Search by Subject
"$13,000 walnut log"
"100 Grand Rapids Market"
"100-Market Specials"
"1319 Building"
"1411 Building (Chicago, IL)"
"16th century furniture"
"17th century furniture (art)"
"17th century maple day bed (art)"
"1893 Chicago World's Fair"
"18th century American furniture"
"18th century arm chair (art)"
"18th century card table, const."
"18th century card table, design"
"18th century china closet, const."
"18th century china closet, design"
"18th century console (art)"
"18th century furniture"
"18th century highboy, construction"
"18th century highboy, design"
"18th century Italian furniture(art)"
"18th century Italian settee (art)"
"18th century memo desk, const."
"18th century memo desk, design"
"18th century sideboard table (art)"
"18th century table reproductions"
"18th century table, construction"
"18th century table, design"
"1904 flood"
"1906 edition of the Directory of Furniture Manufacturers of the United"
"1911 furniture market conditions"
"1911 furniture strike"
"1911 Grand Rapids furniture strike"
"1913 lumber grading rules"
"1926 income tax law"
"1928 Olympic Games"
"1929 census of manufactures"
"1929 furniture industry census"
"1929 stock market crash"
"1930 furniture forecasts"
"1930 furniture sales reports"
"1930 wholesale furniture outlook"
"1931 furniture industry forecast"
"1932 Olympic Games"
"1933 furniture industry outlook"
"1933, hopes for"
"1935 Leipzig (Germany) Spring Fair"
"1937 furniture profits"
"1939 furniture manufacturers ..."
"1940 Air Show"
"1945 Plastics Catalog"
"20th Century Spring Bed"
"30-hour work week"
"54-hour weorking week"
"666 Lake Shore Drive (Chicago)"
"A Guide to the Study of Woodworking"
"A Manual for Hand Woodworking"
"A Successful Season for Jamestown Factories"
"A&D Paint Co."
"A&M Furniture Co."
"A. Brown & Son (Schenectady, NY)"
"A. Bunnell"
"A. Burglass Co. (New Orleans, LA)"
"A. Casabianca & Co."
"A. Conti Marquetry Shop"
"A. Dirksen & Sons (Springfield, IL)"
"A. Eaton & Co."
"A. Falkel"
"A. Himes Coal Co."
"A. Johnson & Son"
"A. Knoohuyzen & Son"
"A. May & Son (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"A. May & Sons"
"A. Mulder & Co."
"A. Schmidt & Co. (Mexico City)"
"A. Shook & Sons"
"A. Silverman & Son"
"A. Sommer & Son"
"A. Steil Manufacturing Co."
"A. Victor & Co. (Buffalo, NY)"
"A. Vidro & Son"
"A. Vonk & Son"
"A.&C. Hix Co. (Ft. Plain, NY)"
"A.A. Barber & Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"A.A. Gray Co. (Detroit, MI)"
"A.A. Johnson & Co."
"A.B. Allport Roofing Co."
"A.B. Carpenter & Co."
"A.B. Long & Sons"
"A.C. Norquist Co. (Jamestown, NY)"
"A.C. Norquist Company"
"A.D. Benway Co. (Lincoln, NE)"
"A.D. Matthews' Sons (Brooklyn, NY)"
"A.D. Vyn & Son"
"A.E. Brooks & Co."
"A.E. Coen Co. (Bowling Green, OH)"
"A.E. Fairchild & Son (Ravenna, OH)"
"A.E. McGraw Inc."
"A.E. Palmer"
"A.E. Palmer & Sons"
"A.E. Palmer & Sons (Owosso, MI)"
"A.F. Burch Co."
"A.F. Burch Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"A.F. Burch Company"
"A.F. Burch Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"A.F. Manning (Trenton, NJ)"
"A.F. Richardson & Son"
"A.G. Ghysels & Co"
"A.G. Ghysels & Co."
"A.G. Rasch Motor Co."
"A.H. Andrews Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"A.H. Kossen Appliance Shop"
"A.H. Nottman & Co. (New York, NY)"
"A.H. Saur & Sons"
"A.J. Brown Seed Co."
"A.J. Elliott & Co."
"A.J. Henzy & Company (Tiffin, OH)"
"A.J. Kern Co."
"A.J. Oberline Co. (Kankakee, IL)"
"A.J. Wood Manufacturing Co."
"A.K. Mallick Co."
"A.L. Burnett & Co."
"A.L. Dennis Salt & Lumber Co."
"A.L. Holcomb"
"A.L. Holcomb & Company"
"A.L. Randall Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"A.L.Holcomb & Company"
"A.M. Hamburger Co. (Los Angeles, CA)"
"A.M. Tucker Furniture Company"
"A.M.I. Distributing Co."
"A.N. Shook & Sons"
"A.R. Spencer Furniture (Sturgis, MI)"
"A.T. Monson Co."
"A.T. Pearson Produce Co."
"A.T. VanAlstyn Co."
"A.W. Clutter & Co."
"A.W. Curtis & Co."
"A.W. Zimmerla Corp."
"A.W.& J. Sloane (New York, NY)"
"A.Z. Foster Co. (Terre Haute, IN)"
"Aaron, E. Murray"
"Abbott, Daniel"
"Abdalla, Salih"
"Abe Dembinsky Inc. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Abe Schefman & Co."
"Abel, Julius C."
"Abendroth, Fred J."
"Aberdeen (WA) Furniture Mfg. Co."
"Abernathy Furniture Co. (Kansas City, MO)"
"Abernathy Furniture(Kansas City,Mo)"
"Abernathy Furniture(Leavenworth,KS)"
"Abolishing the Furniture Expositions"
"Abolition of the Furniture Exposition"
"Abraham & Straus (New York, NY)"
"Abrams Brothers... (New York, NY)"
"Abrasive Co. (Philadelphia)"
"Abrasive wheels"
"Abrasives, standardization of"
"Abrasives, use in furniture making"
"Academy of Science (Paris, France)"
"Acanthus leaves in ornamentation"
"Acaroid resin"
"Ace Foolstool Co. (New York City)"
"Ace Juvenile Corp. (Chicago)"
"Acetate rayon"
"Ackemanns (Elgin, IL)"
"Acker, A.W."
"Ackerman Electrical Supply Co."
"Acklet extension table"
"Acme Ball Bearing Caster Co. (Chappaqua, NY)"
"Acme Candy Co."
"Acme Cement Plaster Co."
"Acme Chair Co. (Reading, MI)"
"Acme Cooler Co."
"Acme Furniture Co. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Acme Furniture...(New York City)"
"Acme Manufacturing (South Bend, IN)"
"Acme Manufacturing..(S. Bend, IN)"
"Acme Mattress Shop (Indianapolis, IN)"
"Acme Reed Co. (New York City)"
"Acme Shares Corp."
"Acme White Lead and Color Works"
"Acme White Lead Co (Detroit)"
"Acme White Lead Co. (Detroit)"
"Acquistions and mergers"
"Acre Furniture Co. (Ft. Morgan, CO)"
"Acre, Homer B."
"Active Furniture ..(Jamestown, NY)"
"Ad-el-lite fillers and stains"
"Ada Fur Farms"
"Adam breakfast wagon, construction"
"Adam breakfast wagon, design"
"Adam Brown Co."
"Adam Dining Room"
"Adam dwarf bookcase, construction"
"Adam dwarf bookcase, design"
"Adam Fehmel's Furn. (New York, NY)"
"Adam floor lamp, construction"
"Adam floor lamp, design"
"Adam furniture"
"Adam Furniture in Demand for Upper Class - average people prefer Louis"
"Adam furniture style"
"Adam library case, construction of"
"Adam library case, design of"
"Adam music cabinet, construction"
"Adam music cabinet, design"
"Adam Style"
"Adam styles"
"Adam, James"
"Adam, Meldrum &... (Buffalo, NY)"
"Adam, Robert"
"Adam, Robert & James"
"Adam-Hepplewhite settee (art)"
"Adams & Elting"
"Adams & Elting Co."
"Adams & Elting Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"Adams & Elting Co. (Indianapolis)"
"Adams & Elting Company"
"Adams & Elting Company (Chicago, IL)"
"Adams & Elting Company (Chicago, IL), reference book"
"Adams & Hart"
"Adams & North"
"Adams & Westlake"
"Adams Furniture Co. (Toronto, Can.)"
"Adams Furniture..(Charlotte, NC)"
"Adams, Charles H."
"Adams, Ernest (Hoboken, NJ)"
"Adams, Frank C."
"Adams, Frederick A."
"Adams, John E."
"Adams, William M."
"Adaskin, Herman"
"Adaskin-Tilley Co. (Holyoke, MA)"
"Adawagam Furniture..(Allegan, MI)"
"Add-Index Corp."
"Addac Co."
"Adding machines"
"Additon, Forrest (Flowery Branch,GA"
"Adelbert M. Hall Furniture Co."
"Aden as source of goat skin leather"
"Aden as source of Moca goatskin"
"Adhesive Products Co. (Seattle)"
"Adirondack Furniture"
"Adjustable bookrest, construction"
"Adjustable bookrest, design"
"Adjustable Clamp Co. (Chicago)"
"Adjustable Table Co."
"Adler Furniture Co. (Louisville,KY)"
"Adler Veneer Co. (Long Island, NY)"
"Adler Veneer..(Long Island City,NY)"
"Adler, Edmund S. (New York City)"
"Adler-Jones Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"Administration Committee of the National Case Goods Association"
"Adolphus Hotel (Dallas, TX)"
"Advance Furniture...(Columbus, OH)"
"Advance Machine Co. (Toledo, OH)"
"Advance Machinery Co. (Toledo)"
"Advance Machinery Co. (Toledo, OH)"
"Advance Sign & Advertising Corp."
"Advance Specialty Co. (Grand Rapids"
"Advance-Wetmore glue heaters"
"Advertising Clubs of the World"
"Advertising fraud"
"Advertising in furniture industry"
"Advertising industry"
"Advertising of the nineteenth century didn't include much of anything"
"Advertising slides"
"Aeolian American Corp.(Rochester,NY"
"Aeolian-Vocalion Phonograph Co.(GR)"
"Aerial Bed Co. (Chicago)"
"Aero wood"
"Aeron system of finishing"
"Aeroshade Co. (Waukesha, WI)"
"Aetna Insurance Co."
"Aetna Plywood & Veneer (Chicago)"
"Aetna Plywood & Veneer..(Chicago)"
"Aetna Plywood and Veneer..(Chicago)"
"Afendulis, George"
"Affiliated Furniture Sales..(NYC)"
"Affinity Co."
"Africa as source of okume wood"
"African fiber"
"African mahogany"
"African mohair"
"African walnut (or Tigerwood)"
"African walnut as cabinet wood"
"African wat-wood"
"African-Americans possess valuable antique mahogany furniture"
"Afternoon tea cabinet"
"Afternoon tea novelties"
"Agnew, J.K.V."
"Agon, Leon G."
"Agriculture is Important to Prosperity"
"Ahdawagam ...(Grand Rapids, Wis.)"
"Ahdawagam Furn. (Grand Rapids, WI)"
"Ahdawagam Furniture Co. (GR)"
"Ahdawagam Furniture..(G. Rapids,WI)"
"Ahlstrand, Charles (Jamestown, NY)"
"Ahnapee Veneer and.. (Algoma, WI)"
"Aid, C.T. (West Plains, MO)"
"Ailanthus or Paradise tree"
"Ainsworth, Arthur S."
"Ainsworth, C."
"Air line seating and equipment"
"Air pollution"
"Air shipment of furniture"
"Air transportation"
"Air travel seating comfort"
"Aircraft Bedding...(Chamblee, GA)"
"Aircraft industry"
"Aircraft Mechanics..(Colo. Springs)"
"Airfoam cushions"
"Airfoam for furniture"
"Airfoam upholstering"
"Airplane flying lessons"
"Airplane manufacture"
"Airplane production"
"Airplane production in Grand Rapids"
"Airplane production, World War I"
"Airplane propellers"
"Airplanes and airplane industry"
"Airplanes and airplane manufacture"
"Airport Villa"
"Ajax Electric Hammer Corp. (NYC)"
"Ajax Sales Co."
"Akers & Wilson (Decater, Il)"
"Akron (OH) Furniture Co."
"Alabama anti-strike law"
"Alabama furniture industry"
"Alabama lumber industry"
"Alabastine Co."
"Aladdin Co. (Wilmington, NC)"
"Alamo Floor Cov. (San Antonio, TX)"
"Alaska Refrigerator Co. (Muskegon, MI)"
"Alaska Refrigerator Company"
"Alaska Refrigerator Company (Muskegon, MI)"
"Alaska Refrigerator..(Muskegon,MI)"
"Alba Academy of Beauty Culture Inc."
"Albanian hand-woven rugs"
"Albany Furniture Exchange (Albany, OR)"
"Alberda-Shook Inc."
"Albert Coye & Sons"
"Albert E. Palmer & Sons (Owosso, MI)"
"Albert H. Martin"
"Albert H. Saur & Sons"
"Albert Leon's... (Perth Amboy, NJ)"
"Albert Miller & Co."
"Albert Misket Fuel Co."
"Albert Pick, Barth & Co. (Chicago,IL)"
"Albert Realtors Inc."
"Albertson, Earle D."
"Albrecht & Rodine (Minneapolis, MN)"
"Albro Veneer Company"
"Albro Veneer Company (Cincinnati, OH)"
"Alcohol as industrial fuel"
"Alden, Charles M."
"Alden, George W."
"Alden, John"
"Alden, M.R."
"Alderman's Furn. (New Haven, CT)"
"Aldine Grate & Mantel Co."
"Aldine Manufacturing Co."
"Aldrich, Moses V."
"Aldridge, Emery"
"Aldworth, Edward J. (Grand Rapids)"
"Alessandrini, Guido (Grand Rapids)"
"Alex's Food Market"
"Alexander Bros. (Philadelphia)"
"Alexander Dodds"
"Alexander Dodds (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Alexander Dodds (Grand Rapids, MI), dovetail machine"
"Alexander Dodds (Grand Rapids, MI), machinery"
"Alexander Dodds Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Alexander Dodds machines in demand in North Carolina"
"Alexander Dodge Machine Works"
"Alexander H. Revell & Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"Alexander Revell & Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"Alexander Smith &... (New York, NY)"
"Alexander, Charles Hamill"
"Alexander, R. Glenn"
"Alexander-Stafford Corp."
"Alfons Bach Coordinated Groups"
"Alfons Bach kitchen furniture(art)"
"Alfred J. Brown & Son"
"Alfred J. Brown Seed Co."
"Alfred N. Brown Seed Co."
"Alger School"
"Alger Smith & Company"
"Alger, Russel A."
"Algerian demand for U.S. office ..."
"Algonquin Realty Corp."
"Algoren, Lionel C. (Chicago)"
"Alhambra Home Management Institute (Alhambra, CA)"
"All veneer furniture"
"All wire springs for metal bedding"
"All-American style"
"All-steel welded furniture"
"All-wood fighter plane"
"All-wood training planes"
"Allegan (MI) Casket Co."
"Allegan (MI) Furniture Shops"
"Allegan (MI) Furnmiture Shops"
"Allegan, Michigan furniture manufacturers note"
"Allen & Paisley Company (Boston, MA)"
"Allen & Wright's... (Boise, ID)"
"Allen Bros."
"Allen Calculator Co."
"Allen Furniture Co. (Beverly, MA)"
"Allen Realty Co."
"Allen's Cut-rate Drug Store"
"Allen's Quality Laundry Inc."
"Allen, Brown & Co."
"Allen, Charles E."
"Allen, Clayton T."
"Allen, Dwight D."
"Allen, Frank M."
"Allen, Gaines M."
"Allen, Henry (Statesvillle, NC)"
"Allen, Henry J."
"Allen, Nellie Dregge(Grand Rapids)"
"Allen, Roger"
"Allen, W.S."
"Allen, William H."
"Allen, Z.E."
"Allen-Wilcox Motor Sales Co."
"Allerton, H.T."
"Alliance Furniture..(Jamestown, NY)"
"Alliance Furniture..(Jamestown,NY)"
"Allied Furniture Co. (NYC)"
"Allied Furniture..(Jamestown, NY)"
"Allied Home Furnishing Assoc. (New York, NY)"
"Allied Roofing & Insulating Co."
"Allied Stores (Springfield, MA)"
"Alloy-spray finishing of furniture"
"Allyn, Oscar"
"Alma & Myrtle Desk..(High Point,NC)"
"Alma Furniture Co. (High Point, NC)"
"Almco Galleries (Chicago)"
"Almco Galleries... (Chicago, IL)"
"Alms, Fred W. (St. Bernard, OH)"
"Along Came Ruth"
"Alonzi Mfg. Co. (Chicago)"
"Aloxite griding wheels"
"Alsbrook & Sturges Furniture Company"
"Alt Wien"
"Alt, N.J."
"Alt-Basche Manufacturing Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Altermatt-Wahl Mfg. (South Bend, IN)"
"Aluminum chairs"
"Aluminum Co. of America"
"Aluminum dinette sets"
"Aluminum furniture"
"Aluminum home furniture"
"Aluminum office furniture"
"Aluminum oxide, uses of"
"Aluminum saw guard"
"Aluminum uses for furniture"
"Alward, V.L. (Chicago)"
"Always Best Chair..(Charlotte, NC)"
"Alzen metal"
"Ambassador Hotel (Los Angeles, CA)"
"Amberg building"
"Amberg, David M."
"Ambrose Auto Parts"
"Ambrose Furniture Co."
"Ambrose, Cecil"
"Ambrose, Robert (Grand Rapids)"
"Amercan walnut"
"America and England compete in foreign metal bed markets"
"America at Home"
"America investments in Cuban industries"
"America's Little House (NYC)"
"American Art Bureau"
"American Artisan Press (Chicago)"
"American Artizan Co."
"American Auto-Felt Corp."
"American Automobile Supply Co."
"American Axminster"
"American Band Instrument Co."
"American Beauty pattern"
"American Bedding Co. (Jamestown,NY)"
"American Bedding Co. (Superior, WI)"
"American beeches"
"American Bicycle Co."
"American birch"
"American birches"
"American black walnut"
"American black walnut, interest in"
"American Blower Co. (Detroit)"
"American Blower Company"
"American Blower Company (Detroit, MI)"
"American Bond & Mortgage Co."
"American Box Board Co."
"American Buyers Directory"
"American Cabinet Maker Magazine (New York, NY)"
"American cabinet making (history)"
"American Cafe"
"American Can Co."
"American Carpet and Upholstery..."
"American Carving & Manufacturing.."
"American Catalin Corp. (NYC)"
"American Chair Co. (Gardner, MA)"
"American Chair Co. (New York City)"
"American Chair Co. (Seymour, IN)"
"American Chair Co. (Sheboygan, WI)"
"American Chair Company"
"American Chair Mfg. (Hallstead, PA)"
"American Chippendales"
"American clockmaking"
"American clockmaking, history of"
"American Colonial furniture"
"American colonial home"
"American colonial home (art)"
"American Colonial Style"
"American Column and ... vs. USA"
"American Committee for Devastated.."
"American consul in Italy reports opportunities in Milan district"
"American consul reports on furniture trade in Australia"
"American consul reports the spread of American refrigerators in Southe"
"American Cutlery Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"American Cyanamid Co. (NYC)"
"American Decalcomania..(Chicago)"
"American Decalcomania...(Chicago)"
"American Designer's Institute"
"American Designers Gallery (New York, NY)"
"American designers in England"
"American Dining ..(Martinville, VA)"
"American Distributing Corp."
"American District Steam Co."
"American Door Co. (Hoquiam, WA)"
"American easy chair (art)"
"American elms and Dutch elm disease"
"American Empire Style"
"American Exporter (New York, NY)"
"American Exposition Palace (Chicago"
"American Expositions Fair"
"American Express Co."
"American Fair Trade League"
"American Farm Bureau"
"American Federal furniture style"
"American Federation of Labor"
"American Fiber Corp. (Gardner, MA)"
"American Fiber Reed..(Lexington,KY)"
"American Fibre-Plywood Case Co."
"American Fixture & ...(St. Louis)"
"American Freight Dispatch Inc."
"American Furnishing Co. (Atlanta, GA)"
"American furniture"
"American Furniture (Batesville, IN)"
"American Furniture ...(Chicago)"
"American Furniture Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"American Furniture Co. (Denver)"
"American Furniture Co. (Denver, CO)"
"American Furniture Co. (El Paso,TX)"
"American Furniture Corp. (LA)"
"American furniture design"
"American furniture designers"
"American furniture designs"
"American furniture designs/styles"
"American Furniture Mart"
"American Furniture Mart (Chicago)"
"American Furniture Mart (Chicago, IL)"
"American Furniture Mart..(Chicago)"
"American Furniture Mart...(Chicago)"
"American Furniture Novelty(Chicago)"
"American furniture of ...(art)"
"American furniture of Sheraton..."
"American furniture showing..(art)"
"American Furniture Style Show"
"American furniture styles"
"American Furniture unpopular in France"
"American Furniture(Lawrenceburg,IN)"
"American Furniture(Martinsville, VA"
"American Furniture(Martinsville,MD)"
"American furniture, Chippendale ..."
"American Furniture..(Asheville, NC)"
"American Furniture..(Asheville,NC)"
"American Furniture..(Batesville, IN"
"American Furniture..(Batesville,IN)"
"American Furniture..(Paterson, NJ)"
"American Furniture..(Stevens Pt.,WI"
"American Furniture...(Asheville,NC)"
"American Furnuiture Mart (Chicago)"
"American Glue Company (Indianapolis, IN)"
"American Go-Cart Company"
"American Go-Cart Company (Detroit, MI)"
"American Gobelin Tapestry"
"American Grand Rapids... (New York, NY)"
"American Gum Lumber Association"
"American Hardwood Manufacturers..."
"American hardwoods"
"American Harvester Company gaining monopoly on farm machinery business"
"American highboy (art)"
"American Home and City Beautiful..."
"American Home Security Bank"
"American Home... (Norfork, VA)"
"American Homes Bureau"
"American Hotel Corp."
"American Humidaire Corp."
"American imports of materials"
"American Improved Box Co."
"American industrial art exhibition"
"American industry and plywood"
"American Institute of Architects"
"American Institute of Decorators"
"American Institute of Interior Decorators"
"American Institute of the City of.."
"American Investment and Discount..."
"American Jewelry Co."
"American Laundry"
"American Legion"
"American machetes more practical than foreign tools"
"American mahogany"
"American manual training schools"
"American manufacturers more up-to-date than British"
"American Manufacturing Co. (GR)"
"American maple table, c1700 (art)"
"American maples"
"American Mattress & Cushion Company"
"American Mercantile Co."
"American Merchandise Mart (Chicago)"
"American Metal Bed Co. (Newark, NJ)"
"American Mfg. Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"American Mill Company (Vancouver, CA)"
"American mills buy Canadian timber lands"
"American Mirror & ..(Cleveland, OH)"
"American Modern furniture"
"American Modern furniture design"
"American Moving Packing Line"
"American Museum of Natural History"
"American Mutual Automobile ..."
"American National Exposition"
"American National Expositions Inc."
"American No. 34 inside molder"
"American Oak Manufacturers ..."
"American Panel & ..(Montgomery, Al)"
"American Paper Box Co."
"American Paper Chemicals Inc."
"American Paper Co."
"American Parlor ..(Sheboygan, WI)"
"American Pharmacal Company"
"American Pharmacal Company (Evansville, IN)"
"American Piano Co. (New York City)"
"American plate glass"
"American plate glass market"
"American Ply Wood..(New London, WI)"
"American Plywood..(New London, WI)"
"American quartered oak"
"American quartered oak furniture"
"American Rail Chair ...(Findlay,OH)"
"American Rattan & ...(Brooklyn, NY)"
"American Red Cross"
"American Resistor Corp. (Milwaukee)"
"American Sash and ...(Kansas City)"
"American School Furniture Co."
"American Seating Co."
"American Seating Co. (Buffalo, NY)"
"American Seating Co. (Chicago)"
"American Seating Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"American Seating Co. (GR)"
"American Seating Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"American Seating Co.(Grand Rapids)"
"American Seating Company"
"American Seating Company (Chicago, IL)"
"American Seating Company (Manitowoc, WI)"
"American secretary (art)"
"American Show Case..(Muskegon, MI)"
"American Spring & ...(New Orleans)"
"American States Securities Corp."
"American Steel Furniture(Camden,NJ)"
"American Sugar Refining Co."
"American Telephone"
"American trade grows because of superior quality goods"
"American Trading Co. (Amsterdam, Holland)"
"American Twisting Co."
"American upholstery fabrics"
"American valuation plan"
"American Vegetable Hair..(Chicago)"
"American Veneer and Lumber Company (Newport, AK)"
"American Victory Homes"
"American Wall Bed Co. (Chicago)"
"American walnut"
"American Walnut Association"
"American walnut exports"
"American walnut furniture"
"American Walnut Manufacturers ..."
"American walnut, bleaching of"
"American walnut, finishing of"
"American walnut, rise in popularity"
"American wilton rugs"
"American Windsor chairs"
"American Wood ...(Rochester, NY)"
"American Wood Carving Co. (Chicago)"
"American Wood Exports"
"American Wood Staining Works (Long Island City, NY)"
"American Wood Work (Rochester, NY)"
"American Wood Working(Rochester,NY)"
"American Woodworking.(Rochester,NY)"
"American Woodworking..(Rochester,NY"
"Americn Seating Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"AMI Associates (New York City)"
"Ammerman, William H."
"Ammonia gas in finishing room"
"Ammonia in fuming oak process"
"Amodec Corp. (New York City)"
"Amodec line"
"Amos Lumber & ...(Edinsburg, IN)"
"Amos Parrish & Co. (Boston, MA)"
"Amos S. Musselman & Co."
"Amos-Thompson Corp. (Edinsburg, IN)"
"Amrican Furniture Mart..(Chicago)"
"Amsden, C.E. (Grand Rapids)"
"Amsden, Hero M."
"Amsterdam, Holland"
"Amyl acetate (banana liquid)"
"An Attractive Display of Holiday Goods"
"An experienced worker is better than a younger one"
"An Overview of Charlotte, Michigan"
"Anaconda Country Club (Anaconda, MT)"
"Anchor Furniture...(Jamestown, NY)"
"Anchor oysters"
"Anchor Plastics Co. (New York City)"
"Ancient Chinese furniture"
"Ancient Chinese furniture (art)"
"Ancient Egyptian artisans"
"Ancient Egyptian furniture styles"
"Ancient furniture"
"Andaman Islands"
"Andersen's Furniture.. (Cozad, NE)"
"Andersen, Fred W."
"Anderson & McNaughton"
"Anderson (IN) Mattress Co."
"Anderson Building"
"Anderson Dress Shop"
"Anderson Furniture Co."
"Anderson Furniture Co. (Boone, IO)"
"Anderson Furniture Co. (Dallas, TX)"
"Anderson Furniture Show Rooms"
"Anderson Furniture..(Des Moines, IA)"
"Anderson Furniture..(Sioux City, IA)"
"Anderson Furniture..(Sioux City,IA)"
"Anderson Galleries (New York, NY)"
"Anderson Manufacturing Co."
"Anderson Shoe Co."
"Anderson's... (Oakland, CA)"
"Anderson, Alfred (Rockford, IL)"
"Anderson, Anne"
"Anderson, Archie A."
"Anderson, Arthur A."
"Anderson, August"
"Anderson, C.B. Sr. (Dallas)"
"Anderson, Carl (Los Anderson)"
"Anderson, Carl (Los Angeles)"
"Anderson, Carl H."
"Anderson, Caroline"
"Anderson, Charles (Jamestown, NY)"
"Anderson, Charles E."
"Anderson, E.M."
"Anderson, Ebenezer"
"Anderson, Emil"
"Anderson, Esther"
"Anderson, F.O."
"Anderson, F.S. (Richmond, IN)"
"Anderson, Frank D."
"Anderson, Frank O. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Anderson, Harry"
"Anderson, Herbert"
"Anderson, J.M. (Minneapolis)"
"Anderson, N.J."
"Anderson, O.A. (Grand Rapids)"
"Anderson, Roger"
"Anderson, William H."
"Andiroba as mahogany substitute"
"Andiroba in manufacture of plywood"
"Andre, William"
"Andrew Peterson ... (Willmar, MN)"
"Andrews & Andrews"
"Andrews Bros."
"Andrews' dry kiln door"
"Andrews, A.H. Co. (Chicago)"
"Andrews, William H."
"Andrews, William H. (Buffalo)"
"Andrist, L.W."
"Andrus, H.E."
"Andy J. Eagan Inc."
"Andy Mouw, Inc."
"Angell, Mrs. Harry C."
"Angelo Furniture.. (San Angelo, TX)"
"Angelus (sic) Furniture Co. (LA)"
"Anglo-Canuck tramway"
"Angora goat"
"Angora goats"
"Angora, Turkey"
"Aniline colors"
"Aniline colors in furniture"
"Aniline dyes"
"Animal glue"
"Animal glues"
"Aniston, Stephen J."
"Ann Arbor (MI) Railroad Co."
"Annable-Fitzgerald Engineering ..."
"Announcement of steel shelving"
"Annual Exhibition of American ..."
"Annual Furniture Style Exhibition"
"Annual International Design ..."
"Annual Report on Labor in the United Kingdom"
"Annual rings in timber"
"Anoka (MN) Fiber Furniture Co."
"Another Furniture Exhibition building for Grand Rapids, MI"
"Antekeier, George"
"Anthes Furniture Company (Berlin, Ontario)"
"Anthony & Cowell (Providence, RI)"
"Anti-cigarettes campaign"
"Anti-fly campaign"
"Antique art"
"Antique cabinet models (art)"
"Antique collectors now seek curly maple furniture"
"Antique corner cabinet, const."
"Antique corner cabinet, design"
"antique cradle of former king of England"
"Antique donations to White House"
"Antique furniture"
"Antique furniture exhibit"
"Antique furniture finishing"
"Antique furniture finishings"
"Antique furniture models"
"Antique furniture trade"
"Antique furniture, finishing of"
"Antique mahogany"
"Antique Persian Rugs"
"Antique reproductions"
"antique trade in Connecticut"
"Antiques, attraction for"
"Antiques, faking of"
"Antiques, imports of"
"Antiquing with faux finishes"
"Antoine Campau Park"
"Anton Reim & Co."
"Antonides, Joseph"
"Antrim Iron Co."
"Antrim Line Co."
"Antrim, Albert C."
"Antrim, F.S."
"Antrim-Nyman Co."
"Antwerp (Belgium)castle oak dresser"
"Anway Peerless Furniture Co."
"Anway, Irving T. (Grand Rapids)"
"Apartment furnishings"
"Apartment furniture"
"Apartments and furniture industry"
"Appalachain hardwood industry"
"Appalachian area furniture industry"
"Appalachian Exposition"
"Appalachian furniture industry"
"Appalachian Furniture(Bluefield,WV)"
"Apple & Son"
"Applegate, Edward R. (Grand Rapids)"
"Appliance industry"
"Applied Arts Corp."
"Appointments, transfers, etc."
"Apprentice training programs"
"Apprentices and apprenticeships"
"Apprenticeship system"
"Aquinas College"
"Arab Bedouins"
"Aralac fiber as upholstery filler"
"Arbilt Furniture Co. (Milwaukee)"
"Arbuck, Inc. (New York City)"
"Arcadia (MI) Furniture Co."
"Arcadia (MI) Mirror Co."
"Arcadia Furniture Company (Arcadia, MI)"
"Arch light system"
"Archery tackle, construction"
"Archery tackle, design"
"Architect and Industrial Arts ..."
"architects furnish hotels"
"Architectural Book ...(NYC)"
"Architectural landmarks"
"Architectural League of New York"
"Architectural styles"
"Arco Co. (Cleveland)"
"Arctic Ice Cream Co."
"Arens, Dick"
"Argentina furniture imports"
"Argentina furniture industry"
"Argentina, furniture exports to"
"Argentine casein"
"Argentine furniture imports"
"Argentine furniture industry"
"Argentine imports of U.S. furniture"
"Argentine lumber industry"
"Argentinian furniture industry"
"Argentinian imports of U.S. ..."
"Ariel Cabinet Co. (Peru, IN)"
"Ariel Wood Bed Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"Ariel Wood Bed Co. (Goshen, IN)"
"Arkansas Furniture Company (Texarkana, AK)"
"Arkansas Soft Pine Bureau"
"Arm chair, Dante type (art)"
"Arm chair, Menel, 18th cent. (art)"
"Armateur Service Co."
"Armchair (art)"
"Armco-Ferro House (Chicago, IL)"
"Armentrout Veneer Co. (Elkin, NC)"
"Armored car services"
"Armour & Co."
"Armour, P.D."
"Armstrong Cork Co. (Lancaster, PA)"
"Armstrong Cork Co. (Pittsburgh, PA)"
"Armstrong Furniture...(Memphis, TN)"
"Armstrong Mfg. Co. (Chicago)"
"Armstrong, C.E."
"Armstrong, Francis(S. Lake City)"
"Armstrong, J.M."
"Armstrong, Owen"
"Armstrong-Hendrikse, Inc."
"Army A-30 medium bomber"
"Army landing and assault craft"
"Army office furniture"
"Arnold, John L."
"Arnott & Carrel"
"Arnwine, John B. (Belding, MI)"
"Aron, Joseph (New York City)"
"Arons, A.H. (New York City)"
"Aronson, Joseph"
"Arsenic content of shellac"
"Arson and arsonists"
"Art Alliance of America"
"Art Alliance of America (NYC)"
"Art Bedstead Co. (Chicago)"
"Art Bedstead Company"
"Art Center of New York City"
"Art Center School (Los Angeles)"
"Art Cookie Stamp Co."
"Art crete garden furniture"
"Art exhibitions"
"Art exhibits"
"Art fiber furniture weaving"
"Art Furniture Co. (Macon, GA)"
"Art glass, manufacture of"
"Art Institute of Chicago"
"Art Lamp Manufacturing (Chicago, IL)"
"Art Lamp Mfg. Co. (Chicago)"
"Art Metal ...(Jamestown, NY)"
"Art Metal Construction Co. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Art Moderne"
"Art moderne furniture finishes"
"Art Moderne pieces (art)"
"Art moderne style"
"Art Nouveau"
"Art Nouveau chest, Louvre (art)"
"Art Nouveau fabrics"
"Art Novelty Co. (Goshen, IN)"
"Art Rasch Ford Sales"
"Art relief process"
"Art treasures of the Czar"
"Art Wood Carving..(Morristown, TN)"
"Art-in-Trades Club (New York City)"
"Art-in-Trades Club (New York, NY)"
"Art-in-Trades Club of New York ..."
"Art-in-Trades Exhibit (NYC)"
"Art-Lay Mfg. Co. (Chicago)"
"Artcraft bookcases"
"Artcraft Furniture ...(Atlanta)"
"Artcraft Furniture Co. (Chicago)"
"Artfilm Studios Inc."
"Artglo Mfg. Co. (Montclair, NJ)"
"Arthur F. Switz tells of condition on the Pacific coast and in the mou"
"Arthur Hill Trade ..(Saginaw, MI)"
"Arthur M. Gardner (Chicago Heights, IL)"
"Arthur McArthur Co. (Boston, MA)"
"Arthur Meigs & Co."
"Arthur Wood Carriage Co."
"Arthur, Lee S."
"article "The Manufacture of Furniture" by William J. McInnes"
"Artifical varnish, preparation of"
"Artificial bending of wood"
"Artificial ebony"
"Artificial ebony from oak wood"
"Artificial leather"
"Artificial lighting"
"Artificial resin as wood adhesive"
"Artificial veneers"
"Artificial wood"
"Artisan Mill Work Co. (Marshall,IL)"
"artist-craftsman vs. machine-made"
"Artistic designs"
"Artistic exhibits"
"Artistic Footwear Co."
"Artistic veneers"
"artists studio apartments"
"Artloom Corp. (Philadelphia)"
"Arts amd Crafts"
"Arts and artists"
"Arts and Crafts chamber suite"
"Arts and crafts desk, design of"
"Arts and crafts desk, making of"
"Arts and crafts movement"
"Arts and Crafts Style"
"Arts and crafts suite (art)"
"Arts Products Co. (Zeeland, MI)"
"Arts-in-Trades Club (New York City)"
"Arts-in-Trades Club (NYC)"
"Asbestos, mining and manufacture of"
"Asheboro (NC) Veneer Co."
"Asheville, NC furniture market"
"Asphalt Tomb Co."
"Associated Advertising Clubs ..."
"Associated Factories Inc. (Chicago)"
"Associated Factories Inc.(Chicago)"
"Associated Furniture (Chicago)"
"Associated Furniture (New York, NY)"
"Associated Furniture (St. Louis, MO)"
"Associated Furniture Corp. of Delaware"
"Associated Furniture Manufacturers (Chicago, IL)"
"Associated Manufacturer's Co."
"Associated Mercantile.(Minneapolis)"
"Associated Press"
"Associated Truck Lines Inc."
"Association of Advertising Clubs"
"Association of Cabinetmakers of Prague"
"Association of Commerce Restaurant"
"Assyrian furniture styles"
"Astoria Mahogany Co. Inc. (NYC)"
"Astoria Veneer Mills ...(NYC)"
"Atals Corp. (New York City)"
"Athens (GA) Furniture Co."
"Athens chair (art)"
"Athertn-Craig Co. (Louisville, KY)"
"Atherton Furniture.. (Brockton, MA)"
"Atherton, L.B."
"Atkin Furniture Co. (Knoxville, TN)"
"Atkin Mfg. Co. (Knoxville, TN)"
"Atkinson, Bill (Manlius, NY)"
"Atlanta will have an exposition in 1910"
"Atlanta's furniture business booming"
"Atlanta's permanent exposition project"
"Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co."
"Atlantic City, N.J."
"Atlantic Furniture..(Norfolk, VA)"
"Atlantic Lumber Co. (Knoxville,TN)"
"Atlantic Woodworking...(W. Point,VA"
"Atlas Boast Your Town-Trade"
"Atlas Educational... (Oak Park, IL)"
"Atlas Furniture Co. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Atlas Furniture Co. (Jamestown,NY)"
"Atlas Furniture Co. (Rockford, IL)"
"Atlas Furniture Company"
"Atlas Furniture Company (Jamestown, NY), dresser"
"Atlas Powder Co. (Stamford, CT)"
"Attempts at a Grand Rapids furniture trust"
"attempts on drying and preserving swamp woods"
"Attractive Interior"
"Attwood Brass Co."
"Attwood, Charles E."
"Atwater, F.R."
"Atwater, LaVerne N."
"Atwood Lumber Co."
"Atwood, A."
"Atwood, IL"
"Auburn (IN) Furniture Mfg. Co."
"Auburn (NY) furniture stores"
"Auburn Paper Co."
"Auction sales"
"Auditorium photo"
"Audrain, Robert"
"Audubon Carpet Mfg. Co. (Camden,NJ)"
"Auglaize Furniture..(New Bremen,OH)"
"August furniture sales"
"Aulsbrook & Jones ...(Sturgis, MI)"
"Aulsbrook & Jones Furniture Company"
"Aulsbrook & Jones..(Sturgis, MI)"
"Aulsbrook & Jones... (Sturgis, MI)"
"Aulsbrook & Sturges Furniture Company"
"Aulsbrook & Sturges Furniture Company (Sturgis, MI)"
"Aulsbrook & Sturgis Furniture Company (Sturgis, MI)"
"Aural Phonetic Institute Inc."
"Austell (GA) Cabinet Co."
"Austell (GA) Furniture Co."
"Austin Co. (Cleveland)"
"Austin Furniture Co. (Austin, IL)"
"Austin, Isaac L."
"Austin-Hockaday Co. (Concordia, KS)"
"Auston Co. (Chicago)"
"Australia, U.S. trade with"
"Australian blackwood"
"Australian cabinet woods"
"Australian furniture industry"
"Australian furniture woods"
"Australian ornamental wood"
"Australian timber business is controlled by one corporation"
"Austrian baroque period"
"Austrian bent wood imports to U.S."
"Austrian bentwood furniture"
"Austrian chest (art)"
"Austrian furniture industry"
"Austrian furniture wages"
"Austrian walnut commode"
"Austrian woodworking industry"
"Auto Fixit Shop Inc."
"Auto Paint & Varnish Co."
"Auto production techniques"
"Auto Semi-four Co."
"Auto-Nailer Co. (Atlanta)"
"Autocar trucks"
"Automatic call systems"
"Automatic carving machines"
"Automatic cradles"
"automatic feed punch press"
"Automatic glue jointer"
"Automatic Musical Instrument Co."
"Automatic Packaging Machinery Co."
"Automatic Printer Co."
"Automatic shapers"
"Automatic smokers"
"Automatic Sweeper Co. (Marine City, MI)"
"Automatic varnish drying"
"Automobile industry"
"Automobile Show"
"Automobile Tire Co."
"Automobiles and furniture industry"
"Automotive Electric & Battery Co."
"Avenue Cafe"
"Averill Furnishing Goods"
"Averill, E.F."
"Averill, Earl M."
"Averill, J.A."
"Avery Architectural Library (New York, NY)"
"Avery, Noyes L."
"Avery, Noyes L. house"
"Aviation industry"
"Avro-Anson V. bomber"
"Axe & Co."
"Axminster rugs"
"Ayars, George M."
"Ayers, Walter (Ft. Smith, Ark.)"
"Ayres, Wilbur (St. Louis)"
"Azzar, M.A."
"B & O shop buildings (Pana, IL)"
"B&M Transfer Co."
"B&W Distributing Co."
"B-26 medium bomber"
"B. Cannon & Company, Ltd."
"B. Cannon and Company, Limited (Lincoln, England)"
"B. Deutscher Furn. (Beaumont, TX)"
"B. Heyman Furniture Co. (Phoenix, AZ)"
"B. Kerr & Sons... (Columbus, OH)"
"B. Laubach & Son"
"B. Walter & Company"
"B.A. Hoxie & Sons"
"B.C. Mansfield & Co."
"B.D. Coats Co."
"B.F. Krasner Co."
"B.F. Schlesinger's... (Oakland, CA)"
"B.F. Strifling & Co."
"B.J. Dolan Plumbing & Heating Co."
"B.J. Steam Gas Generator Sales Co."
"B.L. Bing's... (Anderson, IN)"
"B.L. Marble Chair Co. (Bedford, OH)"
"B.L. Marble Chair Company"
"B.P. John Corp. (Portland, OR)"
"B.S. Chapin Inc."
"Babbitt metal"
"Babbitt, Reiger & Co."
"Babcock, Everett P."
"Babeke, Cornelius J."
"Babritsky, Vladimir Vasili"
"Baby carriages"
"Babylonian furniture styles"
"Bach, Alfons"
"Bach, Alfons (Chicago)"
"Bachelor's cabinet"
"Bachrach, A."
"Backart, Ray E."
"Backyard furniture"
"Bacon-Macmillan ...(Stockton, AL)"
"Badawn & Brown"
"Bader Bros. (Fremont, NE)"
"Bader, J.R. (Fremont, NE)"
"Badger Cabinet Co. (Plymouth, WI)"
"Badger Furniture Co. (Sheboygan,WI)"
"Badger Lumber & ..(Oshkosh, WI)"
"Baer & Fuller... (St. Louis, MO)"
"Baerman, Walter"
"Bagby Furniture Co. (Baltimore)"
"Bagby Furniture Co. (Baltimore, MD)"
"Bagby, W. Hugh & Co. (Baltimore)"
"Bagby, Wm. Hugh (Baltimore)"
"Bagdonis, M."
"Bahamian imports of U.S. furniture"
"Bahamian rum trade"
"Bahamian sponge industry"
"Bailey & Barnard"
"Bailey & Griffin (New York City)"
"Bailey Co. (Cleveland)"
"Bailey Co. (Cleveland, OH)"
"Bailey Table Co. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Bailey, John W."
"Bailey, Leslie W."
"Bailey, Roger (Jamestown, NY)"
"Bailey, W.J."
"Baillot, Leopold"
"Bailot, Leo (Grand Rapids)"
"Bakelite Corp."
"Bakelite Corp. (New York City)"
"Baker & Co."
"Baker & Co. (Allegan, MI)"
"Baker & Kirkpatrick"
"Baker Auto Parts Co."
"Baker Clay Co."
"Baker Furniture ...(Allegan, MI)"
"Baker Furniture ...(Grand Rapids)"
"Baker Furniture ...(Holland, MI)"
"Baker Furniture Co. (Allegan, MI)"
"Baker Furniture Co. (Amarillo, TX)"
"Baker Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Baker Furniture Co. (Holland, MI)"
"Baker Furniture Co. (Lubbock, TX)"
"Baker Furniture Inc. (Grand Rapids)"
"Baker Furniture...(Allegan, MI)"
"Baker Mercantile Co."
"Baker Museum (Grand Rapids)"
"Baker, Albert"
"Baker, Allison Durand"
"Baker, Cornelius"
"Baker, E.B."
"Baker, Henry D. (Kalamazoo, MI)"
"Baker, Herbert"
"Baker, Hollis (Allegan, MI"
"Baker, Hollis (Allegan, MI)"
"Baker, Hollis (Grand Rapids)"
"Baker, Hollis S. (Allegan, MI)"
"Baker, Hollis S. (Grand Rapids)"
"Baker, J.H."
"Baker, L.F."
"Baker, Louis G."
"Baker, Norton"
"Baker, O.D."
"Baker, O.D. (Boston)"
"Baker, Roy"
"Baker, Siebe (Allegan, MI)"
"Baker-Coster Photo Co."
"Baker. G.J."
"Bakhan, William"
"Baking industry"
"Bakker, C."
"Bakker, Nicholas"
"Balance Agriculture With Industry"
"Balance of trade"
"Balbach, Gustav (Grand Rapids)"
"Balbach, Gustave C., furniture designs"
"Balbach, William A. (Grand Rapids)"
"Baldwin Plywood..(Gillett, WI)"
"Baldwin Shipping Co. (Chicago)"
"Baldwin, Ernest Thomas"
"Baldwin, J. Wesley"
"Baldwin, Percy J."
"Baldwin, S. (Philadelphia, PA)"
"Baldwin, Tuthill & Bolton"
"Baldwin, Tuthill & Bolton (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Baldwin, Tuthill & Bolton issue a new machinery catalogue"
"Baldwin, Tuttle & Bolton"
"Baldwin, W.W."
"Balin Furniture (Klamath Falls, OR)"
"Balish Mfg. Co."
"Balish, Deeb"
"Balke Manufacturing Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Balkema, Andrew J."
"Balkema, Henry J."
"Ball bearing frinction drive shaper"
"Ball bearings"
"Ball Furniture..(Hanover, Ontario)"
"Ball, Barnhart & Putman"
"Ball, Barnhart & Putnam"
"Ball, Daniel"
"Ball, Edward C. (Grand Rapids)"
"Ball, Fred H."
"Ball, John"
"Ball, Lucy"
"Ball, Morris"
"Ball, Orson A."
"Ball, Waldo M."
"Ball, William D."
"Ball-Barnhard-Putman Co."
"Ball-Barnhart-Putman Co."
"Ball-Barnhart-Putnam Co."
"Ball-bearing drawer slides"
"Ballard, James"
"Ballenberg, Adolph (New York)"
"Ballenberg, Adolph A. (GR)"
"Ballou & Elferdink"
"Ballou, W.D."
"Balsa as furniture wood"
"Balsa Ecuador Lumber..(NYC)"
"Balsa wood"
"Balsa Wood Co. (New York City)"
"Baltimore (MD) furniture industry"
"Baltimore Coaster Co."
"Baltimore furniture industry"
"Baltimore Furniture Manufacturing.."
"Baltimore, MD furniture sales"
"Bamberger & Co. (Newark, NJ)"
"Bamboo as furniture material"
"Bamboo culture"
"bamboo for furniture"
"Bamboo furniture"
"Bamboo introduced to the United States"
"Bamboo turnings on Windsor chairs"
"Bamboo-growing industry in U.S."
"Banak (Central America)"
"Banana industry"
"Banazsak, L."
"Band rip-saw"
"Band saw filing machine"
"band saw guarded"
"band saw resawing"
"Band sawing"
"Band saws"
"Band scroll sawing"
"Band-saw rubbers, deterioration of"
"Bangs, W.C."
"Banister back chair"
"Banister back chair, construction"
"Banister back chair, design"
"Banjo clock"
"Bank Holiday"
"Bankers and Business Men Combine to Fight Strikers and Speculators - A"
"Bankers' tables"
"Banking and furniture industry"
"Banking and the furniture industry"
"Bankruptcies, corporate"
"Banks and banking"
"Banner Bakery"
"Banner Chair Co. (Huntington, WV)"
"Banner Chemical Works"
"Banner Furniture.. (Indianapolis, IN)"
"Banner Furniture... (Charlotte, NC)"
"Banner Mattress Co. (Madison, WI)"
"Banner-Whitehill.. (Indianapolis, IN)"
"Bannister back chair (art)"
"Banta & Bender ...(Evansville, IN)"
"Banta Furniture Co. (Goshen, IN)"
"Banta Furniture Company"
"Banta Furniture Company (Goshen, IN)"
"Banta Table Co. (Goshen, IN)"
"Banta, Harvey F."
"Banta, John F. Co. (Muncie, IN)"
"Banwarth & Son (Elizabeth, IL)"
"Banzak, Anthony"
"Barber & Shank Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Barber Bros. Chair Co."
"Barber Bros. Chair Co. (Hastings, MI)"
"Barber Leather Co. (North Adams,MA)"
"Barber, A.C."
"Barber, Addison A."
"Barber, Addison A. (Grand Rapids)"
"Barber, Joel (New York City)"
"Barber, M.H."
"Barcalo Mfg. Co. (Buffalo)"
"Barclay & Howe"
"Barclay Street"
"Barclay, Ayers & Bertsch"
"Barclay, Warren"
"Barcola Mfg. Co. (Buffalo)"
"Barden, Robert M."
"Bare Bros. (San Francisco)"
"Bare Brothers.. (San Francisco, CA)"
"Bare, Sol (San Francisco)"
"Barendse, B."
"Barents Food Market"
"Barents, John"
"Bargain Furniure..(High Point,NC)"
"Barge shipments of furniture"
"Barker Brothers (Los Angeles)"
"Barker Brothers (Los Angeles, CA)"
"Barker Brothers (New York, NY)"
"Barker Furniture Co. (Fresno, CA)"
"Barker, Charles H."
"Barker, John & Co. (London)"
"Barker, John T."
"Barker, L.M."
"Barker, Obediah T. (Los Angeles)"
"Barker, Perry"
"Barker, W.A."
"Barker, W.A. (Los Angeles)"
"Barker, William E."
"Barkwell Building Co."
"Barlow & Kent Furniture.(Urbana,OH)"
"Barlow Bros."
"Barlow Brothers"
"Barlow, Heman G."
"Barlow, John"
"Barnaby Battery & Electrical ..."
"Barnard, George P."
"Barnard, Harry A. (Minneapolis)"
"Barnard, Thomas G. (Minneapolis)"
"Barnard, W.R."
"Barnard-Cope Co. (Minneapolis)"
"Barner, Jas. D."
"Barnes & Wood"
"Barnes Construction Co."
"Barnes Mfg. Co. (High Point, NC)"
"Barnes, E.M."
"Barnes, E.T. (Hollywood, CA)"
"Barnes, Harry"
"Barnes, L.C."
"Barnett & Richards"
"Barnett Furniture (New Orleans, LA)"
"Barnett, James M."
"Barnett, Kathryn"
"Barnett, Max"
"Barnett, Milton"
"Barnett-Schaeffer (New Orleans, LA)"
"Barney's Hat Shop"
"Barnhardt, Willard"
"Barnhart Bros. & Spindler"
"Barnhart, Carl M."
"Barnhart, Franklin"
"Barnhart, Franklin (Grand Rapids)"
"Barnhart, Irving M."
"Barnhart, Roy"
"Barnhart, Willard"
"Barnhart, William (Grand Rapids)"
"Barnhill, Hornady & Pickett (Crawfordsville, IN)"
"Barnhill, R.G. (Abingdon, VA)"
"Barns, George"
"Baron Speck von Sternburg (Germany)"
"Baroque arm chair (art)"
"Baroque carving on table (art)"
"Baroque pieces (art)"
"Barrett - Lindeman Company"
"Barrett - Lindeman Company (Chicago, IL)"
"Barrett - Lindeman Company (Philadelphia, PA)"
"Barrett - Lindeman Company (Philadelphia, PA) merges with the Lawrence"
"Barrett - Lindeman Company in consolidation with Lawrence - McFadden C"
"Barrett Furniture Co."
"Barrett Furniture Studios"
"Barrett Lindeman Company"
"Barrett's Prime Shellac Varnish"
"Barrett, C. Frank"
"Barrett, Frank N."
"Barrett, William E."
"Barrett-Lindeman-Lawrence-McFadden Companies"
"Barritz, W.H."
"Barron Furniture Co. (Everett, WA)"
"Barrow Furniture... (Abilene, TX)"
"Barry Saw Company (Indianapolis, IN)"
"Barstow & Jennings"
"Barstow, George B."
"Barstow, Sanford Kingsbury"
"Bartcher, Ben"
"Bartelmas, Louis (New York City)"
"Barth & Stonehouse"
"Barth & Warren"
"Barth's Drug Store No.2"
"Barth, Jacob"
"Barth, William F."
"Barthmaier, Herbert (HIgh Point,NC)"
"Bartholomew & Liesvelt"
"Bartle Furniture & Lumber Co."
"Bartlesville (OK) Furniture Co."
"Bartlett & Snow Co. (Cleveland)"
"Bartlett, Charles F."
"Bartlett, M."
"Bartley Furniture (Ft. Morgan, CO)"
"Bartley, Harry L."
"Barton Cabinet Shops (Grand Rapids)"
"Barton Corp. (West Bend, WI)"
"Barton Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Barton, Clara C."
"Bartos, Harold (New York City)"
"Baruch-Hancock report on surplus..."
"Barwa Associates (Chicago)"
"Basic-Witz Furniture..(Staunton,VA)"
"Basket industry"
"Basket willows"
"Basnight-Garrett Co. (Aloskie, NC)"
"Bass & Harbour open six-story home furnishings store (Oklahoma City, O"
"Bass Furniture. (Oklahoma City, OK)"
"Bass, James M."
"Bassett (VA) Furniture Co."
"Bassett (VA) Furniture Industries"
"Bassett (VA) Furniture Industries.."
"Bassett (VA) Industries"
"Bassett, Mr. and Mrs. C.(Bassett,VA"
"Bassett, William M."
"Bast, Herbert (Sheboygan, WI)"
"Batavia (NY) Clamp Co."
"Batavia Clamp Company"
"Bateman, Floyd (Chicago)"
"Bates & Covey (Oklahoma City)"
"Bates & Pennel"
"Bates Bros."
"Bates, Claude"
"Bates, Erastus N."
"Batesville (IN) Cabinet Co."
"Bather, C.S. (Rockford, IL)"
"Batic Shop (Grand Rapids)"
"Batik dyeing"
"Batsche, I.H."
"Battery Sales & Service Inc."
"Battjes Fuel & Building Material..."
"Battjes Gravel & Sand Co."
"Battjes, Dewey D."
"Battjes, Henry"
"Battle Creek (MI) Table Co."
"Battle Creek High School foreign letter exchange (Battle Creek, MI)"
"Battle Creek, MI furniture sales"
"Batts, Howard"
"Batts, John Thomas"
"Bauer & Curtiss"
"Bauknight Furniture..(Atlanta, GA)"
"Bault, John (Bloomington, IN)"
"Baum, L.D."
"Baum, Moses"
"Bauman, John A."
"Bauman, Ludwig & Co. (NYC)"
"Baumann, Ludwig"
"Baumritter, T. Co."
"Bauser, Joseph J."
"Bavaria, German furniture business"
"Baxter Bros. Co."
"Baxter Co."
"Baxter Laundries Inc."
"Baxter, Albert"
"Bay De Noquet Co. (Nahma, MI)"
"Bay State Upholstery Co. (Boston)"
"Bay View Furniture Co. (Holland,MI)"
"Bay View Furniture Company"
"Bay View Furniture...(Holland, MI)"
"Bayley, Christopher H."
"Bayne, James (Grand Rapids)"
"Bayuk Cigars Inc."
"BB Chemical Co. (Cambridge, MA)"
"Be-Hannesey Art (Beverly Hills, CA)"
"Be-lo Approval Co. of ...(Chicago)"
"Beach & Outman"
"Beach, Cook & Co."
"Beach, Frank M."
"Beach, M.H."
"Beacon Shoe Co."
"Beacon Table Mfg..(Bridgeport, CT)"
"Beal, Giles L. (Gastonia, NC)"
"Beals Furniture..(Portland, ME)"
"Beals, Alvah S."
"Bean, Richard"
"Bear Brothers (Madison, IN)"
"Bear Furniture Co. (Akron, OH)"
"Bear, Loew & Co."
"Beard, Fred C."
"Beard, Frederick B."
"Beard, Frederick C."
"Beardslee, Fred E."
"Beardslee, George"
"Beardsley, H.W. (Lomax, IL)"
"Beaton & Laier Co. (Omaha, NE)"
"Beaton, A.J."
"Beatty, Carl/Fred W."
"Beau-Brummel dressing table (art)"
"Beauvais products"
"Bebee & Runyan Furniture Co. (Omaha, NE)"
"Bechtold Bros. ...(Grand Rapids)"
"Becker & Bergeron"
"Becker & Vander Laan"
"Becker Folding Table..(Pittsburgh)"
"Becker, Louis (New York City)"
"Beckwith Gravel Co."
"Beckwith Machine Co. (Ravenna, OH)"
"Beckwith Veneer Co."
"Beckwith Veneer Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Beckwith, Charles"
"Beckwith, Earl F."
"Beckwith, Raymond"
"Bed cushions industry"
"Bed Room Beautiful"
"Bed room rocker, design of"
"Bed room suites furniture"
"Bed sizes, standards for"
"Bed springs"
"Bed with ormolu mounts (art)"
"Bed with slat ends, construction"
"Bed with slat ends, design"
"Bed with tester rails (art)"
"Bedding and upholsterers' supplies"
"Bedding and upholstery supplies"
"Bedding ensemble"
"Bedding labels"
"Bedding makers' material"
"Bedding makers' materials"
"Bedding manufacture, developments"
"Bedding manufacturers' material"
"Bedding manufacturers' materials"
"Bedding supplies"
"Bedding suppliesw"
"Bedding, merchandising of"
"Beddings and beddings foundations"
"Bedell, Harry"
"Bedell, Thomas H."
"Bedette Co. (Racine, WI)"
"Bedford, H.L."
"Bedroom Exhibit in the Warerooms of the Nelson - Matter Furniture Comp"
"Bedroom furniture"
"Bedroom occupied by Queen Victoria on her visit to the Grand Trianon i"
"Bedroom of Francois I, Musee de Cluny (Paris, France)"
"Bedroom scene, "Flowery Beds of Ease""
"Bedroom suites"
"Bedroom with Brass Twin Beds"
"Bedroom with Wood Twin Beds"
"Bedroom, Heavy and Expensive Furnishings"
"Bedroom, Manchester, England"
"Bedroom, Neat and Inexpensive"
"Bedside cabinet, construction"
"Bedside cabinet, design"
"Bedsteads, construction of"
"Bedsteads, types of"
"Beech Aircraft Corp. (Wichita, KS)"
"Beech airplane"
"Beech for drawer bottoms"
"Beech furniture"
"Beech, Cook & Co."
"Beecher & Kymer"
"Beecher Falls (VT) Mfg. Corp."
"Beecher's Clothes Inc."
"Beecher, Henry Ward"
"Beecher, Samuel K."
"Beecher, Ted"
"Beecher-Jordan Inc."
"Beekman & Schram"
"Beelby & Phippen"
"Beelman Cabinet Company"
"Beer garden furniture"
"Beet sugar industry"
"Beets, Inc."
"Beffel Furniture Co. (Racine, WI)"
"Beffel, Edward"
"Behannesey, Phares A."
"Behind the scenes at the Grand Rapids Exposition"
"Behl, Fred"
"Behler-Young Co."
"Behr, Herman & Co. (New York City)"
"Behr-Manning Corp. (Troy, NY)"
"Beiersdorf, Herman"
"Beinig Bros. (New York City)"
"Beiriger, C.H. (Grand Rapids)"
"Bekkering, Henry R."
"Bel Geddes, Norman (Chicago)"
"Bel-Car-Mo-Nut Butter Co."
"Belcarmo Butter Co."
"Belcher, Bob (Los Angeles)"
"Belding - Hall Manufacturing Company"
"Belding - Hall Manufacturing Company (Ionia, MI)"
"Belding Brothers (Belding, MI)"
"Belding Hosiery Co."
"Belding-Hall Co. (Belding, MI)"
"Belding-Hall Manufacturing Co. (Belding, MI)"
"Belgian furniture wages"
"Belgian Invention for the Manufacture of Glass Plates"
"Belgian Provincial chairs (art)"
"Belkin, Charles"
"Belknap Body Co."
"Belknap Wagon & Sleigh Co."
"Belknap, Baker & Co."
"Belknap, Charles E."
"Belknap, Herbert P."
"Belknap, John"
"Bell Aircraft Corp."
"Bell Machine Co. (Oshkosh, WI)"
"Bell Machine Co. .(Oshkosh, WI)"
"Bell, Louis"
"Bellah, Ross (Los Angeles)"
"Bellaire Drug Co."
"Bellaire, A.J."
"Belleville tapestry"
"Beloit (WI) schools"
"belt and large saw guarded"
"Belt Line railway plan"
"belt placer"
"Belt sander"
"Belt sanders"
"Belt sanding m,achinery"
"Belt-driven machinery"
"Belts and belting"
"Belvedere Mfg. Co. (Los Angeles)"
"Belz Upholstered ..(Memphis, TN)"
"Belz, Philip (Memphis, TN)"
"Bemis Bro. Bag Co. (St. Louis)"
"Bemis, Anthony J."
"Bemis-Riddell Fiber..(Sheboygan,WI)"
"Ben Krause Co."
"Ben L. Isroff Inc."
"Ben. I. Deuel & Co."
"Benbough Furniture. (San Diego, CA)"
"Benbough, H.L."
"Bench with porcelain panels (art)"
"Benda, Emil J."
"Bender Frame Mfg. Co. (Chicago)"
"Bender, Charles H."
"Bender, Chas. H."
"Bender, J.F."
"Bending wood for furniture"
"Bendix Mfg. Co. (New York City)"
"Benedict Furniture Clamp Co."
"Benedict Furniture Clamp Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Benedict Furniture Clamp Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Benedict, D.C."
"Benefits of Good Advertising"
"Benekker, B.A."
"Benesch Furniture.. (Allentown, PA)"
"Benesch, J."
"Benesch-Federman Co. (Cleveland)"
"Bengal Veterinary College"
"Benjamin Moore... (New York, NY)"
"Benjamin's Inc."
"Benjamin, Alfred (Kansas City)"
"Benjamin, Cornelius A."
"Benjamin, L."
"Benjamin-Usher Agency Inc."
"Benjamins, Leonard"
"Bennett & Roney"
"Bennett & White"
"Bennett & Witte"
"Bennett Fuel & Ice Co."
"Bennett lounge chair (art)"
"Bennett Mills Co."
"Bennett Seating Co. (Louisville,KY)"
"Bennett Studios... (Toledo, OH)"
"Bennett, A.L. (Grand Rapids)"
"Bennett, Alonzo H."
"Bennett, J.E."
"Bennett, S.P."
"Bennett, William J."
"Benoit Chain (New England)"
"Bensinger's... (Louisville, KY)"
"Bensinger, Charles"
"Benson Furniture..(Sioux City, IA)"
"Benson, A. Chester"
"Benson, Bennie (Jamestown, NY)"
"Benson, Helma"
"Benson, John A."
"Bent wood in furniture"
"Bent, Roderic L. (Gardner, MA)"
"Bentley's Inc."
"Bentley, Garth (Chicago)"
"Benton & Wolf"
"Benton Harbor (MI) schools"
"Benton Implement Co."
"Benton, Ward F."
"Bentwood chairs"
"Bentwood furniture"
"Benzine as varnish solvent"
"Benzole as solvents"
"Benzole substitutes"
"Berea (KY) College"
"Berea College (Berea, KY)"
"Berg & Nash"
"Berg, J.J."
"Berg, Jacob John"
"Berg, Jacob R."
"Berg, Ysbrandus"
"Berge, Otto (Hyde Park, NY)"
"Berger Auto Parts"
"Berger Mfg. Co. (New York City)"
"Berger, Alex."
"Berger, Charles (Grand Rapids)"
"Berger, Fred"
"Berger, J.R."
"Berger, Morris Jr."
"Berger, William"
"Bergman, Peter"
"Bergman, Walter"
"Bergren, Alex (Jamestown, NY)"
"Berkey & Gay ..(Grand Rapids)"
"Berkey & Gay ... GR)"
"Berkey & Gay ...(Grand Rapids)"
"Berkey & Gay Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Berkey & Gay div., Simmons ..."
"Berkey & Gay div., Simmons..(GR)"
"Berkey & Gay division,Simmons Corp."
"Berkey & Gay Furniture Co."
"Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR)"
"Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Berkey & Gay Furniture Company"
"Berkey & Gay Furniture Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Berkey & Gay Furniture Company (Grand Rapids, MI), examples"
"Berkey & Gay Furniture Company (Grand Rapids, MI), Sheraton Chamber Su"
"Berkey & Gay Furniture Company (Grand Rapids, MI), style Louis XVI"
"Berkey & Gay Furniture Company approve of 10 percent increase (Grand R"
"Berkey & Gay Furniture...(GR)"
"Berkey & Gay plan"
"Berkey & Gay Recovery Corp. (GR)"
"Berkey & Gay Showrooms Inc."
"Berkey & Gay Style Book"
"Berkey * Gay Furniture Co. (GR)"
"Berkey Brothers"
"Berkey's $50 dealer catalog"
"Berkey, Charles H. (Grand Rapids)"
"Berkey, Julius"
"Berkey, William"
"Berkey, William A."
"Berkey, Wm. H. Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Berkhoff, Gerret"
"Berkline Corp. (Morristown, TN)"
"Berkoff & Timmer"
"Berkompas, John H."
"Berkowitz, Hyman"
"Berles, Joseph"
"Berlin (Germany) furniture exhibit"
"Berlin Fair"
"Berlin Furniture Co. (Berlin, Ontario)"
"Berlin Machine Works (Beloit, WI)"
"Berlin Machine Works (Beloit,WI)"
"Berlin Quality"
"Berlin sander for short stock"
"Berman Mfg. Co. (Erie, PA)"
"Berman's, Inc. (Oakland, CA)"
"Berman, B.D."
"Berman, Barnet"
"Berman, Sam"
"Bermudan imports of U.S. furniture"
"Bernard, J. Co. (New York City)"
"Berner, William L."
"Bernhaim, B. & Sons (Philadelphia)"
"Bernhard, Lucian"
"Bernhardt Furniture..(Lenoir, NC)"
"Bernreuther, F.J."
"Berns Furniture.. (Kansas City, MO)"
"Bernstein's ... (Chicago, IL)"
"Bernstein, Aaron"
"Bernstein, Louis (New York City)"
"Bernthal, Otto C."
"Berry Brothers Limited"
"Berry Brothers, Limited"
"Berry, Charles W."
"Berry, George Arthur"
"Berry, Joseph H."
"Bertch Market"
"Bertch, Middleton, Church Inc."
"Bertsch Market"
"Bertsch Market Baking Co."
"Bertsch, Christian"
"Bertsch, Christian (Grand Rapids)"
"Bertsch, John"
"Besancon, William E."
"Bessemer process"
"Bessey Brothers.. (Coffeyville, KS)"
"Best Ever products Co."
"Best, Robert A."
"Besteman & DeMesteer"
"Besteman, Jacob A."
"Bestervelt, T.J."
"Bethlehem (PA) Furniture Co."
"Bettendge Food Shop"
"Better American Homes Week"
"Better Bedrooms Week"
"Better Biscuit Co."
"Better Business Bureaus"
"Better Homes & Gardens magazine"
"Better Homes campaigns"
"Better Homes contests"
"Better Homes Movement"
"Better mechandising of furniture"
"Betteridge, C.F."
"Bettie Furniture ...(Zeeland, MI)"
"Betty Furniture Shops (Zeeland, MI)"
"Beukema, John"
"Beukema, Robert W."
"Bevalacqua, S. (New York City"
"Bevalacqua, S. (New York City)"
"Bevelacqua, Aurelio (Grand Rapids)"
"Bevelacqua, Salvatore (Scarsdale,NY"
"Beveling in plate glass manufacture"
"Beveridge Child Labor Bill"
"Beverly-Grand Rapids Inc."
"Beyer, James"
"Bialostock, Nathan"
"Bible, Book & Gift Shop"
"Bicycle industry"
"Bicycle ordinance"
"Bidwell, Charles"
"Biederman Co. (Spencerville, OH)"
"Biedermeier arm chair"
"Biedermeier dressing table (art)"
"Biedermeier furniture"
"Bielby, Joseph"
"Bielecky Bros. (New York, NY)"
"Bielecky Bros. (Woodside, LI, NY)"
"Biennial Census of Manufacturers"
"Bier, I.S."
"Bierce, Lee"
"Biernacki, Frank (St. Joseph, MO)"
"Big Bay Realty Co."
"Big Four Shoe Co."
"Big G Furniture Works (NYC)"
"Big Hit Food Market"
"Big Mill"
"Big Rapids Furniture Company"
"Big Rapids Furniture Manufacturing Company"
"Big Rapids Furniture Manufacturing Company (Big Rapids, MI)"
"Big Rapids Manufacturing Company"
"Big Six Manufacturers of Evansville, Indiana"
"Bigelow, Clarence E."
"Bigelow, Erastus"
"Bildmor Block Co."
"Bill Elder General Tire Co."
"Bill of lading legislation"
"Billboard advertising"
"Billiard Revolution - the Oval Table"
"Billman, Chauncey C."
"Billow-Lupfer Co. (Columbus, OH)"
"Bills of lading and invoices"
"Bills of lading safeguards"
"Bilt Rite Manufacturing Co."
"Bilt-Rite Mfg. Co. (Atlanta)"
"Bilt-Rite Table Co. (New York City)"
"Biltwell Furniture..(Philadelphia)"
"Biltwell upholstered furniture"
"Bing & Nathan (Buffalo)"
"Bing & Nathan (Buffalo, NY)"
"Bing's... (Cleveland, OH)"
"Bingham Furniture Shops (GR)"
"Bingham, Mary Angelina"
"Binghamton (NY) Chair Co."
"Binghamton (NY) Lounge Co."
"Binghamton (NY) Upholstered ..."
"Binks Mfg. Co. (Chicago)"
"Binks Spray Equipment Co. (Chicago)"
"Biollett, Leopold (Grand Rapids)"
"Birch as furniture wood"
"Birch as imitation of mahogany"
"Birch as imitation walnut"
"Birch dimension stock, drying of"
"Birch furniture"
"Birch stains"
"Birch wood"
"Birch woods"
"Birch woods, varieties of"
"Birch, sanding of"
"Birch-Smith Furn. (Los Angeles, CA)"
"Bird & Waters"
"Bird cage, design"
"Bird shelter and feedery, const."
"Bird shelter and feedery, design"
"Bird's eye maple furniture"
"Bird's-eye maple as cabinet wood"
"Bird's-eye maple furniture"
"Birds Eye Veneer Co. (Escanaba, MI)"
"Birds Eye Veneer..(Escanaba, MI)"
"Birds-eye maple furniture"
"Birely, Charles"
"Birmingham (AL) Furniture and ..."
"Birmingham, AL furniture stores"
"Birney Co."
"Birney's Restaurant"
"Birsdall Funeral Home"
"Bishop & Greenley"
"Bishop Furniture Co."
"Bishop Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Bishop Furniture Co. (Muskegon, MI)"
"Bishop Furniture(N.Kansas City,MO)"
"Bishop, D.W. (North Kansas City,MO)"
"Bishop-Babcock- ...(Indianapolis)"
"Bison Cuty Table Co. (Buffalo, NY)"
"Bison Table Co. (Buffalo, NY)"
"Bissel, Charles H. (Newark,NJ)"
"Bissell Carpet ...(Grand Rapids)"
"Bissell Carpet Sweeper Co."
"Bissell Carpet Sweeper Co. (GR)"
"Bissell Carpet Sweeper Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Bissell Carpet Sweeper Company"
"Bissell Carpet Sweeper Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Bissell Carpet Sweeper Company (Grand Rapids, MI) offers free Japanese"
"Bissell Carpet Sweeper Company (London, England)"
"Bissell Carpet Sweeper..(GR)"
"Bissell Carpet Sweeper...(GR)"
"Bissell, Anna S."
"Bissell, Melville R."
"Biutell, P."
"Bivens Furniture...(Hillsboro, NC)"
"Bixby Office Supply Co."
"Bjorncrantz, Carl G. (Grand Rapids)"
"Black & Decker Mfg... (Towson, MD)"
"Black & Yates Inc. (New York City)"
"Black Bros. Machinery Company"
"Black Bros. Machinery..(Mendota,IL)"
"Black Brothers (Houston, TX)"
"Black Brothers Machinery Company"
"Black Brothers Machinery Company (Mendota IL)"
"Black Brothers Machinery Company (Mendota, IL)"
"Black Brothers' Pioneer Moulding Sander"
"Black Diamond Saw ...(Natick, MA)"
"Black Monument Co."
"Black Plumbing & Heating Co."
"Black Seeded Simpson lettuce"
"Black walnut"
"Black walnut furniture"
"Black walnut furniture revival"
"Black walnut logs as furniture ..."
"Black walnut lumber"
"Black walnut trees"
"Black walnut, market for in Europe"
"Black walnut, U.S. sources of"
"Black walnut, uses in World War I"
"Black's Family Shoe Store"
"Black, Charles W."
"Black, Chas. W."
"Black, Elmer Lewis"
"Black, J. Ray"
"Black, John P."
"Black, Milton W. (Peru, IN)"
"Black, Noel"
"Black, Victor Bernard"
"Blackburn, Hugh (Cincinnati)"
"Blackhawk Furniture...(Rockford,IL)"
"Blacklisting of debtors"
"Blackmar, George H."
"Blackmer Furniture Co. (Denver, CO)"
"Blackmore Bedding Co. (Chicago)"
"Blackport Commission Co."
"Blacksmith Shop photo"
"Blackstock, Thomas (Sheboygan, WI)"
"Blackstock, Thomas M."
"Blaine, John E. (Cincinnati)"
"Blair, Hugh"
"Blaisdell Machinery..(Bradford, PA)"
"Blake & Son"
"Blake, Ernest G."
"Blake, Katherine Aldrich"
"Blake, W. Frederick"
"Blake, William F."
"Blakeley & Co."
"Blakeley & Powers"
"Blakeley Hardware Co."
"Blakeley, C.E."
"Blakely & Jenison"
"Blakeslee Brothers"
"Blakeslee, Archie E."
"Blakeslee, Charles"
"Blanchard - Hamilton Company (Shelbyville, IN)"
"Blanchard - Hamilton Furniture company"
"Blanchard Hamilton Furniture Company (Shelbyville, IN)"
"Blanchard Mfg. Co..(Cleveland, OH)"
"Blanche LeBaron"
"Blanding Co. (Detroit Lakes, MN)"
"Blanding Mfg. Co. (Lake View, MI)"
"Blanksma, Peter"
"Blasy, Louis W."
"Blaugrund, J.B."
"Bleaching processes for woods"
"Bleak, Oliver"
"Blecher, Martin H. (Buffalo)"
"Bledsoe Co. (San Diego, CA)"
"Bleier, Chas. & Co. (Chicago)"
"Blind Co. (Los Angeles, CA)"
"Bliss Manufacturing Co."
"Bliss, Dr."
"Bliss, Merlin (Jamestown, NY)"
"Bliss, Reuben L."
"Bliss, W.J."
"Bliven & Allyn"
"Bliven, Henry M."
"Block & Kohl Co. (Peoria, IL)"
"Block front chest on chest, const."
"Block front chest on chest, design"
"Block front desk, construction"
"Block front desk, design"
"Block-front secretary, c1750 (art)"
"Blockfront furniture"
"Blockman Kuhl Co. (Peoria, IL)"
"Blockraft Inc."
"Blockraft Manufacturing Co."
"Blocksma, Ralph"
"Blodel-Donovan ...(Bellingham, WA)"
"Blodgett Block (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Blodgett Building"
"Blodgett Co., Ltd."
"Blodgett Memorial Hospital"
"Blodgett Package & Storage Co."
"Blodgett, Delos A."
"Blodgett, John W."
"Blodgett, John W. (Grand Rapids)"
"Blodgett, Mrs. John W."
"Blodgett, Mrs. John W. estate"
"Blood albumin as furniture glue"
"Blood, Merrick G."
"Bloom, Max"
"Bloomer, Helen"
"Bloomer, Reuben"
"Bloomfield's ...(Massillon, OH)"
"Bloomfield, Julius"
"Bloomingdale's... (New York, NY)"
"Bloomington (IN) city council"
"Bloomington, Ind."
"Blossom, Ira"
"Blount & Miller"
"Blower systems"
"Blowers, LaVern B."
"Blue Bird Shop"
"Blue Book Publishing Co."
"Blue Delft Imbedded Desk Tops"
"Blue fig furniture of Sydney, Australia"
"Blue Grass Cooperage(Louisville,KY)"
"Blue Ribbon Furn. (Ottawa, IL)"
"Blue Ridge Hickory..(High Point,NC)"
"Blue sky law"
"Blue Valley Creamery Co."
"Bluefield Furniture Co. (Bluefield, WV)"
"Bluefield Furniture Company (Bluefield, WV)"
"Bluestone Mattress..(Graham, VA)"
"Blythefield Country Club (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Bobb-Furniture Co. (Kalamazoo, MI)"
"Bobdyl & Miller"
"Bochove & Sanford"
"Bockheim, Frank"
"Bockstege Furniture Company"
"Bockstege Furniture Company (Evansville, IN)"
"Bockstege Furniture.(Evansville,IN)"
"Bockstege Furniture..(Evansville,IN"
"Bockstege, Fred Sr. (Evansville,IN)"
"Bodenstein Clothing Co."
"Boeing Airplane Co. (Seattle)"
"Boerema's Shoe Store"
"Boersma, Martin"
"Boeswinkle, B."
"Bogalusa (LA) Furniture Co."
"Bogenschutz, Nicholas (Northeast,PA"
"Boggs & Buhl's... (Pittsburgh, PA)"
"Bohnert, Joseph F. (Cincinnati)"
"Boice-Crane Co. (Toledo, OH)"
"Boiler corrosion"
"Boiler rooms"
"Boland Lumber Co."
"Boland, William (Grand Rapids)"
"Bolen, William"
"Bolender, Milo"
"Bolhuis Builder Inc."
"Bolhuis Lumber Manufacturing Co."
"Bolles, James C."
"Bolles, Silas K."
"Bolp, David"
"Bolted mission furniture"
"Boltwood, Mrs. Lucius"
"Bombay Reed Furniture(Philadelphia)"
"Bombayreed Willow..(Wilmington,DE)"
"Bon Marche... (Lowell, MA)"
"Bon Ton"
"Bon Ton Pastry Kitchen"
"Bonaparte, Napoleon"
"Bond, V.C. and Sons (London, UK)"
"Bondholders Corp."
"Bone glue"
"Bone, H.O."
"Bongaars, Gerry"
"Bonnell, J.C."
"Bonnell, John C."
"Bonnell, John H."
"Bonner, Sydney N. (Chicago)"
"Bonus system"
"Booher, Charles"
"Book ends"
"Book ends, construction"
"Book ends, design"
"Book of Projects"
"Book rack, construction"
"Book rack, construction of"
"Book rack, design"
"Book rack, design of"
"Book Review"
"Book reviews"
"Book stand and side table, const."
"Book stand and side table, design"
"Book trough, construction of"
"Book trough, design of"
"Book, "Complete House Furnishings, Interior Decorations and Household"
"Book, "Hints on Household Taste" by Charles Eastlake"
"Book, "Historic Styles in Furniture" by Virginia Robie"
"Book, "Industrial Education" by Paul H. Hanus"
"Book, "New Note in Furnishings" by Warings of London"
"Book, "Tales of the Road" on how to sell goods"
"book, "The Slaughter of the Trees by Emerson Hough"
"Book, "William Morris, His Art, His Writings and His Public Life" by A"
"Book, Trade Periodical Company, history of period furniture styles"
"Book/magazine stand, construction"
"Book/magazine stand, design"
"Bookbinding business"
"Bookcase desks"
"Bookcase m,ade of black bean wood"
"Bookcase, construction"
"Bookcase, construction of"
"Bookcase, design"
"Bookcase, design of"
"Bookrack, design"
"Bookrest, construction"
"Bookrest, design"
"Books and catalogs"
"Books and publications"
"Books on Furniture - Specimens of Antique Furniture and Woodwork"
"Bookstand/magazine rack, const."
"Bookstand/magazine rack, design"
"Bool reviews"
"Boone, Gerrit J."
"Booster campaigns"
"Boot & Co."
"Booth Furniture Co. (Dayton, OH)"
"Booth Furniture... (Shreveport, LA)"
"Booth, Ballington"
"Booth, George B."
"Booth, Harry J."
"Booth, John (Indianapolis)"
"Booth, Ralph H."
"Bootlegged furniture"
"Boots and shoes"
"Borax style"
"Borax styles"
"Borden Cabinet Co. (Louisville, KY)"
"Borden Co."
"Borden, Arthur N."
"Borg Furniture Co. (St. Paul, MN)"
"Borgeld, Herman (Grand Rapids)"
"Borgman Stores Inc."
"Borgman, Dick"
"Borgman, Fred"
"Borgman, H.P."
"Borgmeier, Adolph"
"Born, Barnhart"
"Borneo as source of cane"
"Boscobel (WI) Table Mfg. Co."
"Bosma Laboratories Inc."
"Bosma, Albert"
"Boss & Norton"
"Boss Carving Works"
"Boss, Orrie"
"Boss-Norton Company"
"Bosscher, R."
"Bosse (Africa, west coast)"
"Bosse Furniture Company"
"Bosse Furniture Company (Evansville, IN)"
"Bosse Furniture Company (Evansville, IN), cabinet"
"Bosse, Benj. (Evansville, IN)"
"Bosse, Benjamin (Evansville, IN)"
"Bosse, Gilbert H. (Evansville, IN)"
"Bosse, Henry F. (Evansville, IN)"
"Bostock & Welter Cigar Co."
"Boston (MA) Better Homes Show"
"Boston (MA) Home Beautiful Expo."
"Boston Chamber of Commerce"
"Boston furnituire exposition"
"Boston furniture exposition"
"Boston furniture expositions"
"Boston furniture industry, decline"
"Boston Furniture Market"
"Boston Furniture Mart"
"Boston Museum of Art"
"Boston Museum of Fine Art"
"Boston Museum of Fine Arts"
"Boston Tea Co."
"Boston Trade School"
"Boston Upholstered..(Buffalo)"
"Boston Willow ...(Cambridge, MA)"
"Boston, MA furniture industry"
"Boston, MA furniture market"
"Bostwick Roofing Co."
"Bostwick, Edwin B."
"Bostwick, Edwin D."
"Bostwick, Harold B."
"Botanical Decorating Company"
"Both Dundee and Calcutta Markets are active"
"Botsford Bros."
"Botsford, Harry"
"Botsford, James E."
"Bott, C.M. Furniture..(Buffalo, NY)"
"Bouck, George E."
"Boudoir secretary, construction"
"Boudoir secretary, design"
"Bough, Charles"
"Boughnere, E."
"Boughton, G.W."
"Boughton, William"
"Bouille work"
"Boule, Andre Charles (France)"
"Boulle, Andre Charles"
"Bouma, Peter"
"Bourdon, Robert W."
"Bourget, U. Paul"
"Bousman Manufacturing Co."
"Boutell Bros. (Minneapolis)"
"Boutell Bros. (Minneapolis, MN)"
"Boutell's Good Furniture"
"Bouwens, Cornelius C."
"Bouwens-Chase Electric Co."
"Bowditch & Salm"
"Bowen Refrigerators (Fon du Lac, WI)"
"Bowen, John E."
"Bowen, William A."
"Bowen, William A. (Grand Rapids)"
"Bowers, Homer"
"Bowersox, J.W. (St. Petersburg)"
"Bowman & Co."
"Bowman & Page Manufacturing Co."
"Bowman, Charles R."
"Bowne Cadillac Co."
"Bowne, Combs & Stryker"
"Bowring, Edward L."
"Box and Crate Manufacturing Co."
"Box board industry"
"Box or I-Ma-Da furniture"
"Boy Scouts of America"
"Boyce, Ernest E."
"Boyce, Jonathan"
"Boycott of German goods (post-war)"
"Boyd, E.L."
"Boyd, T.M."
"Boyd, Thomas M. (Grand Rapids)"
"Boydston, Walter"
"Boyer, Peter"
"Boyer-Campbell Co. (Detroit)"
"Boyes & Blandford"
"Boyle Furniture Co. (Ogden, UT)"
"Boyle Furniture Company (Ogden, UT)"
"Boyle, A. McLaren"
"Boyle, Russell J."
"Boylen, Thomas P. Sr."
"Boyne City Lumber Co."
"Boyns, William H."
"Boynton & Company"
"Boynton, H.C."
"Boynton, Jeremiah W."
"Boynton, Jerry"
"Boynton, N. Wallace"
"Boys orchestra"
"Brace Upholstery Co."
"Brace Upholstery Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Bracey, Walter W."
"Bradburn's... (Houston, TX)"
"Bradburn, J.D."
"Bradbury, Ivor Conrad"
"Bradfield & Co."
"Bradfield Agency"
"Bradfield, Homer B."
"Bradford & Co."
"Bradford (PA) Furniture Co."
"Bradford fasts"
"Bradford Furn. (New Orleans, LA)"
"Bradford Furniture..(Nashville, TN)"
"Bradford Wholesale..(Nashville, TN)"
"Bradford Wholesale..(Nashville,TN)"
"Bradford, Audio"
"Bradford, Benjamin"
"Bradford, Boaz"
"Bradford, C.M."
"Bradford, H.B."
"Bradford, James N."
"Bradford, Lewis C."
"Bradford, Mrs. H.B."
"Bradford-Burns Co."
"Bradley & Calhoun"
"Bradley & Herrick"
"Bradley Heights, Ill."
"Bradley Luber Co. (Warren, AR)"
"Bradley, Charles H."
"Bradley, Dan F."
"Bradley, Dr."
"Bradley, Edson"
"Bradley, Harold S."
"Bradley, John W. (Wichita Falls,TX)"
"Bradley, Ray"
"Bradshaw, W.G. (High Point, NC)"
"Bradstreet Co."
"Brady Machinery..(Traverse City,MI)"
"Brainerd & Thornton"
"Braman, Oscar W."
"Bramson, Joseph H. (New York City)"
"Branch banking system"
"Branch, Elam E."
"Branch, W.P."
"Brand names"
"Brandbenburger, L.E. (Indianapolis)"
"Branded furniture"
"Branded Furniture Association"
"Brandeis Stores... (Omaha, NE)"
"Brandenburger, L.E. (Indianapolis)"
"Brandenburger, R.E. (Indianapolis)"
"Brandow, John W."
"Brandt Cabinet... (Hagerstown, MD)"
"Brandt, Paul A. Co. (Fort Worth)"
"Brandt, W.G."
"Brandts Furniture ...(Celina, OH)"
"Brandwein, H.G. (Chicago)"
"Bransky, Harry"
"Brantley, Paul"
"Brass & Iron Bed Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Brass and copper"
"Brass bed industry"
"Brass bed industry and price fixing"
"Brass beds"
"Brass metal beds, construction of"
"Brass metal beds, design of"
"Brass trimmings/decorations"
"Brass tubing"
"Brass tubings"
"Brasted & Jeffers (Canisteo, NY)"
"Braudy family"
"Braun & Grady"
"Braun Veneer Co. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Braun, Francis F. (Cincinnati)"
"Braun, Peter"
"Bravata, Sam"
"Braymes Mfg. Co. (Philadelphia, PA)"
"Brazil (IN) Furniture Co."
"Brazil as source of sucupira"
"Brazil furniture industry"
"Brazil goat skins export to U.S."
"Brazilian cabinet woods"
"Brazilian fiber industry"
"Brazilian furniture imports"
"Brazilian furniture industry"
"Brazilian furniture woods"
"Brazilian furnmiture industry"
"Brazilian metal bed industry"
"Brazilian mistrust of U.S."
"Brazilian rosewoods"
"Brazilian rosewoods exports to U.S."
"Brazilian tariffs on furniture"
"Brazing of band saws"
"Breakfast table Sheraton style(art)"
"Breakfast table, construction"
"Breakfast table, design"
"Breakfront from Blueprint ...(art)"
"Brearley-Hamilton Co."
"Brearly, H.K."
"Brebner Tractor & Equipment Co."
"Breece Mfg. Co. (Portsmouth, OH)"
"Breece Mfg. Co. (Portsmouth,OH)"
"Breen & Halladay"
"Breen Bros. Job Shop"
"Breen, Deyo L."
"Breidenthal Co. (Kansas City, KS)"
"Brenham (TX) Furniture Co."
"Brenner, David"
"Brent Furniture.. (Los Angeles, CA)"
"Brentall Living..(Birmingham, AL)"
"Brentnall Furniture..(Birmingham,AL"
"Brentner, W.R."
"Brentwood furniture"
"Brettschneider... (Appleton, WI)"
"Breuer Electric Mfg. Co. (Chicago)"
"Breuner's... (Oakland, CA)"
"Breuner's... (Sacramento, CA)"
"Breuner's... (San Francisco, CA)"
"Breuner, John IV"
"Breuner, Louis F."
"Breuner, Louis J."
"Brevolite Lacquer...(N. Chicago,IL)"
"Brewer Manufacturing Co."
"Brewer, Charles (Herkimer, NY)"
"Brewer, Joseph H."
"Brewer, Joseph H. (Grand Rapids)"
"Brewery Holding Co."
"Brewing industry"
"Brewster Aeronautical Corp."
"Brewster, W.D."
"Briar wood pipes"
"Bric-a-brac cabinets"
"Brickert, William H. (Indianapolis)"
"Brickhauer, G.W. (Plymouth, WI)"
"Brickwede Bros. Co. (Marietta, OH)"
"Brickwede, F.M. (Marietta, OH)"
"Bridal furniture"
"Bride's House (New York, NY)"
"Bridge and bridge sets"
"Bridge lamp, construction"
"Bridge lamp, design"
"Bridge Street"
"Bridge Street Furniture & Stove Co."
"Bridge Street Pharmacy"
"Bridgeport Wood Finishing Co. (New Milford, CT)"
"Bridgeport (CT) Brass Co."
"Bridgeport (CT) Chair Co."
"Bridgeport (CT) Wood Finishing Co."
"Bridgeport Wood Finishing Company"
"brief description of the new shops of the Grand Rapids Hand Screw Comp"
"brief history of the Grand Rapids furniture exposition"
"Brief history of wood carving"
"Brienz, Switzerland"
"Briggs, George G."
"Brigham, Louise"
"Brightrall, William C."
"Brink Shoe Store"
"Brink, Adrian"
"Brink, C.A."
"Brink, Hobart"
"Brink, Howard C."
"Brink, William John"
"Brisbane, Arthur (Barstow, CA)"
"Bristol Co. (New York City)"
"Bristol Co. (Waterbury, CT)"
"Bristol Co. of Canada Ltd.(Toronto)"
"British airplane production"
"British Board of Trade"
"British Columbian Lumber Industries create demand for American Machine"
"British embargo of U.S.-made goods"
"British Empire Exhibition"
"British furniture design"
"British furniture designs"
"British furniture exports to U.S."
"British furniture industry"
"British furniture industry in WW II"
"British Guiana, source of mora"
"British Honduras mahogany industry"
"British Industries Fair (London)"
"British metal bed industry"
"British Mosquito bomber"
"British post-World War I planning"
"British technical education"
"British upholstery fabrics"
"British West Indies"
"Brittain, John"
"Brittain, Olive"
"Brittany commode ...(art)"
"Broad, Alfred"
"Broadbent Table Co. (Baltimore,MD)"
"Broadcasting trade talk (column)"
"Broadway Cut Rate Market"
"Broadway... (Los Angeles, CA)"
"Brocade fabric"
"Brockmeyer Piano Co."
"Brockton (NY) Furniture Co."
"Brockway, C.A."
"Brockway, Clark A. (Ft. Plains, NY)"
"Brocton (NY) Furniture Co."
"Brocton Furniture Co. (Fredonia,NY)"
"Broderick & Son"
"Broderick, Mrs. J.E."
"Broene Bros."
"Broersma, John"
"Brogger, Bernhardt"
"Brogger, Fred J."
"Brolin, W.A."
"Broman, Lorence K."
"Bronkema, Mrs. Nel"
"Bronstein, Samuel (St. Paul, MN)"
"Bronx Furniture Co. (NYC)"
"Bronze powders"
"Bronze Seal Line"
"Brook, Clarence C."
"Brooklyn (NY) Chair Co."
"Brooklyn (NY) Furniture Co."
"Brooklyn Museum"
"Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute"
"Brooklyn, NY furniture industry"
"Brookmeier & Goldberg"
"Brooks Candy Co."
"Brooks Parlor Furniture(St. Louis)"
"Brooks Parlor...(Minneapolis)"
"Brooks, A.E."
"Brooks, Charles Jr. (Gardner, MA)"
"Brooks, Charles S."
"Brooks, Eddy A."
"Brooks, Harry"
"Brooks, Marcus D."
"Brooks, Oliver G."
"Brooks, Walter H."
"Broomhall Tire & Supply"
"Bros, Artz"
"Brose & Weeber"
"Brostrom, Charles"
"Brotherhood movement"
"Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters"
"Brothers Bedding.(Fountain City,TN)"
"Brothers Furniture.. (Marietta, OH)"
"Brouwer, Gerrit J."
"Brower Furniture Co."
"Brower Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Brower Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Brower, Everell S."
"Brower, John E."
"Brower, John H. (Newburgh, NY)"
"Brower, John M."
"Brower, John Mershon (Grand Rapids)"
"Brown & Sehler Co."
"Brown & Simonds Co. (Boston)"
"Brown & Tusch"
"Brown birdseyes maple"
"Brown Bros. (Grand Junction, CO)"
"Brown Brothers (Cleveland, OH)"
"Brown Brothers Co. (Gardner, MA)"
"Brown Furniture Co. (Honesdale, PA)"
"Brown Land and ...(Rhinelander, WI)"
"Brown Lumber Co. (Manistique, MI)"
"Brown Lz(sic) Adam"
"Brown Saltman Co. (Southgate, CA)"
"Brown Seed Co."
"Brown textured woods"
"Brown's Seed Store"
"Brown, Alfred J."
"Brown, Arthur C. (Grand Rapids)"
"Brown, Charles S. (St. Louis)"
"Brown, Clyde E."
"Brown, Eddie Paul"
"Brown, Geo. C. & Co. (Proctor, TN)"
"Brown, Hall & Co."
"Brown, Hyman"
"Brown, Isabelle"
"Brown, J.H."
"Brown, J.L."
"Brown, J.R. (Juneau, WI)"
"Brown, John"
"Brown, Nelson (Syracuse, NY)"
"Brown, R.E."
"Brown, R.S."
"Brown, Sidney (Los Angeles)"
"Brown, Sir James Crichton"
"Brown, T. Herschel"
"Brown, W.P. & Sons..(Louisville,KY)"
"Brown-Everts Lumber..(Memphis, TN)"
"Brown-Irion Co. (Frankfort, KY)"
"Brown-Saltman (Los Angeles)"
"Brown-Saltman Co. (Los Angeles)"
"Brown-Saltman Upholstery ..(LA)"
"Brown-Umlandt... (Evanston, IL)"
"Brownell, William L."
"Browning Hotel"
"Browning Joy Shop"
"Browning Realty Co."
"Browning, George W."
"Broyhill Furniture...(Lenoir, NC)"
"Broyhill, J.E. (Lenoir, NC)"
"Broyles, W.O."
"Brubaker Studio Co."
"Bruce Pub. Co. (Milwaukee)"
"Bruder, Cornelius (Grand Rapids)"
"Bruff W. Olin Inc."
