"Wormley, Mrs. S. P. [Samuel P., Mayett]"
"Wortelborer, Henry"
"Wortelborer, Martha"
"Worthing, Mrs. Rev. W. H."
"Worzburg's Store"
"Woznicka, Florence"
"Wren, Kate B. [Mrs. William ]"
"Wright, Caroline H"
"Wright, A. O."
"Wright, Bernice"
"Wright, Frances"
"Wright, Helen"
"Wright, John"
"Wright, Margaret"
"Wright, Marguerite"
"Wright, Martha"
"Wright, Stella"
"Wright, William E."
"Wurtele, Mildred Orkricy"
"Wurzburg's Department Store"
"Wurzburg's Dry Goods"
"Wurzburg, Anna"
"Wurzburg, Grace"
"Wurzburg, Mr."
"Wurzburg, Mrs. William"
"Wurzburg, Mrs. William [Grace]"
"Wyandotte, Michigan"
"Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy"
"Wygmans, Mrs. John [Alice]"
"Wykes, Mrs. Helen Borneman"
"Wylie, Mrs. James R. [Janet C.]"
"Wyman, Dora"
"Wyncoop, Mrs. D. E."
"Wyoming suffrage"
"Wyoming Supreme Court"
"Wyoming Territory"
"Wyun, Mamie"
"Y. M. C. A."
"Y. M. C. A. girls"
"Y. W. C .A."
"Y. W. C .T. U."
"Y. W. C. A."
"Y. W. C. A. - Traverse City, MI"
"Y. W. C. A. building"
"Y. W. C. A. War Work Council"
"Y. W. C. A., Muskegon"
"Y. W. C. T. Unions"
"Y. W. C.A."
"Y. W. C.A., Detroit"
"Y.M.C.A. Woman's Auxiliary"
"Yager, Belle Crandall"
"Yale, Etta"
"Yaple, Hon. George L."
"Yarborough, Lady"
"Yarmouth, England"
"Yarrows, Dr. Rachelle S."
"Yates, Elizabeth U."
"Yellow Fever"
"Yerkes, Mary Helen"
"Yerrington, Annie"
"Yeths, John"
"Yohn, Lizzie"
"Yonker, G. C."
"Yonker, Miss M."
"York Chapter Thanksgiving Ball"
"York, Edna"
"York, Mrs. Charles [Mattie A]"
"Youmans, Florence"
"Young Ladies Equal rights association"
"Young Men's Christian Association"
"Young Men's Christian Association (Y. M. C. A. )"
"Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA)"
"Young Men's Christian Association [Y. M. C. A.]"
"Young Men's Lecture Association"
"Young Men's Republican Club"
"Young People's League"
"Young Woman's Building"
"Young Woman's Christian association YWCA"
"Young Woman's Christian Association YWCA"
"Young Woman's Christian Organization"
"Young Woman's Christian Temperance Union"
"Young Woman's Home"
"Young Women's building"
"Young Women's Christain Association [YWCA]"
"Young Women's Christian Association"
"Young Women's Christian Association YWCA"
"Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA)"
"Young Women's Christian Association YWCA"
"Young Women's Christian Association [YWCA]"
"Young Women's Christian Association (Y. W. C. A.)"
"Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA)"
"Young Women's Christian Association convention"
"Young Women's Christian Association YWCA"
"Young Women's Christian Association [YWCA]"
"Young Women's Christian Association [YWCA}"
"Young Women's Christian Association, YWCA"
"Young Women's Christian association, YWCA"
"Young Women's Equal Suffrage association"
"Young Women's League"
"Young Womens' Christian Association [Y. W. C. A.]"
"Young, Elizabeth"
"Young, Elder Brigham"
"Young, Elizabeth"
"Young, Florence"
"Young, Georgia"
"Young, Georgie"
"Young, Hilda"
"Young, Mrs. P. [Paschal, Bertha]"
"Young, Mrs. W. R. [William, Adelaide]"
"Young, Myra"
"Young, Nellie"
"Young, Reva"
"Young, Riva"
"Young, riva C."
"Young, Ruth"
"Youngblood, Mary F."
"Youngbood, Mary F."
"Younger, Maud"
"Younger, Maude"
"Youngs, Clara B."
"Youngs, Marguerite"
"Ypsilanti State Normal"
"Ypsilanti State Normal School"
"Ypsilanti, Michigan"
"YWCA building"
"YWCA Camp Newaygo"
"Zagroski, Helen"
"Zander, AMude L."
"Zangwell Cycling Club"
"Zangwell, Israel"
"Zebrikova, Miss M."
"Zeeland Ornament Company"
"Zeeland, Michigan"
"Zellner, Hazel"
"Ziegler, Bertha"
"Zierleyn, Florence"
"Zierleyn, Mrs. Fred [Catherine]"
"Zimmer Bros. Engraving Co."
"Zimmermann, Josephine"
"Zinser, Pauline"
"Zippman, Anne"
"Zoa-Phora (Women's Friend)"
"Zoa-phora Medicine Company"
"Zonta Club"
"Zouave Jackets"
"Zupke, Emil"
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