"Bruggema & Ludwig"
"Brugma, Clarence"
"Bruinooge, John"
"Brumby, Thomas M. Sr. (Marietta,GA)"
"Brummeler & Terhaar"
"Brummeler, John A."
"Brummeler, Mrs. John A."
"Brummeler, Richard"
"Brummeler-VanStrien Co."
"Brunswick - Balke - Collander Company (Muskegon, MI)"
"Brunswick - Balke - Collender Company (Chicago, IL)"
"Brunswick - Balke - Collender Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Brunswick - Balke - Collender Company (Muskegon, MI)"
"Brunswick - Balke Billiard Table Company (Muskegon, MI)"
"Brush making"
"Brushaber Co. (Detroit, MI)"
"Brushaber, J."
"Brushless varnishing"
"Brussels (Belgium) Museum of ..."
"Brussels carved chest (art)"
"Brussels, Belgium"
"Bry, Paul"
"Bry, Paul (New York City)"
"Bry, Paul (New YTork City)"
"Bryan & Co."
"Bryant & Thaxton... (Decatur, GA)"
"Bryer, Charles (Grand Rapids)"
"Bryson, George B."
"Buccaneer treasure chest (const.)"
"Buccaneer treasure chest (design)"
"Buchanan Cabinet Co. (Buchanan, MI)"
"Buchanan Cabinet Company"
"Buchanan Cabinet Company (Buchanan, MI)"
"Buchanan Cabinet Company (Buchanan, MI) and the disappearance of timbe"
"Buchanan, John L."
"Buchanan, R.R."
"Buchanan, W.J."
"Buck Stove & Range. (St. Louis, MO)"
"Buck, Bailey Russell"
"Buck, E.R. Co. (Clinton, MA)"
"Buck, Etta J."
"Buck, Harold W."
"Buckbee, John Sr. (Minneapolis)"
"Bucket shops"
"Buckeye Chair Co. (Ravenna, OH)"
"Buckeye Furniture Co. (Toledo, OH)"
"Buckeye Machine Co. (Lima, OH)"
"Buckley-Newhall Co. (New York, NY)"
"Buckner, Samuel G."
"Buckstaff Co. (Oshkosh, WI)"
"Budde, George H."
"Buehner Chair Company"
"Buel, Arthur"
"Buelke, E.A. (Juneau, WI)"
"Buenos Aires, Argentina"
"Buenos Aires, Argentina market"
"Buettner Furniture Co. (Burlington, IA)"
"Buettner Furniture Co. (St. Louis, MO)"
"Buffalo (NY) Davenport Bed Co."
"Buffalo (NY) Forge Co."
"Buffalo (NY) Grand Upholstering Co."
"Buffalo (NY) Lounge Co."
"Buffalo Forge Co."
"Buffalo furniture industry"
"Buffalo furniture strikes"
"Buffalo Lounge Co."
"Buffalo Manufacturer"
"Buffalo Sanitary Bedding Co."
"Buffalo, NY exposition"
"Buffalo, NY furniture industry"
"Buffeln, Hubbert & ...(Tacoma, WA)"
"Buffet, construction"
"Buffet, design"
"Buick Motor Sales Co."
"Build-in furniture"
"Builders' Exchange (Akron, OH)"
"Building and loan associations"
"Building boom"
"Building boom in Detroit continues"
"Building construction"
"Building construction survey, 1923"
"Building industry"
"Building modernization"
"Built-in furniture"
"Built-in furniture parts"
"Built-in storage components"
"Buiten-Shank Furniture Co."
"Bukolt, John"
"Bukowski, L.J."
"Bulgarian prints"
"Bulkley, Lemon & Co."
"Bulkley, Lemon & Hoops"
"Bull Furniture Co. (Tulsa, OK)"
"Bull market"
"Bull, P.H."
"Bullard, Charles A."
"Bullis, George W."
"Bullock's... (Los Angeles, CA)"
"Bullock, Ernest W."
"Bullock, Frank (Beverly Hills, CA)"
"Bultema Bros. Fuel Co."
"Bultema Timmer Fuel Co."
"Bunch Furniture.. (Statesville, NC)"
"Bunch, A.W."
"Bundy, H.J."
"Bungalow Beautiful (Atlantic City, NJ))"
"Bungalow furniture"
"Bunker, George W."
"Bunting & Co."
"Bunting & Davis"
"Bunting, C.C."
"Bunting, J.R. Bedding.(Philadelphia"
"Buntng & Shedd"
"Buodoir furniture"
"Burch, A.F. Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Burch, Estelle P."
"Burch, George"
"Burchfield, A.H. Jr."
"Burdick & Murray... (Madison, WI)"
"Burdick, George"
"Burdick, R.P."
"Burdine's... (Miami, FL)"
"Bureau du Roi"
"Bureau du Roi (art)"
"Bureau of Census"
"Bureau of Commercial Economics"
"Bureau of Foreign and Domestic ..."
"Bureau of Statistics"
"Bureau of the Census"
"Burger, Ernest"
"Burgess, Walter N."
"Burgess-Nash Co. (Omaha, NE)"
"Burggraaff, James J."
"Burke, Edmund"
"Burkhardt Bros. Co."
"Burkhardt Co. (Detroit)"
"Burkhardt Furniture Company (Dayton, OH)"
"Burkhardt, Charles E.(Grand Rapids)"
"Burkhardt, E."
"Burkhardt, Richard F. (Dayton,OH)"
"Burkhardt, Richard P. (Daton,OH)"
"Burkhart & Son Packing Co."
"Burkhart Mfg. Co. (St. Louis)"
"Burkhart, F. Mfg. Co. (St. Louis)"
"Burkhead & Collins Drug Co."
"Burlap and Jute buyers wait for crop harvest to determine prices"
"Burlap anmd burlapping"
"Burlap Demand Heavy"
"Burled wood lowboy (art)"
"Burleson Hotel"
"Burleson Sanitarium"
"Burleson, Edward Gyde"
"Burleson, Frederick E."
"Burleson, John F."
"Burleson, Willard M."
"Burletson, W.I. (Ionia, MI)"
"Burlingame, George (Live Oak, CA)"
"Burlington House (London, England)"
"Burlington, IA, furniture industry"
"Burls for veneers"
"Burma, prime source of teak"
"Burman, Burney (Grand Rapids)"
"Burmaster, Everett (Irving, NY)"
"Burmese teak wood"
"Burnett, David house"
"Burnett, Tom B. & Co. (Dallas, TX)"
"Burnett, Verne A."
"Burnett-Klapper Co. (Atlanta)"
"Burnham, Stoepel & Co."
"Burns & Bassick ..(Bridgeport, CT)"
"Burns & Bassick Co. (Bridgeport,CT)"
"Burns & Bassick Co. (Meriden, CT)"
"Burns Creamery Co."
"Burns, Robert H."
"Burns, Wilbur S."
"Burns, William F."
"Burow, N.E. (New York City)"
"Burpee, Henry"
"Burr elm furniture"
"Burr, Harry H."
"Burritt, Henry W. (Grand ERapids)"
"Burroughs Furn. (Bottle Hill, NJ)"
"Burroughs Furn. (Madison, NJ)"
"Burroughs, Preston A."
"Burrows Bros. &..(Picutre Rocks,PA)"
"Burrows Bros. (Picutre Rocks, PA)"
"Burrows Brothers..(Picture Rock,PA)"
"Burrows, John"
"Burrows, S.H. (Picture Rocks, PA)"
"Burt Bros."
"Burt Brothers"
"Burt Brothers (Philadelphia, PA)"
"Burt Brothers ...(Philadelphia)"
"Burt's Place"
"Burt, Harold R. (Philadelphia)"
"Burt, Wellington R."
"Burtch, H.F."
"Burton Bronze Co."
"Burton farm"
"Burton Food Shoppe"
"Burton Heights"
"Burton Heights Co-operative Oil Co."
"Burton Heights Dry Goods Co."
"Burton Heights Fuel and Building..."
"Burton Heights Tire Service Station"
"Burton Upholstery ..(High Point,NC)"
"Burton, Barney"
"Burton, LeRoy"
"Burton, Marcus LeRoy"
"Burton, O.M. (Chicago)"
"Burton, William H."
"Buschman & Company (Cleveland, OH)"
"Bush & Lane Piano Co. (Holland, MI)"
"Bush, Mr."
"Bush, S.M. (Cotton Plant, AR)"
"Bush, Sietse W."
"Business Accounting"
"Business condition"
"Business conditions"
"Business Conditions Weekly"
"Business conditons"
"Business correspondence"
"Business cycles"
"Business depressions"
"Business failures"
"Business failures/dissolutions"
"Business in San Francisco Demoralized by Labor Troubles and a Halt in"
"business management"
"Business recovery"
"Business schools"
"Business surveys"
"Buskirk Baking Co."
"Buss Machine Works"
"Buss Machine Works (Holland, MI)"
"Buss Machine Works business booming (Holland, MI)"
"Bustraan Coal Co."
"Butcher Boy Meat Market"
"Butcher, Fred A."
"Butcher, John D."
"Butler & Wray"
"Butler Bros. (Oklahoma City)"
"Butler Brothers (New York, NY)"
"Butler family (Montgomery, AL)"
"Butler Mfg. Co. (Syracuse, NY)"
"Butler Specialty Co. (Chicago)"
"Butler, Charles H."
"Butte (MT) Country Club"
"Butter trade"
"Butterbaugh, Wayne E."
"Butterfield, Roger W."
"Butterfield, Roger W.(Grand Rapids)"
"Butterfly table (art)"
"Butterworth & Lowe"
"Butterworth & Lowe (Grand Rapids)"
"Butterworth building"
"Butterworth Hospital"
"Butterworth, Irvin"
"Butts, William M."
"Buy-A-Cotton Mattress"
"Buy-a-Cotton-Mattress campaign"
"Buyer dining at the Grand Rapids Furniture Exposition"
"Buys, Adrian"
"Buys, John A."
"Buzskiewicz, Martin"
"Buzz planer as glue jointer"
"Byl, Martin"
"Byle, Richard"
"Bylenga, Harry"
"Byrne, Camillus"
"Byrne, James"
"Byrne, Leo J."
"Byrns, C.J. (Escanaba, MI)"
"Byrns, Charles (Escanaba, MI)"
"Byzantine style"
"C-C Sales Corp."
"C-W Plywood Co. (Chicago)"
"C. Frautschi & Sons (Madison, WI)"
"C. Hennecke Co. (Milwaukee, WI)"
"C. Lawrence Cook Co. (Pittsburgh,PA)"
"C. Mattison Machine Company"
"C. Mattison Machine Works"
"C. Mattison Machine Works (Beloit, WI)"
"C. Niss & Sons (Milwaukee, WI)"
"C. Robert Hooper (Salamanca, NY)"
"C. Thomas Stores Inc."
"C.&S. Furniture (Wilkes-Barre, PA)"
"C.A. Bishop & Sons Inc."
"C.A. Johnson"
"C.A. Lamb & Co."
"C.A. Lauzon Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"C.A. Middleton & Co."
"C.A. Mitts Cigar Co."
"C.A. Rosenberry & Sons (Bay City, MI)"
"C.A. Strack & Son (York, PA)"
"C.A. Warner & Co."
"C.B. Chatfield"
"C.B. Hibbard Manufacturing Co."
"C.B. Kelsey Co."
"C.B.K. Electric Service Co."
"C.C. Follmer & Co."
"C.C. James Co."
"C.C. James Roofing Co."
"C.C. Wormer Machinery Company"
"C.D. Crittenden Co."
"C.D. Widman & Co. (Detroit, MI)"
"C.E. Hull & Son"
"C.E. Long & Co."
"C.F. Brower & Co. (Lexington, KY)"
"C.F. Cade Fixture... (Plymouth, WI)"
"C.F. Hoover Furniture... (York, PA)"
"C.F. Murray-Smith (Wilkes-Barre, PA)"
"C.F. Rumpp & Sons (Philadelphia, PA)"
"C.F. Schmoe"
"C.F. Schmoe & Company"
"C.F. Schmoe & Company (Shelbyville, IN)"
"C.F. Thauwald & Co. (Cincinnati, OH)"
"C.G. McColloch & Co."
"C.G. McCulloch & Co."
"C.H. Campbell Furniture Company"
"C.H. Campbell Furniture Company (Shelbyville, IN)"
"C.H. Frazier... (Manitowoc, WI)"
"C.H. Paffendorp... (Newburgh, NY)"
"C.H. Pill Furn. (Ft. Dodge, IA)"
"C.H. Runciman Co."
"C.H. Sonneveldt Co."
"C.H. Yeager Co. (Akron, OH)"
"C.J. Brouwer & Son"
"C.J. Farley & Co."
"C.J. Kindel Bedding Company"
"C.J. Lawrence Brothers Inc."
"C.J. Litscher Realty Co."
"C.J. Thompson & Co."
"C.L. Bunn & Co."
"C.L. Harvey & Co."
"C.M. Ware Co. (Millville, NJ)"
"C.N. Marcellus Co."
"C.N. Rapp & Co."
"C.O. & A.D. Porter"
"C.O. Porter Machinery Co."
"C.S. Leonard & Co."
"C.S. Montgomery"
"C.S. Paine Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"C.S. Paine Co., Ltd."
"C.S. Paine Company"
"C.S. Paine Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"C.S. Paine Company (Grand Rapids, MI), seating"
"C.S. Paine Company, Ltd."
"C.S. Paine Furniture Co. (GR)"
"C.S. Yale & Bros."
"C.W. Broersma women's apparel store"
"C.W. Daniels Co. (CO Springs, CO)"
"C.W. Fischer Co. (Milwaukee, WI)"
"C.W. Luce & Co. (Glouster, MA)"
"C.W. McClain Co. (Marion, Ohio)"
"C.W. Mills Paper Co."
"C.Y. Thomas Hardware Co."
"Cabinet clasp"
"Cabinet finishing"
"Cabinet for phonograph, const."
"Cabinet for phonograph, design"
"Cabinet furniture"
"Cabinet furniture woods"
"Cabinet furniture, crating of"
"Cabinet in burr elm and ebony"
"Cabinet Makers Company"
"Cabinet Makers Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Cabinet Makers Guild..(Otsego, MI)"
"Cabinet Makers' Guild"
"Cabinet making"
"Cabinet making, English"
"Cabinet making, history of"
"Cabinet Making, Principles of ..."
"Cabinet mounts"
"Cabinet of drawers in walnut and..."
"Cabinet room"
"Cabinet Shops"
"Cabinet Shops (Grand Rapids)"
"Cabinet woods"
"Cabinet woods and veneers"
"Cabinet woods, 18th century"
"Cabinet woods, Australian"
"Cabinet woods, properties of"
"Cabinet, Adam style (art)"
"Cabinet, design"
"Cabinetmakers Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Cabinetmakers Company"
"Cabinetmakers' Company"
"Cabinetmakers' Steel Squares"
"Cabinetsafe trade name"
"Cabirange Co. (Belleville, IL)"
"Cable Piano Co. (Chicago)"
"Cache River Bottoms (Arkansas)"
"Cactus cabinet making (art)"
"Cactus cabinets"
"Cadillac (MI) Chair Co."
"Cadillac Cabinet Company"
"Cadillac Furniture Co. (Detroit, MI)"
"Cady, David D."
"Cady, Fred"
"Caesar, Julius"
"Cahen, Osmond L."
"Cain's Food Market"
"Cain, Forest Arnold"
"Calantas trees"
"Calaveras Land & Timber Corp."
"Calculating board feet"
"Caldemeyer, D.H. (Evansville, IN)"
"Calder, George W."
"Calder, John"
"Calder, Mrs. J.P."
"Calder, W.J."
"Calder, W.J. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Caldwell Wholesale Market"
"Caldwell, Elizabeth (GR native)"
"Caldwell, F.A."
"Caldwell, John (Jamestown, NY)"
"Caldwell-Vernon Co. (Jamestown,NY)"
"Caledonia Co-operative Creamery..."
"Caledonia Oil & Gas Corp."
"Calendar Publishing Co."
"calendar rolls with safety clutch"
"Calhoun Hills Realty Corp."
"Calhoun Photo ...(Grand Rapids)"
"Calhoun Photo Materials Co. (GR)"
"Calhoun Plywood Co. (Sheboygan, WI)"
"Calif-Asia Inc. (Portland)"
"California Arts & ..(Palo Alto, CA)"
"California Chair (Los Angeles, CA)"
"California Divan Co. (Los Angeles)"
"California Exposition Home"
"California forest fires"
"California Furniture (Los Angeles, CA)"
"California Furniture Co. (LA)"
"California furniture dealers"
"California furniture industry"
"California furniture style"
"California Home Exposition"
"California Pacific International..."
"California Palace of the ... (SF)"
"California potatoes"
"California redwoods"
"California Wine Co."
"Calkins & Post Company (Middletown, CT)"
"Calkins farm"
"Calkins-White... (Pueblo, CO)"
"Callahan, Andrew P."
"Callahan, R.T."
"Calles, Elias (Mexican president)"
"Callingham, Bernard"
"Callison's... (Middlesboro, KY)"
"Caloric Co. (Janesville, WI)"
"Caloric Fireless Cookstove Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Calvin College and Seminary"
"Cambridge (OH) Furniture Co."
"Cambridge (OH) Furniture Mfg. Co."
"Camburn, Charles"
"Camburn, Dean"
"Camco Products Co. Inc."
"Camden (AR) Furniture Co."
"Camden (Ark.) Furniture Co."
"Camenisch, Edward T. (Chicago)"
"Cameo Candies"
"Camera Shop"
"Cameron, Amberg & Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"Cameron, T. Carlisle"
"Cameron, T. Carlisle (GR)"
"Cameron, T. Carlyle"
"Cameron, T.Carlise (Allentown,PA)"
"Cameron, Thomas C."
"Cameron, Thomas C. (Grand Rapids)"
"Cameron, William"
"Camp Fire Girls"
"Camp Roger"
"Camp Roosevelt (La Porte, IN)"
"Campau Square Building Co. (GR)"
"Campau, Antoine"
"Campau, Francis (Grand Rapids)"
"Campau, Francis C. (Grand Rapids)"
"Campau, Francis D."
"Campau, Francis D. (Grand Rapids)"
"Campau, Louis"
"Campau, Touissant"
"Campbel, Bill"
"Campbell & Co. Inc."
"Campbell Bill"
"Campbell Mfg. Co. (Shelbyville, IN)"
"Campbell's... (Lake Charles, LA)"
"Campbell, C.H."
"Campbell, Charles F. (Grand Rapids)"
"Campbell, Charles M. (Sacramento, CA)"
"Campbell, Edgar H."
"Campbell, G.W."
"Campbell, J.E."
"Campbell, Ralph O. (Chicago)"
"Campbell, S.J. Co. (Chicago)"
"Campbell, William Dallas"
"Campbell-Smith-Ritchie (Lebanon, IN)"
"Campbell-Smith-Ritchie (Lebanon,IN)"
"Campbellsburg (IN) Furniture Co."
"Camphor wood as novelty"
"Canada-U.S. reciprocity treary"
"Canada-U.S. tariff rates"
"Canada-U.S. trade"
"Canadian customs regulations"
"Canadian furniture designs"
"Canadian furniture exports"
"Canadian furniture expositions"
"Canadian furniture imports"
"Canadian furniture imports from US"
"Canadian furniture industry"
"Canadian furniture manufacturers"
"Canadian furniture taxes"
"Canadian furniture trade"
"Canadian hardwoods"
"Canadian imports of U.S. furniture"
"Canadian lumber imports"
"Canadian lumber industry"
"Canadian Reciprocity Treaty"
"Canadian silver coins"
"Canadian tariff"
"Canadian tariff on U.S. furniture"
"Canadian tariffs"
"Canadian turpentine"
"Canadian-U.S. trade"
"Canal Street"
"Canastota Couch Co. (Newark, NY)"
"Candelilla wax"
"Candian furniture imports"
"Candlestick holder, design"
"Cane exports"
"Cane furniture"
"Cane seat, design"
"Cane seat, weaving"
"Caned arm chair (art)"
"Caned panels"
"Caned side chair (art)"
"Canfield, William S."
"Caning by hand"
"Cann, George W. (Andover, MA)"
"Canning and canneries"
"Cannon Valley ...(Waterville, MN)"
"Canteen Co. of Western Michigan"
"Canteen Service Inc."
"Canton (OH) Cabinet and ..."
"Canton (OH) Home Furnishing Co."
"Cantwell, J.F. (Indianapolis, IN)"
"Cape Cod bedroom"
"Capital Chair Co. (Rockford, IL)"
"Capital City Chair Co. (Atlanta)"
"Capital City Chair Co. (Atlanta,GA)"
"Capital Furniture..(Noblesville,IN)"
"Capital Machine Works (Indianapolis, IN)"
"Capital Seat and Novelty Co.(NYC)"
"Capital-labor relations"
"Capitol Furniture... (New York, NY)"
"Caple-Hall Motor Co."
"Capomo (Central America)"
"Cappel Furniture Co. (Dayton, OH)"
"Cappel, Fred"
"Capper bill"
"Cappon & Bertsch Leather Co."
"Capwell's... (Oakland, CA)"
"Car loading associations"
"Caravan transport plane"
"Carbide tipped tools"
"Carbonatine Hard Finish Co."
"Carborundum Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Carborundum Co. (Niagara Falls, NY)"
"Carborundum Co. (Niagara Falls,NY)"
"Carbundum Co. (Niagara Falls, NY)"
"Card table, history"
"Card tables"
"Card, Frank I."
"Cardinal Cabinet Co. (Wabash, IN)"
"Cardinal Cabinet..(Vincennes, IN)"
"Cardington (OH) Cabinet Co."
"Cardozo Furn. (Minneapolis, MN)"
"Carey Chair Co. (Keene, NH)"
"Carey Chair Mfg. Co. (Keene, NH)"
"Carey, Henry W."
"Cargill Company"
"Cargill, Frank K."
"Cargocraft Aviation Corp."
"Carl F. Hummel"
"Carl Fischer Musical Instrument Co."
"Carlile & Kerr"
"Carlile, Thomas B."
"Carlisle Furniture... (Newark, OH)"
"Carloading departments"
"Carlson Co. (Rockford, IL)"
"Carlson, Al Mfg. Co. (Rockford,IL)"
"Carlson, Clarence A."
"Carlton McLendon...(Montgomery,AL)"
"Carlton, Louis (Gardner, MA)"
"Carlyle, Wesley J."
"Carman Manufacturing..(Portland,OR)"
"Carman-Dykema Co."
"Carmichael Furniture Company (Atlanta, GA)"
"Carnegie Tech (Pittsburgh)"
"Carnegie, Andrew"
"Carnes, Cicero"
"Carnival of Fun"
"Caro, Frank"
"Caro, Leo"
"Carolene Products Co."
"Carolina Furniture..(Stoneville,NC)"
"Carolina Veneer Co. (High Point,NC)"
"Carolina Woodshop..(Charleston,SC)"
"Carp Lake Manufacturing Co."
"Carpenter Bros."
"Carpenter Bros. (Woodland, MI)"
"Carpenter, Edgar"
"Carpenter, Frank G."
"Carpenter, Joseph H."
"Carpenter, Napoleon B."
"Carpenter, Rae Walter"
"Carpenter-Udell Co."
"Carpenters' and Joiners' Union"
"Carpet and Rug Trade"
"Carpet and upholstery wools"
"Carpet industry"
"Carpet sweeper industry"
"Carpet woods"
"Carpet wool"
"Carpet wools"
"Carpet work"
"Carpets versus Rugs"
"Carr & Co."
"Carr & Hicks Furn. (Fostoria, OH)"
"Carr & Pierson"
"Carr, Burt"
"Carr, Henry J."
"Carr, J.M."
"Carr, M.J."
"Carr, Mahlon M."
"Carrara velour"
"Carrel, E.J."
"Carrier Chair..(Elizabethton, TN)"
"Carrier Corp. (Newark, NJ)"
"Carrier Corp. (Syracuse, NY)"
"Carris, James"
"Carroll (NY) Furniture Co."
"Carroll Furniture..(Freesburg, NY)"
"Carroll, Ab"
"Carroll, Mrs. Thomas F."
"Carroll, Thomas F."
"Carroll, Thomas P."
"Carrollton (KY) Furniture Co."
"Carrollton (KY) Furniture Mfg. Co."
"Carrothers Cafeteria"
"Carskadon, J.M."
"Carson Pirie Scott & Co. (Chicago)"
"Carson, Pirie & Scott (Chicago, IL)"
"Carter & Co. (Phoenix, NY)"
"Carter Brothers..(Chattanooga,TN)"
"Carter Co. (New Britain, CT)"
"Carter Products Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Carter, Frank D."
"Carter, H.L."
"Carter, R.L. Co. (Syracuse,NY)"
"Cartier, Louis A."
"Cartier-Holland Lumber..(Ludington)"
"Cartozian Bros. Inc. (Portland, OR)"
"Carved chest with lock (art)"
"Carved hat rack rail"
"Carved oaken chest (art)"
"Carved Swedish corner cabinet"
"Carver armchair (art)"
"Carving machines"
"Cary & Loveridge"
"Cary, L.M."
"Casavan Carrara Marble...(NYC)"
"Cascade Electric Co."
"Cascade Realty Co."
"Cascophen RS-216"
"Case clock, construction of"
"Case clock, design of"
"Case for alarm clock, design"
"Case goods"
"Case goods (art)"
"Case goods industry"
"Case goods makers"
"Case goods manufacturers"
"Case Goods Manufacturers' Association (Chicago, IL.)"
"Case goods manufacturing industry"
"Case goods, demand for"
"Case tubing"
"Case, John D. (Grand Rapids)"
"Casein Co. of America (NYC)"
"Casein fiber from milk"
"Casein glue"
"Casein glues"
"Casein sealer"
"Casein, duties on"
"Casein, tariff on"
"Caseins uses in WW II"
"Cash Buyers Union (Chicago, IL)"
"Cash Buyers Union (New Jersey)"
"Cash Coal Co."
"Cash Furniture and Rug Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Cash registers"
"Cashin, W.C."
"Caslow, W.H."
"Casper-Tinkey ...(South Bend, IN)"
"Cassada, Earl"
"Cassaday, Joshua C. (Alliance, OH)"
"Cassava starch as veneer glue"
"Cassell, Thomas B."
"Casson, Robert (Boston)"
"Cast iron furniture designs (art)"
"Casualties, World War I"
"Caswell Bros."
"Caswell, David"
"Caswell-Runyan Co. (Huntington, IN)"
"Catalogs and other publications"
"Catalogs and publications"
"Catalogs and trade publications"
"Catalogue copyright"
"Catalogue sales"
"Cathedral Gothic library suites"
"Cathey Furniture Co. (Tulsa, OK)"
"Cathey, George T."
"Catholic Diocese of Grand Rapids"
"Cativo (Central America)"
"Cattails (weed) as source of typha"
"Cattell, Alfred M."
"Caufield, George B."
"Caukin, Levant Z."
"Caulfield Brokerage Co."
"Caulfield building"
"Caulfield, John"
"Causes of saw teeth deterioration"
"Cavin, W.A. (Sturgis, MI)"
"Cawker, S.M."
"Cawthra Realty Co."
"Cedar chest, construction"
"Cedar chest, construction of"
"Cedar chest, design"
"Cedar chest, design of"
"Cedar chests"
"Cedar furniture"
"Cedar Industry (name of org.)"
"Cedar lined chest, design"
"Cedar Springs Clipper"
"Cedar Springs Creamery Inc,."
"Cedar Springs Creamery Inc."
"Cedar timber"
"Cedars of Lebanon"
"Cederland, Gus (Grand Rapids)"
"Cedro Granadino"
"Cedro macho"
"Celina (OH) Furniture Co."
"Celina (OH) Specialty Co."
"Celluloid treatment in veneering"
"Celluloid Zapon ...(New York City)"
"Celluloid Zapon Co. (NYC)"
"Celtrite Grocerys"
"Cement household furniture"
"Cement-coated nails"
"Cemetery Receiving Area"
"Census numbers on Chicago's Furniture Manufacturers for 1900-1904"
"Centennial Exposition"
"Center table in oak"
"Centilli & Clines"
"Central America as bamboo source"
"Central American cedar furniture"
"Central American hardwoods"
"Central American mahogany"
"Central Auto Co."
"Central Bank of Grand Rapids"
"Central Bureau of Extension ..."
"Central Chair Co. (Indianapolis)"
"Central Chair Co. (Philadelphia)"
"Central Dry Cleaners & Dyers"
"Central Engraving Co. (GR)"
"Central Freight Association"
"Central Fuel Co."
"Central Furniture Co. (Ft. Wayne)"
"Central Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Central Furniture Co. (Los Angeles)"
"Central Furniture Co. (Rockford,IL)"
"Central Furniture Company"
"Central Furniture..(Rockford, IL)"
"Central Grocery Co."
"Central High School"
"Central Labor Union"
"Central Lake Harness & Shoe Co."
"Central Manufacturing Company (Chicago, IL)"
"Central Metal Bed Co. (Brooklyn,NY)"
"Central Michigan Paper Co."
"Central Michigan University"
"Central Paint Co. (Jackson, MI)"
"Central Realty Co."
"Central States Tire Co."
"Central Westrumite Co."
"Centralized furniture markets"
"Centralized management"
"Century Club chairs"
"Century Fuel & Materials Co."
"Century Furniture Associates"
"Century Furniture Associates Inc."
"Century Furniture Buyers ..."
"Century Furniture Co."
"Century Furniture Co. (GR)"
"Century Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids"
"Century Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Century Furniture Co.(Grand Rapids)"
"Century Furniture Company"
"Century Furniture Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Century Furniture Company (Grand Rapids, MI), catalog"
"Century Furniture Company (Grand Rapids, MI), chair"
"Century Furniture Company (Grand Rapids, MI), chairs"
"Century Furniture Company (Jamestown, NY)"
"Century Furniture Company (Jamestown, NY), case goods"
"Century Furniture.. (Charlotte, NC)"
"Century of Progress Exposition"
"Century of Progress Exposition ..."
"Century-Cypress furniture"
"Ceramic industry"
"Certified Furniture Styles Institute (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Certus cold glue"
"Certus Cold Glue Co. (Minneapolis)"
"Cescinsky, Herbert"
"Ceskinsky, Herbert"
"Cessna Aircraft Co."
"Ceylon ebony"
"Ceylonese kapok industry"
"Chadwick & McQueen"
"Chadwick place"
"Chadwick, C.H."
"Chadwick, Charles"
"Chadwick, Orra"
"Chaffee Bros. Furniture Co."
"Chaffee Bros. Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Chaffee, Burt K."
"Chaffee, Burt K. Jr."
"Chaffee, Guy W."
"Chaffee, Guy W. (Grand Rapids)"
"Chaffee, Owen R."
"Chain stores"
"Chain stores in furniture field"
"Chair & Table manufacturers discuss increasing prices of goods"
"Chair assembling contests"
"Chair Craft Co. (Traverse City, MI)"
"Chair design"
"Chair fabrics"
"Chair foot and leg styles"
"Chair for phone stand, art"
"Chair for phone stand, const."
"Chair in English walnut"
"Chair industry"
"Chair jobbers"
"Chair made by growing trees (art)"
"Chair made of laminated veneers"
"Chair made of wood from shipwrecks"
"Chair making"
"Chair manufacturing industry"
"Chair of lyre back design (art)"
"chair period styles evident in legs and feet"
"Chair production"
"Chair rungs"
"Chair with turned tapering ...(art)"
"Chair, design of"
"Chairs and lounge chairs (art)"
"Chairs and their history"
"Chairs for airplanes"
"Chairs from Czar collection (art)"
"Chairs, Inc. (New York City)"
"Challenge Refrigerator Company"
"Challis, John (Michigan)"
"Chamber chair, design of"
"Chamber dressing table (art)"
"Chamber furniture"
"Chamber furniture designs"
"Chamber furniture, c1887"
"Chamber suite"
"Chamber Suite and Case Makers' Association (Chicago, IL)"
"Chamber Suite and Case Works ..."
"Chamber suite, construction of"
"Chamber suite, design of"
"Chamber suite,, construction of"
"Chamber suites"
"Chamberlain & Co. (New York, NY)"
"Chamberlain Co. (New Haven, CT)"
"Chamberlain Furniture..(Casper,WY)"
"Chamberlain, Glenn R."
"Chamberlain, Johnson.. (Atlanta, GA)"
"Chamberlain, Robert R."
"Chamberlin - Johnson - Dubose Furniture Company (Atlanta, GA)"
"Chambers Mfg. Co. (Shelbyville, IN)"
"Chambersburg (PA) Furniture Co."
"Chamois skin"
"Champion Cash Register Co."
"Champion Mfg. Co. (Portland)"
"Champion, B.M."
"Chandler Industries (Buffalo)"
"Chandler Motor Sales Co."
"Chandler, Zach"
"Chapel Machine Co."
"Chapman, A.V."
"Chapman, B.C."
"Chapman, C.M."
"Chapman, L.J."
"Chapman, M.E."
"Chapman, W.F."
"Chappell Furn. (Kendallville, IN)"
"Chappell, Frank"
"Character Furniture..(Medina, NY)"
"Charak Furniture Co. (Boston)"
"Charak Mfg. Co. (New York City)"
"Charcoal for polishing furniture"
"Charge courtesy card"
"Charles A. Fisher & Company"
"Charles A. Fisher and Company (Lincoln, IL)"
"Charles A. Greenman Co."
"Charles A. Greenman Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Charles A. Hoitt.. (Manchester, NH)"
"Charles A. Voegeler Co. (Baltimore, MD)"
"Charles Belkin Jewelry Co."
"Charles Bennett Furniture Company"
"Charles Bennett Furniture Company (Charlotte, MI), bed"
"Charles Brown & Co. (San Francisco, CA)"
"Charles Chemical Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Charles D. Cussins Co (Columbus, OH)"
"Charles D. Nevitt...(Charlotte, NC)"
"Charles Dregge Lumber Co."
"Charles E. Fuson Inc."
"Charles E. Norton Co."
"Charles Emmerich & Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"Charles F. Bartlett Co."
"Charles F. Shiels & Company"
"Charles G. Jurgens.. (Richmond, VA)"
"Charles Hart & Co. (Hartford, CT)"
"Charles I walnut armchair (art)"
"Charles II chair (1660-1685) (art)"
"Charles II furniture style"
"Charles II inlaid cabinet (art)"
"Charles II side chair (art)"
"Charles II style"
"Charles Karr Co. (Holland, MI)"
"Charles Korrick &... (Phoenix, AZ)"
"Charles M. Ouendag & Son"
"Charles Mfg. Co. (Minneapolis)"
"Charles P. Limbert & Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Charles P. Limbert Company (Holland, MI)"
"Charles R. Sligh Furniture Co."
"Charles S. Hazeltine home"
"Charles S. Hoitt Furniture Co."
"Charles S. Robison... (Atlanta, GA)"
"Charles S. Yale & Co."
"Charles Schroer & Son (Mansfield, OH)"
"Charles Scribner's Sons (NYC)"
"Charles, John"
"Charleston spirit furniture"
"Charlotte (MI) Chair Co."
"Charlotte (MI) Furniture Co."
"Charlotte (MI) Manufacturing Co."
"Charlotte (NC) Furniture Co."
"Charlotte Chair Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Charlotte Manufacturing Company"
"Charlotte Manufacturing Company (Charlotte, MI)"
"Charlotte, MI furniture manufacturers note"
"Charlotte, Michigan furniture manufacturers note"
"Charlson, George P."
"Charon, Desera L."
"Chas. A Fisher & Company"
"Chas. A. Fisher & Company"
"Chas. Bennett Furniture Company"
"Chas. E. Fisher & Company"
"Chas. E. Francis & Bro."
"Chas. E. Francis & Bros."
"Chas. E. Francis & Brother"
"Chas. E. Francis Company"
"Chase & West (Des Moines, IO)"
"Chase Brothers Piano Co."
"Chase, Edith E."
"Chase, Roberts & Company"
"Chase, W.H."
"Chase, W.H. Furniture Co. (GR)"
"Chatfield, C.B. (Grand Rapids)"
"Chats on Period Styles in Furniture"
"Chattanooga (TN) District Furn."
"Chattanooga (TN) Furniture Co."
"Chattanooga (TN) furniture industry"
"Chattanooga Industry Boom"
"Chattanooga, Tennessee factories busy preparing for holiday trade"
"Chattel Loan Co."
"Chattel mortgage"
"Chatter Box Co."
"Chatterson & Son"
"Chautauqua Chair Co. (Jamestown,NY)"
"Chautauqua Plywood ...(Celeron, NY)"
"Chautauqua Veneering Company"
"cheap billiard tables"
"Cheap furniture giveaways for grocery orders"
"Cheboygan Gas Light Co."
"Checkerboard table, construction"
"Checkerboard table, design"
"Checkout systems differ in U.S. and Europe"
"Cheese industry"
"Chegwin, N.J."
"Chek-Neal Coffee Co."
"Chemical dyes"
"Chemical Pub. Inc. (New York City)"
"Chemical re-agents"
"Chemical seasoning of wood"
"Chemical seasoning of woods"
"Chemical transformation of wood"
"Chemical-Mechanics Co."
"Chemically tinted woods"
"Chemistry and furniture making"
"Chemistry, role in furniture making"
"Chemistry, role of in furniture"
"Chemonceau tables"
"Cheney & Barnhart"
"Cheney Brothers (New York City)"
"Cheney, E.J."
"Cheney, Forest (Chicago)"
"Cherokee (IA) Mfg. Co."
"Cherry and maple furniture (art)"
"Cherry as furniture wood"
"Cherry as shop wood"
"Cherry furniture"
"Cherry Market"
"Cherry Rivet Co. (Los Angeles)"
"Cherry smoking stand, design"
"Cherry Street"
"Cherry, use of for cabinet work"
"Cherry, use of for millwork"
"Cherryman, George Earl"
"Cheshire & Powers"
"Cheshire Chair Corp. (Keene, NH)"
"Chesley E. White (Bermuda)"
"Chess & Wymond Co. (Louisville,KY)"
"Chess & Wymond Co., Inc."
"Chess table with 71,000 pieces"
"Chest of drawers"
"Chest of drawers (art)"
"Chest of drawers, c1800-1825"
"Chest of drawers, construction"
"Chest of drawers, design"
"Chest on chest (art)"
"Chesterfield Cabinet..(San Jose,CA)"
"Chesterfield frame, construction"
"Chesterfield Furniture Co. (NYC)"
"Chesterfield Inc."
"Chesterobe Mfg. ..(Nashville, TN)"
"Chestnut blight"
"Chestnutt, James T. (New York City)"
"Cheval dresser, design of"
"Cheval dresser, manufacture of"
"Cheval glass"
"Cheval glass--see also mirrors"
"Chicagi furniture expositions"
"Chicago & Northwestern R.R."
"Chicago & Northwestern Railroad"
"Chicago (IL) Mirror and Art Cut Glass Co."
"Chicago (IL) Mission Furniture Co."
"Chicago (IL) Reedware Mfg."
"Chicago Art Institute"
"Chicago article on home made furniture"
"Chicago Bargain Store"
"Chicago Curled Hair Co."
"Chicago Drive Auto Parts"
"Chicago exposition district"
"Chicago furnituire expositions"
"Chicago Furniture Co."
"Chicago furniture ewxpositions"
"Chicago Furniture Exhibition"
"Chicago furniture exposition"
"Chicago Furniture Exposition Market Report"
"Chicago furniture expositions"
"Chicago furniture industry"
"Chicago furniture manufacturers' busy"
"Chicago furniture market"
"Chicago Furniture Market Attendees"
"Chicago Furniture Mfg. Co."
"Chicago furniture sales"
"Chicago furniture stores"
"Chicago Grand Jury Returns Indictments Against Many Furniture Men"
"Chicago Home Show"
"Chicago House Furnishing Exhibit"
"Chicago Institute of Design"
"Chicago lumber market"
"Chicago lumber report"
"Chicago Manufacturers busy with holiday trade and preparing for the Ex"
"Chicago Mill & Lumber Corp."
"Chicago millionaire merchant"
"Chicago Mirror & Art Glass Company"
"Chicago Mirror & Glass Co."
"Chicago Office Desk Co."
"Chicago Plan for Selling Merchandise"
"Chicago Reedware Mfg. Co."
"Chicago Sample... (Aurora, IL)"
"Chicago School of Design"
"Chicago schools"
"Chicago Tool & Engineering Co."
"Chicago Trades Exposition Co."
"Chicago upholstered furniture ..."
"Chicago Upholstered Furniture Co."
"Chicago Upholsterers Union"
"Chicago upholsterers' strike, 1919"
"Chicago Veneer Co."
"Chicago Veneer Works"
"Chicago versus Grand Rapids for furniture supremacy"
"Chicago Wood Finishing Co."
"Chicago Wood Finishing Company"
"Chicago Wood Finishing Company (Chicago, IL)"
"Chicago Wood Finishing Company (Chicago, IL), new stain"
"Chicago Wood Specialty Co."
"Chicago Workshops, Inc."
"Chicago World's Fair"
"Chicago, IL furniture industry"
"Chicago, IL furniture market"
"Chicago, IL retail furniture trade"
"Chicago, Illinois furniture manufacturers report"
"Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul ..."
"Chicago-GR furniture market rivalry"
"Chick, Charles"
"Chickasaw Wood ...(Memphis, TN)"
"Chickering & Kysor"
"Chickering, Frank"
"Chicky Candies Inc."
"Chicle (Mexico/Central America)"
"Chifforobe, construction"
"Chifforobe, design"
"Chijole tree wood"
"Chijole wood"
"Child Craft Guild (Ludington, MI)"
"Child labor"
"Child Labor in the Home"
"Child Labor issues"
"Child, Ralph"
"Child, Ralph S."
"Children's Home"
"Children's rockers"
"Children's room"
"Children's room, construction of"
"Children's room, design of"
"Children's Vehicle Corp. (Chicago, IL)"
"Childress, A.H."
"Chile furniture industry"
"China cabinet"
"China cabinet in walnut"
"China cabinet, construction of"
"China cabinet, design"
"China cabinet, design of"
"China cabinets"
"China closet in oak, inlaid"
"China closet, construction of"
"China closet, design of"
"China wood oil"
"China-U.S. trade relations"
"Chinese art"
"Chinese art in furniture decoration"
"Chinese blackwood furniture"
"Chinese Chippendale"
"Chinese Chippendale chair (art)"
"Chinese Chippendale furniture"
"Chinese Chippendale sofas"
"Chinese Chippendale style"
"Chinese Chippendale table (art)"
"Chinese control of Aust. fur. ind."
"Chinese decorations"
"Chinese feather exports"
"Chinese furniture"
"Chinese furniture design"
"Chinese furniture industry"
"Chinese lac tree"
"Chinese lacquer"
"Chinese lacquerware industry"
"Chinese Love Story suite"
"Chinese modern furniture motifs"
"Chinese Modern living room (art)"
"Chinese motif in furniture design"
"Chinese rugs"
"Chinnick, W.C."
"Chinoiserie bedroom"
"Chinoiserie bedroom suite"
"Chinoiserie decorations"
"chintz fabrics gaining popularity"
"Chipman, Frank"
"Chipman, George & ..(Baltimore, MD)"
"Chippendale arm chair (art)"
"Chippendale bookcase, design of"
"Chippendale bookcase, making of"
"Chippendale card table, design"
"Chippendale chair"
"Chippendale chair (art)"
"Chippendale chairs"
"Chippendale commode"
"Chippendale console table and ..."
"Chippendale dining room"
"Chippendale fire screen (art)"
"Chippendale fire screen, const."
"Chippendale fire screen, design"
"Chippendale furniture"
"Chippendale furniture ...(art)"
"Chippendale Furniture Designs"
"Chippendale furniture drawings"
"Chippendale furniture style"
"Chippendale occasional chair (art)"
"Chippendale red velvet chair (art)"
"Chippendale side chair (art)"
"Chippendale sideboard, design of"
"Chippendale style"
"Chippendale style card table (art)"
"Chippendale style chair (art)"
"Chippendale style clock (art)"
"Chippendale style fire screen (Art)"
"Chippendale style sofa (art)"
"Chippendale styles"
"Chippendale table, construction of"
"Chippendale table, design of"
"Chippendale wing chair"
"Chippendale's (Chicago)"
"Chippendale, Thomas"
"Chippewa Indians"
"Chittenden & Eastman Co. (Burlington, VT)"
"Chittenden, W.J. Jr."
"Choals Electric Co."
"Choals, Harry F."
"Choate - Hollister Furniture Company"
"Choate - Hollister Furniture Company (Janesville, WI)"
"Chocolate Cooler Co."
"Chown & Caukin Inc."
"Christensen's Drug Store"
"Christenson Ice & Fuel Co."
"Christenson, John C."
"Christian Coffee Corp."
"Christian Psychopathic Hospital"
"Christian Reformed Church"
"Christiansen Drug Co."
"Christiansen, William"
"Christianson's... (Savannah, MO)"
"Christianson, Carl"
"Christianson, E.M."
"Christlieb, G.G."
"Christmas Club plan"
"Christmas furniture"
"Christmas is a profitable time of year"
"Christmas story in wood carvings"
"Christy Products Co. (Buffalo)"
"Christy, Wynn"
"Chrome leather, manufacture of"
"Chrysler & Koppin (Detroit)"
"Chrysler's Variety Store"
"Chubb's Tavern"
"Chubb, Eva Irene"
"Church & West"
"Church altars, freight rates on"
"Church Finish Co."
"Church furniture"
"Church, C.J."
"Church, George E."
"Chute & Stynbaugh"
"Ciak Bros."
"Cicero Timber and Lumber Co."
"Cigar industry"
"Cigar making industry"
"Cigarette smoking"
"Cilley, V.I."
"Cimini, Paul L."
"Cincinnati furniture exposition"
"Cincinnati furniture industry"
"Cincinnati reed furniture industry"
"Cincinnati Steel Furniture Co."
"Cincinnati, OH furniture market"
"Cinovax Co."
"Circassian burls"
"Circassian veneers"
"Circassian walnut"
"Circassian walnut furniture"
"Circassian walnut shortage"
"Circassian walnut veneer"
"Circassian walnut, original home of"
"Circassian walnut, range of"
"circular aerial swing"
"Circular card table construction"
"Circular saw"
"Circular saw accessory rack, const."
"Circular saw accessory rack, design"
"circular saw guard"
"circular versus band resawing"
"Circulating heaters"
"Cities Sanitation Corp."
"Citizens Alliance"
"Citizens Company of Grand Rapids"
"Citizens Industrial Bank"
"Citizens Telephone Co."
"Citizens' Industrial Association (Chicago, IL)"
"City and Guilds of London ..."
"City and Guilds of London Institute"
"City Awning Co."
"City Bakery Company"
"City directory"
"City Exchange"
"City Furniture Co. (Altoona, PA)"
"City Furniture Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"City Guilds of London Institute"
"City Hall Restaurant and Cigar ..."
"City Ice & Fuel Co."
"City market"
"City Mortgage Co."
"City of Paris (San Francisco, CA)"
"city owned table factory (St. Johns, MI)"
"City Rescue Mission"
"City store"
"City Trust and Savings Bank"
"Civic Club of Grand Rapids"
"Civic News"
"Civic Pageant and Floral Festival"
"Civic Revival"
"Civil Defense Volunteer Office"
"Civil War"
"Civil War encampment"
"Civilian furniture"
"claim to the Furniture City"
"Clallam Lumber Co."
"Clamp for belts (Illustrated)"
"Clamp Nail Co. (Chicago)"
"Clancy, John"
"Clapp Clothing Co."
"Clapperton, George"
"Clar, M.J."
"Clare Vandercar Inc."
"Clarence D. Sullivan Funeral Home"
"Clarence R. Hills"
"Clark & Hodges Furniture Co."
"Clark & Jackson"
"Clark & Morton"
"Clark & Ocker"
"Clark & Peterson"
"Clark & Scudder Lumber Co."
"Clark Cigar Co."
"Clark Furn. (Santa Monica, CA)"
"Clark Knitting Co."
"Clark Veneer Co. (Chicago)"
"Clark's Business and Real Estate .."
"Clark, Aaron"
"Clark, Fred B."
"Clark, G. Ralph"
"Clark, Henry"
"Clark, I.M."
"Clark, Ivan H. (Lyons, MI)"
"Clark, J.T."
"Clark, Jewell & Co."
"Clark, John (Grand Rapids)"
"Clark, M. Raymond"
"Clark, Melvin J."
"Clark, Merton A."
"Clark, Nelson B."
"Clark, R.C. Veneer Co. (Chicago)"
"Clark, Roy A."
"Clark, Theodore"
"Clark, V.E."
"Clark, Walter Veneer Co. (GR)"
"Clark, William A."
"Clark-Jewell-Wells Co."
"Clark-Jewell-Wells Grocer Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Clark-Nickerson Lumber Co."
"Clark-Rice Fastener Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Clark-Rutka-Jewell Co."
"Clark-Segrist Furniture..(Buffalo)"
"Clark-Weaver Co."
"Clark-Weaver-Rutka Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Clarke & Co. (Peoria, IL)"
"Clarke, William M."
"Class Mutual Insurance Agency"
"Classic columns, construction of"
"Classic orders of architecture"
"Classic styles of Furnishings regain popularity - from Gothic to Louis"
"Classic-Modern furniture design"
"Classifying veneer for shipping"
"Classis Grand Rapids West"
"Claude Goldner Inc."
"Claude Lamoreaux & Co."
"Claudius Jones... (Little Rock, AR)"
"Clausen, A.B. (New York City)"
"Clausen, Alfred B. (Evanston, IL)"
"Clay, D.P."
"Clay, Harvey E."
"Clayson, Harold"
"Clayton & Abbott"
"clearing house for furniture samples"
"Cleary, Daniel A."
"Cleaves, L.R."
"Cleland Real Estate Co."
"Cleland, Daniel"
"Clemans Truck Line Inc."
"Clemens & Gingrich Co."
"Clemens, E.A."
"Clemens, Oscar B."
"Clement & Dykema"
"Clement Industrial Electric Co."
"Clement, E.A."
"Clements, Chism &... (Danville, VA)"
"Clementsen Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"Clemetsen Co. (Chicago)"
"Clemetsen, A. Mfg. Co. (Chicago)"
"Clemons Bros. (Chattanooga, TN)"
"Cleveland (OH) Better Homes and ..."
"Cleveland (OH) Brass & Iron Beds."
"Cleveland (OH) Desk Co."
"Cleveland (OH) Fall Fashion Fest."
"Cleveland (OH) Foundation"
"Cleveland (OH) Industrial Expo ..."
"Cleveland (OH) Technical High ..."
"Cleveland (OH) Varnish Co."
"Cleveland (TN) Chair Co."
"Cleveland Burial Case Co."
"Cleveland Fibre Furniture Co."
"Cleveland Furniture Co."
"Cleveland, John A."
"Cleveland, OH furniture dealers"
"Clever Mirror placement allows one to see who is at the door"
"Click, A. Graham (Elkin, NC)"
"Climax Boiler Co."
"Cline, C.E."
"Clingman, George F."
"Clingman, George F. (Indianapolis)"
"Clingman, George F. Jr."
"Clingman, George F. Jr. (GR)"
"Clingman, George Jr. (Grand Rapids)"
"Clingman, J. Stuart"
"Clingman, Mrs. George F."
"Clipper Belt Lacer Co."
"Clipper Belt Lacer Co. (GR)"
"Clocks and clockmaking"
"Closed shop"
"Closets vs. Hat Racks"
"Closson Art Store (Cincinnati, OH)"
"Clothing industry"
"Clough, Abert T."
"Clover Mfg. Co. (Norwalk, CT)"
"Club 21"
"Club plan"
"Club Villa"
"Clyde Park Land Co."
"Clyde Park Service Station"
"Co-op Furniture (S. Lake City, UT)"
"Co-operative advertising"
"Co-operative bonus awards"
"Co-operative Buyers ...(Pittsburgh)"
"Co-operative Creamery Co."
"Co-operative Society of America"
"Co-operative store idea"
"Coal and coal mining"
"Coal by-products"
"Coal conservation"
"Coal industry"
"Coal shortage leads to the manufacture of briquettes"
"Coal tar dyes"
"Coated upholstery fabrics"
"Coats Manufacturing (Wellsville, NY)"
"Coats Manufacturing..(Wellsville,NY"
"Coats, R.D."
"Cobb's... (Cloverdale, CA)"
"Cobb, B.C."
"Cobb, George H."
"Cobb, H.E."
"Cobb, M.S."
"Coburn, E. Brooks"
"Cochett, Lucretia Eddy"
"Cochran & Miller Furniture Company"
"Cochran Broom Machinery Co."
"Cochran Chair Co. (Aurora, IN)"
"Cochran Showcase & ..(Charlotte,NC)"
"Cochrane Furniture..(Lincolnton,NC)"
"Cockshutt Moulded..(Brantford, Ont."
"Cocktail Arbor Inc."
"Code of ethics"
"Code of fair competition"
"Code of trade practices"
"Cody Cafeteria"
"Cody Cocktail Bar"
"Cody Hotel"
"Cody Hotel (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Cody, Ball, Barnhart & Co."
"Cody, D.D."
"Cody, Lewis P."
"Coe Manufacturing Co. (Painesville, OH)"
"Coe Mfg. Co. (Painesville, OH)"
"Coeling, John P."
"Coffee industry"
"Coffey, Gilson K."
"Coffin, Merril (Jamestown, NY)"
"Coffin, William Sloane"
"cog gears enclosed"
"Cogulski, Stanley"
"Cohen Furniture Co. (Streator, IL)"
"Cohen Furniture... (Uniontown, PA)"
"Cohen, Abraham"
"Cohen, Louis & Sons, Inc. (NYC)"
"Cohn Brothers Furn, (Spokane, WA)"
"Cohn's... (Taylorville, IL)"
"Cohn, L.H."
"Cohn, Samuel"
"Cohoes, Charles E. (Rockford, IL)"
"Coit estate"
"Coit, C.W."
"Coit, W.C."
"Cok, Stuffelinus"
"Colborn, C.B."
"Colby Gear Co."
"Colby, Alfred H. (Boston)"
"Cold storage plant"
"Cold-Pack Distributing Co."
"Coldwell, Lewis R."
"Cole & Chapel"
"Cole Steel Equipment Co. (NYC)"
"Cole's Glove Shop"
"Cole's Laundry and Cleaners"
"Cole, B.T. (Evansville, IN)"
"Cole, Claude"
"Cole, M.A."
"Cole, Russell E."
"Cole, T.C."
"Coleman, Windover & Co."
"Coleshill Chair reproduction"
"Colfax (IN) Furniture Co."
"Colie & Son (Buffalo, NY)"
"Colie, George W."
"Colie, George W. (Buffalo, NY)"
"Colladay Machine..(Philadelphia)"
"Collapsible card tables"
"Collapsible go-cart, demand for"
"Collar, Allen P."
"Collar, Ernest D."
"Collar, Fred R."
"Collat Bros."
"Collday Machine Works(Philadelphia)"
"Collector of Customs, New York"
"College dormitory bedrooms"
"College furniture curriculum"
"Colleges and universities"
"Collier, A.D."
"Collins & Aikman Corp. (NYC)"
"Collins Colored Hook & Eye Co."
"Collins Furniture Co. (Okmulgee, OK)"
"Collins Ice and Coal Co."
"Collins Land & Lumber Co."
"Collins Northern Ice Co."
"Collins, Edward L."
"Collins, G.W."
"Collins, Kenneth (New York City)"
"Collins, Mary E."
"Collins, William B."
"Colombian furniture industry"
"Colombian imports of U.S. ..."
"Colombian mahogany"
"Colonial American furniture"
"Colonial Baking Co."
"Colonial Bed Co. (Allentown, PA)"
"Colonial cabinet, construction"
"Colonial cabinet, design"
"Colonial cedar chest, construction"
"Colonial cedar chest, design"
"Colonial Chair Co. (Chicago)"
"Colonial China buffet"
"Colonial cupboard"
"Colonial design"
"Colonial desk in mahogany"
"Colonial desk, construction"
"Colonial desk, design"
"Colonial Dining Room"
"Colonial dresser in mahogany"
"Colonial Fashions"
"Colonial Furnishing.. (New Orleans)"
"Colonial furniture"
"Colonial Furniture Co."
"Colonial Furniture Co. (GR)"
"Colonial Furniture Co.(Zeeland, MI)"
"Colonial furniture designers"
"Colonial furniture exhibits"
"Colonial furniture industry"
"Colonial furniture reproductions"
"Colonial Furniture.(E.Palestine,OH)"
"Colonial Galleries (Portsmouth, VA)"
"Colonial Hall"
"Colonial Home Furnishers (Chicago, IL)"
"Colonial Kfg. Co. (Zeeland, MI)"
"Colonial knitting stand, const."
"Colonial knitting stand, design"
"Colonial ladies writing desk"
"Colonial ladies writing desk (art)"
"Colonial Manufacturing Company (Zeeland, MI)"
"Colonial Mfg. (Zeeland, MI)"
"Colonial Mfg. Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Colonial Mfg. Co. (Zeeland, MI)"
"Colonial mirror, construction"
"Colonial mirror, design"
"Colonial Outfitting... (Cleveland, OH)"
"Colonial pedestal, construction"
"Colonial pedestal, design"
"Colonial piano bench, design of"
"Colonial plantation homes"
"Colonial Plate Glass Company (Parkersburg, WV)"
"Colonial reading stand, const."
"Colonial reading stand, design"
"Colonial Reed Chair..(Wakefield,MA)"
"Colonial Sales Corp."
"Colonial secretary (art)"
"Colonial secretary, construction"
"Colonial secretary, design"
"Colonial serving table in mahogany"
"Colonial Sideboard in Mrs. M.B. Cookerow's Collection (Pottstown, PA)"
"Colonial Style"
"Colonial table in mahogany"
"Colonial table, construction of"
"Colonial table, design of"
"Colonial taboret, construction"
"Colonial taboret, design"
"Colonial Toile de Jouy"
"Colony,L.J. Chair..(Munsonville,NH)"
"Color effects in cabinet making"
"Color harmonies and patterns"
"Color on furniture"
"Color pigments"
"Color schemes"
"Color Theory in foreign countries"
"Color uniformity for woods"
"Color, influence of on design"
"Color, use as furniture trade mark"
"Colorado Fiber Furniture..(Denver)"
"Coloring extracts"
"Coloring of living trees and logs"
"Colors in oil"
"Colson, F.L."
"Coltart, Andrew R."
"Columbia (SC) Chaior Co."
"Columbia Cabinet ..(Bloomsburg,PA)"
"Columbia Candy Co."
"Columbia Feather Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"Columbia Feather Company"
"Columbia Feather Company (Chicago, IL)"
"Columbia Furniture Co. (Canton, OH)"
"Columbia Mantel Co. (Louisville, KY)"
"Columbia Mattress..(South Bend, IN)"
"Columbia Outfitting.. (Los Angeles, CA)"
"Columbia Sander No. 2"
"Columbian Hardware Co. (Cleveland)"
"Columbian Storage & Transfer Co."
"Columbus (OH) furniture dealers"
"Columbus (OH) Home Beautiful ..."
"Columbus (OH) Model Home Show"
"Columbus Chair Co. (Tabor, NC)"
"Combination costumer, construction"
"Combination costumer, design"
"Combination power-hand feed jointer"
"Combination seat bookcase"
"Combined sideboard/bed, const."
"Combined sideboard/bed, design"
"Combs, Mary J."
"Come-Packt Furniture..(Ann Arbor,MI"
"Comfort and Artistic Satisfaction in the Arrangement of the Dining Roo"
"Comfort Shoe Shop"
"Comfortable Family Room"
"Comfortable Hall"
"Comino crespo"
"Commerce Avenue Garage Co."
"Commerce Reports"
"Commercial Associates (Chicago, IL)"
"Commercial Associates Inc.(Chicago)"
"Commercial blood albumin"
"Commercial bribert"
"Commercial bribery"
"Commercial Club (Menderson, KY)"
"Commercial Club (Ottumwa, IA)"
"Commercial Club of Chattanooga (TN)"
"Commercial Credit Co."
"Commercial failures"
"Commercial Furniture Co. (Chicago)"
"Commercial Furniture Company"
"Commercial hairs"
"Commercial Realty Corp."
"Commercial Savings Bank"
"Commercial Securities Co."
"Commercial woods, structure of"
"Commission houses"
"Commissioner of Internal Revenue"
"Committee on Recent Economic ..."
"Commode of the Italian school (art)"
"Commodities report"
"Commodity prices"
"Commodity rates on furniture"
"Common woods, structure of"
"Commons, Robert D."
"Commonwealth Associates Inc."
"Commonwealth Mfg. Co. (Chicago)"
"Commonwealth Power Railway and ..."
"Commonwealth Realty Co."
"Communion Table of John Knox, the reformer (Stirling, Scotland)"
"Community Chest"
"Community Market"
"Community State Bank"
"Company elections"
"Company logos"
"Company notes"
"Company of Master ...(Oneida, NY)"
"Company of Master Craftsmen..(NYC)"
"Comparative Growth of Trees"
"Competing advertisements with promotional furniture"
"Competition for Low-Cost Furniture"
"composite ornaments"
"Compressed air"
"Compressed air for metal working"
"Compressed air use in furniture ..."
"Compressed tenon"
"Compressed yeast industry"
"Comstock & Parks"
"Comstock Park State Bank"
"Comstock scrip"
"Comstock Tire & Battery Co."
"Comstock, Charles C."
"Comstock, Cheney ..(Ivoryton, CT)"
"Comstock, Gertie"
"Comstock, Nelson & Co."
"Comstock, Tileson A."
"Conant Lumber Co. (Camden, NY)"
"Conant, Eugene H."
"Conant, F.H. Co. (Camden, NJ)"
"Conant-Ball Co. (Boston, MA)"
"Concord Furniture. (Milwaukee, WI)"
"Concord table"
"condition of furniture trade in Jamestown"
"conditions discourage apprenticeships"
"Condon Co. (Tacoma, WA)"
"Conewango Furniture (Warren, PA)"
"Coney Island Restaurant"
"Conger Chair Company"
"Conger, Eugene D."
"Conger, George D."
"Congratulatory letters to the Michigan Artisan from Grand Rapids newsp"
"Congregational Church"
"Congress and U.S. dyestuff industry"
"Conkey's Veterinary College"
"Conkey, L.L."
"Conklin & DeVoist"
"Conklin, DuBois"
"Conklin, E. Allen"
"Conklin, Fred"
"Conklin, Lee S."
"Conklin, Leo E."
"Conklin, Oscar F."
"Conkling, Frank A. Co. (Memphis,TN)"
"Conlon, Ernest T."
"Conlon, Frank"
"Conlon, Walter J."
"Connecticut chest (art)"
"Connecticut slant top desk (art)"
"Connecticut Spring Bed..(Waterbury)"
"Connelly, Edward A."
"Conner Furniture Co. (Nashville,TN)"
"Conner Furniture..(New Albany, IN)"
"Connersville (IN) Furniture Co."
"Connifer, N.Y."
"Connolly, Edward J."
"Connor & Giddings"
"Connor Foundry Co."
"Connor Lumber and ...(Laona, WI)"
"Connor, Christopher (Indianapolis)"
"Connor, Lewis S."
"Connor, William"
"Conover (NC) Furniture Co."
"Conover (NC) Mattress & ..."
"Conrad, Alexander J."
"Conrad-Baisch-Kroehle (Cleveland,OH)"
"Conrades Mfg. Co. (St. Louis)"
"Conradt, George"
"Conrey & Birely Table Company"
"Conrey & Birely Table Company (Shelbyville, IN)"
"Conrey - Davis Manufacturing Company"
"Conrey - Davis Manufacturing Company (Shelbyville, IN)"
"Conrey, David L."
"Conrey, David L. (Shelbyville, IN)"
"Conrey-Birely Table Co. (Shelbyville, IN)"
"Conrey-Birely Table(Shelbyville,IN)"
"Conrey-Davis Mfg. (Shelbybille, IN)"
"Conrey-Davis Mfg. Co. (Shelbyville, IN)"
"Conroy Coal Co."
"Considine, John"
"Console and mirror (art)"
"Console cabinets"
"Console radio cabinet (design)"
"Console radio cabinet(construction)"
"Console sets"
"Console sideboard"
"Console table and mirror, const."
"Console table and mirror, design"
"Console table, construction"
"Console table, design"
"Consolidated Cabinet Corp."
"Consolidated Chair..(Greeneville,TN"
"Consolidated Chemical Co."
"Consolidated Cigar Co."
"Consolidated Freight Classification"
"Consolidated Furniture Co. (GR)"
"Consolidated Furniture Companies"
"Consolidated Furniture Companies (Syracuse, NY)"
"Consolidated Furniture Corp."
"Consolidated Industries(Rockford,IL"
"Consolidated Marqueterie Co. (NYC)"
"Consolidated Rubber Tire Company"
"Consolidated Store Service Co."
"Consolidated Street Railway Co."
"Constantine (WI) Manufacturing"
"Constitutional Convention"
"Construction activity"
"Construction industry"
"Consular documents in export trade"
"Consular reports"
"Consumer behavior"
"Consumer complaints on furniture"
"Consumer education"
"Consumer movement"
"Consumer style preferences"
"Consumer's Rating and Collection .."
"Consumers Fuel & Builders Supply .."
"Consumers Fuel & Building Supply .."
"Consumers Gravel Co."
"Consumers Hardware Co."
"Consumers Ice Co."
"Consumers Market"
"Consumers Power Co."
"Container Corp. of America(Chicago)"
"Contempora (New York City)"
"Contempora style"
"Contemporary American Design ..."
"Contemporary American Industrial..."
"Contemporary design"
"Contemporary furniture"
"Contemporary furniture design"
"Contemporary oak furniture"
"Contemporayr furniture"
"Contempra Furniture.. (Chicago)"
"Contempra, Inc. (Grand Rapids)"
"Content, Meinhard"
"Continental Automobile Co."
"Continental European style"
"Continental Furn. (High Point, NC)"
"Continental Furniture(H. Point, NC)"
"Continental Furniture(High Point,NC"
"Continental Television (Newark, NJ)"
"Continental... (Council Bluffs, IA)"
"Continuous feed glue jointer"
"Continuous-feed glue jointers"
"Contract Real Estate Co."
"Contracting frauds"
"Contractors Machinery Co."
"Control devices"
"Conversation chair"
"Converse & Chick"
"Converse, C.C."
"Converse, James W."
"Converta Sofa Co. (Detroit)"
"Convertible furniture"
"Convertible Go-Cart..(Peoria, IL)"
"Convertible screen table"
"converting crude oil to power gas engines"
"Conveyers and conveyor systems"
"Conveyor line production"
"Conveyor system for upholstering"
"Conveyor systems"
"Conveyorized furniture finishing"
"Conveyors and conveyor systems"
"Convict labor"
"Conway Furniture Co. (Holyoke, MA)"
"Cook & Chick Co. (Chicago)"
"Cook and Co. (?)"
"Cook Bros."
"Cook Tire Co."
"Cook, Charles L."
"Cook, D.D."
"Cook, George O."
"Cook, Hunt"
"Cook, John W.D."
"Cook, Lloyd E."
"Cook, Percy T."
"Cook, S.A. & Co. (Medina, NY)"
"Cook, S.A. (Medina, NY)"
"Cook, S.A. and Co. (Medina, NY)"
"Cooke, William Scott"
"Cooke-Roberts Corp. (Orange, MA)"
"Cookinet Cabinet Co.(Birmingham,AL)"
"Cooking classes"
"Cooley, Lyman E."
"Coolidge, Calvin"
"Coomans, Peter"
"Coombes, R.J. (Calcutta, India)"
"Cooney-Bentz Co. (Wheeling, WV)"
"Cooper & West (Shenandoah, IA)"
"Cooper and brass"
"Cooper Bros."
"Cooper Commercial Agency"
"Cooper, Cleo William"
"Cooper, Henry B."
"Cooper, Peter"
"Cooper, William E."
"Cooper-Powell Furniture Co. (Denver, CO)"
"Cooper-Williams Inc. (Boston)"
"Cooperative advertising"
"Coopersville cheese factory"
"Coopersville Cooperative Elevator.."
"Coopersville Creamery Co."
"Coopersville Flour & Feed Mill Co."
"Coopersville Sanitary Dairy Co."
"Copal varnish, manufacture of"
"Copeland Refrigeration Sales of ..."
"Copenhagen modern office expo"
"Coppens, Peter J."
"Coppes Bros. & Zook (Naperville,IL)"
"Coppes Bros. & Zook (Nappanee, IN)"
"Coppock, David M."
"Copula fiber seats"
"Copyright labels"
"Copyright laws"
"Copyright safeguards"
"Copyrights and copyright labels"
"Corbin Folding Chair..(S.Bend, IN)"
"Corcoran, Bertrand F."
"Corcoran, John C."
"Cordesman - Rechtin Company"
"Cordesman - Rechtin Company (Cincinnati, OH)"
"Cordesman - Rechtin Company (Cincinnati, OH), long wood frame rip saw"
"Cordesman - Rechtin Company (Cincinnati, OH), machinery"
"Cordesman - Rechtin Company (Cincinnati, OH), new surfacer"
"Cordesman - Rechtin Company (Cincinnati, OH), No. 3.5 Band resaw machi"
"Cordesman - Rechtin Company (Cincinnati, OH), No. 4 Double-belted surf"
"Cordesman - Rechtin Company (Cincinnati, OH), universal machine"
"Cordesman Machine Company"
"Cordesman Machine Company (Cincinnati, OH)"
"Cordesman Machine Company (Cincinnati, OH) changes name"
"Cordesman Machine Company drum sander (Cincinnati, OH)"
"Cordesman Rechtin Company (Cincinnati, OH), new band saw"
"Cordesman Rechtin Company (Cincinnati, OH), new machinery"
"Cordesman-Rechtin band resaw"
"Cordesman-Rechtin Co. (Cincinnati)"
"Cordiawood (Cetran/South America)"
"Cordova Leather Co. (New York City)"
"Cordovan leather"
"Cordts, Frank"
"Cordtz, John"
"Corduroy Rubber Co."
"Cordwin, Harry"
"Core stock"
"Core stock for venners"
"Core stock, sanding of"
"Corestock or wet veneer"
"Corinthian architecture"
"Cork substitute"
"Corl, Knott & Co."
"Corl, Knott & Co. building"
"Corl, W.N."
"Corlear Products Co. (NYC)"
"Corn syrup"
"Cornelius, L.A."
"Cornelius, Philip (Grand Rapids)"
"Cornelius, Philip T. (Grand Rapids)"
"Cornell & Kerry"
"Cornell University (Ithaca, NY)"
"Cornell Wholesale Oil Co."
"Cornell, George F."
"Cornell, Kenneth J."
"Cornell, Lynn (Jamestown, NY)"
"Cornell, Robert (Jamestown, NY)"
"Cornell, Walter L."
"Corner cabinet, construction of"
"Corner cabinet, design of"
"Corner chair with open back"
"Corner fitments, construction of"
"Corner of a Morning Room, London, England"
"Cornice Work Manual"
"Corning, Gordon"
"Coronation fabrics"
"Coronet Corset Co."
"Corporate assets"
"Corporate reorganization"
"Corporate taxes"
"Corporation tax"
"Correctly trimmed furniture"
"Correspondence courses"
"Correspondence schools"
"Corry (PA) Chair Co."
"Corry (PA) Fiber Furniture Co."
"Corry (PA) Fibre Co."
"Corry (PA) Metal Furniture Co."
"Corson, Robert"
"Corwin, James S."
"Cosgrove Co. (Owosso, MI)"
"Cosgrove's Handbook of Woodworking."
"Cosmopolitan Spring ...(Chicago)"
"Cost Accountants Year Book"
"Cost accounting"
"Cost finding"
"Cost of living"
"Cost of living indexes"
"Cost Schedules"
"cost schedules application"
"Cost system for chair factories"
"Cost system for chair manufacturing"
"Cost systems"
"Cost systems for small plants"
"Costa Rica as source of cedro macho"
"Costigan, Dennis"
"Costly furnishings ordered by Napoleon"
"Costs of industrial alcohol versus petroleum and gasoline"
"Cottage furniture"
"Cotter, Clarence D."
"Cotter-Tann Furniture (Columbus,OH)"
"Cotton as upholstery fabric"
"Cotton crops"
"Cotton fabric as leather substitute"
"Cotton fabrics"
"Cotton goods"
"Cotton is Japan's largest import"
"Cotton linter"
"Cotton linters"
"Cotton linters use for mattresses"
"Cotton mattress industry"
"Cotton mills and fabrics"
"Cotton prints"
"Cotton tapestries"
"Cotton upholstery fabrics"
"Cotton upholstery goods"
"Cottonwood veneer panels"
"Couch with square leg (art)"
"Couches, slat construction of"
"Couches, steel construction of"
"Couffield files"
"Couleters... (Los Angeles, CA)"
"Coulter Lumber Co."
"Coulter Studio"
"Coulter, Joseph"
"Counselors Inc."
"Country Chippendale cabinet, design"
"Country furniture"
"Country homes"
"Country peddlers"
"Country stores"
"County fairs"
"County Map Sign Service"
"Couple Gear Electric Truck Co."
"Coupon book business"
"Coupon credit plans"
"Courser, Chester M."
"Court case - Trained salesman uses skills learned to help the competit"
"Court decisions on lawsuiots"
"Court decisions on lawsuits"
"Court rulings in furniture cases"
"Courtenay, Erskine (Louisville, KY)"
"Courtney, D.O."
"Courtright, Frank"
"Covel-Hanchett Co. (Big Rapids, MI)"
"Covell, F.A."
"Covington (GA) Mattress Co."
"Covode, John A."
"Covode, John A. (Grand Rapids)"
"Cowan & Barnard"
"Cowan, George J."
"Cowan, W.K. & Co. (Chicago)"
"Cowan, W.K. Co. (Chicago)"
"Cowdrey, George E. (Cincinnati)"
"Cowell Furniture.. (Providence, RI)"
"Cowell, Harry"
"Cowell, John A."
"Cowin & Warren"
"Cowin, James"
"Cowing, Leonard C. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Cowling Co. (Mt. Carmel, IL)"
"Cowperthwaite & Sons (New York, NY)"
"Cowperthwaite, John Knox"
"Cox Margarine Co."
"Cox Mfg. Co. (Hickory, NC)"
"Cox, Arthur"
"Cox, Charles H. (Grand Rapids)"
"Cox, F.J."
"Cox, George B. (Cincinnati)"
"Cox, George B. (Cincinnati, OH)"
"Cox, W. R. (Linwood, KY)"
"Cox-James Co."
"Coxwell chair, construction"
"Coxwell chair, design"
"Coxwell chairs and patterns"
"Coye Furniture (Stevens Point, WI)"
"Coye Furniture..(Stevens Point, WI)"
"Coye Furniture...(Stevens Point,WI)"
"Coye, Albert"
"Coye, Charles A."
"Coye, James A."
"Coye, W.H."
"Coye, W.H. (Grand Rapids)"
"Coyne, C.P."
"Coyne, E.W."
"crack in band saw blades"
"Cracker trust"
"Craddock Furniture..(Evansville,IN)"
"Craftex Furniture...(Detroit)"
"Craftex Mills Inc. (Philadelphia)"
"Craftline Furniture..(Macon, GA)"
"Craftmaster Inc. of Wash. (Seattle)"
"Craftmaster of Oregon (Portland)"
"Craftmaster of Spokane"
"Craftsman furniture"
"Craftsman Furniture Shop"
"craftsman shops"
"Craftsman, Inc."
"Craftsmanship in production"
"Craftsmanship standards"
"Craig Furniture (Martinsville, VA)"
"Craig Furniture..(Martinsville,VA)"
"Craig, George (Grand Rapids)"
"Craig, S.J."
"Craig-Rush Furn. (Charleston, SC)"
"Crain's Market Data Book and ..."
"Craley, N.Neiman (Red Lion, PA)"
"Cramer, Charles Wright"
"Cramer, William E."
"Crandall, E.A."
"Crandall-Bennett (Montoursville, PA)"
"Crandell & Scott... (Alma, MI)"
"Crandell, E.C."
"Crane & McMahon (?)"
"Crane & McMahon..(St. Mary's, OH)"
"Crane bracket table, construction"
"Crane bracket table, design"
"Crane Furniture...(Evansville, IN)"
"Crane, Joseph H."
"Crane, Ross"
"Crane, Ross (Chicago)"
"Crane, Thomas"
"Cranford Furniture..(Asheboro, NC)"
"Cranmer-Perrine Co. (Akron, OH)"
"Crannell, W.L."
"Crater & Holt (Grand Rapids)"
"Crater, J.W."
"Crathmore Hotel"
"Crating for chairs"
"Crating of furniture"
"Crawford Austin Mfg. (Waco, TX)"
"Crawford Chair company (Grand Ledge, MI)"
"Crawford Furniture...(Jamestown,NY)"
"Crawford, Clyne (Jamestown, NY)"
"Crawford, Cornelius"
"Crawford, Edward (Grand Rapids)"
"Crawford, Mrs. Cornelius"
"Crawfordsville (IN) Furniture & ..."
"Crawfordsville (IN) Furniture Co."
"Cream City Bedding ..(Milwaukee,WI)"
"Creative Arts Press, Peoria, IL."
"Creative Design in Furniture"
"Credit accounts"
"Credit agencies"
"Credit bureaus"
"Credit Clearing House (NYC)"
"Credit collection and reporting"
"Credit deposit plan"
"credit fraud"
"Credit Mens' Association (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Credit rating"
"Credit reporting"
"Credit Trading Co."
"Credit/collection agencies"
"Credits and loans"
"Creed, Jim"
"Creosote oil"
"Creque, J.P."
"Creque, John P."
"Creque, John P. (Grand Rapids)"
"Crescent Bedding Co. (NYC)"
"Crescent Furniture Co. (Warren, PA)"
"Crescent Furniture..(Evansville,IN)"
"Crescent Machine Works (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Crescent Manufacturing Co."
"Crescent Milling Co."
"Crescent Panel Co. (Louisville,KY)"
"Crescent Stove Works"
"Cress & Kuyers"
"Creston Auto Co."
"Creston Drug Co."
"Creston Fuel & Building Co."
"Creston Improvement Association"
"Creston Tea House"
"Creston Transfer Co."
"Cretonnes for bungalow furniture"
"Crewdson, Charles N."
"Crews-Beggs ...(Pueblo, CO)"
"Crex Carpet Co. (Minneapolis)"
"Crex Carpet Co. (St. Paul, MN)"
"Cribbage board, construction"
"Cribbage board, design"
"Cribben & Sexton Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"Cribs and play pens"
"Crim, Dr."
"Crime and criminals"
"Crinzi, Vincent"
"Criqui Furniture Co. (Mansfield, OH)"
"Criqui Furniture Co. (Mansfield,OH)"
"Crissey, Jay (Jamestown, NY)"
"Crist, C.C. (Crawfordsville, IN)"
"Criswell Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Criswell Furniture Co."
"Criswell Furniture Co. (GR)"
"Criswell Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Criswell Furniture..(Grand Rapids)"
"Criswell, James"
"Criswell, W.H."
"Criswell, William H. (Grand Rapids)"
"Criswell-Keppler Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Criswell-Keppler Co.(Grand Rapids)"
"Crittenden, Clifford D."
"Crocker Chair Co. (Sheboygan, WI)"
"Crocker, M.V."
"Crocker, Watson D. (Pasadena, CA)"
"Croften Candy Co."
"Crofton, E."
"Crohon & Roden Co., Ltd."
"Croll, William C."
"Cromwellian type arm chair (art)"
"Cron, A.L."
"Cron-Kills Co. (Shawnee, OH)"
"Crook, M.W."
"Crookston, James A."
"Croquet and croquetsets"
"Crosby & Son"
"Crosby Invalid Bed... (Nashua, NH)"
"Crosby Transportation Co."
"Crosby, James M."
"Cross veneers"
"Cross, F.E."
"Cross, George S."
"Cross, Walter C."
"Cross-cut sawing"
"Crossman Lumber Co."
"Crossman, C.W."
"Crossman, Wilford T."
"Crossword puzzles"
"Croswell Furniture Co. (GR)"
"Crotch mahogany furniture"
"Crotch mahogany veneer"
"Crouch & Foster (Fortville, IN)"
"Crouse, Jacob (Winston-Salem, NC)"
"Crowell, James A. (Providence, RI)"
"Crowell, Thomas Y. Co. (NYC)"
"Crowley, Milner & Co. (Detroit, MI)"
"Crowley, P.F."
"Crowley, P.F. (Grand Rapids)"
"Crown Chair Co. (Evansville, IN)"
"Crown Chair Co. (High Point, NC)"
"Crown Chair Co.(High Point, NC)"
"Crown Clothing Co."
"Crown Furniture Co. (Preston, Ont.)"
"Crown Publishers (NYC)"
"Crown Upholstering..(Los Angeles)"
"Crozed Stave Corporation"
"Crozier Machine..(Hawthorne, CA)"
"Crucible steel, manufacture of"
"Crude oil and crude oil refining"
"Cruse Mfg. Co. (Terre Haute, IN)"
"Crutcher, Allan T. (Tacoma, WA)"
"Cruzen, Alva"
"Crypt of Civilization"
"Crystal Beauty Shop"
"Crystal Creamery Co."
"Crystal Dry Cleaners & Dyers"
"Crystal Springs Water and Fuel Co."
"Crystola Co. (Cincinnati, OH)"
"Cuban furniture imports from U.S."
"Cuban furniture industry"
"Cuban imports of U.S. furniture"
"Cuban mahogany"
"Cuban sugar export to U.S."
"Cuban Timber Co. Inc."
"Cuban timber despoilation"
"Cuckfield ship model cases"
"Cudahy, John W."
"Cumberland Gap (TN) Mfg. Co."
"Cuming house"
"Cuming, Francis H."
"Cuming, Thomas B."
"Cumings, Clarence A."
"Cumings, L.B."
"Cumming, John"
"Cumming, Rose (New York City)"
"Cummings & Graham"
"Cummings & Yale"
"Cummings, Chas. E. (Dorchester, MA)"
"Cummings, Phil (Big Rapids, MI)"
"Cummins railroad bill"
"Cummins Veneer Co. (High Point, NC)"
"Cummins, John"
"Cummins, Sen. (no first name), IA"
"Cunarder Mauretania"
"Cuncannan, Martin"
"Cunningham Mfg. Co. (St. Paul, MN)"
"Cupboard in fumed oak"
"Cupboard, 15th century oak (art)"
"Cupboards--see also Hutches"
"Cupples Woodenware Co."
"Cuprammonium rayon"
"Curing of glue joints"
"Curio and china cabinets"
"Curio table"
"Curios collection"
"Curled hair"
"Curled hair as upholstery filler"
"Curled hair as upholstery material"
"Curled hair for upholstery"
"Curly pine found in Georgia and Alabama"
"Curran, James F. (Framingham, MA)"
"Curren, J.F."
"Currency interests"
"current (1908) furniture manufacturing shop safety devices"
"Current English furniture"
"Currey Publishing Co."
"Currie, John M."
"Curry & Holmes"
"Curry, Thomas H."
"Curtain Store (Oakland, CA)"
"Curtis & Dunton"
"Curtis Creamery Co."
"Curtis, Chas. C."
"Curtis, Frederick M. (Jamestown,NY)"
"Curtis, Frederick Mead"
"Curtis, Heber W."
"Curtis-Hammer, Inc. (Milwaukee)"
"Curtiss & Dunton"
"Curtiss Drug Store"
"Curtiss, Dunton & Andrews"
"Curtiss, Dunton & Co."
"Curtiss, Fred M."
"Curtiss, John L."
"Curtiss-Wright Co."
"Curtiss-Wrigt Co."
"Curve Plywood Co. (Portland)"
"Curved front dressing table, const."
"Curved front dressing table, design"
"Curved furniture"
"Curved plywood"
"Curzon leather"
"Cushman, Henry (N. Bennington, VT)"
"Cussins & Fearn Co. (Columbus, OH)"
"Cussins, Charles D."
"Custer, John William"
"Custer, Melvin"
"Custom & Modern ...(Gardner, MA)"
"Custom built plywood"
"Custom housew practices"
"Customer, construction"
"Customer, design"
"Customs collector"
"Cut Rate Dry Cleaners"
"Cut Rate Meat Market"
"Cutler Desk Co. (Buffalno, NY)"
"Cutler, W.N."
"Cutler-Hammer Inc. (Milwaukee)"
"Cutler-Hammer Inc. (St. Louis)"
"cutting methods"
"Cuyahoga Spring Bed..(Cleveland)"
"Cycloid Cycle Co."
"Cyclone Blow Pipe Company"
"Cyclone Blow Pipe Company (Chicago, IL)"
"Cyclone damage"
"Cylinder desk (art)"
"Cypress as furniture wood"
"Cypress furniture"
"Cypress moss"
"Cypress wood"
"Cypress woods"
"Czachorski, John/Mary"
"Czachorski, Stephen"
"Czarnopsis, Louis"
"Czech bentwood chair imports"
"Czechoslovakian furniture industry"
"Czechoslovakian wood carvings (art)"
"Czernak-Bronn, Gottfried"
"Czubaj, Frank"
"D&W Rottschafer Real Estate"
"D'Arcy Spring Co. (Kalamazoo, MI)"
"D'Ooge, Leonard"
"D-Noc Co. (Cleveland)"
"D. & D. Mfg. Co. (St. Louis)"
"D. Blackmer Furn. (Denver, CO)"
"D. Lehman & Son (Midway, KS)"
"D. McCarthy & Sons (Syracuse, NY)"
"D. Sommers & Co. (Indianapolis, IN)"
"D. Sommers & Co. (St. Louis, MO)"
"D. Sommers & Company"
"D. Winter & Son"
"D.A. Blodgett & Co."
"D.A. Blodgett Co."
"D.A. Blodgett Home for Children"
"D.A. Gibsons & Sons (Memphis, TN)"
"D.A. Kepperling"
"D.A. Silverman Metal Co."
"D.H. Fritts Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"D.H. Holmes Co. (New Orleans, LA)"
"D.H. Holmes Company, Ltd. (New Orleans, LA)"
"D.L. Conrey Furniture Company"
"D.L. Conrey... (Shelbyville, IN)"
"D.L. Darling Trucking Co."
"D.M. Ferry & Co."
"D.M. Read Co. (Bridgeport, CT)"
"D.N. Foster Furn. (Ft. Wayne, IN)"
"D.N. Foster Furn. (Indianapolis, IN)"
"D.N. Foster Furn. (Lafayette, IN)"
"D.T. Owen Co. (Cleveland, OH)"
"D.T. Paulson & Co."
"D.Van Nostrand Co. (New York City)"
"Daane & Witters"
"Daane, Gilbert L."
"Dabrooks Perfume Co."
"Daehler, Charles C."
"Daggett Canning Co."
"Daggett, Edward P."
"Dahlgren Cabinet Shop (Houston)"
"Dahn & Kiefer Tanning Co."
"Daily Record"
"Daining, Albert"
"Daisy folding spring bed"
"Dakalite (trade name)"
"Dale Bros."
"Dale Bros. Excelsion Pad Co."
"Dale Furniture Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"Dallas Furniture (San Antonio, TX)"
"Dallas furniture expositions"
"Dallas furniture industry"
"Dallas furniture industryt"
"Dallas Wholesale Furniture Mart"
"Dallas, W.R."
"Dallastown (PA) Furniture Co."
"Dalrymple, C.M. (Menomibnee, MI)"
"Dalrymple, Ira B."
"Daltex Furniture Co. (Dallas)"
"Daly, Grover J. (Chicago)"
"Daly, Ralph"
"Dam-Saur Upholstering...(Chicago)"
"Damon, Edward E."
"Dana, Charles (Marietta, OH)"
"Dane, Maxwell (New York City)"
"Daniel Lynch Co."
"Daniel Marot suite (art)"
"Daniel, A.J."
"Daniels & Fischer... (Denver, CO)"
"Daniels & Fisher (Denver, CO)"
"Daniels Hardware Co."
"Daniels, Anson J."
"Daniels, Bebe"
"Daniels, Geo. B."
"Daniels, H.M. (Gulfport, MS)"
"Daniels, Harvey C."
"Danish Empire inlaid chair"
"Danner Sectional Bookcases"
"Danner sectional/revolving bookcase"
"Danner Veneer ... (Mobile, AL)"
"Danner, George H."
"Danziger, Gus (Shelbyville, IN)"
"Danziger, S.H. Inc. (Muncie, IN)"
"Darden, L.T."
"Dark, Moses J."
"Dark, Moses M."
"Darling, J.W. Lumber..(Cincinnati)"
"Darlington (SC) Veneer Co."
"Darnell-Love Lumber..(Leland, MS)"
"Darwing Room, Ralph P. Tietsort's Beautiful Home"
"Daschner Table Co. (Worcester, MA)"
"Dassler, A.W."
"Datema, Jacob"
"Dauber-Bell dowel driver and gluer"
"Dauber-Bell Machine..(Oshkosh, WI)"
"Daugherty, C.D."
"Daum, Godfrey"
"Daunt, Joseph H."
"Davenport end table, construction"
"Davenport end table, design"
"Davenport Hotel (Spokane, WA)"
"Davenport, Byron S."
"Davenport, construction of"
"Davenport, design of"
"Davenport, M. Edward"
"Davenport-MacLachlan Institute"
"Daverman Co."
"David Stoll & Son"
"David VanBlerkom Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"David Wolcott Kendall Memorial.."
"David Wolcott Kendall Memorial..."
"Davidson ...(Chicago)"
"Davidson Furn. Co. (Des Moines, IA)"
"Davidson Furn. Co. (Kansas City,MO)"
"Davidson, A.L. (Athens, MI)"
"Davidson, C.C."
"Davidson, Charles (Grand Rapids)"
"Davidson, Earl C."
"Davidson, Isaac"
"Davidson, W.C."
"Davies Furniture Co."
"Davies, Charles A."
"Davies, Charles S."
"Davies, Lewis E."
"Davies, Thomas Inc. (New York City)"
"Davies-Putnam Co."
"Davies-Putnam Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Davies-Putnam Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Davies-Putnam Furniture Co."
"Davis & Jennings (Niles, MI)"
"Davis & Ruben... (Minneapolis, MN)"
"Davis & Shaw Furn. (Denver, CO)"
"Davis Chair Co. (St. Paul, MN)"
"Davis Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"Davis Furniture Co. (Marysville,OH)"
"Davis Furniture Co. (Uniontown, PA)"
"Davis Furniture Corp.(Jamestown,NY)"
"Davis, A.S."
"Davis, Aaron E."
"Davis, Bernard L. (Jackson, MI)"
"Davis, Charles L."
"Davis, Clarence Harold"
"Davis, David John"
"Davis, Deering (Minneapolis)"
"Davis, E.A."
"Davis, Eugene"
"Davis, Fred"
"Davis, Geo. A."
"Davis, George A."
"Davis, George A. (Grand Rapids)"
"Davis, George N."
"Davis, Harry J."
"Davis, Horwich & Steinmann(Chicago)"
"Davis, J.L."
"Davis, James N."
"Davis, John D."
"Davis, Raymond Clark"
"Davis, Samuel L. (High Point, NC)"
"Davis, W. Lipscomb (Nashville,TN)"
"Davis, Walter C. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Davis, Waters C. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Davis-Birely Co. (Shelbyville, IN)"
"Davis-Birely Table.(Shelbyville,IN)"
"Davis-Birely Table..(Shelbyville,IN"
"Davison, George W."
"Dawes plan on German production"
"Dawley, J.H."
"Dawson's Market"
"Dawson, William F."
"Day Carpet & Furniture Co. (Peoria, IL)"
"Day Furniture & Carpet Company (Peoria, IL)"
"Day Furniture &... (Peoria, IL)"
"Day, David H. (Glen Haven, MI)"
"Day, Holman"
"Day, James B. & Co. (Chicago)"
"Day, James B. Co. (Chicago)"
"Day, Robon (London, England)"
"Daylight saving bill"
"Dayton (OH) flood"
"Dayton (OH) floods"
"Dayton (OH) Home Beautiful Show"
"Dayton Co. (Minneapolis, MN)"
"Dayton Marin Sales Co."
"Dayton, A.J."
"Dayton, D. Draper (Minneapolis)"
"Dayton, N.C."
"Dayton, OH furniture merchants"
"De Forest, Mr. and Mrs. Robert(NYC)"
"De Havilland Mosquito combat plane"
"De Korne & Lindhout (Grand Rapids)"
"De Lano, Charles, student designs from the Grand Rapids School of Furn"
"De Loof, Henry, student designs from the Grand Rapids School of Furnit"
"De Saint-Rene, Jean M. (France)"
"De Sakhnoffsky, Alexis (NYC)"
"De Sakhonoffsky, Alexis (NYC)"
"De-Mau-Mer Inc. (Buffalo)"
"Deal, J.C."
"Dealing with furniture surplus"
"Dean antique collection"
"Dean Bros. (Indianapolis)"
"Dean-Hicks Printing Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Deane, Fred M. Jr."
"Deane, J. Brayton"
"Deane, J.B. (Grand Rapids)"
"Dearborn Co. (Chicago)"
"Dearborn Furniture Co. (Chicago)"
"Dearden's... (Los Angeles, CA)"
"Death of David Fish, head of L. Fish Furniture Company"
"DeBoer Mfg. Co. (Syracuse, NY)"
"DeBoer, John"
"DeBonis, George S."
"Debs, Eugene V."
"DeBurgh System"
"DeBurgh, A.R. (Redondo Beach, CA)"
"Decalcomania transfer"
"Decalcomania transfer process"
"Decals for leather decoration"
"Decker, William (Montgomery, PA)"
"Declining Lumber Industry"
"Décor pieces"
"Decorated furniture"
"Decorating Consultation Service"
"Decoration and Furnishing of .."
"Decorative art exhibits"
"Decorative art, history"
"Decorative arts"
"Decorative colors"
"Decorative designs"
"Decorative furniture"
"Decorative nails in furniture"
"Decorative styles"
"Decorators' Supply Co. (Chicago)"
"Decoy duck, construction"
"Decoy duck, design"
"Deeco, Inc. (Los Angeles)"
"Deen & Creel... (Pueblo, CO)"
"Defebaugh, Edgar (Louisville, KY)"
"Defense contracts"
"Defense Group Resources Unit"
"Defense housing"
"Defense Housing Coordinator"
"Defense Housing Interior Design ..."
"Defense orders"
"Deferred payment plans"
"Defiance Petroleum Corp. of ..."
"deforestation of Michigan land"
"DeGraaf, Gerrit H."
"DeGraaf, Martin"
"DeGraaf, Vrieling & Co."
"DeGraff & Quantrell"
"DeGraff, Fred"
"DeGraff, H. Fred"
"DeGroot, Edward"
"DeGroot, John"
"DeHaas, Charles"
"DeHaas, Cornelius"
"DeHamer, Martin"
"DeHollander, Cornelius (GR)"
"DeHoog, John"
"Deinzer, John J. (Detroit)"
"Deitz, Robert (Cincinnati)"
"DeJager & Stryker"
"DeJager Fuel Co."
"DeJager, Don"
"DeJager, Martin C."
"DeJager, Stryker & Co."
"DeJonge, George W."
"DeJonge, John J."
"DeJongh & Clouse"
"Dekker, Andries"
"DeKlein, Dick"
"DeKlein-Heffernan Co. (Canton, OH)"
"DeKok, John"
"DeKorne & Lindhout (Grand Rapids)"
"DeKorne Furniture Co."
"DeKorne Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"DeKorne, Boudewyn (Grand Rapids)"
"DeKorne, C.B."
"DeKorne, Lewis"
"DeKruif & Co."
"DeKuesnoy, Allen"
"Del Teet Furniture Co. (Denver, CO)"
"Del Teet Furniture Co. (Seattle, WA)"
"DeLamarter, Louis J."
"Delamater Drugs"
"Delamater, D.C."
"Delamater, E.D."
"Delaney, C.W."
"DeLange, Clarence"
"Delaware (OH) Chair Co."
"Delaware Chair Company"
"Delbert F. Helmer Co. Inc."
"Delbridge & Weeks"
"Delbridge, J.K."
"Delgado Central Trades(New Orleans)"
"Delhi (NY) Commercial Club"
"DeLimbert Boek (Holland, MI)"
"Delinquent debtors"
"Dell-Nu Re-Refining Co."
"Delovage, S."
"Delpheon Co. (Sturgis, MI)"
"Delta Mfg. Co. (Milwaukee)"
"Deltex Grass Rug...(Oshkosh, WI)"
"Deltex Spring Bed Co. (Dallas, TX)"
"Delus, Otto P. (Indianapolis)"
"DeLuxe Gardens Inc."
"DeLuxe Motors Inc."
"DeLuxe Upholstering Co."
"DeMaagd, Louis J."
"Demand continues for furniture; especially the cheap stuff"
"Demand for Industrial Schools"
"Demand is up for carpets and rugs"
"DeMann, William"
"Demar, Henry (Grand Rapids)"
"Demarest & Demarest (New York, NY)"
"Dembinsky, Abe"
"Dembinsky, Abe Inc. (Grand Rapids)"
"Demerara mahogany (crabwood)"
"DeMesteer, James"
"demolition of old Rome"
"Demurrage charges"
"Demurrage law"
"Demurrage rates"
"Demuth Furniture Co. (Memphis, TN)"
"Denatured alcohol"
"Dengler, G.W."
"Denham, F.G."
"DeNise, Glen E."
"Denison, Arthur C."
"Denison-Dykema Co."
"Denman, R.J."
"Dennett, Fred A. (Sheboygan, WI)"
"Dennis Bros. Salt & Lumber Co."
"Dennis Brothers (Granite City, IL)"
"Dennis Canadian Lumber Co."
"Dennis joint taping machine"
"Dennis, Sigmund"
"Dennis, W.E. (Grand Rapids)"
"Dennison Mfg. Co. (Boston, MA)"
"Denny & Jones... (New Hampton, MO)"
"Denny Bros. (Aurora, Ill.)"
"Denny, Harry C."
"Denny, Hilborn & (Philadelphia, PA)"
"Densmore patent veneer cottage"
"Densmore, Earl"
"Densmore, Edward"
"Dent Barber & Beauty Supply Co."
"Dent Chemical Co."
"Dent Furniture Corp. (NYC)"
"Dent Furniture Corp. (Syracuse, NY)"
"Dent, T. Ashley"
"Dental hygiene"
"Dental Research Laboratories"
"Denton, Court F."
"Denton-Chappell..(Lake Odessa, MI)"
"Denver Dry Goods Co. (Denver, CO)"
"Department stores"
"Department Stores neglect the sale and display of furniture"
"Dependable Used Furniture Co."
"Depew, Francis S."
"DePotter, J."
"DePotter, P."
"Depreciation funds"
"Depreciation of inventory"
"Depres Dowel Mfg.. (Grand Rapids)"
"DePrez system of ammonia gas supply"
"Derby Desk Co. (Boston)"
"Derby Hotel"
"Derbyshire Bros. (Philadelphia, PA)"
"Derbyshire, Harry"
"Derbyshire, John"
"Derieux Mfg. Co. (Knoxville, TN)"
"Derkins & Waters"
"DeRoller, Henry"
"DeRoo, C.J."
"Dertien, John R."
"Des Moines (IA) Sawmill Co."
"Descriptions of Palace furnishings"
"design and fabrication of Persian draperies"
"Design Center (New York, NY)"
"Design competitions"
"Design copyright registration"
"Design for Living House"
"Design patents"
"Design piracy"
"Design Piracy Tribunal"
"Design schools"
"Designers' code of ethics"
"Designing for the masses"
"Designs by Arthur Kirkpatrick (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Designs Easy to Get, But Genuine Adam Products Very Scarce"
"Designs, evolution of"
"Desk from Valley Forge, Sideboards, "Highboys" and "Lowboys" and Antiq"
"Desk or hutch cabinet, design"
"Desk stationery stand, design of"
"Desk stationery stand, making of"
"Deskey, Donald (New York City)"
"DeSoto Coal Co."
"Despres Dowel Manufacturing Co."
"Dessert & Brown Lumber Co."
"Destian, Avedas M."
"Destian, Avedis M."
"Destroyer Girl Contest"
"Detroit & Buffalo Steamboat Company"
"Detroit & Milwaukee Railroad Co."
"Detroit (MI) Cabinet Co."
"Detroit (MI) Chair Manufacturing Co."
"Detroit (MI) Electric Co."
"Detroit (MI) Folding Cart Co."
"Detroit (MI) Furniture Style Show"
"Detroit Ball Bearing Co."
"Detroit Cabinet Company (Detroit, MI)"
"Detroit City Gas Co."
"Detroit Folding Cart Company"
"Detroit Folding Cart Company (Detroit, MI)"
"Detroit Folding Go-Cart Company (Detroit, MI)"
"Detroit furniture industry"
"Detroit furniture manufacturers report"
"Detroit furniture manufacturing business is up"
"Detroit Furniture Manufacturing Company (Detroit, MI)"
"Detroit Furniture Manufacturing company notes"
"Detroit Guardian Union Group"
"Detroit one of the leading jobbing centers of the west"
"Detroit Plan"
"Detroit Rack Company"
"Detroit spending one million a month on new buildings"
"Detroit Union Guardian Group"
"Detroit Woolen Co. Inc."
"Detroit, MI furniture dealers"
"Detroit, Michigan furniture manufacturers note"
"Detroit, Michigan furniture manufacturers report"
"Detrot Better Homes Exposition"
"Dettenthaler Market"
"Dettenthaler, Frank J."
"Deutsch Bros. (New York, NY)"
"Deutser, B. Furniture.(Beaumont,TX)"
"DeVaux Sanitary Mettalic Refrigerators"
"Developing Boom in Detroit"
"Development of Furniture Pieces"
"Devereaux, Frank"
"DeVilbiss Co. (Toledo, OH)"
"DeVilbiss Mfg. Co. (Toledo, OH)"
"DeVlieger, John Thurlow"
"DeVliss Co. (Toledo, OH)"
"DeVries & Lugers Co."
"DeVries, Benjamin"
"DeVries, Henry"
"DeVries, John R."
"DeVries, Ralph"
"DeVries, Simon P."
"DeVries, William Jr."
"Dew, R.J."
"DeWaard, George"
"DeWalt Products Cor. (Lancaster,PA)"
"DeWeerd, Raleigh O."
"Dewend & Kuschman (Moline, IL)"
"Dewey patented invalid's tables"
"Dewey, G. Ernest"
"Dewey, Glen E. (Chicago)"
"Dewey, W.C."
"DeWitt, Chris"
"DeWitt, Clarence"
"DeWitt, Peter A."
"DeWitt-Potter Co."
"DeWitt-Seitz Co. (Minneapolis)"
"Dexter Furniture Co."
"Dexter, C.S. (Grand Rapids)"
"Dexter, Clarence S. (Grand Rapids)"
"Dexter, George H."
"DeYoung & Son"
"DeYoung, David B."
"DeYoung, G.H."
"DeYoung, John"
"Deysher Furniture House (Reading, PA)"
"Diamond Bros. (Hightstown, NJ)"
"Diamond Bros. (Trenton, NJ)"
"Diamond Crystal Satl Co."
"Diamond Fabric Co.... (Hoboken, NJ)"
"Diamond Furniture.. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Diamond Furniture..(Statesville,NC)"
"Diamond Ice Company Inc."
"Diamond Match Co."
"Diamond Parlor ...(New Haven, CT)"
"Diamond Steel Truck Co. (GR)"
"Diamond Steel Truck Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Diamond, Freda (New York City)"
"Diamond, Jay"
"Dice, B.H."
"Dick Kimm Furniture Co."
"Dickerson Glue Jointer Co."
"Dickerson, Bert (Three Rivers, MI)"
"Dickey, Earl H."
"Dickinson, Charles F."
"Dickson Wood Carving.(High Point,NC"
"Dickson, C.H. Co. (Porland, ME)"
"Dictionary of English Furniture"
"Die square stuff"
"Diebel Furniture...(Stratford,Ont.)"
"Diehl Machine Works (Wabash, IN)"
"Diehl Novelth ...(Glenbeulah, WI)"
"Diehl, Harvey H."
"Diekman, Charles F. (Evansville,IN)"
"Dielectric heating"
"Diepenhorst, Louis"
"Dierdorf Cigar Co."
"Dierdorf, Calvin W."
"Dies, Martin"
"Dietrich, John"
"Dietz, J.F. & Co. (Cincinnati)"
"Dikeman, Aaron"
"Dilgart & Bittner Co. (Sandusky, OH)"
"Dillenbach, Frank (Grand Rapids)"
"Dillenback, James D."
"Dilley, Harold"
"Dilley, Rom"
"Dilley-Brough Co. (Glendale, CA)"
"Dillingham Mfg. (Sheboygan, WI)"
"Dime Diner System"
"Dime Museum"
"Dimension lumber industry"
"Dimension Mfg. Co. (Black Mt., NC)"
"Dimension stock"
"Dimension stock industry"
"Dimension veneers"
"Dingley tariff law"
"Dinglowski, Stanley"
"Dining Hall, Hotel Rome (Omaha, NB), furnished by Thonet Brothers"
"Dining room chair, details"
"Dining room furniture"
"Dining room furniture, Stuart lines"
"Dining Room in a New San Francisco Residence"
"Dining Room, An Expensively Finished Dining Room"
"Dining Room, Manchester, England"
"Dining Room, Modified Mission"
"Dining Room, Suggestions for a dining room"
"Dining Room, Suggests Comfort and Good Cheer"
"Dining table in oak"
"Dining table made of English oak"
"Dining table, construction"
"Dining table, design"
"Dinwoodey Store"
"Dinwoodey's... (S. Lake City, UT)"
"Diott, Theodore J."
"Dip brassing"
"Directional modern furniture"
"Directo Lamp Co."
"Directoire furniture"
"Directoire Style"
"Dirk, M.E."
"Disabled men in furniture factories"
"Disabled soldiers"
"Disabled veterans"
"Discrimination based on race"
"Dise, B.A."
"Diskin Art (New York City)"
"Display cabinet, eveolution of"
"Display china closet, construction"
"Display china closet, design"
"Distelhurst, Frank L. Jr."
"Distress merchandise"
"Distributive education"
"District of Columbia"
"Ditman Co."
"Ditmar, John W."
"Diversified Bond Corp."
"Divine Bros. Co. (Utica, NY)"
"Divine Brothers Co. (Utica, NY)"
"Division Avenue"
"Division Avenue Lumber Co."
"Division Avenue Realty Co."
"Division Holding Co."
"Dixie Advertisers (High Point,NC)"
"Dixie Chrome Products Inc. (Dallas)"
"Dixie Cotton Felt ...(Chicago)"
"Dixie Cotton Felt Mattress(Chicago)"
"Dixie Cotton Felt... (Chicago, IL)"
"Dixie Furniture Co. (Lexington,KY)"
"Dixie Furniture Company (Danville, VA)"
"Dixie hair mattress"
"Dixie Table and ...(Atlanta, GA)"
"Doak, Algernon Sidney"
"Doall Co. (Des Plaines, IL)"
"Doan, John G."
"Dobbs, Joseph (HIgh Point, NC)"
"Dobyns Furniture (Little Rock, AR)"
"Dobyns, A.E."
"Documentary movies"
"Dodd, Earl"
"Dodd, Mead & Co. (New York City)"
"Dodd, Mead & Co. (New York)"
"Dodds & Yocum"
"Dodds Machine Co."
"Dodds, Alexander"
"Dodds, Alexander (Grand Rapids)"
"Dodds, Lafayette"
"Dodge Bros. (Detroit)"
"Dodge, C.E."
"Dodge, E.E."
"Dodge, Fred R."
"Dodge, Roy"
"Dodge, Roy O."
"Doehler Furniture Co. (NYC)"
"Doehler Metal Furniture Co. (NYC)"
"Doehler Metal Furniture...(NYC)"
"Doepping, J.H."
"Doernbecher Co. (San Francisco)"
"Doernbecher Manufacturing Company"
"Doernbecher Mfg. Co. (Portland)"
"Doernbecher Mfg. Co. (Portland, OR)"
"Doernbecher, F.C."
"Doernbecher, Frank (Portland, OR)"
"Doernbechler Furniture Manufacturing Company, Lewis and Clark Expositi"
"Doernbecker Mfg. Co. (Portland, OR)"
"Doerr Manufacturing Co."
"Dogger & Nyberg"
"Dolan, V.J. and Co. (Chicago)"
"Dole, G.W."
"Dollar, Sign & Service Co."
"Dolphin, Harvey M. (Grand Rapids)"
"Dolson automobiles"
"Dolson, Robert P."
"Dolson-Horn... (Galveston, TX)"
"Domes of Silence"
"Domestic Appliance Corp."
"Domestic economy instruction"
"Domestic help"
"Domestic Science Room photo"
"Domestic Service Department photo"
"Dominican imports of U.S. furniture"
"Don G. McAfee Inc."
"Donahue, John T. (Cleveland, OH)"
"Donaldson Glass Co."
"Donaldson Motor Sales Co."
"Donaldson's... (Minneapolis, MN)"
"Donanvan building"
"Donker Coal Co."
"Donker Coffee House"
"Donker, A."
"Donker, George W."
"Donker, Martin B."
"Donnelly, Joseph M."
"Donovan, Robert"
"Dooge, Leonard"
"Dooley Presser Foot Co."
"Doolittle, Benson E."
"Doornink, Derk J."
"Doornink, Gertrude"
"Doran, Peter"
"Doric architecture"
"Dorman Furniture.. (Sacramento, CA)"
"Dorman, H.A."
"Dornbos, Jacob L."
"Dornbos, Peter"
"Dorothy Klein Emporium"
"Dorris - Heyman Company (Phoenix, AZ)"
"Dorris-Heyman Furn. (Phoenix, AZ)"
"Dorsey Printing Company (Dallas, TX)"
"Dosker & VanDeRiet"
"Doty, E.F. Jr."
"Doty, George M."
"Doty, Paul"
"Doty-Salisbuty... (Flint, MI)"
"Double Action Manufacturing Corp."
"Double cut-off saw by Buss Machine Works (Holland, MI)"
"Double cut-off saws"
"Double cylinder planer"
"Double Duty Chair..(Cleveland, OH)"
"Double end tenoner"
"Double spindle shaper"
"Double Writing Desk troubles"
"Double-end tenon machines"
"Dougherty, Lawrence (Philadelphia)"
"Doughty, J.L."
"Douglas DC3 airliners"
"Douglas fir as furniture wood"
"Douglas fir in plywood industry"
"Douglas fir plywood"
"Douglas fir plywood for boats"
"Douglas fir tree bark"
"Douglas Furniture Corp. (Chicago)"
"Douglas Room, Stirling Castle (Stirling, Scotland)"
"Douglas, Stephen A."
"Douma, isaac"
"Dovetailing machinery"
"Dow Chemical Co."
"Dow Chemical Co. (Bay City, MI)"
"Dow Co. (Louisville, KY)"
"Dowel machines"
"Dowel pin"
"Dowel pins"
"Dowling, Michael J. (Olivia, MN)"
"Downing & Leffingwell"
"Downing, Darwin A."
"Downs, W.H."
"Downtown stores"
"Dowstra, Henry F."
"Doxtater, N.A."
"Doyle Composition Co."
"Doyle Sanitarium"
"Doyle, B."
"Doyle, Thurman B."
"Doyle, W.F. (Menominee, MI)"
"Doyle, William B."
"Dr. Scholl Foot Comfort Shop"
"Drake & Moninger... (Alliance, OH)"
"Drake Bros."
"Drake Furniture Company (Columbia, SC)"
"Drake Lock-Nut Co. (San Francisco)"
"Drake, Charles (Rochester, NY)"
"Drake, George (San Francisco)"
"Drake, Sidney B."
"Drake, William D."
"Drake-Carey Furniture Co. (Keokuk, IA)"
"Draper, Dorothy"
"Draper, George J."
"Drawer bottoms"
"Drawing classroom photo"
"Drawing Room and Library"
"Drawing room cabinet work"
"Dregge & Hodenpyl"
"Dregge, Charles (Grand Rapids)"
"Dregge, John"
"Dregge, Martin (Grand Rapids)"
"Dregge, Martin C. (Grand Rapids)"
"Dregge, Martin J."
"Dregge, Martin J. (Grand Rapids)"
"Dreisen, Samuel"
"Dresden colorings"
"Dresden(Germany) furniture industry"
"Dresher Mfg. Co. (Chicago)"
"Dressel, Andrew C. (New Orleans)"
"Dresser of figured gum (art)"
"Dressing table, construction of"
"Dressing table, design of"
"Dressler, Charles P."
"Dressler, Theodore S."
"Drew, Walter"
"Drexel (NC) Furniture Co."
"Drexel Furniture Co. (Asheville,NC)"
"Drexel Furniture Co. (Chicago ?)"
"Drexel Furniture Co. (Marion, NC)"
"Drexel Furniture..(Asheville, NC)"
"Drexel Furniture..(Kingstree, SC)"
"Drexel Furniture... (Morganton, NC)"
"Drexel Furniture...(Asheville, NC)"
"Dreyfuss, Henry (New York City)"
"Drieborg, Albert"
"Drier, Harold B."
"Driggs, Anson T."
"Drinking on the job"
"Drinkle, A.T. (Port Washington, WI)"
"drive belt and pulley guarded"
"Driver Sander Co."
"Driver, C.H. & Kerr Co. (Racine,WI)"
"Drobinski, F. (Long Island City,NY)"
"Drop Front Drawer Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Drop leaf table, c1750 (art)"
"Dropfront music cabinets"
"Dropleaf tables"
"Drueke & Kennedy"
"Drueke, Irene (Grand Rapids)"
"Drueke, William F. & Co. (GR)"
"Druker, Max N."
"Drum and belt sanding"
"Drummond, David A."
"Dry colors"
"Dry goods business"
"Dry kiln"
"Dry kiln equipment"
"Dry kiln maintenance and repair"
"Dry kilning of lumber"
"Dry kilns"
"Dry kilns as cause of fires"
"Dry lumber"
"Dry staining"
"Dryden Art Reed (San Diego, CA)"
"Dryden, E.E."
"Dryden-Annin-Rose Clock Co."
"Du Pont Co. (Wilmington, DE)"
"Du Pont de Nemours Co. (Del.)"
"Du Pont patents"
"Dual-purpose bedding"
"Dual-use tables"
"Duane Chair Co. (Dalton, GA)"
"DuBarry commode cabinets"
"DuBois Hats"
"DuBois, Gordon R."
"DuBois-Munn Co."
"Dubuque (IA) Mattress Co."
"Dubuque (IA) Mfg. Co."
"Ducey, Michael H."
"Dudley H. Waters & Co."
"Dudley, Walter D."
"Dufayel's of Paris"
"Duff & Repp Furniture (Kansas City, MO)"
"Duffee-Freeman... (Atlanta, GA)"
"Duffy, Edward"
"Duffy, William R."
"Duffy-Powers Co. (Rochester, NY)"
"Dufresne, George"
"Duiker, Henry"
"Dukavas, John L."
"Duke and Duchess of Manchester"
"Dulaney, Luther T. (Oklahoma City)"
"Dulin & Martin.. (Washington, DC)"
"Dun & Bradstreet"
"Dun & Bradstreet insolvency reports"
"Dun's Review"
"Dunaven, George"
"Dunbar Furniture..(Berne, IN)"
"Dunbar Furniture... (New Berne, IN)"
"Dunbar Furniture...(Berne, IN)"
"Dunbar living room line (art)"
"Dunbar, L.L. (Linn Grove, IN)"
"Duncan Phye drop-leaf table (art)"
"Duncan Phyfe 8-legged sofa"
"Duncan Phyfe card table (art)"
"Duncan Phyfe chair (art)"
"Duncan Phyfe Club"
"Duncan Phyfe dining table (art)"
"Duncan Phyfe dressing table (art)"
"Duncan Phyfe drop leaf table(art)"
"Duncan Phyfe drop-leaf table (art)"
"Duncan Phyfe fireside sofa"
"Duncan Phyfe furniture (art)"
"Duncan Phyfe high post bed"
"Duncan Phyfe high post bed (art)"
"Duncan Phyfe lyre back chair (art)"
"Duncan Phyfe lyre-back chair"
"Duncan Phyfe showroom"
"Duncan Phyfe sideboard (art)"
"Duncan Phyfe sofa (art)"
"Duncan Phyfe table"
"Duncan Phyfe tool chest"
"Duncan Phyfe wash stand (art)"
"Duncna Phyfe furniture"
"Dundee Co. (Warsaw, IN)"
"Dundee Furniture...(Warsaw, IN)"
"Dundee Mfg. Co. (Warsaw, IN)"
"Dunhall Furniture Co. (Hewlett, NY)"
"Dunham & Chick Furniture Co."
"Dunham, E.M."
"Dunham, William"
"Dunks, Charles H. (Detroit)"
"Dunlap, Emmet R."
"Dunlap, W.A."
"Dunn Electric Co."
"Dunn Tile & Supply Co."
"Dunn, John A. Chair..(St. Paul, MN)"
"Dunn, John A. Co (Gardner, MA)"
"Dunn, John A. Co. (Gardner, MA)"
"Dunn, John A. Corp. (Ashland, MA)"
"Dunnebacke, A."
"Dunning, H.H."
"Duo tone finishes"
"DuPont Co. (Wilmington, DE)"
"DuPont Fabrikoid (Wilmington, DE)"
"Dupont, E.I. de..(Wilmington, DEL.)"
"Dupree, J.A."
"Dupuis Freres Ltd. (Montreal, Can.)"
"Durable Door Co. (Hoquiam, WA)"
"Durand Steel Locker Co.(Aurora, IL)"
"Duraplast Inc."
"Durfee Embalming fluid Co."
"Durfft, Paul"
"Durham (NC) Furniture Co."
"Durham Mfg. Co. (Muncie, IN)"
"Durham Mfg. Corp. (Muncie, IN)"
"Durham, S.C."
"Durkee, William"
"Dust panels a hit"
"Dutch arts and crafts style"
"Dutch cabinet in oak with ebony"
"Dutch colonial"
"Dutch Cookie Machine Co."
"Dutch East Indies"
"Dutch elm disease"
"Dutch Room"
"Dutch school of furniture styles"
"Dutch type of fiddle back ...(art)"
"Dutch type tea table (art)"
"Dutch Wood-Craft Shops"
"Dutch Woodcraft Shops (Zeeland,MI)"
"Dutcher Shoecraft"
"Dutmer's Drug Store"
"Dutmer, Henry"
"Dutmers, Cornelius John"
"Dutmers, John C."
"Dutton, E.P. Co. (New York City)"
"Duvall, Carl L."
"Dwart bookcase, construction"
"Dwart bookcase, design"
"Dwyer Bros. (London, OH)"
"Dye strength standards"
"Dyer, George B. (Grand Rapids)"
"Dyer, George C."
"Dyestuffs, tariff on"
"Dyestuffs, U.S. import of"
"Dygert, Lee"
"Dygett Distributing Co."
"Dyk, Frank"
"Dyke-Rose Motor Co."
"Dykema, Claude D."
"Dykema, Cornelius G."
"Dykema, Jacob"
"Dykema, Jacob C."
"Dykema, Peter J."
"Dykstra & Oole"
"Dykstra's Greater Food Mart"
"Dykstra, John"
"Dykstra, John R."
"Dykstra, John S."
"Dykstra, William J."
"Dynamique creations"
"Dynamo in Dixie"
"E-Z Rest Mfg. Co. (Winchester, IN)"
"E. Fallas & Son"
"E. Wiener Co. (Milwaukee, WI)"
"E.A. Crandall Grocery"
"E.A. Crozier Shoe Co."
"E.A. Geischer & Bros."
"E.A. Simmons Inc."
"E.A. Snead's... (Clifton Forge, VA)"
"E.B. Smith & Co. (Sioux Falls, SD)"
"E.C. Atkins & Company (Indianapolis, IN)"
"E.C. Minas Co. (Hammond, IN)"
"E.D. Winchester & Son"
"E.E. Brainard & Son"
"E.E. Johnson Candy Co."
"E.E. VanDuzer... (Middletown, NY)"
"E.G. Ohmer & Co. (Dayton, OH)"
"E.H. Rollin & Sons"
"E.H. Rowley Co."
"E.H. Sheldon & Company"
"E.H. Stafford Manufacturing Company"
"E.J. Bean & Co."
"E.J. Gillies & Co."
"E.J. Knapp Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"E.J. Moore & Co."
"E.K.S. Equipment Co."
"E.M. Holland Inc."
"E.M. White & Co."
"E.M.F. auto factory (Detroit)"
"E.O. Bulman Manufacturing Co."
"E.P. Kidder & Co."
"E.P. Morse & Co."
"E.Q. Smith Chair Company"
"E.Q. Smith Chair Company (Evansville, IN)"
"E.R. Huntley & Co."
"E.R. Roach Inc."
"E.R. Wagner Mfg. (N. Milwaukee, WI)"
"E.S. Metal Furniture Co. (NYC)"
"E.W. & L.K. Peck Co."
"E.W. Edwards & Son... (Buffalo, NY)"
"E.W. Heth & Co."
"Eads Brothers... (Fort Smith, Ark)"
"Eaerly American bedroom (art)"
"Eagan, Andy J."
"Eagle Furniture Co. (New York City)"
"Eagle Furniture Co. (San Antonio, TX)"
"Eagle Furniture Company"
"Eagle Hotel"
"Eagle Tanning Works (Chicago)"
"Eagle-Ottawa Leather..(Grand Haven)"
"Eagle-Wabash Co. (Chicago)"
"Eaglesfield, Capt."
"Eaglesfield, Joseph"
"Eames, Charles"
"Eames, Charles (Zeeland, MI)"
"Early American furniture"
"Early American furniture (art)"
"Early American furniture design"
"Early American furniture designers"
"Early American Furniture Makers"
"Early American furniture styles"
"Early American Style"
"Early Colonial furniture"
"Early Colonial Windsor Style"
"Early English Style"
"Early Georgian table"
"Eason-Goldsmith Co."
"Eason-Meeth Co."
"East Chicago Hardware Company (Chicago, IL)"
"East End Fuel Co."
"East End Furniture Co."
"East End Market"
"East End Sausage Co."
"East Grand Rapids"
"East Grand Rapids Fuel Co."
"East Grand Rapids Lumber Co."
"East Gray (IN) Automatic Desk Co."
"East India as source of cane"
"East Indian satinwood"
"East Indian teak"
"East Side Water Power Co."
"Eastern Equities Corp."
"Eastern Outfitting (Los Angeles, CA)"
"Eastern Outfitting (San Francisco, CA)"
"Eastern Reed and ...(Worcester, MA)"
"Eastern Sales Exposition ..."
"Eastern Wood ...(Hackensack, NJ)"
"Eastern Wood Products(Oakville, CT)"
"Eastern... (Los Angeles, CA)"
"Eastman, Edward (Burlington, IA)"
"Eastman, George Jr."
"Easton (MD) Furniture Co."
"Eastown Grocery"
"Eastrn American Chair Co. (NYC)"
"Eatinger's Furniture.. (Orient, IA)"
"Eatinger, E.A."
"Eaton & Canfield"
"Eaton & Christenson"
"Eaton Chair Co. (Chicago)"
"Eaton Chair Co. (Monticello, IN)"
"Eaton, Henry"
"Eaton, Lyon & Co."
"Eaton, Mrs. Helen A."
"Ebenhack & Sons.. (Chillicothe, OH)"
"Eberhard FoodS"
"Eberhard, L.V."
"Eberle, J. Frederick (Philadelphia)"
"Ebert Furniture Co. (Red Lion, PA)"
"Ebony and ebony imitations"
"Ebony forests, Texas"
"Eckberg, Nels. T."
"Eckbert Bros. (Berea, OH)"
"Eckert, Adolph H."
"Eckman Furniture Co. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Eckman Furniture Co. (Jamestown,NY)"
"Eclecticism in furniture design"
"Eclipse Flag Manufacturing Co."
"Economic depressions"
"Economic recovery"
"Economic slumps"
"Economical Sedan Co."
"Economy 5 cent to $1 store"
"Economy 5c to $1 store"
"Economy Bakery"
"Economy Boys Standard Brands Store"
"Economy Drawing Table..(Adrian, MI)"
"Economy Drugs Co."
"Economy Furniture Co. (Pontiac, MI)"
"Economy Furniture Shops"
"Economy Furniture..(Evansville,IN)"
"Economy Furniture..(Schenectady,NY)"
"Economy Furniture... (Scranton, PA)"
"Economy Manufacturing Co."
"Economy Office Supply Co."
"Economy Shoe Company of Creston"
"Economy Shoe Store"
"Ecuador as source of balsa wood"
"Ecuador imports of U.S. furniture"
"Ecuadorean kapok industry"
"Ed Lienhart & Sons (Wakarusa, IN)"
"Ed. Hammerman Hardware"
"Ed. Schuster Co. (Milwaukee, WI)"
"Eddy, Harrison"
"Edelmuth Co. (Cleveland)"
"Edgar Allen Poe's desk"
"Edgar R. Somes Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Edgar S. Kiefer Tanning Co."
"Edge Act"
"Edgerton & Co. (Indianapolis)"
"Edie, Fred M."
"Edinburg Furniture Co. (Edinburg, IN)"
"Edison Institute Museum (Dearborn)"
"Edison Institute Museum (Dearborn, MI)"
"Edison Light Co."
"Edison workshop (New Village, NJ)"
"Edison, Mrs. Thomas A,"
"Edison, Thomas"
"Edison, Thomas A."
"Edison, Thomas A. (retirement)"
"Edmunds, A.T."
"Edson, Harlie J."
"Educational training camps"
"Edward C. Swanson Co."
"Edward Malley Co. (New Haven, CT)"
"Edward W. Stiles Land Co."
"Edward's Furniture.. (Portland, MI)"
"Edwards Furniture Co. (Portland)"
"Edwards Machine Company"
"Edwards Machine Company (Chicago, IL)"
"Edwards, C.S."
"Edwards, E.W. & Son Co. (Buffalo)"
"Edwards, Percy"
"Edwards, Ralph"
"Edwards, Richard E."
"Edwards, Richard E. (Peru, IN)"
"Edwards, William H."
"Edwards-Hine Co."
"Edwards. T.H."
"Eerdmans Publishing Co."
"Eerdmans Sevensma Co."
"Eerdmans, William"
"effective window displays encourage shoppers"
"Efficiency engineering"
"Efficiency engineers"
"Efficiency in furniture industry"
"Egan, Thomas"
"Egender Furniture (Kansas City, MO)"
"Egg Baking Powder Co."
"Egner-Gorman Inc."
"Egyptian chairs"
"Egyptian furniture"
"Egyptian furniture styles"
"Egyptian Style"
"Ehemann, George C. ...(Memphis,TN)"
"Ehrman, Michael"
"Eichelsdoerfer, C.T. (Grand Rapids)"
"Eichelsdorfer, Lily"
"Eichelsdorfer, William"
"Eickenberry-McFall Co. (Eaton, OH)"
"Eifert, Earl"
"Eifert, Geistert & Co."
"Eifert-Geistert & Co."
"Eight-hour working day"
"Eight-hour-working day"
"Eikenhout, John"
"Eikenhout, William"
"Eisen Beros. (New York City)"
"Eisen Bros. (Hoboken, NJ)"
"Eject-O-File Co. (High Point, NC)"
"Ekelund, G.A."
"Ekkens-Taylor Radio Shop"
"Ekstrom, Carlson Co. (Rockford, IL)"
"Ekstrom, Carlson..(Rockford, IL)"
"Ekstrom, Carlson...(Rockford, IL)"
"El Tovar Hotel (Grand Canyon, AZ)"
"El-Bee Chemical Co."
"Elderedge, L.D."
"Elders Electric"
"Eldersvelt, D."
"Eldredge, Loren D. (Rochester, NY)"
"Electric cars"
"Electric Construction & Machinery.."
"Electric Corp."
"Electric houses"
"Electric lamp, construction"
"Electric lamp, design"
"Electric light plant"
"Electric motor drives"
"Electric motor trucks"
"Electric moulders"
"Electric power for factories"
"Electric power in furniture plans"
"Electric refrigeration"
"Electric refrigeration system"
"Electric Refrigerator Corp. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Electric Sorting Machine Co."
"Electric Super-Starter"
"Electric table lamp, const."
"Electric table lamp, design"
"Electric Vendor Corp."
"Electric-run woodworking tools"
"Electrical arc welding"
"Electrical Clay Products Co."
"Electrical Jobbers Catalog Co."
"Electrical Research ...(CHicago)"
"Electrical Supply Jobbers ..."
"Electrically equipped furniture"
"Electricity in handling of glue"
"Electricity versus steam power railroads"
"Electronic heat in juke box making"
"Electronics and wood fabricating"
"Electronics in furniture industry"
"Electroplating processes"
"Electropure Creamery Co."
"Electroshave Safety Razor Co."
"Elementary wood work classroom photo"
"Elenbaas, Joshua"
"elevator safety catch"
"elevator safety lock"
"Eleventh Street Hardware Co."
"Elgin, Marshall D."
"Elhart, Ben"
"Elhart, Henry B.L."
"Eli D. Miller & Company"
"Eli D. Miller & Company (Evansville, IN)"
"Elite Furniture ..(Jamestown, NY)"
"Elite Furniture Co. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Elite Furniture Co. (Jamestown,NY)"
"Elite Furniture Co.(Jamestown, NY)"
"Elizabethan bench (art)"
"Elizabethan period furniture"
"Elizabethan sideboard (art)"
"Elizabethan style"
"Elk & Dixie ...(Lexington, NC)"
"Elk Furniture Co. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Elk Furniture Co. (Lexington, NC)"
"Elk-Furniture Co. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Elkin (NC) Furniture Co."
"Elkin (NC) Table Co."
"Elkstrom, Carlson, ...(Rockford,IL)"
"Ellinger, D.J.G."
"Elliott & Co."
"Elliott & Yeiter"
"Elliott Boot Shop"
"Elliott Button Fastener Co."
"Elliott Furniture Co... (Durham,NC)"
"Elliott Machine Co."
"Elliott, Albert J."
"Elliott, B.W."
"Elliott, William E."
"Ellis & Matsuhara"
"Ellis Bros. Co."
"Ellis, Archibald E."
"Ellis, Deacon"
"Ellis, Frank K."
"Ellis, George E."
"Ellis, Harry P. (Cleveland)"
"Ellis, P.M. Upholstery ...(GR)"
"Ellis, Percy M."
"Ellis, Robert"
"Ellison Furniture..(High Point, NC)"
"Ellison's... (Fort Worth, TX)"
"Ellwanger, Robert J."
"Elm Mfg. Co. (Buffalo)"
"Elston & Co."
"Elston, F.S. (Grand Rapids)"
"Elston, R.N."
"Elwell, George (Minneapolis)"
"Elwell, James (Minneapolis)"
"Elwood Paper Co."
"Ema, Burt"
"Emahizer-Spelman... (Topeka, KS)"
"Embezzlers and embezzlement"
"Emblem Mfg. (Port Washington, WI)"
"Embossed art clocks"
"Embossed fabrics"
"Emergency Fleet Corp. (Beaumont, TX)"
"Emerson Chair & ...(Derry, NH)"
"Emerson Dry Kiln Co. (NYC)"
"Emerson, John"
"Emerson, R. W."
"Emery & Co."
"Emery wheels"
"Emery, Benjamin F."
"Emery, Fred H."
"Emery, John C."
"Eminiscence, R."
"Emmerich Manual (Indianapolis, IN)"
"Emmerich, Chas. & Co. (Chicago)"
"Emmerson Furniture (Canon City, CO)"
"Emmett F. Roche Co."
"Emmons, O."
"Emmons, William"
"Empire Brass Bedstead Co. (Buffalo)"
"Empire Case Co. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Empire Case Goods Co. (Jamestown,NY"
"Empire Case Goods.. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Empire Case Goods..(Jamestown, NY)"
"Empire Case Goods...(Jamestown,NY)"
"Empire Chair Co. (Johnson City, TN)"
"Empire Chair Co. (Johnson Cuty,TN)"
"Empire Cloak & Suit Co."
"Empire Colonial lamp, construction"
"Empire Colonial lamp, design"
"Empire Colonial piano bench,design"
"Empire Colonial Style"
"Empire Couch Co. (Medina, NY)"
"Empire furniture"
"Empire Furniture ... (Clinton, MA)"
"Empire Furniture Co."
"Empire Furniture Co. (Atlanta, GA)"
"Empire Furniture Co. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Empire Furniture Company"
"Empire Furniture Company (Jamestown, NY)"
"Empire furniture going out of style"
"Empire Furniture Mfg. (Seattle)"
"Empire Furniture of the Second Wife of Louis XIVs, Fontainebleau Palac"
"Empire Furniture..(Gallipolis, OH)"
"Empire Furniture..(Huntington, WV)"
"Empire Furniture..(Rockford, IL)"
"Empire House Furnishing Co. (New York, NY)"
"Empire Mattress Co. (Chicago)"
"Empire Mfg. Co. (Rockford, IL)"
"Empire Seating Co. (Rochester, NY)"
"Empire sewing cabinet, construction"
"Empire sewing cabinet, design"
"Empire Straw Works"
"Empire Style"
"Empire Style furniture (art)"
"Empire Style of furniture"
"Empire Talking Machine (Chicago,IL)"
"Empire Veneer Co. (Chicago)"
"Employe confidence"
"Employee bonuses"
"Employee group insurance"
"Employee health benefits"
"Employee insurance"
"Employee life insurance"
"Employee profit sharing"
"Employee profit sharing plan"
"Employee profit-sharing"
"Employee promotions"
"Employee safety"
"Employee safety safeguards"
"Employee sick benefit plans"
"Employee testing"
"Employee training programs"
"Employee welfare"
"Employer-employee relations"
"Employers' Association of Grand ..."
"Employes compensation laws"
"Employment and payroll conditiond"
"Employment and payroll conditions"
"Employment in furniture factories"
"Emplye group insurance"
"Emporium (San Francisco, CA)"
"Empress candy shop"
"Emrich Furniture Co. (Indianapolis, IN)"
"Emrich Furniture...(Indianapolis)"
"Emrich, John H. (Indianapolis)"
"Emrich, John Henry"
"Emrich, John Henry (Indianapolis)"
"Emtoma Pharmacal Co."
"Enamel as furniture finish"
"Enamel finishes"
"Enamel finishing"
"Enamel furniture"
"Enamel use for furniture"
"Enamelac Varnish Co. (Racine, WI)"
"Enamelled furniture"
"Enamels and lacquers"
"Endicott Chair reproduction"
"Endless bed sander"
"Engbrenghof, Jacob"
"Engbrenghof, Louis"
"Engel Brothers Furniture (Detroit, MI)"
"Engel Lumber Co."
"Engel, George"
"Engel, George F."
"Engel, Walter M. (New York City)"
"Engel, Walter M. (New York, NY)"
"Engelhard, John"
"Engelwood-Dowel Co."
"Enger & Olson (West Duluth, MN)"
"Enger, B.J."
"Engine lubrication"
"Engine rooms"
"Englander Co. (New York City)"
"Englander Companies (Brooklyn, NY)"
"Englander Spring & Bed Co."
"Englander Spring Bed (Chicago, IL)"
"Englander Spring Bed (New York, NY)"
"Englander Spring Bed Co. (NYC)"
"Englander Spring Bed..(Brooklyn, NY"
"Englander Spring Bed..(Brooklyn,NY)"
"Englesman, John D."
"Engleton-Boyd ..(Michigan City, IN)"
"English apprentice schools"
"English arts and crafts movement"
"English cabinet makers"
"English cabinet making industry"
"English cabinet work"
"English Chippendale sofa (art)"
"English demand for U.S. desks"
"English designers, migration to US"
"English Dining Room, London, England"
"English down cushion style"
"English empire secretaire bookcase"
"English employment conditions"
"English factory employes"
"English furniture"
"English furniture advertising in US"
"English furniture design"
"English furniture designers"
"English furniture designs (art)"
"English furniture imports"
"English furniture industry"
"English furniture industry and WWI"
"English furniture prices"
"English furniture style"
"English furniture styles"
"English furniture trade"
"English furniture wages"
"English furniture, demand for"
"English industrial education"
"English influence on U.S. designers"
"English inlay"
"English Manor House"
"English metal bed industry"
"English metal beds industry"
"English metal bedstead exports"
"English oak"
"English pottery"
"English Regency furniture"
"English show cabinet, c.1690 (art)"
"English technical education"
"English technical schools"
"English trade unionism"
"English walnut"
"English Windosr chairs"
"Engraving industry"
"Enlistments, World War I"
"Ennis, E.E. (Chicago)"
"Enormous activity of the yellow pine lumber industry in Georgia and Al"
"Ensemble selling"
"Ensign & Wilkins (Elmira, OH)"
"Ensign Manufacturing Co."
"Ensign, Raymond P. (Chicago)"
"Enterprise Electric Co."
"Enterprise Furniture...(Reading,PA)"
"Enterprise Metal Bed Co. (NYC)"
"Enterprise Realty Co."
"Enterprise Refining Co."
"Entrance, Ralph P. Tietsort's Beautiful Home"
"Entroth Shoe Co."
"Eon Chest Co."
"Ephlin, Fred J."
"Epidos General Secretariat (Paris)"
"Epidos international association"
"Epp Brothers (Erie, PA)"
"Eppel, J.R."
"Erhardt, Fred"
"Erickson Venetian Blinds (Gothenburg, Sweden)"
"Erickson, Ernest R."
"Erles Corporation"
"Erskine-Danforth Corp. (NYC)"
"Erskine-Danforth... (New York, NY)"
"Erstein & Beecher"
"Erwin-Lambeth...(Thomasville, NC)"
"Erzgebirge clubs"
"Esco Oil & Gas Co."
"Escott, Frank H."
"Essentials of Upholstery"
"Essex Hotel (New York City)"
"Essex Institute (Salem, MA)"
"Estey Furniture Manufacturing Company (Owosso, MI), fire destroys fact"
"Estey Manufacturing Co. (Owosso, MI)"
"Estey Manufacturing Co. (Owosso,MI)"
"Estey Manufacturing Company"
"Estey Manufacturing Company (Owosso, MI)"
"Estey Manufacturing Company (Owosso, MI), bed"
"Estey Manufacturing Company (Owosso, MI), furniture"
"Estey Mfg. Co. (Owosso)"
"Estey Mfg. Co. (Owosso, MI)"
"Estey Organ Co. (Brattleboro, VT)"
"Estey, Charles E."
"Estey, D.M."
"Etching of metals"
"Ethel Chair Co. (Lenoir, NC)"
"Etheridge, Mr."
"Ethics groups"
"Ethics in furniture design"
"Eucalyptus as furniture wood"
"Eugene Mattress Co. (Spokane, WA)"
"Eureka steel locks"
"Europan furniture design"
"Europe, furniture exports to"
"European bedroom furnishings"
"European builders reject modern styles for Louis XV & XVI styles"
"European forests"
"European furbniture designs"
"European furniture"
"European furniture design"
"European furniture designs"
"European furniture exports to U.S."
"European furniture imports to U.S."
"European furniture manufacturing"
"European plate glass syndicate"
"European Provincial style"
"European tables (art)"
"European Upholstering Co."
"European Upholstery Co. (GR)"
"European willow"
"Eustis, Edward G."
"Evans & Brisebois... (Detroit, MI)"
"Evans & Retting Lumber Co."
"Evans Products Co. (Grand Haven, MI"
"Evans Products Co. (Grand Haven,MI)"
"Evans, D.J."
"Evans, David K. (Grand Rapids)"
"Evans, David L."
"Evans, David L. (Grand Rapids)"
"Evansville (IN) furniture briefs"
"Evansville (IN) Furniture Co."
"Evansville (IN) furniture expo"
"Evansville (IN) furniture expos"
"Evansville (IN) furniture firms"
"Evansville (IN) furniture industry"
"Evansville (IN) Metal Bed Co."
"Evansville (IN) trade briefs"
"Evansville (IN) trade news"
"Evansville (IN) Veneer Co."
"Evansville (NY) furniture industry"
"Evansville Bookcase and Table Company (Evansville, IN)"
"Evansville Desk Company"
"Evansville Desk Company (Evansville, IN)"
"Evansville Desk Company (Evansville, IN), factory"
"Evansville Dimension Company (Evansville, IN)"
"Evansville Factories enjoying busy season"
"Evansville Furniture Company"
"Evansville Furniture Company (Evansville, IN)"
"Evansville furniture manufacturers report"
"Evansville manufacturers employ good business tactics"
"Evansville Metal Bed Company"
"Evansville Metal Bed Company (Evansville, IN)"
"Evansville Metal Bed Company (Evansville, IN), examples of beds"
"Evansville Metal Furniture Company"
"Evansville Veneer Company"
"Evansville Veneer Company (Evansville, IN)"
"Evansville, IN flood"
"Evansville, IN furniture industry"
"Evansville, IN furniture market"
"Evansville, Indiana furniture manufacturers note"
"Evansville, Indiana furniture manufacturers report"
"Evansville, Indiana; Furniture Manufacturing City"
"Evelyn Carlyle Inc."
"Evelyn, Dorothea"
"Evening Press"
"Everett (WA) Bed Mfg. Co."
"Everett, James C. (Grand Rapids)"
"Evergreens now part of décor"
"Everhot Sales Co."
"Eversten, Kenneth (Chicago)"
"Everygirl's Publishing Co."
"Evolution chair"
"Evolution of the Table"
"Ewald Stein Radio Corp."
"Ewing, Ernest L. (Grand Rapids)"
"Ewing, L.A."
"Ewing, William Landers"
"Ex-Railroad Manager Tells What Causes the Car Famine"
"Examples of Louis XVI style"
"examples of shapes that can be achieved by sand belting chair parts"
"Excel Cabinet Co. (Falconer, NY)"
"Excel Mfg. Co. (Rockford, IL)"
"Excell Furniture...(Shelbybille,IN)"
"Excello Die Casting Co."
"Excello Machine Co."
"Excelsion wire works"
"Excelsior Chair Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Excelsior Electric Co."
"Excelsior Mfg. ..(Jacksonville, FL)"
"Excelsior Pulley Co. (Cuba, NY)"
"Excelsior Stove & Manufacturing Company"
"Excelsior Wrapper Co."
"Excelsior, U.S. production of"
"Excessive profits"
"Exchange Club of Rockford"
"Exchange Furniture..(Evansville,IN)"
"Exclusive Furniture (Birmingham, AL)"
"Executive Furniture..(Okla. City)"
"Executive training programs"
"Executives' salaries"
"Exemptions Law"
"Exhaust steam for heating"
"Exhaust systems for machinery"
"Exhibit of photographs of the art of the Maoris of New Zealand"
"Exhibition of British ...(London)"
"Exhibition of Household ..."
"Exhibition of Industrial Art"
"Exhibitors Building (Grand Rapids)"
"Exhibitors Building Corp. (GR)"
"Exide Battery Service Inc."
"Exotic furniture woods"
"Expansion and Contraction of Woods"
"Expenses in raw materials and labor force case goods to raise prices t"
"experiments to decrease warping"
"Export furniture trade"
"Export Products Co."
"Export Shipping Company (New York, NY)"
"Export trade"
"Exporters' Gazeteer of Foreign..."
"Exposition Bldg. (High Point, NC)"
"Exposition of art and industry"
"Exposition of Inventions"
"Exposition of Modern Decoration..."
"Exposition of Modern Decorative..."
"Exposition samples sell at half price"
"Express freight rates"
"Extended Fine Arts Bldg. (GR)"
"extension pedestal table drop leg"
"Extension table industry"
"extension table pricing"
"Extension table slides"
"Extension table, construction of"
"Extension table, design of"
"Extension tables"
"Extent of he Installment Business in Salt Lake City - Furniture Men Le"
"Extreme styles in furniture"
"Extruded Metals Manufacturing Co."
"Eybinck, Clarence"
"Eyles, William T."
"Ezyroll Mattress..(Clarksville, TX)"
"F&W Grand Stores"
"F&W Lumber Market Inc."
"F. Hartman & Co."
"F. Parthier"
"F. Raniville & Co."
"F. Raniville Co."
"F.& R. Lazarus Co."
"F.&R. Lazarus Co. (Columbus, OH)"
"F.A. Gummer Co. (Stockton, CA)"
"F.A. Mosher Roofing Co."
"F.A. Wurzburg & Co."
"F.A. Wurzburg & Son"
"F.B. Williams"
"F.B. Williams (Chicago, IL)"
"F.C. Arthur Inc."
"F.C. Mathews & Co."
"F.D. Lake & Co."
"F.D. Travis Co."
"F.E. Hale Mfg. (Herkimer, NY)"
"F.E. Harman Co. (Lima, OH)"
"F.E. Murray Co."
"F.E. Stroup"
"F.F. Wood Motor Co."
"F.G. Arthur Inc."
"F.H. Conant's Sons (Camden, NY)"
"F.J. Lamb & Co."
"F.J. Parker & Co."
"F.L. Distelhurst... (Berwick, PA)"
"F.L. Garrison & Sons"
"F.L. Jacobs Co."
"F.M. Curtis Co. (Jamestown, NY)"
"F.N. Arbaugh's... (Lansing, MI)"
"F.S. Grimes & Son"
"F.S. Kelly Furniture (Duluth, MN)"
"F.S. Torrey Veneer Co."
"F.T. Plimpton & Company"
"F.W. Dodge Co. (New York, NY)"
"F.W. Gibson & Co."
"F.W. Goehner Co. (Seward, NB)"
"F.W. Kramer Motor Co."
"F.W. Wint Co. (Catasauqua, PA)"
"F.W. Wurzburg's Sons & Co."
"Fabric designs"
"Fabric Shop (Los Angeles, CA)"
"Fabric Specialties Co."
"Fabricated products"
"Fabrics for upholstering"
"Fabrics in furniture covering"
"Face veneer"
"Face veneers"
"Face, W."
"Factor Furniture Co. (Allentown, PA)"
"Factories Construction Co."
"Factories in Michigan handicapped by lack of railroad cars"
"Factoring in furniture industry"
"Factoring in furniture plants"
"Factory accidents"
"Factory appraisals"
"Factory band saw"
"Factory baseball teams"
"Factory cleaning"
"Factory cost accounting"
"Factory dining and rest rooms"
"Factory filing room"
"Factory financing"
"Factory fires"
"Factory foremen"
"Factory health concerns"
"Factory heating"
"Factory inspections"
"Factory insurance"
"Factory labor problems"
"Factory libraries"
"Factory lighting"
"Factory machinery"
"Factory management"
"Factory modernization"
"Factory overtime"
"Factory photographic equipment"
"Factory safety devices"
"Factory sanitation"
"Factory scientific management"
"Factory shop notes"
"Factory shutdowns"
"Factory storage tanks"
"Factory superintendents in Grand Rapids"
"Factory tenement plant"
"Factory training for salesmen"
"Factory training programs"
"Factory trucks"
"Factory welfare"
"Factory welfare system"
"Factory-to-You Furniture (Phila.)"
"Fad for French walnut furniture"
"Fads in Wicker and Bentwood"
"Fagan & Egan Co. (Cincinnati)"
"Fahey, P.H."
"Fain, Walter C. (Norfolk, VA)"
"Faingold, Joseph (Grand Rapids)"
"Fair Co. (Binghamton, NY)"
"Fair Store (Chicago, IL)"
"Fair trade practices"
"Fair Variety Store"
"Fair, The"
"Fairchild Aircraft Corp."
"Fairchild trainer planes"
"Fairchild, A.E."
"Fairchild, Harry Emery"
"Fairchild, Henry B."
"Fairfield & Kolvoord"
"Fairfield, Edmund B."
"Fairhaven line of upholstered ..."
"Fairles, Russell W."
"Fairmont Market"
"Fairview General Store"
"Fairview Lumber Co."
"Fairview Pharmacy"
"Fakes & Co. (Fort Worth, TX)"
"Fakes-Palmer Furniture (Amarillo, TX)"
"Falarski Sausage Co."
"Falarski, O.M."
"Falarski, Otto"
"Falcon Mfg. Co. (Big Rapids, MI)"
"Fall Salon"
"Fallas & Curran"
"Fallas, Edwin"
"Falls City Mantel..(Louisville,KY)"
"False advertising"
"false claim that the Grand Rapids market ended early"
"False Mirrors"
"Family Circle Stores Inc."
"Family Shoe Store"
"Famous Carvers Corp. (Chicago)"
"Famous Corner Furniture..(Chicago)"
"Famous Mfg. Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"Fancher Furniture..(Salamanca, NY)"
"Fancher, P.S."
"Fanckboner, O.A."
"Fancy Furniture Co."
"Fancy Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Fancy Furniture Company (Grand Rapids, MI), dresser"
"Fancy scallop design of nails(art)"
"Fancy veneer overlays"
"Fancy veneers"
"Fancy veneers, drying of"
"Faneuil Hall"
"Fantus Factory Locating...(Chicago)"
"Far East"
"Faribault (MN) Furniture Co"
"Faribault (MN) Furniture Co."
"Farish & Gray (St. Louis, MO)"
"Farley & Co."
"Farley & Ranger (Battle Creek, MI)"
"Farley, Clarence J."
"Farley, Graham"
"Farley, W.D."
"Farm and Home Co. (Dayton, OH)"
"Farm furniture"
"Farm house furnishings"
"Farm Products Co."
"Farm publications"
"Farm women"
"Farmer & Tower"
"Farmer Roller Mill Co."
"Farmer's Guide (Huntington, IN)"
"Farmers and Mechanics Clothing ..."
"Farmers and Merchants Bank"
"Farmers' office furniture"
"Farnsworth, Wm. G."
"Farr Fixture Co. (Seattle)"
"Farr, John S."
"Farrand, Williams & Clark"
"Farrant, Walter S."
"Farrar, Frederick A. (Chicago)"
"Farrell & Host Co."
"Farrell, Edward"
"Farrell, Josephine (Winthrop, MA)"
"Farris, Frank (Centralia, WA)"
"Farthingdale Chair reproductions"
"Fashion and furniture"
"Fashion Center"
"Fashion Clinic In Home Furnishings"
"Fashion Flow Corp. (Portland)"
"Fashion Furniture Mfg. Co. (LA)"
"Fashion Leader"
"Fashion shows"
"Fashion Week"
"fashionable rattan furnishings found in European hotel"
"Fasoldt, Charles G."
"Faulk & Blackford"
"Faulkner & Aldrich"
"Faultless Caster (Evansville, IN)"
"Faultless Caster Manufacturing Company"
"Faultless Caster..(Evansville, IN)"
"Faultless Plating Works"
"Faux Antiques"
"Faux Satine"
"Fawley-Abbott Co. (Michigan City, IN)"
"Fawley-Abbott Co. (Muskegon, MI)"
"Faws Hat Works Inc."
"Fay & Egan Co. (Cincinnati)"
"Fay, J.A. & Egan Co. (Cincinnati)"
"Fay, J.A. & Eggan Co. (Cincinnati)"
"Fay, J.A. and Egan Co. (Cincinnati)"
"Fay, Myron L."
"Fay,J.A. & Egan Co. (Atlanta)"
"feather beds"
"Feather pillows"
"Feathers for furniture"
"Fechheimer & Hart"
"Fecht & Shurley"
"Federal American furniture style"
"Federal anti-bribery bill"
"Federal Arbitration Act"
"Federal Board of Vocational ..."
"Federal Building"
"Federal Construction & Roofing Co."
"Federal control of railroads"
"Federal cotton stamp plan"
"Federal farm loan system"
"Federal Furniture ...(Hoboken, NJ)"
"Federal Furniture Co."
"Federal Furniture Co.(Grand Rapids)"
"Federal Furniture..(New York City)"
"Federal Furniture..(Pittsburgh)"
"Federal Furniture..(Portland, ME)"
"federal grand jury from Chicago"
"Federal income tax"
"Federal Metal Bed...(Hoboken, NJ)"
"Federal office furniture"
"Federal Products Co."
"Federal relief for furniture ..."
"Federal Reserve Act"
"Federal reserve banks"
"Federal Social Security Act"
"Federal Square Building"
"Federal Square Grill"
"Federal Surplus Commodities Corp."
"Federal Surplus Marketing ..."
"Federal Surplus War Property"
"Federal taxes"
"Federal Trade Commission"
"Federal Veneer Co."
"Federal wage and hour law"
"Federartion of Women's Adult ..."
"Federated Association of ..."
"Federation of Furniture ..."
"Federation of Furniture and ..."
"Federation of Furniture Makers"
"Feed industry"
"Feenstra, J."
"Fees, James J. (Rochester, NY)"
"Fehsenfeld & Grammel"
"Fehsenfeld, John"
"Feingold, I.T. (Chicago)"
"Feingold, L.T."
"Feldner & Co."
"Feldner-Palmer Shirt Co."
"Feldpausch Brothers"
"Felix Half & Bros. (Pittsburgh, PA)"
"Fell, John M."
"Fellwock Auto & Manufacturing Company"
"Fellwock Auto. & Manufacturing Company"
"Fellwock Automobile & Manufacturing Company"
"Fellwock Roll & Panel Company"
"Fellwock Roll & Panel Company (Evansville, IN)"
"Fellwock Roll and Panel Company"
"Fellwock Roll and Panel Company (Evansville, IN)"
"Felt cotton in beddings"
"Felter Self-Measure Tank Co."
"Feltoid casters"
"Fenn, C.F. (Tell City, IN)"
"Fennell, D. D. (Chicago)"
"Fenske Bros. (Chicago)"
"Fenton, Corrigan & Boyle"
"Fenton, Davis & Boyle"
"Fenton, Davis & Boyle (GR)"
"Ferar, Montgomery (Detroit)"
"Ferdinand, Frank (Roxbury, MA)"
"Ferguson Bros. (Coffeyville, KS)"
"Ferguson Bros. Mfg. (New York City)"
"Ferguson Bros. Mfg. ..(Hoboken, NJ)"
"Ferguson Bros. Mfg. ..(Hoboken,NJ)"
"Ferguson Bros. Mfg. Co. (Boston, MA)"
"Ferguson Bros. Mfg. Co. (NYC)"
"Ferguson Lumber Co. (Louisville,KY)"
"Ferguson, E.E."
"Ferguson, Fred E. (Indianapolis)"
"Ferguson, Fred J."
"Ferguson, Howard"
"Ferguson-Droste-Ferguson sanitarium"
"Ferguson-Marcellus Co."
"Feringa, John"
"Feringa, Peter"
"Fermentum Compressed Yeast Co."
"Fern Furniture Co. (Albany, NY)"
"Fern Home Furnishing (Syracuse, NY)"
"Fern stand, construction"
"Fern stand, design"
"Fernald, A.R."
"Fernery, construction"
"Fernery, design"
"Ferrara Furniture...(Oneida, NY)"
"Ferres, George W."
"Ferris Coffee & Nut Co."
"Ferris Coffee and Nut Co."
"Ferris Coffee House"
"Ferris, George B."
"Ferris, J.F."
"Ferris, W.H."
"Festival of Empire Crystal (London)"
"Feyen, Henry"
"Fiber cord for furniture"
"Fiber for furniture"
"Fiber furniture"
"Fiber Furniture Co. (Sheboygan, WI)"
"Fiber furniture industry"
"Fiber furniture weaving"
"Fiber furniture, crating of"
"Fiber Grand Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Fiber Reed Furniture (Sheboygan, WI)"
"Fiber seats"
"Fiber Wardrobe Co."
"Fibercraft Chair Co. (Frankfort,KY)"
"Fiberglas yardage"
"Fibre as a trade term"
"Fibre Grand Co."
"Fibre Grand Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Fibre reed as a trade term"
"Fibre(sic) chair seats"
"Fibro Catalog"
"Ficken Furniture... (Muscatine, IA)"
"Ficken, H.G."
"Ficks Reed Co. (Cincinnati)"
"Ficks Reed Co. (Cincinnati, OH)"
"Ficks Reed Co. (Columbus, OH)"
"Ficks Reed Co. (New York City)"
"Ficks Reed Co. (New York, NY)"
"Ficks Reed Cp. (Cincinnati)"
"Ficks, Robert Jr. (Cincinnati)"
"Ficks-Reed Co."
"Ficks-Reed Co. (Cincinnatgi)"
"Fidelity Savings, Loan and ..."
"Fiege Desk Co. (Saginaw, MI)"
"Field & Wright Co. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Field Motor Co."
"Field Museum of Natural..(Chicago)"
"Field, Loronzo(sic) (Grand Rapids)"
"Fielder & Allen Co. (Atlanta, GA)"
"Fife Lake, Mich."
"Fifteen Hundred Avenue Corp."
"Fifth National Bank"
"Fifth Ward"
"Figure in woodwork"
"Figured book and print case ..."
"Figured gum"
"Figured gum furniture"
"Figured gum veneers and panels"
"Figured mahogany"
"Figured wood"
"Figures of leading coal producing countries"
"Fiji Islands as lumber exporters"
"file making"
"Filing cabinets, exports of"
"Filkins, Henry V,"
"Filling material"
"Fillmore & Townsend (Minneap's, MN)"
"Filmore's... (Charlottesville, VA)"
"Films as teaching devices"
"Filtration system"
"Finch Furniture Co. (High Point,NC)"
"Finch, Brown (Thomasville, NC)"
"Finch, Paul V."
"Finch, Thomas (Thomasville, NC)"
"Finckler, Joseph J."
"Findlater, James"
"Fine Arts Building (GR)"
"Fine Arts Building (Grand Rapids)"
"Fine Arts Building (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Fine Arts Corp."
"Fine Arts Furniture Co."
"Fine Arts Furniture Co. (GR)"
"Fine Arts Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Fine Arts Institute of Grand Rapids"
"Fine Built Furniture..(Syracuse,NY)"
"Finerock's... (Massillon, OH)"
"finger protectors"
"Finisahing room supplies"
"Finished furniture, defects in"
"Finished room material"
"Finishes and finishing"
"Finishes, repair and changes"
"Finishes, standardization of"
"Finishinbg room supplies"
"Finishing froom supplies"
"finishing instructions for mahogany"
"Finishing material"
"Finishing materials"
"Finishing room"
"Finishing room and lumber"
"Finishing room equipment"
"Finishing room graft"
"finishing room issues"
"Finishing room material"
"Finishing room materials"
"Finishing room matrerials"
"Finishing room problems"
"Finishing room supplies"
"Finishing room, Fuming box"
"Finishing rooms"
"Finishing roonm supplies"
"Finishing rrom supplies"
"Finishing stain shades"
"Finishing walnut"
"Finishong room"
"Finke Furniture Co. (Evansville, IN)"
"Finke Furniture Co. (Evansville,IN)"
"Finkel Outdoor Products Inc. (NYC)"
"Finkelstein, Jacob"
"Finley & Neumann"
"Finnegan, John P."
"Finnish birchwood furniture"
"Finnish furniture industry"
"Finnish Relief Fund"
"Finsterwald Furniture Co. (Detroit, MI)"
"Finsven Inc. (Finland)"
"Fir plywood construction"
"Fire arms sales"
"Fire Buckets (Illustrated)"
"Fire extinguishing"
"Fire insurance"
"Fire insurance premiums"
"Fire losses"
"Fire proofing"
"Fire Safety in factories"
"Fire sales"
"Fire screen (art)"
"Fire screen, construction"
"Fire screen, design"
"Fire-proof furniture"
"Fire-proof veneered work"
"Fireless Stoves"
"Fireplace screen, construction"
"Fireplace screen, design"
"Fireproof furniture"
"Fires and fire losses"
"Fires and firefighters"
"Fires in furniture factories"
"Fireside seat and fuel box"
"Fireside seat and slipper box"
"Firestone Stores"
"First electric train"
"First Hand Buying is of Great Advantage"
"First National Bank and Trust Co."
"First National Bank of Detroit"
"First National Fur Products Inc."
"First National Home Furnishings..."
"Fischer Chair Co. (Tell City, IN)"
"Fischer Furniture.. (Milwaukee, WI)"
"Fischer Spring Bed Co."
"Fischer Wood Carving..(Tacoma, WA)"
"Fischer, H.F. (Juneau, WI)"
"Fish culture"
"Fish leather"
"Fish's... (Chicago, IL)"
"Fish, E.B. (Huntingburg, IN)"
"Fisher & Underwood brokerage"
"Fisher Drummond Wall Paper Co."
"Fisher, Alfred W."
"Fisher, Charles D."
"Fisher, Charles L."
"Fisher, E.H."
"Fisher, John H."
"Fisher, Walter"
"Fisher-Drummond Wall Paper Co."
"Fishing Line"
"Fishman Realty Co."
"Fisk, James W."
"Fitments for fixed furniture"
"fitting band saw blades"
"Fitzgerald Piano Co."
"Fitzgerald, Edward F."
"Fitzgerald, Edward W."
"Fitzgerald, Gerald"
"Fitzgerald, J.R. (Harlingen, TX)"
"Fitzgerald, William E."
"Five states produce more than half the goods manufactured in the U.S."
"Fixed and uniform pricing"
"Fixed pricing"
"Fixture Market Inc."
"Flagg & Willis (Brockton, MA)"
"Flamm, Alexander (Bridgeport, CT)"
"Flanagan, D.J."
"Flanders Bros."
"Flanders style"
"Flanigan, J.E."
"Flap table with detachable trays"
"Flat top type office desks"
"Flavors Inc."
"Flax products"
"Flax seed"
"Flax tow"
"Flax webbing"
"Fleck's Inc."
"Fleck, Gustav"
"Fleck, H. Donald (New York City)"
"Fleckenstein Pump Co."
"Fleckenstein Visible Gasometer Co."
"Fleischmann Co."
"Fleisher, Herbert W."
"Fleming Furniture Co. (Cleveland, OH)"
"Flemish 17th century chair (art)"
"Flemish Renaissance Style"
"Flemish table, 17th century (art)"
"Flesh, Joel W. (Piqua, OH)"
"Fletcher flatiron property"
"Fletcher Furniture(Winston-Salem,NC"
"Fletcher Mfg. Co.(W. Nashville, TN)"
"Fletcher's Fashion Shop"
"Flexible bag molding"
"Flexible Co. (Chicago)"
"flexible file"
"Flexible unit sectional furniture"
"Flexrock Co. (Philadelphia)"
"Flexwood Co. (Chicago)"
"Flint & Horner Co. (New York, NY)"
"Flint Realty Co."
"Flint, Charles R."
"Flint-Adaskin... (Providence, RI)"
"Flint-Bruce Co. (Hartford, CT)"
"Flo-Line modern furniture"
"Float of timber"
"Floods and flooding"
"Floor coverings"
"Floor lamp, construction"
"Floor lamp, design"
"Floor oil cloth"
"Floral fabric designs"
"Florence Cabinet Co. (Chicago)"
"Florence Crittendon (Chattanooga,TN)"
"Florence music cabinet"
"Florence Table and..(Memphis, TN)"
"Florentine Craftsmen Inc. (NYC)"
"Florentine Strozzi chair (art)"
"Florentine Style"
"Florentine walnut chest (art)"
"Florida as testing source for ..."
"Florida Cypress Co."
"Florida Supreme Court"
"Florida turpentine operators"
"Flotorp Mfg. Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Flottorp Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Flottorp Mfg. Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Flottorp, Ole"
"Flour mills"
"Flower pot stand, design"
"Floyd, Charles A."
"Floyd, Robert M."
"Fluent, Lorena M."
"Fluffed (cellular) latex cushions"
"Fluorescent lamps"
"Fly paper industry"
"Flying League of America"
"Flynn Furniture... (Vancouver, WA)"
"Flynn, Barney"
"Flynn, Barney (Grand Rapids)"
"Foam rubber"
"Foam rubber in furniture"
"Foam rubber upholstery"
"Foamed latex"
"Foch, Marshal Ferdinand"
"Fogg, Charles E. Co. (Boston)"
"Fogle Furniture..(Winston-Salem,NC)"
"Fold-Easy House Mfg. Co.(Elmira, NY"
"Fold-Easy House Mfg. Co.(Elmira,NY)"
"Fold-up furniture"
"Foldable Swing Co. (Clinton, IN)"
"Folding bed"
"Folding bed industry, ups and downs"
"Folding beds"
"Folding book rack, construction"
"Folding book rack, design"
"Folding Chair & Table Co."
"Folding chairs"
"Folding Furniture..(Stevens Pt., WI"
"Folding go-carts"
"Folding table, Sheraton style (art)"
"Folger Bottling Works"
"Folkema, Simon G."
"Folkertsma, William"
"Follett & Dregge"
"Follmer, C.C."
"Foltice, Frank"
"Fond du Lac (WI) Church Furniture.."
"Fond du Lac (WI) Furfniture ..."
"Fond du Lac (WI) Manufacturing Co."
"Fond du Lac (WI)_ Furnishing Co."
"Fond du Lac, WI furniture trade"
"Food and industrial expositions"
"Food City Stores"
"Food expositions"
"Food stamps"
"Fooshee's... (San Bernardino, CA)"
"Foot stool (design)"
"Foot-Saver Shoe Co."
"Foote & MacFarlane Lumber Co."
"Foote Bros."
"Foote, E.H."
"Foote, E.H. (Grand Rapids)"
"Foote, E.H. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Foote, Elijah"
"Foote, Elijah H. (Grand Rapids)"
"Foote, F. Stuart"
"Foote, F. Stuart (Grand Rapids)"
"Foote, Mrs. Elijah H.(Grand Rapids)"
"Foote, Roland A."
"Foote-Reynolds Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Foote-Reynolds Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Foran, Thomas F. (New London, CT)"
"Forbes Varnish Co. (Cleveland)"
"Forbes, F.A."
"Forbes, W.C. (Westwood Park, MA)"
"Force, Gerald"
"Forced air dry kiln"
"Ford & Johnson ..(Michigan City,IN)"
"Ford & Johnson Co. (Chicago)"
"Ford & Johnson Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"Ford & Johnson Company"
"Ford & Johnson Company (Chicago, IL)"
"Ford & Johnson Company (Chicago, IL), chairs"
"Ford & Johnson Company (Michigan City, IN), factory A"
"Ford & Johnson Company (Michigan City, IN), release new catalog"
"Ford & Johnson Company expand in High Point, NC"
"Ford & Johnson Furniture Company"
"Ford & Johnson Furniture Company (Chicago, IL)"
"Ford - Johnson Building"
"Ford and Johnson Company"
"Ford assembly plant idea"
"Ford Blake Fuel Co."
"Ford Motor Co."
"Ford Paint & Varnish Co."
"Ford, Dale V. (Grand Rapids)"
"Ford, Gerald R. Sr."
"Ford, Henry"
"Ford, James H. (Grand Rapids)"
"Ford, John B."
"Ford, Robert A."
"Ford, Rowland T."
"Ford, Thomas"
"Ford-Blake Fuel Co."
"Ford-Johnson Co."
"Ford-Johnson Co. (Oakland, CA)"
"Fordney tariff bill"
"Fore.Sight line of furniture"
"Foreign artisans"
"Foreign expositions (U.S. goods)"
"Foreign furniture exports"
"Foreign furniture exports to U.S."
"Foreign furniture woods"
"Foreign inquiries on U.S. furniture"
"Foreign Lumber report"
"Foreign Oak Furniture factories find popularity amongst America's elit"
"Foreign plate glass"
"Foreign securities"
"Foreign trade"
"Foreign trade column/commentary"
"Foreign trade competition"
"Foreign trade council"
"Foreign Trade Counsel & ...(NYC)"
"Foreign Trade Financing Corp."
"Foreign trade information"
"Foreign trade inquiries"
"Foreign trade opportunities"
"Foreign Translator in Business"
"Foreman finishers, troubles of"
"Foreman, John C."
"Foremen's councils"
"Foremen, training of"
"Forest City Furnitur..(Rockford,MI)"
"Forest City Furniture Company (Rockford, IL)"
"Forest conservation"
"Forest Craft Guild"
"Forest denudation"
"Forest fires"
"Forest Products Exposition(Chicago)"
"Forest Products Expositions (NYC)"
"Forest products industry"
"Forest Products Lab (Madison, WI)"
"Forest Products Lab. (Madison, WI)"
"Forest Products Lab. (Madison,WI)"
"Forest Products Research Society"
"Forestry Act of 1924"
"Forestry conservation"
"Forestry research"
"Forgery and forgers"
"Forging Machine Blades"
"Form-fitting chairs"
"Formby, Maggie"
"Former First Lady Cleveland"
"formerly neglected and rejected wood appreciated"
"Formica as laminated plastic"
"Formica Co. (Cincinnati)"
"Formsma, Edward"
"Formsma, Jacob"
"Formy, H.A."
"Forrest C. Pendleton (New Orleans)"
"Forsma, Edward"
"Forster, Jacob"
"Fort & Johnson Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"Fort Custer"
"Fort Wayne (IN) style show"
"Fort Worth furniture exposition"
"Fortier, Byron H."
"Fortuin, John"
"Fortunes Agent for Rare Antiques"
"Fortunes in '49"
"Forward House (New York, NY)"
"Fosaldt, Charles"
"Foscue, Henry A. (High Point, NC)"
"Fosket, Charles"
"Fossil gums"
"Foster & DeSabe"
"Foster & Metcalf"
"Foster & Perry"
"Foster Bros. Manufacturing Company"
"Foster Bros. Mfg. Co. (Utica, NY)"
"Foster Bros. Mfg. Co. (Utica,NY)"
"Foster Chair Co. (Huntington, WV)"
"Foster Furniture (Fort Wayne, IN)"
"Foster Furniture (Indianapolis, IN)"
"Foster, Charles H."
"Foster, David N."
"Foster, Ernest A."
"Foster, Merriam & Co. (Meriden,CT)"
"Foster, Merriam &... (Meriden, CT)"
"Foster, Oscar S. (Utica, NY)"
"Foster, Seth C. (Cincinnati, OH)"
"Foster, Stevens & Co."
"Foster, Stevens & Company"
"Foster, Stevens & Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Foster, Wilder D."
"Foster-Rahe Furniture (Ft. Wayne, IN)"
"Foszek, Fred F."
"Foth, Helmuth A. (Hollywood, CA)"
"Foth, Max (Aspers, PA)"
"Fouche, H. Lionel"
"Fountain Street Baptist Church (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Fountain Street Church"
"Four furniture factories in Sturgis, MI"
"Four Loop Hook and Eye Co."
"Four poster bed, construction of"
"Four poster bed, design of"
"Four-post bed, construction"
"Four-post bed, design"
"Four-poster bed"
"Four-poster bed, construction"
"Four-poster bed, design"
"Four-poster bedstead"
"Fourteen - Eleven Company"
"Fourth National Bank"
"Fourth of July"
"Fourth Ward"
"Fowle, Harold E."
"Fowler, Carl E. (Grand Rapids"
"Fowler, Carl E. (Grand Rapids)"
"Fox & Bradford"
"Fox & Mason Company (Arcadia, MI)"
"Fox & Mason Furniture Co. (Corunna, MI)"
"Fox & Mason Furniture..(Corunna,MI)"
"Fox automatic spring socket"
"Fox Brewing Co."
"Fox Building Co."
"Fox Excelsior Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Fox Jewelry Inc."
"Fox Machine Co."
"Fox Machine Company"
"Fox Machine Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Fox Mfg. Co. (Atlanta)"
"Fox Typewriter Co."
"Fox's Inc."
"Fox, Alfred (Atlanta)"
"Fox, Charles"
"Fox, Claire L."
"Fox, Cornelius"
"Fox, E. Crofton"
"Fox, George (Grand Rapids)"
"Fox, J.W."
"Fox, James"
"Fox, Joseph"
"Fox, Martin F."
"Fox, Musselman & Loveridge"
"Fox, Perrin V."
"Fox, W.R."
"Fox, W.R. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Foxboro (MA) Co."
"Foy Lumber & ...(Mt. Airy, NC)"
"Foyer Manufacturing Company (Sturgis, MI)"
"Fraley, Lamey Co. (Chicago)"
"Fralick, Henry"
"Franche & Co. (Chicago)"
"Francis Charles, Third Marquis of Hertford"
"Francis Heany Racket Store"
"Francis Hotel"
"Francis, Chas. E. Co.(Rushville,IN)"
"Franciscan Fathers"
"Franciscan Furniture(Albuquerque,NM"
"Frank C. Steiber Co. (Marathon, WI)"
"Frank Cordts... (Hoboken, NJ)"
"Frank Edge & Company"
"Frank Murphy's (Baltimore, NY)"
"Frank Netschert Company"
"Frank Pryor Furniture (Pueblo, CO)"
"Frank S. Schlict Motor Co."
"Frank's Drug Store"
"Frank, A.A."
"Frank, David (New York City)"
"Frank, S.H."
"Frank-Clapp Co. (Toledo, OH)"
"Frankel Studios (Indianapolis, IN)"
"Frankfort (KY) Chair Co."
"Franklin (IN) Coil Hoop Co."
"Franklin (IN) Desk Co."
"Franklin (IN) Mfg. Co."
"Franklin Commission Co."
"Franklin Furniture..(Columbiana,OH)"
"Franklin Furniture..(Minneapolis)"
"Franklin Glue Co. (Columbus, OH)"
"Franklin Parlors... (Englewood, NJ)"
"Franklin, Benjamin"
"Franklin, Winifred"
"Franks Manufacturing Co."
"Frankson Furniture...(NYC)"
"Fransic hydraulic veneer press"
"Franz, Charles (Rockford, IL)"
"Franzen Furniture.. (Riverside, CA)"
"Fraser, J.R."
"Fraser-Patterson Co. (Seattle, WA)"
"Fraternal Order of Eagles"
"Fraud and fraud indictments"
"Fraudulent advertising"
"Fraudulent bankruptcies"
"Fraudulent bankruptcy filings"
"Fraudulent business failures"
"Fraudulent merchandising"
"Frautschi's, Inc. (Madison, WI)"
"Frautschi, Christian"
"Frayer & Warner"
"Frazier, Charles"
"Frear's... (Wichita Falls, TX)"
"Fred A. Cisler Jewelry Co."
"Fred D. Yale & Co."
"Fred Davis Furniture Co. (Denver, CO)"
"Fred J. Zimmer"
"Fred Keisker & Son (Louisville,KY)"
"Fred M. Campbell & Co."
"Fred M. Campbell & Co. (Philadelphia, PA)"
"Fred Macey Co. Ltd."
"Fred Whincap & Associates Inc."
"Frederick & Nelson (Seattle, WA)"
"Frederick Loeser & Company (Brooklyn, NY)"
"Frederick, Charles"
"Frederick, Charles W. (Melrose, MA)"
"Fredericks, Katherine"
"Free coffee to employees"
"Free movies for factory workers"
"Free-leafing dining table (art)"
"Free-leafing dining tables"
"Freedgood, Martin"
"Freehand drawing"
"Freeman Mercantile Co."
"Freeman, Daniel Roy"
"Freeman, Edward George"
"Freeman, Hawkins & Co."
"Freeman, Maxwell (Newark, NJ)"
"Freeman, T.S./J.R."
"Freeman, Thomas S."
"Freeman, William L."
"Freeport Bakery"
"Freese & Hamline (Chicago)"
"Freeze on furniture materials"
"Freight containers"
"Freight forwarding"
"Freight rates"
"French & Heald ...(Milford, NH)"
"French & Heald Co. (Milford, NH)"
"French African colonies"
"French cabinet desk"
"French chair (art)"
"French doors"
"French furniture"
"French furniture design"
"French furniture designs"
"French furniture imports"
"French furniture industry"
"French furniture infustry"
"French furniture styles"
"French furniture trends"
"French furniture wages"
"French imports of U.S. furniture"
"French Indo-China"
"French lumber industry"
"French methods of seasoning timber"
"French polish"
"French polish finish"
"French polish, composition of"
"French poudreuse (art)"
"French process of wood coloring"
"French provincial bed cupboard(art)"
"French provincial furniture"
"French provincial style"
"French Quarter (New Orleans)"
"French Renaissance style"
"French Renaissance table (art)"
"French style"
"French Tonquin (Indochina)"
"French upholstered furniture (art)"
"French upholstery industry"
"French upholstry designs/styles"
"French walnut"
"French walnut furniture"
"French walnut furniture, use of ..."
"French wartime furniture industry"
"French willows"
"French's... (Minneapolis, MN)"
"French, John M."
"French, Phebe"
"French, W.A. & Co. (Minneapolis)"
"French, Walter"
"French, Wm. A. & Co.(Minneapolis)"
"French, Wm. A. Co. (Minneapolis)"
"Freshwater, Eagle"
"Fret work on the band saw"
"Fretts, George L."
"Freudenberg, Henry"
"Freudenthal, Joseph (Chicago)"
"Freund, Guido J."
"Frevert-Bledsoe... (San Diego, CA)"
"Frew Co. (New Castle, PA)"
"Frey, Edward J."
"Frey, John E."
"Freydler, Louis"
"Friant, Thomas"
"Friant, Thomas (Grand Rapids)"
"Friar, James B. Jr."
"Frick, Edward"
"Friedenberg, Ira (Detroit)"
"Friederich, Paul W."
"Friedman's... (San Francisco, CA)"
"Friedman, E.J. (Los Angeles)"
"Friedman-Spring Dry Goods Co."
"Friedrich Music House"
"Friedrich Sales Co."
"Friedrich, Julius A.J."
"Friend & Co. (Pittsburgh, PA)"
"Friend, Charles H."
"Frischman & Son (Boonton, NJ)"
"Fritz & Goeldel"
"Fritz Manufacturing Co."
"Fritz, Philip (Grand Rapids)"
"Frniture expositions"
"Froehlich, S.L."
"Frogs' legs"
"Frohock Furniture Co. (Columbus, OH)"
"Frohock, Wilfred O."
"Froid Laboratories Inc."
"Frost Veneer & ...(Sheboygan, WI)"
"Frost's Veneer ...(Sheboygan, WI)"
"Frost, A.M."
"Frost, Arthur A."
"Frost, C.F."
"Frost, Charles W."
"Frost, George E. (Sheboygan, WI)"
"Frost, M.C. Co. (Cobleskill, NY)"
"Frost, Stoel M."
"Frozen Food Lockers Inc."
"Fruhe Furniture Co. (Evansville, IN)"
"Fruit and produce trade"
"Fruit Belt Publishing Co."
"Fruit Dispatch Co."
"Fry, Edward L."
"Fry, Francis"
"Fry, J.H."
"Fry-Fulton Lumber Co. (St. Louis)"
"Frye, Clem A."
"Frye, Karl R."
"Frye, Lewis S."
"Fryling, C."
"Ft. Madison (IA) Chair Co."
"Ft. Smith (AR) Folding Bed ..."
"Fuller & Rice"
"Fuller & Smith (Cleveland)"
"Fuller & Stowe Co."
"Fuller Bros."
"Fuller Millwork Co."
"Fuller, A.J."
"Fuller, C.J."
"Fuller, F.A."
"Fuller, Frederick W."
"Fuller, Glenwood C."
"Fuller, Leonard (Los Angeles)"
"Fuller, P.H. Co. (New York City)"
"Fuller, Philo C."
"Fuller, Philo C. (Grand Rapids)"
"Fuller, Sherk & Dilley"
"Fuller, Warren N."
"Fullerton, Margaret"
"Fullmer, C.C."
"Fulmer, Samuel H."
"Fulton Furniture..(Shandaken, NY)"
"Fulton go-carts"
"Fulton Manufacturing.(Bay City, MI)"
"Fulton Manufacturing..(Bay City,MI)"
"Fulton Mfg. Co. (Bay City, MI)"
"Fulton Mfg. Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"Fulton Street bridge"
"Fulton Street Park"
"Fumed oak"
"Fumed oak shades"
"Fumed oak, uniforming of"
"Fuming box"
"Fuming box, construction of"
"Fuming box, design of"
"Fuming box, Rockford type"
"Fuming oak"
"Fuming oak process"
"Fuming process"
"Fun at a Queen City Furniture Club outing"
"Functional Art"
"Functional furniture"
"Functional furniture, popularity of"
"Functional lighting"
"Functional lighting in furniture"
"Functional modernism"
"Fundamentalism in furniture"
"Funed oak, production"
"Funing of furniture"
"Furman's Drug Store"
"Furman, Jas. E."
"Furmankiewicz, L."
"Furmankiewicz, Peter"
"Furmiture expositions"
"Furnished homes"
"Furnished rooms (art)"
"Furnishing style shows"
"Furnitire manufacturers briefs"
"Furnitiure decoration"
"Furnitiure designs"
"Furnitiure executives briefs"
"Furnitiure freight rates"
"Furnitue freight rates"
"Furnituire dealers"
"Furnituire expositions"
"Furnituire freight rates"
"Furnituire trade inquiries"
"Furniture history"
"Furniture - Its Selection and Use"
"Furniture accounting"
"Furniture acquisitions/purchases"
"Furniture advertising"
"Furniture advertising via movies"
"Furniture antiques"
"Furniture as non-essential(war)"
"Furniture Associates, Inc."
"Furniture Association of America"
"Furniture associations"
"Furniture at World Fair (art)"
"Furniture auctions"
"Furniture awards"
"Furniture bootleggers"
"Furniture buyers"
"Furniture buyers briefs"
"Furniture buyers' syndicate"
"Furniture buying trends"
"Furniture Capital Air Service"
"Furniture capital investments"
"Furniture Capital Shops (GR)"
"Furniture Capitol"
"Furniture Capitol (art)"
"Furniture Capitol Exhibition Bldg."
"Furniture Capitol of America (GR)"
"Furniture carload shipments"
"Furniture carving"
"Furniture Caster Assn. (GR)"
"Furniture casters"
"Furniture catalogs"
"Furniture catalogs/publications"
"Furniture catalogues"
"Furniture cattalogs"
"Furniture census"
"Furniture census of 1927"
"Furniture centers"
"Furniture City Band"
"Furniture City Body Co."
"Furniture City Brewing Co."
"Furniture City Creamery Co."
"Furniture City Dowel Co."
"Furniture City Employment ..."
"Furniture City Exhibition Building (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Furniture City Exhibition Building (Lyon Street Entrance)"
"Furniture City Fuel Co."
"Furniture City Oil Co."
"Furniture City Paint & Glass Co."
"Furniture City Polish Co."
"Furniture City Realty Co."
"Furniture City Tool Company"
"Furniture City Wood Finishing Co."
"Furniture City Wood Finishing..(GR)"
"Furniture classic drawings"
"Furniture Clearance House"
"Furniture Clearance House (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Furniture Club of Am. (Chicago, IL)"
"Furniture Club of America"
"Furniture Club of America (Chicago)"
"Furniture Club of St. Louis"
"Furniture co-operative stores"
"Furniture co-operatives"
"Furniture Code Administration"
"Furniture Code Authority"
"Furniture code of business ethics"
"Furniture code of ethics"
"Furniture collections"
"Furniture combination"
"Furniture Commercial Agency"
"Furniture Commercial Agency Company"
"furniture commodities market report"
"Furniture commodity rates"
"Furniture Congress (Chicago)"
"Furniture construction"
"Furniture consumer survey"
"Furniture Corp. of America"
"Furniture Corp. of... (Portland)"
"Furniture costs"
"Furniture coverings"
"Furniture coverings (art)"
"Furniture Craft Development Program"
"Furniture Craft-masters of Grand .."
"Furniture crates"
"Furniture cut-throat competition"
"Furniture damage claims"
"Furniture dealers"
"furniture dealers versus catalogue houses"
"Furniture decorating"
"Furniture decoration"
"Furniture decoration and inlays"
"Furniture decorations"
"Furniture definitions"
"Furniture deliveries"
"Furniture delivery trucks"
"Furniture design"
"Furniture design (art)"
"Furniture design and"
"Furniture design and designers"
"Furniture design and plastics"
"Furniture design collections"
"Furniture design competition"
"Furniture design contests"
"Furniture design exhibits"
"Furniture design piracy"
"Furniture design should have character and be distinctive"
"Furniture designers"
"Furniture designing"
"Furniture Designing Room, Y.M.C.A. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Furniture designs"
"Furniture designs (art)"
"Furniture designs for movies"
"Furniture designs/displays (art)"
"Furniture dimension"
"Furniture dimension stock"
"Furniture Dimension..(Stedman,NC)"
"Furniture displays"
"Furniture displays and designs(art)"
"Furniture displays and samples"
"Furniture distribution"
"Furniture distribution problems"
"Furniture distribution/marketing"
"Furniture drawers"
"Furniture education"
"Furniture employee wages"
"Furniture employment"
"Furniture employment and production"
"Furniture employment statistics"
"Furniture encyclopedia"
"Furniture ensembles"
"furniture examples"
"Furniture exchange"
"Furniture Exchange of Los Angeles"
"Furniture executive briefs"
"Furniture executives - news, etc."
"Furniture executives briefs"
"Furniture Exhibition Association"
"Furniture Exhibition Building Company"
"Furniture Exhibition Building Company of Grand Rapids"
"Furniture exhibition buildings"
"Furniture exhibition dates"
"Furniture Exhibition, Chicago"
"Furniture Exhibition...(Chicago)"
"Furniture exhibitions"
"Furniture exhibits"
"Furniture exhibits (art)"
"Furniture exhibits at NYC World's.."
"Furniture exhibits in NY World's.."
"Furniture expenditures"
"Furniture expenditures, 1918-1919"
"Furniture export taxes"
"Furniture export trade"
"Furniture exports"
"Furniture exports to Argentina"
"Furniture exports to England"
"Furniture exports to Europe"
"Furniture exports to Latin America"
"Furniture exports to New Zealand"
"Furniture exports to Puerto Rico"
"Furniture exports to South Africa"
"Furniture exports to South America"
"Furniture exports, Far East"
"Furniture exports, uncertainties of"
"Furniture exposiitons"
"Furniture exposiitons, dates"
"Furniture Exposition Building"
"Furniture expositions"
"Furniture Expositions, Chicago versus Grand Rapids"
"Furniture expositons"
"Furniture expostions"
"Furniture exppsotions"
"Furniture fabrics"
"Furniture factories"
"Furniture factory accidents"
"Furniture factory briefs"
"Furniture factory construction"
"Furniture factory depreciation"
"Furniture factory developments"
"Furniture factory expenses"
"Furniture factory fires"
"Furniture factory hazards"
"Furniture factory machinery"
"Furniture factory millwrighting"
"Furniture factory modernization"
"Furniture factory photo department"
"Furniture factory problems"
"Furniture factory safety"
"Furniture factory sanitation"
"Furniture factory shipments"
"Furniture factory showrooms"
"Furniture factory wages"
"Furniture Fads"
"Furniture failures"
"Furniture failures, 1929-1932"
"Furniture failures, May 1935"
"Furniture Fashion Week"
"Furniture fashions"
"Furniture finish standardization"
"Furniture finishes"
"Furniture finishes and finishing"
"Furniture finishing"
"Furniture finishing room"
"Furniture finishing room equipment"
"Furniture for agricultural areas"
"Furniture for bachelors"
"Furniture for building ..."
"Furniture for Today and Tomorrow"
"Furniture forecasts"
"Furniture Forwarding..(Sheboygan,WI"
"Furniture Foundation Inc."
"Furniture frame factory"
"Furniture freigh rate changes"
"Furniture freight"
"Furniture freight claims"
"Furniture freight rate changes"
"Furniture freight rate tax"
"Furniture freight rates"
"Furniture freight rates changes"
"Furniture freight transportation"
"Furniture freilght rates"
"Furniture from wood pulp"
"Furniture Galleries of Grand Rapids"
"Furniture grading"
"Furniture Guild of California"
"Furniture handling"
"Furniture Hardware"
"Furniture history"
"Furniture historyt"
"Furniture Ideas for Postwar Homes"
"Furniture idustry probes"
"Furniture illustrations accompany the text"
"Furniture imports"
"Furniture in the movies"
"Furniture Index (Jamestown, NY)"
"Furniture indexes"
"Furniture indistry barometer"
"Furniture industry"
"Furniture industry 10-year review"
"Furniture industry advertising"
"Furniture industry and air..."
"Furniture industry and aircraft ..."
"Furniture industry and defense ..."
"Furniture industry and depression"
"Furniture industry and labor"
"Furniture industry and minimum wage"
"Furniture industry and New Deal"
"Furniture industry and NRA"
"Furniture industry and tariff"
"Furniture industry and World War I"
"Furniture industry and World War II"
"Furniture industry and WWII"
"Furniture industry associations"
"Furniture industry barometer"
"Furniture industry barometers"
"Furniture industry briefs"
"Furniture industry briefs Mar. 1913"
"Furniture industry catalogs"
"Furniture industry catalogues"
"Furniture industry census"
"Furniture industry census of 1925"
"Furniture industry code of ethics"
"Furniture industry cooperatives"
"Furniture industry costs"
"Furniture industry credits"
"Furniture industry developments"
"Furniture industry directories"
"Furniture industry employment"
"Furniture industry expansion"
"Furniture industry factories destroyed in fires"
"Furniture industry forceasts"
"Furniture industry forecast"
"Furniture industry forecasts"
"Furniture industry fraud"
"Furniture industry ideas"
"Furniture industry in WW II"
"Furniture industry in WWII"
"Furniture industry inquiries"
"Furniture industry outlook"
"Furniture industry patents"
"Furniture industry probes"
"Furniture industry problems"
"Furniture industry profits (1936)"
"Furniture industry publications"
"Furniture industry recovery"
"Furniture industry recovery plans"
"Furniture industry refview"
"Furniture industry rehabilitation"
"Furniture industry research"
"Furniture industry revew July 1927"
"Furniture industry review"
"Furniture industry review Apr. 1914"
"Furniture industry review Apr. 1916"
"Furniture industry review Apr. 1918"
"Furniture industry review Apr.1913"
"Furniture industry review Apr.1915"
"Furniture industry review Apr.1916"
"Furniture industry review Apr.1917"
"Furniture industry review Apr.1919"
"Furniture industry review Apr.1920"
"Furniture industry review Apr.1922"
"Furniture industry review Apr.1923"
"Furniture industry review Apr.1924"
"Furniture industry review Apr.1926"
"Furniture industry review Apr.1927"
"Furniture industry review Apr.1928"
"Furniture industry review Apr.1929"
"Furniture industry review Apr.1930"
"Furniture industry review Apr.1931"
"Furniture industry review Apr.1932"
"Furniture industry review Apr.1933"
"Furniture industry review Aug. 1913"
"Furniture industry review Aug. 1917"
"Furniture industry review Aug. 1922"
"Furniture industry review Aug. 1923"
"Furniture industry review Aug. 1928"
"Furniture industry review Aug. 1931"
"Furniture industry review Aug. 1933"
"Furniture industry review Aug.1914"
"Furniture industry review Aug.1915"
"Furniture industry review Aug.1916"
"Furniture industry review Aug.1918"
"Furniture industry review Aug.1920"
"Furniture industry review Aug.1921"
"Furniture industry review Aug.1924"
"Furniture industry review Aug.1926"
"Furniture industry review Aug.1927"
"Furniture industry review Aug.1929"
"Furniture industry review Aug.1932"
"Furniture industry review Dec. 1914"
"Furniture industry review Dec. 1915"
"Furniture industry review Dec. 1916"
"Furniture industry review Dec. 1919"
"Furniture industry review Dec. 1921"
"Furniture industry review Dec. 1923"
"Furniture industry review Dec. 1928"
"Furniture industry review Dec. 1929"
"Furniture industry review Dec. 1931"
"Furniture industry review Dec.1913"
"Furniture industry review Dec.1917"
"Furniture industry review Dec.1918"
"Furniture industry review Dec.1920"
"Furniture industry review Dec.1922"
"Furniture industry review Dec.1924"
"Furniture industry review Dec.1925"
"Furniture industry review Dec.1926"
"Furniture industry review Dec.1927"
"Furniture industry review Dec.1933"
"Furniture industry review Feb. 1913"
"Furniture industry review Feb. 1914"
"Furniture industry review Feb. 1916"
"Furniture industry review Feb. 1918"
"Furniture industry review Feb. 1922"
"Furniture industry review Feb. 1923"
"Furniture industry review Feb. 1924"
"Furniture industry review Feb. 1926"
"Furniture industry review Feb. 1930"
"Furniture industry review Feb. 1931"
"Furniture industry review Feb. 1932"
"Furniture industry review Feb.1915"
"Furniture industry review Feb.1921"
"Furniture industry review Feb.1925"
"Furniture industry review Feb.1927"
"Furniture industry review Feb.1928"
"Furniture industry review Feb.1929"
"Furniture industry review Ja. 1917"
"Furniture industry review Jan. 1913"
"Furniture industry review Jan. 1914"
"Furniture industry review Jan. 1916"
"Furniture industry review Jan. 1920"
"Furniture industry review Jan. 1922"
"Furniture industry review Jan. 1930"
"Furniture industry review Jan. 1931"
"Furniture industry review Jan. 1932"
"Furniture industry review Jan. 1933"
"Furniture industry review Jan. 1934"
"Furniture industry review Jan.1918"
"Furniture industry review Jan.1919"
"Furniture industry review Jan.1921"
"Furniture industry review Jan.1923"
"Furniture industry review Jan.1924"
"Furniture industry review Jan.1925"
"Furniture industry review Jan.1926"
"Furniture industry review Jan.1927"
"Furniture industry review Jan.1928"
"Furniture industry review Jan.1929"
"Furniture industry review July 1913"
"Furniture industry review July 1914"
"Furniture industry review July 1915"
"Furniture industry review July 1916"
"Furniture industry review July 1917"
"Furniture industry review July 1919"
"Furniture industry review July 1920"
"Furniture industry review July 1921"
"Furniture industry review July 1922"
"Furniture industry review July 1923"
"Furniture industry review July 1924"
"Furniture industry review July 1925"
"Furniture industry review July 1926"
"Furniture industry review July 1929"
"Furniture industry review July 1931"
"Furniture industry review July 1932"
"Furniture industry review July 1933"
"Furniture industry review July1918"
"Furniture industry review July1928"
"Furniture industry review June 1911"
"Furniture industry review June 1913"
"Furniture industry review June 1914"
"Furniture industry review June 1915"
"Furniture industry review June 1916"
"Furniture industry review June 1917"
"Furniture industry review June 1918"
"Furniture industry review June 1919"
"Furniture industry review June 1920"
"Furniture industry review June 1921"
"Furniture industry review June 1922"
"Furniture industry review June 1923"
"Furniture industry review June 1924"
"Furniture industry review June 1925"
"Furniture industry review June 1926"
"Furniture industry review June 1927"
"Furniture industry review June 1930"
"Furniture industry review June 1933"
"Furniture industry review June1928"
"Furniture industry review June1929"
"Furniture industry review Mar. 1913"
"Furniture industry review Mar. 1914"
"Furniture industry review Mar. 1917"
"Furniture industry review Mar. 1920"
"Furniture industry review Mar. 1928"
"Furniture industry review Mar. 1930"
"Furniture industry review Mar. 1932"
"Furniture industry review Mar.1219"
"Furniture industry review Mar.1915"
"Furniture industry review Mar.1916"
"Furniture industry review Mar.1918"
"Furniture industry review Mar.1921"
"Furniture industry review Mar.1922"
"Furniture industry review Mar.1924"
"Furniture industry review Mar.1925"
"Furniture industry review Mar.1926"
"Furniture industry review Mar.1927"
"Furniture industry review Mar.1929"
"Furniture industry review Mar.1931"
"Furniture industry review Mar.1933"
"Furniture industry review May 1913"
"Furniture industry review May 1914"
"Furniture industry review May 1915"
"Furniture industry review May 1916"
"Furniture industry review May 1917"
"Furniture industry review May 1918"
"Furniture industry review May 1919"
"Furniture industry review May 1920"
"Furniture industry review May 1921"
"Furniture industry review May 1922"
"Furniture industry review May 1923"
"Furniture industry review May 1924"
"Furniture industry review May 1925"
"Furniture industry review May 1927"
"Furniture industry review May 1928"
"Furniture industry review May 1929"
"Furniture industry review May 1930"
"Furniture industry review May 1931"
"Furniture industry review May 1932"
"Furniture industry review May 1933"
"Furniture industry review Nov. 1912"
"Furniture industry review Nov. 1913"
"Furniture industry review Nov. 1915"
"Furniture industry review Nov. 1916"
"Furniture industry review Nov. 1917"
"Furniture industry review Nov. 1918"
"Furniture industry review Nov. 1919"
"Furniture industry review Nov. 1920"
"Furniture industry review Nov. 1922"
"Furniture industry review Nov. 1923"
"Furniture industry review Nov. 1928"
"Furniture industry review Nov. 1933"
"Furniture industry review Nov.1914"
"Furniture industry review Nov.1924"
"Furniture industry review Nov.1925"
"Furniture industry review Nov.1926"
"Furniture industry review Nov.1927"
"Furniture industry review Nov.1929"
"Furniture industry review Nov.1931"
"Furniture industry review Oct. 1912"
"Furniture industry review Oct. 1913"
"Furniture industry review Oct. 1916"
"Furniture industry review Oct. 1920"
"Furniture industry review Oct. 1927"
"Furniture industry review Oct. 1932"
"Furniture industry review Oct. 1933"
"Furniture industry review Oct.1912"
"Furniture industry review Oct.1914"
"Furniture industry review Oct.1915"
"Furniture industry review Oct.1916"
"Furniture industry review Oct.1917"
"Furniture industry review Oct.1918"
"Furniture industry review Oct.1919"
"Furniture industry review Oct.1921"
"Furniture industry review Oct.1924"
"Furniture industry review Oct.1925"
"Furniture industry review Oct.1926"
"Furniture industry review Oct.1928"
"Furniture industry review Oct.1929"
"Furniture industry review Oct.1931"
"Furniture industry review Sep.1915"
"Furniture industry review Sept.1914"
"Furniture industry review Sept.1917"
"Furniture industry review Sept.1918"
"Furniture industry review Sept.1920"
"Furniture industry review Sept.1922"
"Furniture industry review Sept.1923"
"Furniture industry review Sept.1924"
"Furniture industry review Sept.1925"
"Furniture industry review Sept.1926"
"Furniture industry review Sept.1927"
"Furniture industry review Sept.1928"
"Furniture industry review Sept.1929"
"Furniture industry review Sept.1931"
"Furniture industry review Sept.1932"
"Furniture industry review Sept.1933"
"Furniture industry standards"
"Furniture industry strikes"
"Furniture industry survey"
"Furniture industry surveys"
"Furniture industry wages"
"Furniture industry wants"
"Furniture industry working hours"
"Furniture industry, 10-year review"
"Furniture Inlaying"
"Furniture insurance"
"Furniture inventions"
"Furniture invoices"
"Furniture Journal Daily"
"Furniture labeling"
"Furniture labor turnover"
"Furniture leather"
"Furniture libraries"
"Furniture lumber"
"Furniture machinery"
"Furniture machinery modernization"
"Furniture machinery operations"
"Furniture made of colored wood"
"Furniture made of colored..(art)"
"Furniture making"
"Furniture making leading industry in Jamestown, New York"
"Furniture making, courses in"
"Furniture manufactuers' briefs"
"Furniture Manufacturer and ...(GR)"
"Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan"
"Furniture manufacturers"
"Furniture Manufacturers ..."
"Furniture Manufacturers Assn. of GR"
"Furniture Manufacturers Assoc."
"Furniture Manufacturers Bldg. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Furniture manufacturers briefs"
"Furniture Manufacturers elected officials in Michigan cities"
"furniture manufacturers interested in American territories"
"Furniture Manufacturers Mart (NYC)"
"Furniture Manufacturers subject to attacks in trade journals"
"Furniture manufacturers' briefs"
"Furniture Manufacturers' Building (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Furniture Manufacturers' Exhibition Building"
"Furniture manufacturers' wants"
"Furniture Manufacturers..(GR)"
"Furniture manufacturing"
"Furniture manufacturing centers,US"
"Furniture manufacturing code"
"Furniture manufacturing costs"
"Furniture Manufacturing growing in Rockford, IL"
"Furniture manufacturing small but prosperous in the south"
"Furniture manufacturing statistics"
"Furniture manufacturing trends"
"Furniture manufacturng outlook"
"Furniture manufcturers briefs"
"Furniture Market (Sioux Falls, SD)"
"Furniture market conditions"
"Furniture market review"
"Furniture market review April 1912"
"Furniture market review Dec. 1911"
"Furniture market review Jan. 1912"
"Furniture market review July 1912"
"Furniture market review June 1911"
"Furniture market review March 1912"
"Furniture market review May 1912"
"Furniture market review Nov. 1911"
"Furniture market review Oct. 1911"
"Furniture market review Sept.1912"
"Furniture market rivalries"
"Furniture market trends"
"Furniture market, April 1911 review"
"Furniture market, May 1911 review"
"Furniture marketing"
"Furniture marketing and sales"
"Furniture markets"
"Furniture markets review Aug. 1911"
"Furniture markets review Aug. 1912"
"Furniture markets review Feb. 1912"
"Furniture markets review July 1911"
"Furniture markets review June 1912"
"Furniture markets review Oct. 1912"
"Furniture markets review Sept.1911"
"Furniture markets, Canadian report"
"Furniture markets, Chicago report"
"Furniture markets, Louisville rep."
"Furniture Mart (Chicago)"
"Furniture Mart of Grand Rapids"
"Furniture Mart--see American Furniture Mart"
"Furniture mass production"
"Furniture mastepiece drawings"
"Furniture masteprice drawings"
"Furniture masteriece drawings"
"Furniture masterpiece drawings"
"Furniture material substitutes"
"Furniture Men's Club (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Furniture Mercantile Service Inc."
"Furniture merchandising"
"Furniture merchandising contests"
"Furniture merchandising has become a business"
"Furniture merchandising plans"
"Furniture Merchants..(Chicago)"
"Furniture mounts"
"Furniture moving by railroad"
"Furniture Museum"
"Furniture museums"
"Furniture Mutual Insurance Co."
"Furniture Mutual Insurance Co. (GR)"
"Furniture of Abraham Lincoln"
"Furniture of the Ancients"
"Furniture on farms"
"Furniture opnion polls"
"Furniture orders"
"Furniture ornaments"
"Furniture overlays"
"Furniture overproduction"
"Furniture packaging"
"Furniture packing"
"Furniture packing and packaging"
"Furniture packing costs"
"Furniture packing problems"
"Furniture packingf"
"Furniture panels"
"Furniture patents"
"Furniture period styles"
"Furniture pests"
"Furniture plant engineering"
"Furniture plants, mortality of"
"Furniture polishes"
"Furniture polishes and stains"
"Furniture polishing"
"Furniture prepacking"
"Furniture prices"
"Furniture prices and quality"
"Furniture prints"
"Furniture priority delivery"
"Furniture production"
"Furniture production costs"
"Furniture production in colleges"
"Furniture production, reduction in"
"Furniture Products Inc."
"Furniture products standardization"
"Furniture professorship"
"Furniture profits"
"Furniture promotions"
"Furniture propaganda"
"Furniture publications"
"Furniture Publicity Bureau"
"Furniture pulls and trimmings"
"Furniture purchases"
"Furniture quality norms"
"Furniture Record"
"Furniture Record Co."
"Furniture reproductions"
"Furniture research"
"Furniture Research Foundation (New York, NY)"
"Furniture retail deliveries"
"Furniture retail sales outlook"
"Furniture retail sales peaks"
"Furniture retail sales slumps"
"Furniture retail trade"
"Furniture retailers briefs"
"Furniture rod, design and const."
"Furniture sales"
"Furniture sales engineering"
"Furniture sales frauds"
"furniture sales in Grand Rapids, Michigan"
"Furniture sales trends"
"Furniture sales, volume of"
"furniture samples for retailers"
"Furniture selling workshop"
"Furniture shipment"
"Furniture shipments"
"Furniture shipments by air"
"Furniture shop briefs"
"Furniture shop news"
"Furniture shop notes"
"Furniture shop notes briefs"
"Furniture Shops (Grand Rapids)"
"Furniture Shops Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Furniture Specialty Co. (Seattle)"
"Furniture stains"
"Furniture standardization"
"Furniture standards"
"Furniture standarization"
"Furniture statistics, 1899-1939"
"Furniture statstics"
"Furniture stockkeeping"
"Furniture store novelties"
"Furniture store props"
"Furniture store purchases"
"Furniture strike"
"Furniture strikes"
"Furniture studies"
"Furniture Studios Inc."
"Furniture Studios Inc. (GR)"
"Furniture style"
"Furniture style changes"
"Furniture style revivals"
"Furniture style shows"
"Furniture style trends"
"Furniture styles"
"Furniture styles (art)"
"furniture styles and fads"
"furniture styles and trends"
"Furniture styles forecasting"
"Furniture Styles Institute of ..."
"Furniture styles shows"
"Furniture substitute materials"
"Furniture suppliers briefs"
"Furniture supplies briefs"
"Furniture supply briefs"
"Furniture surveys"
"Furniture Swell Case work trend"
"Furniture syndicates"
"Furniture tariff rates"
"Furniture tariffs"
"Furniture tastes"
"Furniture taxes"
"Furniture Temple"
"Furniture Temple (Grand Rapids)"
"Furniture Temple (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Furniture terms"
"Furniture tidbits"
"Furniture trade and department ..."
"Furniture trade exchabnges"
"Furniture trade exchanges"
"Furniture Trade Extension Bureau"
"Furniture Trade Extension Bureau (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Furniture Trade Extension Bureau(GR"
"Furniture Trade Extension..(GR)"
"Furniture trade inquiries"
"Furniture trade inquirires"
"Furniture trade journalism"
"Furniture trade marks"
"Furniture trade names"
"Furniture trade organizations"
"Furniture trade publications"
"Furniture trade review Dec. 1912"
"Furniture trade review Sept. 1913"
"Furniture trade terms"
"Furniture transporation"
"Furniture transportation/deliveries"
"Furniture trends"
"Furniture trends - Empire style ending"
"Furniture trimmings"
"Furniture trusts"
"Furniture upholstery"
"Furniture Upholstery and ..(NYC)"
"Furniture upholstery fabrics"
"Furniture upholstry fabrics"
"Furniture varnishes"
"Furniture wages"
"Furniture wages and wage scales"
"Furniture wages/payrolls"
"Furniture waxes"
"Furniture weaving"
"Furniture Week"
"Furniture wods"
"Furniture wood"
"Furniture wood finishes"
"Furniture woods"
"Furniture woods and substitutes"
"Furniture woods in WW II"
"Furniture woods post-war forecasts"
"Furniture woods, bleaching of"
"Furniture woods, designation of"
"Furniture woods, drying of"
"Furniture woods, gluing of"
"Furniture woods, selection of"
"Furniture woods, substitution of"
"Furniture woods, wartime uses of"
"Furniture woodworking departments"
"Furniture workers' wages"
"Furniture workers, annual income"
"Furniture workers, foreign born"
"Furniture workers, nationality of"
"Furniture workers, weekly wage"
"Furniture, Carpet & Upholstery Association (Washington, DC)"
"Furniture, transportation of"
"Futorian Mfg. Co. (Chicago)"
"Futterer, Chas. (St. Louis, MO)"
"Fyfe, Andy"
"G. Fox & Co. (Hartford, CT)"
"G. Henshaw & Sons (Cincinnati, OH)"
"G.A. Ensberger & Sons (Bloomington, IL)"
"G.A. Holland Co. (Montreal, Quebec, Canada)"
"G.A. Stowers Furniture (Houston, TX)"
"G.A. Stowers Furniture (San Antonio, TX)"
"G.E. Keith... (S. Manchester, CT)"
"G.F. Stearns Lumber Co."
"G.H. Ghysels & Co."
"G.H. Walbrink & Sons"
"G.I. Sellers & Sons (Elwood, IN)"
"G.J. Johnson Cigar Co."
"G.M. Britton Co."
"G.M. Goodrich & Co."
"G.M. Munger & Co."
"G.N. Wagner Lumber & Shingle Co."
"G.P. McDougall & Son"
"G.P. McDougall Co. (Indian'lis, IN)"
"G.R. Auto Co."
"G.R. furniture manufacturers"
"G.R. furniture workers' benefits"
"G.R. Kinney Co."
"G.R. Park & Co."
"G.R. Railway Co."
"G.R. Snyder & Co."
"G.S. Putnam & Co."
"G.S.H. Specialty Co."
"G.W. Richardson &.. (Syracuse, NY)"
"G.W. Waldrop & Co... (Abilene, TX)"
"Gable Furniture... (New Albany, IN)"
"Gable, J.E."
"Gabriel Snubber Sales & Service Co."
"Gadsby, William"
"Gadsby, William & Sons (Portland)"
"Gage Furniture Shops"
"Gaines-Walrath Furniture (Oakland, CA)"
"Gair, Robert Co. (Chicago)"
"Galant, Gertrude C."
"Galax (VA) Furniture Mfg. Co."
"Galewood Outfitting Co."
"Galewood Tavern"
"Gall Furniture Mfg. (Oakland)"
"Gallalit (Danish)"
"Galle, Emile"
"Galler Bros. (Chicago)"
"Gallia Furniture (Galliapolis, OH)"
"Gallipolis Furniture Company (Gallipolis, OH)"
"Gallmeyer & Livingston (GR)"
"Gallmeyer & Livingston Co."
"Gallmeyer & Livingston Co. (GR)"
"Gallmeyer and Livingston ...(GR)"
"Gallmeyer and Livingston Co. (GR)"
"Gallmeyer and Livingston...(GR)"
"Gallo Original Iron Works (NYC)"
"Gallup, James"
"Galombeck, Garrett B."
"Galveston flood relief"
"Galy, George"
"Gamber, Merle"
"Gamble Bros. Inc. (Louisville, KY)"
"Gamble Brothers (Louisville, KY)"
"Gamble Brothers (Lousville, KY)"
"Gamble, Edward J."
"Gamble, Gordon R. (Grand Rapids)"
"Gamble, T.H. (Louisville, KY)"
"Gamblers and gambling"
"Gandy Belting Co."
"Gane, George"
"Gane, Robert Bruce"
"Gang dovetailer"
"Ganopuls, C.G."
"Gans Brothers Co. (New York City)"
"Ganser, T.C."
"Gantner, Otto (Jamestown, NY)"
"Gantos Inc."
"Gantos, Ted E."
"Ganzel Drug Co."
"Garber Brothers... (Hartford, CT)"
"Garbow, Paul W."
"Garbula, Walter"
"Gardella, John"
"Garden furniture"
"Garden Furniture (Los Angeles, CA)"
"Gardener, George Dale"
"Gardner & Lacey Lumber Co."
"Gardner (MA) furniture factories"
"Gardner (MA) furniture industry"
"Gardner Dairy Equipment Corp."
"Gardner Petroleum Co."
"Gardner, A.C. (Joliet, IL)"
"Gardner, Frank M."
"Gardner, MA furniture industry"
"Gardner-White Co. (Detroit, MI)"
"Garfield coal conservation order"
"Garfield Lodge"
"Garfield, Charles W."
"Garfield-Fletcher park"
"Garn Drug Store"
"Garn, Clarence D."
"Garnet paper"
"Garnet paper, manufacture of"
"Garnet sand paper"
"Garratt, Charles and Anna (GR)"
"Garratt, Charles F. (Grand Rapids)"
"Garratt, Thomas F."
"Garratt, Thomas F. (Grand Rapids)"
"Garrett, Festus F. (Grand Rapids)"
"Garrett, N.S."
"Garrison Title Co."
"Garrison, Delos"
"Garrison, Harry"
"Garrison, J.P."
"Garson & Wood... (Rochester, NY)"
"Garton, J. C. (New York City)"
"Garver Bros. Co. (Strasburg, OH)"
"Garver, G. Albert"
"Garver, John B."
"Garvey, Percival (Grand Rapids)"
"Gas coffee roaster"
"Gas industry"
"Gas Powered Engines and power plants"
"Gaskill & Goss"
"Gaskill, J. Frank"
"Gaskin, Ernest E."
"Gasoline as varnish solvent"
"Gasoline industrial locomotives"
"Gaspar Upholstering..(Oklahoma City"
"Gast Motor Sales Co."
"Gast, Peter"
"Gastonia (NC) Upholstering Co."
"Gate-leg table of cherry (art)"
"Gate-leg tables"
"Gateleg table, construction"
"Gateleg table, design"
"Gately & Donovan Co."
"Gauchat, P.M."
"Gauger, John A. & Co. (Chicago)"
"Gaunt House in Vanity Fair"
"Gaunt, Charles E."
"Gautert, S."
"Gauthier & VanDeven"
"Gavett & Co."
"Gavett-Ripley Co."
"Gay & Greenberg (Seattle, WA)"
"Gay Nineties motif for chairs"
"Gay, Elmer G."
"Gay, George W."
"Gay, William H."
"Gay, William H. (Grand Rapids)"
"Gaylord, Charles H."
"Gaynor, Alice B."
"Gebrecht Furniture..(Norwood, OH)"
"Gedney & Sons Inc."
"Gee's Hardware"
"Gee, James"
"Geeler, J.B."
"Geer, C. Avery"
"Geffrye Museum (London, Eng.)"
"Geier, Oscar A. (New York City)"
"Geimer, Frank P. (Leominster, MA)"
"Geisel, Bernard & Simon"
"Geiselman, Ernest G."
"Geisler, E.A."
"Geistert, Arthur H."
"Geistert, Edward C.W."
"Geistert, Lewis A."
"Gelder Millinery Co."
"Gem Crib and Cradle..(Gardner, MA)"
"Gem Parlor Furniture..(Milwaukee)"
"Gemmen Bros."
"General Aircraft Corp."
"General Aircrafts Corp."
"General Bean Co."
"General Bedding ...(Springfield,MA)"
"General Devices & Fittings Co."
"General Electric Co."
"General Electric..(Schenectady, NY)"
"General Equipment Co."
"General Freezer Corp."
"General Furniture Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"General Furniture..(N.Manchester,IN"
"General Gas Appliance Co."
"General Gomez davenport"
"General houses"
"general interest topics of a factory"
"General Motors Co. (Pontiac, MI)"
"General Motors Corp."
"General Paving Construction Co."
"General Piano & Organ Dealers Association plea for reduction of tariff"
"General Soap Corp."
"General Truck Sales"
"Genet Furniture Co. (Oklahoma City, OK)"
"Genet Furniture Co. (Tulsa, OK)"
"Geneva (Switzerland) Museum of ..."
"Genge, Fred C. (Grand Rapids)"
"Gents, Frank (Wellsville, NY)"
"Genuine antique furniture becoming scarce forcing merchants to embrace"
"Genuine furniture"
"Genuine Marble Products...(NYC)"
"Geo. C. Flint Company"
"Geo. D. Williams Company"
"Geo. D. Williams Company (Chicago, IL)"
"Geo. Memmer & Company"
"Geo. Spratt & Company"
"George & Timmer"
"George A. Anderson Co."
"George A. Klampke & Co."
"George A. Murphy Advertising Agency"
"George A. Rysdale Cigar Co."
"George A. Yager's Specialty Shop"
"George B. Peck Co. (Kansas City, MO)"
"George Bent Co. (Gardner, MA)"
"George Bullis Men's Shop"
"George D. Williams Company"
"George E. Howes & Co."
"George E. Pantlind & Co."
"George F. Owen & Co."
"George F. Stevens & Co."
"George F. Whitfield & Co."
"George G. Steketee & Co."
"George H. Beach Co."
"George H. Kirtland & Co."
"George H. Reeder & Co."
"George H. Seymour & Co."
"George Hickox & Co."
"George Innes Co... (Wichita, KS)"
"George J. Paalman Fuel Co."
"George J. Reindel Co. (Detroit, MI)"
"George J. Veach... (Oil City, PA)"
"George Koch Sons (Evansville, IN)"
"George L. Lamb (Nappanee, IN)"
"George L. Stone Inc."
"George M. Hendrie & Co."
"George R. Nash & Co."
"George S. Steketee building"
"George S. Stewart Company (Norwalk, OH)"
"George Seeley's... (Glendale, CA)"
"George Spratt & Co. (Sheboygan, WI)"
"George Spratt & Company"
"George Spratt & Company (Sheboygan, WI)"
"George W. Cummings"
"George W. Welsh Co."
"Georgia - Stimson Furniture Company (St. Louis, MO)"
"Georgia Florida Furniture Syndicate Inc."
"Georgia furniture industry"
"Georgia Furniture...(Waynesboro,GA)"
"Georgia Lee Store"
"Georgian furniture exhibits (art)"
"Georgian interior scheme"
"Georgian period"
"Georgian side chair (art)"
"Georgian style"
"Georgian styling"
"Gerber, C.A."
"Gerber, Henry"
"Gerber, Taylor & Dengler (Louisville, KY)"
"Gerber, Taylor &.. (Louisville, KY)"
"Gerbers, Alphonse, student designs from the Grand Rapids School of Fur"
"Gerbert, Joseph"
"Gerhart Brothers (Kokomo, IN)"
"German chemical industry"
"German demand for U.S. office ..."
"German foreign trade"
"German furniture exports"
"German furniture industry"
"German furniture wages"
"German industrial education"
"German Light and Power production"
"German mahogany armchair, c1780"
"German Mfg. Co. (Seattle)"
"German mirror plates"
"German plywood exports"
"German rococo chair (art)"
"German submarine warfare"
"German trade organizations"
"German Trademarks"
"German upholstery"
"German varnish industry"
"German vocational schools"
"German woodcarving industry"
"German, Melvin S."
"German-U.S. furniture trade"
"Germany as prime source of willows"
"Germany fears "foreign spies" stealing industrial technologies"
"Germany has market for practical pieces of furniture"
"Germany leads South American furniture exports"
"Germany takes advantage of alcohol as a motor fuel"
"Germany willing to enter foreign markets no matter the initial struggl"
"Gesso method of decorating"
"Gettysburg (PA) Furniture Co."
"Gettysburg Address"
"Geukes Co."
"Geukes, Arthur"
"Gevurtz Bros. (Portland)"
"Geyler Furniture...(Hillsbor, OH)"
"Gezon Motor Sales Co."
"Gezon, J.M."
"Gezon, John P."
"Gezon, Paul"
"Ghysels Investment Co."
"Ghysels, Abraham G."
"Giant Clothing Co."
"Giant Furniture Co. (Greensboro,NC)"
"Giant Furniture...(High Point, NC)"
"Giant Karpen chair"
"Giant Karpen chair (art)"
"Gibbs, Colfax"
"Gibson Refrigerator (Greenville, MI)"
"Gibson Wholesale Grocery"
"Gibson's Pharmacy"
"Gibson, G.G."
"Gibson, Grank S. (Greenville, MI)"
"Gibson, Robert W."
"Gibson, W. Frank"
"Gibson, William E."
"Gicz, Julius"
"Giese-Powers Furniture (Salem, OR)"
"Gifford, George P. Jr."
"Gift furniture"
"Gift shops"
"Gilberd, Frederick (San Francisco)"
"Gilbert Furniture (Pittsburgh, PA)"
"Gilbert, Andrew J."
"Gilbert, Lacy C."
"Gilbert, Leo W. (Wichita, KS)"
"Gilbert, Mrs. Thomas D."
"Gilbert, Thomas D."
"Gilbert, William H."
"Gilbert-McGriff... (Macon, GA)"
"Gilden, Benjamin"
"Gildersleeve, George H."
"Gildner, George"
"Gilette, King C."
"Gill & Greenley"
"Gill, Frank H."
"Gill, Gaylord C."
"Gill, Gaylord C. Jr."
"Gillcraft Furniture..(Los Angeles)"
"Gilleland, William A."
"Gilleland, William H."
"Gilleland, Wilson Arthur"
"Gillespie & McCulley (Cambridge, OH)"
"Gillespie Co. (Los Angeles)"
"Gillespie Furniture Co. (Gillespie, IL)"
"Gillespie Furniture Co. (LA)"
"Gillespie Furniture..(Los Angeles)"
"Gillespie Mfg. Co. (Los Angeles)"
"Gillett Manufacturing..(Clio, MI)"
"Gillett Roller Bearing Co."
"Gillett, Truman L."
"Gillette Roller Bearing Company"
"Gillette Roller Bearing Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Gillette-Beebe Oil Co."
"Gillingam, James"
"Gilmer's, Inc. (Winston-Salem, NC)"
"Gilmer, Fred"
"Gilmer, John L."
"Gilmer, Powell"
"Gilmour, J. Garrison"
"Gilpin, George Henry (Tacoma, WA)"
"Gimbel Bros. (New York City)"
"Gimbel Brothers (Milwaukee, WI)"
"Gimbel Brothers (Philadelphia, PA)"
"Gimbel Brothers (Pittsburgh, PA)"
"Gimbel's (Philadelphia)"
"Gimbel's... (New York, NY)"
"Gimp use in upholstering"
"Gingrich, Jesse H."
"Ginrich & Sons"
"Ginsberg's (Des Moines, IA)"
"Gintz Furniture (New Philadelphia, OH)"
"Gintz, Adam"
"Girandell Independence mirrors"
"Girard's (Huntington, WV)"
"Girard, Alexander H."
"Girdler Corp. (Louisville, KY)"
"Gisler & Fritz"
"giveaways entice consumerism"
"Gladstone Mattress Co. (Muncie, IN)"
"Gladstone Shoes"
"Glanton Veneer Co. (Whiteville, NC)"
"Glanville Furniture (Kansas City, KS)"
"Glasgow Exposition"
"Glasgow Tailors"
"Glass & Osborn"
"Glass and glassware"
"Glass and Glazing"
"Glass and mirror plate"
"Glass and mirror plates"
"Glass and mirrors"
"Glass furniture"
"Glass furniture (art)"
"Glass industry"
"Glass market"
"Glass nad mirror plate"
"Glass plates"
"Glass shortage"
"Glass use in furniture"
"Glass, Eugene F."
"Glass, Harry"
"Glass, Henry P. (Chicago)"
"Glass, use of in build-in furniture"
"Gleason Bros."
"Gleason Wood Ornament Co."
"Gleason, Frank"
"Glengarry (MI) Upholstering Co."
"Glengarry Upholstering (Sherman, MI)"
"Glengarry Upholstering..(Sherman,MI"
"Glenn W. Pope Sales Co."
"Glenn-Osage Oil Co."
"Glens Falls (NY) Mfg. Co."
"Glick Furniture... (Columbus, OH)"
"Glidden Co. (Cleveland)"
"Glidden Co. (Cleveland, OH)"
"Glidden Varnish Co. (Cleveland)"
"Glidden Varnish Co. (Cleveland, OH)"
"Glidden Varnish Co. (Cleveland,OH)"
"Glidden, F.H. (Cleveland)"
"Glidden, Joseph F. (Cleveland)"
"Globe Carved Moulding Co."
"Globe Furniture Co. (High Point,NC)"
"Globe Furniture Company"
"Globe Furniture Company (Evansville, IN)"
"Globe Furniture Company (Evansville, IN), buffet and deck"
"Globe Knitting Works"
"Globe Parlor ...(High Point, NC)"
"Globe Printing Co."
"Globe Realty Co."
"Globe Typewriter Desks"
"Globe Vise & Truck Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Globe Vise & Truck Company"
"Globe Vise and Truck Company"
"Globe-Bosse-World..(Evansville, IN)"
"Globe-Wernicke Co."
"Globe-Wernicke Co. (Cincinnati)"
"Globe-Wernicke Co. (Cincinnati, OH)"
"Globe-Wernicke Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Globe-Wernicke Co. (Norwood, OH)"
"Glocheski, Roman F."
"Gloeckler, Charles S. (Chicago)"
"Glorified Glass Carpet Sweepers"
"Glotfelter, C.W. (Waterville, MN)"
"Glovers' Wholesale Merchandise Co."
"Glue and electricity"
"Glue and glue uses"
"Glue and gluing"
"Glue and its uses"
"Glue joint cutters"
"Glue jointer"
"Glue jointers"
"Glue jointing"
"Glue joints"
"Glue pots"
"Glue room"
"Glue room equipment"
"Glue room, cooling of"
"Glue selection"
"Glue temperature"
"Glue use for U.S. war effort"
"Glue use in furniture making"
"Glue, handling of"
"Glue, preparation of"
"Glue, preparing of"
"Glue, shearing strength of"
"Glue-gum on trimming saws"
"Glued joints"
"Glued stock, sanding of"
"Glues and adhesives"
"Glues uses in WW II"
"Glues, purchase of"
"Glues, uses in WW II"
"Glupker, Bert"
"Glutted furniture markets"
"Glycerine use lin furniture ..."
"Go-Cart Co. (Chicago)"
"goat hair plush increased production in the U.S."
"Goat skin leather"
"Goat skins imported more than triple that of a decade earlier"
"Gobelin works"
"Goble, Walter A."
"Goddard desks"
"Godfrey Avenue Holding Co."
"Godfrey, N.B."
"Godfroy, Richard"
"Godwin Heights Lumber Co."
"Godwin Heights Pharmacy"
"Godwin, Arthur M."
"Goebel & Ansorge"
"Goebel & Brown, Inc."
"Goebel, Eugene"
"Goebel, F.S."
"Goebel, H.M."
"Goebel, Justus"
"Goebel, W. H. (Evansville, IN)"
"Goehler, Homer (Portland)"
"Goehner's... (Seward, NE)"
"Goehner, F.W."
"Goeman, Solomon"
"Goetz, Otto"
"Gogebic Lumber Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Gogo, John"
"Gohlke, Louis (Grand Rapids)"
"Goings, Robert H."
"Gold Course Development Co."
"Gold leaf"
"Gold Medal Camp ...(Racine, WI)"
"Gold Medal Folding... (Racine, WI)"
"gold medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition"
"Gold Mine Loan Office"
"Gold mirror plates"
"Gold mirrors"
"Gold Star Bakery"
"Goldberg, M. (Philadelphia)"
"Goldburg Furniture (New York, NY)"
"Golden Gate Exposition"
"Golden oak finish"
"Golden oak furniture"
"Golden Rule Sales Days"
"Golden Rule...(Hattiesburg, MS)"
"Golden Star Record Co."
"Golden, Claude"
"Goldfield Dairy Co."
"Golding Bros. Co. (New York City)"
"Goldner-Slootmaker Inc."
"Goldring, William"
"Goldsboro (NC) Furniture Co."
"Goldsborough, Willard J."
"Goldsmith & Co. (Rochester, NY)"
"Goldsmith, Joseph M. (Chicago)"
"Goldsmith-Roth Inc."
"Goldstein, A.L."
"Goldzworth, Lewis"
"Golubuff, Constant (Waterbury, CT)"
"Gomprecht & Benesch (Baltimore, MD)"
"Gonam, Sign"
"Goncalo alves"
"Goncalo Alves (Mexico/South America"
"Gone With the Wind (movie)"
"Good Housekeeping Magazine"
"Good opportunity for sales in France"
"Good will of furniture industry"
"good year for furniture manufacturing profits"
"good year for Manufacturers in Chicago"
"Good, cheap furnitur"
"Good, Grover C. (Grand Rapids)"
"Good-bye, Mr. Chippendale"
"Goodall Fabrics (New York City)"
"Goodkind, Clarence D."
"Goodlander - Robertson Lumber Company"
"Goodman's... (Cleveland, OH)"
"Goodman, A.S."
"Goodman, Addison S."
"Goodman, Jacob L."
"Goodman, M.S."
"Goodman, Percival"
"Goodnow-Pearson... (Gardner, MA)"
"Goodrich Transportation Co."
"Goodrich, B.F. Co."
"Goodrich, Eugene C.(Grand Rapids)"
"Goodrich, Leo"
"Goodrich, Phillip M."
"Goods labeling"
"Goodsell, D.M."
"Goodspeed Bros."
"Goodspeed Real Estate Co."
"Goodspeed, Harrison L."
"Goodwill, Fletcher (Jamestown, NY)"
"Goodwin, A.A."
"Goodwin, G.W."
"Goodyear Tire and ...(Akron, OH)"
"Gookin, James (Lowell, MA)"
"Goold, Olin M."
"Goosen & Daane"
"Goosen, Theodore B."
"Goosman & Koopman"
"Goosman, Rose"
"Goossen Bros."
"Goossen, M.C."
"Goossen, Martin"
"Gordon & Chapman (Chicago)"
"Gordon & Hagadorn Corp.(Honeoye,NY)"
"Gordon Food Service"
"Gordon Gene Ultra Stores Inc."
"Gordon R. Dubois Inc."
"Gordon River Timber Corp."
"Gordon, C.E."
"Gordon, Frank H."
"Gordon, Harry (Chicago)"
"Gordon, Ira F."
"Gordon, O.P."
"Gordon-Van Cheese Co."
"Gorham Bros. Company"
"Gorham Brothers Company"
"Gorham coffee table (art)"
"Gorham, A.E. (Mt. Pleasant, MI)"
"Gorham, Frederick A."
"Gorman Furniture (Kansas City, KS)"
"Gorman, B."
"Gorman, Edward J. (Kingston, NY)"
"Gornisiewicz, Walter"
"Gorrell, A.D. (Chicago)"
"Gorrigan, George M."
"Gosgrove Technical..(Milwaukee)"
"Goshen (IN) Novelty & Brush Co."
"Goshen Carpet Sweeper Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Goss Shop (Kalamazoo, MI)"
"Goss, Dwight"
"Goss, John H."
"Goss, Lindsey R."
"Goss, Loris R."
"Goss, S.A."
"Gothic apartments"
"Gothic carved walnut chest (art)"
"Gothic carving"
"Gothic furniture"
"Gothic furniture style"
"Gothic lamp stand, construction"
"Gothic lamp stand, design"
"Gothic style"
"Gould & Co."
"Gould Bakery"
"Gould, Catherine"
"Gould, Frank S."
"Gould, Herbert B. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Gould, Herbert Bryant"
"Gould, Vivian Dole"
"Gould, Walter J."
"Goulds monopoly on railways"
"Government control of factories"
"Government interference"
"Government operation of railroads"
"Government ownership of railroads"
"Government ownership of railways"
"Government price controls"
"Government price index"
"GR furniture employee benefits"
"GR furniture employee pension plan"
"Grabe, Klaus (New York City)"
"Grade marking of lumber"
"Grady & Faulhaber"
"Grady, George T."
"Grady, John"
"Graf-Dodge Co."
"Graff, Phillip M."
"Graft and corruption"
"Graft in finishing rooms"
"Graham Durable Furniture..(Oakland)"
"Graham Mfg. Co. (Franklin, IN)"
"Graham Roys & Co."
"Graham, Charles (Grand Rapids)"
"Graham, Charles G."
"Graham, Charles T. (Grand Rapids)"
"Graham, Curtis"
"Graham, Denny (Chicago)"
"Graham, Philip"
"Graham, Robert D."
"Graham, William"
"Grain markets"
"Graining in imitation of mahogany"
"Grammas, James"
"Gramps, Floyd (Minneapolis)"
"Grand Army of the Republic"
"Grand Bowling Academy and Banquet.."
"Grand Canyon, AZ"
"Grand Central Palace (New York, NY)"
"Grand Central Palace (NYC)"
"Grand Haven (MI) furniture industry"
"Grand Island, The"
"Grand Jury Investigation of alleged school seat trust not yet finished"
"Grand Ledge (MI) Chair Co."
"Grand Ledge (MI) Rush Seat Mfg."
"Grand Ledge Coal and Ice Co."
"Grand Palais (France)"
"Grand Palais (Paris, France)"
"Grand Parlor Frame Co. (NYC)"
"Grand Prix"
"Grand Rapid furniture industry"
"Grand Rapids"
"Grand Rapids & Indiana Railroad"
"Grand Rapids & Indiana Railway"
"Grand Rapids & Indiana Railway erect a freight warehouse in "Peaceful"
"Grand Rapids & Lake Michigan RR"
"Grand Rapids & Northwestern Railway"
"Grand Rapids & Reed's Lake RR"
"Grand Rapids (MI) Advertising Club"
"Grand Rapids (MI) Art Stain Glass Co."
"Grand Rapids (MI) Association of Furniture Manuf'ers"
"Grand Rapids (MI) Bedding Co."
"Grand Rapids (MI) Better Home movement"
"Grand Rapids (MI) Bookcase Co."
"Grand Rapids (MI) Brass & Iron Bed Co."
"Grand Rapids (MI) Brass Co."
"Grand Rapids (MI) Buyers' Order Book"
"Grand Rapids (MI) Cabinet Co."
"Grand Rapids (MI) Cabinet Furniture Co."
"Grand Rapids (MI) Carved Moulding Co."
"Grand Rapids (MI) Carving Co."
"Grand Rapids (MI) Centennial Furniture Festival"
"Grand Rapids (MI) Chair Co."
"Grand Rapids (MI) Clock & Mantel Co."
"Grand Rapids (MI) Derby"
"Grand Rapids (MI) Designers Association"
"Grand Rapids (MI) Desk Co."
"Grand Rapids (MI) Fancy Furniture Co."
"Grand Rapids (MI) Fiber Furniture Co."
"Grand Rapids (MI) Fire Insurance Co."
"Grand Rapids (MI) Fixture Co."
"Grand Rapids (MI) Furniture Club"
"Grand Rapids (MI) Furniture Co."
"Grand Rapids (MI) Furniture Designers…"
"Grand Rapids (MI) Furniture Exhibitors.."
"Grand Rapids (MI) Furniture Makers Guild"
"Grand Rapids (MI) Furniture Mfg. Assoc."
"Grand Rapids (MI) Furniture Museum"
"Grand Rapids (MI) Furniture Polish Co."
"Grand Rapids (MI) Furniture Temple Co."
"Grand Rapids (MI) Handscrew Co."
"Grand Rapids (MI) Herald"
"Grand Rapids (MI) Manufacturing Co."
"Grand Rapids (MI) Market Association."
"Grand Rapids (MI) Ornament Co."
"Grand Rapids (MI) Piano Case Co."
"Grand Rapids (MI) Press"
"Grand Rapids (MI) Railway Co."
"Grand Rapids (MI) Refrigerator Co."
"Grand Rapids (MI) School Equipment Co."
"Grand Rapids (MI) School of Furniture Co."
"Grand Rapids (MI) Sectional Bookcase"
"Grand Rapids (MI) Show Case Co."
"Grand Rapids (MI) Store Equipment Corp."
"Grand Rapids (MI) Table Co."
"Grand Rapids (MI) Upholstering Co."
"Grand Rapids (MI) Veneered Door Co."
"Grand Rapids (MI) Wholesale Furniture Co."
"Grand Rapids (MI) Wood Carving Co."
"Grand Rapids (MI) Wood Finishing Co."
"Grand Rapids (WI) Hand Screw Co."
"Grand Rapids Abattoir Co."
"Grand Rapids Advertisers Club"
"Grand Rapids Airplane Co."
"Grand Rapids airport"
"Grand Rapids and Indiana Railway"
"Grand Rapids Anti-Tuberculosis ..."
"Grand Rapids architecture"
"Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Comm."
"Grand Rapids Art Association"
"Grand Rapids Art Gallery"
"Grand Rapids Art Glass & Mirror ..."
"Grand Rapids Art Terrazo & Mosaic.."
"Grand Rapids Asphalt Paving Co."
"Grand Rapids Assn. of Commerce"
"Grand Rapids Associated Furniture.."
"Grand Rapids Associated Stores Inc."
"Grand Rapids Association of ..."
"Grand Rapids Auto Co."
"Grand Rapids Auto Supply Co."
"Grand Rapids Automobile Show"
"Grand Rapids Aviation Co."
"Grand Rapids Awning & Tent Co."
"Grand Rapids Bananas"
"Grand Rapids Bankruptcy Court"
"Grand Rapids Bark & Lumber Co."
"Grand Rapids Barrel Co."
"Grand Rapids baseball team"
"Grand Rapids Basket Co."
"Grand Rapids Battalion"
"Grand Rapids Battery Shop"
"Grand Rapids Bedding Co."
"Grand Rapids Bedroom Furniture Co."
"Grand Rapids Beef Co."
"Grand Rapids Beer Co."
"Grand Rapids Belting Co."
"Grand Rapids Belting Company"
"Grand Rapids Better Homes ..."
"Grand Rapids Blow Pipe & Dust ..."
"Grand Rapids Blow Pipe & Dust Arrester Company"
"Grand Rapids Blow Pipe and Dust ..."
"Grand Rapids Blow Pipe and Dust Arrester Company"
"Grand Rapids Blow Pipe and Dust Arrester Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Grand Rapids Blow Pipe and Dust Arrester Company successes"
"Grand Rapids Blow Pipe and Dust Arrestor Company"
"Grand Rapids Blow Pipe and Dust Arrestor Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Grand Rapids Blow Pipe Arrestor Company"
"Grand Rapids Blowpipe and Dust ..."
"Grand Rapids Board of Education"
"Grand Rapids Board of Trade"
"Grand Rapids Body Corp."
"Grand Rapids Book Case Co."
"Grand Rapids Bookcase (Hastings, MI)"
"Grand Rapids Boom Co."
"Grand Rapids Brass and Iron ..."
"Grand Rapids Brass Co."
"Grand Rapids Brass Company"
"Grand Rapids Brass Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Grand Rapids Brass Company, Tower patent fasteners (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Grand Rapids Brass Realty Co."
"Grand Rapids Bread Co."
"Grand Rapids Brewing Co."
"Grand Rapids Brick Co."
"Grand Rapids Broom Co."
"Grand Rapids Brush Co."
"Grand Rapids budget"
"Grand Rapids Builders Supply Co."
"Grand Rapids Business College"
"Grand Rapids Butchers' Supply Co."
"Grand Rapids Butter & Egg Exchange"
"Grand Rapids By-Products Co."
"Grand Rapids Cabinet Co."
"Grand Rapids cabinet makers"
"Grand Rapids Cabinet Makers Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Grand Rapids Camera Shop Inc."
"Grand Rapids Candy Co."
"Grand Rapids Car Loaing Co."
"Grand Rapids Carved Molding Company"
"Grand Rapids Carved Moulding ..."
"Grand Rapids Carved Moulding Company"
"Grand Rapids Carved Moulding Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Grand Rapids Case Co."
"Grand Rapids Case Works"
"Grand Rapids Casket Co."
"Grand Rapids Caster Cup Company"
"Grand Rapids Cedar Co."
"Grand Rapids Central High Schoo"
"Grand Rapids Cereal Co."
"Grand Rapids Chair Co."
"Grand Rapids Chair Company"
"Grand Rapids Chair Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Grand Rapids Chair Company (Grand Rapids, MI), dining and occasional f"
"Grand Rapids Chemical Corp."
"Grand Rapids churches"
"Grand Rapids Cigar Box Co."
"Grand Rapids Cigar Makers Union"
"Grand Rapids Citizens Alliance"
"Grand Rapids Citizens' League"
"Grand Rapids City Charter"
"Grand Rapids City Commission"
"Grand Rapids city manager plan"
"Grand Rapids City Sealer"
"Grand Rapids city store"
"Grand Rapids Civic Auditorium"
"Grand Rapids Clearing House"
"Grand Rapids Clock and Mantle Co."
"Grand Rapids Clothing Co."
"Grand Rapids Co-operative Oil Co."
"Grand Rapids Coal & Materials Co."
"Grand Rapids Cold Storage Co."
"Grand Rapids College of Applied ..."
"Grand Rapids Commercial Furniture.."
"Grand Rapids companies install Morton Kilns"
"Grand Rapids Contractors Supply Co."
"Grand Rapids Convention Bureau"
"Grand Rapids Cooperage Co."
"Grand Rapids Corporation"
"Grand Rapids Cottage Co."
"Grand Rapids Crate Manufacturing .."
"Grand Rapids Creamery Co."
"Grand Rapids Credit Men's Assn."
"Grand Rapids Custom Shirt Co."
"Grand Rapids Cut Stone Co."
"Grand Rapids Cycle Co."
"Grand Rapids Dairy Board of Trade"
"Grand Rapids Dairy Co."
"Grand Rapids Dairy Supply & ..."
"Grand Rapids description"
"Grand Rapids designers"
"Grand Rapids Designers' Association"
"Grand Rapids Desk Co."
"Grand Rapids Desk Company"
"Grand Rapids Desk Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Grand Rapids Detachable Broom Co."
"Grand Rapids Dining Room ..."
"Grand Rapids Distributing Co."
"Grand Rapids Distributing Co. (New York, NY)"
"Grand Rapids Dowel Works"
"Grand Rapids Drug Co."
"Grand Rapids Dry Cleaners"
"Grand Rapids Dry Goods Co."
"Grand Rapids Eagle"
"Grand Rapids economic conditions"
"Grand Rapids Edison Co."
"Grand Rapids Electric Light and ..."
"Grand Rapids Electric Light Co."
"Grand Rapids Electrotype"
"Grand Rapids Electrotype Company"
"Grand Rapids Employers Association"
"Grand Rapids employment"
"Grand Rapids Enamel Sign Corp."
"Grand Rapids Engraving Company"
"Grand Rapids Enterprise Electric .."
"Grand Rapids Equipment Co."
"Grand Rapids Evening Leader"
"Grand Rapids Exposition"
"Grand Rapids Exposition on schedule"
"Grand Rapids Factory Furniture ..."
"Grand Rapids factory wages"
"Grand Rapids Fall Furniture Market"
"Grand Rapids Fancy Furniture"
"Grand Rapids Fancy Furniture Co."
"Grand Rapids Fancy Furniture Company"
"Grand Rapids Fancy Furniture Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Grand Rapids Fancy Furniture Company (Grand Rapids, MI), secretary des"
"Grand Rapids Fancy Rocker Co."
"Grand Rapids fate as a furniture city"
"Grand Rapids Felt Boot Co."
"Grand Rapids Fibre Cord Co."
"Grand Rapids Fibre Furniture Co."
"Grand Rapids Fire Department"
"Grand Rapids Fire Insurance Co."
"Grand Rapids Fireless Cook Stove .."
"Grand Rapids Fixtures Co."
"Grand Rapids Flint Co."
"Grand Rapids Florists Exchange Inc."
"Grand Rapids Folding Table and ..."
"Grand Rapids Food & Fertilizer Co."
"Grand Rapids Food Show"
"Grand Rapids food stores"
"Grand Rapids Forcing"
"Grand Rapids Forging & Iron Co."
"Grand Rapids Foundry Co."
"Grand Rapids Fruit and Produce Co."
"Grand Rapids Fuel Co."
"Grand Rapids Fume and Vapor ..."
"Grand Rapids Fur Co."
"Grand Rapids fur merchants"
"Grand Rapids furniture"
"Grand Rapids Furniture (Bridgeport, CT)"
"Grand Rapids Furniture (Chicago, IL)"
"Grand Rapids Furniture (Cleveland, OH)"
"Grand Rapids Furniture (Meriden, CT)"
"Grand Rapids Furniture (New York, NY)"
"Grand Rapids Furniture ..."
"Grand Rapids Furniture ...(NYC)"
"Grand Rapids furniture advertising"
"Grand Rapids Furniture Association"
"Grand Rapids Furniture Association (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Grand Rapids Furniture Co."
"Grand Rapids Furniture Co. (NYC)"
"Grand Rapids Furniture Co.(Chicago)"
"Grand Rapids Furniture Company"
"Grand Rapids Furniture Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Grand Rapids furniture design"
"Grand Rapids furniture designers"
"Grand Rapids Furniture Designers..."
"Grand Rapids Furniture Exhibition"
"Grand Rapids Furniture Exhibition exhibitors"
"Grand Rapids Furniture Exhibition Market"
"Grand Rapids furniture exhibitions"
"Grand Rapids furniture exports"
"Grand Rapids furniture exposition"
"Grand Rapids Furniture Exposition scene in 1879"
"Grand Rapids Furniture Exposition.."
"Grand Rapids furniture expositions"
"Grand Rapids furniture expositrion"
"Grand Rapids furniture factories"
"Grand Rapids Furniture Guild"
"Grand Rapids furniture history"
"Grand Rapids furniture history, brief explanation"
"Grand Rapids Furniture House (New York, NY)"
"Grand Rapids furniture industry"
"Grand Rapids furniture inustry"
"Grand Rapids Furniture Makers Guild"
"Grand Rapids Furniture Makers' ..."
"Grand Rapids furniture manufactuers"
"Grand Rapids furniture manufacturers"
"Grand Rapids furniture manufacturers go to Washington"
"Grand Rapids Furniture Manufacturers' Association"
"Grand Rapids Furniture Manufacturers' Association finishes"
"Grand Rapids furniture market"
"Grand Rapids Furniture Museum"
"Grand Rapids Furniture Polish Co."
"Grand Rapids Furniture Polish Company"
"Grand Rapids furniture prestige"
"Grand Rapids furniture prices"
"Grand Rapids Furniture Record"
"Grand Rapids Furniture Record Co."
"Grand Rapids Furniture Sales..(NYC)"
"Grand Rapids furniture shipments"
"Grand Rapids furniture shippers"
"Grand Rapids furniture shippers need more railway cars"
"Grand Rapids Furniture Shops"
"Grand Rapids Furniture Show Buildings"
"Grand Rapids furniture standards"
"Grand Rapids furniture statistics"
"Grand Rapids Furniture Stores window displays unorganized"
"Grand Rapids furniture strike"
"Grand Rapids furniture strikew"
"Grand Rapids Furniture Temple Co."
"Grand Rapids furniture trade"
"Grand Rapids furniture wages"
"Grand Rapids Furniture Warehouse .."
"Grand Rapids Furniture(H.Springs,AK"
"Grand Rapids Furniture..(Chicago)"
"Grand Rapids Furniture...(NYC)"
"Grand Rapids furniturte exhibits"
"Grand Rapids Gas Co."
"Grand Rapids Gas Light Co."
"Grand Rapids Glass & Bending Co."
"Grand Rapids Glass Co."
"Grand Rapids Good Roads District"
"Grand Rapids Grain & Milling Co."
"Grand Rapids Grater Co."
"Grand Rapids greatest manufacturer and New York greatest market"
"Grand Rapids Greenhouse Co."
"Grand Rapids Grinding Machine Co."
"Grand Rapids Grocery Co."
"Grand Rapids Growers Building Co."
"Grand Rapids Gypsum Works"
"Grand Rapids hand carving industry"
"Grand Rapids Hand Screw (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Grand Rapids Hand Screw Co."
"Grand Rapids Hand Screw Company"
"Grand Rapids Hand Screw Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Grand Rapids Handscrew Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Grand Rapids Hardware Co."
"Grand Rapids Health Officer"
"Grand Rapids Herald"
"Grand Rapids Hi-Speed Co."
"Grand Rapids High Grade Fibre ..."
"Grand Rapids High School"
"Grand Rapids Historical Society"
"Grand Rapids history"
"Grand Rapids Home Furniture (New York, NY)"
"Grand Rapids Home Supply Assn."
"Grand Rapids Hosiery Co."
"Grand Rapids hotels"
"Grand Rapids Housing Corp."
"Grand Rapids Hydraulic Co."
"Grand Rapids Ice & Coal Co."
"Grand Rapids Illustrated Democrat"
"Grand Rapids Indicator and ..."
"Grand Rapids industial growth"
"Grand Rapids Industries Inc."
"Grand Rapids industry"
"Grand Rapids Insurance Agency"
"Grand Rapids Junior Chamber of ..."
"Grand Rapids Junior College"
"Grand Rapids Knitting Co."
"Grand Rapids Laboratory Co."
"Grand Rapids Laundry Co."
"Grand Rapids Leader"
"Grand Rapids Leaf Tobacco Co."
"Grand Rapids Leather Co."
"Grand Rapids Lithographing Co."
"Grand Rapids Loan and Trust Co."
"Grand Rapids Loan, Building ..."
"Grand Rapids Lounge Co."
"Grand Rapids Lumber Co."
"Grand Rapids Machine Works"
"Grand Rapids machinery popular in Russia"
"Grand Rapids Malleable Works"
"Grand Rapids manual high school"
"Grand Rapids Manual Training High School"
"Grand Rapids manufacturers"
"Grand Rapids manufacturers briefs"
"Grand Rapids manufacturers receive shipping delay complaints due to ra"
"Grand Rapids Manufacturing Co."
"Grand Rapids maps"
"Grand Rapids Marble & Fireplace Co."
"Grand Rapids Market Association"
"Grand Rapids Match Co."
"Grand Rapids Mattress Co."
"Grand Rapids Maytag Co."
"Grand Rapids Medical College"
"Grand Rapids men in WWI service"
"Grand Rapids Mercantile ..."
"Grand Rapids Merchandise & ..."
"Grand Rapids merchants"
"Grand Rapids Merchants Mutual ..."
"Grand Rapids Metal Craft Corp."
"Grand Rapids Metal Products Co."
"Grand Rapids metal working industry"
"Grand Rapids Metalcraft Corp."
"Grand Rapids Metalcraft Sales Corp."
"Grand Rapids milling industry"
"Grand Rapids Mobile House Co."
"Grand Rapids Monument Co."
"Grand Rapids Motor Coach Co."
"Grand Rapids Motor Express Co."
"Grand Rapids Motor Market"
"Grand Rapids Motor Truck Co."
"Grand Rapids municipal services"
"Grand Rapids name"
"Grand Rapids National Bank"
"Grand Rapids National Bank building"
"Grand Rapids National City Bank"
"Grand Rapids National Co."
"Grand Rapids News"
"Grand Rapids newspapers"
"Grand Rapids not concerned with manufacturers' exposition movement"
"Grand Rapids Notions & Crockery ..."
"Grand Rapids Novelty Mfg."
"Grand Rapids Office Chair Co."
"Grand Rapids office furniture ..."
"Grand Rapids Oil Co."
"Grand Rapids Oil Refining Co."
"Grand Rapids oil well"
"Grand Rapids on Parade"
"Grand Rapids Operating Corp."
"Grand Rapids Outdoor Show"
"Grand Rapids Packing & Provision .."
"Grand Rapids Packing Co."
"Grand Rapids Paint & Color Co."
"Grand Rapids Paint & Enamel Co."
"Grand Rapids Paint & Wood ..."
"Grand Rapids Panel Company"
"Grand Rapids Paper Box Co."
"Grand Rapids Paper Co."
"Grand Rapids Park and Boulevard ..."
"Grand Rapids Parlor Frame Co."
"Grand Rapids Parlor Frame Company"
"Grand Rapids Parlor Furniture Co."
"Grand Rapids pastors"
"Grand Rapids Petroleum Co."
"Grand Rapids Phonograph Co."
"Grand Rapids Piston Service Co."
"Grand Rapids Plan"
"Grand Rapids Planing Mill Co."
"Grand Rapids Plaster Co."
"Grand Rapids police"
"Grand Rapids population"
"Grand Rapids Portable House Co."
"Grand Rapids Post"
"Grand Rapids power shortage"
"Grand Rapids Press"
"Grand Rapids Produce Co."
"Grand Rapids Public Library"
"Grand Rapids Purchasing Association (Cleveland, OH)"
"Grand Rapids Pure Food Co."
"Grand Rapids Radio Manufacturing..."
"Grand Rapids Rag & Metal Co."
"Grand Rapids Railway Co."
"Grand Rapids Reed & Rattan Co."
"Grand Rapids Refining Co."
"Grand Rapids Refrigerator Co."
"Grand Rapids Refrigerator Company"
"Grand Rapids Refrigerator Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Grand Rapids Reserve Supply Co."
"Grand Rapids Retail Grocers ..."
"Grand Rapids retailers"
"Grand Rapids Roofing and ..."
"Grand Rapids Rosette & Carving Co."
"Grand Rapids Rusk Co."
"Grand Rapids Safe Co."
"Grand Rapids Sales Agency"
"Grand Rapids Sales Co. (New York, NY)"
"Grand Rapids Sales Co. (NYC)"
"Grand Rapids Sample Case Co."
"Grand Rapids Sample Furniture Co."
"Grand Rapids Sash & Door Co."
"Grand Rapids Saturday Evening Post"
"Grand Rapids Savings Bank"
"Grand Rapids Savings Building Co."
"Grand Rapids Scale Co."
"Grand Rapids schookls"
"Grand Rapids School Furniture Co."
"Grand Rapids School of Design"
"Grand Rapids School of Designing"
"Grand Rapids School of Designing (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Grand Rapids School of Furniture Design"
"Grand Rapids School of Furniture Designing"
"Grand Rapids School of Hand Carving"
"Grand Rapids schools"
"Grand Rapids Sealer of Weights ..."
"Grand Rapids Seating Co."
"Grand Rapids Sewer Pipe and ..."
"Grand Rapids Sheet Metal & ..."
"Grand Rapids Sheraton Furniture Co."
"Grand Rapids Shoe & Rubber Co."
"Grand Rapids Shoe Trimming Co."
"Grand Rapids Show Case Co."
"Grand Rapids Showcase Co."
"Grand Rapids Silver Mining Co."
"Grand Rapids Soap Co."
"Grand Rapids Specialty Co."
"Grand Rapids Sprinkler Co."
"Grand Rapids Sprit No. 2"
"Grand Rapids Stamping Division"
"Grand Rapids State Bank"
"Grand Rapids Stationery Co."
"Grand Rapids Stave Co."
"Grand Rapids Steam Bakery"
"Grand Rapids Steel & Supply Co."
"Grand Rapids steel furniture trade"
"Grand Rapids Storage and Transfer.."
"Grand Rapids store buildings"
"Grand Rapids Store Equipment Co."
"Grand Rapids Store Equipment Corp."
"Grand Rapids Store Fixture Co."
"Grand Rapids Street Railway Co."
"Grand Rapids Styles Institute"
"Grand Rapids summer furniture expo"
"Grand Rapids summer furniture ind."
"Grand Rapids Superior Court"
"Grand Rapids Supply Co."
"Grand Rapids Table Co."
"Grand Rapids Tailoring Co."
"Grand Rapids Tank Line Co."
"Grand Rapids Telegram-Herald"
"Grand Rapids Textile Machinery Co."
"Grand Rapids Timber Co."
"Grand Rapids Times"
"Grand Rapids Tire and Rubber Co."
"Grand Rapids Township"
"Grand Rapids trade mark"
"Grand Rapids trade name"
"Grand Rapids Transportation Guide"
"Grand Rapids Trucking Co."
"Grand Rapids Trunk Co."
"Grand Rapids Trunk Line Co."
"Grand Rapids Trust Co."
"Grand Rapids Turning Co."
"Grand Rapids Typographical Union"
"Grand Rapids United Action Program"
"Grand Rapids Upholstering Co."
"Grand Rapids Upholstering Company"
"Grand Rapids Upholstering Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Grand Rapids Upholstery Co."
"Grand Rapids Upholstery Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Grand Rapids Upholstery.(Buffalo,NY"
"Grand Rapids Vapor Kiln"
"Grand Rapids Vapor Kiln Co."
"Grand Rapids Vapor Kiln Inc."
"Grand Rapids Varnish Co."
"Grand Rapids Varnish Corp."
"Grand Rapids Varnsih Co."
"Grand Rapids Veneer & Panel Co."
"Grand Rapids Veneer Co."
"Grand Rapids Veneer Company"
"Grand Rapids Veneer Works"
"Grand Rapids Veneer Works (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Grand Rapids Veneer Works (Grand Rapids, MI), water proof coating"
"Grand Rapids Veneer Works dry kiln"
"Grand Rapids Veneered Door Co. Ltd."
"Grand Rapids versus Chicago Market"
"Grand Rapids Vice Commission"
"Grand Rapids Vocational School"
"Grand Rapids wage increases"
"Grand Rapids water supply"
"Grand Rapids Weekly Railway and ..."
"Grand Rapids Welding Supply Co."
"Grand Rapids Wheelbarrow Co."
"Grand Rapids Whip Co."
"Grand Rapids Wholesale Grocery Co."
"Grand Rapids wholesale trade"
"Grand Rapids Window Balance Co."
"Grand Rapids wood carvers"
"Grand Rapids Wood Carving Co."
"Grand Rapids wood carvings (art)"
"Grand Rapids wood carvwers"
"Grand Rapids Wood Finishing Co."
"Grand Rapids Wood Finishing Company"
"Grand Rapids Wood Finishing Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Grand Rapids Wood Finishing School"
"Grand Rapids Woodcraft Corp."
"Grand Rapids Wooden Shoe Co."
"Grand Rapids Workman"
"Grand Rapids' foreign population"
"Grand Rapids, hotel problem in"
"Grand Rapids, immigration to"
"Grand Rapids, MI furniture"
"Grand Rapids, MI furniture exhibitions"
"Grand Rapids, MI furniture exports"
"Grand Rapids, MI furniture market"
"Grand Rapids, MI furniture strike"
"Grand Rapids, MI furniture trademark"
"Grand Rapids, MI history"
"Grand Rapids, Michigan furniture exhibition"
"Grand Rapids, Michigan needs an industrial art school"
"Grand Rapids, use of"
"Grand Rapids, use of term"
"Grand Rapids-Chicago air route"
"Grand Rapids-Holland traffic"
"Grand Rapids-Kalamazoo interurban"
"Grand Rapids-Muskegon Power Co."
"Grand Rapids-Muskegon Water Power.."
"Grand Rapids-Oregon Timber Co."
"Grand Rapids-Traverse City airline"
"Grand Rapoids Blow Pipe & Dust ..."
"Grand Rapuids furniture exposition"
"Grand River"
"Grand River (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Grand River Boulevard"
"Grand River improvements"
"Grand River Line"
"Grand River Oil Co."
"Grand River Times"
"Grand River Transportation Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Grand River Valley"
"Grand River Valley Historical ..."
"Grand River Valley Horticultural Society"
"Grand Trunk Railroad"
"Grand Trunk Railway"
"Grand-Girard & Co."
"Grand-Girard, H.E."
"Grand-Saginaw Valley Deep ..."
"Grande Brick Co."
"Grandfather clock"
"Grandfather clocks"
"Grandfather's clocks, construction"
"Grandfather's clocks, design of"
"Grandinetti, Eugene"
"Grandville Avenue Clothing Exchange"
"Grandville Avenue Mercantile Co."
"Grandville Boulevard"
"Grandville Elevator Co."
"Grandville Exchange"
"Grandville Road"
"Grandville, MI"
"Grandville-Wyoming Transit Co."
"Grange & Co. (Vermillion, SD)"
"Granger, William P."
"Granovsky, Albert A. (NYC)"
"Grant Fuel & Ice Co."
"Grant Furniture Co. (Racine, WI)"
"Grant Furniture Company (New Orleans, LA)"
"Grant, Ulysses S."
"Granulated sugar industry"
"Graphic arts"
"Graphic Arts Sign Co."
"Grass furniture"
"Grau Curtis Co. (Minneapolis)"
"Gravely Novelty..(Martinsburg, VA)"
"Graves, Edwin E. (Chicago)"
"Graves, H.R."
"Graves-Seamen Parlor Frame Co."
"Gray Furnitire Co. (Adrian, MI)"
"Gray, Albert A."
"Gray, Charles"
"Gray, Dudley (Los Angeles)"
"Gray, John G."
"Gray-Beach Cigar Co."
"Gray-Starr Furniture Co."
"Grays Harbor Chair ...(Aberdeen,WA)"
"Grays Harbor Chair..(Hoquiam, WA)"
"Grays Harbor Chair...(Aberdeen, WA)"
"Grays Harbor Chair...(Hoquiam, WA)"
"Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co."
"Great Depression"
"Great Lakes Brewing Co."
"Great Lakes commerce"
"Great Lakes Laundries"
"Great Northern Board & Paper Co."
"Great Northern Chair Co. (Chicago)"
"Greek Empire furniture"
"Greeman Bros. (Batesville, IN)"
"Green Drawing Room, Windsor Castle, Windsor, England"
"Green Furniture..(Chattanooga, TN)"
"Green Mill Ballroom"
"Green River Chair Co. (Calhoun, KY)"
"Green River Chair..(Livermore, KY)"
"Green's... (Hamilton, Can.)"
"Green, Adelbert G."
"Green, Fred W. (Ionia, MI)"
"Green, Harry A."
"Green, Harry R."
"Green, Ira O."
"Green, J. Crawford"
"Green, Jack (Parkersburg, WV)"
"Green, L.A."
"Green, Rex"
"Green, Robert V."
"Green, William"
"Greenberger, Ernest"
"Greenberger, Jacques"
"Greenberger, Jacques F. (NYC)"
"Greenberger, Norman J."
"Greenberger, Norman J. (NYC)"
"Greene, Perry"
"Greeneville (TN) Chair Co."
"Greenfield Village (Dearborn, MI)"
"Greenfield Village, MI"
"Greenlee Bros. & Co. (Rockford, IL)"
"Greenlee Bros. (Rockford, IL)"
"Greenlund, Arthur H."
"Greenlund, Arthur J. (Jamestown,NY)"
"Greenman, Charles A."
"Greenpoint Metallic Bed (New York, NY)"
"Greenpoint Metallic Bed Company"
"Greenpoint Metallic Bed..(Atlanta)"
"Greenpoint Moulding...(NYC)"
"Greenquist, Sven Paul"
"Greenville (TN) Chair Factory"
"Greenwald Furniture (S. Lake City, UT)"
"Greenway Furniture Manufacturing..."
"Greenway Manufacturing Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Greenway, Charles M."
"Greenwood, Arthur (LOndon)"
"Greenwood, Levi H. (Boston)"
"Greenwood, Richard N. (Gardner, MA)"
"Greer Furniture (Bowling Green, KY)"
"Gregg, John B."
"Gregory & Co. (Kingston, NY)"
"Greilick Mfg. (Traverse City, MI)"
"Greilick, Clarence (Traverse City)"
"Gresham, James Bethel"
"Greulich Co."
"Grieg, Mrs. John"
"Griffin, J.C."
"Griffioen, Arie"
"Griffioen, Walter"
"Griffith, Howard T. (Indianapolis)"
"Griffith, Raleigh Clyde"
"Griggs, George W."
"Grigsby-Grunow Co. (Chicago)"
"Grigsby-Grunow... (Chicago, IL)"
"Grimes & Madigan Inc."
"Grinding of knives"
"Grinding or Filing machine knives"
"Grindstones and scythestones"
"Grinnell (IA) College"
"Grinnell Brothers Music Store"
"Griswold, Joseph G."
"Griswold, Roger W."
"Griswold, W.E.S. Jr. (NYC)"
"Grit, Abraham"
"Grnad Rapids furniture strike"
"Groat Furniture Co. (Philadelphia)"
"Grobbin, Louis"
"Grobhiser & Crosby Furniture Co. (Sturgis, MI)"
"Grobhiser & Crosby Furniture Company"
"Grobhiser & Crosby Furniture Company (Sturgis, MI)"
"Grobhiser - Cabinetmakers Company"
"Grobhiser - Cabinetmakers Cos."
"Grobhiser Cabinetmakers (Sturgis, MI)"
"Grobhiser, W.C."
"Grobisher, W.C. (Sturgis, MI)"
"Grocers & Butchers Supply Co."
"Grocery stores"
"Grocery trade"
"Groen, John"
"Groendyk, Alje"
"Groendyk, John"
"Groenleer-Vance Furniture Co."
"Groesbeck, C.E."
"Groggel, C.L."
"Gronberg, John"
"Grondberg & Bondy (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Groo, Julia (Portland, OR)"
"Groom, Robert E."
"Grosfeld House (Chicago)"
"Grosfeld, Albert Inc. (NYC)"
"Groskopf Bros."
"Groskopf, William"
"Gross, Carl Co. (Milwaukee, WI)"
"Grossman Lumber Co."
"Grossman, A.N. (Chicago)"
"Grossman, Alexander (Chicago)"
"Grossman, Benjamin W. (Rhoe Island)"
"Grossman, Michael (Sheboygan, WI)"
"Grosvenor patent"
"Grote & Cheney (Spokane, WA)"
"Grote-Rankin Co. (Seattle, WA)"
"Grounds keeping and activities for workers boost morale"
"Group hospitalization"
"Group insurance"
"Group life insurance"
"Grout, H.C."
"Grove Hall Furniture..(Boston)"
"Grove Park Inn (Asheville, NC)"
"Grove, Clarence B. (Holland, MI)"
"Gruen, Robert (New York City)"
"Grumbaum Brothers (Seattle, WA)"
"Guarantee Bond & Mortgage Co."
"Guatemala as source of balsa wood"
"Guatemalan furniture industry"
"Guatemalan imports of U.S. ..."
"Guatemalan mahogany"
"Guenzel, C.J."
"Guernaux, Rene (East Grand Rapids)"
"Guess, George"
"Guest, M.A. Co. (Big Rapids, MI)"
"Guggenheim, Arthur S."
"Guggenheim, Samuel W."
"Guidotti, William D."
"Guild labeled merchandise"
"Guild Marketing plan"
"Guild Receipt and Priority Program"
"Guild School of Interior … (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Gulf Refining Co."
"Gulf States Products Co."
"Gullicksen, Ole (Chicago)"
"Gum and circassian walnut"
"Gum as furniture wood"
"Gum as imitation walnut"
"Gum lumber"
"Gum lumber industry"
"Gum lumber manufacture"
"Gum shellac"
"Gum veneer business"
"Gum woods"
"Gum woods, popularity in Europe"
"Gum, drying and finishing of"
"Gum, Eugene P. (Oklahoma)"
"Gum-Wood Service Bureau"
"Gummer Furniture... (Stockton, CA)"
"Gummer, F.A."
"Gums, varieties of"
"Gumwood industry"
"Gumwood Service Bureau"
"Gunderson Bros. (Portland)"
"Gunlock Chair Co. (Wayland, NY)"
"Gunlocke Chair Co. (Wayland, NY)"
"Gunn Furniture Co."
"Gunn Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Gunn Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Gunn Furniture Company"
"Gunn Furniture Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Gunn Hardware Co."
"Gunn Holding Co."
"Gunn Oil Corp."
"Gunn, A.J."
"Gunn, W.S."
"Gunn, William A."
"Gunn, William Sterling"
"Gunwood, educational campaign for"
"Gurney Refrigerator.(Fond du Lac,WI"
"Guse, August D. (Milwaukee)"
"Gust & Koopman"
"Guthman Bros. (Youngstown, OH)"
"Guthrie (OK) Seating Co."
"Guthrie, Gilbert T."
"Gutter Furniture Company (Port Huron, MI)"
"Guttman, Harris"
"Gyno-San Laboratories Inc."
"Gyp dealers"
"Gypsum and plaster industry"
"H&J Toggery Shop"
"H-M-O Lumber Co."
"H. Barney Co (Schenectady, NY)"
"H. Batterman Co. (Brooklyn, NY)"
"H. Lauter Co. (Indianapolis, IN)"
"H. LeBaron Hartt Co. (Medina, NY)"
"H. Leonard & Sons"
"H. Leppink & Co."
"H. Matthews & Co."
"H. Rademaker & Sons"
"H. Reischman & Sons (New York, NY)"
"H. Schneider Co."
"H. Stern Co."
"H. Van Giesen & Co."
"H. Willett Inc. (Louisville, KY)"
"H.& H. Furniture..(Evansville, IN)"
"H.&L. Sandwich Shop"
"H.A. Kelly Furniture (Clinton, IA)"
"H.A. Saur & Sons"
"H.B. Elkhart & Son"
"H.B. Feather Co."
"H.B. Feather Company"
"H.B. Graves Co. (Rochester, NY)"
"H.B. Smith Machine Co. (Smithville, NJ)"
"H.C. Capwell... (Oakland, CA)"
"H.C. Jackson Lumber Co."
"H.C. Koch & Co. (New York, NY)"
"H.C. Niemann & Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"H.D. Plumb's Son"
"H.E. Loomis Inc."
"H.E.G. Clarke Co."
"H.F. Cox Co."
"H.F. Eldridge Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"H.F. Olmstead Motor Sales Co."
"H.F. Wells Motor Co."
"H.G. Allen Publishing Co."
"H.G. Franzheim... (Wheeling, WV)"
"H.H. Freedman & Co."
"H.J. Grit & Son"
"H.J. Montgomery"
"H.J. Montgomery Manufacturing Company"
"H.J. Montgomery Manufacturing Company (Silver Creek, NY)"
"H.J. Vinkemulder & Co."
"H.J. Williams & Co."
"H.L. Couffield Co."
"H.L. Hubbell Manufacturing Co."
"H.L. McCarrick Inc."
"H.L. McElroy Co. (Youngstown, OH)"
"H.L. McGarrick Inc."
"H.L. Stiff Furniture... (Salem, OR)"
"H.M. Brock & Co."
"H.M. Bullard & Co. (New Haven, CT)"
"H.M. Joyce Co."
"H.M. Reynolds & Son"
"H.M. Reynolds Roofing Co."
"H.O. Reno Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"H.P. Robertson Co. (Jamestown, NY)"
"H.P. Smith Paper Company"
"H.P. Sylvester... (Charlotte, MI)"
"H.R. Bekkering Co."
"H.R. Wait Co. (Auburn, NY)"
"H.S. Barnes Co. (Three Rivers, MI)"
"H.S. Pogue & Co. (Cincinntai, OH)"
"H.T. Cushman Mfg. (Bennington, VT)"
"H.W. Johns-Manville (Manville, NJ)"
"H.Z. Mallen & Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"Haadsma, Charles"
"Haadsma-O'Brien Furniture Co."
"Haag, George E. (Cincinnati)"
"Haake, A.P."
"Haan & Decker"
"Haan, Cornelius"
"Haan, G.J."
"Haan, Harry E."
"Haan, Mrs. Elizabeth W."
"Haas, Clare John"
"Haase, Charles L. (Milwaukee)"
"Haase, Ralph D. (Memphis, TN)"
"Haberkorn, C.H. (Detroit)"
"Habitant Shops (Bay City, MI)"
"Hackett, G.L. Co. (Massillon, OH)"
"Hackley Manual Training School (Muskegon, MI)"
"Hackley, Charles H."
"Hackley-Phelps-Bonnell Co."
"Hackney Chair..(Lexington, NC)"
"Hackney Mfg. Co. (Lexington, NC)"
"Hadden, Joseph B. (Holland,MI)"
"Hadden, Leon P."
"Haddorp Piano Co. (Rockford,IL)"
"Hadley Furniture (Ft. Wayne, IN)"
"Hadley Manufacturing Co."
"Hadley stores (Detroit, MI)"
"Hadley, Edwin C."
"Hafner Furniture Co. (Chicago)"
"Hafner Furniture Company"
"Hafner Furniture Company (Chicago, IL)"
"Hafner Furniture Company (Chicago, IL), davenport"
"Haftenkamp, Hubert"
"Haga, Esther M."
"Hagaman, Lauren (Louisville, KY)"
"Hage, Harry J."
"Hagedon, William L. (Indianapolis)"
"Hagendorp, A."
"Hager Musical Instrument Co."
"Hager's Music Store"
"Hager, Titus W."
"Hagerman, David B."
"Hagerstown (MD) Lounge Co."
"Hagerstown (MD) Table Works"
"Haggstrom & Johnson"
"Hagy, J.H."
"Hahn Dry Goods Co."
"Hahne & Co. (Newark, NJ)"
"Haines Furniture Co. (Boston, MA)"
"Hair and excelsior"
"Hair and feathers"
"Haire, C.L."
"Haiti furniture industry"
"Haitian imports of U.S. furniture"
"Hake Bros."
"Hake, E.A., chair design"
"Hake, E.A., chair designs"
"Hake, E.A., furniture design"
"Hake, E.A., furniture designs"
"Hake, Louis F."
"Hake, Paul M. (Mattoon, IL)"
"Hake, William"
"Hakes, H.W."
"Halbert Confectionery"
"Halbert, Charles A."
"Haldane property"
"Haldane, Deacon"
"Haldane, William"
"Hale & Kilburn Co. (Philadelphia)"
"Hale Brothers.. (San Francisco, CA)"
"Hale Co. (New York, NY)"
"Hales, W.T."
"Half Brothers... (Homestead, PA)"
"Half lap joint, construction"
"Half lap joint, design"
"Half, Felix"
"Half-shift system of production"
"Halftone engravings"
"Halfway houses"
"Hall & Brown Wood ... (St. Louis)"
"Hall & Brown Woodworking(St. Louis)"
"Hall & Folger"
"Hall & Lyon Furniture (Waverly, NY)"
"Hall & Lyon Furniture..(Waverly,NY)"
"Hall and Music Room"
"Hall at Abbotsford, The Home of Sir Walter Scott"
"Hall Canner Co."
"Hall Refrigerator..(Greenville, MI)"
"Hall, A.L."
"Hall, Arthur (Leominster, MA)"
"Hall, Bert"
"Hall, Charles E."
"Hall, Erastus"
"Hall, F.L."
"Hall, Ferdinand A."
"Hall, Frank L. (Kansas City)"
"Hall, Goodman & Co."
"Hall, H.L."
"Hall, H.N., furniture designs"
"Hall, J. DeWitt"
"Hall, John A. (Shelbyville, IN)"
"Hall, Lowell"
"Hall, Miller"
"Hall, Morgan"
"Hall, R. Howard (Belding, M I)"
"Hall, Sherwood"
"Hall, Vivyan"
"Hall, W.L."
"Hall-Ekfelt Co. (Ottumwa, IA)"
"Hall-Mark Shops Inc."
"Halladay, Frayer"
"Hallagan, Simon E. (Newark, NY)"
"Halle Bros. Co. (Cleveland, OH)"
"Hallin, Adolph E. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Hallinger, Ben (South Superior, WI)"
"Halloran, Fred E. (Indianapolis)"
"Hallward, Michael (Boston)"
"Hallward, Michael (Marblehead, MA)"
"Halpin, Thomas P. (Chicago)"
"Halstead, Christ(sic)"
"Haltzel, Henry S."
"Halving of angles in cabinet making"
"Haman, Ralph (Chicago)"
"Hamburg (Germany) Museum of Art"
"Hamill Drug Co."
"Hamilton Mfg. (Two Rivers, WI)"
"Hamilton Mfg. Co. (Los Angeles)"
"Hamilton Mfg. Co. (Two Rivers, WI)"
"Hamilton Palace (Scotland)"
"Hamilton, Charles B."
"Hamilton, Claude T."
"Hamilton, L.H."
"Hamilton, Walter C. (Grand Rapids)"
"Hamilton-Anderson... (Niles, MI)"
"Hamlin Hotel (Cincinnati, OH)"
"Hammerschlag, Edward G."
"Hammet, Edward"
"Hammond Instrument Co. (Chicago)"
"Hammond-Moir Co. (St. Paul, MN)"
"Hamp-Williams... (Hot Springs, AR)"
"Hampden Specialty..(Easthampton,MA)"
"Hampton Furniture Co. (NYC)"
"Hamstra, Harm"
"Hanchett Swage Works"
"Hanchett, Benjamin S."
"Hanchett, Theodore D."
"Hancock (MI) Chair Co."
"Hancock, A.D."
"Hand carved mahogany table (art)"
"Hand carvin on polished furniture"
"Hand carving"
"Hand carving industry"
"Hand carvings"
"Hand dovetailing"
"Hand lathe as sander"
"Hand made furniture"
"Hand made mortises"
"Hand painted furniture decorations"
"Hand painting of furniture"
"Hand saw filer for filing even saw blade teeth"
"Hand saw filing machines"
"Hand saws, making of"
"Hand stenciling on chairs"
"Hand tooled leather"
"Hand-carved Victorian furniture"
"Hand-decorated furniture"
"Hand-made furniture"
"Handicapped as furniture workers"
"Handicraft Furniture (Ann Arbor,MI)"
"Handley, T.S. (Grand Rapids)"
"Handley, Thomas Satterthwaite"
"Handley, Tom Satterthwaite (GR)"
"Handy locker system"
"Handy Refrigerator..(Ft. Worth,TX)"
"Handy, Thos."
"Handy-Wacks Corp."
"Hane, C.V."
"Hanen, Joseph"
"Haner, F. Earl"
"Hanes & Higbee"
"Hanes Chair & ..(Mocksville, NC)"
"Hanes Chair Co. (Mocksville, NC)"
"Haney Manufacturing Co."
"Haney School Furniture Co."
"Haney School Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Haney, Elijah (Grand Rapids)"
"Haney, George M. (Grand Rapids)"
"Hang-Weller Co. (Morristown, TN)"
"Hanging wall china cupboard, const."
"Hanging wall china cupboard, design"
"Hanging wall cupboard"
"Hanging wall cupboard, builing of"
"Hanging wall cupboard, design of"
"Hanifin, Ferry P."
"Hanink & Vruggink"
"Hanish & Krussman, Inc."
"Hanke Bros. (Chicago, IL)"
"Hanke, Gilbert A."
"Hanker, Albert C. Inc. (Chicago)"
"Hanlon, J.J."
"Hanlon, Thomas"
"Hanna, Mary"
"Hannah's Mfg. Co. (Kenosha, WI)"
"Hannahs Mfg. Co. (Kenosha, WI)"
"Hannahs, Fred (Kenosha, WI)"
"Hannibal (MO) furniture merchants"
"Hanoi furniture industry"
"Hanpeter, Edward F. (St. Louis)"
"Hansen Drug Store"
"Hansen, Arthur B."
"Hansen, Evelyn"
"Hansen, H. Frederick (Grand Rapids)"
"Hansen, Loren F."
"Hansen, Robert F."
"Hansma, Jacob"
"Hanson Clock Mfg...(Rockford, IL)"
"Hanson Furniture Co. (Janesville, WI)"
"Hanson lettuce"
"Hanson Motor Co. (Atlanta)"
"Hanson, Herman"
"Hanson, Louis (Chicago)"
"Hanson, Manley"
"Harbach, L.E."
"Harbach, Louis (Des Moines, IA)"
"Harbor Plywood Corp. (Hoquiam, WA)"
"Harbor Plywood...(Aberdeen, WA)"
"Harbor Plywood...(Grays Harbor,WA)"
"Harbour's... (Muskogee, OK)"
"Harbour, J.F."
"Harbour-Longmire's..(Oklahoma City, OK)"
"Hard Manufacturing Co. (Buffalo, NY)"
"Hard Manufacturing Company"
"Hard Manufacturing Company (Buffalo, NY)"
"Hard Mfg. Co. (Bridbeburg, Ontario)"
"Hard Mfg. Co. (Buffalo, NY)"
"Harden - Winders Manufacturing Company"
"Harden Co. (McConnellsville, NY)"
"Hardening of furniture woods"
"Harder Mfg. Co. (Cobleskill, NY)"
"Hardie, James (Grand Rapids)"
"Hardie, James J."
"Hardie, James J. (Los Angeles)"
"Harding, Chester"
"Harding, Warren G."
"Hardware industry"
"Hardware lumber"
"Hardware Sales Co."
"Hardware Supply Co."
"Hardware Supply Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Hardware Supply Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Hardware Supply Company"
"Hardware Supply Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Hardwood and veneers"
"Hardwood conservation"
"Hardwood grading rules"
"Hardwood industry"
"Hardwood lumber"
"Hardwood lumber case"
"Hardwood lumber dealers"
"Hardwood lumber grading"
"Hardwood lumber grading rules"
"Hardwood lumber grading standards"
"Hardwood lumber imports"
"Hardwood lumber industry"
"Hardwood lumber market"
"Hardwood lumber markets"
"Hardwood lumber rules/standards"
"Hardwood lumber seasoning"
"Hardwood lumber, Chicago report"
"Hardwood Manufacturers Institute"
"Hardwood Manufacturers' Association"
"Hardwood Manufacturers' Institute"
"Hardwood market"
"Hardwood Mills Lumber...(Chicago)"
"Hardwood panels, drying of"
"Hardwood plywood"
"Hardwood Record"
"Hardwood sales code"
"Hardwood standarization"
"Hardwood trees"
"Hardwoods as substitute for leather"
"Hardwoods for wartime uses"
"Hardwoods in furniture industry"
"Hardwoods inspection"
"Hardwoods, bleaching of"
"Hardwoods, Canadian import of"
"Hardwoods, sanding of"
"Hardy Furniture Co. (Lincoln, NE)"
"Hardy, W.E."
"Harkema, Byron"
"Harlequin table, construction of"
"Harlequin table, design of"
"Harley Smith Furniture Co."
"Harlow Pub. Co. (Oklahoma City)"
"Harlstad, C. (Grand Rapids)"
"Harman Furniture (Lima, OH)"
"Harman Timber Co. (Los Angeles)"
"Harman, F.E."
"Harman, Warren"
"Harmon Dry Goods Co."
"Harmon, F.S & Co. (Tacoma, WA)"
"Harmon, F.S. Mfg. Co. (Tacoma, WA)"
"Harmony House (Hartford, CT)"
"Harnau, Anton"
"Harness racing"
"Harning, Harry"
"Harnish, Theodore C."
"Harper & Eastman"
"Harper Furniture Co. (Lenoir, NC)"
"Harper's (New York City)"
"Harper, Charles J. (Grand Rapids)"
"Harper, Wegusen & Yonkman"
"Harpsichords made of plastics"
"Harrington, Eli F."
"Harris & Marvin"
"Harris automatic table"
"Harris Brothers Company (Havana, Cuba)"
"Harris Brown Table..(Greenwood,MS)"
"Harris Cabinet Works"
"Harris Co. (San Bernardino, CA)"
"Harris Sample Furniture Co."
"Harris Sample Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Harris v. Rosenberger"
"Harris, B.S."
"Harris, Clarence E."
"Harris, E.B."
"Harris, Edward Tisdale"
"Harris, H."
"Harris, James"
"Harris, L.C."
"Harris, L.D."
"Harris, Mark"
"Harris, Myron"
"Harris, W.L."
"Harris, W.L. (Minneapolis)"
"Harris-Brown Table Co."
"Harris-Brown Table Co. (Denver)"
"Harris-Brown Table..(Greenwood, MS)"
"Harris-Brown Table..(Greenwood,MS)"
"Harris-Douglas... (Boulder, CO)"
"Harris-Inglefield... (Greeley, CO)"
"Harris-Warner... (Ft. Collins, CO)"
"Harrison Bros. Co."
"Harrison Furniture (St. Petersburg, FL)"
"Harrison Land Co. Ltd."
"Harrison telephone patents"
"Harrison Wagon Works"
"Harrison Wagon Works (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Harrison's Sons (Maquoketa, IA)"
"Harrison, J.R."
"Harrison, N.F. (Grand Rapids)"
"Harrison, Samuel I."
"Harrison, Walter J."
"Harrngton, Eli F."
"Harro, Peter Harrsen"
"Harrop, John"
"Harry B. Elhart & Son"
"Harry C. Spence Co."
"Harry H. Smith & Co. (Elyria, OH)"
"Harry J. Kerlin Co. (Altoona, PA)"
"Hart Furniture Co. (Dallas, TX)"
"Hart Mirror Plate Co."
"Hart Mirror Plate Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Hart, Clyde"
"Hart, Earle Woodworking ..(Chicago)"
"Hart, George W."
"Hart, H.E. (Lone Prairie, MN)"
"Hart, Joseph S."
"Hart, Joseph Samuel (Grand Rapids)"
"Hart, N.W. Co. (St. Petersburg)"
"Harter Investment Co."
"Hartford Better Homes Bureau (Hartford, CT)"
"Hartford Courant report industrial accidents"
"Hartgerink, Anthony"
"Hartley's... (Fairmont, WV)"
"Hartley, James (Jamestown, NY)"
"Hartman & Antrim"
"Hartman Corp. (Chicago)"
"Hartman Corp. (Chicago, IL)"
"Hartman Furniture (Chicago, IL)"
"Hartman Furniture (Indianapolis, IN)"
"Hartman Furniture (Milwaukee, WI)"
"Hartman Furniture and Carpet Company"
"Hartman's (Chicago)"
"Hartman, Henry J."
"Hartman, J.E."
"Hartman, William P."
"Hartman-Jenkins Inc."
"Hartmann & Metzger"
"Hartmann, Frederick"
"Hartmann, John F."
"Hartness, James (Springfield, VT)"
"Hartshorn, C.C."
"Harvard Grad. School of Business..."
"Harvard Mfg. Co. (Cleveland)"
"Harvest Furniture...(Louisville,KY)"
"Harvest Home Sales"
"Harvey & Heysteck"
"Harvey & Seymour Co."
"Harvey (IL) Furniture Co."
"Harvey Chair Co. (Rome, GA)"
"Harvey Furniture Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"Harvey, George (Oak Park, IL)"
"Harvey, Mrs. John W."
"Hascall, Tod"
"Hascher Bros."
"Hascher, Howard W."
"Hase, Adolph O."
"Haskelite Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Haskelite Co. (Ludington, MI)"
"Haskelite Corp."
"Haskelite Manufacturing Corp."
"Haskelite Mfg. Co. (Chicago)"
"Haskelite Mfg. Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Haskell Mfg. Co. (Ludington, MI)"
"Hasse, O.A. (Cleveland)"
"Hasselbarth-Whiton Co. (Utica,NY)"
"Hassett, W."
"Hastings (MI) Cabinet Co."
"Hastings (MI) Table Co."
"Hastings (NB) Furniture Co."
"Hastings, Henry F."
"Haswell Furniture Co. (Madison, WI)"
"Hatch & Raymond"
"Hatch & Wilson"
"Hatch sectional book case"
"Hatch, Ira C."
"Hatch, Judge"
"Hatch, Orval C. (Union City, PA)"
"Hatch, Reuben"
"Hatfield, C.M."
"Hathaway, Burt A."
"Hathaway, Burt A. (Grand Rapids)"
"Hathaway, Burt A. (Owosso, MI)"
"Hathaway, Charles S."
"Hathaway, George (Cincinnati)"
"Hathaway, William H."
"Hatt Polish Manufacturing Co."
"Hattersley, William R."
"Hattis, Stanley"
"Hauenstein, Arthur (Buffalo)"
"Hauf, John B."
"Hauf, John R."
"Hauger Stores Inc."
"Hauger-Martin Co."
"Haugh, David S."
"Hauser, Owen, Ames Co."
"Hausske, August"
"Haussler, B."
"Havens, J.H."
"Haverman, Victor R."
"Haverty Furniture Co. (Atlanta, GA)"
"Haverty Furniture Co. (Birmingham, AL)"
"Haverty Furniture Co. (Houston, TX)"
"Haverty Furniture Co. (Memphis, TN)"
"Haverty, Clarence"
"Haverty, J.J."
"Haviland Products Co."
"Hawaii as source of cabinet woods"
"Hawaiian mahogany"
"Hawaiian Mahogany Company (Honolulu, HI)"
"Hawaiian wicker furniture industry"
"Hawaiian wickerware industry"
"Hawes & Hall"
"Hawes Manufacturing..(Tonawanda,PA)"
"Hawes, Dewey D."
"Hawk Dairy"
"Hawke, George (Cincinnati)"
"Hawke, George S. (Cincinnati, OH)"
"Hawkins & Co."
"Hawkins, Boyd"
"Hawkins, E.V."
"Hawkins, E.V. (Connellsville, IN)"
"Hawkins, L. E."
"Hawkins, Lewis E."
"Hawkins, Lewis E. (Grand Rapids)"
"Hawkins, Perry & Co."
"Hawkins, William George"
"Hawks Furniture Co. (Goshen, IN)"
"Hawks Furniture Company"
"Hawks Furniture Company (Goshen, IN)"
"Hawks Furniture Company (Goshen, IN), dresser"
"Hawley State ...(Bloomsburg, PA)"
"Hawley, A.D."
"Hawthorne Furniture..(Los Angeles)"
"Hay & Co. (Woodstock, Ont., Canada)"
"Hay Mfg. Co. (Peoria, IL)"
"Hayden & Barrett"
"Hayden Brothers (Omaha, NE)"
"Hayden Supply Co."
"Hayden, Ray A."
"Hayes Body Corp."
"Hayes, Elizabeth"
"Hayes, Michael"
"Hayes-Ionia Co. (Ionia, MI)"
"Hayes-Ionia Service Co."
"Hayman's... (Rutherford, NJ)"
"Haynes & Higbee"
"Hayward, Samuel"
"Haywood, Jack"
"Haywood-Wakefield... (Gardner, MA)"
"Hayworth, Charles (High Point,NC)"
"Hazebrook Motor Co."
"Hazeltine & Perkins Drug Co."
"Hazeltine property"
"Hazeltine, Albert"
"Hazeltine, Charles S."
"Hazeltine, Chrales S."
"Hazeltine, Perkins & Co."
"Hazenberg, Abe"
"Hazenberg, J."
"Hazleton, A."
"Hazleton, J.C."
"Heald railway system"
"Heald, Charles M."
"Heald, Henry"
"Heald, Rex W."
"Healy & Son (London)"
"Heaney's Business College"
"Heany, Francis J."
"Hearn's Furniture... (New York, NY)"
"Hearn, James & Son (New York City)"
"Heat Equipment Corp."
"Heat stains on wood"
"Heat use to accelerate gluing"
"Heated chairs"
"Heath, William B. (Ionia, MI)"
"Heaton Button Fastener Co."
"Heaton-Peninsular Button Fastener.."
"Heavy Demand delays shipping"
"Hecht & Co. (Baltimore, MD)"
"Hecht Bros. (San Francisco, CA)"
"Hecht, Charles H."
"Hedges & Oyster (Lumberport, WV)"
"Hedges, M.P."
"Hedrick, Adam"
"Hedrick, J.T, (Lexington, NC)"
"Hedstrom Union Co."
"Hedstrom Union...(Fitchburg, MA)"
"Heeb, William (Connersville, IN)"
"Heege, P.C."
"Heeringa, Gerben"
"Hefferan, George"
"Hefferan, T. William"
"Hefferan, Thomas"
"Heft Implement Co."
"Hegel, John (New Haven, CT)"
"Heidelberg Furniture (Jackson, MS)"
"Heights Upholstering Co."
"Heilman & Co. (Williamsport, PA)"
"Heilman, A.H. & Co.(Williamsport,PA"
"Heilman, Abram H."
"Heilman, John H. (Williamsport, PA)"
"Heim's... (Danbury, CT)"
"Heinacker Furniture..(Ferdinand,IN)"
"Heine Furniture Co. (Toledo, OH)"
"Heintzelman, Howard"
"Heinzelman, Charles F."
"Heinzelman, George J."
"Heinzelman, George J. (Grand Rapids"
"Heinzelman, John"
"Heinzman, John"
"Hekma, Jacob"
"Hekman Biscuit Co."
"Hekman Furniture Co."
"Hekman Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Hekman, Edsko Sr."
"Hekman, Henry"
"Hekman, Henry (Grand Rapids)"
"Hekman, Jelle"
"Hekman, John"
"Helen Speer furniture"
"Hellam (PA) Furniture Co."
"Heller & Hoffman (St. Louis)"
"Heller Furniture (South Bend, IN)"
"Heller, August H."
"Heller, Michael (St. Louis)"
"Heller, Robert"
"Heller, Robert (New York City)"
"Helm, George E."
"Helmer's Auto Parts"
"Helmer, D.F."
"Helmer, H.F."
"Helmers Mfg. Co. (Kansas City)"
"Helmers, Henry (Kansas City)"
"Helmers, Herman"
"Helms, Jacob"
"Helmus, C."
"Help Furniture Sell By Showing It Being Used"
"Hemenway, Frank Jr."
"Hemenway, Inc. (Shreveport, LA)"
"Hemkes, Cora"
"Hemlock bark"
"Hendershot Credit Clothing Co."
"Hendershot, Dorothy"
"Henderson Air Ways Inc."
"Henderson Milling Co."
"Henderson's Bootery, Inc."
"Henderson, Andrew"
"Hendrick Candy Co."
"Hendricks Commercial Register"
"Hendricks, G.A. (Grand Rapids)"
"Hendricks, Gustav"
"Hendricks, Gustave (Grand Rapids)"
"Hendricks, John M."
"Hendricks, Peter T."
"Hendrikse Co."
"Hendriksen, Julius"
"Henezon, William"
"Heniaka, H."
"Henisley, G.E."
"Henning Manufacturing Co."
"Henning Mfg. Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Henning-Larson Glue ...(Chicago)"
"Henredon Furniture..(Morganton, NC)"
"Henri Shop"
"Henry Green Co."
"Henry Heyer & Son (Milwaukee)"
"Henry J. Heystek Co."
"Henry J. Pessink & Co."
"Henry L. Schmidt"
"Henry Riechel Drug Co."
"Henry Rowe Manufacturing Company"
"Henry Rowe Manufacturing Company (Newaygo, MI)"
"Henry S. Holden Veneer Co."
"Henry S. Holden Veneer Company"
"Henry S. Holden Veneer Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Henry Schmidt & Company"
"Henry Schmit & Company"
"Henry Smith Floral Co."
"Henry Smith Land Co."
"Henry Vinkemulder & Bro."
"Henry W. Berry Co. (Boston, MA)"
"Henry W. Peabody Co. (New York, NY)"
"Henry Wiler & Company (Logansport, IN)"
"Henry, Byron S. (Des Moines, IA)"
"Henry, Morris O."
"Henry, Myron N."
"Henry, S.J."
"Henshaw, Robert (Cincinnati)"
"Henzy, A.J."
"Hepp Furniture Co. (San Jose, CA)"
"Heppelwhite chair style (art)"
"Heppelwhite furniture style"
"Heppelwhite side board (art)"
"Heppelwhite style"
"Heppelwhite style chair (art)"
"Heppelwhite style sideboard"
"Heppelwhite style sideboard (art)"
"Heppelwhite, George"
"Hepplewhite card table (art)"
"Hepplewhite dressing table (art)"
"Hepplewhite side table (art)"
"Hepplewhite style"
"Hepplewhite style chair (art)"
"Hepplewhite style furniture (art)"
"Hepplewhite tambour desk (art)"
"Hepplewhite walnut armchair (art)"
"Hepplewhite, George"
"Hepplewhite, Mrs. George"
"Hepplewhite, Thomas"
"Herald Cloak & Suit Co."
"Herbert Furniture (Cincinnati, OH)"
"Herbold, Frederick H. (Chicago)"
"Hercules Corp. (Evansville, IN)"
"Hercules Powder Co.(Wilmington, DE)"
"Herendeen, J.W."
"Herington, Charles E."
"Herkimer Hotel"
"Herkimer Hotel (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Herkimer Hotel Co."
"Herkner Jewelry Co."
"Herman Behr & Co."
"Herman Miller ... (Holland, MI)"
"Herman Miller ...(Zeeland, MI)"
"Herman Miller all-in-one chest(art)"
"Herman Miller Furniture(Zeeland,MI)"
"Herman Miller Inc. (Zeeland, MI)"
"Herman Renken's (Sweet Springs, MO)"
"Herman Renkens"
"Herman Schaubel"
"Herman, L.G."
"Hermance, George"
"Hermitage Battery Co."
"Hermitage Hotel"
"Herner & Kennedy"
"Herold & Co."
"Herold, A."
"Herold, Alonzo"
"Herold-Bertsch Shoe Co."
"Heron Art Institute (Indianapolis)"
"Heron Art Institute (Indianapolis, IN)"
"Herpolsheimer Co."
"Herpolsheimer Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Herpolsheimer, Arthur"
"Herpolsheimer, Arthur estate"
"Herpolsheimer, William G."
"Herr, Donald"
"Herr, Edwin M. (New York City)"
"Herrendeen & Richardson"
"Herrendeen, H."
"Herrick Mfg. Co. (Falconer, NY)"
"Herrick Mfg. Co. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Herrick Piano Co."
"Herrick's grocery store"
"Herrick, Chester W. (Jamestown,NY)"
"Herrick, Clifford"
"Herrick, E.J."
"Herrick,C.W. Mfg. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Herrington, Charles E."
"Herrman Furniture Co. (NYC)"
"Herrmann Furniture (New York, NY)"
"Herrmann Furniture Co. (NYC)"
"Herrmann Lumber Co. (New York, NY)"
"Herrmann, Leo V."
"Herron Iron Bedstead.(Chattanooga)"
"Herrud & Co."
"Herschede Hall Clock Company"
"Hersig, Jacob S."
"Herstein, Justus C. (Grand Rapids)"
"Hertel, Adam"
"Herter Looms Inc. (New York City)"
"Hertford House"
"Herts, B. Russell"
"Hervey, Edward"
"Herz Bed Co. (Chicago)"
"Herz Bed Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"Herz, Gene"
"Herzog Art Furniture (Saginaw, MI)"
"Herzog Art Furniture Company"
"Herzog Art Furniture Company (Saginaw, MI)"
"Herzog Art Furniture Company and Saginaw Table Cabinet Company"
"Herzog Art Furniture..(Saginaw, MI)"
"Herzog Art Furniture..(Saginaw,MI)"
"Herzog Art Furniture...(Saginaw,MI)"
"Herzog Furniture Co. (Saginaw, MI)"
"Hess, Frank A."
"Hess, William T."
"Hesse's Inc."
"Hesselink, John"
"Hesseltine, H.E."
"Hessey Drug Co."
"Hessler Chair Co. (New York City)"
"Hessling, Bruno Co. (New York City)"
"Hessling, Egon"
"Hester & Fox"
"Hester & Son"
"Hester Machinery Co."
"Heth Bros."
"Heth, Bert M."
"Hett, Edward"
"Hettich, Albert T. & Co. (NYC)"
"Hetz, Jake"
"Hewitt Mfg. Co. (Charlotte, NC)"
"Hewitt Rubber Cor. (Buffalo)"
"Hewitt, E. Rush"
"Hewitt, E.E."
"Hexagonal lamp, construction"
"Hexagonal lamp, design"
"Heyboer Co."
"Heyboer VanDusen"
"Heyboer, John C. (Grand Rapids)"
"Heyboer, Leonard C."
"Heyda, Joseph (Grand Rapids)"
"Heye, George"
"Heyman & Co."
"Heyman Co."
"Heyman Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Heyman Furniture Co."
"Heyman, Morris A."
"Heynen, James"
"Heyns, Garrett"
"Heyns, Matt"
"Heyns, Nicholas"
"Heys & Muste"
"Heystek & Canfield Co."
"Heystek, Henry J. Jr."
"Heystek, Henry J. Sr."
"Heyward-Wakefield..(Gardner, MA)"
"Heywood Bros. & ..(Wakefield, MA)"
"Heywood Bros. & ...(Gardner, MA)"
"Heywood Bros. & ...(Wakefield, MA)"
"Heywood Bros. & Wakefield.(Chicago)"
"Heywood Brothers &... (Gardner, MA)"
"Heywood Brothers (New Jersey)"
"Heywood Brothers (NJ)"
"Heywood Brothers ...(Gardner, MA)"
"Heywood-Wakefield (Gardner, MA)"
"Heywood-Wakefield ...(Gardner, MA)"
"Heywood-Wakefield Co. (Boston)"
"Heywood-Wakefield Co. (Gardner, MA)"
"Heywood-Wakefield..(Gardner, MA)"
"Heywood-Wakefield...(Gardner, MA)"
"Hibriten Furniture...(Lenoir, NC)"
"Hice, Hunter"
"Hice, Ray"
"Hickok Specialties Co."
"Hickory (NC) Chair Co."
"Hickory (NC) Chair Mfg. Co."
"Hickory (NC) Furniture Co."
"Hickory Chair Mfg. Co. (Cincinnati)"
"Hickory Springs (NC) Mfg. Co."
"Hicks, Elba A."
"Hickson-Hawkins Furniture (Miami, FL)"
"Hide glue"
"Hieroglyphics in Shorthand"
"Higbee Co. (Cleveland, OH)"
"Higbee, C.W."
"Higgins, J.E."
"Higgins, John A."
"Higgins, Lee H."
"Higgins, Mr."
"Higgs, Herman F."
"High chairs"
"High frequency electrical heating"
"High grade veneers and lumber manufacturer"
"high grade wicker furniture"
"High Hicker yeast"
"High Point (NC) Bedding and Chair.."
"High Point (NC) Chamber of Commerce"
"High Point (NC) furnitue expos"
"High Point (NC) Furniture Co."
"High Point (NC) furniture exchange"
"High Point (NC) furniture expios"
"High Point (NC) furniture expo"
"High Point (NC) furniture expos"
"High Point (NC) furniture industry"
"High Point (NC) furniture strike"
"High Point (NC) Kitchen Cabinet ..."
"High Point (NC) Warehouse & ..."
"High Point, NC furniture industry"
"High Point, NC furniture manufacturers fire 5,000 union laborers"
"High Point, NC furniture market"
"High Point, NC, furniture market"
"High School Skilled Trades course"
"High solid lacquers"
"High speed planers"
"High-back chairs (art)"
"High-back living room chair (art)"
"High-frequency current in drying"
"High-frequency current in gluing"
"Highboy (art)"
"Highboy made of mahogany (art)"
"Higher Education"
"Hilarides, Albert"
"Hilber, Philip"
"Hilderley Drug Store"
"Hill Clutch Machine ..(Cleveland)"
"Hill District"
"Hill Electric Co."
"Hill Veneer Co. (High Point, NC)"
"Hill Veneer Co. (High Point,NC)"
"Hill's (Baltimore, MD)"
"Hill, C.V. & Co. (Trenton, NJ)"
"Hill, Charles C."
"Hill, Frederick E. (Grand Rapids)"
"Hill, Frederick G."
"Hill, Gertrude"
"Hill, Harvey M."
"Hill, Wallace E."
"Hill-Cheeseman Mfg. (Toledo, OH)"
"Hill-Top Gift Shop"
"Hill-Top Gift Shop (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Hillard, Harry"
"Hillebrand & Sigmann"
"Hillenbrand, George (Batesville, IN"
"Hiller, Burt"
"Hilliker, Herman Fay"
"Hillman (Chicago, IL)"
"Hillman, Lemuel S."
"Hills, Clarence (Grand Rapids)"
"Hills, Clarence R."
"Hills, Clarence R. (Grand Rapids)"
"Hills, Clarence R. (Leavenworth,KS)"
"Hills, Clarence R.; furniture design"
"Hills, Fred D. (Cleveland)"
"Hills, Walter J."
"Hills, Walter J. (Chicago)"
"Hillsboro Chair Company"
"Hillyer & Gates"
"Hillyer, Deutsch, ...(Oakdale, LA)"
"Hilsinger, I.F."
"Hilton Co."
"Hilton, Robert"
"Hilton, Warren"
"Himebaugh Bros. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Himebaugh, George M. (Jamestown,NY)"
"Himebaugh, Joseph (Jamestown, NY)"
"Himebaugh, Joseph M."
"Himes, A."
"Himmel, M.L. Son Co. (Baltimore)"
"Himmelstein, Harry"
"Hinde & Dauch Paper..(Sandusky, OH)"
"Hindsill Brothers & Co."
"Hindsill, Chester B."
"Hindsill, Henry M."
"Hines Ice Cream Co."
"Hines, Paul"
"Hing Kong rattan industry"
"Hinken, Louis J."
"Hirsch, Theodore"
"Hirsch-Fauth Co. (Miami, FL)"
"Hirsch-Fauth-Harrison (Miami, FL)"
"Hirschberg, Geo."
"Hirschberg, H."
"Hirschler, Diana"
"Hirsheimer, E.S. (Lenoir, NC)"
"Hirth & Krause"
"Hirth, A.R."
"Hirth, Edgar T."
"Hirth, Krause & Co."
"Historic chairs"
"Historic furniture"
"Historic furniture exhibits"
"Historic landmarks"
"Historical collections"
"Historical James River Plantations"
"history of the Marietta Paint and Color Company (Marietta, OH)"
"History, uses and method of Intarsia"
"Hix Furniture Co. (Ft. Plain, NY)"
"Hix, Charles Adam"
"Hjorth, Herman"
"Hoag, George W."
"Hoag, R.H."
"Hoagland, David M. (Rockford, IL)"
"Hobart Co. Inc."
"Hobart, Alice (Traverse City)"
"Hobby Craft Shop"
"Hodell Furniture Company (Shelbyville, IN)"
"Hodenpyl & Terhune"
"Hodenpyl Woods"
"Hodenpyl, Anton G."
"Hodenpyl, Hardy & Co."
"Hodenpyl, P.G."
"Hodge, Mrs. Aurora"
"Hodge, William (Poughkeepsie, NY)"
"Hodges Tool & Manufacturing Corp."
"Hodges, Frank E."
"Hodges-Norris Inc."
"Hodgson, Robert"
"Hodnett-Chism ...(Danville, VA)"
"Hoedemaker, John"
"Hoekenga, John"
"Hoeksema Fuel Co."
"Hoekseman, Henry"
"Hoeksma & Van Euelen"
"Hoekstra Dairy Products Co."
"Hoekstra Ice Cream Co."
"Hoekstra Tractor & Equipment Co."
"Hoekzema, Peter J."
"Hoelzley, Louis"
"Hoevel, Felix"
"Hoey & Hoey Plumbing Co."
"Hoffeld, Henry (Cincinnati)"
"Hoffer, Albert"
"Hoffius, Cornelius"
"Hoffman & Merrill (Trenton, MO)"
"Hoffman Brothers Company"
"Hoffman Brothers Company (Fort Wayne, IN)"
"Hoffman Brothers...(Ft. Wayne, IN)"
"Hoffman department store"
"Hoffman Upholsted..(Syracuse, NY)"
"Hoffman Upholstered..(Syracuse, NY)"
"Hoffman, C.E."
"Hoffman, Charles"
"Hoffman, George F. (Philadelphia)"
"Hoffman, H.F."
"Hoffman, Hyman"
"Hoffman, Joseph S."
"Hoffman, Louis"
"Hoffman-Merrill (Trenton, MO)"
"Hoffmeier's (Lancaster, PA)"
"Hofmobiliendepot (Vienna, Austria)"
"Hogadone, Charles"
"Hogan & Gorton"
"Hogan, Bert"
"Hogan, Romaine G."
"Hogland, Alander(sic) (Rockford,IL)"
"Hohenstein Hartmetz Furniture Company (Evansville, IN)"
"Hohlfeld Mfg. Co. (Philadelphia, PA)"
"Hohoff, Louis"
"Hokanson Bros."
"Holabird & Roche (Chicago, IL)"
"Holben's Family Shoe Store"
"Holben, Lynne T."
"Holben, Mrs. Clarence O."
"Holcomb, A.L. & Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Holcomb, A.L. Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Holcomb, Claude M."
"Holden Hotel Co."
"Holden, C.C."
"Holden, Clayton L."
"Holden, Henry S."
"Holden, Henry S. Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Holden, William B."
"Holiday novelties"
"Holiday Shopping Season"
"Holiday, Don"
"Holland & Hartman"
"Holland (MI) Chair Co."
"Holland (MI) Furnitue Co."
"Holland (MI) Furniture Co."
"Holland (MI) furniture industry"
"Holland Furniture Company"
"Holland Furniture Company (Holland, MI)"
"Holland Furniture Company (Holland, MI), catalog cover"
"Holland Motor Express Inc."
"Holland, MI, willows industry"
"Holland, Michigan furniture manufacturers note"
"Hollebeck & Co."
"Holleman, Isaac"
"Hollister & Crossman"
"Hollister, Clay"
"Hollister, Clay H."
"Hollister, Clay H. (Grand Rapids)"
"Hollister, George C."
"Hollister, Harvey J."
"Hollow Metal ...(Jamestown, NY)"
"Hollow tiles, use in dry kilns"
"Holloway, George R."
"Holly Ridge Lumber..(Louisville,KY)"
"Hollywood bedroom ensemble (art)"
"Holman, Mrs. A.V. (Chicago)"
"Holmes Disappearing Bed..(Chicago)"
"Holmes, Andrew"
"Holmes, Charles B."
"Holmes, G.L."
"Holmes, G.S."
"Holmes, Harvey B."
"Holmes, John T."
"Holst, Otto M."
"Holstein, Edward J."
"Holswade, W.H.H."
"Holt & Smith"
"Holt Furniture (Albuquerque, NM)"
"Holt, Augustus"
"Holt, Charles"
"Holt, F.E."
"Holt, John"
"Holt, William"
"Holthof, Edward"
"Holton, A.C."
"Holtsinger Furniture (Tampa, FL)"
"Holtsinger, Edgar"
"Holwerda Heating Co."
"Holwerda, Thomas"
"Homan, C."
"Homan, J.F."
"Home and Food Show"
"Home and garden magazines"
"Home and Industrial Arts Exhibit"
"Home and interior decoration"
"Home beautification programs"
"Home Beautiful Exhibit"
"Home Bedding Co. (Hammond, IN)"
"Home building industry"
"Home Complete Exposition"
"Home Concretile Roofing Co."
"Home Drug Co."
"Home Fashions Time"
"Home Fuel & Food Co."
"Home Fuel Co."
"Home Furnishers' Association of Massachusetts (Boston, MA)"
"Home Furnishing Co."
"Home Furnishing Company"
"Home Furnishing Styles (New York, NY)"
"Home furnishings"
"Home Furnishings Campaign"
"Home furnishings exhibits"
"Home furnishings fashion"
"home furnishings fashions"
"Home Furnishings Guild of America"
"Home furnishings industry"
"Home furnishings merchandise"
"Home Furnishings Program"
"Home furnishings shows"
"Home Furnishings, Accents and Décor incorporate popular Peacock motif"
"Home furniture"
"Home Furniture and Carpet Company"
"Home Furniture Co. (Dallas, TX)"
"Home Furniture Co. (Dodge City, IA)"
"Home Furniture Co. (Fairmont, WV)"
"Home Furniture Co. (Milford, IL)"
"Home Furniture Co. (Minot, ND)"
"Home Furniture Co. (Sioux Falls, SD)"
"Home Furniture Co. (Toledo, OH)"
"Home Furniture Co. (Waco, TX)"
"Home Furniture Co. (York, PA)"
"Home Helpers Mfg. Co. (NYC)"
"Home in the sky"
"Home Insulation Co."
"Home lighting contest"
"Home Makers Guild"
"Home Makers Guild (Grand Rapids)"
"Home Makers' League (St. Louis, MO)"
"Home Metallic Refrigerator Co. (Alberthea, MN)"
"Home Mills Coffee & Spice Co."
"Home modernization"
"Home of Sir Walter Scott (Abbotsford, Scotland)"
"Home of Sir Walter Scott - Drawing-Room (Abbotsford, Scotland)"
"Home of Sir Walter Scott - Hall (Abbotsford, Scotland)"
"Home of Sir Walter Scott - Library (Abbotsford, Scotland)"
"Home of Sir Walter Scott - Study (Abbotsford, Scotland)"
"Home of Tomorrow"
"Home Paper Products Co."
"Home Radio Shop"
"Home State Bank for Savings"
"Home Store (Prairie Farm, WI)"
"Home Styling Contest"
"Home Tire and Auto Co."
"Home Utility Co."
"home, John D. Rockefeller's bedroom"
"home, John D. Rockefeller's Dining Room"
"home, John D. Rockefeller's Home Office"
"home, John D. Rockefeller's Library"
"Home, Sweet Home Week"
"Home-Acres Furniture Co."
"Home-made furniture"
"Home-made rugs"
"Homeless people"
"Homelike Biscuit Co."
"Homelike Library"
"Homer, Louis Mfg. Co. (Chicago)"
"Homiller, John P."
"Hompe, A.W."
"Hompe, A.W. (Grand Rapids)"
"Hompe, Alexander W."
"Hondelink, C."
"Hondorp, Gerrit John"
"Honduras Bluing Co."
"Honduras mahogany"
"Honduras variety of mahogany"
"Hong Kong"
"Hong Kong cane imports"
"Hong Kong furniture industry"
"Hong Kong furniture markets"
"Hong Kong furniture trade"
"Hong Kong rattan furniture industry"
"Hong Kong-Manila Trading(Cleveland)"
"Hong Ying Lo Co."
"Honolulu furniture industry"
"Hood & Wright"
"Hood & Wright (Big Rapids, MI)"
"Hood Rubber Co."
"Hood-Wright Co."
"Hoodhood, George"
"Hoodless Furniture (Hamilton, Can.)"
"Hoodless, J. Bernard"
"Hoogeboom, Bert"
"Hoogerhyde, C. (Grand Rapids)"
"Hoogerhyde, Dave M."
"Hoogerhyde, Harold F."
"Hoogesteger Bros."
"Hoogester, C."
"Hook, R. Wallace"
"Hooked rugs"
"Hooker Glass & Paint Co."
"Hooper & Bitgood"
"Hooper's Sons (Portland, ME)"
"Hooper, C. Robert (Salamanca, NY)"
"Hooper, Rodney"
"Hoops, William H."
"Hoosier Kitchen... (New Castle, IN)"
"Hoosier line of self-feed rip saws"
"Hoosier Mfg. Co. (New Castle, IN)"
"Hoosier Panel and..(New Albany,IN)"
"Hoover Brothers..(Thomasville, NC)"
"Hoover Chair Co. (Lexington, NC)"
"Hoover Committee on Unemployment"
"Hoover Furniture (Carlisle, PA)"
"Hoover Furniture (Harrisburg, PA)"
"Hoover, Charles"
"Hoover, Geoerge M. (Lexington, NC)"
"Hoover, Herbert"
"Hoover-Bond Co. (Kalamazoo, MI)"
"Hoover-Rowlands (Mansfield, OH)"
"Hope College"
"Hope, William J."
"Hopkins & Oliver"
"Hopkins & Pierce"
"Hopkins Furniture (Richmond, VA)"
"Hopkins, David S."
"Hopkins, J.W."
"Hopkins, Leo E."
"Hopkins, Lester H."
"Hopkins, William"
"Hoppough, Carl"
"Hopson & Haftenkamp building"
"Hoptonic Co."
"Horace Link & Co. (Paris, IL)"
"Horchow, Samuel"
"Horn Bros. Manufacturing Company"
"Horn Brothers Manufacturing Company (Chicago, IL)"
"Horn furniture"
"Horn, John C. (Chicago)"
"Hornburg, John T."
"Horne's (Pittsburgh, PA)"
"Horne, Joseph Co. (Pittsbvurgh)"
"Horner, F.A."
"Horner, Robert J."
"Horning, E.T."
"Horowitz, Samuel"
"Horrater, H.C."
"Horrocks' Desk Co. (Herkimer, NY)"
"Horrocks, William (Herkimer, NY)"
"Horse wagon deliveries"
"Horton Furniture (Santa Ana, CA)"
"Horton's All-Lacquer Finish ..."
"Horton, George D."
"Horton, J.C."
"Horton, O.W."
"Hosiery Mills Sales Co."
"Hospital beds"
"Hospital furniture"
"Hostess Sandwich Shop"
"Hot Blast Feather Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Hot Blast Feather Co.(Grand Rapids)"
"Hot Blast Feather Company"
"Hot lacquer"
"Hot lacquer as furniture finish"
"Hot press resin bonds"
"Hot pressing of plywood"
"Hot Shot Inc."
"Hotel Clark (Los Angeles, CA)"
"Hotel Clift (San Francisco, CA)"
"Hotel furniture"
"Hotel furniture (art)"
"Hotel Jefferson"
"Hotel Jefferson (St. Louis, MO)"
"Hotel Manger (New York City)"
"Hotel Morton (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Hotel New Monterey (Ashbury Park, NJ)"
"Hotel Ottawa"
"Hotel Ottawa (Ottawa Beach, MI)"
"Hotel Pontchartrain (Detroit, MI)"
"Hotel Rathbone (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Hotel Roosevelt (New York, NY)"
"Hotel Stanley (Estes Park, CO)"
"Hotel thefts"
"Houghton & Co. (Philadelphia)"
"Houghton & Dutton (Boston, MI)"
"Houghton, W.H."
"Hoult, J. Hampton"
"Hoult, J. Hampton (Grand Rapids)"
"Hoult, John"
"Hoult, John (Grand Rapids)"
"House Beautiful"
"House Beautiful article on painted furniture"
"House furnishing industry, probe of"
"House furnishings forecast, 1930"
"House of Lindberg (Rockford, IL)"
"House of Seven Gables"
"House of the Future"
"House of the Modern Age"
"House of Today"
"House of Tomorrow"
"House of Vistas"
"House of Years"
"House organs"
"House Unamerican Activities Comm."
"Household color blending"
"Household Fair (Kansas City, MO)"
"Household furnishing industry"
"Household furniture"
"Household Furniture (Sioux Falls, SD)"
"Household Furniture Co."
"Household Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Household Furniture Co. (San Antonio, TX)"
"Household Furniture Code"
"Household Furniture Institute ..."
"Household furniture inventory book"
"Household Furniture..(Okla. City)"
"Household Outfitting (Buffalo, NY)"
"Household Outfitting (Scranton, PA)"
"Household Outfitting (Syracuse, NY)"
"Household wood furniture"
"Houseman & Jones"
"Houseman, Joseph"
"Houseman, Julius"
"Houser, Roy C."
"housing market"
"Housing shortages"
"Hout, J. Hampton"
"Hovey, W.S."
"how Grand Rapids retailers deal with damaged furniture"
"How the "Timber Cruiser" Earns His Five Dollars a Day"
"how to empty an oil barrel into a tank (Illustrated)"
"how to optimize boiler room effectiveness"
"Howald Co. (Columbus, OH)"
"Howard A. Shedd Lumber Co."
"Howard chair reproduction"
"Howard City Furniture Co."
"Howard Furniture..(Jamestown, NY)"
"Howard Miller Clock Co."
"Howard W. Coulter Inc."
"Howard, C.B. Co. (Emporium, PA)"
"Howard, Habib J."
"Howard, James B."
"Howard, Prince"
"Howard-Leonard Co., Ltd. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Howden, Joseph A."
"Howe & Rogers (Rochester, NY)"
"Howe, George E."
"Howe, Snow & Co."
"Howe, Snow, Corrigan & Bertles"
"Howell Co. (Geneva, IL)"
"Howell, Arthur E."
"Howell, Fred E."
"Howells, E.C."
"Howerton Lacquer Corp."
"Howes, George E."
"Howland, Ora A."
"Howland, S.A."
"Howry, J.W."
"Hoxie, B.A."
"Hoxie, Clarence L."
"Hoxie, Harry A."
"Hoy, Raymond & Co. (Huntington,WV)"
"Hoyt Lumber Co."
"Hoyt, C.K."
"Hoyt, G.L."
"Hub (Baltimore, MD)"
"Hub Chair Co. (Bridgeport, CT"
"Hub Clothing Co."
"Hub Furniture Co. (New York City)"
"Hubbard Eldredge & ..(Rochester,NY)"
"Hubbard, Elderedge (Rochester, NY)"
"Hubbard, Eldredge & Miller (Rochester, NY)"
"Hubbard, Eldredge &..(Rochester,NY)"
"Hubbard, Eldredge..(Rochester, NY)"
"Hubbard, Eldredge..(Rochester,NY)"
"Hubbard, Gordon Saltonstall"
"Hubbard, William (Rochester, NY)"
"Hubbard,G.G. (Blytheville, AR)"
"Hubbell, H.L."
"Huber, Carl H."
"Hubert Weiden & Son"
"Hubert, William J. (Los Angeles)"
"Huddleston Marsh Mahogany...(NYC)"
"Hudson Valley (NY) furniture design"
"Hudson, Clarence"
"Hudson, Henry B."
"Hudson, Henry E."
"Hudson, Horace A."
"Hudson, J.L."
"Hudsonville State Bank"
"Huebotter Furniture..(Davenport,IA)"
"Huelster, W.H."
"Huey, Melvin G. (South Bend, IN)"
"Huff, Wayne"
"Huffman, Frank C. (Morganton, NC)"
"Hufford Furniture Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"Hufford, George"
"Hufford, Solomon J."
"Hugerhyde, D.M."
"Huggins, William H."
"Hughart & Kendall (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Hughart, W.O. house"
"Hughes & Comstock"
"Hughes Bros."
"Hughes, Edward"
"Hughes, John (Clarksville, AR)"
"Hughes, Robert N."
"Hughes, W.O."
"Hughes, Walter H."
"Hughesville (PA) Furniture Co."
"Huizenga & Co."
"Huizenga, John"
"Huizenga, Lee"
"Hulbord, Warren & Chandler"
"Hull Construction Co."
"Hull, Roy F. (Chicago)"
"Hulst, Henry"
"Hulst, John"
"Hulswit, Frank T."
"Hultquist, Clarence (Jamestown, NY)"
"Hultquist, Earl O. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Hultquist, Earle (Jamestown, NY)"
"Hum & Schneider"
"Human face in piece of wood"
"Humboldt Furniture (Chicago, IL)"
"Humboldt Furniture Co. (Chicago)"
"Humidity control"
"Humidity control of dry kilns"
"Humidity in dry kilns"
"Humidity in lumber drying"
"Hummell, Peter"
"Hummer Furniture (Mason City, IA)"
"Hummer, Geo. P."
"Hummer, George P."
"Hummer, George P. (Grand Rapids)"
"Hummer, George P. (Holland, MI)"
"Humphrey & Caswell"
"Humphrey - Widman Bookcase Company"
"Humphrey Bookcase Co. (Detroit, MI)"
"Hun-Buse mfg. Co. (Newaygo, MI)"
"Hundred of deals"
"Hundredth Furniture Market"
"Hundredth Furniture Market ..."
"Hungerford Lumber...(Memphis, TN)"
"Hungerford mahogany group (art)"
"Hungerford, S.R. Co. (Memphis, TN)"
"Hungtington (WV) Chair Corp."
"Hunsberger, Roy R."
"Hunt Furniture (Bakersfield, CA)"
"Hunt Hardware Co."
"Hunt, Arthur"
"Hunt, Cleland W."
"Hunt, DeWitt"
"Hunt, George S."
"Hunt, James A."
"Hunt, M.A. Co. (Cincinnati, OH)"
"Hunt, W.E."
"Hunt, Walter (Philadelphia)"
"Hunt-Buse Mfg. Co. (Newaygo, MI)"
"Huntely-Hill (Winston-Salem, NC)"
"Hunter Machinery Co."
"Hunter, G.J."
"Hunter, George (New York City)"
"Hunter, George Leland"
"Hunter, J.A."
"Hunter, J.W."
"Hunter, W.F."
"Hunting, Seymour"
"Huntingburg (IN) Furniture Co."
"Huntington (IN) Furniture Co."
"Huntington (WV) Chair Co."
"Huntington (WV) Chair Corp."
"Huntington (WV) Furniture Co."
"Huntley Furniture(Winston-Salem,NC)"
"Huntley Furniture.(Winston-Salem,NC"
"Huntley, B.F."
"Huntley, B.F. (Winston-Salem, NC)"
"Huntley, E.R."
"Huntley, Frederick E. (Grand Rapids"
"Huntley, George M."
"Huntley, J.H."
"Huntley-Hill (Greensboro, NC)"
"Huntley-Hill (Winston-Salem, NC)"
"Hurawood (South America)"
"Hurd, Charles W."
"Hurlburt, Albert P."
"Hurlburt, T.H."
"Hurley, George C."
"Hurley, John David (Chicago)"
"Hurley-Jewell Paint & Wall Paper..."
"Huron Bay Lumber Co."
"Hurt, F.J."
"Hurt, Frank J. (Grand Rapids)"
"Huskey Mfg. Co. (Philadelphia)"
"Huss Bros. Mfg. Co. (Cincinnati)"
"Huss Furniture..(Hamilton, OH)"
"Huss, Charles W. (Cincinnati)"
"Husted, E.B."
"Husted, William F."
"Husty, Gerrit"
"Hutcheson Bedding..(Augusta, GA)"
"Hutchin Furniture...(St. Louis, MO)"
"Hutchins, B.F."
"Hutchins, John B."
"Hutchins, Lee M."
"Hutchins, Lee W."
"Hutchins, Mrs. Lee"
"Hutchinson & Canfield"
"Hutchinson Associates (Chicago)"
"Hutchinson Mfg. ..(Norristown, PA)"
"Hutchinson, George H."
"Huthsteiner, Eugene (Tell City, IN)"
"Hutner's, Inc."
"Hutton Co. (Ypsilanti, MI)"
"Hutzler Brothers (Baltimore, MD)"
"Huylers Inc."
"Hy-Lan Furniture..(Hickory,NC)"
"Hyde & Verplanck"
"Hyde, Albert"
"Hyde, Helen"
"Hyde, Lester G."
"Hyde, O.L."
"Hyde, W.G."
"Hyde, Wesley W."
"Hyde-Murphy Co. (Ridgway, PA)"
"Hydorn, A.C."
"Hydorn, Harry D."
"Hydorn, Henry A."
"Hydraulic Co."
"Hydraulic Press Mfg..(Columbus,OH)"
"Hygrometers for kiln drying process"
"Hyma, Abe"
"Hyslip Furniture..(Wellsville, NY)"
"I-X-L Furniture Co. (Goshen, IN)"
"I. Fine & Son Upholstering Corp."
"I. Reinhertz & Son"
"I.C. Helmly Furniture Co. (Miami, FL)"
"I.C. Lamoreaux & Co."
"I.C. Olson Co. (Willmar, MN)"
"I.H. Webb"
"I.M. Clark & Co."
"I.M. Clark Grocer Co."
"Ice industry"
"Iceless Refrigerator (Vancouver,WA)"
"Ide Tea Co."
"Ideal Chair Co. (Coldwater, MI)"
"Ideal Clothing Co."
"Ideal Food Shop"
"Ideal Furniture Co."
"Ideal Furniture Co. (Cambridge, MA)"
"Ideal Furniture Co. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Ideal Furniture Co. (Jamestown,NY)"
"Ideal furniture factory"
"Ideal Grape Juice Co."
"Ideal Home Exhibition (London)"
"Ideal Home Exhibition, London"
"Ideal Home of 1941"
"Ideal house dining room"
"Ideal Paper Box Co."
"Ideal Phonograph Co. (Rockford,IL)"
"Ideal Seating Co."
"Ideal Steel Co. (Chicago)"
"Ideal Upholstering Co."
"Idema, B. Fred"
"Idema, Chester F."
"Idema, Henry"
"Idema, Herman H."
"Iden, L.C."
"Identity Cigar Co."
"Ignition Starter Co."
"Illinois Cabinet Co. (Rockford, IL)"
"Illinois Central Railroad"
"Illinois Central Railway"
"Illinois Central Railway Co."
"Illinois furniture industry"
"Illinois Refrigerator(Morrison,IL)"
"Illinois Retail Furniture Dealers' Association (Effingham, IL)"
"Illinois School (Rockford, IL)"
"Illinois Spring & Wire..(Chicago)"
"Illoinis furniture industry"
"Imitation butter"
"Imitation furniture"
"Imitation mahogany"
"Imitation walnut"
"Imkamp, John"
"Immen, Frederick"
"Immigrant workers"
"Imperia; Furniture...(Grand Rapids)"
"Imperial Brewing Co."
"Imperial Cabinet Co. (Los Angeles)"
"Imperial Cabinet Co. (Los Angeles, CA))"
"Imperial Candy Co."
"Imperial Chair Co. (Holland, MI)"
"Imperial Chair Company"
"Imperial Desk Co. (Evansville, IN)"
"Imperial Furniture Co."
"Imperial Furniture Co. (GR)"
"Imperial Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Imperial Furniture Company"
"Imperial Furniture Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Imperial Furniture Company (Grand Rapids, MI), library tables"
"Imperial Furniture Company (Grand Rapids, MI), samples of tables"
"Imperial Furniture..(Grand Rapids)"
"Imperial Furniture..(Rockford, IL)"
"Imperial Metal Products Co. (GR)"
"Imperial Rattan..(Stratford, Ont.)"
"Imperial Refining Co."
"Imperial Table Co. (New York City)"
"Import duties on hides"
"Importance of a trained factory fire department"
"Important features of wire glass in structural design"
"Imported bentwood chairs"
"Imported dyestuffs"
"Imported furniture"
"Imported furniture, tariff on"
"Imported Japanese textiles"
"Imported plate glass"
"Imported upholstery fabrics"
"Imported woods"
"Improved type of tool grinder"
"Improvements in carving machines"
"Imprted furniture woods"
"In Wee-Go System"
"incandescent electric lamp"
"Incentive labor pay plan"
"Incentive pay"
"Income tax"
"Income tax law"
"Income taxes"
"Increase in Demand for Bamboo Furniture in Mexico"
"Increased factory capacities provide no delay in meeting demands"
"Independence for the Philippines"
"Independent Furniture Co. (Portland, OR)"
"Independent Ice & Fuel Co."
"Independent Linen Service"
"Independent Pneumatic..(Chicago)"
"Independent Pneumatic...(Chicago)"
"Independent Power Co. (Linden, MI)"
"Indexall recipe cabinet"
"India as source of teak"
"India as supplier of sandal wood"
"India teak wood"
"Indian Club"
"Indian Creek Table..(Nashua, NH)"
"Indian furniture industry"
"Indian furniture woods"
"Indian imports of metal beds"
"Indian jute industry"
"Indian laurel"
"Indian River Mfg. (Philadelphia)"
"Indian River Table..(Philadelphia)"
"Indian rosewood"
"Indian Splint Inc. (Rochester, NY)"
"Indian teak industry"
"Indiana Chair Co. (Jasper, IN)"
"Indiana Desk Co. (Dubois, IN)"
"Indiana Furniture Company (Evansville, IN)"
"Indiana furniture industry"
"Indiana Furniture.(Connersville,IN)"
"Indiana Furniture..(Shelbyville,IN)"
"Indiana hardwoods"
"Indiana Lumber and Veneer Company"
"Indiana Quartered Oak Co."
"Indiana workmen's compensation law"
"Indianapolis bed lounge industry"
"Indianapolis Board of Education"
"Indianapolis Chair & Furniture Co."
"Indianapolis Chair & Furniture Co. (Aurora, IN)"
"Indianapolis Chair Mfg. Co."
"Indianapolis Chair...(Aurora, IN)"
"Indianapolis Furniture Exhibition.."
"Indianapolis furniture exposition"
"Indianapolis furniture industry"
"Indianapolis Home Show"
"Indianapolis Sawed Veneer Company (Indianapolis, IN)"
"Indo-China rosewood"
"Indoor radio loop, construction"
"Indoor radio loop, design"
"Induatrial education projects"
"Industrial Accident Board"
"Industrial accidents"
"Industrial accidents legislation"
"Industrial Alcohol as Motor Fuel"
"Industrial Art Exhibition"
"Industrial art exhibits"
"Industrial art school in Chicago"
"Industrial arts projects"
"Industrial Arts School (Chicago, IL)"
"Industrial band"
"Industrial Bank"
"Industrial Co."
"Industrial Dallas, Inc."
"Industrial dust"
"Industrial economics"
"Industrial educartion projects"
"Industrial education"
"Industrial education in Cleveland"
"Industrial education in England"
"Industrial education in Germany"
"Industrial education in Wisconsin"
"Industrial education projects"
"Industrial education survey"
"industrial education versus apprenticeship system"
"Industrial education, Munich"
"Industrial efficiency"
"Industrial engineering"
"Industrial exhibitions"
"Industrial expositions"
"Industrial fatigue"
"Industrial Finishes Inc."
"Industrial Furniture..(Augusta,GA)"
"Industrial harmony"
"Industrial health"
"Industrial Homes Co."
"Industrial lawsuits"
"Industrial lay offs"
"Industrial medical service"
"Industrial Mfg. Co. (Chicago)"
"Industrial mishaps"
"Industrial Mortgage & Investment..."
"Industrial pension systems"
"Industrial readjustment"
"Industrial Recovery Loan Corp."
"Industrial relations"
"Industrial research"
"Industrial safety"
"Industrial schools"
"Industrial Service Corp."
"Industrial strikes"
"Industrial traffic management"
"Industrial training"
"Industrial University"
"Industry code of ethics"
"Industry growing in the south due to rapid advance in prices of Southe"
"Industry publications"
"Industry-related diseases"
"Inexpensive furniture"
"Infantile paralysis"
"Informative labeling"
"Informative labeling in furniture"
"Infra-red rays use in furniture..."
"ingenious ideas that happen unintentionally"
"Ingersoll & Co."
"Inglesh & Biesebeek"
"Inglis, Frank"
"Inglis, James E."
"Ingraham Co. (Hartford, CT)"
"Ink stand, construction"
"Ink stand, design"
"Ink stand, design and construction"
"Inlaid and veneered highboy (art)"
"Inlaid chest of drawers ..."
"Inlaid davenport table, const."
"Inlaid davenport table, design"
"Inlaid dining room furniture"
"Inlaid lines"
"Inlaid mahogany card table"
"Inlaid marquetry"
"Inlaid rosewood piano"
"Inlaid sideboard, construction"
"Inlaid sideboard, design"
"Inlaid table"
"Inland Bed Co. (Chicago)"
"Inland Company"
"Inland Jacobean furniture"
"Inlay for face ornamentation"
"Inlay work and marquetry"
"Inlay work in furniture"
"Inman Co. (Louisville, KY)"
"Inman Furniture Co. (Louisville,KY)"
"Inman Furniture Co.(Louisville, KY)"
"Inman Furniture...(Louisville, KY)"
"Inman Veneer and ..(Louisville, KY)"
"Inner Dekoration"
"Inner Shoe Tire Co."
"Inner Tufted Mattress patent infringement case"
"Inner-Ease Ponderosa pine box ..."
"Innes Wholesale ..(Wichita, KS)"
"Innis, John A."
"Innis, Pearce & Co. (Rushville, IN)"
"Insect and blight control"
"Installment buying"
"Installment furniture houses"
"Installment furniture industry"
"Instalment financing for dealers"
"Instalment sales"
"Instalment trade"
"Institute of Store Decoration"
"Institutional furniture"
"Instructions on finishing wood"
"Insular Lumber Co. (Manila)"
"Insurance costs"
"Insurance industry"
"Insurance rates"
"Inter-city group riding"
"Inter-Inter filing cabinets"
"Inter-State Motor Freight System"
"Interest rates"
"Interesting Facts about Mahogany"
"Interior decorating"
"Interior Decorating and overcrowding rooms"
"Interior decoration"
"Interior decoration and decorators"
"Interior decoration and design"
"Interior Decoration of the 18th..."
"Interior Design"
"Interior Design & Decoration"
"Interior Design and Décor of the King and Queen of Italy"
"Interior design and decoration"
"Interior Design and Decoration, changing fashions"
"Interior Design and decoration, suggestions for decorators"
"Interior Design furnishings"
"Interior Design, furnishing for a young couple"
"Interior Design, Railroad Car status symbol"
"Interior Design, use of plants"
"Interior finishing"
"Interior living room"
"Interior of New Store, photo"
"Interior trimmings"
"International Amusement Co. Inc."
"International Colonial ...(Paris)"
"International Colonial and..(Paris)"
"International Exposition of ..."
"International expositions"
"International furniture exhibitions"
"International furniture exhibits"
"International furniture expositions"
"International Furniture.(St. Louis)"
"International Furniture..(Chicago)"
"International Furniture..(St.Louis)"
"International gold medal awards"
"International Lamp and ...(Chicago)"
"International Trade Fair (NYC)"
"International trade fairs"
"International Vinegar Co."
"Internationbal copyrights"
"Interstate commerce"
"Interstate Commerce Commission"
"Interstate Furniture ..."
"Interstate transportation rates"
"Intoxication in furniture factories"
"Introduction of the Folding Bed"
"Invalid Appliance Company"
"Inventions exposition"
"Inventors and inventions"
"Inventory systems"
"Investment Realty Co."
"Investor Inc."
"Invincible Table Fastener Company"
"Invincible Table Fastener Company (Shelbyville, IN)"
"Invincible Table Leg Fastener Company (Shelbyville, IN)"
"Ionia Correctional Facility"
"Ionia Desk Co."
"Ionia Street"
"Ionic architecture"
"Iowa College"
"Iowa Furniture Co. (Davenport, IO)"
"Iowa House Furnishing (Dubuque, IO)"
"Iowa lumber industry"
"Ira F. Powers Furniture (Portland, OR)"
"Ira M. Smith Co."
"Ireland, James E."
"Iris festival"
"Irish, George W."
"Iron and steel"
"Iron and steel industry"
"Iron and steel, Chicago report"
"Iron and steel, Pittsburgh report"
"Iron beds exports to Syria"
"Iron castings"
"Iron metal beds, construction of"
"Iron metal beds, design of"
"Iron, Pittsburgh report"
"Irvin, Robert D."
"Irving & Casson (Boston, MA)"
"Irving Hall"
"Irving Jewelry Co."
"Irving, Charles R. (Cambridge, MA)"
"Irwin & Lane"
"Irwin Equipment Co."
"Irwin Seating Co."
"Irwin Seating Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Irwin, Earle S."
"Irwin, Mrs. Elizabeth (Grand Rapids"
"Irwin, R.W. (Grand Rapids)"
"Irwin, R.W. Furniture..(GR)"
"Irwin, Robert (Grand Rapids)"
"Irwin, Robert W."
"Irwin, Robert W. (Grand Rapids)"
"Irwin, Robert W. Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Irwin, Robert W. Co.(Grand Rapids)"
"Irwin, William"
"Irwin-Pedersen Arms Co."
"Irwin-Pedersen Arms Co. (GR)"
"Irwon, R.W."
"Irwon, Robert W. (Grand Rapids)"
"Irwon, Robert W. Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Isaac Delgado Central..(New Orleans"
"Isaacs, Irving H."
"Isaman, Cleveland G."
"Isenberg Bros Co. (Bloomington,DE)"
"Ishpeming (MI) High School"
"Isis Theater"
"Israel, H.W."
"Issacs, J.L. (Milwaukee)"
"Issaquena (MS) Lumber Co."
"Italian armchair, 16th cent. (art)"
"Italian carved chair (art)"
"Italian chest, 15th century (art)"
"Italian duo-tone furniture"
"Italian formal chair (art)"
"Italian metal beds industry"
"Italian Renaissance furniture"
"Italian Renaissance style"
"Italian table, 16th century (art)"
"Italian walnut"
"Italian walnut credenza ...(art)"
"Italian XVI century chair (art)"
"Itinerant merchant ordinance"
"Ives, Henry"
"J&J Sandwich Shops, Inc."
"J. DeGroot & Co."
"J. Dornette & Brothers"
"J. Hopp & Company (Honolulu, Hawaii)"
"J. Kurtz & Sons (New York, NY)"
"J. Rinvelt & Son"
"J. Thibout & Son"
"J. VanDuren & Co."
"J. Waalkes Food Market"
"J.&E.A. VanderVeen"
"J.A. & Fay Egan Company"
"J.A. Fay Egan Company"
"J.A. Fay & Egan Co. (Cincinnati, OH)"
"J.A. Fay & Egan Company"
"J.A. Fay & Egan Company (Cincinnati, OH)"
"J.A. Fay & Egan Company (Cincinnati, OH) on competition"
"J.A. Fay & Egan Company (Cincinnati, OH), new machinery"
"J.A. Kelly & Bros. (Clinton, IA)"
"J.A. Scott & Co."
"J.B. Shaughnessy Hardware"
"J.B. Stone Co."
"J.C. Crawford Co. (Portsmout, VA)"
"J.C. Dutmers & Son"
"J.C. Horton (Santa Ana, CA)"
"J.C. Kendall & Co."
"J.C. Major Co."
"J.C. Miller Co."
"J.C. Shaw & Co."
"J.C. Simonds & Son"
"J.C. West & Co."
"J.C. Widman & Company"
"J.C. Widman & Company (Detroit, MI)"
"J.C. Widman and Company (Detroit, MI)"
"J.C. Widman Company"
"J.D. Adams Co."
"J.E. Cheney & Co."
"J.E. Davis Manufacturing Company"
"J.E. Greilick Co.(Traverse City, MI)"
"J.E. Johnston (Atlanta, GA)"
"J.E. Wells & Son"
"J.E. Will Co. (Bloomington, IL)"
"J.F. French Co."
"J.F. Walker... (Knoxville, TN)"
"J.G. Alexander Manufacturing Co."
"J.G. Twining & Co. (Waterbury, CT)"
"J.H. Johnson's... (Alliance, OH)"
"J.H. Petter Co."
"J.H. Towle & Co."
"J.H. Weinrebe (Minot, ND)"
"J.H. Zoet & Co."
"J.K. Armsby Co."
"J.K. Randle & Son... (Waukesha, WI)"
"J.K. Rishel... (Williamsport, PA)"
"J.L. Brandeis & Sons (Omaha, NE)"
"J.L. Hudson Co. (Detroit, MI)"
"J.M. Bond's... (Alhambra, CA)"
"J.M. Hayden Co."
"J.M. Medler & Co."
"J.M. Wilson & Sons (Sharon, PA)"
"J.N. Euwer Co. (New Castle, PA)"
"J.N. Trompen & Co."
"J.P. Deegan & Co."
"J.P. McGill (South Bend, In)"
"J.P. Oosting & Co."
"J.P. Visner & Son"
"J.R. Frew Co. (New Castle, PA)"
"J.R. Harrison & Co."
"J.R. Libby Co. (Portland, ME)"
"J.R. McGregor Co. (Oskaloosa, IA)"
"J.S. Alden & Co."
"J.S. Crawford Co. (Portsmouth, VA)"
"J.S. Walker & Co."
"J.T. Clough Furniture (Greeley, CO)"
"J.T. Lehan Pharmacy"
"J.W. Greene Co. (Jersey City, NJ)"
"J.W. Knapp Co. (Lansing, MI)"
"J.W. Robinson Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"J.W. York & Sons"
"J.W.&E.J. Califf"
"Jaarsma, Dewey"
"Jac, W.A."
"Jack & Gill Co. (Statesville, NC)"
"Jack Williamson Veneers Inc."
"Jackaboice, Joseph"
"Jackman & Allen"
"Jackman, A.C."
"Jacknife furniture"
"Jackoboice, Edward W."
"Jackson (MS) Mfg. Co."
"Jackson Furniture Co. (Oakland, CA)"
"Jackson, A."
"Jackson, Alice/Bettina"
"Jackson, Frank K."
"Jackson, Oscar F."
"Jackson, W.S. (Grand Rapids)"
"Jacksonville(TN) furniture industry"
"Jacob & Joseph Kohn Company"
"Jacob Brown & Co."
"Jacob Keim"
"Jacob Weinheimer... (Syracuse, NY)"
"Jacobean cabinet"
"Jacobean dresser in oak (art)"
"Jacobean interior"
"Jacobean panelled rooms"
"Jacobean side board (art)"
"Jacobean style"
"Jacobean style joint stool (art)"
"Jacobi, Frederick"
"Jacobs, J."
"Jacobs, Tevie"
"Jacobsen, Anton"
"Jacobson's... (Balboa Beach, CA)"
"Jacobson, Ole"
"Jacobson, Peter &..(New Albany,KY)"
"Jacoby, L."
"Jacoby, William L. (Chicago)"
"Jacquard loom"
"Jade carvings"
"Jaeger Furniture Co. (Los Angeles)"
"Jaeger, August H. (Grand Rapids)"
"Jakway, Bernard C."
"Jamaican hardwoods"
"Jamaican imports of U.S. furniture"
"James & Lamson ..(Springfield, VT)"
"James A. Brouwer Co. (Holland, MI)"
"James Anderson & Co."
"James Bayne Co."
"James Bayne Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"James Bayne Company"
"James Broderick & Son"
"James DeKomer & Co."
"James Fitzsimons & Company (Detroit, MI)"
"James Furniture (Lebanon, PA)"
"James Furniture Co. (Aurora, IN)"
"James Furniture Co. (Houston)"
"James Furniture Co. (Houston, TX)"
"James H. Fox Co., Ltd."
"James H. Fox Realty Co."
"James Hearn & Son (New York, NY)"
"James Houlihan Inc."
"James I buffet, carved oak"
"James II, chair (Stirling, Scotland)"
"James McCreery & Co. (New York, NY)"
"James McCutcheon & Co. (New York, NY)"
"James Postema & Sons"
"James S. Crosby & Co."
"James S. Evans & Co."
"James T. Ryan Furniture ..."
"James V, chair (Stirling, Scotland)"
"James VI (Stirling, Scotland)"
"James, J.W."
"Jamestown (NY) Aeronautical Corp."
"Jamestown (NY) Cabinet Co."
"Jamestown (NY) Case Goods Co."
"Jamestown (NY) Chair Co."
"Jamestown (NY) fall exposition"
"Jamestown (NY) Fancy Furniture Co."
"Jamestown (NY) Furniture ..."
"Jamestown (NY) Furniture Co."
"Jamestown (NY) furniture exchange"
"Jamestown (NY) furniture expos"
"Jamestown (NY) furniture exposiiton"
"Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition"
"Jamestown (NY) furniture industry"
"Jamestown (NY) furniture prices"
"Jamestown (NY) hotel"
"Jamestown (NY) industry briefs"
"Jamestown (NY) Loung Co."
"Jamestown (NY) Lounge Co."
"Jamestown (NY) Mantel Co."
"Jamestown (NY) Metal Desk Co."
"Jamestown (NY) Panel & Veneering..."
"Jamestown (NY) Panel Co."
"Jamestown (NY) Period Furniture Co."
"Jamestown (NY) Royal Furniture Co."
"Jamestown (NY) Sterling Co."
"Jamestown (NY) Table Co."
"Jamestown (NY) Upholstery Co."
"Jamestown (NY) Veneer and Plywood.."
"Jamestown (NY) Wood Finishing Co."
"Jamestown (PA) Veneer & Panel Co."
"Jamestown (VA) Wood Finishing Co."
"Jamestown Chair Company"
"Jamestown Creamery"
"Jamestown Exposition (Jamestown, NY)"
"Jamestown Lounge Company"
"Jamestown Lounge Company (Jamestown, NY)"
"Jamestown Panel & Veneer Company (Jamestown, NY)"
"Jamestown Panel and Veneer Company"
"Jamestown's Ambition and Remarkable Ratio of Factories to Inhabitants"
"Jamestown, New York furniture manufacturers note"
"Jamestown, NY"
"Jamestown, NY furniture exposition"
"Jamestown, NY furniture industry"
"Jamestown, NY furniture market"
"Jamestown, NY furniture strike"
"Jamestown, NY, furnuiture industry"
"Jamestown, NY, upholsterers strike"
"Jamestown-Royal Upholstery (NY)"
"Jamestwn (NY) furniture expositions"
"Jamme, L.E. (New York City)"
"Jandorf Bakery"
"Jandorf, Charles S."
"Janesville (WI) Products Co."
"Janschefsky, Waldy"
"Jansen's Bread & Pastry Shoppe"
"Janshefski Bros."
"Jansma, E."
"January furniture sale"
"Japan Tea Co."
"Japanese "leathers" wallpaper and Tekko from Switzerland"
"Japanese artists at Stickley Co."
"Japanese business penetration"
"Japanese dyestuff imports from U.S."
"Japanese furnishings gaining popularity"
"Japanese furniture imports from U.S"
"Japanese furniture wages"
"Japanese hardwoods"
"Japanese imports of U.S. glue"
"Japanese lacquer"
"Japanese lumber, competition from"
"Japanese matting"
"Japanese oak, competition from"
"Japanese office furniture imports"
"Japanese retail layout"
"Japanese Sheraton style"
"Japanese toy industry"
"Japanese umbrellas"
"Japanese white oak"
"Jarivs, Wickham"
"Jaro Furniture...(Memphis, TN)"
"Jarrah (Australian furniture wood)"
"Jarrett, W.G."
"Jarvis Sash Puley Co."
"Jaspe surface rugs"
"Jasper (IN) Manufacturing Co."
"Jasper (IN) Seating Co."
"Jasper (IN) Wood Products Co."
"Jasper A. Miller Co. (Three Rivers, MI)"
"Jasper, Peter"
"Jasperse & Haan"
"Jayne Furniture Co. (Boone, IA)"
"Jefferson (WI) Wood Products Co."
"Jefferson Avenue Realty Co."
"Jefferson desk (reproduction)"
"Jefferson-Oldsmobile Co."
"Jeffery Furniture..(Westfield,NY)"
"Jeffrey Furniture..(West Aurora,NY)"
"Jeffrey, Harry R. (Emporia, KS)"
"Jefts, William A."
"Jehle, Fritz C."
"Jelsema, J.M."
"Jenison Body Shop"
"Jenkins ...(Sheboygan Falls, WI)"
"Jenkins Machine Co. (Sheboygan, WI)"
"Jenkins, E.C."
"Jenks & Ives"
"Jenney, William Le Baron"
"Jenning's Furniture Co. (Portland, OR)"
"Jennings & Smith"
"Jennings case"
"Jennings Extract Co."
"Jennings Furniture (Dennison, TX)"
"Jennings Furniture (Memphis, TN)"
"Jennings Manufacturing Co."
"Jennings, Abraham"
"Jennings, Charels W."
"Jennings, Charles W."
"Jennings, James"
"Jennings-Wilson (Greenwood, MS)"
"Jensen, Mattie"
"Jensen, Raymond l."
"Jepson, Noah K."
"Jerecki Machine & Tool Co."
"Jerrie's M-50 Meat Shop"
"Jerry's Tavern"
"Jersey Field ...(Salamanca, NY)"
"Jesse French & Sons"
"Jesselson, Milton J."
"Jewel Refrigerator Co. (NYC)"
"Jewell, Alden"
"Jewell, Frank"
"Jewelry tax (Grand Rapids?)"
"Jewett Radio and ...(Allegan, MI)"
"Jewett Radio Co. (Allegan, MI)"
"Jewett, William R."
"Jiffy Mfg. Co. (Hillside, NJ)"
"Jigby, Carey W."
"Jimmy Moore of Bucktown"
"Jiranek, Leo"
"Jiranek, Leo (New York City)"
"Jiranek, Otto"
"Jiranek, Otto A."
"Jiranek, Otto A. (Grand Rapids)"
"Jiranek, Otto; furniture design"
"JNO. P. Denning"
"Joachim, Ed. B. (Harrisburg, PA)"
"Joan Fabrics Corp. (New York City)"
"Job classifications"
"Job evaluation plans"
"Jobbers and jobbing"
"Jocoy, Charles W."
"Joe's Cut Rate Store"
"Joerns Bros. ..(Stevens Point, WI)"
"Joerns Bros. Mfg. (Sheboygan, WI)"
"Joerns Brothers..(Sheboygan, WI)"
"Joerns, Otto B. (Sheboygan, WI)"
"Johannesburg, South Africa"
"John A. Colby & Sons (Chicago, IL)"
"John A. Schwartz... (Brooklyn, NY)"
"John A. Schwartz... (New York, NY)"
"John Alt Furniture (St. Louis, MO)"
"John B. Gregg & Co."
"John B. Hauf Inc. (Albany, NY)"
"John B.P. Furniture ..(Portland)"
"John Baker Co."
"John Ball Park"
"John Batts Telescopic Wardrobe System"
"John Bressmer Co. (Springfield, IL)"
"John Breuner & Co. (Oakland, CA)"
"John Breuner & Co. (Sacramento, CA)"
"John D. Mabley Co."
"John D. Raab Chair Co."
"John D. Raab Chair Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"John DeBoe & Co."
"John Drake & Co. (Alliance, OH)"
"John Dregge & Co."
"John Duer & Company"
"John Duer & Sons"
"John Dunn Corp. (Gardner, MA)"
"John E. Brower"
"John E. Kenning & Co."
"John Furniture Co. (Portland)"
"John Furniture Corp. (Oakland)"
"John Furniture Corp. (Portland)"
"John Giles & Co."
"John Goebel & Co."
"John H. Gately Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"John H. Myers & Co."
"John Himes & Co."
"John Killean & Son"
"John Knape Machine Co."
"John L. Lynch Sales Co."
"John L. Wierengo and Staff Inc."
"John M. Shryock Co. (Meadville, PA)"
"John M. Smyth Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"John M. Smyth Company (Chicago, IL)"
"John Maas & Brother (Louisville, KY)"
"John Mulvihill Recreation Parlor"
"John Nelson & Son (Ottawa, KS)"
"John Pray Sons (Boston, MA)"
"John R. Schermer & Co. Inc."
"John T. Woodhouse Co., Ltd."
"John Thomas Batts Inc."
"John Tilley Furniture (Holyoke, MA)"
"John Vinkemulder & Son"
"John W. Bailey Co."
"John W. Baily Co."
"John Wanamaker Co. (New York City)"
"John Widdicomb ..(Grand Rapids)"
"John Widdicomb Co."
"John Widdicomb Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"John Widdicomb Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"John, B.P. Co. (Portland)"
"John, B.P. Furniture...(Portland)"
"John, Ralph D."
"Johns, B.P. Co. (Portland)"
"Johns, David W."
"Johnson Candy Co."
"Johnson Chair Co. (Chicago)"
"Johnson Chair Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"Johnson Chair Company"
"Johnson Chair Company (Chicago, IL)"
"Johnson Furniture (Shreveport, LA)"
"Johnson Furniture Co."
"Johnson Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids"
"Johnson Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Johnson Furniture Co. (Warren, PA)"
"Johnson Furniture Co.(Grand Rapids)"
"Johnson Furniture Company"
"Johnson Furniture Company (Grand Rapids, MI), furniture"
"Johnson Furniture..(Grand Rapids)"
"Johnson Service Station"
"Johnson's Furniture (Butler, IN)"
"Johnson's Furniture (Red Cloud, NE)"
"Johnson, A.P."
"Johnson, A.P. (Grand Rapids)"
"Johnson, A.P. Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Johnson, Alexander"
"Johnson, Andrew (Grand Rapids)"
"Johnson, Andrew C. (Rockford, IL)"
"Johnson, Arthur"
"Johnson, August A."
"Johnson, C. Sophus"
"Johnson, Carl G. (Grand Rapids)"
"Johnson, Carroll A. (Grand Rapids)"
"Johnson, Earl C."
"Johnson, Edmund (Anderson, IN)"
"Johnson, Edward"
"Johnson, Einar H."
"Johnson, Elmer E."
"Johnson, Frank J."
"Johnson, G. Stuart"
"Johnson, George J."
"Johnson, Gerrit J."
"Johnson, Hans"
"Johnson, Herbert"
"Johnson, Howard F."
"Johnson, Ike"
"Johnson, J. Edward"
"Johnson, J.K."
"Johnson, James P. (Warren, PA)"
"Johnson, Jonas (Jamestown, NY)"
"Johnson, Joseph"
"Johnson, Lionel H."
"Johnson, Lionel H. (Grand Rapids)"
"Johnson, N. Oscar (Jamestown,NY)"
"Johnson, P.S. (Grand Rapids)"
"Johnson, Raymond E. (Warren, PA)"
"Johnson, Robert"
"Johnson, Robert L."
"Johnson, S.E."
"Johnson, Sidney P."
"Johnson, Stanley (St. Paul, MN)"
"Johnson, Stuart Ralph"
"Johnson, Theodore H."
"Johnson, Tunis"
"Johnson, W.H."
"Johnson-Handley-Johnson Co. (GR)"
"Johnson-Handley-Johnson Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Johnson-Kurtz Co. (Buffalo, NY)"
"Johnson-Randall Fiber ...(Chicago)"
"Johnson-Randall..(Traverse City,MI)"
"Johnson-Smith Co."
"Johnston Furniture..(Union City,IN)"
"Johnston, Guy A."
"Johnston, James K."
"Johnston, O.W."
"Johnston, Robert A."
"Johnston, Valda A."
"Johnston, William (Lawrenceburg,IN)"
"Johnston-Wherry Co. (Modesto, CA)"
"Johnstone Glass..(Hartford City,IN)"
"Joining room laxity"
"Joint trade-mark idea"
"Joldersma, Gerald H."
"Jolman, Lambert J."
"Jones & Edmunds (Hollywood, CA)"
"Jones & Hopkins Mfg..(Nashville,TN)"
"Jones & Sheldon"
"Jones Furniture (Sturgis, MI)"
"Jones Hardwood Co. (San Francisco)"
"Jones House Furnishings Company (Little Rock, AK)"
"Jones safety guards"
"Jones, Merle Grant (Beatrice, NE)"
"Jones, C. Oscar (Jamestown, NY)"
"Jones, Charles (Grand Rapids)"
"Jones, Clarence B."
"Jones, Claudius"
"Jones, Cyrus Emory (Jamestown, NY)"
"Jones, E. Berkey"
"Jones, Emery (Sturgis, MI)"
"Jones, Erie E."
"Jones, Hiram"
"Jones, Hoerner, Guest Co."
"Jones, L.B. Co. (Evansville, IN)"
"Jones, Laverne F."
"Jones, O.P."
"Jones, Otis"
"Jones, P.I.D."
"Jones, Paul W."
"Jones, Richard C. (Louisville, KY)"
"Jones, Wilber"
"Jones, Wilbur L. (Madison, WI)"
"Jones, Wiley"
"Jones, Wiley (Atlanta, GA)"
"Jones, William"
"Jones, William H. (Grand Rapids)"
"Jones, William Preston"
"Jones-Luberger (Cedar Rapids, IA)"
"Jongejan, Cornelius"
"Jonker & Brugma"
"Jonker, Cornelius W."
"Jonkman, Bartel J."
"Joppa Mattress Co. (Little Rock, AK)"
"Joppe's Dairy"
"Joppe, Peter"
"Jordah, Philip"
"Jordan Industries (Colfax, IN)"
"Jordan Parlor ... (Reading, PA)"
"Jordan, D.L. (Roanoke, VA)"
"Jordan, H.S."
"Jordan, Harry S."
"Jordan, Henry S."
"Jordan, Marsh & Company (Boston, MA)"
"Jordan, Philip A."
"Jordan, Robert L."
"Jordan, Winfield (Wakefield, MA)"
"Jordan-Marsh Co. (Boston, MA)"
"Jorgenson, C.E. ...(Chicago)"
"Jose, Victor R. (Indianapolis)"
"Josef Frenkel Inc. (New York, NY)"
"Joseph Dick Manufacturing Co."
"Joseph H. Glendenning Inc."
"Joseph P. McHugh Co. (New York, NY)"
"Joseph Ross & Company"
"Joseph Tschnauer Bakery and ..."
"Josse & Tarshis (Seattle)"
"Josselyn, C. Edwin (Roxbury, MA)"
"Jourdan & Thurkittle"
"Joy Industries (Chicago)"
"Joyce, Adrian D. (Cleveland)"
"Joyce, Albert L."
"Joyce, Anna L."
"Joyce, H.L. & Co. (Binghamton, NY)"
"Judd Building (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Judd, Charles B."
"Judd, J.H."
"Judd, Siegel W."
"Judson Grocer Co."
"Judson, Karl Schurz"
"Judson, Mrs. Jeanne"
"Judson, William"
"Judy & Titus (Williamsport, IN)"
"Juergens Brothers"
"Juke boxes"
"Julia Marlowe table"
"Julius Berkey's death"
"Julius Lansburgh.. (Washington, DC)"
"July trade exhibit"
"Jumel Mansion (New York, NY)"
"June, Albert Fox"
"June, Floss"
"June, Quartus G."
"Junior Marion ..(Philadelphia)"
"Junior Red Cross"
"Jurgens & Holtvluwer"
"Jurgens & Nylaan"
"Jurgens' Sons (Richmond, VA)"
"Jury-Rowe Co. (Battle Creek, MI)"
"Jury-Rowe Co. (Jackson, MI)"
"Jury-Rowe Co. (Lansing, MI)"
"Just Grand Pastry Kitchen"
"Jute as webbing source"
"Jute crop prices reach highest mark in 20 years"
"Jute fiber"
"Jute substitute"
"Juvenile colonial chairs"
"Juvenile furniture"
"Juvenile furniture, postwar plans"
"K&B Stores"
"K&J Lafferty"
"K. and V. Products Co. (Seattle)"
"K. Dykema & Brothers"
"K.D. furniture"
"Kaastra & Heeren"
"Kade Fixture and ..(Plymouth, WI)"
"Kade Show Case & ...(Plymouth, WI)"
"Kade, Charles F. & ...(Plymouth,WI)"
"Kade, Chas. F. (Plymouth, WI)"
"Kade, Chas. F. (Sheboygan, WI)"
"Kade,C.F. Co. (Port Washington, WI)"
"Kaehler Furniture..(New Albany,IN)"
"Kafoury, Charles"
"Kagan, Vladimir (New York City)"
"Kagel, Edwin A."
"Kahler Furniture..(New Albany, IN)"
"Kahler, Charles H."
"Kahn, Harry C."
"Kahn, Herbert M. (Appleton, WI)"
"Kahn, L.J."
"Kahn, Lostro & Co."
"Kahnoski, Joseph"
"Kaiser Wilhelm II"
"Kaiser, George F."
"Kaiser, Jacob Mfg. Co. (St. Louis)"
"Kal-Dak Co."
"Kalamazoo Manufacturing Company (Kalamazoo, MI)"
"Kalamazoo Roofing Co."
"Kalinowki, Stanley A."
"Kallenberg, F.W. (New Orleans)"
"Kalmbach, John George"
"Kaminski, Frank S."
"Kaminski, John"
"Kamman & Co. (Rochester, NY)"
"Kamman Furniture (Gardner, MA)"
"Kamman Furniture...(Philadelphia)"
"Kamman, Lewis (Brighton, NY)"
"Kammerad, Peter A."
"Kanawha Eagle Coal Co."
"Kane Furniture & ...(Gardner, MA)"
"Kane Furniture... (Woonsocket, RI)"
"Kane-Best Oil Co."
"Kane-Kraft furniture"
"Kanitz, Louis (Muskegon, MI)"
"Kann, Henry (Chicago)"
"Kansas City Bedding Co. (Kansas City, MO)"
"Kansas City Exposition Building"
"Kansas City furniture exposition"
"Kansas City furniture market"
"Kansas City Furniture Mfg. Co."
"Kansas City(MO) furniture industry"
"Kansas supreme court"
"Kant-sag construction for webbing"
"Kaplan Furniture Co. (Boston)"
"Kaplan Furniture Co. (Cambridge,MA)"
"Kaplan, Charles (Boston)"
"Kaplan, Isaac (Cambridge, MA)"
"Kapok as textile fiber"
"Kapok as upholstery filler"
"Kapok from Ceylon"
"Kapok substitute"
"Kapok, shortage of"
"Kapok, U.S. imports of"
"Kapp, James"
"Kaprall Manufacturing Co."
"Karel, John D. (Grand Rapids)"
"Karges Furniture Company"
"Karges Furniture Company (Evansville, IN)"
"Karicofe, Gabriel H."
"Karl Manufacturing Co."
"Karl, William E."
"Karling Furniture (Kansas City, MO)"
"Karling, F. Warner"
"Karmire, Charles (Shelbyville, IN)"
"Karotkin Furniture (San Antonio, TX)"
"Karotkin Furniture Co.(San Antonio)"
"Karpen & Bros. (Chicago)"
"Karpen & Bros. (Chicago, IL)"
"Karpen and Bro. (Long Island City)"
"Karpen Bros. (Chicago)"
"Karpen Brothers (Chicago)"
"Karpen Corp. (Chicago)"
"Karpen exhibit at 1893 World's Fair"
"Karpen S. & Bros. (Chicago)"
"Karpen, Adolph"
"Karpen, Adolph (Chicago)"
"Karpen, Isaac (Chicago)"
"Karpen, Julius"
"Karpen, Leo (Chicago)"
"Karpen, Leo S."
"Karpen, S. & Bros. (Chicago)"
"Karpen, S. & Bros. (New York)"
"Karpen, S. &..(Long Island City,NY"
"Karpen, S. (Chicago)"
"Karpen, S. and Bros. (Chicago)"
"Karpen, S. Bros & Co. (Chicago)"
"Karpen, William (Chicago)"
"Karpen. S. & Bros. (Chicago)"
"Kas & Co. (Keyport, NJ)"
"Kaschenbach's... (Wilkes Barre, PA)"
"Kasser, Fred (Tell City, IN)"
"Kasuba, Thomas"
"Katchepaw, Charles"
"Katz Market Co."
"Katz, Abe"
"Katz, Barney"
"Katz, Christian"
"Katz, Louis J."
"Katz, M.L."
"Kauffman Manufacturing Company"
"Kauffman, Angelica"
"Kauffmann, Angelica"
"Kaufman, Arthur W."
"Kaufman, J.J."
"Kaufman-Leonard Co. (Aberdeen, WA)"
"Kaufmann's... (Pittsburgh, PA)"
"Kaufmann's... (Reading, PA)"
"Kaufmann's... (Washington, DC)"
"Kauri forests, New Zealand"
"Kauri gum"
"Kauri gum industry"
"Kauri pine gum"
"Kaus, Modist"
"Kawneer Mfg. Co. (Niles, MI)"
"Kay Mfg. Co. (New York City)"
"Kay Mfg. Corp. (New York City)"
"Kaye, Henry G."
"Kayser, C.R. & Co. (Los Angeles)"
"Keach Furniture Co. (Hopkinsville, KY)"
"Keal, John (Seattle)"
"Kean, J.S. (Tacoma, WA)"
"Kean, J.S. Furniture..(Tacoma, WA)"
"Keane, J. Albert"
"Kearns Upholstering Company (High Point, NC)"
"Keasey, Wilbur R."
"Keate, Edward J."
"Keating, Thomas"
"Keech & Company (Newark, NJ)"
"Keech, W.H. Co. (Pittsburgh)"
"Keech, W.H. Furniture (Pittsburgh)"
"Keech, Wm. H."
"Keeler Brass Co."
"Keeler Brass Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Keeler Brass Co. (Middleville, MI)"
"Keeler Brass Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Keeler Building (Grand Rapids)"
"Keeler Building (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Keeler Exhibition Bldg. (GR)"
"Keeler Realty Co."
"Keeler, I. H."
"Keeler, M.S."
"Keeler, Minor S. (Grand Rapids)"
"Keeler, William R."
"Keeley, William C."
"Keena, Edward"
"Keenan & Jahn (Detroit, MI)"
"Keenan, Julian A. (Landsdowne, PA)"
"Keene (NC) Chair Co."
"Keene (NH) Furniture Mfg. Co."
"Keene, Henry B."
"Keeney, William (Evansville, IN)"
"Keeping Inventory of Stock"
"Keeping money in local economy"
"Kegerreis, Mrs. E."
"Keisker's... (Louisville, KY)"
"Keisker, Charles H. (Louisville,KY)"
"Keisker, F.W."
"Keith Furniture..(Manchester, CT)"
"Keith, Alexander"
"Keith, Edith M."
"Keizer, G.T."
"Keljik Bros. Inc. (Minneapolis, MN)"
"Keljik, Bedros A."
"Keller & Brittan"
"Keller, L.W. (Naperville, IL)"
"Keller, Stuart"
"Kelley Furniture Co. (Danby, VT)"
"Kellner Bros. (New York, NY)"
"Kellner, Bakery & Catering"
"Kellogg Cider and Vinegar Mill"
"Kellogg Lumber Co. (Louisville, KY)"
"Kellogg Products Inc."
"Kellogg Public Library Museum (Green Bay, WI)"
"Kellogg, C.E."
"Kellogg, Frank W."
"Kellogg, H.W."
"Kellogg, Homer F."
"Kelly & Miller"
"Kelly chairs"
"Kelly Chaor Co. (Hancock, MI)"
"Kelly Furniture Co. (Sheridan, MI)"
"Kelly Lumber & Mill Co. (Chicago)"
"Kelly, Barney"
"Kelly, Charles J. (Grand Rapids)"
"Kelly, D. Norris"
"Kelly, Darnum B. (Cadillac, MI)"
"Kelly, Edward Dionysius"
"Kelly, Frank L."
"Kelly, J.A. & Bros. (Clinton, IA)"
"Kelly, John M."
"Kelly, Joseph"
"Kelly, William T."
"Kelobra (Mexico/South America)"
"Kelsey, Charles B."
"Kelsey, Clark B."
"Keltner Mfg. Co. (Delaware, OH)"
"Kelton-Aurand Mfg. ..(Bay City, MI)"
"Kelvinator Corp. (Detroit)"
"Kemink, Jones & Co."
"Kemp & Co."
"Kemp, John"
"Kempter, Paul"
"Kendal, Dave"
"Kendall College of Art and Design"
"Kendall College of Design"
"Kendall creditors"
"Kendall, David W."
"Kendall, David Wolcott"
"Kendall, Delle Colby"
"Kendall, George (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Kendall, John C."
"Kendall, Messmore"
"Kendallville Furniture...(Peru,IN)"
"Kendrick's Directory of the ..."
"Kenilworth sales plan"
"Kennedy, Edward F."
"Kennedy, William J."
"Kennedy, William J. (Grand Rapids)"
"Kennett, Thomas A."
"Kenning, John E."
"Kensington Carpet. (Atlantic City, NJ)"
"Kent Agency Inc."
"Kent Butchers Supply Co."
"Kent Carvers Inc."
"Kent City Oil & Gas Co."
"Kent County Agricultural Society"
"Kent County Board of Supervisors"
"Kent County Circuit Court"
"Kent County Defense Council"
"Kent County Fair"
"Kent County food stores"
"Kent County Gas Co."
"Kent County Grocery Co."
"Kent County Jail"
"Kent County lumber industry"
"Kent County Probate Court"
"Kent County Road Commission"
"Kent County Savings Bank"
"Kent County Society"
"Kent County Title & Realty Co."
"Kent County War Chest"
"Kent County Welfare Commission"
"Kent Creamery Co."
"Kent Development Co."
"Kent Die Casting Co."
"Kent Extinguisher Co."
"Kent Farms"
"Kent Foundry Co."
"Kent Fuel Co."
"Kent Furniture Co."
"Kent Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Kent Furniture Manufacturing Co."
"Kent Furniture Manufacturing Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Kent Hardware Co."
"Kent Hardware Wholesale Inc."
"Kent Hosiery Co."
"Kent Iron & Metal Co."
"Kent Lamp Co."
"Kent Loan Corp."
"Kent Manufacturing Co."
"Kent Mfg. Co. (Americus, GA)"
"Kent Motor Sales Co."
"Kent Oil Co."
"Kent Packing Co."
"Kent Produce Co."
"Kent Radio Inc."
"Kent Refining Co."
"Kent Sand & Gravel Co."
"Kent Saw Mills Inc."
"Kent Scientific Museum"
"Kent Scientific Museum (GR)"
"Kent Securities Corp."
"Kent State Bank"
"Kent State Garage & Supply Co."
"Kent Storage Co."
"Kent Welding Engineers Inc."
"Kent Works (Grand Rapids)"
"Kent, Atwater Mfg..(Philadelphia)"
"Kent, E.C."
"Kent-Coffey Mfg. (Lenoir, NC)"
"kent-Coffey Mfg. Co. (Lenoir, NC)"
"Kent-Muskegon Oil Co."
"Kentucky-West Virginia Coal Co."
"Kenyon, A."
"Kenyon, David"
"Kenyon, R.L. Co. (Kenosha, WI)"
"Kenyon, R.L. Co. (Waukesha, WI)"
"Kenyon, R.L. Mfg. Co. (Mexico, NY)"
"Kenyon, William"
"Keplinger & Co. (Lancaster, PA)"
"Ker Woodturning Ltd. (Toronto, Ont."
"Kerlin, Harry J."
"Kernen, E.A."
"Kerr, W.C."
"Kerry, Geo."
"Kerst & VanDyke"
"Kersten Composition Products Co."
"Kesler, Jacob L. (Chicago)"
"Kessler, Nobles & Mayo Co."
"Kessler-Mayo Co."
"Ketcham & Rothschild (Chicago)"
"Ketcham Bros."
"Ketcher, C.H."
"Kettler, E.H."
"Kevekordes, Leo (Evansville, IN)"
"Kewaunee (WI) Mfg. Co."
"Kewaunne Mfg. Co. (Adrian, MI)"
"Key City Furniture..(Dubuque, IA)"
"Keyer, C. Co. (Cincinnati)"
"Keyes, David E."
"Keyes, Frank"
"Keyes, Harry L."
"Keyes, Royal"
"Keyko margarine"
"Keystone Friction Hinge Co. (Williamsport, PA)"
"Keystone Furniture (Allentown, PA)"
"Keystone Furniture (Lancaster, PA)"
"Keystone Table Co. (Mt. Wolf, PA)"
"Kibbe, High"
"Kidd, Dater & Price Co."
"Kidder tilting table variety saw"
"Kidder, R.E. (Worcester, MA)"
"Kidney-shaped tables, construction"
"Kiel (WI) Furniture Co."
"Kiel (WI) Table Co."
"Kiel Furniture Co. (Milwaukee)"
"Kiel Furniture Co. (Milwaukee, WI)"
"Kiel Table Co. (Milwaukee)"
"Kieras, Joseph"
"Kiesecker, J. Philip (NYC)"
"Kiestra, Bessie"
"Kik, Adrian"
"Kile Furniture Co. (Shickshinny,PA)"
"Kile, A.C."
"Kiler, Charles A."
"Killean & Keating"
"Killean, John"
"Killean, John/Ed"
"Killean, Mrs. E."
"Killian Co. (Cedar Rapids, IA)"
"Kiln dried dimension stock"
"Kiln dried lumber and humidity"
"Kiln drying"
"Kiln drying of lumber"
"Kiln Drying Wood"
"Kiln-dried lumber"
"Kilstark Bed Co. (Nashville, TN)"
"Kimball & Chappell Co. (Chicago)"
"Kimball and Chappell Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"Kimball Bros. Company"
"Kimball Brothers Company"
"Kimball Brothers Elevator Company"
"Kimball, Charles"
"Kimball, Daniel W."
"Kimball, L.J."
"Kimball, W.W. Co. (Chicago)"
"Kimberly-Clark Corp. (Neenah, WI)"
"Kimberly-Wing Co. (Vicksburg, MS)"
"Kimbrell Co. (Columbia, SC)"
"Kimerly, W.L. (Grand Rapids)"
"Kimerly, W.L., chair designs"
"Kimerly, W.L., upholstery design"
"Kimg Tutankhamen's tomb (Egypt)"
"Kimm Hardware & Furniture (Rockford, MI)"
"Kimm, Dick"
"Kimm, M.B."
"Kimmel Millinery Co."
"Kimmel-Rogers Co."
"Kincaid Furniture Company (Statesville, NC)"
"Kindel Bed Co."
"Kindel Bed Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"Kindel Bed Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Kindel Bedding Company (St. Louis, MO)"
"Kindel Co."
"Kindel Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Kindel Furniture ...(Grand Rapids)"
"Kindel Furniture Co."
"Kindel Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Kindel Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Kindel, C.M. (Grand Rapids)"
"Kindel, Charles J."
"Kindel, Charles J. (Grand Rapids)"
"Kindel, Charles M. (Grand Rapids)"
"Kindel, George J. (Colorado)"
"Kindel, George J. (Denver, CO)"
"Kindlel Bed Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Kindt-Collins Co. (Cleveland)"
"King & Sands Co. (Peru, IN)"
"King Carpet Sweeper Co."
"King Co."
"King Edward VII"
"King Furniture Co. (San Antonio, TX)"
"King Furniture Mfg. (Warren, OH)"
"King Leopold of Belgium"
"King Mantel &... (Knoxville, TN)"
"King of Italy offers prize money for the most artistically furnished r"
"King Philip Museum"
"King Reclining Swing..(Memphis, TN)"
"King Tut bedroom suite (art)"
"King Tut coffee table (art)"
"King Tut lamp (art)"
"King Tut living room table (art)"
"King Tut relics"
"King Tut's tomb"
"King Tut's treasures"
"King Tutankhamen's tomb"
"King Tutankhamen's tomb (Egypt)"
"King, B.H."
"King, D.W. Co. (Buffalo, NY)"
"King, E.H."
"King, G. Oscar"
"King, Hodenpyl & Co."
"King, N.H."
"King, S.L."
"King-Glibson Co. (Chicago)"
"King-Haase Furniture...(Memphis,TN)"
"Kingman Sample Furniture Co. (GR)"
"Kings Furniture... (Toledo, OH)"
"Kings Langley walnut tree"
"Kingsbury, J.W."
"Kingsbury, Solomon"
"Kingsbury. A.T."
"Kingsley Furniture Co. (Chicago)"
"Kinney & Levan (Cleveland, OH)"
"Kinney, George W."
"Kinney, S.M."
"Kinney, S.M. (Grand Rapids)"
"Kinnison, Paul F. (Cleveland)"
"Kinsey, John E."
"Kinsey, William H."
"Kirby, Edna"
"Kirchen, Harold A."
"Kirkham-Mattison...(Ovid, MI)"
"Kirkhuff, Jacob D."
"Kirkman, J. Ed. (High Point, NC)"
"Kirkman, T.V. (Lexington, NC)"
"Kirkpatrick and Kirkpatrick (GR)"
"Kirkpatrick, Arthur"
"Kirkpatrick, Arthur (Grand Rapids)"
"Kirkpatrick, Arthur, furniture designs"
"Kirkpatrick, Arthur; Grand Rapids School of Furniture Design"
"Kirkpatrick, Arthur; Instructor of Grand Rapids School of Furniture De"
"Kirkpatrick, J.C. (Escanaba, MI)"
"Kirkpatrick, Russell (Grand Rapids)"
"Kirsch Co. (Sturgis, MI)"
"Kirsch Mfg. Co. (Sturgis, MI)"
"Kirsch, Charles (Sturgis, MI)"
"Kirsch, Charles W. (Sturgis, MI)"
"Kirtland & Co."
"Kiser, D."
"Kist, Wm."
"Kitchen cabinet"
"Kitchen cabinets"
"Kitchen cabinets need improvements"
"Kitchen equipment"
"Kitchen furniture"
"Kitchen table tops"
"Kitlar, J.H. (Tacoma, WA)"
"Kittinger Co. (Buffalo)"
"Kittinger Co. (New York City)"
"Kittinger Furniture Co. (Buffalo)"
"Kittinger Furniture Co. (Buffalo, NY)"
"Kittinger Furniture Co.(Bufalo,NY)"
"Kittinger Furniture... Buffalo"
"Kittinger Furniture...(Buffalo, NY)"
"Kittinger Furniture...(Buffalo,NY)"
"Kittinger Shops (N. Tonawanda, NY)"
"Kittinger, Irvine J."
"Kivetti, Jerome S. (Kansas City)"
"Kjellstrom, Clifford (Rockford, IL)"
"Kjellstrom, Eskil (Rockford, IL)"
"Kjellstrom, Oscar (Rockford, IL)"
"Klaaffee, Arend"
"Klag, Emil J."
"Klages, Henry C. (Philadelphia)"
"Klamer Factories Inc. (Chicago)"
"Klamer Furniture..(Evansville, IN)"
"Klamer, Mrs. Marie (Evansville, IN)"
"Klamer, O.A. (Cincinnati)"
"Klamer, O.A. (Evansville, IN)"
"Klamer, O.A. Furniture.(Cincinnati)"
"Klamer, Oscar A. (Evansville, IN)"
"Klamer,C.A. Furniture.(Evansville)"
"Klamer-Goebel ...(Evansville, IN)"
"Klanke Furniture Co. (Piqua, OH)"
"Klap, Homer"
"Kleaver, William K. (Grand Rapids)"
"Kleiman, A."
"Kleiman, Melvin"
"Klein & Heffelman Co. (Canton, OH)"
"Klein Allman Inc."
"Klein Inc."
"Klein's Appliance Company"
"Klein, Elmer"
"Klein, Eugene"
"Klein, Lawrence"
"Klein, Otto"
"Klein, Sidney"
"Klein, William"
"Klein-Allman Inc."
"Kleiner, Anthony"
"Kleinhans, Jacob house"
"Kleinhaus, Jacob"
"Kleinhuizen, Charles"
"Kleise Mfg. Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Klemp, H.W. (Leavenworth, KS)"
"Klenke, William J, (Newark, NJ)"
"Klerner Furniture..(New Albany, IN)"
"Klerner Furniture...(New Albany,IN)"
"Kline Drug Co."
"Kline Mitre Lock & Art Co."
"Kline, Albert C."
"Kline, Daniel E. (Louisville, KY)"
"Kline, Eppenheimer..(Reading, PA)"
"Kline, Lewis T. Co. (Alpena, MI)"
"Kline, Peter"
"Kling, John A. (Mayville, NY)"
"Kling, W.J."
"Klingman Building (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Klingman building full occupancy for January market"
"Klingman Exhibitors Building (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Klingman Furniture Co."
"Klingman Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Klingman Furniture Exhibition Building"
"Klingman retail store"
"Klingman Sample Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Klingman's Sample Furniture Company"
"Klingman, Albert (Grand Rapids)"
"Klingman, Brower & Limbert (GR)"
"Klingman, Phil"
"Klingman, Phil J. (Grand Rapids)"
"Klingman, Philip J."
"Klipcera, Milhart H."
"Klise Mfg. Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Klise, John A."
"Klode Furniture Co. (Milwaukee)"
"Klode Furniture Co. (Milwaukee, WI)"
"Klode, Frank C."
"Klok, John (Grand Rapids)"
"Kloosterman, Ed"
"Klopstock Bros. (San Francisco, CA)"
"Knape & Vogt Manufacturing Co."
"Knapp Motor Sales"
"Knapp, Phillip (Belleville, IL_)"
"Knapp, Shepard & Co. (NYC)"
"Knapp, W.B."
"Knappen, Loyal E."
"Knaus Mfg. Co. (Oneida, NY)"
"Knecht, McCarty & Thiebaud"
"Knee Heating Co."
"Knee hole desk (art)"
"Knickerbocker Press"
"Knife grinding"
"Knife jointing"
"Knight Mfg. Co. (Canton, OH)"
"Knight, E. Vernon"
"Knight, E.V. (New Albany, IN)"
"Knight, Fred (Gardner, MA)"
"Knight, Fred F."
"Knight, J.M."
"Knights of Columbus"
"Knights Templar"
"Knitting industry"
"Knives, care and grinding of"
"Knives, care of"
"Knives, griding of"
"Knock-down chair"
"Knock-down furniture"
"Knoleworth line of walnut furniture"
"Knoll Associates (New York City)"
"Knoop, Herman"
"Knott & Carmichael ...(Atlanta)"
"Knott & Carmichael ...(Atlanta, GA)"
"Knott Realty Co."
"Knott, Heber A."
"Knott, Herbert A."
"Knotty Pine furniture by ...(art)"
"Knowlson Fuel & Materials Co."
"Knox & Toombs (Hoquiam, WA)"
"Knox Furniture ..(High Point, NC)"
"Knox Furniture Co. (High Point, NC)"
"Knox Furniture Co. (High Point,NC)"
"Knox Furniture..(High Point, NC)"
"Knox Furniture...(High Point, NC)"
"Knox Upholstery Co. (High Point,NC)"
"Knox, Mrs. S.C."
"Knox, William Lee"
"Knox-Hutchins ...(Paoli, IN)"
"Knox-Hutchins Furniture..(Paoli,IN)"
"Knoxville (TN) Table & Chair Co."
"Knoxville (TN) Table and Chair Co."
"Knoxville Carving and Molding Company"
"Knoxville Carving and Moulding Company"
"Knoxville Moulding & Carving Company (Knoxville, TN)"
"Knoxville, Tenn."
"Knudsen, William S."
"Ko-Rec Posture .. (High Point, NC)"
"Koch, Carl (Belmont, MA)"
"Koch, George Sons...(Evansville,IN)"
"Koch, Peter"
"Kochheiser, Harlan (Springfield,OH)"
"Kodav Co. (Cleveland, OH)"
"Koehler's... (Naperville, IL)"
"Koehler, Arthur"
"Koehler, Arthur S."
"Koehler, P.E."
"Koehn, Fred Sr. (Sheboygan, WI)"
"Koenig & Gamer Furniture"
"Koenig & Gamer Furniture Company"
"Koenig Furniture Co. (St. Louis)"
"Koessel, Henry T."
"Koester, Albert A., Window Dressing"
"Koets, P."
"Koeze Manufacturing Co."
"Koeze, Albert"
"Koeze, Ray"
"Koeze, Roy"
"Kohl & Tucker Co. (Oil City, PA)"
"Kohlenstein, Meyer"
"Kohler & Miller... (Buffalo, NY)"
"Kohn David S."
"Kohn, Jacob & Josef (Silesia, Austria)"
"Kohn, Samuel E."
"Kohn, Solomon"
"Kohnhorst, Albert G."
"Kokomo (IN) Spring Co."
"Kolb, John G."
"Kolenstein, Meyer"
"Kolster International radio model"
"Kolster Radio (Newark, NJ)"
"Kolster Radio Corp. (Newark, NJ)"
"Komfy spring cushion"
"Kompas & Stoll Co. (Niles, MI)"
"Kompass & Stoll Company"
"Kompass & Stoll Company (Niles, MI)"
"Kone, W.J."
"Kones Furniture Co. (Erie, PA)"
"Koning Bros."
"Koning, Anthony"
"Koning, Charles W."
"Koning, Jacob"
"Konkle, Charles"
"Konkrestone Construction Co."
"Konrad Furniture Co. (Oshkosh, WI)"
"Konrad, Otto"
"Konrad, William Sr."
"Konstant, James"
"Kooiman, William"
"Koons, Loretta"
"Koos Brothers... (Rahway, NJ)"
"Kor-Kor Paint Co."
"Koreshan Unity Company (Bristol, TN)"
"Koroseal covered furniture"
"Kortlander, Theodore Jr."
"Kosse, Max (Cincinnati)"
"Kosse, Shoe & ...(Cincinnati)"
"Kossen Appliance Sales & Service"
"Koster, Henry H."
"Kostuba, Charles J. (St. Louis,MO)"
"Kotteman's... (Indianapolis, IN)"
"Kotteman, Charles"
"Kotteman, Frank"
"Kotvis, John H."
"Kowalczyk, Walter"
"Kowalinski, Felix"
"Kozak, Joseph Aloysius"
"Kozok, Frank C."
"Kozy Korner Sweet Shoppe"
"Kraagenbelt, John"
"Kraai, Edward E."
"Kraas, Karl"
"Krabbe, H.J. (St. Louis)"
"Kraetzer system of lumber seasoning"
"Kraetzer-Cured Lumber(Moorhead,MS)"
"Kraft & Boyce"
"Kraft Cheese"
"Kraft, Arthur"
"Kraft, J.M."
"Kraftoy Corp."
"Kramer Corp. (Indianapolis)"
"Kramer Manufacturing.(Indianapolis)"
"Kramer Mfg. Co. (Indianapolis)"
"Kramer, Andrew (Indianapolis)"
"Kramer, Maurice M."
"Krantz, Herbert P."
"Krapp Motor Sales"
"Krasner, Benjamin F."
"Kratz, Christ (Evansville, IN)"
"Kratz, Christian (Evansville, IN)"
"Kratzenstein, Jacob"
"Kratzenstein, Simon"
"Kraus & Alter (Eureka, KS)"
"Kraus, Rudolph"
"Krause, Benjamin H."
"Krause, Gustave Adolph"
"Krause, Otto A."
"Krause, Samuel"
"Kreimer, Charles H. (Cincinnati)"
"Kreiser Bros."
"Kreke, Henry G. (Grand Rapids)"
"Krekel, Frank"
"Krekel, Frederick"
"Krekel, Henry G."
"Krellenberg's... (Woodland, CA)"
"Kremer Bros. (Fond du Lac, WI)"
"Krenkle Furniture..(Mackinaw, IL)"
"Kress & Sons Inc."
"Kreuger Mfg. Co. (Atlanta)"
"Kridler, A.J."
"Kridler, Charles H."
"Kriemer & Bro. Co. (Cincinnati)"
"Kriemer, Henry C. (Cincinnati)"
"Krigel Manufacturing.(Grand Rapids)"
"Kritzer Inc. (New York City)"
"Kritzer, Abraham (New York City)"
"Kritzer, Arthur (New York City)"
"Kritzer, Augusta (New York City)"
"Kritzer, Charles C."
"Kritzer, Clara (New York City)"
"Kritzer, Inc. (New York, NY)"
"Kroeger, Gerben"
"Kroehler Co. (Naperville, IL)"
"Kroehler davenport suites"
"Kroehler Furniture..(Naperville, IL"
"Kroehler Mfg. (Kankakee, IL)"
"Kroehler Mfg. Co. (Chicago)"
"Kroehler Mfg. Co. (Naperville, IL)"
"Kroehler Mfg. Co. (Naperville, IL)"
"Kroehler push-back chairs"
"Kroehler, D.L. (Naperville, IL)"
"Kroehler, P. E. (Chicago)"
"Kroehler, P.E. (Chicago)"
"Kroehler, P.E. (Naperville, IL)"
"Kroehler, Peter (Naperville, IL)"
"Kroehler, Peter E."
"Kroehler, Peter E. (Naperville, IL)"
"Kroger Grocer & Baking Co."
"Kroger, B.H."
"Kroll-Pion Inc. (New York City)"
"Krombeen, John"
"Krombeen, Nicholas"
"Kromer & DeWindt"
"Kroos, Robert (Sheboygan, WI)"
"Krubsack, John"
"Krubsack, John (Embarrass, WI)"
"Krugh, Carl E."
"Kruidenier & Nyberg"
"Kruizenga, Edward"
"Kruizenga, Jacob H."
"Kruse & Gleason"
"Kruse Bros."
"Kruse, Henry"
"Kruse, Joseph"
"Kryger & Oom"
"Kuchins Furniture ...(St. Louis)"
"Kuchins Furniture Manufacturing Co."
"Kuchins Furniture... (St. Louis, MO)"
"Kuehne Mfg. (Mattoon, IL)"
"Kuehne Mfg. Co. (Flora, IL)"
"Kuehne Mfg. Co. (Mattoon, IL)"
"Kuennen Burkholder Co."
"Kuennen Motor Co."
"Kuennen-Miller Co."
"Kugel Manufacturing Co."
"Kugel, Bert (Grand Rapids)"
"Kugler, Cal (Logansport, IN)"
"Kuh, Howard"
"Kuieck, Odie"
"Kuiper, Edward"
"Kuipers, John (Grand Ledge, MI)"
"Kukui oil"
"Kulhawik, Alexander"
"Kulhowik & Koltok"
"Kull, D."
"Kumler, John M. Co. (Chicago)"
"Kummer, Clara"
"Kunkle Bros. (Mackinaw, IL)"
"Kunkle, H.R. (Evansville, IN)"
"Kunstgewerbe Museum (Cologne, Ger.)"
"Kunstholz (artificial wood)"
"Kuppenheimer, Albert"
"Kupris, William Jr."
"Kurdish rugs"
"Kurkjian, A.S."
"Kurtz Brass Bed Co. (Corry, PA)"
"Kurtz Brothers (Bethlehem, PA)"
"Kurtz Furniture & ...(Cleveland)"
"Kurtzmann, C. & Co. (Buffalo, NY)"
"Kurtzmann, Louis (Buffalo, NY)"
"Kusterer Brewing Co."
"Kusterer, Carl C. (Grand Rapids)"
"Kutchins, Robert"
"Kutsche, Rudolph Paul"
"Kuyers, Egbert"
"Kwick-Kote specialties"
"L & D Foot Valve Company"
"L & D Foot Valve Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"L&J Store"
"L&L Jenison Store"
"L'Atelier Pomone (Paris, France)"
"L. Bamberger Co. (Newark, NJ)"
"L. Baumann & Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"L. Cline Manufacturing Company"
"L. Fish Furniture Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"L. Fish Furniture Company"
"L. Fish Furniture Company (Chicago, IL)"
"L. Ginsberg & Sons (Des Moines, IO)"
"L. Kreiss & Sons (San Francisco,CA)"
"L. Lion & Sons (San Jose, CA)"
"L. Lowenthal & Sons (Baltimore, MD)"
"L. Schoenfeld & Sons (Tacoma, WA)"
"L.A. Geistert & Co."
"L.B. Sapp... (Lexington, KY)"
"L.C. Voss (Louisville, KY)"
"L.C.C. Arts & Crafts...(London)"
"L.D. Mehrtens Co."
"L.F. Jones Seed Co."
"L.F. Swift & Co."
"L.H. Bullock Co. (San Jose, CA)"
"L.H. Cahn & Co. (Youngstown, OH)"
"L.H. Gahn & Company"
"L.H.&D. Fibre Furniture Co."
"L.J. Holland Inc."
"L.J. Holland Motor Co."
"L.L. Tobacco & Candy Co."
"L.R. Harsha Mfg. (Chicago, IL)"
"L.S. Ayres Co. (Indianapolis, IN)"
"L.S. Donaldson Co. (Minneapolis,MN)"
"L.S. Hill & Co."
"L.Sandler & Co."
"L.T. Eaton Co. Ltd. (Toronto, Can.)"
"L.W. Andrist Furniture (Mankato, MN)"
"L.W. Cline & Co. (Litchfield, IL)"
"L.W. Clines & Co. (Litchfield, IL)"
"La France Industries (Dallas)"
"La France Industries (NYC)"
"La France Industries(New York City)"
"La Petite Maison"
"La-Z-Boy chair"
"Laban, Martin"
"LaBarge, George"
"Labeling for leather upholstered..."
"Labor and furniture industry"
"Labor costs raise material prices"
"Labor Day"
"Labor disputes"
"Labor saving tests"
"Labor Strike"
"Labor turnovers"
"Labor unions"
"Labor unions and strikes"
"Labor vote in 1916 U.S. election"
"Labor-mamagement relations"
"Labor-management relations"
"Laborers' Insurance in Foreign Countries"
"Labotz Bros. Bakery"
"LaBour, George A."
"Lace string"
"Lacey Co."
"Lachman Furniture (San Francisco, CA)"
"Lackawanna Leather(Hackettstown,NJ)"
"Lackey & Metheany"
"Lacquer and art of lacquer work"
"Lacquer and lacquer enamel"
"Lacquer and lacquer products"
"Lacquer for furniture decoration"
"Lacquer materials"
"Lacquer sealers"
"Lacquer use in furniture finishing"
"Lacquer veneer finished furniture"
"Lacquer ware"
"Lacquer, spraying of"
"Lacquer, use of"
"Lacquered furniture"
"Ladder back arm chair (art)"
"Ladder back side chair, const."
"Ladder back side chair, design"
"Ladies' colonial desks"
"Ladies' Literary Club"
"Lady Blessington"
"Lafayette Chair..(Cold Brook, NY)"
"Lafayette Pharmacy"
"Lafferty Advertising Service"
"LaFrance Industries (Philadelphia)"
"Lageman, William (Cincinnati)"
"Lairs... (Charleston, MO)"
"Lake City Carving (Jamestown, NY)"
"Lake Drive Co-operative Oil Co."
"Lake Michigan"
"Lake Michigan Realty Co."
"Lake Michigan transportation"
"Lake Michigan water pipeline"
"Lake Shore & Michigan Southern RR"
"Lake, Lloyd L."
"Lake, Sidney (Buffalo)"
"Lake-State Oil and Gas Co."
"Lakeside Club"
"Lakeside Club (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Lakeside Craft ...(Sheboygan, WI)"
"Lakeside Craft Shops (Sheboygan, Wi)"
"Lakewood Lumber Co."
"Lalone, F.S."
"Lamar Oil Co."
"Lamar Pipe & Tile Co."
"Lamb & Co."
"Lamb & Co. (Nashville)"
"Lamb & Co. (Nashville, TN)"
"Lamb, Chester A."
"Lamb, Frank J."
"Lamb-Fish Lumber ..(Charleston,MS)"
"Lambert, Clyde"
"Lambert, J.G. (High Point, NC)"
"Lambeth, C. J. (Roaring River, NC)"
"Lambeth, John Sr. (Thomasville, NC)"
"Lamereau & Martin"
"Laminated plastics"
"Laminated veneers"
"Laminated wood"
"Laminated wood for furniture"
"Laminating processes"
"Lamination and laminated work"
"Lammert Furniture Co. (St. Louis)"
"Lammert Furniture Co. (St. Louis, MO)"
"Lammert, Martin"
"Lammert, Martin Sr. (St. Louis)"
"Lammert, Mrs. Elsie"
"Lamoreaux & Johnston"
"Lamoreaux Drug Store"
"Lamoreaux Hardware Co."
"Lamoreaux, Hudson"
"Lamoreaux, Irving C."
"Lamoreaux, J. Neal"
"Lamoreaux, William T."
"Lamp shades, construction"
"Lamp stand and shade, design of"
"Lamp stand and shade, making of"
"Lamparter, George"
"Land O'Lakes Lumber Co."
"Landau Cabinet Co. (St. Louis, MO)"
"Landauer, Louis"
"Landauer, Paul"
"Lander Furniture & Co. (Butte, MT)"
"Lander Furniture &... (Butte, MT)"
"Lander, George S."
"Landers Bros. (Toledo, OH)"
"Landscape Study Group"
"Landstom Furniture..(Rockford, IL)"
"Landstra realty Co."
"Landstrom Furniture..(Rockford, IL)"
"Landstrom Furniture..(Rockford,IL)"
"Landstrom Furniture...(Rockford,IL)"
"Landwehr, A. L. (Holland, MI)"
"Lane Co. (Altavista, GA)"
"Lane Co. (Altavista, VA)"
"Lane Furniture Co. (Allegan, MI)"
"Lane Furniture Co. (Alta Vista, VA)"
"Lane Lumber & Veneer Co."
"Lane, E.H. (Altavista, VA)"
"Lane, Edward H. (Alta Vista, VA)"
"Lane, Frank B. (Grand Rapids)"
"Lane, Joseph H. (Chattanooga, TN)"
"Lane, M.J."
"Lang, Alois (Grand Rapids)"
"Lang, Anton (Grand Rapids)"
"Lang, George & Sons (New York City)"
"Lang, Jacob (Grand Rapids)"
"Lange, Charles"
"Langley, Walter"
"Langslow, Fowler Company"
"Langslow, Stratton (Rochester, NY)"
"Langworthy, Mrs. Genevieve (NYC)"
"Lanken-Vivian Co. (Cleveland)"
"Lankester, Peter"
"Lankheist, E."
"Lannuier, Charles Honore"
"Lansing Cutstone Co."
"Lansing National Bank"
"Lantz Bros. Co. (Shelbyville, IN)"
"Lantz, Charles P."
"LaParent Academy of Beauty"
"LaPorte (IN) Folding Bed ..."
"Larabel, Joseph"
"largest Office Furniture exposition"
"Larkin Company (Rockford, IL)"
"Larrabee, Perry"
"Larsen, Eliza"
"Larson, Edward A."
"Larson, Gus (Grand Rapids)"
"Larson, John F."
"LaRue, Charles W."
"Lasalle & Koch Co. (Toledo, OH)"
"Last Days of Pompeii exhibit"
"Latex for upholstery"
"Latex use in upholstering"
"Lathe designs"
"Lathrop Company"
"Lathrop, Charles"
"Latin America, furniture exports to"
"Latin American export situation"
"Latin American furniture imports"
"Latin American machine tools"
"Latourette, H.B."
"Lattimer, Clyde (London, England)"
"Laubach's... (Easton, PA)"
"Laubach, William & Sons"
"Laucks, I.F. Inc. (Seattle)"
"Lauerman Bros. (Marinette, WI)"
"Lauerman, Charles J."
"Lauerman, Frank"
"Lauerman, Joseph A."
"Laufer Furniture... (Buffalo, NY)"
"Laug & Lubben"
"Laug Bros. Co."
"Laug Brothers Co."
"Laughlin, C.A."
"Laun Furniture Co. (Kiel, WI)"
"Laurel blanco"
"Laurens Enos Co. (Buffalo, NY)"
"Lausberg, Frank (Louisville, KY)"
"Lauter, Arthur"
"Lauter, Eldena (Indianapolis)"
"Lauter, H. Furniture.(Indianapolis)"
"Lauter, H. Furniture..(Indianapolis"
"Lauterstein, Ben"
"Lauzon Furniture Co."
"Lauzon, C.A."
"Lauzon, C.A. Furniture Co. (GR)"
"Lauzon-Morse Furniture Co."
"LaValley, Morris"
"LaValliere, Ethelyn"
"Lavatory (locker room) photo"
"Lavatory building photo"
"Laverty, Joe"
"Lawn furniture, construction of"
"Lawn furniture, design of"
"Lawn Rake Manufacturing Co."
"Lawrence & Hunter (Los Angeles)"
"Lawrence - McFadden & Company"
"Lawrence - McFadden Company"
"Lawrence - McFadden Company (Chicago, IL)"
"Lawrence - McFadden Company purchased the Barrett - Lindeman Company"
"Lawrence - McFadden Company, Ltd."
"Lawrence and Hunter (Los Angeles)"
"Lawrence Freedman Co."
"Lawrence McFadden Company"
"Lawrence, F.M."
"Lawrence, Frank T."
"Lawrence, Howard C."
"Lawrence, Sidney"
"Lawrenceville (VA) Furniture Co."
"Lawrie Brothers... (Erie, PA)"
"Lawson sofa (art)"
"Lawson, Charles"
"Lawsuits, court decisions on"
"Lawton Bros. (Gouverneur, NY)"
"Lawton, W."
"Lawton, Wellington R."
"Lay-away plans"
"Laycock, T.B. Mfg. (Indianapolis)"
"Laycock, T.B. Mfg.. (Indianapolis)"
"Laycock, Wm. H. (Indianapolis)"
"Lazarus & Rosenfled (New York, NY)"
"Lazarus, Inc."
"Leach, F.J."
"Lead and zinc"
"Lead as a decorative medium"
"Lead poisoning"
"Leaded glass, use in furniture"
"Leader Engine Co."
"Leader Furniture Co. (Ottawa, IL)"
"Leader Mfg. Corp. (La Porte, IN)"
"League of Nations"
"Leahy, Jeremiah F. (Pawtucket, RI)"
"Leake, Paul"
"Lear Avia Inc."
"Leath & Co. (Elgin, IL)"
"Leather and leather substitutes"
"Leather as upholstery material"
"Leather belting"
"Leather Belting Manufacturers raise prices 10 percent"
"Leather belting specifications"
"Leather belts"
"Leather covered chair (art)"
"Leather coverings"
"Leather escutcheons for furniture"
"Leather for Mission furniture"
"Leather for the upholsterer"
"Leather for upholstering"
"Leather furniture"
"Leather hides, marking of"
"Leather imitations"
"Leather in furniture covering"
"Leather in upholstering"
"Leather reproduction"
"Leather shortage"
"Leather shortage in WW II"
"Leather substitutes"
"Leather upholstered chair (art)"
"Leather upholstered furniture"
"Leather upholstery"
"Leather use in upholstering"
"Leather, boarding of"
"Leather, decline of in upholstering"
"Leather, doctoring of"
"Leather, grades of"
"Leather, history of"
"Leathersmith Shops (Philadelphia, PA)"
"Leavenworth, Edward C."
"Leavenworth, Phillip D."
"LeBaron & Cobb"
"LeBaron, Mrs. Blanche"
"Lederer Furniture Co. (Cleveland)"
"Lederer Furniture Company"
"Lederer, F.J. Co. (Buffalo)"
"Ledya, Harold (Grand Rapids)"
"Ledyard, William B."
"Lee & Cady"
"Lee Bradley Co. (Kansas City, MO)"
"Lee Bros."
"Lee Chair Co. (Oneida, NY)"
"Lee Chair Company"
"Lee Dygert Inc."
"Lee Furniture Mfg. ..(Memphis, TN)"
"Lee Mfg. Co. (Canastota, NY)"
"Lee Table Corp. (Lynchburg, VA)"
"Lee, Arthur H. & Sons (NYC)"
"Lee, C.S."
"Lee, F. Chester"
"Lee, Franck C. (Rockford, IL)"
"Lee, Frank (Grand Rapids)"
"Lee, Frank C. (New York City)"
"Lee, Frank J."
"Lee, H. LeRoy"
"Lee, M.W."
"Lee, William H."
"Lee-Gingery Co. (Glendale, CA)"
"Leeuw, Joseph"
"LeFevre, Bishop"
"Legal documents in export trade"
"Leggett & Platt..(Louisville, KY)"
"Leggett & Platt..(Waukegon, IL)"
"Leggett & Platt... (Carthage, MO)"
"Lehigh Furniture Co. (NYC)"
"Lehigh Furniture...(Allentown, PA)"
"Lehman Co. of ...(Cannelton, IN)"
"Lehman Co. of America (Cannelton,IN"
"Lehman's Inc."
"Lehman, Isidor"
"Lehman, John George"
"Lehnen & Meerman"
"Leipzig (Germany) Spring Sample..."
"Leipzig (Germany) Trade Fair"
"Leising, Charles"
"Leisure furniture"
"Leitch plan of industrial democracy"
"Leitelt Iron Works"
"Leitelt, Adolph"
"LeJeune Smart Shoppe Inc."
"Leland (MS) Stave and Lumber Co."
"Lemke, William M."
"Lemon & Wheeler Co."
"Lemon, Hoops & Peters"
"Lemon, Samuel M."
"Lemon, Samuel M. house"
"Lempke, William L."
"Lengquist, Robert (Rockford, IL)"
"Lenmar Mfg. Co. (Saginaw, MI)"
"Lenoir (NC) Chair Co."
"Lenoir (NC) Furniture Co."
"Lenoir (NC) furniture industry"
"Lenoir (NC) Veneer Co."
"Lenore, AR furniture dealers"
"Lenox Shops (Canastota, NY)"
"Lenox Shops Inc. (Canastota, NY)"
"Lenox Upholstery Co. (Buffalo)"
"Lentz Table Co. (Nashville, MI)"
"Lentz Table Company"
"Lentz Table Company (Nashville, MI)"
"Lentz table Company (Nashville, MI) Artisan strike advertising mix-up"
"Lentz Table Company (Nashville, MI), No. 507 dining table"
"Lentz table Company (Nashville, MI), No. 513 Dining Extension Table"
"Lentz Table Company (Nashville, MI), table"
"Leo Austrian & Co."
"Leo Sandler's"
"Leomon, Samuel M."
"Leon Furniture Co. (Allentown, PA)"
"Leon's... (Perth Amboy, NJ)"
"Leon, Albert"
"Leon, Marcus"
"Leonard & Sons"
"Leonard Boot Shop"
"Leonard Co. (New York City)"
"Leonard Creamer"
"Leonard Crockery Co."
"Leonard Exhibition Building Company"
"Leonard Furniture Exhibition Building"
"Leonard Heights Food Shop"
"Leonard Refrigerator Co."
"Leonard Refrigerator Co. (GR)"
"Leonard Refrigerator Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Leonard's Department Store"
"Leonard's Shoe Store"
"Leonard, Charles H."
"Leonard, Charles H. (Grand Rapids)"
"Leonard, Charles H. estate"
"Leonard, Charles W."
"Leonard, Frank E."
"Leonard, Frank E. (Grand Rapids)"
"Leonard, Fred H."
"Leonard, George M."
"Leonard, H.R."
"Leonard, H.R. Furniture..(Detroit)"
"Leonard, Harry C."
"Leonard, Heman"
"Leonard, R.H. Co. (Detroit)"
"Leonard-Morotless Aircraft..."
"Leopold Desk Co. (Burlington, IA)"
"Leppink & Joldersma"
"Leppink, Henry"
"Lerner, N.B. (Chicago)"
"LeSavos Co."
"Lesher, Whitman & Co. (NYC)"
"Lesinski, Stanley"
"Leslie, J.W."
"Lester & Co."
"Let's Get Married"
"Letter carriers"
"Lettering Devises Inc."
"Lettering for furniture"
"Lettuce growing industry"
"Level Furniture Co. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Level Furniture Co. (Jamestown,NY)"
"Level Furniture Co.(Jamestown,NY)"
"Levenson & Zenitz (Baltimore)"
"Leventon, David (New York City)"
"Levi, I.C."
"Leviathan Tire & Rubber Co."
"Levin & Schlang (New York City)"
"Levin Bros. (Minneapolis)"
"Levin Bros. (Minneapolis, MN)"
"Levin Bros. Inc. (Minneapolis)"
"Levin Brothers Inc. (Minneapolis)"
"Levin Brothers..(Minneapolis)"
"Levin, Jacob H. (Minneapolis)"
"Levin, Louis"
"Levinsohn, L."
"Levitan Furniture (New Orleans, LA)"
"Levitt, Hannah"
"Levitt, Herman"
"Levy, Jefferson M. (Monticello, VA)"
"Levy, Leon"
"Levy, Morris"
"Lewellyn & Co."
"Lewis & Bros. (East Liverpool, OH)"
"Lewis & Stagg ...(Birmingham, AL)"
"Lewis Bros."
"Lewis Electric Co."
"Lewis Feather Bed..(Nashville,TN)"
"Lewis Furniture (Framingham, MA)"
"Lewis Furniture Co. (Pontiac, MI)"
"Lewis G. and Marion Stuart fund"
"Lewis Specialty Co."
"Lewis Supply Co."
"Lewis, Albert"
"Lewis, C. Glenn"
"Lewis, George B."
"Lewis, Harry"
"Lewis, Isaac"
"Lewis, Joseph E. & Co. (Baltimore)"
"Lewis, Mark (New York City)"
"Lewis-Weller Mfg. Co. (Utica, NY)"
"Lewisburg (PA) Chair and Furniture."
"Lewisburg (PA) Chair Co."
"Lewisburg Chair...(Bridgeport, CT)"
"Lewiston Furniture Dealers' Club"
"Lexington (NC) Upholstery Co."
"Lexington (SC) Chair Co."
"Lexington Furniture..(NYC)"
"Lexington Hotel (Chicago, IL)"
"Lexington Hotel, Inter-State Hotel Company"
"Ley, Frank T. (Grand Rapids)"
"Ley, John"
"Ley, Wilbur"
"Liability insurance"
"Libby & Triel"
"Libby, Charles H."
"Libcenski & Behrendt"
"Liberal Credit Clothing Co."
"Liberman & Glitten Metal Co."
"Libert, Chas. P. Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Liberty (NC) Veneer Co."
"Liberty bonds"
"Liberty Candy Co."
"Liberty Furniture Company"
"Liberty kitchens"
"Liberty Loan campaigns"
"Liberty Loans"
"Library carts"
"Library case"
"Library catalogue card system"
"Library furniture"
"Library table, construction of"
"Library table, design of"
"Library, Ralph P. Tietsort's Beautiful Home"
"License fees"
"Licensing ordinance"
"Lichty, Jay R."
"Lieberman, Arthur A. (Grand Rapids)"
"Lieberman, Henry L. (Chicago)"
"Liedblad, Carl (Jamestown, NY)"
"Liefbroer, Jacob"
"Liesveld, George W."
"Liesveld, Herman M."
"Life insurance"
"Lifeboats made of plywood"
"Lifson & Sons... (Elizabeth, NJ)"
"Lifson, Albert"
"Lightfoot Studio (Pasadena, CA)"
"Lightfoot Studios (Pasadena, CA)"
"Lightfoot, Kart (Pasadena, CA)"
"Lightfoot, Thomas C."
"Lighthouse Oil Co."
"Lighting Fixture Studio Inc."
"Lightolier Co. (New York, NY)"
"Lignin plastic"
"Lignine (wood) carvings"
"Lignine wood carvings"
"Lignotite Co. (Chicago)"
"Liken, Brown, Phelps Co."
"Lillian Gossard Inc."
"Lillibridge, Louis V."
"Lillie, Charles P."
"Lillie, Guy C."
"Lilly Varnish Company (Indianapolis, IN)"
"Lima (OH) Mattress Co."
"Limberg, Andrew (Grand Rapids)"
"Limbert factory moving from Holland, MI to Grand Rapids, MI"
"Limbert Furniture Co. (Laurel, MS)"
"Limbert's Dutch Arts & Craft Co. (Holland, MI)"
"Limbert, C.P. Co. (Holland, MI)"
"Limbert, Charles Co. (Holland, MI)"
"Limbert, Charles P."
"Limbert, Charles P. (Grand Rapids)"
"Limbert, Charles P. (Holland, MI)"
"Limbert, Charles P. Co. (GR)"
"Limbert, Charles P. Co. (Holland)"
"Limbert, Charles P. Co.(Holland,MI)"
"Lime industry"
"Lincoln (IL) Mattress Co."
"Lincoln Furniture Co. (Bristol,VA)"
"Lincoln Furniture..(Bristol, VA)"
"Lincoln Furniture..(Philadelphia)"
"Lincoln Industries (Marion, VA)"
"Lincoln, Abner L. (Philadelphia"
"Lincoln, Abraham"
"Lincoln, Charles Sr. (Marion, VA)"
"Lincoln, W.L. Co. (Marion, VA)"
"Lincoln, William H."
"Lincoln, William H. (Columbus, IN)"
"Lincolnton (NC) Novelty Co."
"Lind Mfg. Co. (Williamsport, PA)"
"Lind, Robert C. (Rockford, IL)"
"Lindauer, A.C."
"Lindberg, Archie V."
"Lindeman, Bert"
"Lindemulder, A."
"Lindemulder, DeBoer & Co."
"Lindenschmidt & Hudsonhiltz"
"Linder,C.S. Interior..(Grand Rapids"
"Linderman automatic device"
"Linderman automatic glue jointer"
"Linderman Machine Co. (Muskegon)"
"Linderman Machine Co.(Muskegon, MI)"
"Lindner Interior Manufacturing Co."
"Lindsley wall bed"
"Linen chests"
"Linen industry"
"Ling, Lyman"
"Lingham, F.R."
"Linholm Furniture (Sioux City, IA)"
"Link spring fabrics for spring beds"
"Link, Paxton"
"Link-Petter Co."
"Linn Motor Sales"
"Linn, Robert R."
"Linoleum House (Whittier, CA)"
"Linseed oil"
"Linseed oil and turpentine"
"Linseed oil supply"
"Linseed oil, manufacture of"
"Linseed oil, uses of"
"Linseed oils"
"Linseed soil"
"Linton, John S."
"Linton, John S. (Otsego, MI)"
"Lion Drug Co."
"Lion Varnish and Shellac Works"
"Lion Varnish Works"
"Liquid amber"
"Liquid hide glue"
"Liquid wood"
"Liquidating Stock"
"Liquor sales"
"List of Atlanta, GA furniture retailers"
"List of Jamestown Furniture Industries"
"List of Washington, D.C. furniture retailers"
"Listing of companies using American Blower Company's equipment (Detroi"
"Listing of machinery equipment"
"Listmann Furniture Co. (Yakima, WA)"
"Liszka, Florence N."
"Lit Brothers (Philadelphia, PA)"
"Litchison, Charles (Syracuse, NY)"
"Lithographic print industry"
"Lithuanian Co-Operative Corp."
"Litscher Distributing Co."
"Litscher, Christian Jr."
"Litscher, Clarence"
"Litschgi, A.W."
"Little Corner Grocery"
"Little Display House (Newport News, VA)"
"Little Manistee River (Michigan)"
"Little Rock (AR) Furniture Mfg. ..."
"Little, Harry Co. (Huntington, WV)"
"Litwin Tire Stores Inc."
"Lively, Charles R."
"Livermore & Martin (Holyoke, MA)"
"Livermore, Ozro"
"Liverpool (Eng.) mahogany report"
"Living room furniture"
"Livingston Hotel"
"Livingston Hotel (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Livingston, A."
"Livingston, L."
"Liwosz, George"
"Llloyd, Marshall B. (Menominee, MI)"
"Lloyd Manufacturing (Menominee, MI)"
"Lloyd Manufacturing..(Menominee,MI)"
"Lloyd Mfg. Co. (Menominee, MI)"
"Lloyd, Marshall (Menominee, MI)"
"Lloyd, Marshall B. (Menominee, MI)"
"Load of timber"
"Loadmaster cargo plane"
"Loans to furniture industry"
"Lobbezoo, Tom"
"Lobdell, Albert W."
"Lobel, Samuel A."
"Local Loyalty League of Kent County"
"Locher, H.E."
"Lock, Curt"
"Locke Bomers Agency"
"Locke, Edward W."
"Lockerby, Arnold G."
"Lockhart-Hodge Co. (Buffalo, NY)"
"Lockwood & Braun"
"Lockwood, Fred S."
"Lockwood, Luke Vincent"
"Loeblin & Dietzel (Cleveland)"
"Loeks, John W."
"Loettgert, Frederick"
"Loewenstein & Main's... (Peoria, IL)"
"Logan Furniture..(Gallipolis, OH)"
"Logansport (IN) Bedding Mfg. Co."
"Logging and logging industry"
"Logging and native hardwoods"
"Logie, Charles F."
"Logie, William G."
"Lois Orne reproduction"
"Lomax (IL) Town Council"
"Lombards (Italy)"
"Lomita (WI) Furniture Mfg. Co."
"London Ancient Art Exhibition"
"London cabinets (art)"
"London Curio Club"
"London Exhibition"
"London furniture industry"
"London Home Arts & Industries ...."
"London Ideal Home Exhibition"
"London Ironmongers Exposition"
"London Manufacturing Co."
"London, England"
"Lone Star Bed Mfg. Co. (Dallas)"
"Long - Knight Lumber Company"
"Long - Knight Lumber Company (Indianapolis, IN)"
"Long Furniture Co. (Chillicothe,OH)"
"long term contracts should consider advances in material costs and lab"
"Long, Charles F. (High Point, NC)"
"Long, George H."
"Long, Robert A. (Kansas City)"
"Long, W.H. Co. (Chicago)"
"Longfellow & Skillman Lumber Co."
"Longmire, W.M."
"Look, Dexter G."
"Loomis & Hart (Chattanooga, TN)"
"Loomis Table &... (Union City, PA)"
"Loomis, C. M."
"Loomis, Clyde Arthur"
"Loomis, Clyde Arthur (Grand Rapids)"
"Loose leaf catalogs are more practical"
"Loose veneer"
"Loose-Wiles Biscuit Co."
"Lorch, Grant"
"Lord & Taylor (New York, NY)"
"Lord Carnarvon"
"Lord, Frank O."
"Lorenze Mfg. Co. (Chicago)"
"Los Angeles (CA) Desk Co."
"Los Angeles (CA) Furniture Co."
"Los Angeles (CA) Furniture Exchange"
"Los Angeles County furniture ...."
"Los Angeles furniture exposition"
"Los Angeles furniture expositions"
"Los Angeles furniture industry"
"Los Angeles Furniture Market"
"Los Angeles Furniture Market Week"
"Los Angeles Furniture Mart"
"Los Angeles Mart"
"Los Angeles, CA furniture market"
"Los Angeles, CA furniture industry"
"Losey, Ernest"
"lost city of Atlantis"
"Lost Treasure of Windsor"
"Lott & Geckler"
"Lotterman & Warink"
"Lou S. Darling Seed Co."
"Loudon Mfg. Co."
"Loudspeaker for radio, construction"
"Loudspeaker for radio, design"
"Louis D. Rubin Co. (Charleston, SC)"
"Louis Hahn"
"Louis Kauffield (St. Matthews, IN)"
"Louis Laemle & Co."
"Louis Landauer Hardware"
"Louis leemly & Co."
"Louis Marx & Bros. (Newport, KY)"
"Louis Quatorze style"
"Louis sixteenth style in furniture and interiors"
"Louis XIV and Louis XV furniture"
"Louis XIV arm chair (art)"
"Louis XIV chairs"
"Louis XIV furniture"
"Louis XIV furniture style"
"Louis XIV period styles"
"Louis XIV style"
"Louis XV arm chair (art)"
"Louis XV Cane bedroom furniture"
"Louis XV chaise lounge (art)"
"Louis XV desk (Bureau du Roi)"
"Louis XV desk, construction of"
"Louis XV desk, design of"
"Louis XV fire screen (art)"
"Louis XV furniture"
"Louis XV furniture designs (art)"
"Louis XV furniture style"
"Louis XV furniture styles"
"Louis XV furniture styles (art)"
"Louis XV period styles"
"Louis XV style"
"Louis XV style table"
"Louis XV table (art)"
"Louis XV walnut bench (art)"
"Louis XV walnut chaise lounge(art)"
"Louis XVI armchair"
"Louis XVI armchair (art)"
"Louis XVI bedstead (art)"
"Louis XVI bench (art)"
"Louis XVI easy chair (art)"
"Louis XVI furniture"
"Louis XVI furniture (art)"
"Louis XVI furniture designs (art)"
"Louis XVI furniture style"
"Louis XVI novelty stand, const."
"Louis XVI novelty stand, design"
"Louis XVI period style"
"Louis XVI secretariat in rosewood"
"Louis XVI style"
"Louis XVI style inlaid commode(art)"
"Louis XVI table, construction of"
"Louis XVI table, design of"
"Louise Bergere in walnut"
"Louise Brigham furniture"
"Louisiana bayous as source of moss"
"Louisiana moss (Southern moss)"
"Louisiana pecan as furniture wood"
"Louisiana pecan chairs"
"Louisiana Purchase Exposition"
"Louisiana timber industry"
"Louisville (KY) Box and Crate Co."
"Louisville (KY) furniture industry"
"Louisville (KY) Industrial ..."
"Louisville (KY) lumber industry"
"Louisville (KY) Pillow Co."
"Louisville (KY) Varnish Co."
"Louisville (KY) Veneer Mills"
"Louisville Bedding Co. (Louisville, KY)"
"Louisville furniture industry (Louisville, KY)"
"Louisville Pillow Co. (Louisville, KY)"
"Louisville Veneer Mills (Louisville, KY)"
"Louisville, Ky."
"Lour-ray Co."
"Louthain, Charles F."
"Louvre Museum (Paris)"
"Louvre Museum, Paris"
"Love seats"
"Lovea wood (African walnut)"
"Loveland & Hinyan Co."
"Loveland's Drug Stores"
"Loveland, William B."
"Loveman, A.M. (Atlanta)"
"Loveman, Joseph & Loeb (Birmingham, AL)"
"Loveridge, L.L."
"Lovett, Temple R."
"Low Back Dressing Chair origin"
"Low cost housing"
"Low grade lumber"
"Low-cost furniture"
"Lowboy (art)"
"Lowboy, construction"
"Lowboy, design"
"Lowe, Allen James"
"Lowe, Edward"
"Lowe, Susie Blodgett"
"Lowell & Hastings Railway"
"Lowell (MI) Cutter Co."
"Lowell Board of Trade"
"Lowell Lumber & Supply Co."
"Lowell Manufacturing Co. (Lowell, MA)"
"Lowell Sprayer Co."
"Lowell State Savings Bank"
"Lowell, Arthur"
"Lowery Furniture.. (Evansville, IN)"
"Lowman, D.H."
"Lowman, David H."
"Lownstein & Main... (Peoria, IL)"
"Lowry & Goebel (Cincinnati, OH)"
"Lowry, O.W. (Zeeland, MI)"
"Loxit Molding Co. (Chicago)"
"Loxrite Corp."
"Lozier, L.L."
"Lubeck Automobile Co."
"Lubelfield, S."
"Lubetsky Bros. Co."
"Lubricants, testing of"
"Lubricating oils"
"Lucas Clothing Co."
"Lucas Machine Co. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Lucas, George H. (Columbus, OH)"
"Lucas, Henry"
"Lucas, John & Co. (Philadelphia)"
"Luce - Redmond Chair Company"
"Luce - Redmond Chair Company (Big Rapids, MI)"
"Luce - Redmond Chair Company, Ltd."
"Luce - Redmond Furniture Company (Big Rapids, MI)"
"Luce corner"
"Luce Corp."
"Luce Furniture Co."
"Luce Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Luce Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Luce Furniture Company"
"Luce Furniture Company (Big Rapids, MI)"
"Luce Furniture Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Luce Furniture Company (Grand Rapids, MI), examples"
"Luce Furniture Company (Grand Rapids, MI), furniture"
"Luce Furniture Company (Grand Rapids, MI), New Mission Dining Suite"
"Luce Furniture Corp. (Grand Rapids)"
"Luce Furniture Shops"
"Luce Furniture Shops (Grand Rapids)"
"Luce, Charles A."
"Luce, Charles M."
"Luce, Fred R."
"Luce, Gregory (Grand Rapids)"
"Luce, Gregory M."
"Luce, Howard (Detroit)"
"Luce, Morton H."
"Luce, Ransom C."
"Luce- Redmond Chair Company, Ltd."
"Luce-Redmond Chair Co. (Big Rapids, MI)"
"Luce-Redmond Chair..(Big Rapids,MI)"
"Luce-Redmond Co. (Big Rapids, MI)"
"Lucid Private Secretarial School"
"Lucite acrylic resin"
"Lucite dining room suite"
"Luckie Furniture Mfg. (Atlanta)"
"Lucraft furniture"
"Lucraft, G.S."
"Lucy's... (Missoula, MT)"
"Ludlow, Col."
"Ludlow, John"
"Ludlum, John T. (Wichita, KS)"
"Ludwig Baumann & Co. (New York, NY)"
"Ludwig, Edward"
"Lugbauer, Carl B. (Gardner, MA)"
"Luger Co. (Minnesota)"
"Luger Furniture Co. (Minneapolis)"
"Luger Furniture Co. (Minneapolis, MN)"
"Luger Furniture Co. (St. Paul, MN)"
"Luger, Frank (Minneapolis)"
"Luger, J.N. (St. Paul, MN)"
"Luikaart, Leendert"
"Luizzi, Rocco"
"Lukens, T.P. (Pasadena, CA)"
"Lumber and lumber inspection"
"Lumber and other hardwoods"
"Lumber and the finishing room"
"Lumber and veneer, Chicago report"
"Lumber and veneer, Pittsburgh ..."
"Lumber and veneers"
"Lumber and veneers markets"
"Lumber and veneers, Chicago report"
"Lumber and veneers, Pittsburgh rep."
"Lumber coloring"
"Lumber conservation"
"Lumber Consumption and Preservation in the United States"
"Lumber dry kiln"
"Lumber dry kilns"
"Lumber dry kilns, problems of"
"Lumber drying"
"Lumber drying process"
"Lumber dying"
"Lumber embargo"
"Lumber export to Egypt"
"Lumber for postwar furniture"
"Lumber for sewing machines"
"Lumber for veneer manufacturing"
"Lumber grading"
"Lumber import embargo"
"Lumber imports"
"Lumber industry"
"Lumber industry, wages in"
"Lumber infestations"
"Lumber kiln"
"Lumber kiln drying"
"Lumber market"
"Lumber market, Canadian report"
"Lumber market, Chicago report"
"Lumber market, Chicago report on"
"Lumber market, Pittsburgh report"
"Lumber market, Pittsburgh report on"
"Lumber market, Toronto report"
"Lumber markets"
"Lumber plentiful in the south"
"Lumber price control"
"Lumber prices"
"Lumber prices and World War I"
"Lumber production"
"Lumber products, U.S. probe of"
"Lumber publications"
"Lumber purchases"
"Lumber rates, U.S. probe of"
"Lumber standardization"
"Lumber stock sorting"
"Lumber supply and demand"
"Lumber tariff rates"
"Lumber use in WWII"
"Lumber yard equipment"
"Lumber, Baltimore report on"
"Lumber, Boston report on"
"Lumber, Buffalo report on"
"Lumber, Canadian report"
"Lumber, Chicago report"
"Lumber, Chicago report on"
"Lumber, Cincinnati report on"
"Lumber, Columbus report on"
"Lumber, curing of"
"Lumber, dry kilning of"
"Lumber, drying of"
"Lumber, Evansville report"
"Lumber, grades of"
"Lumber, gradilng of"
"Lumber, grading of"
"Lumber, handling and drying of"
"Lumber, history of the term"
"Lumber, Kansas City report on"
"Lumber, Louisville report on"
"Lumber, Memphis report on"
"Lumber, milling and seasoning of"
"Lumber, Minneapolis report on"
"Lumber, New York report"
"Lumber, Pittsburgh report"
"Lumber, Pittsburgh report on"
"Lumber, purchase of"
"Lumber, scientific seasoning of"
"Lumber, St. Louis report on"
"Lumber, standardization of"
"Lumber, steaming of"
"Lumber, supply and demand"
"Lumberen Co-operative Inc."
"Luminous paint"
"Lump work"
"Lunch Hall photo"
"Lund, Matthew (Grand Rapids)"
"Lundberg, Charles J. (Rockford,IL)"
"Lundberg, Charley"
"Lundberg, John J."
"Lundeberg, H.V. (Cicero, IL)"
"Lupo, Paul Francisco"
"Lusk-Hartung Co."
"Lustig failure"
"Lustig, Jacob"
"Lutes, Clarence M."
"Lutz Co. (Loudon, TN)"
"Luxemburg (WI) Mfg. Co."
"Luxen & Catts (Stockton, CA)"
"Luxford, Thurman Monroe"
"Luxury Chair Co."
"Luxury Chair Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Luxury Chair Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Luxury Furniture Co."
"Luxury taxes"
"Lycoming Furniture(Williamsport,PA)"
"Lyctus or powder-post beetle"
"Lydon, Coleman C. (Minneapolis)"
"Lydon-Bricher Mfg. (Minneapolis,MN)"
"Lyman, Dwight/James"
"Lyman, James"
"Lynch & Ball"
"Lynch, Daniel"
"Lynch, James S. (Grand Rapids)"
"Lynch, James S. (Winston-Salem, NC)"
"Lynch, James S. (Winston-Salem,NC)"
"Lynch, John J."
"Lynch, John L."
"Lynch, Joseph P."
"Lynch-Jones Bedding..(Rockford,IL)"
"Lyndon, Edward (Rockford, IL)"
"Lyndon-Johnson Co. (Washington, GA)"
"Lyon & Coulson Inc."
"Lyon & Healy (Chicago, IL)"
"Lyon & Healy Co. (Chicago)"
"Lyon Furniture Agency"
"Lyon Furniture Company"
"Lyon Furniture Mercantile"
"Lyon Furniture Mercantile Agency"
"Lyon Furniture Mercantile...(NYC)"
"Lyon Metallic Mfg. (Aurora, IL)"
"Lyon Street Food Shop"
"Lyon, Asa"
"Lyon, Ben"
"Lyon, Charles Inc. (Albany, NY)"
"Lyon, J. Fred (Grand Rapids)"
"Lyon, Kymer & Palmer Co."
"Lyon, Lucius"
"Lyon, Robert P. (New York City)"
"Lyon, Robert W."
"Lyon, Samuel"
"Lyon, T. Hawley"
"Lyon, Truman H."
"Lyon. Truman house"
"Lyons Novelty Works (Indianapolis)"
"Lyons, Robert E. (Bloomington, IN)"
"M&D Bootery"
"M. Boyce & Son"
"M. Dee & Sons (Yonkers, NY)"
"M. Friedman & Co."
"M. Hale Co. (South Haven, MI)"
"M. Katz & Co."
"M. Megary & Son (Wilmington, DE)"
"M. Piowaty & Sons"
"M. Reischmann & ..."
"M. Rich & Bros. (Atlanta, GA)"
"M. Rosenberg & Co."
"M. Veenstra & Sons"
"M.B. Moon Co. (Shelby, OH)"
"M.B. Schenck Co. (Meriden, CT)"
"M.B. Wheeler Electric Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"M.B. Wheeler Electric Company"
"M.B.& W. Paper Co."
"M.D. Folger & Sons"
"M.H. Barber & Son's Co."
"M.H. Powers Co. (New York, NY)"
"M.H. Reynolds Roofing Co."
"M.J. & B.M. Buck Co. (Lansing, MI)"
"M.J. Casey... (Richmond, WI)"
"M.J. Clark Home"
"M.J. Dark & Sons"
"M.J. Dark Beverage Co."
"M.J. Elenbaas & Co."
"M.L. Barrett & Company"
"M.L. Nelson Company"
"M.L. Nelson Furniture Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"M.L. Nelson Furniture Company"
"M.L. Parkers... (Davenport, IA)"
"M.M. & L. Company"
"M.M. Trucks"
"M.P. Thiele & Company"
"M.R. Alden & Co."
"M.R. Cady & Co."
"M.R. Plants & Co."
"Maas & Waldstein (Newark, NJ)"
"Maatman & Den Uyl"
"Macacauba (Mexico/South America)"
"Macbeth, George A. (Pittsburgh)"
"Macey Co."
"Macey Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Macey Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Macey, Frank"
"Macey, Fred"
"Macey-Wernicke Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"MacFarlane, William B."
"Macfie, Son & Co."
"Macgregor, Robert H."
"Machine Cutter Heads"
"Machine Knives and their differences"
"Machine made furniture"
"Machine Maintenance"
"Machine Maintenance and extended life"
"Machine sanding"
"Machine Shop photo"
"Machine-made furniture"
"Machinery catalogs"
"Machinery competition overseas results in improvements on American des"
"Machinery makers"
"Machinery makers, news about"
"Machinery noise adds to productivity"
"Machinery operation and maintenance"
"Machinery safeguards"
"Machinery versus hand work"
"Machinist's tool box, construction"
"Machinist's tool box, design"
"MacInerney, James L."
"Mack Molding Co. (Wayne, NJ)"
"Mackenzie, George F."
"Mackey, E.R."
"Mackie - Fredericks Company (Los Angeles, CA)"
"Mackie-Fredericks Co. (Los Angeles, CA)"
"MacLachlan, Lachlan"
"MacLean, William (Louisville, KY)"
"MacLennan, Ewen (Grand Rapids)"
"MacLeod Co. (Cincinnati)"
"Macleod, Thomas"
"MacMillan & Hibbard"
"MacNeil, S.C."
"MacNeil-Worden Electric Co."
"Macquoid, Percy"
"Macquoid, Percy and The Age of Oak book"
"Macy's (New York, NY)"
"Macy's finds it profitable to find temporary homes for employees"
"Madden Distributing Co."
"Madden, John J. (Indianapolis)"
"Madden, John Mfg. Co.(Indianapolis)"
"Madden, Thos. Son..(Indianapolis)"
"Maddox Machine Company"
"Maddox Machine Company (Jamestown, NY)"
"Maddox Table Co. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Maddox Table Company"
"Maddox Table Company (Jamestown, NY)"
"Maddox, William J."
"Made in Canada campaign"
"Made in Grand Rapids"
"Made in Rockford"
"Made in U.S.A. industrial expo"
"Made-in-America campaign"
"Made-in-Chicago Furniture ..."
"Madeira furniture industry"
"Madeira Island willows"
"Madeira Islands"
"Madeira Islands willow furniture"
"Madison Manufacturing Co."
"Madison Square Bank"
"Madison Square Board of Trade"
"Madison Square Electric Co."
"Madonna Laboratories Inc."
"Madsen Furniture Co. (San Jose, CA)"
"Magatti, Frank"
"Magazine rack, construction of"
"Magazine rack, design on"
"Magazine stand, construction of"
"Magazine stand, design of"
"Magazine writer criticizes workman's compensation laws"
"Magnavox Co. of California"
"Magnesium, postwar use of"
"Maher Bros. (Medina, NY)"
"Maher Bros. Co. (Medina, NY)"
"Maher Brothers Co. (Medina, NY)"
"Mahnke, Richard"
"Mahogany and inlaid table (art)"
"Mahogany and mahogany imitations"
"Mahogany arm chair (art)"
"Mahogany as cabinet wood"
"Mahogany as furniture trade term"
"Mahogany as furniture wood"
"Mahogany as trade term"
"Mahogany Association"
"Mahogany bookcase (art)"
"Mahogany bureau (art)"
"Mahogany card table (art)"
"Mahogany cheaper to carve than oak"
"Mahogany chest with ...(art)"
"Mahogany cheval glass (art)"
"Mahogany costs"
"Mahogany dining table (art)"
"Mahogany furniture"
"Mahogany furniture, use of term"
"Mahogany imports"
"Mahogany imports to U.S."
"Mahogany in World War II"
"Mahogany lowboy (art)"
"Mahogany market in Grand Rapids"
"Mahogany Oil Stains"
"Mahogany prices"
"Mahogany side chair (art)"
"Mahogany stains"
"Mahogany stocks"
"Mahogany substitute"
"Mahogany substitutes"
"Mahogany substitutes and fakes"
"Mahogany trade"
"Mahogany veneer"
"Mahogany walnut corner cupboard"
"Mahogany wood"
"Mahogany, Antique and Modern"
"Mahogany, consumption of"
"Mahogany, English demand for"
"Mahogany, exports of to U.S."
"Mahogany, finish for imitation"
"Mahogany, imitation"
"Mahogany, sponging of"
"Mahogany, structure of"
"Mahogany, supply of"
"Mahogany, US demand for"
"Mahogany, US imports of"
"Mahogany, use of in cabinet making"
"Mahogany/satinwood side chair(art)"
"Mahoney Chair Co. (Gardner, MA)"
"Mahoney's ... (New Orleans, LA)"
"Mahoney, E.F."
"Mahoney, Frank E."
"Mahoney, Frank H."
"Mahoney, Joseph T."
"Maid Furniture Co. (Celina, OH)"
"Maiden Chair Co. (Newton, NC)"
"Maiden Chair Factory (Newton, NC)"
"Maier, Charles W. (Rochester, NY)"
"Maier, Fred"
"Maier, John E. (New York City)"
"Mail Order Houses"
"Mail order RTA & Knock-down furniture (Detroit, MI)"
"Mail order sales"
"Maine Chair Co. (Burnham, ME)"
"Maison Charmante"
"Majchrazak, Frank"
"Majddox Table Co. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Majeska, Madame (Philadelphia)"
"Majestic Book Shop"
"Majestic Chair Co. (New York City)"
"Majestic Furniture Co. (Wabash, IN)"
"Majestic Furniture Co. (Warsaw, IN)"
"Majestic Gardens"
"Majestic Oil Co."
"Majestic radio line"
"Majestic radio sets"
"Majestic Radio Shoppe"
"Majohrzak Clothing Co."
"Majohrzak, Anthony J."
"Major consumer of Industrial Alcohol"
"Major Cord Tire & Rubber Co."
"Major, J.C."
"Major, Joe"
"Makemson timber tract (Illinois)"
"Makemson, Hiram (Danville, IL)"
"making veneer"
"Makowski, R."
"Male Laborers under eighteen required to attend trade school in German"
"Malla Inc. (New York City)"
"Malleable glass"
"Malley Co. (New Haven, CT)"
"Malley-Long Furniture(San Francisco"
"Mallick & Besterman"
"Mallick, A.K."
"Malloch Knitting Mills Inc."
"Malloy, Neil"
"Malone & Watkins"
"Malone, Thomas"
"Maltby, J.L. (Chicago)"
"Maltese demand for U.S. furniture"
"Mammoth Furnishing Co. (Urbana, OH)"
"Management and employes"
"Management-employee cooperation"
"Management-labor relations"
"managing workers in a furniture company"
"Manasse Hat Co."
"Manasse, Philip"
"Mancha Show Case Co."
"Mancha, Raymond"
"Manchester, Duke and Dutchess of"
"Mandel Brothers (Chicago, IL)"
"Mandelker, Martin"
"Manes & Co."
"Mangcraft Co., Inc. (Buffalo, NY)"
"Mange & Arthur"
"Manger Hotel Co."
"Manhattan (KS) Furniture Co."
"Manhattan Cafe"
"Manhattan Machine & Tool Works"
"Manhattan Showcase Co. (NYC)"
"Manila copal, in shellac making"
"Manioc Root of Madagascar"
"Manistee (MI) Art Furniture Co."
"Manistee (MI) Manufacturing Co."
"Manistee (MI) Mfg. Co."
"Manistee Manufacturing Company"
"Manistee Manufacturing Company (Manistee, MI)"
"Manistee Manufacturing Company (Manistee, MI), buffet and deck"
"Manistee Manufacturing Company (Manistee, MI), furniture"
"Manitowoc (WI) Mattress Co."
"Manitowoc (WI) Seating Co."
"Manitowoc (WI) Seating Corp."
"Manley Mfg. Co. (New York City)"
"Manley, M.M."
"Mann, Harvey"
"Manning Bros."
"Manning, Lucille"
"Manns, William"
"Manpower shortages in furniture .."
"Mansfield, B.C."
"Mansion House Furniture...(LA)"
"Manson, M.M. (New York City)"
"Manual art student to build her own dwelling"
"Manual Arts High ...(Pasadena, CA)"
"Manual Arts Press (Peoria, IL)"
"Manual of Furniture Arts and Crafts"
"Manual of the Furniture Arts ..."
"manual sandpaper manufacture"
"Manual training"
"Manual training classes"
"Manual training designs"
"Manual training in Detroit public schools"
"Manual training schools"
"Manual training, education and children"
"Manufactured by Century Furniture Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Manufacturer's Exhibition Building Company"
"Manufacturers and Builders Supply.."
"Manufacturers Association of ..."
"Manufacturers Building"
"Manufacturers Clearance..(Portland)"
"Manufacturers Exhibition..(Chicago)"
"Manufacturers in Evansville having a profitable year"
"Manufacturers Mutual Insurance(GR)"
"Manufacturers of Muskegon prepare for the Grand Rapids Exposition"
"Manufacturers of Office Furniture (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Manufacturers of refrigerators raise prices"
"Manufacturers of Wood Working Machinery Divide Profits with Superinten"
"Manufacturers Sales Co."
"Manufacturers Supply Co."
"Manufacturers' Association"
"Manufacturers' Association of Grand Rapids"
"Manufacturers' associations news"
"Manufacturers' census"
"Manufacturers' census of 1925"
"Manufacturers' Exhibition Building"
"Manufacturers' Exhibition Building (Chicago, IL)"
"Manufacturers' Exhibition Building Company"
"Manufacturers' Exhibition Company of Chicago Vacates the Structure"
"Manufacturers' Furniture Exchange"
"Manufacturers' Furniture Exchange (Chicago, IL)"
"Manufacturers' meetings"
"Manufacturers' Record"
"Manville, J.A. (Grand Rapids)"
"Mapes, Carl E."
"Mapes, J.M."
"Mapes, Nebelius Cadillac Co."
"Maple and mahogany furniture"
"Maple as furniture wood"
"Maple City Mfg. (Goshen, IN)"
"Maple City Mfg. Co. (Milford, IN)"
"Maple furniture"
"Maple in shoe industry"
"Maple stains"
"Maple table American ...(art)"
"Maple table, c1700-1710 (art)"
"Maple table, construction"
"Maple table, design"
"Maple wood"
"Maple wood laminate"
"Maple woods"
"Maple, finish for"
"Mara-Rickenbacker Co."
"Marble & Shattuck.. (Cleveland, OH)"
"Marble Chair Co. (Bedford, MA)"
"Marble Chair Co. (Bedford, OH)"
"Marble slab table (art)"
"Marble, B.L. Chair Co. (Bedford, OH"
"Marble-top tables"
"Marble-topped console table (art)"
"Marble-topped pier table (art)"
"March Theater Co."
"March Wells, Inc."
"March's ... (Lexington, KY)"
"March, Julia H."
"Marcus, Mitchell (Waltham, MA)"
"Marcusson, Henry (Chicago)"
"Marczynski, Henry"
"Marczynski, Stanley"
"Marden, Orth & Hastings (Boston)"
"Margantin, Adrien (Grand Rapids)"
"Margelexom Oil Co."
"Margeson Furniture (Portsmouth, NH)"
"Margeson, R. Clyde"
"Margeson, R.P."
"Margolis, Nathan (hartford, CT)"
"Margon, Lester (Grand Rapids)"
"Margon, Lester (New York City)"
"Margules, Walter (New York City)"
"Marie Antoinette"
"Marietta (OH) Chair Co."
"Marietta (OH) Mantel Co."
"Marietta (OH) Paint & Color"
"Marietta (OH) Paint and Color Co."
"Marietta Mfg. Co. (Indianapolis)"
"Marietta Paint & Color Company"
"Marietta Paint & Color Company (Marietta, OH)"
"Marietta Paint and Color Company"
"Marietta Paint and Color Company (Marietta, OH)"
"Marietta Paint and Color Company (Marietta, OH), exhibit"
"Marietta Stanley Co."
"Marin, Walter F."
"Marine glue, formula for"
"Marine Velocipede Co."
"Marine Wheel Co."
"Marion (IN) Bench and Cabinet Co."
"Marion (IN) Chair Co."
"Marion (IN) Iron & Brass Bed Co."
"Marion (NC) Novelty Co."
"Marion (NC) Veneer and Panel Co."
"Marital Endowment Corp."
"Mark's Auto Accessories"
"Mark's Stores Inc."
"Market Avenue Realty Co."
"Market bonds"
"Market forms of timber"
"Market gardening"
"Market Stock numbers on Lumber"
"Market Wholesale Co."
"Marketing methods"
"Marking machine, construction"
"Marking machine, design"
"Markowitz, Osias"
"Markowski, Louis S."
"Marks Stores Inc."
"Marks, William S."
"Markson's ... (Syracuse, NY)"
"Markson, Isaac"
"Markus, Joseph"
"Markward, Frank"
"Marlatt, Daniel"
"Marlatt, Glenn W."
"Marlatt, Jay"
"Marler, Arthur Lee"
"Marqueterie in poster advertising"
"Marquetry in furniture"
"Marquetry panels"
"Marquette Furniture.. (Chicago, IL)"
"Marriage licenses"
"Mars flying boat"
"Mars Mfg. Co. (Merrill, WI)"
"Marsh Furniture Co. (High Point,NC)"
"Marsh Lumber Co."
"Marsh, William A. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Marshall & Hutton (Indianapolis)"
"Marshall (MI) Seat and Furniture..."
"Marshall (TX) Wood Products Co."
"Marshall Co."
"Marshall Field & Co. (Chicago)"
"Marshall Field & Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"Marshall Field & Company"
"Marshall Field & Company (Chicago, IL)"
"Marshall Field's (Chicago, IL)"
"Marshall Furniture...(Henderson,KY)"
"Marshall Mattress Co.(Waukegan, WI)"
"Marshall Ventilated... (Chicago, IL)"
"Marshall, Edward"
"Marshall, M.S."
"Marshall, Mrs. Elva"
"Marshall, William Ltd. (NYC)"
"Marshfield (WI) Bedding Co."
"Marshfield (WI) Sanitary Mattress.."
"Marstall Furniture Company"
"Mart Co. (Minneapolis)"
"Martha Tucker Mal-Tee Corp."
"Martha Washington cabinet, const."
"Martha Washington cabinet, design"
"Martha Washington Candy Shop"
"Martin & Son (Mansfield, OH)"
"Martin Bedding Co. (Sioux Falls, SD)"
"Martin Bombers"
"Martin Co. (Peoria, IL)"
"Martin estate"
"Martin Furniture..(Fredonia, NY)"
"Martin Luther chair"
"Martin Middlings Purifier Co."
"Martin Piano Bench Co.(Columbus,OH)"
"Martin Stores Corp."
"Martin Upholstery Co. (Buffalo)"
"Martin Upholstery Makers (Buffalo)"
"Martin's Drug Store"
"Martin's Middlings Purifier Co."
"Martin, A.D."
"Martin, A.D. (Chicago)"
"Martin, E."
"Martin, F.E."
"Martin, Fred"
"Martin, Glenn L. Co. (Baltimore)"
"Martin, John A. (Chicago)"
"Martin, John B."
"Martin, John D."
"Martin, John D. (Grand Rapids)"
"Martin, Joseph H."
"Martin, Joseph W."
"Martin, Louis H. (Cincinnati)"
"Martin, M.D.L."
"Martin, T.B."
"Martinique imports of U.S. ..."
"Martisius, Joseph"
"Martsolf Furniture Company (Beaver Falls, PA)"
"Marty, Frank T."
"Martz Cabinet Shop (Los Angeles)"
"Maruits, G.J."
"Marvel Furniture Co. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Marvel Manufacturing Co."
"Marvel Manufacturing Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Marvel Transportation Co."
"Marvelcot wooden bed"
"Marx, Louis"
"Mary Jane Creameries Inc."
"Mary Pease chest of oak ...(art)"
"Mary Waters Playground"
"Maryland Furniture...(Baltimore)"
"Marysville (OH) Cabinet Co."
"Marzolf, George H."
"Masillon (OH) Chair & Desk Co."
"Masland Duraleather (Philadelphia)"
"Mason Art Inc. (New York City)"
"Mason Electric Co."
"Mason Furniture... (Huntsville, AL)"
"Mason Mfg. Co. (Los Angeles)"
"Mason, J.J."
"Mason, Walter B."
"Masonic Design of Inlaid Wood"
"Masonic Home"
"Masonite Corp. (Chicago)"
"Masonite Corp. (Laurel, MS)"
"Masonite House"
"Maspoli, Chiesa & Co."
"Mass furniture markets outlook"
"Mass market"
"Mass production"
"Mass production in woodworking ..."
"Mass production of furniture"
"Mass production techniques"
"Massachusetts furniture industry"
"Massachusetts mattress law"
"Massachusetts trust"
"Massachusetts workmen's ..."
"Massey, Robert"
"Massie, James A."
"Massilon (OH) Desk & Chair Co."
"Massive walnut cupboard (art)"
"Mastenbrook-Grove-Cartier Co."
"Master Bedding Makers of America"
"Master Tire Service Inc."
"Master's Line of Office Chairs"
"Mastercraft Upholstering Co."
"Mastermold Shoe Store"
"Masterpieces of Furniture Design"
"Materials testing"
"Mather, Carl N."
"Mather, Thomas"
"Mather-Palmer Co."
"Mathew, William D."
"Matrix Service Co."
"Matson Construction Co."
"Matsuhara, Y."
"Matter, Elias"
"Matter, Nelson Furniture...(GR)"
"Matthias Paper Corp. (Philadelphia)"
"Mattice, George"
"Mattison Machine .. (Rockford, IL)"
"Mattison Machine ...(Rockford, IL)"
"Mattison Machine Works (Rockford,IL"
"Mattison Machine Works(Rockford,IL)"
"Mattison Machine Works..(Beloit,WI)"
"Mattison Machine..(Rockford, IL)"
"Mattison Machine...(Rockford, IL)"
"Mattress Construction"
"Mattress factory fires"
"Mattress fibers"
"Mattress industry"
"Mattress Manufacturing process"
"Mattress materials"
"Mattresses and sanitation"
"Mattresses, labeling and branding"
"Mattresses, labeling of"
"Mattresses, laws on"
"Mattresses, tariff on"
"Mattson Machine Works(Rockford,IL)"
"Matulis, Frank"
"Matz, Frantz"
"Mauer Upholstering Co. (Racine, WI)"
"Maul Bros."
"Maultiple Tool Co."
"Maurer, A.A. (Green Bay, WI)"
"Mauthe, William"
"Max Barnett Co. (New Orleans, LA)"
"Max Feinberg's... (Hartford, CT)"
"Max P. Thiele & Company"
"Maxwell House Coffee"
"May & Co. (Dayton, OH)"
"May & Lyons"
"May Co. (Cleveland, OH)"
"May Co. (Columbus, OH)"
"May Co. (Los Angeles, CA)"
"May Dept. Store (St. Louis, CA)"
"May Music Festival"
"May, Albert"
"May, David"
"May, Fred R."
"May, James R. (Knoxville, TN)"
"May, Meyer S."
"May, Ray S."
"May-Stern's & Co. (Cincinnati, OH)"
"May-Stern's & Co. (Cleveland, OH)"
"May-Stern's & Co. (Pittsburgh, PA)"
"May-Stern's & Co. (St. Louis, MO)"
"Maybee, Frank"
"Maycock, Joseph (Buffalo)"
"Mayer & Pettit (Washington, DC)"
"Mayer's... (Washington, DC)"
"Mayer, Frederick"
"Mayer-Marks Co. (Cleveland, OH)"
"Mayflower (Pilgrim ship)"
"Mayflower Hotel (Washington, DC)"
"Mayhew Grand Rapids Shoe Co."
"Mayhew's Shoe Store"
"Mayhew, George R."
"Mayo Furniture Co. (Tulsa, OK)"
"Mayo, Cass A."
"Mayo, John D."
"Mayor & King (Kansas City)"
"Maywald, John Charles (Goshen, IN)"
"Maywood Furniture Co. (Dallas)"
"Mazarin tapestry"
"Mazurkiewicz, Anthony"
"McAdoo, Mr./Mrs. William"
"McAfee, J.Q. Co. (Garnett, KS)"
"McAlester (OK) Metal Bed Co."
"McAllen, William"
"McAllister, Mohler & Company"
"McAllister, Thomas F."
"McAllister-Mohler Co. (Columbus, OH)"
"McAnsh, Dwyer & Company"
"McAnsh, Dwyer & Company (Chicago, IL)"
"McAnsh, Dwyer and Company (Chicago, IL)"
"McArthur Co. (Dayton, OH)"
"McArthur, Warren Furniture...(LA)"
"McArthur, William"
"McBain, W. Fred"
"McBride, James (Grand Rapids)"
"McBride, James E."
"McBrien, Walter"
"McBurney, A.D."
"McCabe Furniture..(Salamanca, NY)"
"McCabe Furniture...(Salamanca, NY)"
"McCabe Industries..(Salamanca, NY)"
"McCall's Magazine"
"McCall, Emory C. (Lenoir, NC)"
"McCane's Breakfast Drink"
"McCardle, M."
"McCarger Novelty Co."
"McCargor, George"
"McCargor, Joseph R."
"McCarthy, Glenn S."
"McCarthy, J.F."
"McCarthy, M. Joseph"
"McCartney, E.J."
"McCartney, Joseph E."
"McCarty Candy Co."
"McCarty, Charles"
"McCarty, Charles N."
"McCarty, Vernon"
"McCauley & Sipple Co."
"McClain, G.G."
"McCleary, J.M."
"McCleary, John"
"McClinton, John M."
"McClure Manufacturing Company"
"McClure, Thomas M."
"McCobb, E.C."
"McCobb, Paul (Chicago)"
"McColl, J.R."
"McConnell, Dan"
"McConnell, John"
"McConnell, W.S."
"McConnell, William H."
"McCool, Jas. O."
"McCord & Bradfield Furniture Co."
"McCord Radiator and Manufacturing.."
"McCoy Couch Furniture..(Benton,AR)"
"McCoy, Charles"
"McCoy, Daniel"
"McCoy, Fred M (Jamestown, NY)"
"McCoy, Taylor"
"McCracken, Peleg"
"McCrath, J.W."
"McCrath, Lewis"
"McCready, Edward A."
"McCreary's (New York City)"
"McCreery & Co. (Pittsburgh, PA)"
"McCurdy, L."
"McCurdy, R.S."
"McDonald & Beebe"
"McDonald Furniture Co. (Miami, FL)"
"McDonald, Angus M. (Hancock, MI)"
"McDonald, Bryan (Beecher Falls, VT)"
"McDonald, Edward B."
"McDonald, Eli"
"McDonald, Ethel"
"McDonald, John S."
"McDonald, Judge"
"McDonell Aircraft Corp. (St. Louis)"
"McDonnell, Archiblad J."
"McDougall Co. (Frankford, IN)"
"McDougall Kitchen ..(Frankfort,IN)"
"McDougall Kitchen Cabinets"
"McDowell Furniture..(Marion, NC)"
"McDuff & Co."
"McElfresh store (Osage City, KS)"
"McElfresh, W.T."
"McElroy-Miller Syndicate (Michigan)"
"McElveen Furniture..(Pittsburgh)"
"McEnery's... (Brooklyn, NY)"
"McEnery, James"
"McEwen's... (Redlands, CA)"
"McEwen, Dan F."
"McFarlane, John A."
"McFayden Co."
"McFayden's, Inc."
"McFayden, Alex T."
"McGarry, W.R."
"McGaughey, J.P."
"McGaw & Austin"
"McGee, Bernard"
"McGhee, Harold W."
"McGinness'... (Evansville, IN)"
"McGinness, Ed"
"McGrath Hardware Co."
"McGrath, Denis"
"McGraw-Hill Book Co."
"McGuire, Albert E."
"McGurrin Sales Agency"
"McGurrin, Col."
"McHoes, Wayne C."
"McHugh Chair Co. (Greenville, PA)"
"McHugh, Glenn P."
"McHugh, P.A. Chair Co. (Cleveland)"
"McHugh, Patrick A."
"McInerney Plastics Co."
"McInerney Spring & Wire Co."
"McInerney, James L."
"McInnes, George"
"McInnis-Sparks Co."
"McIntire chest on chest (art)"
"McIntire dining room set"
"McIntire Furniture.. (Olmukgee, OK)"
"McIntire Rooms"
"McIntire, C.C."
"McIntire, Samuel"
"McIntyre & VanVoorhis"
"McIntyre Furniture (Indianapolis, IN)"
"McIntyre, Alex (Grand Rapids)"
"McIntyre, Charles G."
"McIntyre, Harry"
"McIntyre, John"
"McIntyre, John D."
"McIntyre, John H."
"McKay Co. (Pittsburgh)"
"McKay ventilated table pad"
"McKay, Framk W. (Grand Rapids)"
"McKay, Frank D."
"McKay, Frank D. (Grand Rapids)"
"McKay, Mr./Mrs. George"
"McKee Refrigerator Co. (NYC)"
"McKeehan Furniture... (Miami, FL)"
"McKeehan, L.O."
"McKelvey's... (Youngstown, OH)"
"McKenzie's.. (Cottonwood Falls, KS)"
"McKenzie, Frank"
"McKenzie, Hugh"
"McKinley chair"
"McKinley-Glans... (San Jose, CA)"
"McKinnon, A."
"McKisson Lumber Co. (Clearwater,FL)"
"McKnight & Son (Gardner, MA)"
"McKnight, L.G. & Son(Gardner, MA)"
"McLachlan Business University"
"McLachlan, Lachlan"
"McLachlan, Lachlan (Grand Rapids)"
"McLain, B.F."
"McLain, Charles F."
"McLain, Charles L."
"McLauchlan, Wise & Koch Inc."
"McLaughlin & Holliday"
"McLaughlin, Henry (Fairfield, IA)"
"McLearnan Kitchen Cabinet.(Chicago)"
"McLelland, John"
"McLelland, John (Chicago)"
"McLendon, Carlton..(Montgomery, AL)"
"McLeod Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"McLeod Store... (Madisonville, KY)"
"McLeod, Archibald A."
"McLeod, Archibald A. (Grand Rapids)"
"McLeod, E.G."
"McMahon De Luxe Market"
"McMahon, James J."
"McManus Bros. (Elizabeth, NJ)"
"McManus, Ambrose"
"McMillan Printing Co."
"McMillan Printing Co. (Monroe, MI)"
"McMullen Exhibition ldg. (GR)"
"McMullen Machinery Co."
"McMullen Machinery Co. (GR)"
"McMullen Machinery Company"
"McMullen, George K."
"McMurtie, R.H. (Huntingburg, IN)"
"McMurtrie, R.H. (Huntingburg,IN)"
"McNabb, John"
"McNair, W.G."
"McNair, W.G. (New York City)"
"McNair, W.G. Trading Co. (NYC)"
"McNamara, Robert E."
"McNaughton, Katherine"
"McNeely, John R. (Jamestown, NY)"
"McNeill Chair Co. (Sheboygan, WI)"
"McQuarrie Motor Sales Inc."
"McQueen Furniture..(Menominee, MI)"
"McVay, William L. (Buffalo)"
"McVean, David E."
"McWilliams, R. Ada"
"Mead Bros."
"Mead Bros. (Rockford, IL)"
"Mead Specialties Co. (Chicago)"
"Mead, John A."
"Meade Brothers"
"Means, J.R."
"Meas Furniture & ...(Warren, PA)"
"Meat packing industry"
"Mebane (NC) Bedding Co."
"Mebane (NC) Iron Bed Co."
"Mechanical Drawing classroom photo"
"Mechanical engineers"
"Mechanics Furniture (Rockford, IL)"
"Mechanics Furniture Company"
"Mechanics Furniture Company (Rockford, IL)"
"Mechanics Furniture Company (Rockford, IL), furniture"
"Mecosta Acquisition Co."
"Mecosta Drilling Co."
"Medendorp, Duurt"
"Medicine cabinet, construction"
"Medicine cabinet, design"
"Medieval bed-step reproduction"
"Medina (NY) Cabinet Co."
"Medler & Demuth"
"Meek, E.J."
"Meekin, Packard (Springfield, MA)"
"Meekins, Packard & Wheat (Springfield, MA)"
"Megary, M. & Son"
"Mehlberg, Charles (Sheboygan, WI)"
"Mehornay, Robert Lee"
"Mehornay, Scott F."
"Mehrtens, Clifford"
"Meier & Frank Burlington House"
"Meier & Frank Co. (Portland, OR)"
"Meier & Pohlmann ..(St. Louis)"
"Meier & Pohlmann ... (St. Louis)"
"Meier Furniture Co. (Rochester, NY)"
"Meier, John H. (St. Louis)"
"Meigs, Arthur"
"Meinhershagen, F.A."
"Meinhershagens (Chillicothe, OH)"
"Meinke, Fred"
"Meir & Pohlmann (St. Louis)"
"Melbourne, Australia"
"Meldoy & Rich"
"Mell, C.D."
"Melliff-McAllister (San Antonio, TX)"
"Mellish-Hayward Co. (Chicago)"
"Mellon tax cut program"
"Mellon, Andrew"
"Mellon, George A. (St. Louis, MO)"
"Meloy Mfg. Co. (Shelbyville, IN)"
"Melton-Rhodes Co. (Greensboro,NC)"
"Memoirs and reminiscences"
"Memorial Hall (Philadelphia, PA)"
"Memphis (TN) Furniture Co."
"Memphis (TN) Furniture Mfg. Co."
"Memphis (TN) woodworking industry"
"Memphis Engraving Company"
"Memphis furniture freight rate case"
"Memphis Saw Mill Company"
"Memphis, TN Better Homes Week"
"Men and Religion Forward Movement"
"Men's Leagues for Equal Suffrage"
"Menasha (WI) Woodenware Co."
"Mendelson, Joseph Inc. (Buffalo)"
"Mengel Box Co. (Louisville, KY)"
"Mengel Co. (Louisville, KY)"
"Mengel Corp. (Louisville, KY)"
"Mengel Furniture...(Louisville, KY)"
"Mengel Lumber & Veneer Co."
"Mengel modular furniture"
"Mengel, C.C. and ..(Louisville, KY)"
"Mengel, Clarence Jr. (Louisville,KY"
"Meni Furniture Co. (Philadelphia)"
"Menke, Herman G. (Evansville, IN)"
"Mensuration (art of measuring)"
"Menter Co. Inc."
"Mentzer-Read Co."
"Menzaora, Joseph"
"Menzer, Edward"
"Mercantile trade"
"Mercer, Charles E."
"Merchandise brokerage"
"Merchandise Mart"
"Merchandise Mart (Chicago)"
"Merchandise Mart (Chicago, IL)"
"Merchandise pooling"
"Merchandising frauds"
"Merchandising furniture plans"
"Merchants and Manufacturers ..."
"Merchants Congress"
"Merchants Gold Stamp Co."
"Merchants League of America"
"Merchants Protective Union"
"Merchants Week Festival"
"Merchants' and Manufacturers' Fire Insurance Company"
"Merdzinski, J."
"Meredith Furniture Co. (Decatur,IL)"
"Meretsky Bottling Works"
"Meretsky, Samuel"
"Mergers and consolidations"
"Merhandise Mart (Chicago)"
"Meridian (MS) Chair Co."
"Meringa, Marinus"
"Merle, William F. (Chicago)"
"Merriam Furniture Co. (Falconer,NY)"
"Merriam, Charles T."
"Merriam, Frank O. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Merrifield & Dunphy"
"Merrill System (Chicago, IL)"
"Merrill, Robert W."
"Merrill, Robert W. (Grand Rapids)"
"Merrimac Veneers...(Jamesatown, NY)"
"Merriman, A."
"Merritt & Spoor"
"Merritt Engineering..(Lockport,NY)"
"Merritt, George F."
"Merritt-Engineering..(Lockport, NY)"
"Mershon, V.L. (Grand Rapids)"
"Mersma Bros. Corp. (Celina, OH)"
"Mersman Bros. (Celina, OH)"
"Mersman Bros. Brandts Company"
"Mersman Bros. Corp. (Celina, OH)"
"Mersman, Ed H. (Celina, OH)"
"Mersman, Walter J. (Selina, OH)"
"Mertens Hotel"
"Mesquite forests, Texas"
"Mess, Charles B."
"Messenger, George"
"Messenger, W.H."
"Messerschmidt, Philip H."
"Messersmith Stores"
"Messersmith, H."
"Messner, Charles E."
"Mester, Frank"
"Metal bed industry"
"Metal beds"
"Metal beds and bedding"
"Metal beds exports"
"Metal beds, fastening for"
"Metal beds, improvements in"
"Metal beds, patented devices for"
"Metal bedsteads"
"Metal bedsteads exports"
"Metal bedsteads exports to India"
"Metal fittings"
"Metal fittings (art)"
"Metal furniture"
"Metal furniture (art)"
"Metal Furniture Company"
"Metal Furniture Company (Evansville, IN)"
"Metal furniture exports"
"Metal furniture exports, Canada"
"Metal furniture in WWII"
"Metal furniture industry"
"Metal furniture springs"
"Metal furniture, assembling of"
"Metal markets"
"Metal markets, Pittsburgh report"
"Metal Office Furniture Co."
"Metal Office Furniture Co. (GR)"
"Metal office furniture growing in popularity"
"Metal Office Furniture...(GR)"
"Metal products Co. (Streator, IL)"
"Metal pulleys"
"Metal rationing in WWII"
"Metal Saw & ...(Springfield, MA)"
"Metal-faced plywood"
"Metalcraft Corp."
"Metalcraft Heater Corp."
"Metallic Flexible ...(Brooklyn, NY)"
"Metallic Folding Bed Co. (Chicago)"
"Metallizing Co. (Los Angeles)"
"Metals industries"
"Metals market"
"Metals market, Pittsburgh report"
"Metals markets"
"Metals markets, Pittsburgh report"
"Metals, Pittsburgh report"
"methods for up-to-date plate glass manufacture"
"Methylolurea process"
"Metric standard"
"Metric Standards Bill"
"Metric system"
"Metric system adoption in U.S."
"Metric system weights and measures"
"Metro Studios (Hollywood, CA)"
"Metroolitan Museum of Art (NYC)"
"Metroplitan Museum of Art (NYC)"
"Metropolian Museum of Art (NYC)"
"Metropolitan Chair Co.(Hartford,CT)"
"Metropolitan Chair..(Hartford, CT)"
"Metropolitan Club Inc."
"Metropolitan Furniture (Waterbury, CT)"
"Metropolitan Furniture Exchange (New York, NY)"
"Metropolitan Furniture(Springfield, MA)"
"Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, NY)"
"Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, NY), to display period furniture"
"Metropolitan Museum of Art (NYC)"
"Metropolitan Museum...(NYC)"
"Metz building"
"Metz, Frederick J. (Holland, MI)"
"Metz, George"
"Metz, George Jr."
"Metzgar Co. Inc."
"Metzgar, Leroy"
"Metzger, Charles B."
"Mexican furniture imports"
"Mexican furniture industry"
"Mexican furniture styles"
"Mexican furniture woods"
"Mexican imports of U.S. furniture"
"Mexican mahogany"
"Meyer Bros."
"Meyer Bros. Furniture (Cincinnati)"
"Meyer Transfer Co."
"Meyer, Arthur"
"Meyer, Edgar H. (Phoenix)"
"Meyer, Harry"
"Meyer, Joseph; President; Manufacturers' Exhibition Building Company"
"Meyer, Louis W. (New York City)"
"Meyer-Gunther & Levin (NYC)"
"Meyercord Co. (Chicago)"
"Meyers Grocery & Service Station"
"Meyers, Harry"
"Meyers, I."
"Meyers, Joe"
"Mezei, Stephen"
"Mia Heala pulp"
"Miami furniture stores"
"Michalowski, M.A."
"Michelsen Photo..(Shelbyville, IN)"
"Michgan Armor Paint Products Co."
"Michigan & Chicago Railway"
"Michigan Adamant Plaster Co."
"Michigan Air Transport Inc."
"Michigan Apple Show"
"Michigan Art Carving Co."
"Michigan Art Carving Company"
"Michigan Art Carving(Lake Odessa,MI"
"Michigan Artisan"
"Michigan Artisan anniversary"
"Michigan Artisan Company"
"Michigan Artisan Furniture Company"
"Michigan Artisan strike"
"Michigan Asbestos Mining Co."
"Michigan Associated Express Inc."
"Michigan Austin Co."
"Michigan Automatic Vending ..."
"Michigan Ave. Warehouse (Chicago, IL)"
"Michigan Bakeries Inc."
"Michigan Band Mill Co."
"Michigan Bark & Lumber Co."
"Michigan Barrel Company"
"Michigan Beef Co., Ltd."
"Michigan Bell Telephone Co."
"Michigan Bond & Investment Co."
"Michigan Bootery"
"Michigan Box Board Co."
"Michigan Brewing Co."
"Michigan Brush Co."
"Michigan Building & Loan League"
"Michigan Bumper Co."
"Michigan Business Market"
"Michigan Can Manufacturing Co."
"Michigan Canners Association"
"Michigan Central Railway"
"Michigan Chair & ...(Lakeview,MI)"
"Michigan Chair Co."
"Michigan Chair Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Michigan Chair Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Michigan Chair Company"
"Michigan Chair Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Michigan Chemicals Inc."
"Michigan Clothing Co."
"Michigan Consolidated Gas Co."
"Michigan Conveyor & Manufacturing.."
"Michigan Dental Supply Co."
"Michigan Desk Co."
"Michigan Desk Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Michigan Desk Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Michigan Electric Supply Co."
"Michigan employers' liability act"
"Michigan Engraving Company"
"Michigan Engraving Company: White Printing Company"
"Michigan Exchange Bank"
"Michigan Felt Co."
"Michigan Finance and Investment Co."
"Michigan Fire and Marine ..."
"Michigan Florida Land Co."
"Michigan forests"
"Michigan Furniture Co."
"Michigan Furniture Co. (Ann Arbor, MI)"
"Michigan Furniture Co. (Schenectady, NY)"
"Michigan Furniture Company"
"Michigan Furniture Company (Ann Arbor, MI)"
"Michigan furniture factories"
"Michigan furniture industry"
"Michigan furniture manufacturers report"
"Michigan Furniture Shops (GR)"
"Michigan Furniture Shops (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Michigan Furniture Trading Co.(New York, NY)"
"Michigan furniture workers wages"
"Michigan Furniture..(Youngstown,OH)"
"Michigan Gasses Inc."
"Michigan Ginseng Farm Co."
"Michigan Grand Rapids Trading Co. (Syracuse, NY)"
"Michigan Grange Service Inc."
"Michigan Guaranty Corp."
"Michigan Hardware Co."
"Michigan Hardwood Manufacturers' Association note maple being exceedin"
"Michigan Hatters Inc."
"Michigan Hearse & Carriage Company"
"Michigan Hearse & Carriage Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Michigan Hearse & Motor Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Michigan Home Service Corp."
"Michigan House"
"Michigan Inspection Bureau"
"Michigan Insulating and Roofing..."
"Michigan Insulation & Asbestos Co."
"Michigan Iron Works"
"Michigan Land and Apple Show"
"Michigan Lithograph Co."
"Michigan lumber industry"
"Michigan Manufacturers Association"
"Michigan manufacturers furniture examples"
"Michigan Manufacturing Company (Holly, MI)"
"Michigan Merchandise Brokerage Co."
"Michigan Miller Co."
"Michigan Motor Transportation Co."
"Michigan Motors Inc."
"Michigan National Bank"
"Michigan National Guard"
"Michigan Oil Co."
"Michigan Order Work Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Michigan Overall Manufacturing Co."
"Michigan Paint Manufacturing Co."
"Michigan Pan-American Commission"
"Michigan Paper Co."
"Michigan Pearl Button Co."
"Michigan Pipe Covering Co."
"Michigan Pole & Tie Co."
"Michigan Process Coal Co."
"Michigan Radio & Electric Co."
"Michigan Railway Co."
"Michigan Railway Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Michigan Reed Fiber..(Bay City, MI)"
"Michigan Refrigeration Inc. (GR)"
"Michigan Retail Furniture Dealers' Association"
"Michigan Retail Furniture Dealers' Association (Detroit, MI)"
"Michigan Seating Co. (Jackson, MI)"
"Michigan Seating Company"
"Michigan Seed & Pet Store"
"Michigan Soldiers' Home"
"Michigan Spice Co."
"Michigan Star Furniture (Zeeland, MI)"
"Michigan Star Furniture Company"
"Michigan State Prison Commission"
"Michigan State University"
"Michigan Steel Boat Company (Detroit, MI), knock-down furniture"
"Michigan Store and Office Fixture.."
"Michigan Stove & Caster Co."
"Michigan Street Pharmacy"
"Michigan Street Produce Co."
"Michigan Summer Shoe Fair"
"Michigan Supreme Court"
"Michigan Tag Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Michigan Tea Rusk Co."
"Michigan Telephone Co."
"Michigan Tradesman"
"Michigan Truck and Trailer ..."
"Michigan Trust Building Co."
"Michigan Trust Co."
"Michigan Trust Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Michigan Union Life Association"
"Michigan United War Fund Inc."
"Michigan Upholstering Company (Detroit, MI)"
"Michigan Veterans Facility"
"Michigan vocational schools"
"Michigan Warming and Ventilating..."
"Michigan Water Power Co."
"Michigan Wheat Corp."
"Michigan Wheel Co."
"Michigan Wholesale Dry Goods Co."
"Michigan Wire Goods..(Niles, MI)"
"Michigan wood-working industries running out of native timber"
"Michigan Workmen's Compensation ..."
"Michigan workmen's compensation act"
"Michigan Workmen's Compensation Law"
"Michigan's oldest tree"
"Michigan's Upper Peninsula"
"Michigan-Texas Land & Orchard Co."
"Michmershuizen, F.J."
"Michmershuizen, John"
"Mick, John"
"Mid-West Oil and Gas Corp."
"Mid-West Refineries Inc."
"Mid-West Securities Corp."
"Middle Ages"
"Middlecoff, A. (Urich, MO)"
"Middleton Drug Co."
"Middleton, Clarence A."
"Middleton, Louis V."
"Midland Chair &. (Michigan City, IN)"
"Midland Chair ...(Michigan City,IN)"
"Midland Chair..(Michigan City, IN)"
"Midland Chair...(Michigan City, IN)"
"Midland Mirror Co. (Evansville, IN)"
"Midsummer buying season success attributed to cool climate"
"Midwest Co."
"Midwest Furniture and ..(St. Louis)"
"Midwest furniture industry"
"Midwest Upholstering Co.(St. Louis)"
"Midwest Upholstering..(St. Louis)"
"Mieras, Mr./Mrs. Cornelius"
"Miesen Mercantile.. (Casselton, ND)"
"Miesner Lumber...(Wittenberg, MO)"
"Migration, influence of design"
"Milago, Luigi (New York City)"
"Milano Il Sole"
"Milanoski, Ben"
"Milburn, Alexander Co. (Baltimore)"
"Mildew-proof upholstery"
"Mileage book"
"Miles Hardware Co."
"Miles, Austin"
"Miles, Frank R."
"Miles-Lowell Co."
"Milford (IN) Furniture Mfg. Co."
"Milk and Milk Products Research ..."
"Milk Cooling Equipment Co."
"Milkweed floss"
"Mill Creek"
"Mill Creek Junction"
"Mill Creek Mercantile Co."
"Mill Mutual Agency"
"Mill Room classroom photo"
"Millar, John H."
"Miller & Harris... (Hastings, MI)"
"Miller & O'Hearn"
"Miller & Stanton"
"Miller & Thompson"
"Miller Brothers.. (Wilmington, DE)"
"Miller Cabinet Co. (Rochester, NY)"
"Miller Candy Co."
"Miller Desk Co. (Montgomery, PA)"
"Miller Furnace Co."
"Miller Manufacturing Co."
"Miller Michigan Potato Co."
"Miller Oil & Supply Company"
"Miller Oil & Supply Company (Indianapolis, IN)"
"Miller Oil and Supply Company"
"Miller Show Case Co. (Ft. Wayne,IN)"
"Miller Upholstering Co."
"Miller's Furniture (Royal Oak, MI)"
"Miller, A.G."
"Miller, A.L. Co. (Conshohocken, PA)"
"Miller, Abe"
"Miller, Abraham"
"Miller, Albert I."
"Miller, B."
"Miller, Bradford (San Francisco)"
"Miller, Braford (San Francisco)"
"Miller, C. Delno"
"Miller, Charles D."
"Miller, Charlie"
"Miller, Chauncey C."
"Miller, Claude H."
"Miller, David (Gardner, MA)"
"Miller, Earl R."
"Miller, Frank T."
"Miller, Fred E."
"Miller, Fred H."
"Miller, Frederick"
"Miller, G.F."
"Miller, George C. (Buffalo)"
"Miller, George W."
"Miller, Gladys"
"Miller, Helen E."
"Miller, Herman (Zeeland, MI)"
"Miller, Hugo (Zeeland, MI)"
"Miller, Jacob A. (New York City)"
"Miller, Jasper"
"Miller, Keith"
"Miller, Lee (Johnson City, TN)"
"Miller, Louis (Detroit)"
"Miller, Markham B."
"Miller, Merle E."
"Miller, Methias"
"Miller, Milton C. (Grand Rapids)"
"Miller, Mrs. Samuel"
"Miller, Nathan"
"Miller, Perry"
"Miller, S. & Sons (Philadelphia)"
"MIller, William (Allentown, PA)"
"Miller-Erhardt Clothes Shop"
"Miller-Leggitt... (Tulsa, OK)"
"Milliman, George (N. Tonawanda, NY)"
"Millinery trade"
"Millington, William"
"Millington, William (Grand Rapids)"
"Millman & Stern Inc, (Chicago)"
"Mills & Healey"
"Mills remain firm on prices of burlap and jute due to supply and deman"
"Mills, Arthur H."
"Mills, C.W."
"Mills, George M."
"Mills, Lloyd Marcellus"
"Mills, Max"
"Millspaugh, Cedric (Jamestown, NY)"
"Milne Chair Co. (Chattanooga, TN)"
"Milne, W.S. Chair Co. (Cleveland)"
"Miltenberg, E. Inc. (New York City)"
"Milton Hotel"
"Milton, Henry Clay"
"Milton, T. Smith (Louisville, KY)"
"Milwaukee (WI) Chair Co."
"Milwaukee Bedding Co."
"Milwaukee Chair Co."
"Milwaukee Children's Hospital"
"Milwaukee furniture exposition"
"MIlwaukee furniture expositions"
"Milwaukee furniture industry"
"Milwaukee furniture merchants"
"Milwaukee Journal"
"Milwaukee Metal Bed Co."
"Milwaukee Sample ...(Chicago)"
"Milwaukee Style Week"
"Milwaukee Vocational School"
"Milwaukee, Wisconsin school board may make desks to save money"
"Minall, H.J."
"Minch & Eisenbrey.. (Baltimore, MD)"
"Minderhout, J."
"Minderhout, Jacob M. (Grand Rapids)"
"Mine, E.E."
"Miner's... (Lovillia, IA)"
"Miner, Frank E."
"Miniature furniture"
"Miniature tall clock (art)"
"Minimum wage"
"Minneapolis (MN) Furniture Co."
"Minneapolis (MN) Institute of Arts"
"Minneapolis (MN) Journal"
"Minneapolis (MN) Museum of Fine Art"
"Minneapolis Bedding Co."
"Minneapolis Board of Education"
"Minneapolis Furniture Co."
"Minneapolis furniture exposition"
"Minneapolis furniture industry"
"Minneapolis Furniture Mfg. Co."
"Minneapolis furniture strike"
"Minneapolis Reed Furniture Co."
"Minneapolis, MN furniture stores"
"Minnequa Furniture Co. (Towanda,PA)"
"Minnesota Art Commission"
"Minnesota forest industry"
"Minnesota Furniture Buyers ..."
"Minnesota furniture industry"
"Minnesota lumber industry"
"Minnesota Mill Works..(St. Paul,MN)"
"Minnet & Co. (New York, NY)"
"Minolagar Co."
"Minor & Bullen"
"Minor Walton Bean Co."
"Minor Walton Co."
"Miracle Milk Inc."
"Mirror coloring"
"Mirror glass industry"
"mirror manufacturing"
"Mirror market"
"Mirror plate"
"Mirror plate and glass"
"Mirror plate shortage"
"Mirror plates"
"Mirror, mahogany veneer (art)"
"Mirrors from Scandinavia (art)"
"Mirrors in furniture manufacturing"
"Mirrors, resilvering of"
"Misbranding of furniture"
"Mishalke, Max"
"Miskill, James D. (Grand Rapids)"
"Mission furniture"
"Mission furniture, demand for"
"Mission furniture, waning of"
"Mission idea on metal beds"
"Mission leathers"
"Mission rocker, construction of"
"Mission rocker, design of"
"Mission style"
"Mission style furniture"
"Mission style of Architecture from California"
"Mission styles of furniture"
"Mississippi furniture industry"
"Mississippi Products..(Jackson, MS)"
"Mississippi Timber Co."
"Mississippi Valley floods"
"Mississippi Valley furniture trade"
"Mississippi Valley...(Memphis, TN)"
"Missouri Railway & Warehouse Commission wish to lower rates"
"Mitchell & Parker (Buffalo, NY)"
"Mitchell Furniture..(Cincinnati)"
"Mitchell, Frank G. (Memphis, TN)"
"Mitchell, John"
"Mitchell, P.R. (Cincinnati)"
"Mitchell, Richard (Cincinnati)"
"Mitchell, Robert H."
"Mitchells's... (Cincinnati, OH)"
"Mitchwell & Parker Co. (Boston, MA)"
"Mittendorf & Kiler"
"Mittendorf & Kiler (Champaign, IL)"
"Mitts & Merrill (Saginaw, MI)"
"Mixing glue to repair belts"
"Mixing stains, formula for"
"Mixing table of Sheraton ...(art)"
"Mobert's Clothing Co."
"Mobile (AL)_ Chair Co."
"Mobile(AL)-Panama route to W.Coast"
"Moca goatskin exports to U.S."
"Mock Collection (Wabash, IN)"
"Mod-Chrome tubular furniture"
"Mode Furniture Mfg. ..(Los Angeles)"
"Model American home"
"Model factory column"
"Model factory department column"
"Model factory monthly column"
"Model furniture factories"
"Model furniture plant"
"Model Home"
"Model homes"
"Model Steam Laundry"
"Modeling classroom photo"
"Modern American art"
"Modern chest of drawers (art)"
"Modern chest with mirror (art)"
"Modern China cabinets"
"Modern colonial furniture"
"Modern colonial homes"
"Modern design"
"Modern design (art)"
"Modern dining room in walnut"
"Modern electrical home"
"Modern English furniture"
"Modern English style"
"Modern finishing techniques not accepted by all finishers"
"Modern Fixture Co."
"Modern furniture"
"Modern Furniture Company"
"Modern furniture design"
"Modern furniture design contest"
"Modern Furniture Making and Design"
"Modern furniture styles (art)"
"Modern Furniture...(Hartsville,SC)"
"Modern Gallery"
"Modern Home"
"Modern Home Appliance Co."
"Modern Home Builders Supply"
"Modern Home Utilities Inc."
"Modern Italian Renaissance style"
"Modern Lamp and Shade Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"Modern Movement"
"Modern Rattan Furniture Co. (LA)"
"Modern Refrigerator Co. (Peru, IN)"
"Modern Store Equipment"
"Modern style"
"Modern tables"
"Modern Upholstered..(Morristown,TN"
"Modern Upholstery Inc. (Toledo, OH)"
"Modern Utilities..(Terre Haute,IN)"
"Modern Way Furniture..(Fresno, CA)"
"Modern Wood Adhesives"
"Modern wood chair frames"
"Modern wood chair frames (art)"
"Moderne (art moderne)"
"Moderne Construction Co."
"Moderne furniture (art)"
"Modernism in furniture design"
"Modernistic design"
"Modjeska, James"
"Modlin, H.W."
"Modular furniture"
"Module furniture"
"Mohair goat industry in U.S."
"Mohair industry"
"Mohair Institute (Chicago)"
"Mohair plush"
"Mohair plush standards"
"Mohawk Carpet Mills (Amsterdam, NY)"
"Mohican Furniture..(Poughkeepsie,NY"
"Mohl & Kenning"
"Mohl & Schneider"
"Mohl, Edward E."
"Moholy-Nagy, L. (Chicago)"
"Moholy-Nagy, Lazlo (Chicago)"
"Mohrhardt, J.A."
"Mohrig, William (Grand Rapids)"
"Moisture contents of lumber"
"Moisture control"
"Moisture in shellac"
"Moisture on lumber drying process"
"Moisture-proof furniture"
"Moisture-resistant animal glues"
"Mol, James"
"Molded plywood furniture"
"Molding of curved plywood"
"Moline (IL) Furniture Works"
"Moline Cabinet Shop"
"Moll, Martin C."
"Molla of New York (NYC)"
"Mollere Warehouse Co."
"Moltmaker, H.F."
"Momentum Furniture"
"Monahan, H.V."
"Monarch Chair & ...(Rockford, IL)"
"Monarch Furniture Corp. (Oakland)"
"Monarch Furniture..(Jamestown, NY)"
"Monarch Manufacturing Co."
"Monarch Push-Button Chairs"
"Moneyweight Scale Co."
"Monite Waterproof ...(Minneapolis)"
"Monitor Furniture..(Evansville, IN)"
"Monitor Furniture..(Evansville,IN)"
"Monitor Furniture..(Jamestown, NY)"
"Monitor Furniture...(Jamestown, NY)"
"Monk's... (Mobile, Ala.)"
"Monk, William H."
"Monogram pulls"
"Monroe Avenue"
"Monroe Benbrook & Co."
"Monroe Doctrine"
"Monroe Gas Transmission Inc."
"Monroe Manufacturing Co."
"Monroe Specialty Co. (New York, NY)"
"Monroe Style Shop"
"Monroe, George B."
"Monsanto Chemical (St. Louis)"
"Monsanto Chemical Co. (St. Louis)"
"Monsanto Chemical..(St. Louis)"
"Monson, A.T."
"Monta Motor Sales Co."
"Montague Co."
"Montague Mfg. ..(Winston-Salem, NC)"
"Montague, Benjamin"
"MontaMower Distributing Co."
"Montana Mattress Co. (Butte, MT)"
"Monterey line"
"Montgomer (PA) Table & Desks Works"
"Montgomery & Gauley"
"Montgomery (AL) Mattress Co."
"Montgomery (PA) Lounge Co."
"Montgomery (PA) Table & Desk Works"
"Montgomery (PA) Table Works"
"Montgomery Hardwood Lumber"
"Montgomery Hardwood Lumber Company"
"Montgomery Harwood Lumber Company"
"Montgomery Mfg. Co. (Miltown, PA)"
"Montgomery Ward & Co."
"Montgomery Ward & Company (Chicago, IL)"
"Montgomery Ward & Company vs. South Dakota Retail Merchants Associatio"
"Montgomery Ward (Chicago)"
"Montgomery, A.Y."
"Montgomery, Forrest"
"Montical, W.S."
"Montville (NY) Chair Works"
"Monument Square Building"
"Monument Square Realty Co."
"Moody, Floyd E."
"Mook-Horng Chinese union"
"Moon Desk Co. (Muskegon, MI)"
"Moon Desk Company"
"Moon Desk Company (Muskegon, MI)"
"Moon Lake Ice Co."
"Moon, C.R."
"Moore & Clayson"
"Moore & McKee (Avilla, IN)"
"Moore & Scriver (Minneapolis, MN)"
"Moore & Weaver"
"Moore Carving ...(Minneapolis)"
"Moore Dry Kiln Co. (Jacksonville)"
"Moore Dry Kiln Co. (Jacksonville,FL"
"Moore Furniture Co. (Aberdeen, SD)"
"Moore Furniture Co. (Miami, FL)"
"Moore Furniture...(Tulsa, OK)"
"Moore, Alexander"
"Moore, Charles"
"Moore, Charles H."
"Moore, Earl W."
"Moore, Gilbert H."
"Moore, H.B."
"Moore, H.N."
"Moore, Harvey A."
"Moore, James W."
"Moore, Jerome B."
"Moore, John (Jamestown, NY)"
"Moore, John M."
"Moore, Julia A."
"Moore, Morris E."
"Moore, William T."
"Moorish designs"
"Moorish style"
"Moorman, Julia E."
"Moorstein Mfg. (San Diego)"
"Moran, Eddie"
"Moran, Edward T."
"Moran, Frank R. (Grand Rapids)"
"Moran, George (Jamestown, NY)"
"Moran, James L."
"Moran, Mrs. F.J. (New York City)"
"Moran, Verena D."
"More & Brooks"
"More Towns Want Furniture Expositions"
"Morehead, A.L."
"Morehouse-Martens... (Columbus, OH)"
"Morey, Arthur D. (Ionia, MI)"
"Morey, Chester S."
"Morgan & Co."
"Morgan & Randall"
"Morgan Fabrics Corp. (NYC)"
"Morgan Furniture..(Asheville, NC)"
"Morgan Furniture...(Asheville, NC)"
"Morgan Mfg. Co. (Black Mountain,NC)"
"Morgan Mfg. Co. (Charleston, WV)"
"Morgan, C.F."
"Morgan, J. Pierpont"
"Morgan, Joseph H."
"Morgan, Russell Edward"
"Morgan, W.F."
"Morganton (NC) Furniture Co."
"Morgenstern, Arthur F. (GR)"
"Morley Mercantile Co."
"Morley Timber Co."
"Morley, E.J."
"Morley, E.J. (Rochester, NY)"
"Morley, Fred"
"Morley, Howard"
"Morley, John W."
"Morley, Mrs. C.S."
"Morning Market"
"Morning Press"
"Morning Telegram"
"Morocco leather"
"Morrell, H.C."
"Morrill-Cary Co."
"Morris Brothers"
"Morris Brothers Hardware Co."
"Morris Chair"
"Morris chair foot rest, assembly of"
"Morris chair foot rest, design for"
"Morris chairs"
"Morris H. Treusch & Bros."
"Morris rocking chairs a bad idea"
"Morris Wood & Sons"
"Morris Wood & Sons (Chicago, IL)"
"Morris Wood & Sons (Chicago, IL), innovation"
"Morris Wood & Sons (Chicago, IL), machinery"
"Morris Wood & Sons (Chicago, IL), new machinery"
"Morris, H.F. Corp. (Rochester, NY)"
"Morris, Harry E."
"Morris, J. Bingham"
"Morris, John"
"Morris, William"
"Morrison (TN) Turning Co."
"Morrison family"
"Morrison, A."
"Morrison, Clyde"
"Morrison, James Addison"
"Morrison, Jefferson"
"Morrison, Zalmon F."
"Morrison-Neese... (Greensboro, NC)"
"Morristown (NC) Mfg. Co."
"Morristown (TN) Chair Co."
"Morristown (TN) Desk Co."
"Morristown (TN) Turning Co."
"Morrow, Robertson"
"Morrow, Robertson (Memphis, TN)"
"Morse & Co."
"Morse Department Store"
"Morse Dry Goods Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Morse, Elizabeth"
"Morse, Frances Clary"
"Morse, George M."
"Morse, Ralph D. (Grand Rapids)"
"Morse, Ralph Furniture...(GR)"
"Mortise and tenons"
"Morton & Clark"
"Morton Dry Kiln Co. (Chicago)"
"Morton Dry Kiln Company"
"Morton Dry Kiln Company (Chicago, IL)"
"Morton Dry Kiln Company patents the Morton Kiln for drying hardwood lu"
"Morton Hotel (Grand Rapids)"
"Morton House"
"Morton House (Grand Rapids)"
"Morton House (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Morton House Pharmacy"
"Morton Lacquer Sales Co."
"Morton's... (Camden, ME)"
"Morton, Constantine"
"Morton, George B."
"Morton, George C."
"Morton, Horace J. (Belfast, ME)"
"Moseley & Stevens Co., Ltd."
"Moseley Bros."
"Moseley, Edward A."
"Moseley, Timothy F."
"Moser Furniture..(Lynchburg, VA)"
"Moses, Ed. (Grand Rapids)"
"Mosher Roofing Co."
"Mosher, D.H."
"Mosher, Edward"
"Mosman, Charles Wesley"
"Moss for mattresses"
"Moss for upholstered furniture"
"Mossner, Harry"
"Most Buyers don't consider costs of shipping and handling"
"most of Baghdad without beds"
"Moth exterminators"
"Moth infestation"
"Moth worms"
"Mother of pearl"
"Mother of pearl varnish"
"Mother's Remedies Company"
"Motion picture advertising"
"Motion picture industry"
"Motor Camshaft & Parts Corp."
"Motor deliveries"
"Motor driven turning lathe"
"Motor Sales Co."
"Motor trucks"
"Motor-driven machinery"
"Mott Furniture Co. (Riverside, CA)"
"Mottel, William J. (Gladstone, MI)"
"Moughler & Keift"
"Mouldings and their application"
"Mouldings, mitering of"
"Moulton, L.V."
"Mount Airy (NC) Mantel and Table..."
"Mount Lebanon, MA"
"Mount Vernon de Paris"
"Mount Vernon de Paris (art)"
"Moving picturte industry"
"Mowat, John"
"Mowat, John (Grand Rapids)"
"Mowat, Malcolm C. (Grand Rapids)"
"Mowatt, John"
"Moyer, John E."
"Mrs. Eastman's Private Schol"
"Msterpieces of Furniture Design"
"Mt. Clemens Daily Leader"
"Mudd & Co."
"Mudge, W.A."
"Mueller & Slack Co."
"Mueller & Slack Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Mueller & Slack Company"
"Mueller & Slack Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Mueller & Slack Company (Grand Rapids, MI), chairs"
"Mueller and Slack Company"
"Mueller Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids"
"Mueller Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Mueller Furniture Co.(Grand Rapids)"
"Mueller, Frederick H. Jr. (GR)"
"Mueller, Frederick H.(Grand Rapids)"
"Mueller, George F. (Grand Rapids)"
"Muir Drug Co."
"Muir Laboratories"
"Muir, John D."
"Mulder Bros."
"Mulder, Ananias A."
"Mulder, Herman"
"Mulder, J.D."
"Mulder, Klaas"
"Mulder, William"
"Mulford, M.J."
"Mulholland, Charles W."
"Mull, Ira"
"Mullen, William"
"Muller Bakeries Inc."
"Muller DeVos Co."
"Muller, William"
"Muller-Barringer (New York City)"
"Muller-DeVos Co."
"Muller-Grocers Baking Co."
"Muller-Houseman Co."
"Mulnix, LeVant Jr."
"Multi-decor upholstered furniture"
"Multi-purpose cabinet, construction"
"Multi-purpose cabinet, design"
"Multi-purpose furniture"
"Multicolor Packages Inc."
"Multiple Writers Inc."
"Mulvihill Furniture Co. (St. Louis, MO)"
"Mulvihill, M.J."
"Mulvihill, Michael J. (St. Louis, MO)"
"Mulzer, Edwin F. (Grand Rapids)"
"Mumford Collection of Rugs"
"Mumma, Harry D. (Williamsport, PA)"
"Munchhof, Joseph A."
"Muncie (IN) Manufacturing Co."
"Muncy Furniture...(Sunbury, PA)"
"Munich, Germany"
"Municipal bonds"
"Munns, Charles (Detroit)"
"Munshaw, Earl W."
"Munson & Gamwell"
"Munson & Johnson (Jamestown, NY)"
"Munson Furniture..(Jamestown, NY)"
"Munson, E.A."
"Mural decoration"
"Murchie, F."
"Murders and murderers"
"Murdock, Charles W."
"Murner's Drug Store"
"Murphy & O'Hara's... (Saginaw, MI)"
"Murphy (NC) Chair Co."
"Murphy Chair Co. (Detroit)"
"Murphy Chair Co. (Detroit, MI)"
"Murphy Chair Co. (Owensboro, KY)"
"Murphy Chair Co. (Owensboro, TN)"
"Murphy Chair Company"
"Murphy Chair Company (Detroit, MI)"
"Murphy Varnish Co. (Newark, NJ)"
"Murphy, Franklin Jr. (Newark, NJ)"
"Murphy, Gleason (Owensboro, KY)"
"Murphy, Gleeson Jr. (Owensboro, KY)"
"Murphy, J.V."
"Murphy, M.H."
"Murphy, Michael (Chicago)"
"Murphy, William"
"Murphy-Miller Inc. (Owensboro, KY)"
"Murray Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Murray Wood Products..(Memphis, TN)"
"Murray, Frank Stuart (London)"
"Murray, J.N."
"Murray, Kendall & Co."
"Murray, M."
"Murray, Raymond J."
"Murray, Walter"
"Murrill & Co. (New York City)"
"Murrill, Hugh (Charlotte, NC)"
"Murtaugh, Thomas M. (NYC)"
"Muscoda (WI) Mfg. Co."
"Musee de Cluny (France)"
"Museum Design Project Inc. (NYC)"
"Museum of Decorative Arts, Paris"
"Museum of Modern Art (NYC)"
"Museum of Science and...(Chicago)"
"Music and curio cabinets"
"Music cabinet in satin walnut"
"Music cabinet in satin wood"
"Music cabinet, construction of"
"Music cabinet, design of"
"Music cabinets"
"Music stand, construction"
"Music stand, design"
"Muskegon (MI) Furniture Co."
"Muskegon (MI) Valley Furniture Co."
"Muskegon Carving Company"
"Muskegon Furniture Company (Muskegon, MI)"
"Muskegon furniture manufacturers note"
"Muskegon manufacturers happy with business from the Grand Rapids Marke"
"Muskegon pays industries to locate there"
"Muskegon valley desk Company"
"Muskegon Valley Furniture Company"
"Muskegon Valley Furniture Company (Muskegon, MI)"
"Muskegon, MI furniture manufacturers note"
"Muskegon, Michigan furniture manufacturers note"
"Muskegon, Michigan furniture manufacturers notes"
"Musselman & Widdicomb"
"Musselman Grocer Co."
"Musselman, Amos S."
"Musser & Co. (Findlay, OH)"
"Muste-Dykstra Co."
"Mutschler Bros. Co. (Nappanee, IN)"
"Mutschler, Albert (nappanee, IN)"
"Mutton, Jacob A."
"Mutual Furniture Mfg. (Dayton, OH)"
"Mutual Supply Co."
"Myer's Pharmacy"
"Myers Spalti Mfg. Co. (Houston)"
"Myers, James W."
"Myers-Miller... (Atlanta, GA)"
"Myrtle Desk Co. (High Point, NC)"
"Myrtle wood"
"Myrtle wood for furniture"
"N. Brander Co."
"N. Schoen & Son (Ortonville, MN)"
"N.B. Clark & Co."
"Nachman Spring Filled Corp."
"Nachman Spring Filled..(Chicago)"
"Nachman spring patent"
"Nachman spring units"
"Nachmann Co. (Chicago)"
"Nachtegal Manufacturing Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Nachtegall Manufacturing Co."
"Nachtegall Mfg. Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Nagel, Harold"
"Nagle Brand Co."
"Nagle, John C."
"Naimo, S."
"Nall Lumber Co. (Clearwater, FL)"
"Namm's.... (Brooklyn, NY)"
"Nancy designs"
"Naperville (IL) Lounge Co."
"Napieralski, Frank A."
"Napoleon furniture"
"Napoleon's Bed Chamber (Little Grand Trianon, Versailles, France)"
"Napoleon's Bureau de Campagne"
"Naptha as varnish solvents"
"Nargusta (Mexico/South America)"
"Narra (Philippine mahogany)"
"Narra Hardwood Use in the United States"
"Nash Furniture... (Statesville, NC)"
"Nash, Charles O."
"Nash, Charles Osgood (Grand Rapids)"
"Nash, Harry"
"Nash, J.M."
"Nash, Richard M."
"Nash, Wilfred (Grand Rapids)"
"Nashville (TN) Chair Co."
"Nashville (TN) Chair Mfg. Co."
"Nashville (TN) furniture industry"
"Nashville, Tennessee furniture manufacturers note"
"Nashville, TN, furniture industry"
"Nason, C.F."
"Nass Furniture Co. (Stendal, IN)"
"Nat. Assn. of Summer Furniture ..."
"Nathan-Dohrmann Co. (San Francisco, CA))"
"Nation, Carrie"
"National Advertisers Inc."
"National Alliance of Case Goods ..."
"National Alliance of Furniture ..."
"National Assn. of Furniture ..."
"National Assn. of Parlor ..."
"National Assn. of Upholstered ..."
"National Assno. of Furniture ..."
"National Assocation of Furniture .."
"National Association of ..."
"National Association of Box Manufacturers"
"National Association of Case Goods Makers (Chicago, IL)"
"National Association of Case Goods Manufacturers of America"
"National Association of Case Goods Manufacturers'"
"National Association of Chair ..."
"National Association of Furniture"
"National Association of Furniture Manufacturers"
"National Association of Furniture.."
"National Association of Manufacturers of America (Albany, NY)"
"National Association of Manufacturers of Extension Tables"
"National Association of Retail ..."
"National Association of Tanners"
"National Automatic Music Co."
"National Bank and Trust Co. of ..."
"National Bank of Commerce (NYC)"
"National Bank of Grand Rapids"
"National Bankruptcy Act"
"National Bedding..(Fond du Lac, WI)"
"National Better Business Bureau"
"National Better Homes Contest"
"National Better Homes movement"
"National Biscuit Co."
"National Brass Bed Co. (Cleveland)"
"National Brass Co."
"National Brass Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"National Brotherhood of Consumers"
"National Bureau of Metal and ..."
"National Candy Co."
"National Carpet Sweeper Co. (Marion, IN)"
"National Case Goods Association call for 10 percent raise in prices"
"National Casein Co. (Chicago)"
"National Casein Sales (Chicago)"
"National Cash Register Co."
"National Cedar Chest Association"
"National Chair Co."
"National Chair Co. (New York City)"
"National Chair Co. (Portland, ME)"
"National Chamber of Commerce"
"National Chest & ...(Blufton, IN)"
"National City Bank"
"National Clothing Co."
"National Code of Ethics"
"National Complete Building ..."
"National Council of Furniture ..."
"National Council of Furniture..."
"National Credit and Collection Co."
"National Demonstration Home"
"National Distributing Co."
"National Dry Kiln Company (Indianapolis, IN)"
"National Electric Supply & ..."
"National Electric Toothbrush Co."
"National Exhibition of Architecture"
"National Fiber (Jeffersonville, IN)"
"National Fire Protection Agency addresses standardization and betterme"
"National Foreign Trade Convention"
"National forests"
"National Furniture (Washington, DC)"
"National Furniture and ...(NYC)"
"National Furniture Association"
"National furniture associations"
"National Furniture Board of Trade"
"National Furniture Company"
"National Furniture Company (Atlanta, GA)"
"National Furniture Company (Jamestown, NY)"
"National Furniture Conference"
"National Furniture Credit Bureau"
"National Furniture Designers ..."
"National Furniture Distributing(NYC"
"National Furniture Exchange ..."
"National Furniture Fashion Week"
"National Furniture Manufacturers..."
"National Furniture Mfg's Assoc."
"National Furniture Retail...(GR)"
"National Furniture Traffic ..."
"National Furniture Week"
"National Furniture..(Evansville,IN)"
"National Furniture..(Jamestown, NY)"
"National Furniture..(Lenoir, NC)"
"National Furniture..(Wheeling, WV)"
"National Furniture...(Jamestown,NY)"
"National German Bank of Sheboygan"
"National Grocer Co."
"National Hangerform Co."
"National Hardwood Lumber ..."
"National Hardwood Lumber Assn."
"National Hardwood Lumber Association reports staggering numbers in def"
"National Home Furnishers ..."
"National Home Furnishers' ..."
"National Home Furnishing Campaign"
"National Home Furnishings Program"
"National Home Furnishings Style ..."
"National Homes Beautiful Week"
"National Hotel"
"National Hotel (Salina, KS)"
"National House Furnishings Expo"
"National Housing program"
"National Industrial Conference ..."
"National Industrial Recovery Act"
"National Industrial Traffic League"
"National Lock Co. (Rockford, IL)"
"National Lock Company (Rockford, IL)"
"National Lumber Inspection Rules update"
"National Lumber Manufacturers ..."
"National Manufacture &...(Atlanta)"
"National Manufacture and..(Atlanta)"
"National Manufacturers ..."
"National Marshall Spring Corp. (GR)"
"National Mattress ...(Toronto,Ont.)"
"National Mattress Co. (Chicago)"
"National Mattress Co., Inc."
"National Metal Stamping.(Newark,NJ)"
"National Moulding Co."
"National Novelty Co. (Gardner, MA)"
"National Oil Service Co."
"National Packing Co."
"National Piano Manufacturing Co."
"National Piano Mfg. Co. (GR)"
"National Plant Introduction Garden at Chico, California"
"National Plastic ...(Odenton, MD)"
"National Plastics ...(Odenton, MD)"
"National Radio-Kraft Corp."
"National Recovery Act"
"National Recovery Administration"
"National Reedware..(Buffalo, NY)"
"National Reserve Association Inc."
"National Restaurant Mart (Chicago)"
"National Retail Code"
"National Retail Furniture Assn."
"National Retail Furniture Institute"
"National Retail Furniture School"
"National Retail Furniture School (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"National Retail Furniture..(GR)"
"National Retail Furniture... (GR)"
"National Retail Furniture...(GR)"
"National Rooms and Apartments Inc."
"National Russiam Museum (Moscow)"
"National Sales Crusade"
"National Seating Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"National Sheet Metal Works"
"National Shock Absorber Co."
"National Specialty Sales and ..."
"National Spring & Wire Co."
"National Spring &..(Nashville, TN)"
"National Spring and ...(Chicago)"
"National Spring and Bed ..."
"National Spring Bed Co. (New Britain, CT)"
"National Spring Bed.(N.Britain, CT)"
"National Stuffing Co."
"National Supply Co."
"National Sweeper Co. (Marion, IN)"
"National Sweeper Co. (Torrington,CT)"
"National Upholstering...(Chicago)"
"National Veneer and Panel ..."
"National Vigilance Committee"
"National Wholesale Furniture ...."
"National Wood ...(Little Rock, Ark."
"National Woodenware Co."
"National Woodenware Co., Ltd. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"National Youth Administration"
"National-Marshall Spring Corp."
"Native Furniture Lumber"
"Natural designs in furniture"
"Nauta, Sid"
"Naval stores"
"Naval Stores Act"
"Navicloth Underwear Corp."
"Navy PBM-3 patrol bomber"
"Naylor Furniture Co."
"Naylor Upholstering Co."
"Naylor, Samuel (Grand Rapids)"
"Nazareth (Holy Land?) cabinet ..."
"Near East cabinet industry"
"Near East orphan boys"
"Near East orphans"
"Near East Relief"
"Near Eastern furniture industry"
"Nedderman, George H."
"Nee, Dermot A."
"Needham, J.W. Ltd. (New York City)"
"Needlepoint tapestry"
"Neely, M.L. (Sturgis, MI)"
"Neeson, J.T."
"Negotiable instruments"
"Neher-Murmer Co."
"Neiboer, Joseph"
"Neil Shippy's"
"Neilson, Chris"
"Neir, Ernie"
"Neis, William"
"Nellist's Drug Store"
"Nelson & Matter Furniture Co."
"Nelson & Savage"
"Nelson - Matter Furniture Company"
"Nelson - Matter Furniture Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Nelson - Matter Furniture Company (Grand Rapids, MI), bedroom"
"Nelson - Matter Furniture Company (Grand Rapids, MI), bedroom furnitur"
"Nelson - Matter Furniture Company (Grand Rapids, MI), bedroom group"
"Nelson - Matter Furniture Company (Grand Rapids, MI), bedroom suite"
"Nelson - Matter Furniture Company (Grand Rapids, MI), examples"
"Nelson - Matter Furniture Company (Grand Rapids, MI), furniture"
"Nelson - Matter Furniture Company (Grand Rapids, MI), Louis XVI Suite"
"Nelson - Matter Furniture Company (Grand Rapids, MI), nine-piece suite"
"Nelson - Matter Furniture Company (Grand Rapids, MI), products"
"Nelson - Matter Furniture Company, products"
"Nelson Bros. & Co."
"Nelson brothers"
"Nelson Brothers (Wilkes-Barre, PA)"
"Nelson Club schemes"
"Nelson Matter Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Nelson Matter Furniture Co. (GR)"
"Nelson Matter Furniture..(GR)"
"Nelson Morris & Co."
"Nelson, Clement W. (Shreveport, LA)"
"Nelson, Ezra"
"Nelson, Ezra T. (Grand Rapids)"
"Nelson, Fred A."
"Nelson, George (Holland, MI)"
"Nelson, George C."
"Nelson, H.J."
"Nelson, John"
"Nelson, M.J."
"Nelson, M.L. Furniture..(Seymour,IN"
"Nelson, Matter & Co."
"Nelson, N. James (Milwaukee)"
"Nelson-Mattber building (GR)"
"Nelson-Matter Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Nelson-Matter Furniture Co. (GR)"
"Nelson-Matter Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Neptune Furniture.. (Rochester, NY)"
"Nergatarian, H.G."
"Netherlands firm desires to try American goods"
"Neu-Tra Corp."
"Neubecker, James E."
"Neuman, Charles"
"Neuman, Frank J."
"Neuman-Kettler Furniture (Lima, OH)"
"Neureither, Frederick"
"Neutra, Richard J. (Los Angeles)"
"Nevada furniture statistics"
"Nevetzral Produce Co."
"Nevius, John W."
"New Albany, IN"
"New automatic gear cutter"
"New books"
"New Brick Co."
"New Britain Machine Company"
"New Building in Grand Rapids, Michigan"
"New business incentives"
"New Cabinet Co. (Evansville, IN)"
"New Cabinet Co. (Indianapolis)"
"New Carpet Sweeper"
"New Commerce"
"New Deal"
"New Deal programs"
"New Departure Mfg...(Bristol, CT)"
"New Departure..(New Britain, CT)"
"new device for separating steam from water vapor"
"new downtown passenger station in Grand Rapids, MI"
"New England bookcase, c1770 (art)"
"New England Food Fair and ..."
"New England Furniture (Minneapolis, MN)"
"New England Furniture Co."
"New England Furniture Co. (GR)"
"New England Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"New England Furniture Company"
"New England Furniture Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"New England furniture industry"
"New England Furniture.(Minneapolis)"
"New England Home Furnishers Assn."
"New England Table Co. (Rutland,VT)"
"New England Table Mfg. (Rutland,VT)"
"New England Trade Exchange"
"New Era Colonial maple (art)"
"New Era Life Association of Grand.."
"New Era Spring & Specialty Co."
"New Factories"
"new fashion in furniture"
"new form of extension table"
"new furniture club"
"New Grand Rapids hotel project"
"New Grand Rapids Soap Co."
"New Hampshire"
"New Hardware"
"New home construction in U.S., 1919"
"new interest sparked in Florida's timber resources"
"New Jersey"
"new law"
"New lines ready for expositions"
"New London (CT) Upholstering Co."
"New London (WI) Chair Co."
"New Machine for sharpening saw teeth"
"New machinery"
"New Machinery - New Britain Machine Company"
"new machinery, band rip saw"
"New machinery, installation costs"
"new machinery, portable wood saw"
"New machines"
"New Manufacturers' Building"
"New metal use"
"New Mexico"
"New more sanitary folding bed, murphy bed"
"New Office Desk form"
"New Orders and New Lines of Furnishings"
"New Orleans"
"New Orleans flood"
"New Orleans furniture industry"
"New Orleans Furniture Mfg. Co."
"New Orleans furniture stores"
"New Orleans Retail Furniture Dealers' Association (New Orleans, LA)"
"New Palace Furniture (Wheeling, WV)"
"New Pantlind Hotel"
"New Pantlind Hotel (Grand Rapids)"
"new pedestal barber's chairs replace one with legs"
"New railroads will help harvest untouched Mexican exotic lumber forest"
"new real estate novelty"
"New safeguards and regulations"
"New Southern Hotel"
"New Specialized Profession"
"New Tool Machinery"
"New vise makes saw filing easier"
"new washing machine uses a double-ball bearing system"
"New Waterford (OH) Furniture Co."
"New Waters building"
"New Way merchandising fixture"
"New Way Method of Merchandising"
"New Way Zeromatic"
"new wood preservation experiments"
"New York"
"New York (NY) Art Center"
"New York (NY) Better Homes Exposition"
"New York (NY) Chair Co."
"New York (NY) Furniture Exchange"
"New York (NY) Society of Craftsmen"
"New York (NY) Terminal Warehouse"
"New York (NY) Trust Co."
"New York (NYC) Lounge Co."
"New York Biscuit Co."
"New York board of education"
"New York child labor law ruled unconstitutional"
"New York City board of education"
"New York City furniture industry"
"New York City Plastics Exposition"
"New York City, NY furniture industry"
"New York City, NY furniture stores"
"New York Commercial Frauds Court"
"New York Cracker Co."
"New York Electro Plating & ..."
"New York Evening High School"
"New York Evening High School, more information"
"New York experiments in vocational training schools"
"New York Furniture Exchange"
"New York furniture exposition"
"New York furniture expositions"
"New York furniture industry"
"New York Furniture Mart"
"New York Furniture Warehousemen ..."
"New York Rebate Stamp Co."
"New York Silver Jubiless"
"New York state furniture design"
"New York state furniture industry"
"New York Superintendent of Schools"
"New York Tribune"
"New York upholstery material market"
"New York woman wills Mrs. Andrew Carnegie rare old furniture"
"New York World's Fair"
"New York's New Theatre"
"New York, NY rug market"
"New Zealand as source of kauri gum"
"New Zealand International ..."
"New Zealand pine"
"New Zealand, U.S. trade with"
"New, Harry J. (Grand Rapids)"
"Newark (NJ) Art Museum"
"Newark (NJ) Chair Co."
"Newark (OH) Furniture Co."
"Newark (OH) Table Co."
"Newborg, D.L."
"Newcomb Mantel and..(Nashville, TN)"
"Newkirk, Wm. (Connersville, IN)"
"Newmaker, Floyd (Warren, PA)"
"Newman and Son (Philadelphia)"
"Newman Furniture... (Joplin, MO)"
"Newman Machine Co. (Greensboro,NC)"
"Newman, Arthur J."
"Newman-Kettler Co (Lima, OH)"
"Newport News (VA) Furniture"
"News and Comment from the Ohio Furniture Making Cities"
"news and notes from furniture factories around Michigan"
"Newton (NC) Furniture Co."
"Newton Shoe Co."
"Newton's ... (Cincinnati, OH)"
"Newton, Floyd A."
"Nibbelink, Harry"
"Nicaragua as source of andiroba"
"Nicaraguan furniture industry"
"Nicaraguan imports of U.S. ..."
"Nicholas Reed ...(Gardner, MA)"
"Nichols & Cox Lumber Co."
"Nichols & Cox Lumber Co. (GR)"
"Nichols & Naysmith"
"Nichols & Palma (Chicago)"
"Nichols & Stone (Gardner, MA)"
"Nichols & Stone ..(Gardner, MA)"
"Nichols & Stone Co. (Gardner, MA)"
"Nichols and Cox Lumber Co. (GR)"
"Nichols, A.M."
"Nichols, George W."
"Nichols, Glee H."
"Nichols, Marcus M. (Fitchburg, MA)"
"Nichols, R.G."
"Nicholson Furniture.(Chase City,VA)"
"Nicholson, George W."
"Nicholson, Merideth"
"Nicholson, Stuart"
"Nicholson-Kendle..(Huntington, WV)"
"Nick Bouma & Sons"
"Nickerson, Gilbert (Nova Scotia)"
"Nickey Bros. (Memphis, TN)"
"Nickey Brothers (Memphis, TN)"
"Nickum, John"
"Niedringhaus, Charles (Chicago)"
"Niemann Table Co. (Chicago)"
"Niemann Table Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"Niemeyer, John"
"Nier, Ernie"
"Niethammer, Martin W.G."
"Niewyk, Edward"
"Night industrial schools"
"Night schools"
"Nigma, Ferris"
"Niles (OH) Car and Manufacturing…"
"Niles Pease Furniture Co. (Los Angeles, CA)"
"Niles, G.B."
"Nilsson Distributing Corp."
"Nims, Frederick A."
"Nind, J. Newton"
"Nind, J. Newton (Grand Rapids)"
"Nind, J. Newton Sr."
"Nind, Marjorie (Texas State Coll.)"
"Nine-hour work day"
"Nine-hour work day plan"
"Nine-hour working day"
"Nishni, Novgorod, Russia"
"Niss Furniture... (Milwaukee, WI)"
"Niss, Clarence C."
"Nixon, Walter S."
"Nizer Corp. (Detroit)"
"No cancelled orders due to ten per cent increase by the National Case"
"No English market for American furniture"
"No Lox Bed Davenport..(Chicago)"
"No more free postage for officials sending large shipments"
"No more room for beds or time for sleep seems to be the trend"
"No new goods arriving at ports"
"No. 2 Horizontal Boring Machine (illustrated)"
"No. 201 gang dovetailer"
"No. 65 Rapid-Acting Maple-faced Vise"
"Noble & Croll"
"Noble & Miller"
"Noble & Van Vorhees"
"Noble, Ellen"
"Noble, William F. (Grand Rapids)"
"Noblesville (IN) Furniture Co."
"Noblit Bros. & Co. (Philadelphia)"
"Noeller, Lois C. (New York City)"
"Noll Co. Inc. (Philadelphia)"
"Non-essential industries (war)"
"Non-essential industries (WWI)"
"Non-ferrous metals"
"Non-Shine Pad Co. (Philadelphia, PA)"
"Non-Skid Sanding Equipment Co."
"Nonnast Co. (Chicago)"
"Nonnast Table Co. (Chicago)"
"Nonnast Table Co. (Evansville, IN)"
"Nonweiler, Philip, president of Evansville Furniture Company"
"Noonday, Chief"
"Noorman & Sytsema"
"Noorthoek, Joseph"
"Norcross, George L."
"Norcross, George S."
"Norcutt, J.T."
"Nord, Carol Bernhard (Jamestown,NY)"
"Nord, Edward C. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Nordberg Manufacturing Co."
"Nordella, John G."
"Norden, E."
"Norfolk (VA) Furniture Mfg. Co."
"Norfolk (VA) Mattress Co."
"Normal school"
"Norman, E.B. & Co. (Louisville,KY)"
"Norquist Products (Jamestown, NY)"
"Norquist Products ..(Jamestown, NY)"
"Norquist, A.C. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Norquist, Charles J. (Jamestown,NY)"
"Norris, Mark"
"North American Novelty Co."
"North American Products (Milwaukee)"
"North Carolina"
"North Carolina bedroom furniture"
"North Carolina Case Goods ..."
"North Carolina Dept. of Labor"
"North Carolina forest industry"
"North Carolina Furniture Exposition Movement"
"North Carolina furniture industry"
"North Carolina has made notable progress as a furniture manufacturer o"
"North Carolina Industrial ..."
"North Carolina lumber industry"
"North Carolina State College"
"North Carolina Supreme Court"
"North Dakota"
"North End Furniture Co."
"North Park"
"North Park Bridge"
"North Park Sanitary Market"
"North Platte (NE) schools"
"North Star Furniture.(Faribault,MN)"
"North Vernon (IN) Lumber Co."
"North, I.D."
"North-Mehornay... (Kansas City, MO)"
"North-Western Cabinet Co. (Burlington, IO)"
"Northern Acquisition Co."
"Northern Cabinet Co. (Canton, OH)"
"Northern Chair Co."
"Northern Chair Co. (Cadillac, MI)"
"Northern Chair Co. (New London,WI)"
"Northern Furniture (Sheboygan, WI)"
"Northern Furniture Company"
"Northern Furniture Company (Sheboygan, WI)"
"Northern Furniture Company (Sheboygan, WI), chest"
"Northern Furniture Company (Sheboygan, WI), dresser"
"Northern Furniture..(Sheboygan, WI)"
"Northern Furniture..(Sheboygan,WI)"
"Northern Motor Transportation Co."
"Northern Museum (Stockholm, Sweden)"
"Northern Museum of Stockholm,Sweden"
"Northern Refrigerator Co."
"Northern states furniture industry"
"Northfield Co. (Sheboygan, WI)"
"Northfield Furniture..(Sheboygan,WI"
"Northland Furniture..(Ladysmith,WI)"
"Northland Lumber Co."
"Northome Furniture...(Minneapolis)"
"Northrop, Robertson & Carrier Co."
"Northrup Furniture (Sioux Falls, SD)"
"Northwest Chair Co. (Tacoma, WA)"
"Northwest Furniture Dealers' Protective Association"
"Northwest Furniture Exchange"
"Northwest furniture industry"
"Northwest furniture strikes"
"Northwest timber resources"
"Northwestern Auto Painting Co."
"Northwestern Bedding Co."
"Northwestern Bedding..(St. Paul,MN)"
"Northwestern Cabinet(Burlington,IA)"
"Northwestern Cabinet.(Burlington,IA"
"Northwestern Chair Co. (Tacoma, WA)"
"Northwestern Co."
"Northwestern Furniture (Midway, MN)"
"Northwestern Furniture..(Milwaukee)"
"Northwestern Mattress Co."
"Northwestern Reed ...(Minneapolis)"
"Northwestern Sulphur Co."
"Northwestern Timber Co."
"Northwestern University (Ill.)"
"Northwestern, Rock Island, and Illinois Central Railroads"
"Norton Co."
"Norton Lumber Co."
"Norwalk, Ohio"
"Norwegian Adam console"
"Norwegian companies selling furniture named "American""
"Norwegian cupboard"
"Norwegian furniture prices"
"Norwegian high back walnut chair"
"Norwegian machinery imports"
"Norwegian oak cupboard"
"Norwegian peasant cupboard (art)"
"Norwegian peasant furniture"
"Norwegian wing chair (art)"
"Norwood's Furniture.. (Burbank, CA)"
"notable furniture department in a general store in Atlanta, Georgia"
"Notes on Grand Rapids"
"Nott, Benjamin C."
"Nott, Bennett C."
"Novelty beds"
"Novelty furniture"
"Novelty Furniture Co. (Cleveland)"
"Novelty shops"
"Novelty Wood Works"
"Novelty Wood Works (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Noyes, William"
"Nu Life Inc."
"Nu-Enamel Store"
"Number of saw blade teeth related to types of wood"
"Nurre Companies..(Bloomington, IN)"
"Nurre Mirror Plate..(Bloomington,IN"
"Nurre, J.M."
"Nursery furniture"
"Nursery furniture (art)"
"Nursery Furniture Co. (Albany,NY)"
"Nursery Furniture..(New York City)"
"Nursery or invalid chairs"
"Nurserycrafters (Rochester, NY)"
"Nuyton Bros."
"Nyburg, L."
"Nye & Katz"
"Nye, Harold R."
"Nye-Somers-Morgan Co."
"Nylon fabric"
"Nylon fabrics"
"Nypenn Furniture Co. (Warren, PA)"
"O&W Thum Co."
"O'Barr, William A. (Birmingham, AL)"
"O'Brien Bros. Co."
"O'Brien, Andrew B."
"O'Brien, Daniel J."
"O'Brien, M.J. (Richmond, IN)"
"O'Brien, Patrick"
"O'Brien, Robert"
"O'Brien, Thomas J."
"O'Bryon, William Francis"
"O'Connor & Daly"
"O'Connor & Moffatt's (San Francisco, CA)"
"O'Connor, George T. (Indianapolis)"
"O'Connor, John J."
"O'Connor, William"
"O'Donnell, Michael F."
"O'Hara, Honora"
"O'Keefe Sanitarium"
"O'Reiley, Dan"
"O'Rell, Max"
"O'Toole, J.H. (Tell City, IN)"
"O-So-White Co."
"O-Wash-Ta-Nong Club"
"O. Emmons & Co."
"O.A. Ward"
"O.C.S. Olsen & Company"
"O.C.S. Olsen Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"O.D. Baker & Co."
"O.E. Brown Milling Co."
"O.H. Kellar Chair Company (Marion, IN)"
"O.H. Richmond & Co."
"O.K. Dust Arrester Co."
"O.M. Falarski & Co."
"O.T. Johnson Co. (Galesburg, IL)"
"O.W. Richardson Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"Oak and maple furniture"
"Oak and oak grades"
"Oak as cabinet wood"
"Oak as furniture wood"
"Oak bench with turned legs (art)"
"Oak decline as a cabinet wood"
"Oak dining room suite (art)"
"Oak dresser"
"Oak family"
"Oak finishes"
"Oak for army wagons"
"Oak furniture"
"Oak furniture revival"
"Oak furniture, fuming of"
"Oak furniture, use of term"
"Oak lumber industry"
"Oak production, U.S."
"Oak Renaissance coffre"
"Oak sanding"
"Oak side chair (art)"
"Oak sideboard, construction"
"Oak sideboard, design"
"Oak stool in plaited leather"
"Oak table (art)"
"Oak table, 17th century (art)"
"Oak wood"
"Oak wood finish"
"Oak woods"
"Oak woods, kinds of"
"Oak writing table w/candlesticks"
"Oak, differentiation of"
"Oak, drying of"
"Oak, sanding of"
"Oakcraft furniture"
"Oakdale Coal & Wood Co."
"Oakdale Fuel & Materials Co."
"Oakdale I.G.A. Store"
"Oakdale Pharmacy"
"Oakland, MI"
"Oakley & Jansen Machine Company (Parkersburg, WV)"
"Oaks, classification of"
"Oakwood Chair Mfg. ..(Philadelphia)"
"Oberammergau, Germany"
"Oberbeck Bros. Mfg. Co. (Grand Rapids, WI)"
"Obrig, Gordon (New York City)"
"Obrig-designed furniture (art)"
"observations of European furniture"
"Obsolesence in furniture industry"
"Obsolete machinery"
"Occasional chair in curved ...(art)"
"Occasional chair in old English oak"
"Oconto (WI) Co."
"Octagon Cabin Lunch"
"Octagonal hinged table, design of"
"Octagonal hinged table, making of"
"Odin Cigar Co."
"Odlum, Floyd B."
"Oechsli Furniture Store (Butte, MT)"
"Oesterle, F.W."
"Oettinger, Henry"
"Office and home furniture"
"Office chair construction"
"Office chair industry"
"Office decorations and furnishings"
"Office desk industry"
"Office desks"
"Office furniture"
"Office furniture industry"
"Office of Price Administration"
"Office Sales Corp. (New York City)"
"Offringa Decorating Co."
"Ogden Mfg. Co. (Louisville, KY)"
"Oglethorpe University"
"Ohio as top source of black walnut"
"Ohio Desk Co. (Cleveland)"
"Ohio furniture industry"
"Ohio furniture industry, postwar"
"Ohio Iron and Brass Bed Company"
"Ohio mattress manufacturers"
"Ohio Pure Mattress Law"
"Ohio Sample Furniture..(Cleveland)"
"Ohio state legislature"
"Ohio Valley Tanning..(Cincinnati)"
"Ohland, Otto (Grand Rapids)"
"Ohland, Otto A."
"Ohoenix Chair Co. (Sheboygan, WI)"
"Oil for sanding"
"Oil industry"
"Oil Producers Inc."
"Oil stains"
"Oil varnishes, defects of"
"Oil versus Water Stains"
"Oil, dangers to furniture"
"Oilar Bros. Co. (Indianapolis, IN)"
"Oilar, George H."
"Oilar-Banner Furniture (Indianapolis, IN)"
"Oiling and painting"
"Okke, Isaac Jr."
"Oklahoma City Furniture Co."
"Oklahoma City, OK furniture industry"
"Oklahoma Furniture Co."
"Okume as furniture wood"
"Okume wood"
"Olbrich & Goldbeck Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"Olbrich & Goldbeck Company"
"Old Colony Chair Co. (Rockford, IL)"
"Old Colony Furniture...(Boston)"
"Old Dominion Chair..(Abingdon, VA)"
"Old English cupboard in oak"
"Old English furniture"
"Old English oak furniture"
"Old furniture at London ancient ..."
"Old Furniture Co. (Chicago)"
"Old Heidelberg Cafe"
"Old Hickory ...(Martsinville, IN)"
"Old Hickory Chair (Martinsville, IN)"
"Old Hickory furniture"
"Old Kent Financial Corp."
"Old Kent Products Co."
"Old Maryland Institute..(Baltimore)"
"Old Masters"
"Old Mission... (Louisville, KY)"
"Old National Bank"
"Old National Travel Bureau"
"Old Park House (Knoxville, TN)"
"Old School Furniture.. (Albany, NY)"
"Old Spanish chair (art)"
"Old World Shop"
"Oldenburg, Louis (Green Bay, WI)"
"Oldest Inhabitant Club"
"Oldham, Fred C."
"Oldman, Wallace D. (Chicago)"
"Olds Hotel"
"Olds, Arthur W."
"Oleny, Shields & Co."
"Oleschak, Edward M."
"Olin, Fred H."
"Olin, John W."
"Olive & Myers (Dallas)"
"Olive & Myers Furniture...(Dallas)"
"Olive wood"
"Oliver & Company"
"Oliver & Osborn"
"Oliver Bros. Company"
"Oliver Catalog No. 24"
"Oliver Furniture Co. (Allegan, MI)"
"Oliver Machine Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Oliver Machine Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Oliver Machinery Co."
"Oliver Machinery Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Oliver Machinery Co.(Grand Rapids)"
"Oliver machinery Company"
"Oliver Machinery Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Oliver Machinery Company (Grand Rapids, MI), machinery"
"Oliver Machinery..(Grand Rapids)"
"Oliver quick acting vises"
"Oliver, George H."
"Olney & Judson Grocer Co."
"Olney, Arthur G."
"Olney, Charles E."
"Olney, Shields & Co."
"Olsen, Olaf (Mexico City)"
"Olsen, Oliver A. (New York City)"
"Olsen, Oliver A. Co. (NYC)"
"Olson Drug Co."
"Olson Mercantile.. (Streator, IL)"
"Olson, Fred E."
"Olson, J.A. Co. (Chicago)"
"Olson, O.S.C."
"Olthof, Simon"
"Oltman Bros."
"Oltman, Fred C."
"Oltman, Paul F."
"Olympic Games"
"Olympic Hotel (Seattle, WA)"
"Olympic wrestling"
"Omaha (NE) Manufacturing Co."
"Omaha Furniture... (Ralston, NE)"
"Omaha Packing Co."
"Omaha Refrigerator Manufacturer to make fireless stove"
"Omara Parlor Frame Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"On job training"
"On-the-job training"
"On-the-job training for veterans"
"One furniture wood, talk on mahogany"
"One Minute Coffee Pot Co."
"One of the most successful years in furniture manufacturing"
"One step complete finish"
"One Wise Man"
"One-Hundredth Semi-Annual ..."
"Oneidacraft Inc. (Oneida, NY)"
"Onli-Way Fixture Co. (Dayton, OH)"
"Onondaga Cabinet Shops (Onondaga, NY)"
"Onondaga Construction Co."
"Onondaga Furniture..(Syracuse, NY)"
"Onorbilt Table Co. (Juneau, WI)"
"Onsrud Machine Co. (Chicago)"
"Onsrud Machine Works (Chicago)"
"Onsurd Machine Works (Chicago)"
"Ontario (London,Ont.). Furniture..."
"Onward Manufacturing Company (Streator, IL)"
"Oom, John L."
"Oosterhof Bros. Co."
"Oosting, John P."
"Oostveen, Henry"
"Opdendyk Jewelers"
"Open Air Bed Co. (Enid, TX)"
"Open competition plan"
"Open hearth steel"
"Open price associations"
"Open price plan"
"Open shop"
"Open shop question"
"Open show rooms"
"Open vs. closed showrooms"
"Operating a Planer"
"Operating and Maintaining machinery"
"Opias, Edna May"
"Oppenheim, Abe"
"Opposition to plate makers over mirror rates"
"Orchard & Wilhelm Co. (Omaha, NE)"
"Orchard Hill"
"Orchestral Hall (Chicago, IL)"
"Order-from-sample plan"
"Oregon Chair Co. (Portland)"
"Oregon myrtle wood"
"Oregon Plywood...(Sweet Home, OR)"
"Oregon Retail Furniture Dealers' Association"
"Organic Design in Home Furnishings"
"Organized labor"
"Oriel Cabinet Co."
"Oriel Cabinet Co. (Grand rapids)"
"Oriel Cabinet Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Oriel Cabinet Company"
"Oriel Cabinet Company (Grand Rapids, MI), using the term Fancy Furnitu"
"Oriel Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"oriental art objects"
"Oriental decorations"
"Oriental designs"
"Oriental fabrics"
"Oriental Furniture ..(Canisteo,NY)"
"Oriental Furniture Co. (Canisteo, NY)"
"Oriental Furniture Co.(Canisteo,NY)"
"Oriental furniture styles"
"Oriental furniture styles (art)"
"Oriental lacquers"
"Oriental motifs for furniture"
"Oriental Perfume Cabinet Co."
"Oriental rugs"
"Oriental wood (Oriental walnut)"
"Original sideboard in mahogany"
"Original writing table"
"Orin A. Ward"
"Orinoco Furniture Co. (Columbus,OH)"
"Orkutt Realty Co."
"Ormsbee, Thomas Hamilton"
"Ornament - fruit motifs"
"ornamental carving going out of style"
"Ornamental drawing"
"Ornamental furniture"
"Ornamental glass for furniture"
"Ornamental Products Co. (Detroit)"
"Ornamental Products Company"
"Ornamental Products Company (Detroit, MI)"
"Ornamental wood"
"Orphin Desk Co. (Charlestown, MA)"
"Orr Furniture Co. (Kelso, WA)"
"Orr, John B."
"Orr, Robert Benjamin"
"Orser & Co."
"Orser, R.E."
"Orsinger, Emma"
"Orth, Claus"
"Orwant & Son"
"Orwant Jewelry Co."
"Orwant's Food Market"
"Orwant, Carl"
"Orwant, Oscar"
"Orwant, Phillip"
"Osaka, Japan"
"Osborn, D.E."
"Osborn, Donald Burt"
"Osborn, Morris W."
"Osborne Mills (Delaware County, PA)"
"Osburn, Eay"
"Oscar Onken Co. (Cincinnati, OH)"
"Osgood & Osgood"
"Osgood's... (Boston, MA)"
"Oshkosh (WI) Furniture & …"
"Oshkosh (WI) Mirror Works"
"Oshkosh (WI) Normal School"
"Oshkosh (WI) State Normal School"
"Oslo Museum of Art (Norway)"
"Oster Brothers ... (Milwaukee, WI)"
"Osterhaven, John"
"Osterhout & Fox Lumber Co."
"Ostermoor & Co. (New York City)"
"Osterveer, Ira R."
"Ostrander, John G. (Chicago)"
"Oswald Motor Car & Supply Co."
"Oswen, Ames & Kimball"
"Otis Bell Mfg. Co. (Buffalo)"
"Otis family"
"Otis Mahogany Co. (New Orleans, LA)"
"Otis Manufacturing Co.(New Orleans)"
"Otis Manufacturing Company"
"Otis Manufacturing Company (Chicago, IL)"
"Otis Manufacturing Company, Lumber Harvesting Steps"
"Otis, Albert D."
"Otis, J.S. Mahogany..(New Orleans)"
"Otley, Yorkshire, England"
"Otsego (MI) Chair Co."
"Otsego (MI) Furniture Co."
"Ottawa & Kent Agricultural Society"
"Ottawa Avenue Printing Co."
"Ottawa Beach, MI"
"Ottawa Furniture Co. (Holland, MI)"
"Ottawa Furniture Company"
"Ottawa Furniture Company (Holland, MI)"
"Ottawa Hotel (Holland, MI)"
"Ottawa Indians"
"Ottawa Leather Co. (Grand Haven,MI)"
"Ottawa Parlor ...(Coopersville,MI)"
"Otte, Adrian"
"Ottenwess, Maym"
"Otter Inc."
"Ottman Bros."
"Otto Sander Co. Inc."
"Otto's Cash and Carry Market"
"Oudbier, Arthur"
"Oudendyk, William"
"Oudry, Jean-Baptiste"
"Ouelette, Ernest (Salmon Falls, NH)"
"Ouendag, Charles"
"Ouendag, Matthew Charles"
"Outboard speedster, construction"
"Outboard speedster, design"
"Outdoor advertising"
"Outdoor furniture"
"Outhouse, George H."
"Outhouse, Sarah"
"Outing Komfy-Kab Co. (La Porte, IN)"
"Outlet Co. (Providence, RI)"
"Oval backed sidechair (art)"
"Oval gate leg table, construction"
"Oval gate leg table, design"
"Overheated cauls"
"Overland Co."
"Overstuffed furniture"
"Overton, S.E. & Co. (S. Haven, MI)"
"Overton, S.E. Co. (South Haven, MI)"
"Owen & Co. (Detroit, MI)"
"Owen & Company (Detroit, MI)"
"Owen & Company Limited"
"Owen & Lucklin"
"Owen bed"
"Owen C. Hassler & Company"
"Owen C. Hassler Company"
"Owen C. Hassler Company (Chicago, IL)"
"Owen, Ames & Kimball"
"Owen, Charles M."
"Owen, D.T."
"Owen, E.A."
"Owen, Edwin"
"Owen, George F."
"Owen, Ruben (Youngstown, OH)"
"Owen, Walter"
"Owen, William R."
"Owen-Ames-Kimball Co."
"Owens Mfg. Co. (Logan, OH)"
"Owens, Heber W. (Chicago)"
"Owl's Confectionery"
"Own Your Own Home expositions"
"Owosso Mfg. Co. (Benton, AR)"
"Owosso, Mich. Furniture companies happy with trade season"
"Owosso, Michigan furniture manufacturers note"
"Owosso, Michigan furniture manufacturers notes"
"Oxford Varnish Co. (Grand Haven,MI)"
"Ozokerite Mining Co."
"P & Q Factory to You..(Philadelphia"
"P. Christianson &...(Savannah, MO)"
"P. Dykema & Son"
"P. Steketee & Sons"
"P. Vos & Son"
"P.& P. Chair Co. (Asheboro, NC)"
"P.& Q. Furniture Co. (Toledo, OH)"
"P.B. Gast & Sons Co."
"P.D. Morhardt Co."
"P.E. Newman & Co."
"P.H. Bull Furniture Co. (Tulsa, OK)"
"P.H. Reddinger Carving Works"
"P.H. Reddinger Carving Works (Evansville, OH)"
"P.J. Kilmartin & Son"
"P.J. Nee Co. (Washington, DC)"
"P.R. Mitchell Co. (Cincinnati, OH)"
"Pa-kan Furniture... (Chicago, IL)"
"Paalman Furniture Co."
"Paalman Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Paalman Furniture Co.(Grand Rapids)"
"Paalman, John H."
"Paar Furniture Co.(Cedar Rapids,IA)"
"Paasche Airbruch Co. (Chicago)"
"Paasche Airbrush Co. (Chicago)"
"Paasche Airbrush Co.(New York City)"
"Paaske Shops, Inc. (Clinton, IA)"
"Pacific Bedding Co. (Los Angeles)"
"Pacific Bedding...(Los Angeles, CA)"
"Pacific Coast furniture dealers"
"Pacific Coast furniture industry"
"Pacific Coast furniture jobbers"
"Pacific Coast lumber industry"
"Pacific Coast Lumber Manufacturers' Association (Tacoma, WA)"
"Pacific Coast Sudio Couch Co. (LA)"
"Pacific coast timber"
"Pacific Desk Co. (Los Angeles)"
"Pacific Furniture..(Portland, OR)"
"Pacific Furniture...(Portland, OR)"
"Pacific Iron Products (Pasadena,CA)"
"Pacific Lumber Co. (San Francisco)"
"Pacific Northwest as source of ..."
"Pacific Northwest furniture ..."
"Pack, William H. (Philadelphia)"
"Packaged furniture"
"Packard Motor Co. (Detroit)"
"Packard, Alfred G."
"Packing of furniture"
"Paducah (KY) Bed, Spring & ..."
"Page & Baker (Boston, MA)"
"Page, F.N. (Williamsport, PA)"
"Page, Harold W. (Williamsport, PA)"
"Page, John S."
"Page, S. John (Williamsport, PA)"
"Page, William J."
"Pahlmann, William (New York City)"
"Pahlow Reed & Willow (New York, NY)"
"Paine Bedding Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Paine Furniture Co. (Arlington, MA)"
"Paine Furniture Co. (Boston, MA)"
"Paine Furniture... (Rochester, MN)"
"Paine, C.S. & Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Paine, C.S. (Grand Rapids)"
"Paine, C.S. Co., Ltd."
"Paine, C.S. Co., Ltd. (GR)"
"Paine, Charles S."
"Paine, Charles S. (Grand Rapids)"
"Paine, Chas. S. (Grand Rapids)"
"Pains, Charles S. (Grand Rapids)"
"Paint & Glass Co."
"Paint and varnish industry"
"Paint removal"
"Painted cupboard from Denmark"
"Painted furniture"
"Painted highboy (art)"
"Painted satinwood tables (art)"
"Painting everyday items to make them more appealing"
"Paisley Products Inc. (Chicago)"
"Pakan, George"
"Palace Furniture House (Wichita, KS)"
"Palace Furniture...(Clarksburg, WV)"
"Palace of Machinery"
"Palais Royal Inc."
"Palasan rattan (Philippines)"
"Palen, John H."
"Palive, Joseph (Philadelphia)"
"Palley Mfg. Co. (Pittsburgh)"
"Palm Craft Co. (Tampa, FL)"
"Palm Craft Co. Inc. (Tampa, FL)"
"Palm pedestal"
"Palm Products..(New Port Richey,FL)"
"Palma, Joseph (Chicago)"
"Palma, Joseph Jr. (Chicago)"
"Palmcraft Co. (Tampa, FL)"
"Palmcraft furniture"
"Palmer & Crozier"
"Palmer & McMahan (Anderson, IN)"
"Palmer and Pioneer Manufacturing Companies (Detroit, MI)"
"Palmer House (Chicago)"
"Palmer Manufacturing Company"
"Palmer Manufacturing Company (Detroit, MI)"
"Palmer Manufacturing Company (Detroit, MI), table"
"Palmer Patent Gluing Clamp"
"Palmer's Patent Gluing Clamps"
"Palmer, Floyd"
"Palmer, Frank J."
"Palmer, J.M. (Chicago)"
"Palmer, John R."
"Palmer, Luke"
"Palmer, Millard"
"Palmer, Walter A."
"Palmer-McCutcheon..(Jasper, AL)"
"Palmetto groves, Texas"
"Palmetto wood"
"Palo Dura Furniture...(Amarillo, TX)"
"Pan-American Expo. (Buffalo, NY)"
"Pan-American Exposition (Buffalo, NY)"
"Pan-American furniture styles"
"Panama Canal"
"Panama-Pacific Expo. (San Francisco, CA)"
"Panama-Pacific Exposition"
"Panama-Pacific International ..."
"Panamanian imports of U.S. ..."
"Panamanian termites"
"Panamanian trade in U.S. metal beds"
"Paneled chest"
"Paneled chest c1700 (art)"
"Paneled chest, c1700 (art)"
"Paneling, early types of"
"Panelled interiors"
"Panelled rooms"
"Panfil, Walter (Grand Rapids)"
"Panic of 1907-1908"
"Panigot, Jules"
"Panne velvet"
"Panolantonia & Co. (New York City)"
"Pansaw, George T."
"Pantex Cleaners"
"Pantlind Boot & Toggery Shop"
"Pantlind Exhibition Building (GR)"
"Pantlind Exhibition building (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Pantlind Exhibitors Building"
"Pantlind family"
"Pantlind Hotel"
"Pantlind Hotel (Grand Rapids)"
"Pantlind Hotel (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Pantlind Luggage Store"
"Pantlind Men's Shop"
"Pantlind Pharmacy"
"Pantlind, J. Boyd (Grand Rapids)"
"Pantlind, A.V."
"Pantlind, Boniface"
"Pantlind, Fred"
"Pantlind, George E."
"Pantlind, J. Boyd"
"Panton & White (Duluth, MN)"
"Paper fibre, possibilities of"
"Paper making"
"Paper veneer"
"Papier-mache furniture"
"Papin, H.J. (Grand Rapids)"
"Papin, Henry (Grand Rapids)"
"Papin, Henry J. (Grand Rapids)"
"Pappas, Angelos"
"Pappas, Peter"
"Par-Web double wooden spring"
"Parachute bomb cloth as chair ..."
"Paraffin use in furniture industry"
"Paraguay furniture industry"
"Paraguayan imports of U.S. ..."
"Paramount Furniture Co. (NYC)"
"Paramount Furniture Co. (Warren,PA)"
"Paramount Oil Co."
"Paramount Pictures"
"Parcel post"
"Parcell, J.E."
"Parcels post"
"Parchment finish"
"Parfitt Furniture... (Holyoke, MA)"
"Parham, Curtis W. (Memphis, TN)"
"Paris (France) furniture industry"
"Paris (France) furniture styles"
"Paris antique dealers"
"Paris Exposition of 1900"
"Paris Furniture Co. (Ponca City, OK)"
"Paris Oil & Gas Co."
"Paris, France"
"Parish, Heman"
"Parisian Cleaners & Dyers Inc."
"Parisian Shop"
"Park and Shop"
"Park Congregational Church"
"Park Furniture Co. (Rushville, IN)"
"Park Leggett Altman..(Minneapolis)"
"Park, Helen (New York City)"
"Park, Heln (New York City)"
"Parke & Downs"
"Parke, J.W."
"Parker & Dutton"
"Parker & Green"
"Parker Mfg. Co. (Auburn, ME)"
"Parker, Carroll A."
"Parker, F.J."
"Parker, Harrison"
"Parker, Henry"
"Parker, J.H."
"Parker, Joel C."
"Parker, L.P."
"Parker, Raymond C."
"Parker, Thomas Wesley"
"Parker-Knoll Ltd. (London, England)"
"Parkersburg (WV) Chair Co."
"Parkhurst, Arthur (Mayville, NY)"
"Parking meters"
"Parks Woodworking...(Cincinnati)"
"Parks, William"
"Parkway Tailoring Co. Inc."
"Parkwood Corp. (Wakefield, MA)"
"Parlor furniture"
"Parlor Furniture and..(Fremont,NE)"
"Parlor Furniture Co."
"Parlor goods"
"Parlor Queen carpet sweeper"
"Parlor table industry"
"Parmal Furniture Co. (Salem, OH)"
"Parmelee-Dohrman Co. (Los Angeles, CA))"
"Parmenter, Benjamin F."
"Parrish, Amos & Co. (New York City)"
"Parrish, D.R."
"Parsons, A.S."
"Parsons, Frank Alvah"
"Parsons, W.M."
"Part-time schools"
"Partin Manufacturing Co."
"Pasadena Furniture Co. (Pasadena, CA)"
"Pasche Air Brush Co. (Chicago)"
"Pashkow, Harry (Newark, NJ)"
"Passenger train furniture"
"Pastel furniture"
"Pastoor Bros."
"Pastoor Brothers Holding Co."
"Pastoor Market"
"Pastor & DeGraaf"
"Patchin & Abbott"
"Pate, F.E."
"Pate, Walter"
"Patent attorneys"
"Patent controversies"
"Patent infringements"
"Patent rights"
"Patent suits"
"Patents and patents suits"
"Patents, U.S.-controlled"
"Paternito Furniture Co. (Buffalo,NY"
"Patersen & Schoening (Council Bluffs, IA)"
"Paterson, P.A. (Rockford, IL)"
"Patillo, A. Morton"
"Patrons of Industry"
"Patrons' Commercial Union"
"Patsalides, George (Grand Rapids)"
"Patt, William"
"Patten, Lyman E."
"Pattern making"
"Patterson Furnace Co."
"Patterson house"
"Patterson, John H. (Dayton, OH)"
"Patterson, William I."
"Pattison, George W."
"Patton, Daniel T."
"Patton, L.E."
"Pattosien Co. (San Francisco, CA)"
"Pauels, Jurgens & Holtvluwer"
"Paul D. Hagan Inc."
"Paul L. Brooks Novelty ..."
"Paul Nissen Corp."
"Paul Seed's Concert Band"
"Paul, John"
"Paul, William W."
"Paulsen, Harry E."
"Paulson, D.T."
"Paulson, John"
"Payne Automatic Bed..(Milwaukee)"
"Payne Bros."
"Payne, C.W."
"Payson, William Farquhar"
"Payton, Joseph P."
"Peabody Furniture Co. (Boston, MA)"
"Peabody manufactured chairs and desk"
"Peabody Plant (factory)"
"Peabody School Furniture Company"
"Peabody School Furniture Company (North Manchester, IN)"
"Peabody School.. (N. Manchester, IN)"
"Peabody, L. Fred"
"Peach industry"
"peacock feathers as decoration"
"Peacock Parlor...(Chicago)"
"Peake, Albert F."
"Peake-Vander Schoor Electric Co."
"Pear Lacquer"
"Pearce, David A."
"Pearce, Eben F. (Leominster, MA)"
"Pearl-Wick Corp. (Astoria, LI, NY)"
"Pearson, Alexander (New York City)"
"Pearson, Maghielse & Buttrick Inc."
"Peasant art"
"Peasant table from Hungary"
"Peasant-type of handmade furniture"
"Pease Bros."
"Pease, C.F. Co. (Chicago)"
"Pease, Emory (Grand Rapids)"
"Peaslee, J.M."
"Peaslee, Roy"
"Peaslee-Gaulbert..(Louisville, KY)"
"Peborine Co."
"Peck & Hills (New York City)"
"Peck & Hills Co. (New York City)"
"Peck & Hills Company"
"Peck & Hills Furniture Co.(Chicago)"
"Peck & Hills Furniture Company (Chicago, IL)"
"Peck & Hills Furniture..(Calif.)"
"Peck & Hills Furniture..(Chicago)"
"Peck & Hills... (Chicago, IL)"
"Peck & Hills... (Los Angeles, CA)"
"Peck & Hills...(Los Angeles)"
"Peck A. Hills Furniture Company"
"Peck Auto Sales Co."
"Peck Bros. Co."
"Peck Furniture... (Cortland, NY)"
"Peck's Drug Store"
"Peck, Arthur"
"Peck, Edmund E."
"Peck, John E."
"Peck, Percy"
"Peck, Percy S."
"Peck, Thomas M."
"Peck-Johnson Co."
"Peckham Vocational School(Buffalo)"
"Peckm & Hills Furniture..(Chicago)"
"Peddlers' licenses"
"Peddling law"
"Pederson-Smith Co. (Santa Rosa, CA)"
"Pedestal table locks"
"Pedestal writing desk, construction"
"Pedestal writing desk, design"
"Pedestal, construction"
"Pedestal, design"
"Peebles, A. R. (Grand Rapids)"
"Peeps, C.E."
"Peerless Bedding Co. (Toledo, OH)"
"Peerless Bedding..(Springfield,OH)"
"Peerless Clamp Co. (Cincinnati)"
"Peerless Davenport ..(Chicago)"
"Peerless Furniture Co."
"Peet, Joseph"
"Pefier, Claude L."
"Peggy Shop"
"Peiod Cabinet Co. (New Albany, IN)"
"Peiod styles"
"Peirce's Hall"
"Peirce, John W."
"Peiter Auto Co."
"Peiter Storage Co."
"Pelgrim, Henry G. (Holland, MI)"
"Pell, H.T."
"Pell, Nicholas"
"Pell, Peter J."
"Pelts, P.W. (Chicago)"
"Pemberton Motor Sales"
"Pemberton, Wynn R."
"Pembroke table"
"Pembroke table (art)"
"Pembroke table by Duncan Phyfe(art)"
"Pembroke table, c1775-1800 (art)"
"Pembroke table, Heppelwhite..(art)"
"Pembroke table, late Empire style"
"Pendleton furniture"
"Pendleton furniture line"
"Pendleton House (Providence, RI)"
"Pendleton, Charles L."
"Pendley Furniture..(Oklahoma City)"
"Penfield Mfg. Co. (Syracuse, NY)"
"Peninsular Bookcase Co. (Detroit, MI)"
"Peninsular Club"
"Peninsular Electric Co."
"Peninsular Fire Insurance Co."
"Peninsular Furniture Co."
"Peninsular Machine Co."
"Peninsular Novelty Co."
"Peninsular Telephone Co."
"Peninsular Trust Co."
"Penn Furniture Co. (Philadelphia)"
"Penn Furniture Company"
"Penn Furniture Company (Conneautville, PA)"
"Penn Furniture..(Conneautville, PA)"
"Penn Furniture..(Conneautville,PA)"
"Penn Scrap Materials Inc."
"Penn Table and ...(Huntington, WV)"
"Penn Table Co. (Huntington, WV)"
"Penn, Albert P. (Tell City, IN)"
"Pennington Furniture Co. (Detroit)"
"Pennington Furniture Co. (Detroit, MI)"
"Pennington Furniture Corp. (NYC)"
"Pennock, C.E."
"Pennsylvania bedding and ..."
"Pennsylvania bedding law"
"Pennsylvania Central Airlines"
"Pennsylvania dower chest (art)"
"Pennsylvania furniture industry"
"Pennsylvania Furniture..(York, PA)"
"Pennsylvania Museum of Art"
"Pennsylvania pure mattress law"
"Pennsylvania Railroad Co."
"Pennsylvania State Capitol"
"Pennsylvania upholstery law"
"Penrod Walnut & ...(Kansas City,MO)"
"Penrod Walnut and ..(Kansas City)"
"Penrod Walnut Lumber..(Kansas City)"
"Penrod, John Noble (Kansas City)"
"Penrod-Jurden & Clark..(Kansas City"
"Penrod-Jurden &...(Helena, AK)"
"Pension trust fund"
"People briefs"
"People's Credit Clothing Co."
"People's Drug Store"
"People's Furniture and Carpet Company (Battle Creek, MI)"
"People's Outfitting (Canton, OH)"
"People's Outfitting (Detroit, MI)"
"People's Outfitting (Indianapolis, IN)"
"People's Outfitting (Springfield, OH)"
"People's Party"
"People's Quality Meat Market"
"People's Savings Bank"
"People's Store"
"Peoples Cafe"
"Peoples Coal Co."
"Peoples National Bank"
"Peoples United States Bank (St. Louis, MO)"
"Peoples' House... (Haverhill, MA)"
"Peoples' Outfitting Company"
"Peoria (IL) Lounge and Mattress Co."
"Percival, MacIver"
"Pere Marquette Hotel (Peoria, IL)"
"Pere Marquette Railroad"
"Pere Marquette Railroad Co."
"Peregrine, Seymour W."
"Perfect Parlor Furniture..(Chicago)"
"Perfection Bed Spring (Mansfield, OH)"
"Perfection Desk ...(Spokane, WA)"
"Perfection Furniture(Birmingham,AL)"
"Perfection gasoline lighting system"
"Perfection table lock"
"Perfection table...(Watertown, WI)"
"Period Cabinet ...(New Albany, IN)"
"Period Cabinet Mfg. (New Albany,IN)"
"Period Cabinet..(New Albany, IN)"
"Period furniture"
"Period Furniture Handbook"
"Period Furniture... (High Point,NC)"
"Period Furniture...(High Point,NC)"
"Period Influences in Interior ..."
"Period style"
"Period styles"
"Periodical Pub. Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Periodical Publishing Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Perkins & Co."
"Perkins & Hess"
"Perkins & McBain"
"Perkins & McBrien"
"Perkins & Woodward"
"Perkins Glue Co. (Landsdale, PA)"
"Perkins Glue Co. (Lansdale, PA)"
"Perkins Glue Co. (South Bend, IN)"
"Perkins Land & Lumber Co."
"Perkins Machine Co."
"Perkins, Charles C."
"Perkins, E.L."
"Perkins, Ella"
"Perkins, Everett & Co."
"Perkins, G.W."
"Perkins, Gaius W."
"Perkins, Harry"
"Perkins, Oliver P."
"Perkins, Thomas E.(Jamestown, NY)"
"Perkins, Willis J."
"Perkins-Huffman Co. (Lincoln, NE)"
"Perlena Company"
"Perlmutter, P. (Philadelphia)"
"Permanent penetrating stains"
"Perren Furniture Co. (Dallas, TX)"
"Perrin, Ben"
"Perrin, Wesley W."
"Perrine, Charles H. (Corry, PA)"
"Perry & Oudman"
"Perry Plywood Corp. (High Point,NC)"
"Perry, Arthur D."
"Perry, Chas. F., director of Milwaukee School of Trades"
"Perry, George H."
"Perry, George R."
"Perry, Henry C. (Gardner, MA)"
"Perry, S.J."
"Perry, T.D. (New York City)"
"Perry, Thomas D. (Grand Rapids)"
"Persian Rug Trade"
"Personal Injury claims in unionized shops"
"Perspective drawilng"
"Perspective drawing"
"Peru (IN) Chaior Co."
"Peru (IN) Chair Co."
"Peru (N) Chair Co."
"Peruvian imports of U.S. furniture"
"Peskin, Edward (London,Eng.)"
"Peter Cooper's Glue"
"Peter J. Wegner Co."
"Peter Schmidt & Sons"
"Peter, Bert"
"Peters Upholstered..(Philadelphia)"
"Peters, H.O. (Los Angeles)"
"Peters, J.W. (Los Angeles)"
"Peters, Richard C. (Manistee, MI)"
"Petersen Brewing Co."
"Petersen's... (Idaho Falls, ID)"
"Petersen, John M."
"Peterson & Company"
"Peterson & Dean"
"Peterson & Johnsn (Davenport, IO)"
"Peterson Beverage Co."
"Peterson Bros."
"Peterson Furniture... (Ontario, OR)"
"Peterson Furniture... (Wilmar, MN)"
"Peterson's Drug Stores"
"Peterson's Furniture (Clay Center, KS)"
"Peterson, August"
"Peterson, C.J."
"Peterson, David (Rockford, IL)"
"Peterson, H.L."
"Peterson, J.E."
"Peterson, James M."
"Peterson, Julius"
"Peterson, P.A."
"Peterson, P.A. (Rockford, IL)"
"Peterson, W.F."
"Petree, Neil (Los Angeles)"
"Petrie, Robert G. (Cadilla,c, MI)"
"Pettengill, Lawrence J."
"Petter, Bert"
"Petter, Curtis & Petter Inc."
"Petter, Jay H."
"Pettijohn's... (Gallatin, MO)"
"Pettijohn, Alva"
"Pettis Dry Goods (Indianapolis, IN)"
"Pettit Bros."
"Pettit, O.H."
"Pettit, O.W."
"Pfeifler, C.B."
"Pharmaceutical industry"
"Phelps & Zelner"
"Phelps, L.E."
"Phenix Furniture Co. (Warren, PA)"
"Phenix. L.C. Co. (Los Angeles)"
"Phenolic paper laminate"
"Pheoll Mfg. Co. (Chicago)"
"Phhoenix Furniture Co. (GR)"
"Phil Klingman announces the exhibition to be open all year"
"Phil's Hardware Co."
"Philadelphia cabinetmakers"
"Philadelphia Centennial Exposition"
"Philadelphia furniture industry"
"Philadelphia Metal Furniture Co."
"Philadelphia Parlor Frame Co."
"Philadelphia Sesqui-Centennial ..."
"Philadelphia Textile Machinery Co."
"Philadelphia wing chair"
"Philbrick Hardware Co."
"Philbrick, Roscoe G."
"Philip Levy stores (Norfolk, VA)"
"Philippine furniture industry"
"Philippine furniture woods"
"Philippine industrial education"
"Philippine lumber imports to U.S."
"Philippine lumber industry"
"Philippine mahogany"
"Philippine mahogany as trade term"
"Philippine Modern furniture"
"Philippine rattan industry"
"Philippine redwood"
"Philippine timber exports to U.S."
"Philippine timber industry"
"Philippine timber, exports to U.S."
"Philippine trade schools"
"Philippine woods"
"Philippines as source of rattan"
"Philippines forestry survey"
"Phillips, A.L."
"Phillips, Charles H."
"Phillips, H.H. (Indianapolis)"
"Phillips, James T."
"Phillips, Keene B."
"Phillips, L.E."
"Philosophy and character show in furnishings"
"Philpott, H.C. (Bassett, VA)"
"Phoebe porphyria as furniure wood"
"Phoenix block"
"Phoenix Chair ..(Sheboygan, WI)"
"Phoenix Chair Co. (Sheboygan, WI)"
"Phoenix Chair Company (Sheboygan, WI)"
"Phoenix Furniture Co."
"Phoenix Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Phoenix Furniture Co. (Warren, PA)"
"Phoenix Furniture Co.(Grand Rapids)"
"Phoenix Furniture..(Eau Claire, WI)"
"Phoenix Furniture..(Grand Rapids)"
"Phoenix Furniture..(Warren, PA)"
"Phoenix Furniture... (Beaumont, TX)"
"Phoenix Furnture...(Cambria, VA)"
"Phoenix Manufacturing Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Phoenix Novelty...(Cambria, VA)"
"Phoenix Plating Co."
"Phoenix Sprinkling & Heating Co."
"Phonetic Spelling"
"Phonograph cabinet, construction"
"Phonograph cabinet, design"
"Phonograph industry"
"Phonograph records cabinet, design"
"Phonograph, construction"
"Phonograph, design"
"Phosphorescent paint, making of"
"Photgraphic rooms"
"Phyfe mahogany drop-leaf table"
"Phyfe music chair, construction"
"Phyfe music chair, design"
"Phyfe side chair, Empire style"
"Phyfe style of furniture"
"Phyfe, Duncan"
"Piaget, Phillip H. (Grand Rapids)"
"Piano bench in oak, construction"
"Piano bench in oak, design"
"Piano bench, construction"
"Piano bench, construction of"
"Piano bench, design"
"Piano bench, design of"
"Piano bench, Sheraton adaptation"
"Piano cabinets"
"Piano finishes and finishing"
"Piano Heel Mat ...(Northfield, MN)"
"Piano in late Georgian"
"Piano, history of"
"pianos grow in value"
"Pianos, rebuilding of"
"Piatt, Charles C. (Goshen, IN)"
"Pick-Barth Holding Corp. (Chicago)"
"Pickard, B.N."
"Pickering, M.H. Co. (Pittsburgh)"
"Picketing in Michigan"
"Pickle, George A."
"Pickrel Walnut Co. (St. Louis)"
"Pictorial inlay"
"Pictorial themes in wood"
"Picture writing, history"
"Piedmont Filler..(High Point, NC)"
"Piedmont Upholstering..(Hickory,NC)"
"Pierau, A.J."
"Pierce family"
"Pierce Plastics (Bay City, MI)"
"Pierce, Albert E."
"Pierce, C.B."
"Pierce, E.M. Co. (Westminster, MA)"
"Pierce, E.S."
"Pierce, Edward S."
"Pierce, Franklin"
"Pierce, George A."
"Pierce, Harry R."
"Pietrzyk, Walter"
"Pig and wrought iron industries"
"Pig iron"
"Pig iron output, U.S."
"Piggly Wiggly Co."
"Piggly-Wiggly Johnson Co."
"Pike, Abram W."
"Pike, Abram W. house"
"Pike, Charles F. (Grand Rapids)"
"Pike, George"
"Pike, George J."
"Pile fabrics"
"Pilgrim Chair Co. (Gardner, MA)"
"Pilkington, La Vern"
"Pill, C.H."
"Pillsbury-Washburn Flour Mills Co."
"Pilot Chair Co. (Lexington, NC)"
"Pine as furniture wood"
"Pine Rest Christian Hospital"
"Pioneer and Palmer Manufacturing Companies (Detroit, MI)"
"Pioneer Furniture..(Northfield, MN)"
"Pioneer Furniture..(Salt Lake City)"
"Pioneer Grand Rapids businesswomen"
"Pioneer Manufacturing Company"
"Pioneer Manufacturing Company (Detroit, MI)"
"Pioneer Manufacturing Company (Detroit, MI), baby cart"
"Pioneers Furniture..(Eau Claire,WI)"
"Piper, Vance G."
"Piping and fluting in upholstery"
"Piracy of designs"
"Pirating of furniture designs"
"Pirson & Pohle (Buffalo, NY)"
"Pishny Furniture Co. (Medford, TX)"
"Pitcairn, John (Pittsburgh)"
"Pitch & Hesse"
"Pittsburg Plate Glass Company"
"Pittsburg Plate Glass Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Pittsburgh (PA) furniture industry"
"Pittsburgh (PA) Swing & Furniture.."
"Pittsburgh Crucible Steel Co."
"Pittsburgh furniture industry"
"Pittsburgh Lamp, Brass ... (Pittsburgh, PA)"
"Pittsburgh Lamp, Brass … (Pittsburgh, PA)"
"Pittsburgh Pate Glass Company"
"Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co."
"Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. (Pittsburgh, PA)"
"Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company"
"Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company (Pittsburgh, PA)"
"Pittsburgh steel industry"
"Pittsburgh-Hickson Co. (Butler,PA)"
"Plaat, G.W."
"Plagens, Joseph Casimir"
"Plain oak furniture"
"Plain oak mixture"
"Plain satin davenport (art)"
"Plain wood"
"Planer knives"
"Planer knives, burning of"
"Planers, care of"
"Planes for furniture salesmen"
"Plank Flexible Shaft Co."
"Plank, J. Raymond"
"Plank, William V."
"Planned economy"
"Plans for New Lessees of the Exposition Made Public"
"Plant Equipment Inc."
"Plant stand, construction"
"Plant stand, design"
"Plante, A.H. (Atlanta, GA)"
"Plaskon resin glue"
"Plastic decoration"
"Plastic furniture"
"Plastic planes"
"Plastic plywood"
"Plastic resin glue"
"Plastic upholstery materials"
"Plastic uses in WW II"
"Plastic-faced plywood"
"Plasticizing of woods"
"Plastics as engineering materials"
"Plastics Catalog Cor. (NYC)"
"Plastics Catalog: The 1944 ..."
"Plastics exposition"
"Plastics furniture"
"Plastics in furniture"
"Plastics in furniture field"
"Plastics role in furniture design"
"Plastics use in furniture field"
"Plastics use in furniture industry"
"Plastics use in postwar furniture.."
"Plastics uses in wartime"
"Plastics uses in WW II"
"Plastics: Scientific and ..."
"Plat, Gaylord H. (Greenville, MI)"
"Plate and glass mirrors"
"Plate glass"
"Plate glass and mirrors"
"Plate glass industry"
"Plate glass manufacture"
"Plate glass prices"
"Plate glass top"
"Plate glass tops"
"Plate glass, Pittsburgh report"
"Plate glass, tariff on"
"Plate mirrors"
"Platform rocker"
"Platt & Reeves"
"Platt, Alonzo"
"Platte, Harry"
"Platte, J.P."
"Plaut Cadden Co. (Norwich, CT)"
"Playground, The"
"Playing cards"
"Pleasant Valley"
"Plenary Press"
"Pliers try to replace the monkey wrench"
"Plimpton "satisfactory lines""
"Plimpton, F.T."
"Plumb, A.D."
"Plumb, G.A."
"Plumb, N.D."
"Plumb, Walter K."
"Plumber's snake, flexible pipe auger"
"Plymold Corp. (Lawrence, MA)"
"Plymouth (WI) Chair Co."
"Plymouth (WI) Furniture Co."
"Plymouth Furniture Co."
"Plymouth Rock"
"Plywood aircraft program"
"Plywood airplanes"
"Plywood and plywood veneers"
"Plywood assault boats"
"Plywood bathtubs"
"Plywood communications chests"
"Plywood containers"
"Plywood furniture"
"Plywood industry"
"Plywood industry trade code"
"Plywood Manufacturers Association"
"Plywood pilot training planes"
"Plywood planes"
"Plywood planes and gliders"
"Plywood post-war possibilities"
"Plywood production"
"Plywood Products..(Louisville, KY)"
"Plywood sanding"
"Plywood uses for military aircraft"
"Plywood uses in WW II"
"Plywood warping"
"Plywood, manufacture of"
"Plywood, moulding of"
"Plywood, pressing of"
"Plywood, wartime uses of"
"Plywoods use in WW II"
"Plywoods, molding of"
"Plywoods, postwar prospects of"
"Plywoods, school courses in"
"Poindexter Furniture.. (Ft. Worth, TX)"
"Poindexter, J. Walter"
"Poisons in industry"
"Pokorny Galleries (St. Louis)"
"Polance, Joe"
"Poland, J.E."
"Polished woods, sweating of"
"Polkton Mercantile Co."
"Pollack's Furniture (Baltimore, MD)"
"Pollacks' Inc."
"Pollie, Henry"
"Pollie, James"
"Polychrome sewing bench, const."
"Polychrome sewing bench, design"
"Polychrome sewing cabinet, const."
"Polychrome sewing cabinet, design"
"Pomerene bill"
"Pomerene bill of lading bill"
"Pomeroy & Lawton"
"Pomeroy's Inc... (Harrisburg, PA)"
"Pomeroy's Inc... (Reading, PA)"
"Pomeroy, W.C."
"Ponce De Leon Co."
"Ponderosa pine furniture"
"Pontiac (L) reformatory"
"Pontiac Merchants Delivery Inc."
"Pool room photo"
"Pooley Furniture Co. (Philadelphia)"
"Pooley Furniture Co. (Philadelphia, PA)"
"Poor quality kitchen furnishings"
"Poor veneer work on furniture"
"Poortenga & Slader Lumber Co."
"Pope & Heyboer Inc."
"Pope, J. John"
"Popkin, John L."
"Popma, Nicholas"
"Popp, John"
"Porcelain enamel kitchen table tops"
"Porcelain enameled table tops"
"Porcelain shortage for kitchen ..."
"Porch furniture"
"Porch swing, construction"
"Porch swing, design"
"Pork sausage links"
"Porposal C"
"Port of Grand Rapids"
"Portable Copying Press Co."
"Portable folding bookcase, const."
"Portable folding bookcase, design"
"Portable tools"
"Porter Furniture Co. (Racine, WI)"
"Porter Machinery Co. (GR)"
"Porter Machinery Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Porter Novelty Furniture...(NYC)"
"Porter, C.O. & A.D."
"Porter, C.O. Machinery Co. (GR)"
"Porter, Fred N."
"Porter, Horace Dexter(Louisville,KY"
"Porter, L.H."
"Porter, Lewis"
"Porter, Preston W. Jr."
"Porter, T. Earl (Grand Rapids)"
"Porter, Thomas W."
"Porter-Cable ...(Syracuse, NY)"
"Porter-Cable Machine..(Syracuse,NY)"
"Porter-Cable Machine...(Syracuse,NY"
"Porter-Cable- ...(Syracuse, NY)"
"Porter-Handley Co."
"Porter-Rogers Co. (Daytona Beach, FL)"
"Portland (OR) furniture exposition"
"Portland (OR) furniture industry"
"Portland Furniture Co. (Portland, OR)"
"Portland furniture market"
"Portland Furniture Mfg. Co."
"Portland Retail Furniture Dealers' Association"
"Portland vase"
"Portland, Oregon"
"Porto Rico furniture industry"
"Portsmouth (OH) Veneer and Panel .."
"Portsmouth Terrace"
"Portuguese chair, 18th century"
"Portuguese side chair (art)"
"Posselins Bros. Mfg. Co. (Detroit, MI)"
"Posselius Bros. (Detroit)"
"Posselius Bros. Furniture (Detroit, MI), Victor Extension Tables paten"
"Posselius Bros. Furniture Company"
"Posselius Bros. Furniture Manufacturing Company"
"Posselius Bros. Furniture Manufacturing Company (Detroit, MI)"
"Posselius Bros. Furniture.(Detroit)"
"Posselius Bros. Manufacturing Company"
"Posselius Brothers Furniture Manufacturing Company"
"Posselius Brothers Furniture Manufacturing Company (Detroit, MI)"
"Posselius, A. & Co. (Detroit)"
"Post Dry Goods store"
"Post Fixture Co."
"Post, Arthur L."
"Post, C.W."
"Post, F.B."
"Post, J.E."
"Post-war economic readjustments"
"Post-war furniture"
"Post-war furniture design"
"Post-war furniture projections"
"Post-war housing plans"
"Post-war housing problem"
"Post-war industrial reconstruction"
"Post-war planning and reconversion"
"Post-war planning and recoversion"
"Post-war trade projections"
"Post-war world furniture industry"
"Post-WWI and furniture industry"
"Post-WWI English furniture industry"
"Postage rates"
"Postal zone law"
"Postal, William E."
"Poster advertising"
"Poster beds gain popularity"
"Postma Biscuit Co."
"Postma, Samuel"
"Postma, Sipke"
"Postum Cereal Co. Ltd."
"Postwar furniture"
"Postwar furniture design"
"Postwar furniture employment"
"Postwar furniture industry planning"
"Postwar furniture styles"
"Postwar furniture styles (art)"
"Postwar furniture trends"
"Postwar houses"
"Postwar jobs in furniture field"
"Postwar planning"
"Postwar planning and reconversion"
"Postwar planning and recoversion"
"Postwar plans and reconversion"
"Postwar uses of plywood"
"Potash, U.S. imports of"
"Poti circassian furniture"
"Potter & Co. (Providence, RI)"
"Potter, F.M."
"Poughkeepsie (NY) Chair Co."
"Poverty relief fund"
"Powell Electropure Creamery Co."
"Powell Machine Works"
"Powell process"
"Powell Wood Process Syndicate of London, new wood preservation process"
"Powell, George B."
"Powellized process of treating wood"
"Power of suggestion in design"
"Power transmission belts"
"Power transmissions"
"Power, Ernest A."
"Powerlight Mfg. Co. (New York, NY)"
"Powers & Ball (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Powers & Walker Casket Co."
"Powers Furniture Co. (Portland)"
"Powers Furniture Co. (Portland, OR)"
"Powers Theater building"
"Powers west side properties"
"Powers, Charles"
"Powers, Charles F. (Grand Rapids)"
"Powers, Ira F."
"Powers, Ira F. Co. (Portland)"
"Powers, Ray"
"Powers, William T."
"Powers-Hazelbrook Inc."
"Powers-Tyson Corp."
"Practical cabinet making"
"Practical design"
"Praddox & Co."
"Prairie Grass... (Glendale, NY)"
"Prange's Department Store"
"Prange, Ernest A."
"Prange, Olga A."
"Pratt & Co. of Buenos Aires"
"Pratt & Lambert"
"Pratt & Lambert (Buffalo, NY)"
"Pratt & Lambert (New York, NY; Buffalo, NY; Chicago, IL)"
"Pratt & Lambert Inc. (Grand Rapids)"
"Pratt & Lambert Inc. (New York City"
"Pratt & Lambert Varnish Makers"
"Pratt & Lambert, Inc.(Grand Rapids)"
"Pratt Institute (Brooklyn, NY)"
"Pratt Mfg. Co. (Coldwater, MI)"
"Pratt, George C."
"Pratt, J. Elmer"
"Pratt, W.S."
"Prawdzik, John"
"Pre-fabricated houses"
"Precedent furniture group"
"Preciado Store (Madera, CA)"
"Precisionized construction"
"Prefabricated furniture"
"Prefabricated housing"
"Preferred Automobile Insurance Co."
"Preferred stock purchase"
"Premier Bed Co. (Mishawaka, IN)"
"Premier Cabinet Co. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Premier Cabinet Co.(Jamestown, NY)"
"Premier Cabinet..(Williamsport,PA)"
"Premier Furniture..(High Point, NC)"
"Premium plans"
"Premium stamp craze"
"Premium system"
"Premium Vinegar Works"
"Preparatory trade schools"
"Prescott & Son (Keeseville, NY)"
"Prescott-Adams Table.(Haverhill,MA)"
"Present Methods of Manufacture, Conditions and Prices Compared with Th"
"President Gompers annual address"
"Press cupboard of oak ...(art)"
"Pressed Wood Corp. (Gardner, MA)"
"Presto brush"
"Preston & Jensen"
"Preston, Glenn H."
"Prestonia Mfg. Co. (Louisville,KY)"
"Prestridge, George (Shreveport,LA)"
"Prestwood Furniture...(Oakwood, TN)"
"Preusser Jewelry Co."
"Preusser, Albert"
"Price controls"
"Price cutter"
"Price cutting"
"Price fixing"
"Price fixing, plate glass industry"
"Price index"
"Price indexes"
"Price prevailing basis"
"Price, Thomas E."
"Price, William J."
"Price, William L."
"Price, William N."
"Price-Rite Hardware"
"Prices unfair to manufacturer - another increase in prices expected"
"Priestley Express Wagon Co."
"Priestley, F.M."
"Prima vera"
"Prima vera (Central America)"
"Prima vera or white mahogany"
"Primavera (white mahogany)"
"Prince Carpet and... (Hazleton, PA)"
"Prince Furniture Co. (Allentown, PA)"
"Prince Furniture Company (Reading, PA)"
"Prince, Daniel P."
"Prince, Ralph H."
"Princess Furniture Manufacturing.."
"Princess style"
"Prindle Furniture..(Huntington,WV)"
"Pringle Furniture Co. (Detroit, MI)"
"Pringle, George"
"Prins & Stolk"
"Prins, Frank"
"Printed wood, staining of"
"Printers' strike"
"Printing and engraving"
"Printing industry"
"Printz Furniture Co. (Reading, PA)"
"Prison chair manufacturing"
"Prison furniture factories"
"Prison furniture making"
"Prison labor"
"Prison labor for furniture making"
"Prison Labor in Michigan"
"Prison-made chairs"
"Prison-made furniture"
"Prison-made goods"
"Pritchard, William (Memphis, TN)"
"Pritchett, Henry S."
"Pritchett-Powers Co."
"Pritchett-Powers Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Pritchett-Powers..(Charlotte, MI)"
"Private forest industries"
"Prize winning furniture designs"
"Prizes for furniture designs"
"Probably the Largest Set of Capitals ever produced in wood"
"Probbers, Harvey (New York City)"
"Problems in manufacturing Sectional bookcases"
"Probst Furniture Co. (Beloit, WI)"
"Process marks"
"process of drying lumber"
"Procter, W.W."
"Proctor Furniture..(Camden, AR)"
"Proctor veneer dryer"
"Produce Agency Act"
"Producers Fuel Co."
"Product testing"
"Production controls"
"Production line in furniture making"
"Profit sharing"
"Profit sharing plan"
"Progress Furniture..(Salt Lake City"
"progress of band saw machinery"
"Progressive Seating Co. (Chicago)"
"Prohibition affects sales of game tables"
"Projects in Cabinet Making"
"promoters of the Southern Furniture Exposition energetic"
"Promotion campaigns"
"Promotion ideas"
"Proper packing of furniture"
"Properties and Uses of Wood"
"Proposal C"
"proposed new crating and packing schedule for furniture manufacturers"
"proposed Pacific coast furniture exhibition"
"Prosstix Co."
"Protective Brotherhood"
"Protective tariff"
"Protective tariff on furniture"
"Protective tariffs"
"Prou, Rene"
"Proudfit catalog binder"
"Proudfit Loose Leaf Co."
"Proudfit Loose Leaf..(Grand Rapids)"
"Provin & Andrews"
"Provin farm"
"Provincial furniture"
"Provonche, Homer J. Sr."
"Prufrock, Harry"
"Prufrock-Litton Co. (St. Louis)"
"Prufrock-Litton Co. (St. Louis, MO)"
"Pruitt Furniture... (Clarinda, IA)"
"Pruitt, Mac"
"Prussing Vinegar Co."
"Prutzman and Peterson (Newark, NJ)"
"Pryor, T.L. (Knoxville, TN)"
"public attitude on second hand goods"
"Public drinking cups"
"Public exposition of furniture"
"Public health"
"Public insopections of factories"
"Public lighting"
"Public seating industry"
"Public Style show"
"Public Works Administration"
"Publicity campaigns"
"Publicity for furniture industry"
"Pueblo (CO) High School"
"Pueblo, CO"
"Pueblo, Col., schools"
"Puerto Rican furniture imports"
"Pugh Stores Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"Pugh, John W."
"Pujo money trust investigation"
"Pulaski (VA) Furniture Co."
"Pulaski (VA) Veneer Corp."
"Pule Plumbing & Heating Co."
"Pullman bed"
"Pullman Co."
"Pullman Co. (Chicago)"
"Pullman Company buys old oak from the English estate of Buckingham Par"
"Pullman Couch Co. (Chicago)"
"Pullman Couch Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"Pullman, A.B."
"Pullman, Albert B."
"Pullman, George M."
"Pullman-Standard Mfg. (Chicago)"
"Pulte, Frank"
"Pulte, Frederic E."
"Puma, William"
"Pumice stone, use in wood finishing"
"Pumice use in furniture industry"
"Pumice, uses of"
"Purcell, Frank"
"Purdy, R."
"Pure Food Show"
"Pure foods"
"Pure furniture campaign"
"Pure-Kote Corp."
"Puritan Ice Cream Inc."
"Puritan Shoe Co."
"Purity Cylinder Gases Inc."
"Pushman Brothers... (Chicago, IL)"
"Putman, Enos"
"Putnam & Brooks"
"Putnam & Sprague (Worcester, MA)"
"Putnam Candy Co."
"Putnam, Ben W."
"Putnam, George S."
"Putnam, Joseph W."
"Putnam, L.D."
"Putty, manufacture of"
"Pylman, Louis J."
"Pyroetched dining table"
"Pyroxilin leathers"
"Pyroxilin process"
"Pythian Temple"
"Quackenbush & Colborn"
"Quackenbush Bros."
"Quaint Continental House (Boston, MA)"
"Quaint Furniture"
"Quaker Maid Inc."
"Quaker Restaurant"
"Quality Furniture..(Welland, Ont.)"
"Quality in furniture"
"Quality in upholstered furniture"
"Quality Lumber & Fuel Co."
"Quality Renovators Inc."
"Quality standards in furniture"
"Quality Tire Shop"
"Quality Tool Co."
"Quality Tool Die & Manufacturing..."
"Quality Upholstery..(Philadelphia)"
"Quality Wood Turning Co."
"Quantity or mass production"
"Quarantine of Tennessee, Mississippi and Arkansas has spurred demand f"
"Quartel, Peter"
"Quarter cut stock"
"Quarter sawed oak, drying of"
"Quarter sawed stock"
"Quarter sawn Oak veneer"
"Quarter-sawed oak imitations"
"Quarterd oak"
"Quartered figured gum"
"Quartered oak"
"Quartered oak mixture"
"Quartered wood"
"Quattlander, Paul"
"Quay, David"
"Quebec, Canada, domestic woods"
"Queen Anne arm chair, c1702 (art)"
"Queen Anne bench (art)"
"Queen Anne carved walnut frame(art)"
"Queen Anne chair, construction of"
"Queen Anne chair, design of"
"Queen Anne desk, construction of"
"Queen Anne desk, design of"
"Queen Anne dressing table, design"
"Queen Anne fireside chair (art)"
"Queen Anne furniture"
"Queen Anne lacquer cabinet in ..."
"Queen Anne period sideboard ..."
"Queen Anne phonograph, construction"
"Queen Anne phonograph, design"
"Queen Anne rocker, construction"
"Queen Anne rocker, construction of"
"Queen Anne rocker, design"
"Queen Anne rocker, design of"
"Queen Anne secretary (art)"
"Queen Anne settee (art)"
"Queen Anne stool, construction"
"Queen Anne stool, design"
"Queen Anne style"
"Queen Anne style furniture"
"Queen Anne style furniture (art)"
"Queen Anne style of furniture"
"Queen Anne writing desk, const."
"Queen Anne writing desk, design"
"Queen Anne writing table, const."
"Queen Anne writing table, design"
"Queen City Carving & ..(Cincinnati)"
"Queen City Furniture..(Gadsen, AL)"
"Queen City Furniture... (Baker, OR)"
"Queen City Varnish Co. (Cincinnati, OH)"
"Queen Louise pillows"
"Queen Margaret of Italy"
"Queen Marie of Romania"
"Queen of Cereal"
"Queen of Roumania"
"Queensland or Oriental wood"
"Quick Tire Service Inc."
"Quick, Maurice R."
"Quigg, John"
"Quigley Drug Store"
"Quigley Furniture..(Whitesboro,NC)"
"Quigley Lumber Co."
"Quigley, C.W. (Philadelphia)"
"Quigley, J. Frank Jr."
"Quigley, J.F."
"Quigley, William H."
"Quilt Furniture...(Lynwood, CA)"
"Quimby & Wilson (Hoquiam, WA)"
"Quimby-Kain Paper Co."
"Quin & Richardson"
"Quincy Collection Agency"
"Quinlan, Charles (Watersville, NC)"
"Quinn, L.J."
"Quint, C."
"Quintet Sales Co. (Chicago)"
"Quist, A."
"Quist, Anthony J."
"Quitman Lumber Co."
"R Chain Stores Inc."
"R&W Distributing Co."
"R. Lindemulder & Son"
"R.& L. Panel Co. (Statesville, NC)"
"R.A. Barnard Co."
"R.A. Matthewson Co."
"R.B. Broyles Co. (Birmingham, AL)"
"R.C. Allen Products Inc."
"R.C. Reynolds... (Troy, NY)"
"R.D. Matheson Inc."
"R.G. Dun & Co."
"R.G. Heslop &... (Martins Ferry,OH)"
"R.G. Peters Salt & Lumber"
"R.G. Peters Salt & Lumber Co."
"R.H. Macy & Co. (New York, NY)"
"R.H. Macy & Company"
"R.H. Macy and Company (New York, NY)"
"R.H. Rupper"
"R.H. White Co. (Boston, MA)"
"R.H. Young & Son Co."
"R.L. Leeson & Sons... (Elwood, IN)"
"R.N. Cardozon & Sons (St. Paul, MN)"
"R.T. Dennis & Co. (Waco, TX)"
"R.W. Hager Lumber Co."
"R.W. Norman Co. (Salibury, NC)"
"Raab Chair Co."
"Raab, John D. (Grand Rapids)"
"Raab, John D. Chair Co."
"Raab, John D. Chair Co. (GR)"
"Raab, John D. Chair..(Grand Rapids)"
"Raab, John D. Chaor Co. (GR)"
"Raab, John D. Furniture Co. (GR)"
"Rabe, Fred (New Bremen, OH)"
"Rabinowitz, B."
"Radcliffe, Charles H."
"Radcliffe, Rutledge W."
"Rademaker match factory"
"Rademaker, H. & Sons...(GR)"
"Rademaker, Henry"
"Rademaker-Dooge Grocer Co."
"Radical Measures Proposed by Minnesota Undertakers and Furniture Men"
"Radio advertising"
"Radio cabinet design"
"Radio cabinet, construction"
"Radio cabinet, design"
"Radio City (New York City)"
"Radio City Music Hall"
"Radio Corp. of America"
"Radio Equipment Sales Co."
"Radio frequency in wood fabrication"
"Radio furniture"
"Radio industry"
"Radio receivers"
"Radio set detectors"
"Radio Show"
"Radio table"
"Radio woods"
"Radio's boon to furniture industry"
"Radio's influence on woodworking"
"Radio-reading table, construction"
"Radio-reading table, design"
"Radiola Sales & Service Co."
"Rage for antiques"
"Ragh Equipment Co."
"Ragir Bros. & Deitch"
"Ragland-Baxter- ...(Nashville,TN)"
"Ragon, Arthur"
"rail guard for exposed gears"
"Railroad Car Famine likely to result in advancing the per diem for ren"
"railroad car furniture"
"Railroad Car Shortage"
"Railroad Cars"
"Railroad control"
"Railroad depot"
"Railroad freight charges"
"Railroad freight rates"
"Railroad freight shipments"
"Railroad furniture"
"Railroad industry"
"Railroad proposes new factory locations based on supply and demand"
"Railroad Rates"
"Railroads and rail freight"
"Railway cars"
"Railway Express Agency"
"Railway freight rates"
"Raleigh R. Stotz Agency"
"Raleigh, Sir Walter"
"Ralph Elliott Co. (Chicago)"
"Ralph Morse Furniture Co."
"Ramona Amusement Park"
"Ramona Food Market"
"Ramona Park Refreshment Co."
"Rampus & Duus Foundry Co."
"Ramseur (NC) Furniture Co."
"Ramsey - Alton Manufacturing Company"
"Ramsey - Alton Manufacturing Company (Portland, MI)"
"Ramsey Furniture Co. (Bassett, VA)"
"Ramsey Furniture Co. (Elkton, KY)"
"Ramsey Toy & Novelty..(Anniston,AL)"
"Ramsey, C.E."
"Ramsey, C.L."
"Ramsey, John (Portland, MI)"
"Ramsey-Alton Mfg. (Portland, MI)"
"Ramsey-Alton Mfg. ..(Portland, MI)"
"Ramsey-Alton Mfg. ...(Portland,OR)"
"Ramsey-Alton Mfg. Co. (Portland,MI)"
"Ranch-style homes"
"Ranck, Samuel H."
"Randall Mattress Co. (Cleveland,OH)"
"Randall, Graff & Darragh"
"Randall, H.N."
"Randall, M.H."
"Randall, Rev."
"Randolph, Tandy"
"Ranger, C.M."
"Ranier Furniture ... (Seattle)"
"Raniville & Lyon"
"Raniville, F."
"Rankin Realty Co."
"Rankin, David"
"Ranney Refrigerator Co. (Greenville, MI)"
"Ranney Refrigerator Company"
"Ranney, Frederick (Greenville, MI)"
"Ransford Furniture Co."
"Ransford, Charles O."
"Ransom Bros."
"Ransom, Caroline L."
"Rapid Account Register Co."
"Rapid Machine Co."
"Rapid Oil Products Co."
"Rapid Rifle Co."
"Rapid-Standard Co."
"Rapides Lumber Company (Rapides parish, Louisiana)"
"Rapids Enterprises Inc. (Boston)"
"Rapids Manufacturing Co."
"Rapkin-Miller Co. (Salem, MA)"
"Rapp, C.N."
"Rappaport, Jacob C."
"Rare furniture woods"
"Rasch, Alois"
"Rasch, Arthur G."
"Rasch, Robert"
"Rathbone & Panigot Company (Grand Rapids, MI), fireplace"
"Rathbone homestead"
"Rathbone House and Cafe"
"Rathbone Livery"
"Rathbone, Amos"
"Rathbone, Gouverneur"
"Rathbone, J. Mortimer"
"Rathbone, Orcelia house"
"Rathbone, T.H."
"Rathbun & Ford"
"Rathbun House"
"Rating Guide"
"Ratinoff & Sons (St. Louis)"
"Rattan and rattan caning"
"Rattan and rattan furniture"
"Rattan embargo"
"Rattan exports to U.S."
"Rattan furniture"
"Rattan Furniture Co. (New York City"
"Rattan furniture imports to U.S."
"Rattan furniture industry"
"Rattan industry"
"Rattan use in furniture, rise of"
"Rauch, Albert (Chicago)"
"Ravensdean sideboard (art)"
"Raw feather market"
"Raw material market"
"Raw material markets"
"Raw materials"
"Raw materials market"
"Raw materials markets"
"Raw materials, new import duties on"
"Raw materials, Pittsburgh report"
"Raw materials, wartime shortage of"
"Raw silk"
"Rawson & Evans Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"Ray, Douglas M. (Grand Rapids)"
"Ray, Percy"
"Ray-Bar Products Corp."
"Rayburn, Joseph"
"Raymer's Book Store Inc."
"Raymond Porch Shade..(Richmond, IN)"
"Raymond Veneer Mfg. (High Point,NC)"
"Raymond, Day & Co."
"Raymond, Ethel J."
"Rayner, Mrs. Adelbert"
"Rayon fiber as mattress filling"
"Rays, Graham"
"RCA Manufacturing Co. (Camden, NJ)"
"Re-upholstered furniture"
"Read, David F."
"Reader, George B."
"Reading (PA) schools"
"Reading matter stand, construction"
"Reading matter stand, design"
"Readsboro (Vt.) Chair Co."
"Ready-made furniture"
"Real estate industry"
"Realtors' Home Show"
"Reardon, James A. (St. Louis, MO)"
"Reback, William & Co.(Philadelphia)"
"Reber, Thomas R. (Rockford, IL)"
"Receivador Sales Co."
"recently founded city of Omaha has growing furniture industries"
"Recessed head screws"
"recliners aren't good for the workplace"
"Reclining chairs"
"Reconstrucrtion Council"
"Reconstruction Council"
"Reconstruction Finance Corp."
"Record cabinets"
"Record for slowest shipment ever by train car"
"Record rental shops"
"Record, S.J."
"Record, Samuel"
"Rectal treatment center"
"Rectangular table (art)"
"Red Albumen"
"Red alder"
"Red and White Corp."
"Red Book in Michigan"
"Red cedar as moth destroyer"
"Red cedar chest, construction"
"Red cedar chest, design"
"Red cedar dress boxes"
"Red cedar furniture"
"Red Cedar Mfg. Co. (Des Moines, IA)"
"Red Cross Pharmacy"
"Red gum"
"Red gum as a furniture wood"
"Red gum as airplane propeller"
"Red gum as cabinet wood"
"Red gum as furniture wood"
"Red gum as mahogany substitute"
"Red gum for furniture use"
"Red gum lumber"
"Red gum wood"
"Red gum, drying and seasoning of"
"Red gum, use of for furniture"
"Red light district"
"Red Lion (NY) Cabinet Co."
"Red Lion (PA) Table Co."
"Red oak"
"Red oak furniture"
"Redding, J.O. (Asheboro, NC)"
"Redding, J.P. (High Point, NC)"
"Reddinger Carving Works (Evansville, IN)"
"Reddinger Furniture..(Evansville,IN"
"Reddinger, Koe L. (Big Rapids, MI)"
"Reddinger, Peter H., career in furniture"
"Redhead, John (Grand Rapids)"
"Redlick Furniture Co. (Oakland, CA)"
"Redlick-Newman Co. (San Francisco, CA)"
"Redmond Furniture (Big Rapids, MI)"
"Redmond's Grand Opera House"
"Redmond, Billy (Big Rapids, MI)"
"Redmond, Thomas H."
"Redwood burl"
"Redwood lumber"
"Redwoods use in textiles"
"Reed & Cheney"
"Reed & Wiley Co."
"Reed and cane products"
"Reed and fiber furniture"
"Reed and rattan furniture"
"Reed as a trade term"
"Reed Craft Furniture..(St. Paul,MN)"
"Reed Engraving Co."
"Reed exports to U.S."
"Reed fibre as a trade term"
"Reed furniture"
"Reed Furniture Co. (Dayton, OH)"
"Reed Furniture Company (Ypsilanti, MI)"
"Reed furniture industry"
"Reed furniture, crating of"
"Reed, Earl G."
"Reed, F.W."
"Reed, George Latimer"
"Reed, H.W."
"Reed, J.P."
"Reed, Johan B. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Reed, Joseph E."
"Reed, Joseph F.O."
"Reed, R.D."
"Reed-Klopp Co. (Middletown, OH)"
"Reeder Bros. Shoe Co."
"Reeder, George H."
"Reeder, J.P."
"Reeder, Milton"
"Reeder, Palmer & Co."
"Reeds Lake"
"Reedsville, WV, furniture plant"
"Reedwel chair"
"Reelman, Jacob"
"Reese & Carreker (Diana, TX)"
"Reeve, D."
"Reeves Brothers Inc. (NYC)"
"Reeves, Mrs. Homer E."
"Refectory tables"
"Reforestation as an Investment"
"Refrigerator industry"
"Refrigerator sales"
"Refrigerator Salesman's …"
"Refrigerator tariffs"
"Refrigerator, construction"
"Refrigerator, design"
"Refrigerators, novelty in Europe"
"Refugee furniture"
"refurbishing old furniture"
"Regal Cabinet Shops(Evansville, IN)"
"Regal Coal Co."
"Regal Furniture Co. (Evansville,IN)"
"Regal Oil Co."
"Regal Plastic Co. (Kansas City)"
"Regal Plastics Co. (Kansas City)"
"Regal Spring Bed Co. (Philadelphia)"
"Regency style"
"Regent Theater Co."
"Reghel Publishing Co."
"Regina, WI"
"Regional furniture"
"Reichel, Henry"
"Reid & Pierce"
"Reid, David"
"Reid, Murdoch & Co."
"Reid, Raymond"
"Reid, William"
"Reifer's Furniture (Lafayette, IN)"
"Reilly Exposition Building"
"Reilly's Drug Store"
"Reilly, C.F. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Reilly, Charles F."
"Reilly, Charles F. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Reilly, Charles F., representative for the Jamestown Lounge Company"
"Reilly, Robert (Chicago)"
"Reilly, T. Harold"
"Reim, Anton"
"Reimann process of wood coloring"
"Reimersma, D."
"Reindel, George J."
"Reindel, George J. (Detroit, MI)"
"Reinhart's... (Hazleton, PA)"
"Reinhold, Oscar Cabinet..(Chicago)"
"Reinisch-Van Pelt Manufacturing ..."
"Reischmann Chair Co. (New York, NY)"
"Reischmann, M. & Sons..(Brooklyn,NY"
"Reiss, Jacob L."
"Relate the bed to the case piece style period"
"Relax radio chair (art)"
"Reliable Bed Spring..(Cleveland)"
"Reliable Cartage Co."
"Reliable Furniture (Bartlesville, OK)"
"Reliable Furniture Co. (Detroit, MI)"
"Reliable Home Furniture (Washington, DC)"
"Reliable Market"
"Reliable Motor Supply Inc."
"Reliable Smelting Co."
"Reliable Tea Co., Ltd."
"Reliance Morocco"
"Reliance Varnish Co. (Louisville,KY"
"Reliance Varnish..(Louisville, KY)"
"Reliance Varnish...(Louisville,KY)"
"Religious crusades"
"Remes Drug Store"
"Remington & Ewing"
"Remington & Hayes"
"Remington & Orcutt"
"Remington Rand"
"Remington Rand (Buffalo)"
"Remington, Charles N."
"Remington, Charles R."
"Remington, George H."
"Remodeling of kilns"
"Removable furniture coverings"
"Rempis & Gallmeyer"
"Renaissance style"
"Renaissance table, construction"
"Renaissance table, design"
"Renard Linoleum & Rug.. (St. Louis, MO)"
"Rencoff, Ely B."
"Renihan, Christopher J."
"Renkes & Walldorf (Hastings, MI)"
"Renkes, Joseph"
"Renner, Charles"
"Renner, F.J. (Joliet, IL)"
"Reno, H.O."
"Reno, Leonard M."
"Rentsch Bros."
"Repp, W.A."
"Representative of Grand Rapids companies having success in Mexico"
"Reproduced page from the Ladies' Home Journal"
"Reproductions of Antique Furniture"
"Republic Coal Co."
"Republic Distributing Co."
"Republic Furniture..(Rockford, IL)"
"Republic Gas and Oil Co."
"Republic Machinery..(Rockford, IL)"
"Republic Stamping... (Canton, OH)"
"Republic Supply Corp."
"Republican Party"
"Resale price fixing"
"Resale prices"
"Resawing and Drying lumber"
"Research Foundation of the ..."
"Research in furniture industry"
"Research Kitchen... (Cleveland, OH)"
"Research on furniture woods"
"Residential construction"
"Residential construction industry"
"Residential housing"
"Resin glue"
"Resin adhesives"
"Resin bonded furniture"
"Resin bonding in furniture industry"
"Resin bonding of plywood"
"Resin glues uses in WW II"
"Resin impregnated fiber"
"Resin-bonded plywood"
"Resin-bonded plywoods"
"Respro Inc. (Cranston, RI)"
"Respro, Inc. (Cranston, RI)"
"Restaurant service in factories"
"Restinize Rocker...(Minneapolis)"
"Restocraft (Chicago)"
"Restoration of historic houses"
"Restraint of trade acts"
"Restwood wooden spring"
"Retail codes"
"Retail Dealer's Commercial Agency"
"Retail furniture advertising"
"Retail Furniture Assn. of the U.S."
"Retail Furniture Association ..."
"Retail Furniture Association of ..."
"Retail Furniture Club of Michigan"
"Retail Furniture Dealers' Association advocate absolute exclusion of a"
"retail furniture delivery"
"Retail furniture industry"
"Retail furniture industry outlook"
"Retail furniture merchandising"
"Retail furniture sales"
"Retail furniture trade"
"Retail furniture trade forecast"
"Retail furniture trade guidebooks"
"Retail grocers"
"Retail hardware industry"
"Retail Meat Dealers Association"
"Retail meat trade"
"Retail salesmen's conference"
"Retail store clerks"
"Retail trade"
"retailers offer incentives for purchasing furniture"
"Retan, Ted"
"Retirement plans"
"Retting & Sweet"
"Retting & Sweet Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Retting Furniture Co."
"Retting Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Retting Furniture Co.(Grand Rapids)"
"Retting Furniture Company"
"Retting Furniture Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Retting, Charles F. (Grand Rapids)"
"Reuben Glue"
"Revell, Alexander H. & Co.(Chicago)"
"Revell, Alexander H. (Chicago)"
"Revenue Act of 1918"
"Revenue Act of 1926"
"Revere Clock Co."
"Reversible Table Cor. (Utica, NY)"
"Revolutionary period furniture(art)"
"Revolving book rack, construction"
"Revolving book rack, design"
"Revolving bookcase, construction of"
"Revolving bookcase, design of"
"Rewerski, Jos."
"Rex Manufacturing Co."
"Rex Radio Sales Corp."
"Rex Robinson Furniture Co."
"Rexart Metal Industries (NYC)"
"Rexford, Homer L."
"Rexton Finishes Inc. (Irvington,NJ)"
"Reynolds & Franklin addition"
"Reynolds & Garlock Inc."
"Reynolds Metals ...(Louisville,KY)"
"Reynolds Metals..(Louisville, KY)"
"Reynolds Metals...(Louisville, KY)"
"Reynolds Shingle Co."
"Reynolds Spring Co. (Jackson, MI)"
"Reynolds Spring Co. (New York City)"
"Reynolds Upholstering Co."
"Reynolds, Charles M."
"Reynolds, Earle"
"Reynolds, Herbert M."
"Reynolds, Lewis Seal (Grand Rapids)"
"Reynolds, Patrick"
"Reynolds, R.J. (Winston-Salem, NC)"
"Rheinhald Furniture (Hazleton, PA)"
"Rhinelander (WI) Refrigeration Co."
"Rhode Island"
"Rhode Island School of Design"
"Rhode's... (Seattle, WA)"
"Rhode, Peggy Ann (New York City)"
"Rhodes Mfg. Co. (Lexington, NC)"
"Rhodes, George M. (Taunton, MA)"
"Rhodes, R.H."
"Rhodes-Burford (Louisville, KY)"
"Rhodes-Burford (Paducah, KY)"
"Rhodes-Burford (St. Louis, MO)"
"Rhodes-Jones ...(Chattanooga, TN)"
"Rhodes-Mahoney (Chattanooga, TN)"
"Rhodes-Mahoney (Tampa, FL)"
"Rice & Moore"
"Rice Chemical Co."
"Rice Radio Co. (Evansville, IN)"
"Rice Veneer & Lumber Co."
"Rice, Bert"
"Rice, Charles J."
"Rice, Cyrus W. (Grand Rapids)"
"Rice, E.B."
"Rice, F.E."
"Rice, Frank C. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Rice, Fred E."
"Rice, George Graham"
"Rice, Henry H."
"Rich Bros.... (Atlanta, GA)"
"Rich Brothers & Company (Atlanta, GA)"
"Richard Bros."
"Richard Motor Co."
"Richard Wilhelm Corp."
"Richard, Arthur"
"Richards & DeVries"
"Richards Manufacturing Co."
"Richards Mfg. Co. (Marietta, OH)"
"Richards Plumbing & Heating Co."
"Richards Warehouse Co."
"Richards, Clyde E."
"Richards, Edith M."
"Richards, Erbin"
"Richards, Eugene"
"Richards, Glendon"
"Richards, J.A."
"Richards, James"
"Richards, Kuennen & Co."
"Richards-Wilson Pipe Covering Co."
"Richardson Furniture (Oak Park, IL)"
"Richardson's (Chicago, IL)"
"Richardson, C.D."
"Richardson, C.E. (Pulaski, VA)"
"Richardson, Charles (Pittsfield,MA)"
"Richardson, Edwin C."
"Richardson, George F."
"Richardson, L. (Sheboygan Falls,WI)"
"Richardson, W.A."
"Richey, Halsted & Quick"
"Richmond (IN) Cabinet Co."
"Richmond (IN) Chair Co."
"Richmond (IN) Furniture Mfg. Co."
"Richmond Better Homes Show (Richmond, VA)"
"Richmond Chair Company"
"Richmond Chair Company (Richmond, IN), cane chairs"
"Richmond Chair Company (Richmond, IN), rocking chair"
"Richmond Grocery"
"Richmond Manufacturing Company (Richmond, IN)"
"Richmond Safety Gate Company"
"Richmond, O.H."
"Richmond, O.W."
"Richmond, Rebecca"
"Richmond, William A."
"Rickard Bros."
"Rickard, C.S."
"Rickenbaugh, J. Clarence"
"Rickenbaugh, Ralph E."
"Rickerson Roller Mill Co."
"Rickling, Henry (Grand Rapids)"
"Riddle Coach &... (Ravenna, OH)"
"Riddle, Herman"
"Rider Furniture..(Monticello, IN)"
"Ridgell, D.E."
"Ridgewood Carpet..(New York City)"
"Ridgmoor Country Club"
"Ridley, James G."
"Riechel, Ferdinand"
"Riechmann, George (Evansville, IN)"
"Riechold, William (Grand Rapids)"
"Riecke Cabinet Works (New Orleans)"
"Riegal, Sam (Grand Rapids)"
"Riekse Oil Corp."
"Rietberg Dry Goods Store"
"Rietdyk, John W."
"Rietow, William (Sheboygan, WI)"
"Right People Inc. (Los Angeles, CA)"
"Rightor, Haskell"
"Rigidized Metals Corp. (Buffalo)"
"Rigidized steel tubing"
"Rigley, Charles E. (Owosso, MI)"
"Rigley, James G. (Owosso, MI)"
"Rike-Kumler... (Dayton, OH)"
"Rikkers, C."
"Rikkers, Henry"
"Rim & Wheel Service Co."
"Rimes of the Times"
"Rindel, Geo. Co. (Detroit)"
"Rindge Exhibition Building (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Rindge Furniture Exhibition..(GR)"
"Rindge, Bertsch & Co."
"Rindge, Kalmbach & Co."
"Rindge, Kalmbach, Logie & Co."
"Rindge, Lester J."
"Rindge, Will A."
"Rindge, William A."
"Ringer's... (Paola, KS)"
"Rinshed-Mason Co. (Detroit)"
"Rion, Fount H. (Palatka, FL)"
"Rip saws"
"Rip VanWinkle Spring Bed"
"Riparian rights"
"Ripmaster, Herman"
"Ripperger, Raymond M."
"Rishel Co. (Williamsport, PA)"
"Rishel Furniture..(Hughesville,PA)"
"Rishel Furniture..(Williamsport,PA)"
"Risom, Jens (New York City)"
"Rite, Neil"
"Rittenhouse, W.J."
"Ritter & Deutsch Co. (Wausau, WI)"
"Ritter, George W. (Chicago)"
"Ritter, George W. Co. (Chicago)"
"Ritterskamp, William P."
"Ritzema, Richard E."
"River boulevard"
"Riverside Boulevard"
"Riverside Lumber Co."
"Riverside Novelty Co. (Elkin, NC)"
"Riverside Sand & Gravel Co."
"Riverview Furniture Store (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Riverview Inn"
"Roach Canneries"
"Roach, William R."
"Roach-Montgomery Co."
"Road houses"
"Roadside vendors"
"Roanoke Rapids (VA) Furniture Co."
"Roaring River (NC) Furniture Co."
"Roaring Table (NC) Furniture Co."
"Roat, Edwin (Berlin, Ontario)"
"Roayl Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Robb & Stucky (Ft. Myers, FL)"
"Robb, V.C."
"Robberies and thefts"
"Robbins Bros. Inc. (Hartford, CT)"
"Robbins Furniture Co. (Owosso, MI)"
"Robbins Table Co. (Owosso, MI)"
"Robbins Table Company"
"Robbins Table Company (Owosso, MI)"
"Robbins Table Company (Owosso, MI), catalogue page"
"Robbins Table Company (Owosso, MI), No. 309"
"Robbins, E.W."
"Robbins, Frederick A. (Hartford,CT)"
"Robel blanco"
"Robert Irwon Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Robert K. Jardine Lumber Co."
"Robert Mayer Associates (NYC)"
"Robert Silvey & Son (Zanesville, OH)"
"Robert Stevenson & Co."
"Robert Stores Inc."
"Robert T. Russell Inc."
"Robert W. Irwin Co."
"Robert W. Irwin Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Robert Willey Auto Co."
"Robert Young Furniture (Cleveland, OH)"
"Roberts & Conner Company (New Albany, IN)"
"Roberts Furniture..(Springfield,MA)"
"Roberts, Edna H."
"Roberts, Edward"
"Roberts, Emma"
"Roberts, William E."
"Roberts-Cohen Co. (Los Angeles)"
"Robertson Brothers (South Bend, IN)"
"Robertson Furniture (Lincoln, NE)"
"Robertson, Henry (Jamestown, NY)"
"Robertson, Henry P."
"Robertson, R.R."
"Robinson & Sons (San Jose, CA)"
"Robinson Bros. (Philadelphia)"
"Robinson Furniture..(Los Angeles)"
"Robinson Road"
"Robinson Road Pharmacy"
"Robinson, Amos S."
"Robinson, C.H."
"Robinson, Charles J."
"Robinson, David (Detroit)"
"Robinson, J.C."
"Robinson, James G. (Grand Rapids)"
"Robinson, James W."
"Robinson, Mary F."
"Robinson, Philip S. (Chamblee, GA)"
"Robinson, Rix"
"Robinson, William M."
"Robinson-Cohen Co. (Detroit, MI)"
"Robinson-Roders Co. (Newark, NJ)"
"Robison, Charles S."
"Robophone Inc."
"Robsjohn-Gibbings, T.H."
"Robsjohn-Gibbings, T.H. (London)"
"Rochat, Ernest"
"Roche, Emmett F."
"Rochelle, T.V. (High Point, NC)"
"Rochester (NY) Better Homes Expo"
"Rock Island Railroad"
"Rock-Ola Mfg. Co. (Chicago)"
"Rockaway Chop & Oyster House"
"Rockefeller, John D."
"Rockefeller, John D. (New York)"
"Rockefeller, Nelson (NYC)"
"Rockefeller, William G."
"Rockford (IL) Book Case Co."
"Rockford (IL) Bookcase Co."
"Rockford (IL) Cabinet Co."
"Rockford (IL) Cedar Furniture Co."
"Rockford (IL) Chair & Furniture Co."
"Rockford (IL) Coll. of Engineering"
"Rockford (IL) Desk Co."
"Rockford (IL) Furniture Co."
"Rockford (IL) furniture expositions"
"Rockford (IL) furniture industry"
"Rockford (IL) furniture strike"
"Rockford (IL) Light Furniture Co."
"Rockford (IL) National Furniture..."
"Rockford (IL) Palace..."
"Rockford (IL) Republic Furniture..."
"Rockford (IL) Special Furniture ..."
"Rockford (IL) Standard Furniture.."
"Rockford (IL) Upholstering Co."
"Rockford Cabinet Company (Rockford, IL)"
"Rockford Chair & Furniture Company"
"Rockford Chair and Furniture Company"
"Rockford Chair and Furniture Company (Rockford, IL)"
"Rockford Chair and Furniture Company (Rockford, IL), furniture"
"Rockford Cooperative Co."
"Rockford Desk Company"
"Rockford Frame & Fixture Company"
"Rockford Frame & Fixture Company (Rockford, IL)"
"Rockford Frame and Fixture Company"
"Rockford Frame and Fixture Company (Rockford, IL)"
"Rockford Frame and Fixture Company, bench"
"Rockford Furniture Company (Rockford, IL)"
"Rockford Ice Cream Co."
"Rockford National Furniture Company"
"Rockford Palace Furniture Company"
"Rockford Standard Furniture Company"
"Rockford State Bank"
"Rockford Union Furniture Company"
"Rockford(IL) Light Furniture Co."
"Rockford, IL furniture industry"
"Rockford, IL, furniture industry"
"Rockford, IL, population growth"
"Rockford, Ill."
"Rockford, Illinois furniture manufacturers note"
"Rockford, Illinois furniture manufacturers report"
"Rockford, Illinois Furniture manufacturers thriving and expanding"
"Rocking chair"
"Rocking Chair, American original"
"Rocking chair, design"
"Rocking chairs"
"Rockport (IN) Furniture Co."
"Rockwell-Barnes Co. (Chicago)"
"Rockwood Mfg. Co. (Indianapolis)"
"Rod making"
"Rodd, Arthur L."
"Roddis Lumber & ...(Marshfield, WI)"
"Roddis Lumber & Veneer Company (Marshfield, WI)"
"Roden Leather Co."
"Roden, Isaac M."
"Rodenbaugh, Harley H."
"Rodenhisler's Radio Store and ..."
"Rodenhisler, Oscar"
"Rodenhouse, Edward"
"Rodenhuis, E."
"Roderick, George H. (Grand Rapids)"
"Rodgers, A.N."
"Rodgers-Meyers Furniture (Dallas, TX)"
"Rods and dowels"
"Rods and rod making"
"Rods, use of in cabinet making"
"Roebke Furniture... (Holton, KS)"
"Roelke, Roy L."
"Roelof, Fred"
"Roelofs & Son"
"Roemer Furniture Co. (New York, NY)"
"Roemer, Fred S."
"Roemer, Milton"
"Roesink Bros."
"Roesser, Henry & Son (Baltimore,MD)"
"Roesser, Henry (Baltimore)"
"Roessler & Hasslacher ...(NYC)"
"Rogahn, William C. (Milwaukee)"
"Roger Verseput & Co."
"Rogers & Co. (Buffalo)"
"Rogers Chemical Co."
"Rogers Furniture Co. (El Paso, TX)"
"Rogers Furniture... (El Paso, TX)"
"Rogers Juvenile Furniture (Dallas, TX)"
"Rogers, Charles J."
"Rogers, Charles P. & Co. (NYC)"
"Rogers, Charles P. Co. (NYC)"
"Rogers, Earl T."
"Rogers, Frank A."
"Rogers, George C."
"Rogers, George W."
"Rogers, M.H. Inc. (New York City)"
"Rogers, Samuel & Co. (Buffalo, NY)"
"Rogers, Samuel C.& Co. (Buffalo)"
"Rogers, T.P."
"Rogers, Wendell"
"Rogers, William H. (Philadelphia)"
"Rogers, William J., student designs from the Grand Rapids School of Fu"
"Rogers-Hoyt Furniture (El Paso, TX)"
"Rogue and Grand River Log ..."
"Rogue River Paper Co."
"Roguszka, Charles"
"Roguszka, Charles J."
"Roguszka, Joseph"
"Rohde, Emil F."
"Rohde, Gilbert (New York City)"
"Rohde, Gilbert (Zeeland, MI)"
"Rohrbough, Charles"
"Rohring, Edward J."
"Roi-All Fluid Co."
"Role of the Designer in the 1890s"
"Roll and quilted leather"
"Roll edges"
"Roll feed sander"
"Roll top office desks"
"Roll-top desks"
"Roller Bearing carpet sweepers"
"Rollinson-Haigh Textile...(NYC)"
"Rollman & Sons (Cincinnati)"
"Rolls Racer Corp."
"Rolph, W.T."
"Rolph, William T. (Geneva, NY)"
"Roman seat, construction of"
"Roman seat, design of"
"Romanesque style"
"Rome (GA) Chair Co."
"Rome (GA) Furniture Mfg. Co."
"Rome (NY) Co., Inc."
"Rome (NY) Metallic Bedstead Co."
"Rome Company, Inc. (Boston)"
"Romey's... (Richmond, IN)"
"Romey, W.H."
"Rominger, J.T. (Winston-Salem, NC)"
"Ronald Press Co. (New York City)"
"Ronney & Sons Mfg. (Los Angeles)"
"Rood Building"
"Rood, Reo. R."
"Rood-O'Neill Sign Co."
"Roof timbers, treatment of"
"Rookus, John"
"Rookwood ware"
"Rooper Furniture Co. (Dixon, IL)"
"Roos Mfg. Co. (Chicago)"
"Roos Mfg. Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"Roos, Ed. Co. (Forest Park, IL)"
"Roosa Furniture Co. (Beacon, NY)"
"Roosevelt Square Upholstering ..."
"Roosevelt, Eleanor"
"Roosevelt, Franklin D."
"Roosevelt, Mrs. Eleanor"
"Roosevelt, Theodore"
"Roossin & Musk"
"Root Furniture Company (Shelbyville, IN)"
"Root, Albert"
"Root, B.M. Co. (York, PA)"
"Rope drives for woodworking"
"Ropolewski, John"
"Rose Label Manufacturing Co."
"Rose Manufacturing Co."
"Rose, Carl"
"Rose, Henry"
"Rose, Henry M."
"Rose, John (Grand Rapids)"
"Roseberry-Henry Electric Co."
"Rosedale Farms Dairy Inc."
"Rosenbaum & Mendel (Memphis, TN)"
"Rosenbaum, Nate"
"Rosenberg, Budd"
"Rosenberry, R.J."
"Rosenblum, Edward (New York City)"
"Rosendall, Edward Gillis"
"Rosendall, Henry"
"Rosengard Furniture (Haverhill, MA)"
"Rosengard, Eli"
"Rosenheim, L.E."
"Rosenmoon & Schaafsma"
"Rosenthal & Gumberts (Evansville, IN)"
"Rosenthal, Arthur (New York City)"
"Rosenthal, S.C."
"Rosewood furniture and goods popular again"
"Rosin, Pashkow & ...(Newark, NJ)"
"Rosin, Sol F. (Newark, NJ)"
"Rosins, grading of"
"Ross Cabinet Co. (Otsego, MI)"
"Ross Chair Mfg. Co. (Louisville,KY)"
"Ross Crane Guide and Stylist"
"Ross Saloon"
"Ross, Lyon P. (Rockford, MI)"
"Ross, William H."
"Ross, William L. & Co. (Chicago)"
"Rosser-Casebeer... (Tulsa, OK)"
"Rossiter, Ednor N."
"Rossiter, F.R."
"Rossiter, L.H."
"Rossiter-Jarrett Co. (Dayton, OH)"
"Rost, George J. & Sons (Cincinnati)"
"Rotary Advertising Service Co."
"Rotary File & Machine Company"
"Rotary veneers"
"Roth, Filibert"
"Roth, Raymond R."
"Rothacker Film Co."
"Rothacker, Watterson R."
"Rothert, M.H. (Camden, Ark.)"
"Rothschild & Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"Rothschild, Arthur B."
"Rothschild, William S. (Chicago)"
"Rotthacher & Ritchie (St. Paul, MN)"
"Rottschafer Bros. Inc."
"Rouge River Paper Co."
"Rough Rider"
"Roumanian furniture"
"Round & Flat Hoop Co."
"Round corners in wood furniture"
"Roup, George W."
"Rourke, Constance Mayfield"
"Rouse, Guy Winchester"
"Rouse, William H."
"Rousmaniere Williams Corp. (NYC)"
"Rousmaniere Williams Inc. (NYC)"
"Rouys & Idema"
"Row, Frank G."
"Rowe Drug Co."
"Rowe Hotel"
"Rowe Upholstering..(High Point,NC)"
"Rowe, Fred M."
"Rowe, Henry Mfg. Co. (Newaygo,MI)"
"Rowe, William N."
"Rowe, William S."
"Rowlander Contract Co."
"Rowlands Co. (Fort Wayne, IN)"
"Rowlett Desk Manufacturing Company"
"Rowlette Desk Manufacturing Company"
"Rowson Bros. & Co."
"Roy's Drug Store"
"Roy, George (New York City)"
"Royal Art Co. (Medina, NY)"
"Royal Bedding Co. (Harrisburg, PA)"
"Royal Chair Co. (Sturgis, MI)"
"Royal Chair Company"
"Royal Chair Company (Sturgis, MI)"
"Royal Divanette Corp. (NYC)"
"Royal Easy Chair ...(Sturgis, MI)"
"Royal Easy Chair Co. (Sturgis, MI)"
"Royal Easy Chair Corp.(Sturgis,MI)"
"Royal Easy Chair..(Sturgis, MI)"
"Royal Furniture Co."
"Royal Furniture Co. (Cleveland)"
"Royal Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Royal Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Royal Furniture Co. (Lenoir, NC)"
"Royal Furniture Company"
"Royal Furniture Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Royal Furniture Company (Grand Rapids, MI), treasurer's home"
"Royal Furniture.. (Bloomfield, NJ)"
"Royal Mantel & Furniture Company"
"Royal Mantel and Furniture Company"
"Royal Metal Mfg. Co. (Chicago)"
"Royal Mfg. Co. (Knoxville, TN)"
"Royal Push Button Morris Chairs"
"Royal Table Mfg. Co. (Chicago)"
"Royal Varnish Co. (West Toledo, OH)"
"Royal Varnish Company"
"Royal Vegetable Glue Co. (Chicago)"
"Royal-Sills Co. (Boston)"
"Royce & Sons"
"Royce, Maria Lund"
"Roycraft Mfg. Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Roys, Graham"
"Rozee Manufacturing Co. Inc."
"Rubber Development Bureau (DC)"
"Rubber footwear"
"Rubber Paint Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"Rubber Patents Corp."
"Rubel Furniture Co. (Minneapolis, MN)"
"Rubel, F.D."
"Ruben Furniture Co. (McKeesport, PA)"
"Ruche-Coopersmith Bed..(St. Louis)"
"Rudd, J.H."
"Rudell & Hanley ...(Terre Haute,IN)"
"Rudell Candy Shop"
"Rudell, George A."
"Ruder Bros. (New York City)"
"Rudin's... (Los Angeles, CA)"
"Rudley Mfg. Co. (Boston)"
"Rudnik, John F."
"Rudolph, E.E."
"Rudolph, William"
"Ruffle Battery Service"
"Rug anchor"
"Rug making"
"rug market thriving"
"Rugg, Frank (Los Angeles)"
"Ruggles Metal Products Co."
"Rugs preferred to carpets"
"Rugs, domestic knockoffs"
"Rulison, C.L."
"Rumanian furniture"
"Rumsey, George A."
"Rumsey, James"
"Runciman, Carlton H."
"Runyan Wood Carving..(Knoxville,TN)"
"Rural patronage"
"Rurks, Charles L."
"Ruschman, Bob"
"Ruschman, R.J."
"Rush Lumber Co. (Memphis, TN)"
"Rush or flag seating"
"Rush or flax seating"
"Rush Rug Rack... (Greenville, SC)"
"Rush seats"
"Rushville Furniture Co. (Rushville, IN)"
"Ruskin College (Trenton, MO)"
"Rusnak's... (Los Angeles, CA)"
"Russell Electric Co."
"Russell Machine Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Russell, Alfred (Buffalo)"
"Russell, H.I., Jr."
"Russell, M.S."
"Russell, Mrs. Huntley"
"Russia leads in mirror production"
"Russian furniture (art)"
"Russian furniture market"
"Russian leather"
"Russian Refrigerator Congress"
"Russian source of circassian burls"
"Russian timber"
"Russo, Joseph B."
"Rust & Edwards"
"Rustic bird houses, construction"
"Rustic bird houses, design"
"Rustic Furniture..(New Holland, IL)"
"Rustic Hickory... (La Porte, IN)"
"Rustic plant stand, construction"
"Rustic plant stand, design"
"Rutherford, C.C."
"Rutherford, J.R."
"Rutili, Renzo R. (Grand Rapids)"
"Rutka Hardware Co."
"Rutledge, Calvin C."
"Rway(sic) Furniture..(Sheboygan,WI)"
"Ryan & Jones (Utica, NY)"
"Ryan, C.D."
"Ryan, Michael (Grand Rapids)"
"Ryan, Vincent M."
"Ryder family (Cobbleskill, NY)"
"Ryder Furniture... (Beaumont, TX)"
"Ryder, Edgar A. (Akron, OH)"
"Ryder, F.G."
"Ryder, George E."
"Ryerson Library (Grand Rapids)"
"Ryerson Library (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Ryerson Public Library"
"Ryerson Public Library (GR)"
"Ryerson Public Library (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Ryerson, Martin"
"Rynberg & Vanderveen"
"Rynberg, John"
"Rysdale Candy Co."
"Ryskamp Food Market"
"Ryskamp, Doris"
"Rzeshewski, Sammy"
"S & J Co. (Alhambra, CA)"
"S&S Store"
"S. Baumann & Bros. (New York, NY)"
"S. Davidson & Bro. (Des Moines, IA)"
"S. Donaldson Co. (Minneapolis, MN)"
"S. Karpen & Bros. (Chicago, IL)"
"S. Kohn & Son Co. (Cleveland, OH)"
"S. Munter & Company"
"S. Orwant & Son"
"S. Weisglass & Co. (Brooklyn, NY)"
"S.& G. Gump Co. (San Francisco, CA)"
"S.A. Conover Co. (Boston, MA)"
"S.A. Smith Mfg. (Brattleboro, VT)"
"S.A. Wright & Co."
"S.C.W. Cigars"
"S.E. Cooper's... (Maxwell, IA)"
"S.F. Kelly Furniture.. (Duluth, MN)"
"S.H. Ballard Co."
"S.J. Campbell Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"S.J. Henry & Co."
"S.J. Thompson & Co."
"S.K. Bolles & Co."
"S.L. Crockett & Co."
"S.L. Erwin & Co. (Honey Grove, TX)"
"S.P. Burton... (Asheville, NC)"
"S.S. Bremen"
"S.S. Del Norte"
"Saarinen, Eero"
"Sabel, Harry W. (Evansville, IN)"
"Sabel, P. Joseph (Evansville, IN)"
"Sabicu (West Indies; Central Amer.)"
"Sabin, J.O."
"Sabin, Monroe K."
"Sach's... (New York, NY)"
"Sachs Quality Furniture (New York, NY)"
"Sachs, Nathan S."
"Sack of Silver"
"Sackner, Wade E."
"Sackreiter, Harry B."
"Saddle seats for chairs"
"Sadler Furniture Co. (Denver)"
"Sadnpaper, drying of"
"Safe Cabinet Co. (Marietta, OH)"
"Safe-Cabinet Co. (Marietta, OH)"
"Safe-T-Life Corp."
"Safety and sanitary conditions"
"Safety Burglar Alarm Co."
"safety collars"
"Safety Devices Corp."
"Safety Folding Bed Co. (Detroit, MI)"
"Safety Folding Bed Company"
"Safety Folding Bed Company (Detroit, MI)"
"Safety Folding Bed Company, Ltd."
"Safety in furniture plans"
"Safety Light and Heating Co. of ..."
"Safety Stove Co."
"Sage-Allen & Co. (Hartford, CT)"
"Saginaw (MI) Furniture Shops"
"Saginaw (MI) Table and Cabinet Co."
"Saginaw Better Homes Week"
"Saginaw Box Co."
"Saginaw Manual Training School (Saginaw, MI)"
"Saginaw Table & Cabinet Company"
"Saginaw Wood Products (Gaylord, MI)"
"Saginaw, Michigan furniture manufacturers notes"
"Sail cloth fabrics"
"Sailor Bros. (South Bend, IN)"
"Saint Marys Hospital"
"Saks, Jacob A. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Salamanca (NY) Furniture Co."
"Salamanca (NY) Furniture Works"
"Salamanca (NY) Furniture Works Inc."
"Salamanca (NY) Panel Co."
"Salamy, Moses"
"Salaries for business executives"
"Salb, Grover (Jasper, IN)"
"Sale contract rights"
"Sale-in-bulk law"
"Salem (IN) Cabinet Co."
"Salem Bashara & Sons"
"Salem, MA, manhogany sofa (art)"
"Salem, Oregon"
"Sales education"
"Sales in Grand Rapids, MI estimated at $10,000,000 since the season op"
"Sales tax"
"Sales trend"
"Salesmen can determine success - treat them sympathetically"
"Saline Lumber Co."
"Salisbury & Satterlee (Minneapolis, MN)"
"Salisbury Bros. (Lynchburg, VA)"
"Salisbury Bros. (Randolph, VT)"
"Salisbury, Franklin A.(Randolph,VT)"
"Salisbury, Fred R."
"Salisbury, Fred R. (Minneapolis)"
"Sallade, Nathaniel"
"Salmon, Hamilton H. & Co. (NYC)"
"Salmonsky, Vera Cook"
"Salomon, Irving"
"Salomonsky, Edgar (New York City)"
"Salomonsky, Vera Cook"
"Salomonsky, Vera Cook(Grand Rapids)"
"Salomonsky, Verna (Grand Rapids)"
"Salomonsky, Verna Cook"
"Salomonsky, Verna Cook (GR)"
"Salon Des Artistes ...(Paris)"
"Salon des Arts Menagers"
"Salon of Finer Furniture"
"Salononsky, Vera Cook"
"Salt industry"
"Salterini, John B. Inc. (NYC)"
"Salting Collection"
"Saltman, Dave (Los Angeles)"
"salvage broken glass"
"Salvation Army"
"Salven, Peter"
"Sam's Cut Rate Store"
"Sammett, G.W. & Co. (Boston)"
"Sample Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Sample rooms, furniture store"
"Samples of Good Advertising"
"Sampson, Christine"
"Samuel J. Shimer & Sons"
"Samuel J. Shimer & Sons (Milton, PA)"
"Samuel J. Shimer & Sons (Milton, PA), new machinery"
"San Antonio furniture exposition"
"San Bernardino (CA) Furniture Co."
"San Domingo crotch mahogany"
"San Domingo style"
"San Francisco"
"San Francisco (CA) Furniture Exchange"
"San Francisco (CA) Mission District"
"San Francisco Disaster exaggerated by the press"
"San Francisco earthquake"
"San Francisco furniture exposition"
"San Francisco furniture expositions"
"San Francisco furniture industry"
"San Francisco Installment Furniture Companies Suffer from earthquake"
"San Francisco, CA earthquake"
"San Francisco, CA furniture market"
"San Francisco, CA furniture trade"
"San Francisco, Calif."
"San Franciso furniture industry"
"San Franmcisco furniture exposition"
"San Hygiene Upholstery..(Akron, OH)"
"Sand belt"
"Sand paper"
"Sandal wood"
"Sandberg, W. (Grand Rapids)"
"Sander & Recker (Indianapolis, IN)"
"Sanders and sanding"
"Sanders Co. (Indianapolis, IN)"
"Sanders, Morris (New York City)"
"Sanderson, John H."
"Sandhill Furniture..(West End, NC)"
"Sanding room"
"Sanding short stock"
"Sandler, Isaac"
"Sandusky's... (Danville, IL)"
"Sandusky, C.L."
"Sandusky, C.L. (Danville, IL)"
"Sandusky, Mrs. C.L."
"Sandusky, Mrs. Sarah"
"Sanford, Abraham"
"Sanford, F.A."
"Sanford, Jacob"
"Sanger Brothers (Dallas, TX)"
"Sanger Lumber Mill (Converse Basin, Fresno County, CA)"
"Sani-Seat Manufacturing Corp."
"Sanisex Products Copr."
"Sanitary bedding"
"Sanitary Bedding Co. (Toronto, Ont."
"Sanitary Bedding Co. (Utica, NY)"
"Sanitary Case Revolving Co."
"Sanitary Feather Bed Company"
"Sanitary Feather Company"
"Sanitary Furniture and Car Seat Company"
"Sanitary Mattress Co. (Minneapolis)"
"Sanitary Scale Co."
"Sanitary Slicing Machine Co."
"Sanitary Steel Couch Co. (Chicago)"
"Sanitary Steel Folding Bed Company (Chicago, IL)"
"Sanitary Supply Co."
"Sanitary Wiping Rag Co."
"Santa Maria (Central America)"
"Santiam Furniture Co."
"Santiam Timber Corp."
"Sap stain"
"Sap stained lumber"
"Sap streaks in walnut"
"Saran (plastic)"
"Saran plastic fabric"
"Sarangani as furniture wood"
"Sargent Manufacturing Company"
"Sargent Manufacturing Company (Muskegon, MI)"
"Sargent Mfg. Co. (Muskegon, MI)"
"Sargent, Millard F. (South Rye, VT)"
"Sargent-VandenBerge Basket Co."
"Sasso's Furniture (Hazleton, PA)"
"Sasso, Clarence"
"Sasso, Michael"
"Satinwood decorated secretary (art)"
"Satinwood secretaire"
"Satinwood use as veneer"
"Satterlee, William (Minneapolis)"
"Sattler, Geo. E. (Philadelphia)"
"Saturday Evening Post"
"Saturday half holiday"
"Sauerbrum, E.H."
"Sauk Center (MN) Sash, Door, ..."
"Saunders Sales Corp."
"Saunders, Charles H."
"Saur, Albert H."
"Saur, M. Harold"
"Savage Drug Store"
"Savage, Elmer A."
"Savage, Henry W."
"Savannah, GA"
"Savery lowboys"
"Savery, William"
"Savidge, William"
"Savings club plan"
"Saw and dado machine"
"Saw Blade wear and tear"
"Saw guards"
"Saw teeth"
"Sawdust vinegar"
"Sawdust, dangers to furniture"
"Saws, care of"
"Sawyer, William E."
"Sawyers, rules on safety of"
"Saxe, H.A."
"Saxon Industries (Schenectady, NY)"
"Saxton, Bert M."
"Sayers, Albert J. (Chicago)"
"Scandianavian baroque bench (art)"
"Scanlan-Morris Co. (Madison, WI)"
"Scanlon-Morris Mfg. (Madison, WI)"
"Scarcity of Lumber"
"Scarlet fever"
"Scarritt, Charles H."
"Scattergood, Edward (Woonsocket,RI)"
"Schaafsma, Henry"
"Schade, Leah"
"Schaefer Co. (Louisville, KY)"
"Schaefer, P.L."
"Schaeffer Galleries (New York City)"
"Schaeffer, E. Miles"
"Schaeffer, J.P."
"Schaeffer, Rudolph"
"Schafer, Andrew F. (Grand Rapids)"
"Schantz Hardware"
"Schantz, Henry A."
"Schaubel, Herman"
"Schaubel, William G."
"Schauss, Charles (Toledo, OH)"
"Schefman, Abraham"
"Schefman, Frank"
"Scheibe, James H."
"Scheid, Joseph (Cincinnati)"
"Schell, Blair"
"Schelosky, Adolph (Evansville, IN)"
"Schelosky, Moritz (Evansville, IN)"
"Schenck, M.B. Co. (Bridgeport, CT)"
"Schenectady, NY furniture stores"
"Schergan, R."
"Scherpeness, Clyde"
"Schick, William (Chicago)"
"Schieman, Albert G. (Cleveland)"
"Schiff, H.T."
"Schiff, M.C."
"Schimmel, Reid & ...(Faribault,MN)"
"Schipper & Block's New Department Store Largest in Illinois Outside Ch"
"Schipper, Jacob"
"Schippers, Kryn"
"Schirmer Furniture Co. (Cincinnati, OH)"
"Schirmer Furniture Company"
"Schirmer, Edward (Canastota, NY)"
"Schitzelbank German Kitchen"
"Schlaak, August R. (Madison, WI)"
"Schlessinger, Sam L."
"Schleswig-Holstein arm chair"
"Schlingman, J. Fred"
"Schmidt & Pulte"
"Schmidt Bros."
"Schmidt, Anthony F."
"Schmidt, Henry L."
"Schmidt, John"
"Schmidt, Walter K."
"Schmidt, Walter K. (Grand Rapids)"
"Schmidt, Walter K. Co. (GR)"
"Schmidtt, M.A."
"Schmit Furniture Co. (Cincinnati)"
"Schmit, Mrs. Peter"
"Schmitt & Henry Mfg.(Des Moiines,IA"
"Schmitt, Victor (Evansville, IN)"
"Schmitt, Walter M. (Evansville, IN)"
"Schmoe & Company (Shelbyville, IN)"
"Schmoe Furniture..(Shelbyville, IN)"
"Schnadig, Jacob (Chicago)"
"Schnadig, Lawrence (Chicago)"
"Schneck Furniture.. (Milwaukee, WI)"
"Schneible, F."
"Schneider, Arthur M."
"Schneider, C. Fred"
"Schneider, Hugo"
"Schneider, Joseph J."
"Schneider, Martin (Stockton, CA)"
"Schob, Walter J. (Philadelphia)"
"Schoebe, Charles W."
"Schoen, Eugene"
"Schoen, Martin"
"Schoenberger, J.H. (Grand Rapids)"
"Schoene store (Milan, MO)"
"Schoene, C.A."
"Schoenfeld's Furniture (Seattle, WA)"
"Schoenfeld, Berman"
"Schoenfeld, Herbert A."
"Schoenfeld, L.K."
"Schoenfeld, Ralph A. (Seattle)"
"Schofield, Shurmer & Teagle"
"Schofield, W.S."
"Scholl's Pottery Palace"
"Scholl, E. Victor"
"Scholle Furniture Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"Scholten, George"
"Schoneberger, J. Harry (GR)"
"Schonfeld, Herman"
"school and church furniture makers indicted for violating anti-trust l"
"School furniture"
"School furniture trust"
"School Library photo"
"School of Design (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Schoonbeck Co."
"Schoonbeck, Herman"
"Schor, Ernest A. (Evansville, IN)"
"Schott Bros.... (Buffalo, NY)"
"Schouten, A."
"Schouten, John"
"Schouten-Hoogesteger Co."
"Schouten-Johnson Management Inc."
"Schram Mfg. Co. (Ladysmith, WI)"
"Schram, A.W. Mfg. .(Ladysmith, WI)"
"Schram, D."
"Schravesande, P.B. (Grand Rapids)"
"Schreiber Furniture..(Galveston,TX)"
"Schrembs, Bishop"
"Schroader, George"
"Schroeder Furniture..(Rockford,IL)"
"Schroeder, George"
"Schroeder, William P."
"Schrouder & Stonehouse"
"Schrouder Drug Stores"
"Schrouder, Berand"
"Schubert Club"
"Schuchardt, Charles"
"Schuerman, Henry (Carrollton, KY)"
"Schuerman, L.H."
"Schuffman's... (New Castle, IN)"
"Schuhardt, August J."
"Schuit, Mrs. Peter"
"Schuit, Peter"
"Schulte & Charman"
"Schulte Co., Ltd."
"Schultz & Hirsch (Chicago)"
"Schultz & Hirsch Company"
"Schultz & VanStee..(Jamestown, NY)"
"Schultz, Frederick (Chicago)"
"Schultz, Herman C. (Mattoon, IL)"
"Schultz, Mrs. C.C."
"Schultze, Henr"
"Schumacher, Jacob"
"Schumann, John H. (New York City)"
"Schumann, Otto"
"Schumpert, F.L. Co. (Dallas)"
"Schuneman & Evans (St. Paul, MN)"
"Schupp & Schmidt Manufacturing Co. (Louisville, KY)"
"Schursch & Gabriel"
"Schust Co."
"Schust, Eugene F."
"Schuster Brothers (Milwaukee, WI)"
"Schutt, Gerald G."
"Schwab & Heyman"
"Schwarskopf, Walter"
"Schwartz Mfg. Co. (Plymouth, WI)"
"Schwartzenberg & Glaser Leather Co."
"Schwarz, Charles E. (Philadelphia)"
"Schwarzwaelder Co. (Chichester, NY)"
"Scientific industrial education"
"Scientific management"
"Scientific research"
"Scientific research in furniture..."
"Scofield, Shurmer & Teagle"
"Scott & Hart... (Terre Haute, IN)"
"Scott, Arthur M."
"Scott, Dorr M."
"Scott, Durward F."
"Scott, George E."
"Scott, James E."
"Scott, John A."
"Scott, Lester A."
"Scott, Ronald J."
"Scott, Walter"
"Scottish apprenticeship system"
"Scottish furniture"
"Scranton, Leonidas S."
"Scrap books"
"Screen, construction"
"Screen, construction of"
"Screen, design"
"Screen, design of"
"Screen, old English design in tooled leather"
"Scribner Coal Co."
"Scribner, D.C."
"Scribner, James"
"Scrip labor program"
"Scriver, Stanleigh"
"Scrolls, veneering of"
"Scruggs, Vandervoort (St. Louis, MO)"
"Scully, James A."
"Sea grass furniture"
"Sea moss"
"Sea-grass furniture imports to U.S."
"Seaburg Mfg. Co. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Seagren, A. George (Grand Rapids)"
"Sealy Mattress Co. (Dallas)"
"Sealy Mattress Co. (San Francisco)"
"Sealy Mattress Co. (Sugarland, TX)"
"Seamless tubing"
"Searight, M.W. (Memphis, TN)"
"Searight-Reese... (Birmingham, AL)"
"Sears, Charles E. (Bloomington, IN)"
"Sears, Harold W."
"Sears, Mrs. Stephen A."
"Sears, Roebuck & Co."
"Sears, Roebuck & Co. (Chicago)"
"Sears, Roebuck & Company"
"Sears, Roebuck & Company sales numbers"
"Sears, Rowebuck (Chicago)"
"Sears, Samuel"
"Sears, Stephen A."
"Sears, William"
"Seasoning and Preservation of ..."
"Seasoning of wood"
"Seating design"
"Seattle furniture exposition"
"Seattle Luggage Corp."
"Seattle, Wash."
"Seaver & Bush (Tecumseh, NE)"
"Seaver & Co. (Chicago)"
"Seaver, Andrew Elmore (Chicago)"
"Seavy Lumber Co. (Clearwater, FL)"
"Sebastopol (CA) Furniture Co."
"Second Annual Exhibit of Applied Arts (Detroit, MI)"
"Second Floor floor plan illustration"
"Second-class postage"
"Second-hand furniture business"
"Secret reserve"
"Secretaire & china cabinet"
"Secretaire bookcase, construction"
"Secretaire bookcase, design"
"Secretary (art)"
"Sectional bookcases"
"Sectional dining units"
"Sectional furniture"
"Sectional furniture units (art)"
"Securities Exchange Corp."
"Securities Syndicate Inc."
"Security National Bank"
"Seeger, Anthony"
"Seegmiller, D."
"Seetlcase Inc."
"Sefton Mfg. Co. (Anderson, IN)"
"Segerberg, A.F."
"Sehler, John"
"Sehler, John Sr."
"Sehler, Roland"
"Seidman & Seidman"
"Seidman & Seidman, CPA (GR?)"
"Seidman, Frank"
"Seidman, Frank E."
"Seidman, Frank E. (Grand Rapids)"
"Seidman, M.L. (Grand Rapids?)"
"Seifert's Furniture (Chicago, IL)"
"Seitner, Nathan"
"Selberis, George J."
"Select Furniture Corp. (Pittsburgh, PA)"
"Selected Furniture Drawings"
"Selective marketing"
"Selig Mfg. Co. (Leomister, MA)"
"Seligman & Latz of Grand Rapids..."
"Sell Co. (Canton, OH)"
"Sellers & Sons (Elwood, IN)"
"Sellers & Sons Co. (Elwood, IN)"
"Sellers, Wilfred (Elwood, IN)"
"Selvius, John R."
"Selzer's Furniture.. (Waterloo, IA)"
"Selzer, L.Q."
"Semco Mfg. Co. (Buffalo)"
"Semet-Solvay (Grand Rapids)"
"Semeyn-Robinson Inc."
"Semi-annual books on furniture show, Ryerson Public Library (Grand Rap"
"Senate passes bill to free denatured alcohol from taxation"
"Seneca Furniture Co. (Randolph,NY)"
"Seneca Furniture...(Randolph, NY)"
"Seng & Schoen (Chicago)"
"Seng Book"
"Seng Co. (Chicago)"
"Seng Co. (Chicago, IL)"
"Seng Pedestal Lock"
"Seng, Wenzel"
"Senna, Grace L. (Grand Rapids)"
"Sentimental Song Book"
"September 1927 steel furniture ..."
"Sequoyah oak"
"Serbian furniture"
"Serfling, Charles"
"Serfling-Bennett Co., Ltd."
"Sergeant, Charles W."
"Serkowich, C."
"Servante of mahogany (art)"
"Servel Corp. (Evansville, IN)"
"Service Auto Wheel Co."
"Service Bake Shop"
"Service Fuel and Builders Supply..."
"Servidor Co."
"Sessions & Hanna"
"Sessions, Rodney C."
"Set screw and its uses"
"set screws"
"setting a scene for the consumer"
"Seven Ruling Passions by Lienard"
"Seven, Cornelius J."
"Seven, John W."
"Seventh Street Pharmacy"
"Sevier, John"
"Sevierville (TN) Lumber Co."
"Sewing box, construction"
"Sewing box, design"
"Sewing cabinet"
"Sewing cabinet, construction"
"Sewing cabinet, design"
"Sewing cabinet, design for"
"Sewing cabinet, manufacture of"
"Sewing table, construction of"
"Sewing table, design of"
"Sextro Manufacturing (Cincinnati)"
"Sextro Manufacturing Company"
"Sextro Mfg. Co. (Cincinnati, OH)"
"Seymour (IN) Chair Co."
"Seymour School"
"Seymour's Drug Store"
"Seymour, A.W."
"Seymour, Alonzo"
"Seymour, Fred W."
"Seymour, George H."
"Seymour, J.P."
"Sgraffito method of decorating"
"Shackett Beer Distributors Inc."
"Shackleton Inhaler Co."
"Shaffer, Charles H."
"Shaft of the Crafter line"
"Shaker chairs"
"Shanahan Furniture Co."
"Shanahan, Edmund B. (Grand Rapids)"
"Shanahan, John W. (Grand Rapids)"
"Shanahan, Maurice house"
"Shanahan, Robert"
"Shanahan, Robert E. (Grand Rapids)"
"Shanahan, Robert E., general manager, Bissell Carpet Sweeper Company"
"Shane, Adolph (Ames, Iowa)"
"Shank & Shelton Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Shanklin, Arnold"
"Shannon Spring Bed..(Louisville,KY)"
"Shannon's... (Tulsa, OK)"
"Shannon, A.E."
"Shannon, I.W."
"Shanteau's Detective Agency"
"Shanty Town"
"Sharkey, Thomas H. (Cambridge, MA)"
"Sharp, Augustus Caywood"
"Sharp, R. Robert"
"Sharpening Machine Knives"
"Shattuck, Abner L."
"Shattuck, Erastus"
"Shaughnessy, James B."
"Shaving stand, construction"
"Shaving stand, construction of"
"Shaving stand, design"
"Shaving stand, design of"
"Shaving vaults"
"Shaw Book Shop"
"Shaw Bros. vs. United Motor ..."
"Shaw Furniture Co."
"Shaw Furniture Co. (Cambridge, MA)"
"Shaw Leather Co."
"Shaw, Adna B. (Cambridge, MA)"
"Shaw, Asa J."
"Shaw, George H."
"Shaw, H.E. Furniture Co. (GR)"
"Shaw, Peter (Denver)"
"Shaw, W.B."
"Shaw-Walker Co. (Muskegon, MI)"
"Shawmut Pharmacy"
"Shay, Carey C."
"Shea, Mr."
"Shead, Howard A."
"Shean, Charles"
"Shear, C.S."
"Shear-Maddox Furniture Co."
"Shearer furniture style"
"Shearer furniture style (art)"
"Shearer, Thomas"
"Shearman Bros. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Shearman Bros. Co. (Jamestown, NY)"
"Shearman Brothers (Jamestown, NY)"
"Shears, C.R."
"Sheboygan (WI) Chair Co."
"Sheboygan (WI) Continuation School"
"Sheboygan (WI) Couch Co."
"Sheboygan (WI) Fiber Co."
"Sheboygan (WI) Fiber Furniture Co."
"Sheboygan (WI) furniture industry"
"Sheboygan (WI) schools"
"Sheboygan (WI) Upholstering Co."
"Sheboygan Chair Company"
"Sheboygan Chair Company (Sheboygan, WI)"
"Sheboygan is to furniture, what Milwaukee is to beer"
"Sheboygan Novelty Company"
"Sheboygan Novelty Company (Sheboygan, WI)"
"Sheboygan Novelty Company (Sheboygan, WI), furniture"
"Sheboygan, WI furniture industry"
"Sheboygan, WI, furniture industry"
"Sheboygan, Wisconsin furniture industry note"
"Sheboygan, Wisconsin furniture manufacturers note"
"Shedd, C.W."
"Sheehan, Maurice J."
"Sheeran, Dick"
"Sheet Steel Development Co."
"Sheidy, William P."
"Shelby Shops Inc. (Shelbyville, IN)"
"Shelby, William R."
"Shelbyville (IN) Desk Co."
"Shelbyville (IN) furniture industry"
"Shelbyville (IN) Wardrobe Co."
"Shelbyville Desk Company"
"Shelbyville Desk Company (Shelbyville, IN)"
"Shelbyville Wardrobe Company (Shelbyville, IN)"
"Shelbyville, IN, furniture trade"
"Shelbyville, Indiana furniture manufacturers note"
"Sheldon Company (Chicago, IL), clamps"
"Sheldon E.H. & Co. (Muskegon, MI)"
"Sheldon, Corell H."
"Shell type of furniture"
"Shella, process of making"
"Shellac imports from India"
"Shellac imports to U.S."
"Shellac prices"
"Shellac Research Bureau"
"Shellac role in French polishing"
"Shellac substitutes"
"Shellac varnish, uses of"
"Shellac, adulteration of"
"Shellac, imports from India"
"Shellac, manufacture of"
"Shellac, rationing of"
"Shellac, use of adulterants in"
"Shelton & Snyder Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Shelton & Snyder Furniture Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Shepard & Sons (New Haven, CT)"
"Shepard Block"
"Shepard, Charles"
"Sheppard, James"
"Shepperson Furniture (San Angelo, TX)"
"Sheraton chairs, construction of"
"Sheraton chairs, design of"
"Sheraton chairside table (art)"
"Sheraton Drawing Room"
"Sheraton dressing table, const."
"Sheraton dressing table, design"
"Sheraton furniture style"
"Sheraton furniture style (art)"
"Sheraton furniture styles"
"Sheraton influences on design"
"Sheraton inlad mahogany ..(art)"
"Sheraton parlor chair, design"
"Sheraton period styles"
"Sheraton rocker, construction"
"Sheraton rocker, design"
"Sheraton settee (art)"
"Sheraton style"
"Sheraton style book case (art)"
"Sheraton style chair (art)"
"Sheraton style influence on ..."
"Sheraton style side board"
"Sheraton style sideboard ...(art)"
"Sheraton syle arm chair, 18th cent."
"Sheraton table, construction of"
"Sheraton table, design of"
"Sheraton, Thomas"
"Sheraton-syle desk (art)"
"Sheriff-Goslin Roofing Co."
"Sherk, Arthur R."
"Sherman anti-trust act"
"Sherman anti-trust law"
"Sherman anti-trust law violations"
"Sherman Brothers Company giveaway davenport to first buyer to guess wo"
"Sherman law violations"
"Sherman, Benjamin (Buffalo)"
"Sherman, Samuel"
"Sherman-Bertram (Los Angeles)"
"Sherrick, John Adams"
"Sherrill, Jesse (Statesville, NC)"
"Sherrill-Green ...(Greensboro,NC)"
"Sherrod's ... (Rockford, IL)"
"Sherrod, Earl"
"Sherwin-Williams ...(Cleveland)"
"Sherwin-Williams Co. (Cleveland)"
"Sherwin-Williams varnish drying..."
"Sherwood Hall & Co."
"Sherwood Manufacturing Co."
"Sherwood, A. Harry"
"Sherwood, Josiah W."
"Sherwood-Royston Co."
"Shield back chair, construction of"
"Shield back chair, design of"
"Shield back chairs, upholstering of"
"Shields, Bulkley & Lemon"
"Shields, George W. (Grand Rapids)"
"Shields, John G."
"Shields, Mike"
"Shillito's... (Cincinnati, OH)"
"Shillito, Stewart (Cincinnati)"
"Shimer cutter heads"
"Shimer tool steel cutters"
"Shimer, Samuel J. & Sons (Milton,PA"
"Shimer, Samuel J. &..(Milton, PA)"
"Shingle trade"
"Shinkman, Bernard"
"Ship inlaid in door of cupboard"
"Shirley, F.W."
"Shirts, John"
"Shiverick, A.F."
"Shiverick, Francis Tobey"
"Shiverick, Frank"
"Shock-mounted chairs"
"Shoe industry"
"Shoemaker, Joseph L."
"Shoemaker, Robert"
"Shoen, Clifford"
"Shook's Ice Cream Bar"
"Shook, Abraham N."
"Shook, J.R."
"Shoonbeck, Henry"
"Shoor Bros. (Hartford, CT)"
"Shootings (Grand Rapids incident)"
"Shop band saw, operation of"
"Shop marks"
"Shop news"
"Shop room briefs"
"Shop wood"
"Shoreditch Technical School, London"
"Shoreditch Technical.. (London, Engand)"
"Shoreditch, London (England)"
"Shortages facing furniture industry"
"Shott, Frank M. (Cincinnati)"
"Shoup Hardware Mill..(Marshall, TX)"
"Shouten, R.A."
"Shovel board table of old E. oak"
"Shovel board talbe"
"Shower Brothers..(Bloomington, IN)"
"Showers Bros. (Bloomington, IL)"
"Showers Bros. (Bloomington, IN)"
"Showers Bros. (Bloomington,IN)"
"Showers Bros. ..(Bloomington, IN)"
"Showers Bros. Co. (Bloomington, IN)"
"Showers Bros. Co. (Bloomington,IN)"
"Showers Brothers (Bloomington, IN)"
"Showers Brothers.. (Bloomington, IN)"
"Showers Brothers..(Bloomington, IN)"
"Showers Brothers..(Bloomington,IN)"
"Showers Co. (Bloomington, IN)"
"Showers Furniture..(Bloomington,IN)"
"Showers, W. Edward"
"Showers, W. Edward (Bloomington,IN)"
"Showers, William (Bloomington, IN)"
"Shrider, Van C."
"Shuey, H.L. (High Point, NC)"
"Shula & Mihalak"
"Shuman Brothers (Philadelphia, PA)"
"Shupp & Andrus"
"Shuter, Harry L."
"Shynall Wax Co."
"Shynezy chair"
"Siamese teak industry"
"Siberian hardwoods"
"Sibley, E.S. (Chicago)"
"Sibley, Lindsay &... (Rochester, NY)"
"Side chair (art)"
"Side chair, Chippendale style (Art)"
"Side chair, Italian 13th cent.(art)"
"Sideboard and chair, Sheraton style"
"Sideboard construction"
"Sideboard in English walnut"
"Sideboard in mahogany"
"Sideboard of old English oak"
"Sideboard of the Bank of England"
"Sideboard on Jacobean lines, design"
"Sideboard on Stuart lines"
"Sideboard table, construction"
"Sideboard table, design"
"Sideboard, construction"
"Sideboard, design"
"Sideboards with mirrors and without"
"Sidney (OH) Machine Tool Co."
"Sidway Mercantile Co. (Elkhart, IN)"
"Sidway, C.A. (Elkhart, IN)"
"Siegel Co."
"Siegel, Abraham"
"Siegel, Henry & Co. (New York City)"
"Siegel, Henry (New York City)"
"Sieroty, Adolph"
"Sigel, William H."
"Sigler Player Action Co."
"Sigler, Ellis E."
"Signal Mountain Inn (Chattanooga, TN)"
"Signor, G. Gale"
"Sigsbee School (Grand Rapids)"
"Sikes Chair Co. (Buffalo)"
"Sikes Consolidated Chair Company"
"Sikes, Albert D. (Buffalo, NY)"
"Sikes-Cutler Desk Co. (Buffalo)"
"Sikkema, Fred"
"Silbar & Co."
"Silbar, Ulysses S."
"Silber, M."
"Silbert, Myron"
"Silent Guard Corp."
"Silent Hoist Winch ...(NYC)"
"Siler City (NC) Furniture Co."
"Silicate of soda as adhesive"
"Silk brocades"
"Silk coverings"
"Silk fabrics"
"Silk floss"
"Silk tapestries"
"Silk, Joseph"
"Silver Creek (NY) Furniture Co."
"Silver Creek Fuel & Feed Co."
"Silver currency"
"Silver gray maple"
"Silver mirror plates"
"Silver-Marshall Inc. (Chicago)"
"Silvering in plate glass manufactur"
"Simco Club (Kenosha, WI)"
"Simkins, Cady"
"Simmons & Co."
"Simmons & Co. (Kenosha, WI)"
"Simmons Bed Co. (Kenosha, WI)"
"Simmons Brass Bed..(Kenosha, WI)"
"Simmons Co."
"Simmons Co. (Chicago)"
"Simmons Co. (Kenosha, WI)"
"Simmons Co. (New York City)"
"Simmons Furniture..(E.Chicago,IL)"
"Simmons Furniture..(Kenosha, WI)"
"Simmons Manufacturing Company"
"Simmons mattress"
"Simmons Mfg. Co. (Kenosha, WI)"
"Simmons Mfg. Co. (St. Louis, MO)"
"Simmons Mnufacturing Co. (Chicago)"
"Simmons Wood Furniture Corp."
"Simmons, G.E."
"Simmons, S.H."
"Simmons, Van LeRoy"
"Simmons, Z.G."
"Simon Mattress..(San Francisco)"
"Simon, Lee J. (San Francisco)"
"Simon, Robert P."
"Simon, Stanley Jr. (Cheltenham, PA)"
"Simonds Co. (Syracuse, NY)"
"Simonds Mfg. Co. (Fitchburg, MA)"
"Simonds Saw & ..(Fitchburg, MA)"
"Simonds Saw and ...(Fitchburg, MA)"
"Simonds, Elgin A. Co. (Syracuse,NY)"
"Simonds, Elgin A. Co.(Syracuse,NY)"
"Simonds, Elgin A. Co.(Syraucse, NY)"
"Simonds, Ossian"
"Simons & Cherryman"
"Simons Co. (New York, NY)"
"Simons Saw & Steel..(Fitchburg, MA)"
"Simonton, Lyman"
"Simpikovsky, Max"
"Simple Life of Japanese Workmen"
"Simple music cabinet, design of"
"Simple music cabinet, making of"
"Simple Radio Co. (Sandusky, OH)"
"Simplicity Co."
"Simplicity Davenport sofa beds"
"Simplicity Pattern Co. Inc."
"Simplicity Wheel Co."
"Simpson Automobile Supply Co."
"Simpson, Albert H. (Grand Rapids)"
"Simpson, Arthur W."
"Simpson, Homer A. (Olean, NY)"
"Sinclair family"
"Sinclair Lumber & Fuel Co."
"Sinclair, Charles E."
"Sinclair, Frank"
"Sinclair, George F."
"Sinclair, George F. (Grand Rapids)"
"Sinclair, M.E."
"Sinclair, W.G."
"Singapore as reed supplier"
"Singapore as source of rattan"
"Singapore demand for U.S. office..."
"Singapore rattan market"
"Singer & Son Furniture (Albion, MI)"
"Singer Hook & Eye Co."
"Singer Mfg. Co. (Indiana, IN)"
"Singer Sewing Machine Co."
"Single end tenoner"
"Sinker-Davis Co. (Indianapolis)"
"Sintz Gas Engine Co."
"Sintz-Wallin Co."
"Sir Richard Wallace Collection bequeathed to the British nation by the"
"Sirocco Engineering Company (New York, NY)"
"Sironen, Martha K."
"Sisemore, C.C."
"Siskin, Harry (Los Angeles)"
"Sisson & Lilley Lumber Co."
"Sisson & Lilly Lumber Co."
"Sisson & Livingston"
"Sissons, F.E."
"Siterding, Bernard F."
"Sitting Room in the Home of the Poet Wordsworth (Grasmere, England)"
"Six Stove Men Co. (Dayton, OH)"
"Sixty-One Grandville Avenue Corp."
"Skaff, Samuel J."
"Skandia Furniture Co. (Rockford,IL)"
"Skandia Furniture Company"
"Skandia Furniture..(Rockford, IL)"
"Skans Furniture Co. (Omaha, NE)"
"Skans, G.A."
"Skelding, Robert Frank"
"Skelley - Haney Furniture Company (McKeesport, PA)"
"Skewes, R.J."
"Skewes-Rudolph Furniture (Seattle, WA)"
"Skids, use of in cabinet making"
"Skilled labor demands a higher wage"
"Skillman, Lawton L."
"Skinner & Steenman Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Skinner, Charles O."
"Skinner, Charles O. (Grand Rapids)"
"Skinner, Chas. O."
"Skinner, Grobhiser and Kanitz Men of Nerve"
"Skinner, James A."
"Skyfarer plane"
"Skylark Aircraft Corp."
"skyscrapers being built with 100 stories"
"Slack & Hanchett"
"Slack, Anthony W. (Chicago)"
"Slaght, Arthur T."
"Slant top secretary, construction"
"Slant top secretary, design"
"Slant-top desk (art)"
"Slat back chair (art)"
"Slat-back chair"
"Slate, Wm. H. (Bloomsburg, PA)"
"Slater - Price - Leidig Company (Milwaukee, WI)"
"Slater, J.W."
"Slater, Sarah Emily"
"Slates Furniture Co. (Zanesville,OH"
"Slayman, Asper"
"Sleep-Craft, Inc. (San Francisco)"
"Sleigh, Edward"
"Sleight, J.W."
"Slemons, C.C."
"Slide projector as teaching tool"
"Slidefilms as tool for furniture..."
"Sligh Building"
"Sligh Co. (Holland, MI)"
"Sligh Cycle Co."
"Sligh Furniture Co."
"Sligh Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Sligh Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Sligh Furniture Company"
"Sligh Furniture Company (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Sligh Furniture Company (Grand Rapids, MI), bedroom suite"
"Sligh Furniture Company (Grand Rapids, MI), products"
"Sligh Furniture Company president travels the west coast looking for t"
"Sligh wooden bed"
"Sligh, Charles R."
"Sligh, Charles R. (Grand Rapids)"
"Sligh, Charles R. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Sligh, Charles R. Co. (Grand Rapids"
"Sligh, Charles R. Co. (Holland, MI)"
"Sligh, Charles R. Jr. (GR)"
"Sligh, Charles R. Jr. (Grand Rapids"
"Sligh, Charles R. Jr. (Holland, MI)"
"Sligh, Charles R. Jr.(Grand Rapids)"
"Sligh, James W."
"Sligh, Mrs. Charles R."
"Sligh-Lowry Furniture..(Holland,MI)"
"Slip-off upholstered chairs"
"Sliter, Benjamin Franklin"
"Slivered mirrors, preservation of"
"Sloane's Company of...(Oneida, NY)"
"Sloane's, W. & J. (New York City)"
"Sloane's... (New York, NY)"
"Sloane, W&J (Oneida, NY)"
"Sloane, W. & J. (New York City)"
"Sloane, W. & J. Co. (Los Angeles)"
"Sloane, W. & J. Inc. (NYC)"
"Sloane, William"
"Sloane, William (New York City)"
"Slooter Bros."
"Slootmaker-Biermacher Inc."
"Slumber couch bed"
"Slusser, Charles D."
"Sluyter, Howard (Grand Rapids)"
"Slyter, George W. & ..(Tacoma, WA)"
"Smaglinski, Albert"
"Smaglinski, Edward A."
"Smalheer, L."
"Small tables and stands"
"Small, John M."
"Small, S.C. Co. (Boston)"
"Smallegange & Goudzwaard"
"Smalley, George K."
"Smith & Davis Company"
"Smith & Davis Furniture Company"
"Smith & Davis Manufacturing Company"
"Smith & Davis Manufacturing Company (St. Louis MO)"
"Smith & Davis Manufacturing Company (St. Louis, MO)"
"Smith & Davis Mfg. (St. Louis)"
"Smith & Davis Mfg. Co. (St. Louis)"
"Smith & Deane"
"Smith & Hemenway Co. (New York, NY)"
"Smith & Keller"
"Smith & Linderman"
"Smith & Perkins"
"Smith & Schantz"
"Smith & Schoonfield"
"Smith & Waidelich"
"Smith - Day & Company (Detroit, MI)"
"Smith - Thompson Company"
"Smith Bill"
"Smith Bros. Bedding ..(Ogden, UT)"
"Smith Bros. Iron & Steel Co."
"Smith Brothers"
"Smith cabinet planer"
"Smith Chair Co. (Charlotte, MI)"
"Smith Chair Company"
"Smith Davis Manufacturing Company"
"Smith family genealogy"
"Smith Lumber...(Klamath Falls, OR)"
"Smith Machine Co. (Smithville, NY)"
"Smith Metal Bed..(New York City)"
"Smith Veneer Co. (Dillon, SC)"
"Smith's Opera House"
"Smith, A. Lee"
"Smith, A.M."
"Smith, Alfred F. (Mt. Airy, NC)"
"Smith, B. Robinson"
"Smith, Ben P."
"Smith, Charles S."
"Smith, Day & Company"
"Smith, Day & Company (Detroit, MI)"
"Smith, Day and Company (Indianapolis, IN)"
"Smith, E.B."
"Smith, Earel N."
"Smith, Earl"
"Smith, Eben"
"Smith, Elton A. (Smithville, NJ)"
"Smith, Erasmus W."
"Smith, Farwell & Steele Co. (St. Paul, MN)"
"Smith, Frank"
"Smith, Frank W."
"Smith, Frederick B. (Pontiac, MI)"
"Smith, Glenn M."
"Smith, H.B. & Co. (Smithville, NY)"
"Smith, H.B. Machine Co. (Chicago)"
"Smith, H.B. Machine(Smithville,NJ)"
"Smith, H.B. Machine..Smithville,NJ"
"Smith, Henry"
"Smith, Henry S."
"Smith, Henry W. (Aurora, IN)"
"Smith, Howard"
"Smith, Ira M."
"Smith, J. Morgan"
"Smith, J.H. (Middletown, NY)"
"Smith, J.H. Veneers (Chicago)"
"Smith, J.P. (Tampa, FL)"
"Smith, J.W.C."
"Smith, Jared O."
"Smith, John (Mayflower guy)"
"Smith, Joseph (Bloomington, IN)"
"Smith, Laurence W."
"Smith, Lawton D."
"Smith, Lloyd E."
"Smith, Reuben A."
"Smith, Richard R."
"Smith, T.F."
"Smith, W.J."
"Smith, W.L."
"Smith, Walter C. (High Point, NC)"
"Smith, Wilbur E."
"Smith, William (Marion, OH)"
"Smith, William Alden"
"Smith, William O."
"Smith,H.B. Machine..(Smithville,NJ)"
"Smith-Hughes Bill"
"Smith-Hughes law"
"Smith-Sears Act"
"Smithsonian Institution"
"Smitter Book Co."
"Smitter, Herbert"
"Smityh, Jacob M."
"Smoke extractor"
"Smoke in furniture factories"
"Smoking stand, construction"
"Smoking stand, design"
"Smolenski, Michael S."
"Smoot bill"
"Smyrna imports of U.S. metal beds"
"Smyrna rug"
"Smyth Bros. (Chicago)"
"Smyth's... (Chicago, IL)"
"Smyth, Douglas S. (Philadelphia)"
"Smyth, J.A."
"Smyth, John"
"Smyth, John M. Co. (Chicago)"
"Smyth, Thomas A."
"Smyth, Thomas M."
"Smythe, Richard (New York City)"
"Smythe, Richard Haviland (NYC)"
"Snead, E.A."
"Snearer, C.H. Furniture.(Cleveland)"
"Snell, Chas. W. Co. (Chicago)"
"Snell, F. Norman"
"Snider Manufacturing Company"
"Snider Manufacturing...(Logan, OH)"
"Snitseler, Henry"
"Snitseler, John"
"Snock, Edward (Grand Rapids)"
"Snodgrass, S.K."
"Snook, Ed (Grand Rapids)"
"Snow & Ngivva"
"Snow Church Co."
"Snow Laundry Co."
"Snow, Bessie J."
"Snow, R.E."
"Snyder & Fuller Furniture ..."
"Snyder Bros. (Grinnell, IA)"
"Snyder Desk and...(Waterloo, ONT.)"
"Snyder Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Snyder Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Snyder Manufacturing..(Logan, OH)"
"Snyder Mfg. Co. (Wapanoketa, OH)"
"Snyder restaurant"
"Snyder, John"
"Snyder, L.S."
"Snyder, T.B."
"Snyders restaurant"
"Society of Beaux Arts (NYC)"
"Society of the Plastics ..."
"Soda fountains"
"Sofa beds"
"Sofas and love seats (art)"
"Soft drying of furniture woods"
"Soft Nap Co. (Chicago)"
"Soft pine as furniture wood"
"Sohus, Allan (Grand Rapids)"
"Solar house"
"Soldier Field, Chicago"
"Solem Machine Co. (Rockford, IL)"
"Soles, Philo B."
"Solid furniture"
"Solid lumber furniture"
"Solid lumber in furniture"
"Solomon Grocery"
"Solomon, Fay"
"Solomonson, Geroge C."
"Solotov, Percy (Southgate, CA)"
"Solvents, use in shallac making"
"Some of those indicted furniture men plead guilty and pay small fines"
"Somes Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Somes, Edgar (Grand Rapids)"
"Somes, Edgar R."
"Somes, Edgar R. (Grand Rapids)"
"Somes, Edgar R. Co. (Grand Rapids)"
"Somes, Edgar R. Furniture..(GR)"
"Sommer, John"
"Somnoe - solid mahogany"
"Sondag, Henry"
"Sondheimer, Max (Memphis, TN)"
"Sonneveldt Baking Co."
"Sonneveldt Brothers"
"Sonneveldt, Arnold"
"Sonneveldt, John A."
"Sonora Phonograph Co. (Saginaw, MI)"
"Sons-Cunningham Reed ...(NYC)"
"Soper Furniture Co. (Oshkosh, WI)"
"Sorensen, P.A."
"Soronow Furniture...(San Diego)"
"Sorrick, Marsh H."
"Sorting Devices Co."
"Soss, Charles J. (New York City)"
"Soul Seekers Society"
"Sour tupelo"
"Souter, Dale"
"South African demand for U.S. ..."
"South African furniture wages"
"South African mahogany exports"
"South African Manufacturers' Association discuss new Tariff Rates on f"
"South African plywood industry"
"South America"
"South America furniture imports"
"South American furniture imports"
"South American furniture industry"
"South American furniture markets"
"South American quebracho extract"
"South American trade"
"South Belt Line Fruit Market"
"South Bend (IN) Shade Co."
"South Bend, IN furniture trade"
"South Carolina"
"South Carolina furniture industry"
"South Chicago furniture dealers"
"South Dakota"
"South Division"
"South End Business Men's Club"
"South End Savings bank"
"South Florida Sales Co."
"South Grand Rapids Ice and Coal ..."
"South Kent Builders Co."
"South Kent Lumber Co."
"South Side High School (GR)"
"Southard, Morton (Syracuse, NY)"
"Southbridge Plastics..(NYC)"
"Southeast... (Salt Lake City, UT)"
"Southern Barbeque"
"Southern Bedding Co. (Baltimore)"
"Southern Cabinet Co.(Montgomery,AL)"
"Southern California furniture ..."
"Southern Chair Co. (High Point, NC)"
"Southern Colonial mansions"
"Southern cotton industry"
"Southern Desk Co. (Hickory, NC)"
"Southern Development Co."
"Southern Factories..(Charlotte, NC)"
"Southern Fixture &..(Atlanta, GA)"
"Southern Furniture Co. (Tulsa, OK)"
"Southern Furniture Exhibition Company"
"Southern furniture exhibitions"
"Southern Furniture Exposition"
"Southern furniture industry"
"Southern furniture manufacturers"
"Southern Furniture Manufacturers'.."
"Southern Furniture Manufacturers..."
"Southern Furniture Market"
"Southern Furniture..(Burlington,NC)"
"Southern Furniture..(High Point,NC)"
"Southern hardwood industry"
"Southern hardwood lumber industry"
"Southern hardwoods"
"Southern Highlands furniture"
"Southern home-mattress making"
"Southern industries booming with industrialization"
"Southern lumber industry"
"Southern manufacturers withdrawal from the expositions won't weaken th"
"Southern Mattress Co. (Atlanta)"
"Southern Mattress..(Little Rock,AR)"
"Southern Mattress..(New Orleans)"
"Southern Mercantile..(Memphis,TN)"
"Southern moss"
"Southern Novelty Works (Mobile,AL)"
"Southern Novelty..(High Point, NC)"
"Southern Oil and Land Co."
"Southern Pacific Railroad"
"Southern Pacific Railroad Co."
"Southern red gum as furniture wood"
"Southern Spring Bed Co. (Atlanta)"
"Southern Spring Bed...(Atlanta)"
"Southern timber industry"
"Southern trade cartoon"
"Southern Trade Never Looked Brighter"
"Southern yellow pine"
"Southlawn Theater Co."
"Southwestern furniture industry"
"Southwestern Lumber..(Memphis, TN)"
"Sowa, Walter S."
"Soya bean oil"
"Soybean glue"
"Soybean glue as veneer for plywood"
"Sozo Supply Co."
"Space heaters"
"Space-saving furniture"
"Space-saving furniture designs"
"Spade Tire Co."
"Spade Tire Corp."
"Spalding & Co."
"Spanger, J.H."
"Spangler, Ralph"
"Spanish cedar"
"Spanish cedar veneer"
"Spanish chair, 17th century (art)"
"Spanish cupboard"
"Spanish folding armchair (art)"
"Spanish import of U.S. lumber"
"Spanish influence on design"
"Spanish leather"
"Spanish love seat"
"Spanish Mission style of furniture"
"Spanish moss"
"Spanish style"
"Spanish upholstery fabrics"
"Spanish war bonds"
"Sparks, Anson (Grand Rapids)"
"Sparks, Harry G. (Jackson, MI)"
"Sparks, William (Jackson, MI)"
"Sparks-Withington Co. (Jackson, MI)"
"Sparks-Withington..(Jackson, MI)"
"Sparrow, Calvin A."
"Sparrow, Henry G."
"Sparta Creamery Corp."
"Sparta Frozen Food Lockers"
"Sparta Furniture Company (Sparta, MI)"
"Sparta Grain Co."
"Sparta Ice Cream Corp."
"Spaulding & Co."
"Spaulding, Ida M."
"Spear & Co. (New York City)"
"Spear & Co. (New York, NY)"
"Spear & Co. (Pittsburgh, PA)"
"Spear & Company"
"Spear, Joel"
"Spears, Charles A."
"Special Furniture Co."
"Special or novelty furniture line"
"Special order furniture"
"Special order service upholstered.."
"Special orders"
"Special woodworking machinery"
"Specialists Exposition"
"Specialized shops"
"Specialty Candy Co."
"Specialty Display..(Kendallville,IN"
"Specialty Dry Goods Shoppe"
"Specialty Furniture Company (Evansville, IN)"
"Specialty Manufacturing Co. (Grand Rapids, MI)"
"Specialty Mattress..(Huntington,WV)"
"Specialty Mfg. Co. (MIlton, WV)"
"Speer, Helen"
"Speer, Robert M."
"Speese, Rodney H."
"Speicher & Co."
"Speltz, Alexander"
"Spencer & Barnes (Benton Harbor, MI)"